The ear hurts in the child: what to do at home and first aid

Each parent may encounter a situation where his child suddenly and sharply at night or in the day begins to ache heavily, there is a noise and stuffiness in the ears, ear pain can also be shooting in nature.

Here we will consider recommendations for the treatment of a pediatrician - L. Sh. Anikeeva, what to do in such cases, how and what can be treated and cured at home pain without complications, as by providing first aid to relieve and relieve severe pain infolk remedies without harmful consequences for the health of the child.


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Causes of an earache

IfYour baby has recently had a respiratory illness or has just run out of his nose, and now he does not find his place because of severe pain in the ear .This suggests that the infection from the nasopharynx has spread through the auditory tube into the middle ear. In children up to 3 years old, the development of otitis during or after a cold is a fairly common phenomenon associated with anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the children's nasopharynx - a wide and short auditory tube facilitates infection in the ear.

The most characteristic symptom of otitis is a severe earache.

The child does not just complain that "the ear hurts", but screams and sobs so that the need for urgent care is not in anyone's doubt. The baby does not know how to speak, but with anxiety and a shrill cry she will let her know that she needs help and care. With pressure on the tragus, anxiety increases, and the reason for his unusual behavior becomes understandable. To make a diagnosis, an otolaryngologist should be examined, but first aid to , which makes it easier for the child, is obliged to do it immediately.

What and how to do with strong earache in a child at home, see below. ..

First aid: how to relieve and remove strong, shooting pain in the ear in a child

Bury in the ear drops

You need to start with the treatment. .. of the nose. It is the vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, reducing the swelling of the mucosa of the auditory tube, improve the ventilation of the middle ear cavity and the outflow of inflammatory exudate from it.

Add 3-4 drops of Otipax( Otinum, Sofradex, Otofa, etc.) to the eye, preheating them to body temperature. You can warm the medicine by holding a dropper with drops in your palm. It is even better to introduce into the auditory passage a cotton turunda moistened with warm Otipaks.

Give anesthetic

Give your child any analgesic( paracetamol, nurofen in the age-appropriate dose).Many mothers are puzzled: why nurofen and paracetamol, he does not have temperature. These drugs have not only antipyretic, but also anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, so their use in otitis is justified. And they do not reduce the normal temperature.

Apply a compress to the ear

has semi-alcohol compresses on the ears. They relieve pain, improve the blood supply to the middle ear and nourish the tissues, contributing to a speedy recovery.

How to make a compress on the ear : from the cotton fabric, cut out the square with sides length of 10-12 cm. If the fabric is thin, pre-fold it into 3-4 layers, a gauze or a wide bandage will also suit.

In the center of the square, make a vertical cut, stepping back from the top and bottom sides of 2-3 cm. Wet the cloth with warm vodka or diluted with water with alcohol, wring out so that the liquid does not drip, and put the square on the ear so that the auricle enters the incision, like a button in a loop.

Place a square of cellophane or compress paper on the top of the fabric with the same cutout( or slightly larger) so that the auricle is back on the outside. After that, place a large piece of cotton wool on your ear, and fix the whole construction with a kerchief or cap.

After 15-20 minutes the eye warms and the pain recedes. Do not rush to remove the compress, it should perform a warming function for 3-4 hours. In a well-applied compress, the child can sleep through the night, and in the morning you will notice an improvement in the condition. But this does not relieve you of the need to inspect the LOP-doctor. Only he, according to the state of the tympanic membrane, will prescribe the right treatment, including deciding whether antibiotics are needed.

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Earache in a child: what to do at home

What to do when a child has an earache. How to get rid of the pain in the ear. How to treat otitis. What to do at home. How to bury the ear baby. Pain in the ears of children and first aid.

Source of

  1. Video on topic.
  2. «Pediatrics: a complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".

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