Manifestations of alcoholism on the face, signs

The consequences of alcoholism are reflected not only in a profound violation of human health and destruction of the activities of its internal organs, but also have characteristic manifestations on the face.

Of course, the manifestations of alcoholism on the face begin to appear after the systematic abuse of alcohol, after, so to speak, a certain accumulated experience of the disease. Presence as such, there are no reliable signs of alcoholism on the face and, in principle, should not be. In order to determine whether an unhealthy person we are watching for alcoholics, we need to take into account additional data. It is the presence of alcoholism that can reliably give out fumes from the mouth, red eyes scleras, not quite clear consciousness and mind of the researched person, as well as frequent "party" of the person among the company of drinkers.

Alcoholism on the face: its manifestations

Since alcoholism has always been and will be a disease with the development of the alcohol dependence syndrome, its manifestations can not pass unnoticed all the time. The pathology of the internal organs is steadily growing and growing.

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For example, from the side of the kidneys. The constant attack of harmful substances on the kidneys draws from them the priceless original life energy. Kidneys can no longer work in a healthy rhythm and filter the normal volume of fluid in the body. Outwardly, this will be manifested by the appearance of weakness, the inability to stand on one's feet for a long time, in a constant desire to sit down on something, and if alcoholics are sitting in a cold place, even in wet weather, the activity of the kidneys worsens even more. Excess fluid, by the way, its presence is very important for the abuse of beer - beer alcoholism, ceases to be excreted by the kidneys through the urinary tract and begins to accumulate in the tissues. The face swells, the legs swell - in the first place. You can even see footprints from the socks, pressing on the surface of the feet from shoes and clothes. It should be noted that such symptoms are found in diseases of the kidneys and heart, not only alcoholic etiology. After all, a person is sick not only from alcoholism, but also from a number of other diseases. Sometimes, non-drinkers have swollen manifestations due to a disorder of heart rhythm and kidneys.

  • Along with swelling on the face, bruises under the eyes are also observed.

Under the toxic effect of alcohol, the blood vessels of the body quickly wear out. The liver does not have time to purify the blood, so the vessels begin to slag, the vascular walls become rigid and brittle. One of the signs of alcoholism on the face is the vascular sprouts on the skin of the face, the red sclera of the eyes. In this condition, the risk of a stroke and heart attack increases. Also, when the liver is deeply disturbed, the yellowness of the eye sclera appears. This is evidence of alcoholic hepatitis, the onset of fatty liver disease and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.

But, do not forget that the definition of alcoholism by external manifestations is based not only on the basis of the above. It is necessary to know about the unfavorable history of the patient's life in relation to the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, we will write in alcoholics all people with kidney or liver failure.

Each of us, with fatigue, fatigue, under stress can look older than his years. But alcoholics all without exception look much older than their passport age, because they have an organism wears out more quickly. It is said that alcoholics are less likely to have common illnesses compared to others who do not drink. It only seems so at first glance. The alcoholic burns all his priceless supply of vitality in a short time. Maybe he does not get sick of what everyone usually gets sick, but the cellular structures of internal organs degenerate. He grows old and dies from the disruption of the brain, kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart.

The most striking external manifestations of alcoholism include negligence in clothes, lack of appearance, trembling in the hands, a feature of speech, and most importantly - the smell of peregrine from the mouth during respiration.