Drug addiction as a social problem of society around the world

Addiction, to one degree or another, has affected all countries of the world. The fight against this social problem in each of the countries is conducted in its own way. Apply different concepts, types, measures, approaches, directions, methods and techniques for eradicating drug addiction.

In the United States, the main focus is on psychological help to drug addicts, during which they try to remove the craving for drug abuse from the addict. The patient undergoes long courses of psychoanalytical sessions, group psychotherapy, and visits clubs of the AN( anonymous drug addicts).

In Russia, there are some rehabilitation centers that also treat addiction exclusively using methods of psychology and psychotherapy, however, only suggestion to the patient in our country does not work effectively. Very often there are relapses of drug addiction.

In Russia, drug addiction as a social problem will be solved by involving all segments of the population. The work of the school teacher, who tells the students about the dangers of drugs, must be ensured by the parents themselves in the form of proper control over the son or daughter and full cultural education. Not always parents manage to pay enough attention to their children for various reasons. A young teenager always runs the risk of falling under the antisocial influence of semi criminal and criminal elements. In the teenage and youth environment, the prevention of drug addiction can be effective when all the social structures of the state are interested, effectively and harmoniously working to create a way of life in which there is no place for drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

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It is in adolescence that addiction delays the stumbled person many times more powerful. The vast majority of drug addicts also begin their "narcotic" experience at this age. Young people also have a high death rate from drugs - an elementary overdose, especially among drug addicts with experience up to one year. Teenage and youthful maximalism, the unstable and immature state of an adult, the desire for self-affirmation, nervous breakdowns, depression - play an evil and fatal role.

The problem of combating drug addiction lies in the vague life path at the origin of the emergence of personality, in the absence of goals in a person, in the mass of stupid free time, the feeling of inner emptiness and loneliness. When a person studies, works, achieves something and achieves the set heights - he does not have time for drugs, wobbling through the streets. For someone who is bored, does not know how to remain alone and be himself - drugs are the means to fill a lean soul and create the illusion of satisfaction and happiness.

Trader death, or drug traffickers - all this on hand. The demand for drugs - gives rise to contraband and illegal offers. The more addicts will be, the better for them. This is a very bad and sinful way of making money. In those countries where the death penalty is punished for the trafficking and distribution of drugs - there are fewer drug users - this is a fact.

Addiction is curable and can not be crossed by a stumbled person. Until now, the problem of drug addiction is not very acute in the heads of state, where they are more loyal, without the death penalty for drug distributors. And even more so in our country with small budgets in this social and medical sphere, the measures against drug addiction are ineffective. And parents are forced to constantly raise funds for the maintenance of the family, in order to solve family problems with food, study, accommodation. Small income, and effort and time costs - titanic. There is no time to look after children. But on TV, they show how we are bathed in luxury by artists, sportsmen, officials and wives of oligarchs.

The main slogan: "Russia is ahead!".Ahead - this is what? We do not have enough money not to go somewhere to rest, but to bring the child to school. We do not have work on the specialty and vocation, it is even not at all at all. Parents from the village go to work in the city on a shift basis. What is there to give time to raise a child.

In general, well, somehow one has to behave more modestly in front of television cameras and on the cover of newspapers to the first persons of the state, officials in Russia and this artificially created "elite", who can not even behave with dignity in public.

Addiction - social and educational problem

Addiction to a greater extent embraces young people. Therefore, it can be recognized as a social and pedagogical problem. The age of onset of narcotization decreases every year. Drug addiction is getting younger. The subculture of drugs takes place in the youth society. Drug addiction itself develops rapidly, and even more so with early admission. And preventive, rehabilitation and corrective programs lose their effectiveness. At the moment, a significant group of adolescents and children needs urgent preventive care. Since their deviant behavior, social and school disadaptation, school absenteeism do not provide an opportunity for conducting primary prevention programs.

An increase in the number of teenagers with drug addiction, an underestimation of the importance of the problem of drug addiction on the part of society, the absence of global anti-drug education programs leads to attempts to replace them with other forms of social and pedagogical work that will certainly not be effective.

Yes. .. the eradication of drug addiction as a social problem, as a social and pedagogical problem, requires the investment of money from the state budget. And this does not feel like officials. They demand that everything be done, but. .. cheap! My dear, it's cheap to fail. Reduce your space salaries and give this part to solve social needs. From shit to make free candy, sorry, does not work! Even if you will all the time dismiss us from the civil service for not fulfilling the "state task".

Drug addiction as a medical and social problem

Drug addiction is a hard-to-cure disease. It often entails the death of a patient. Drug addicts, on average, do not survive to 25 years. With regular abuse of narcotic drugs, some drug addicts manage to live up to four more years. Drug addiction and substance abuse as two medical and social problems greatly affect the increase in mortality, the incidence of hepatitis and HIV infection, the increase in the number of suicides and crimes.

Why do people use drugs? The person first starts using drugs because of curiosity, for the company, avoiding problems, expressing protest to the social environment. When he gets used to drugs, then he already uses them, because otherwise he can not live without them.

We know that human behavior will depend on the level of development and welfare of society. Various problems, crises, unrealized man leads him to deviant behavior. One of its forms is drug addiction. It is also provoked by the availability of narcotic and psychoactive substances. And in society we do not have a clear negative attitude towards drugs.

Our first persons of the state should and must pay attention to the problem of drug addiction in Russia. Not everything is as good in our country as they are used to saying. Expensive Russia manages to preserve the image of the first persons of the state.

Individual organizations can not solve the problem of drug addiction in our country. It is necessary, at least, against the growth of drug addiction to increase rehabilitation centers, intensive care units for emergency help to drug addicts, anonymous care offices. Increase the severity of punishment for drug trafficking.

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