Erysipelas: symptoms and treatment of erysipelas in the home

Erysipelas is a frequent infectious lesion of the skin, especially on the legs. The disease in the people is called "erysipelas", which can also appear on the limbs and face.

More often than not, older women and middle-aged men suffer from the disease. It happens that both newborn children when infected with streptococcus through the umbilical wound.

Today you will learn about the symptoms and peculiarities of treating erysipelas of feet in the home with the help of medicinal medicines and folk remedies.


Why does erysipelas occur: causes

Pathogen is streptococcus penetrating the skinDamage in the form of wounds, scratches, microtraumas. According to statistics, carriers of infection are 15% of the world's population, however, often a person does not know about the presence of bacteria in the body, because it does not manifest itself.

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To show a dormant infection in the body, a starting factor is needed. The cause of the disease can be caused by emotional stress, trauma, excessive tanning in the sun, hypothermia.

Favorable diseases for the development of the inflammatory process: alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, obesity, fungus on the feet.

Erysipelas: signs of

The first signs of infection are reminiscent of the usual viral disease, but after a while the disease manifests itself in full swing.

Main symptoms:

  1. general weakness, chills and muscle pain;
  2. increase in body temperature, up to 40 degrees;
  3. on a background of high fever, hallucinations or convulsions may occur;
  4. possible nausea, vomiting;
  5. approximately a day later there are local manifestations in the form of edema, redness, pain on the affected area of ​​the skin.

The condition of a person in the acute phase of inflammation is so severe that it should be treated in a hospital hospital. Because, complications can develop: skin ulcers, necrosis of tissues, disruption of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

Local manifestations of the disease may be different. Depending on their nature, the following types are distinguished:

  1. if the skin is covered with bright red erythema( growth), which has clear boundaries, this indicates erythematous form .Subsequently, the newly formed crust may begin to peel off.
  2. Similarly, the erythematous-bullous form of develops with the above process. However, after a day or a little more in the place affected by the infection, the upper layer of the skin exfoliates and forms a bubble with a clear liquid, which subsequently bursts. If the subsequent healing is successful, the result is a new skin. Otherwise, erosion may form.
  3. If, by analogy with the erythematous-bullous form, the formed bubble is filled with bloody contents, this indicates the presence of bullous-hemorrhagic form .
  4. The erythematous hemorrhagic form of is similar to a large bruise, which is a consequence of hemorrhage from the formed erythema to the subcutaneous layers.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor surgeon who will prescribe the necessary treatment to stop the development of the inflammatory process.

Differential diagnosis is performed by a doctor! Since the symptoms of erysipelas can often resemble other diseases, such as scleroderma, thrombophlebitis, systemic lupus erythematosus and others, then very much importance is given precisely to diagnostics.

Only an experienced specialist will be able to establish a diagnosis based on a thorough questioning of the patient and the presence of characteristic symptoms. A set of laboratory tests can also be performed.

Erysipelatous foot inflammation: treatment of erysipelas

Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis or( in most cases) permanently with hospitalization in an infectious hospital.

To suppress erysipelas, antibiotics must be used, which can be taken in the form of tablets or injections. It can be erythromycin , furazolidone or others. The course of antibiotic treatment can be from 7 to 10 days.

In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Also, since the disease is directly associated with a decrease in immunity, then the complex of vitamins is prescribed.

In addition to the internal fight against the disease, the ointment with antibiotic content, as well as the treatment of the affected area with furatsilin, will be highly effective.

Various kinds of physiotherapy are applied, for example, exposure to ultraviolet or high frequency currents, as well as laser therapy.

In severe cases, the treatment is appointed in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the medications supporting the work of the heart, kidneys and other internal organs.

Treatment of erysipelas in the home with folk remedies

Treatment of human face with folk methods is the unique case when official medicine recognizes their effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness of conspiracies. So there are several different ways to treat erysipelas with alternative medicine:

  1. Chalk in a clean powder state is applied to the damaged area. Over the leg is covered with a woolen red cloth, which is fixed with a bandage. Chalk changes once a day. After 5 days the inflammation will pass.
  2. A dry mixture prepared from and sage powder powder is also applied to the diseased leg. The components are taken in equal parts and applied to the calico cloth, which is subsequently covered with the foot. The mixture is changed four times a day.
  3. Honey has long been famous for its curative and antimicrobial properties. In the treatment of erysipelas, he also found use. Silk fabric or its pieces are soaked in a medicinal product of beekeeping, after which they are applied to the affected place on the leg and are wound with bandages. Apply one compress for three days.
  4. Lotion from the infusion Datura grass effectively relieve inflammation. To do this, two tablespoons of herbs boil and insist half an hour, after which the infusion is filtered. The resulting broth is mixed with boiled cold water in equal proportions, after which a gauze, folded in several rows, is soaked in the solution and applied to the inflamed area.

Remember that erysipelas in one case out of ten gives relapses in the next three years after recovery, more often in women. In this case, the localization of erysipelas can change.

To prevent recurrences, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, timely treatment of skin diseases( fungi and inflammation of the ulcer) to avoid diaper rash and sunburn. And, of course, strengthen your body with the help of various techniques.

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Source: http: // rozhistoe-vospalenie-nogi-simptomy-i-lechenie.php