The causes of cracks on the heels and their treatment at home

Cracks on the heels - it's not only ugly, but also painful and very dangerous. Even in the microscopic wound can easily penetrate the microbes and cause serious diseases. Therefore, the skin of the feet needs daily care and the most attentive attitude.

Article content:
  • Why appear?
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • General recommendations
  • How to get rid by folk remedies?
  • Baths
  • Compresses
  • Ointments
  • What can not I do?
  • Prevention of the formation of new cracks

Why appear?

Every day on the heels of a huge load. Naturally, over time they start to get rude, and then crack. There are a number of conditions under which these processes proceed much faster:

  • various diseases: diabetes, foot fungus, skin diseases( psoriasis, eczema, etc.), obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal changes;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • incorrectly selected shoes: too tight, uncomfortable, made of synthetic materials, on excessively high heels;
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  • daily wear of socks and stockings of synthetics;
  • improper care: no pedicure or, on the contrary, too frequent, which can trigger the acceleration of buildup of coarse crust on the heels;
  • is too intense walking.

Characteristic symptoms

Cracks on the heels are difficult to confuse with something. Rugged skin, wounds - all this can be seen with the naked eye or feel by running a hand over the skin of the feet. Sometimes the wounds begin to bleed or even fester when germs get in. This is an extreme degree of the disease, it is necessary to treat it at this stage under the supervision of a doctor.

In order not to run your heels, you need to closely monitor how they feel. Then it will be possible to take action already at the first stages of the development of the disease and prevent major changes.

The first signs that the heels are uncomfortable, and the skin on them begins to be rude, are:

  • pain, itching and burning;
  • dryness and stiffness of the skin;
  • discomfort during water procedures.

General recommendations

Treating cracks on the heels of folk remedies is quite acceptable, it can give a good effect. But do not wait for quick results.

During treatment, the legs should be protected, try as much as possible to give them a rest. It is especially useful to lie, lifting them so that they are above the entire body. To do this, you can put them on a pillow, on the back of the bed or just for a few minutes to lean against the wall.

You should please your feet and quality socks made from natural quality materials. And also - to change shoes for more comfortable.

In the summer it will be useful to walk barefoot on the grass or on the sand. Thus, the feet will receive massage and peeling at the same time. After such a walk, the heels should be thoroughly washed to prevent germs from entering and infecting.

How to get rid with the help of folk remedies?

Sick heels have bothered people since ancient times. They interfered with work, disabling at the most inopportune moment. Naturally, doctors began to look for a remedy that could help cure this misfortune.

As a result, many recipes have accumulated. Among them there are also very effective, which are still successfully used at home.


Foot baths can be done at least every day, there will be no harm from them. On the contrary, on their feet they will have the most beneficial effect, not only healing the cracks, but also removing the fatigue and tension after a hard day.

After the baths, the heel is recommended to be treated with a special brush or pumice, then grease as much as possible with a fat cream, put warm socks on top and leave it for several hours, ideally for the whole night.


You will need: 2 pelvis, one with a cold, the other - with hot water.

The meaning of this procedure is to change the temperature. This stimulates the blood supply to the feet. In cold water, the legs are dipped for 10 seconds, then immediately for 2 minutes put in a warm, and then - again to cool. It is good to conduct such a "change of basins" at least five times in one procedure.


It will take: a basin with warm water, a dessert spoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of mud soap.

Soda and soap are dissolved in about 2 liters of water and lowered into her legs. The procedure should last at least 20 minutes.

Herbal bath

Will need: calendula, chamomile, wormwood, celandine and yarrow.

Herbs are mixed in equal amounts, poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil, then removed from the fire, buried in a lid and allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes. Then dilute with hot water and lower the legs into it for about 20-25 minutes.

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Compresses provide the opportunity to use useful substances contained in herbs, vegetables, fruits to treat the feet. It is especially useful to apply them to the steamed skin of the legs, treated with pumice stone.

Apply compresses according to different recipes in the same way: apply the prepared medication to a piece of gauze, apply it to the diseased heel and firmly fix with bandages. Top wrapped with polyethylene to create the effect of the sauna.


You will need: 1 large onion.

Peel the onion, chop it to a mushy state and apply a thick thick layer on gauze. Then proceed as described above.


It will take: a pair of medium tomatoes or unsalted tomato juice.

Tomatoes have a pronounced softening effect, so compresses from them are used even to care for heavily coarsened heels with large cracks. Tomatoes for this are crushed into a gruel or abundantly moistened with natural juice prepared gauze. Then they act in the usual way.

You can keep such a compress on your leg as much as you like, it is not forbidden to leave it for the night.


You will need: honey, cabbage leaf.

For this compress, honey should be gently heated to become liquid and applied directly to the heel. From above, you can cover it with a sheet of parchment paper, but it will be much more effective to use cabbage leaf.

Put it on the honey and firmly lock it. On top put on dense socks made of natural, "breathable" fabric. This compress can be left on your feet all night.


You will need: carrots, honey.

From the carrot squeeze the juice, then add a few spoons of honey into it and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. To facilitate this process, the mixture can be slightly heated in a water bath or literally for several seconds put in a microwave. Then apply it to gauze and apply to the heel pain in the usual way.

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Soothing and healing wounds and cracks can also be prepared at home. For this, fats and auxiliary ingredients are used. Ointments are applied to steamed, pumice or special brushed feet, put warm socks on top and leave for the whole night.


It will take: interior fat, propolis, a few drops of tea tree oil.

The fat is melted, allowed to cool slightly, propolis is added to it and some tea tree oil is dripped. Then put on the damaged places.


You will need: cocoa butter, Aevit vitamins.

Cocoa butter is heated in a water bath, allowed to cool slightly and added "Aevit" vitamins in a liquid form. Then plentifully put on the heels.

Onion Ointment

You will need: onion, olive oil, beeswax.

A glass of chopped onion is put out in a glass of olive oil. When it cools, oil should be filtered, put on a water bath and add 30 grams of beeswax. When the wax completely melts and dissolves in the oil, remove the ointment from the fire and allow it to cool. Apply it to a clean, steamed skin stop.

What can not I do?

When starting cracks treatment on heels, it should be remembered that there are things that can not be done categorically.

They can greatly slow down the healing process or even damage.

So, it is not recommended:

  • to cut rough skin with scissors or knife. So you can damage the skin, as a result, the treatment process will become painful and it will have to be postponed;
  • get on the diet. A limited diet can play an evil duck, the lack of nutrients the body will react with the formation of a new crust on the heels;
  • to start playing sports .Especially it is worth to wait with jogging, jumping, including rope, dancing. It is better to start classes when the entire body is ready for it, beginning with the heels.

Prevention of the formation of new cracks

Getting rid of rough skin on your legs, you probably will not want to see it again on your heels. To avoid this, you need to make the foot care daily.

Each time during the water procedures of the heel, should be treated with pumice , and after , apply a special foot cream or any other, for example, the most common children's. You can soften the skin and vegetable oil. Olive is the best.

It's worth taking care of the of the correct shoes. It should not cause discomfort. Ideally, if it is made of natural materials. The same applies to socks, do not abuse kapron pantyhose and stockings.

Preference should be given to the fact that they are made of materials that allow air to pass and allow the foot to breathe.

Power also need to be kept under control. Vitamins A and B are necessary for the skin, including the feet. With their shortage, it will dry and ache.

Save heels healthy much easier than treating them. But nothing is impossible! Having in reserve some time and patience, you can get rid of even serious problems with stops right at home. The main thing is to do the procedures on a regular basis and not to interrupt the treatment until the heels are clean, soft and tender.

Also watch a video on how to remove cracks on the heels in 3 days:

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