At what temperature does the influenza virus die?

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Do influenza viruses die from low temperature?


Olga Makaryuk

I speak like a medic. Viruses are perfectly preserved and transmitted at low temperatures, Because the epidemic and fall in the cold season, because the body and includes a mechanism of self-protection (high temperature!), When the virus enters the body. All viruses die at high temperature!


It depends on what temperature you think is low. Frosts really do not contribute to the spread of viral infections.


They die only from the action of your immunity, strengthen it.
Use to strengthen the body folk remedies to strengthen the immune system. Folk, anciently surviving to this day, the way to fight the virus with ARVI is the artificial stimulation of sneeze. Not to fall ill, you have to sneeze, this is a simple and wise reflex of our body to get rid of any virus. It can be stimulated with an ordinary ear stick, irritating the mucous membrane. If the epidemic, then sneeze once 5-10, if you want to be extremely strong, sneeze once or twice. You can dig in at this time 3-4 times a day for sneezing, Kalanchoe juice or aloe juice. You can stimulate sneeze with pepper or snuff. By the way, snuff was always the first means of healing the body, the first means of preventing colds, since sneeze strengthened antiviral immunity.

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Strengthening antiviral immunity should begin with the strengthening of antimicrobial immunity, that is, rub hands and feet. Signal of the presence of the virus in the body and weakened antiviral immunity is the usual headache, or pain in the head, which is detected when tapping the head with cams with moderate force or using a half-liter plastic bottle filled with water without bubbles. And now consider the way to strengthen antiviral immunity: 1) We find all the painful areas on the head and begin to massage them. Usually, soreness accumulates in the region of the occipital mounds, there are painful whiskeys, the temporomandibular region joint, this joint in front of the auditory passage, the inner upper corner of the eye socket, the forehead area. Many people note the occurrence of a headache together with pain in the eye, in the eyes, therefore it is necessary to manipulate the index finger with the pain of the eye through the eyelid. Many, perhaps, will find their special painful points. All the painful points must be massaged from day to day until the soreness disappears from the pressure, for this you will need, from the strength of the week, two, and perhaps you will have their terms. It all depends on your diligence and the degree of neglect of the body. 2) The next method for strengthening the antiviral immunity is tapping the head with cams or plastic (preferably from under "SPRAYT") a half-liter bottle of water, from day to day, until the pain in the head disappears completely. The number of procedures per day can be increased to ten, the duration of the procedure of tapping is different and individual. To begin with, you can tap 3-5 minutes with little force. As the pain in the head decreases, the intensity of the effect increases. 3) Strengthen antiviral immunity can be, if you use more and sneeze. Spontaneous sneezing in a viral infection is just the pure self-healing reflex to the introduction of the virus into the body with a cold. But, when we have comprehended this, we can, already consciously irritating the nasal mucosa to the sneeze, thereby contributing to the strengthening of antiviral immunity, and getting rid of the headache. It is desirable to do and periods of the epidemic of the influenza virus, in order to prevent ARVI. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. Direct the air flow by sneezing preferably through the nose. Irritate the nasal mucosa conveniently with earwax or bury in the nose 4-5 drops of fresh aloe juice or Kalanchoe 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause multiple sneezing. Some may experience irritation of the nasal mucosa with pepper or snuff.

Maria Bondarenko

A man can not stand it.

A fox

The one that we have on the street, no! Viruses die within minus 100... so winter is not a threat to them. Outbreaks of viruses occur in the cold season.

How does flu usually work and how to treat it?

In order to understand how the flu is taking place, it is necessary to learn more about this pathology. Influenza is an acute infectious respiratory disease. Its causative agent is the influenza virus. He is very contagious and is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. Once in the body, the flu virus provokes the development of the disease.

Flu problem

Characteristics of the disease

Flu is considered a seasonal disease. Flu epidemics in medical practice are rampant mainly in the cold season: late autumn, winter, early spring. Absolutely all people are subject to the disease, regardless of age and race. Influenza in the breadth of its distribution can cover several large regions.

The first mention of the flu appeared many centuries ago. Officially, the causative agent of the disease was discovered in 1931. Identification occurred in 1933. The B virus was discovered and registered in 1936. The virus of group C - in 1947.

A group A virus is considered a disease with an average or complex form of severity. They can get sick both people and animals. With this virus there are severe epidemics and pandemics (coverage of the disease in the scale of the whole country).

Influenza virusesThe B virus is characterized by an outbreak in several regions. It can be a vestibule of the virus A or be identical to it. It occurs only in humans.

The influenza C virus has so far been little studied, remains an object of special interest in medicine. It flows in a very light form or with almost no symptoms. It arises only in human society, and leaves no health consequences and is not of a mass nature.

This disease is quickly and easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The patient with the flu talks, sneezes, coughs, while he emits particles of mucus, saliva into the air. They carry sickly microorganisms, among them influenza viruses. Thus, the patient creates around him an infectious space with a diameter of up to 3 m. A healthy person gets influenza by getting into this space or through household items.

On how the flu is taking place

When the virus enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, its instantaneous penetration into the blood begins. Blood flow immediately spreads the virus throughout the body. As a result, there is a general intoxication. The defensive forces can not perform their functions properly. The influenza virus has its negative effect on the heart, brain, vessels, joints, muscles.

The patient presents a threat of infection in the first 5 days after the onset of early signs of the disease.The mild and moderate severity of the disease can be treated at home. Recovery usually begins in 6-7 days. Heavy influenza lasts longer, it is better to treat it in a hospital.

The course of the flu has common symptoms: temperature, intoxication, muscle and headache, chills, cough, malaise and weakness. Now, more about each symptom:

Chills are a symptom of the flu
  1. The very first sign of the disease is the state of fever. Chilliness manifests itself with such force that it is impossible to stop anything. It stops only after the temperature drops.
  2. A sudden strong rise in temperature up to 40 ° C indicates the onset of intoxication of the whole organism. In this regard, there is a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.
  3. The cough is mostly dry, it indicates the penetration of the inflammatory process into the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi. Cough accompanied by pain behind the sternum.
  4. The pains in the joints and muscles are also signs of general intoxication, appearing in the first days of the course of the disease.
  5. Malaise, weakness, sluggishness of the patient, desire to sleep constantly - all this is a natural reaction of the body to the development of the disease due to a significant decrease in the protective forces of the immune system.
  6. Headaches are satellites of intoxication and can talk about the deterioration of the disease process and the effect of the virus on the occurrence of sinusitis, sinusitis. Pain in the head is usually obtuse, intensified by movements of the head or eyes.

Other signs that characterize the course of the disease: decreased taste and odor perception, involuntary discharge of tears, unhealthy shine in the eyes, noise or buzzing in the ears, dizziness, acute reaction to bright light, noise, white coating on the lips and tongue, cracks in the corners of the lips, increased blood pressure, rapid hot breathing, increased heart rate and heart rate. Diagnosis of influenza is carried out by the attending physician on the basis of examination of the patient, complaints from his side, as well as signs accompanying the disease.

Treatment of the disease

Drinking flu drinkTreatment of this disease consists in the observance of certain recommendations in conjunction with the prescribed course of therapy.

The essence of the recommendations is as follows:

  1. In no case can not bring down the temperature, if it does not exceed 38 degrees. The appearance of such a temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body, which stimulates the production endogenous interferon and antibodies, the formation of which allows the body to fight the virus.
  2. It is necessary to drink as much warm liquid as possible. Toxins and other harmful substances will not stagnate in the body - they will be released through urine and sweat.
  3. It is necessary to wear a gauze dressing to protect surrounding people from the virus.
  4. Be sure to comply with bed rest at least in those periods when the temperature rises.
  5. In the early days of the onset of the disease, antiviral drugs, in particular Antigrippin, should be taken. The adoption of such drugs in the following days does not bring a therapeutic effect.
  6. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees and keeps, the patient beats fever, it is necessary to take antipyretics: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or preparations made on the basis of these substances.
  7. With a cold, you need vasoconstrictive drops in your nose, as well as oxolin ointment.
  8. Dry cough is treated with antitussive drugs: Broncholitin, Bromhexine.
  9. Wet cough is treated with such drugs as Mukaltin, licorice root, Alteika.
  10. It is necessary to gargle with special solutions of furacilin, manganese, baking soda and salt.
  11. It is recommended to make warm foot baths.
  12. The use of ascorbic acid, antihistamines, vitamin and mineral complexes is shown.

Folk remedies against influenza

  1. Benefit of rose hips from influenzaIt is very good for the body to take a broth of dogrose, tea with raspberries or honey, lime tea.
  2. It is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C. These are citrus fruits, kiwi, cranberries, sauerkraut.
  3. It will be useful to drop a tincture of propolis on a piece of sugar refined sugar and slowly dissolve it in the mouth. Or put a piece of propolis in your mouth and hold all night.
  4. To get rid of a cough the usual radish will help. It must be cut into thin slices, sprinkled with sugar. Isolated juice take 1 tablespoon every hour. Or rub the radish on a grater, squeeze the juice and stir in honey. Take the resulting mixture of 2 tablespoons before eating.
  5. To help the body's defenses, it is recommended to eat onions, garlic. You can mix the ground garlic with honey and take it for the night in the amount of 1 tablespoon.
  6. To relieve the runny nose, cough, you need to do steam inhalations from decoctions of medicinal herbs: mint, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, ledum, pine buds.

Prevention of disease

The main method of preventing the influenza virus is the annual vaccination. It is desirable to spend it in the autumn, the earlier date of vaccination is not recommended, since the effect of vaccination lasts no more than 6 months.

Also it is necessary to observe personal hygiene: carefully wash your hands with soap. During epidemics, you need to wash the nose with a soap solution 2 times a day. This contributes to the erosion of harmful organisms that get into the nose along with the inhaled air.

Residential premises must be washed with the addition of disinfectants. It is advisable to limit visits to public places during epidemics.

It is not recommended to get in touch with a sick person with the flu, especially if it's a complete stranger. It is necessary to strengthen immunity by tempering the body, taking vitamin preparations, eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Manifestation of the first signs of the flu: how to resist the disease?

The first signs of influenza are a decrease in appetite, general weakness, malaise, fever and rapid fatigue when doing ordinary things. Colds, including flu, can easily be caught in the cold season.

Flu problemMany people try not to pay attention to the symptoms of influenza and ARVI, believing that the ailments will pass by themselves, that is, the body can cope with them.This approach to diseases is unacceptable: do not think that the disease can not be treated.Ignoring the first signs of influenza can lead to complications, which will not be easy to get rid of.

To avoid serious consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time.

How to identify the flu: the first symptoms of the disease

High feverIf a person is infected with this disease, he has a temperature of 38 ° C, as a rule, it lasts for 4-5 days, together with it the patient may have chills and fever. When there is a fever, a person throws something in the heat, then in the cold. With the flu, there is a severe headache, which makes itself felt during sudden movements, there is a fear of light, but this symptom does not appear in every case. A patient with flu can increase blood pressure, which makes it painful for a person to look at too bright objects, including lamps. One of the first manifestations of influenza is shortness of breath: it happens even when a person continues to work in the usual rhythm. With the flu, there is an ache in the joints and muscles, the patient feels weak.

Often, when this disease occurs, appetite disappears, there is a scarring pain in the throat in the mornings, gradually it passes into a dry cough. With the flu as a result of hemorrhage, reddening of the eye proteins may appear, there may be nosebleeds, redness of the face, blushing of the skin of the body. It is worth knowing that not all of the symptoms listed above appear simultaneously. Some patients do not have shortness of breath and fear of light, but there is still weakness and excessive fatigue.

The structure of the influenza virusThe manifestation of influenza often depends on the severity of the disease. If a person has a mild form of flu, the body temperature will not be more than 39 ° C: in this case, the patient experiences a slight weakness and a minor headache. If a person has a heavier form of influenza, the body temperature will be higher - about 40 ° C. In such a situation, the patient will experience nausea, possibly vomiting, hallucinations, loss of consciousness.

Flu is a disease that has a short incubation period. After getting into the body, a person can feel weakness after a few hours; more often - in 24 hours. The first signs of the flu are quite distinct and acute - they simply can not be overlooked. Symptoms of the common cold are less pronounced and cause less discomfort. If a person has caught a flu, during a week he is a source of infection for others. Especially dangerous is the infection in the first 3 days. The patient should be treated, and in order not to infect other people, he needs to wear a face shield and, if possible, limit contacts.

Preventive measures against influenza

Influenza vaccineTo avoid infection with the flu, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. For today it is accepted to distinguish 3 types of prophylaxis. Secure yourself from the disease can be through vaccination, taking antiviral drugs and observing simple rules of hygiene. Vaccination prophylaxis is a reliable means of fighting against influenza. The vaccine is able to strengthen the protective properties of immunity. Vaccination is carried out to protect not only against influenza, but also from infection with measles, diphtheria and other dangerous diseases. Annual vaccination against influenza helps to reduce mortality.

The goal of this procedure is not complete elimination of the influenza virus, but only a reduction in morbidity and mortality from this serious illness. Vaccination is a measure of protection against influenza, which can not be applied in all cases. There are a number of exceptions, on the basis of which vaccination can not be carried out. If the patient is allergic to the components of the vaccine, the procedure will be contraindicated. If a person has an acute chronic illness, it can not be carried out, in particular, if there is a fever. When allergies to chicken protein - one of the components of the vaccine - also can not be vaccinated.

To protect yourself from the flu virus, you must comply with nonspecific prophylaxis, which implies strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that when a patient coughs and sneezes, a large number of microbes are released into the air, these microbes can enter the upper respiratory tract of people who are nearby. Infected small children, unlike adults, are more dangerous.

As mentioned above, an infected adult presents a danger in the first 3-4 days, the child is the source of infection for up to 10 days. The influenza virus can live in the environment up to 8 hours, and under the influence of temperature 100 ° C it perishes. These viruses also die under the influence of soap, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptic drugs based on iodine are effective in combating the disease. To reduce the risk of infection with the flu, you must follow simple rules of hygiene, which will help prevent the spread of infection.

Healthy lifestyle and use of medicines

In order not to become infected with the virus, try to avoid contact with the infected, and if you still contact them, put on a protective mask. After contact with a sick person, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or using an antibacterial solution that will prevent the spread of the infection. If you sneeze or cough, it is recommended to cover your mouth and nose, for this you can use a simple disposable wipes. To avoid infection, you should avoid places with a lot of people, and if your hands are not washed, then try not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes. An important role in prevention is played by a mobile way of life, rational nutrition.

Prevention of influenza can be ensured by taking special medications, the most common are Arbidol, interferons (Alfaron), drops Grippferon, ointment with interferon. The benefits of herbal medicines are obvious, they have been used for the prevention of influenza for many years. The most common and popular are garlic and onions, which contain a large number of phytoncides and other antimicrobial components. Mint and pine can be used for inhalation. Infusions with lemon, dog rose, cranberry, cowberry, sea-buckthorn will saturate the body with vitamins and help to resist infection.

Where does the disease come from, like the flu?

Such a disease as the flu, where does it come from and what happens to it after the pandemic manages to win?

Flu problem

Knowing such things is very important, if only to understand how serious this virus poses:

  1. It is this disease that can hit a huge number of people (2 billion people or more) in a short period of time.
  2. The mortality rate for this disease is low, but due to the fact that it is massive, each epidemic takes thousands of lives.
  3. Most of all during epidemics, old people and children die.
  4. At outbreaks of influenza epidemics, there is an increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases and respiratory tracts, because because of him, the already weak organism does not withstand a great deal of stress.

Thus, the flu is a dangerous virus, and it is very important to know at least the basic things about what causes it, how it is struggling with what to do to avoid this disease.

Seasonal flu epidemics

Influenza virusesScientists have long noticed that the flu is seasonal. In Russia, it usually spreads in the autumn-winter period and dies closer to summer. Where does the virus go and where does this virus come from every year? The thing is that he has the property of traveling. During the fall and winter, the flu migrates from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, and returns to the south in spring and summer. The epidemic usually lasts 1-3 months. In addition, the virus is constantly circulating around the equator, where outbreaks of epidemics most often appear. Many scientists even believe that it is here that the sources of influenza are located.

Nevertheless, there is no definitive answer to the question of where the flu comes from. It is believed that its varieties arise in Asian countries. This contributes to the density of the population, a large number of children in families and the way of life. The latter factor plays a really important role, since in most families in a very close neighborhood live various pets and people. It is animals that are not just carriers of the virus, but a reservoir in which the flu mutates and arises in its new modifications.

Viral susceptibility to mutations

Mutations are the key causes of influenza. It would seem that the person who has already been ill with the flu, this disease for the second time will not prevail. Nevertheless, in many people, doctors again and again diagnose the flu. And the thing is that the flu viruses are constantly evolving.

Influenza temperatureScientists suggest that the flu affects not only humans, but also animals. There are many kinds of influenza in pigs, horses, dolphins, other animals and various species of birds. All these species, circulating in animal organisms, are crossed among themselves, as a result of which all new modifications of the virus are formed. There is an assumption that just new types of human influenza arise in the body of animals. This hypothesis is confirmed by two facts:
  1. The flu was initially discovered in animals, and only then it was found in humans.
  2. Usually epidemics of influenza in humans go in parallel with epizootics of similar viruses in animals.

At the same time, the core of the influenza virus is stable and almost never changes. But its outer shell contains proteins that are amenable to strong changes. The human body, encountering these proteins, produces very strong immunity, which can protect it for many years. However, due to the fact that the flu proteins are not as stable as the core, they are constantly changing, the body a man has to develop a new immunity each time he encounters a new kind of this virus. And every new type of influenza can cause an epidemic.

The doctor's consultationThus, the main causes of the appearance of influenza are the changes in the protein structure of the virus. Only two variants of influenza change are known to science:
  • antigenic drift, when the structure of the influenza virus itself changes;
  • antigenic shift, when the old flu comes back or its new variation appears with such strong changes, that the human body can not "learn" in it the previous modification and is susceptible to the action of the virus.

That is why the previously developed immunity against one variant of the flu will be completely defenseless before the new modification of this disease. That's where every new disease comes from.

Collision of the virus with the human body

It is not enough for a virus to have a new modification that is unfamiliar to the affected organism. It must still be capable of multiplying inside cells. This is possible if the flu proteins can interact with the proteins in the cells of the human body. Due to this condition, people manage to successfully avoid many epidemics, since not every virus, for example, avian influenza types, is capable of such interaction within the human body.

Scientists say that on average, a person is susceptible to such virus attacks at least twice a year and about 200 times throughout life. Not all these attacks provoke the development of the disease, but the body develops immunity against them, and sometimes even passes it on to the offspring.

Tempering for the prevention of influenzaIf the virus manages to "penetrate", the affected cell starts producing viral proteins. It happens quite quickly, and for 1-2 days the infection develops.

Outwardly, all this looks somewhat different. The main reason for the appearance of influenza in humans is infection caused by airborne droplets in contact with an already sick person. The virus enters the upper respiratory tract and begins to interact with the cells of the epithelium, then it appears in the blood.

As a result, a person manifests symptoms of poisoning. And in the mucosa of the respiratory tract, cell death occurs, various microorganisms are activated, which provoke subsequent infections, for example, pneumonia, bronchitis and even tuberculosis. It is then that doctors report dangerous complications that can even lead to death. The causes of the patient's death can be different (depending on the patient's condition and possible presence of chronic diseases). Most often, the cause of death is pneumonia caused by the virus, or due to the weakening of the organism, bacterial pneumonia. That's why when you have the flu, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and in no case suffer a disease on your legs.

Fighting the flu

Over the years, scientists have been studying the influenza virus, the causes and ways of preventing infections. The invention of vaccines from each new virusotype does not save all and not always.

It is known that, like all living organisms, this virus depends on temperature regimes.Very well, it multiplies at an exponent of 33-39 ° C.At the same time, it is not worth hoping that at a high temperature in the human body the influenza virus will die - it is not fearful for him. It will destroy the indicator at 65 ° C.

The virus can be killed in an alkaline environment or acid, under the influence of disinfectants and ether. Ultrasound and ultraviolet also strongly affect it. Sometimes it is enough to irradiate the premises with an ultraviolet lamp for 30 minutes to kill the influenza virus that is in the air.

To avoid infection, it is best for each person to regularly perform quenching procedures, to ventilate and clean the rooms in which he is, often wash his hands with soap and, of course, avoid contact with patients.

Also, one should not allow hypothermia of the body, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of interferon, which is an important component in the fight against this disease.

Thus, until scientists have invented a universal remedy against influenza, all people have to use the known rules of a healthy lifestyle for its prevention. Yet it's better than lying in bed with a lot of heat.

How to treat flu without fever

Does it happen without fever? This question is asked by many patients. Influenza is considered a very insidious disease, and as soon as it manifests itself, you must immediately start to its treatment: if this is not done, then in the future it will result in big financial costs.

Flu problemIn our time, every person is so often faced with the flu that almost from the first days of the disease, he can determine the state of his body. Most often people diagnose a cold. But even such a simple at first glance disease can refer to viral infections that affect the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Causes of flu without fever

Influenza virusIf you do not really get into medical terminology, the most active are rhinoviruses. When they enter the human body, there is a process of their reproduction in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which in the future leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, resulting in the formation of a cold and flu. Usually such a state occurs in the cold season, and many people are tormented by the same question: why in this period? And the answer is simple: since some viruses are considered seasonal, they trap us in the cold.

Medical specialists confidently distinguish two more reasons. First of all, this is the probability of a purely physiological occurrence of influenza without temperature. That is, during the cold season under the influence of cold air, the blood supply of the mucous membrane changes so much that this results in a reduction in mucus production. At this point, the viruses begin to enter the respiratory tract and begin to multiply intensively.

Another reason is that, due to cold weather, the defenses of the body decrease. Immunity is so reduced that a favorable environment for viruses and infections is created. And if a person develops a flu that develops without temperature, then one can safely assert that the immunity of a sick person is strong, which actively copes with pests without the involvement of the hypothalamus, responsible for the function of producing protective antibodies of the body.

But many medical experts say that the increased protective function of the body in relation to infections in the process of hypothermia is nothing more than a myth.
The flu is caused by a virus that spreads by airborne droplets or by direct contact when the person is near the source of the infection.

Symptoms of flu without fever

Sore throat with fluWhat are the signs of this disease? The incubation period of influenza without the temperature is from 2 to 3 days on average. The person begins to appear unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat, there are sneezing and rhinitis. If you trust medical statistics, she states that 60% of people start complaining about coughing, and 40% - on pain in the throat. In all cases, rhinitis develops, but not everyone has an increase in body temperature.

The main symptom of the appearance of influenza is watery discharge from the nose. In a few days they become much thicker and acquire a greenish tinge. Cough will be added to the cold: initially it is dry, and then gradually grows into wet.

If the disease did not cause complications, then literally a week later the flu recedes. However, cough can persist for 2 weeks and develop into bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis.

During pregnancy, the flu can also go without temperature. Do not forget that the flu can also occur in a small child without temperature, but mostly it rises in them, and this phenomenon is rare can be found in medical practice, since a small organism is still being formed, and the response of the immune system is then exacerbated. That's why in children any cough requires finding out the reason for its formation, so that later on you can not miss pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In the most common cases, flu without temperature is diagnosed without much difficulty.

How to treat such a disease

The Benefits of Tea in InfluenzaTreatment for a cold or flu has been studied and described in the XVI century BC, but there is still no cure for these diseases. We, as usual, do not treat, but only alleviate their symptoms.

Antibiotics for influenza and colds are not recommended, since they do not affect the viruses that caused this problem.

Treatment of influenza without temperature is recommended to be carried out with the help of long-proven methods. If you have the first symptoms of the disease, then recommend your feet to be strewed with dry mustard in the basin or rub your feet with turpentine ointment or vodka, and then immediately put on warm socks. Pregnant women during the flu without temperature can not be carried out such procedures. They are recommended to wear a warm scarf around the neck and woolen socks on their feet.

Drinking tea with lemon and honey, as well as ginger, you can all. If there is reddening of the throat and a cough appears, an inhalation based on pine buds, sage, eucalyptus, baking soda, alkaline mineral water will be a good helper. Try to do them 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening: in the morning - an hour before going out to the street, and in the evening - 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Benefit of rose hips from influenzaTo effectively cure cough, it is necessary to drink warm decoctions of rose hips, thyme, lemon balm, mother-and-stepmother, elephant, but do not forget about milk with alkaline mineral water, and at night - with butter. It should be borne in mind that hot milk slows the release of sputum, so try to drink it in small sips.

If there is no temperature, but the flu is leaking with pain in the throat, it is best to perform rinse-based treatment. True, there are a lot of recipes, but the most common is a solution with the addition of soda, salt and iodine. You can rinse your throat with chamomile. A good effect has a solution of furacilin: rinse should be done as often as possible, at least 5-6 times a day.

Because of the cough in the throat, irritation occurs, and therefore his attacks occur quite often. To get rid of this problem, you can rinse your throat with a solution of sodium chloride and water.

There is also 1 recipe for the mixture, which must be taken internally to relieve pain in the throat. For its preparation, take 100 g of honey and juice of 1 lemon. This drug is taken 2 times a day for 2 hours. l. To treat rhinitis at home, you can prepare drops for the nose: you need to take a fresh juice of carrots and beets with the addition of honey. We drip in the nose the studied means during the day for 5-6 drops. Do not forget about the well-known to all balm "Asterisk". With its help make a point massage of the wings of the nose and rub the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

If you are overcome by influenza during pregnancy, then treatment should be done with the help of folk remedies or with the help of medications safe for the health of the unborn child.

If you prefer a medical treatment option, then cough expectoration can be used - for example, syrups based on althea and pertussin. Another 1 of the treatment options is the taking of tablets, for example, such as Tusuprex and Muciltin. For the treatment of rhinitis, you can use well-known naphthysine, Sanorin, and galazoline.

How to provide first aid for flu and cold?

If specific signs of the disease are found, the patient should receive first aid for the flu as soon as possible. In this case, eliminating the symptoms of the disease will be much easier and the healing process will be faster.

Flu problem

Signs of flu and colds

How to understand that a person has the flu? This disease begins immediately with acute symptoms, including fever, which lasts about 4-5 days. The degree of intoxication with influenza is strong enough, sometimes it leads even to disturbances in nervous activity. Cough with the flu, as a rule, is unproductive and is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest area.

Symptoms of influenza

In the absence of treatment, complications can occur in the form of myocarditis, hemorrhagic pneumonia, nosebleeds, loss of consciousness and disruption of the central nervous system, so the patient must be given appropriate first aid.

With parainfluenza, the patient initially develops an unproductive cough, but the body temperature usually lasts only 2 days and the intoxication is almost absent. The most serious complication is spasm of the larynx, which, as a rule, is observed in young children.

Respiratory syncytial infection also differs by a sharp onset of the disease and an increase in temperature to 37.5 - 38 degrees, which lasts about 4 days. Slight intoxication, pronounced dyspnea and bronchitis symptoms - these signs indicate this type of infection. With it, complications can occur in the form of bronchopneumonia and bronchial asthma, and there is a likelihood of bronchial blockage too viscous secret.

In the presence of adenovirus infection, the body temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts 10 days. The disease is accompanied by moderate intoxication. Symptoms of the disease may indicate rhinitis, pneumonia or tonsillitis. In the latter, a sharp increase in local lymph nodes is possible.

Consultation of a doctor in the treatment of influenzaDo not try to cure the flu and ARVI on your own. First you need to consult with your doctor. Given the above complications of the diseases of this group for proper treatment, you must put an accurate diagnosis. This can only be done by a doctor after a complete examination and diagnosis.

Only a specialist can decide how to treat the disease. It is very important to take into account the possible complications of the disease caused by a secondary infection. The cause of flu and colds can be viruses. In order not to get irreversible complications that may threaten the health and life of the patient, it is necessary visit a doctor, and before meeting him you can use only basic symptomatic therapy.

The first actions for influenza and colds

What is the first aid for the flu? The first thing to do when you have flu symptoms is to wear a gauze mask that protects those around you from getting infected with the flu viruses. All people who are in contact with the patient, and the patient himself, must constantly wear a mask and change it every 3 hours.

The patient needs to ensure peace, the best way is bed rest. The less motor activity, the easier it is for the body to cope with the toxins of the virus. This will help to avoid negative effects on the heart.

The Benefits of Drinking FluIf you do not comply with bed rest with influenza, it can affect the pain in the muscles and joints that will accompany a person for many years, significantly impairing the quality of life. And with a defeat of the heart can significantly reduce the life expectancy.

It is equally important to calm down and avoid psychological stress. Since stress is one of the main factors that depress the function of the immune system. He makes any infection extremely dangerous. Therefore, if necessary, you can take sedatives and actively fight any negative emotions.

With flu and cold, it is very important to consume more fluids. The drinking regime will be effective if the patient drinks at least 2 liters of fluid per day. The purpose of this regime is simple: to deduce the products of vital activity of pathogenic viruses that cause intoxication in the body (muscle pain, fever, headache, chills and other symptoms.)

All these harmful substances leave the body together with urine. When the amount of fluid consumed increases, the intensity of its filtration by the kidneys increases. As a result, elimination of dangerous toxins from the body occurs much faster.

Proper drinking regimen helps to compensate for the loss of fluid from the body caused by severe perspiration on the background of high temperature. It should be remembered that along with the liquid, electrolytes are excreted from the body, so it is recommended that the patient drink not simple water, but various fruit drinks, mineral water and loose tea.

Drug administration

Paracetamol from temperatureWith this disease, the doctor usually prescribes anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents. However, opinions regarding this group of drugs in ARVI are mixed. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and reduce body temperature.

Despite the fact that the anti-inflammatory properties of these drugs are useful (because ARVI is an inflammation), some experts do not recommend lowering the temperature. It is known that high fever is a protective reaction to pathological processes occurring in the body. It is caused by a powerful splash of cytokines into the blood and increased activity of the immune system.

Nevertheless, most doctors recommend taking such drugs with influenza and other respiratory viral infections. In this case, they advise to reduce the temperature only at an index of 38.5 degrees or more.

Since the choice of drugs of the described group is currently quite wide and it is very difficult to understand which remedy is appropriate in a particular case, consult a doctor.

Usually, children up to the age of 12 years are prescribed Paracetamol. Aspirin and Nimesulide children to give is undesirable.

You should be aware that these medications do not have an immediate effect. The temperature decreases after they are taken approximately 1-2 degrees for 2-4 hours. In this case, you can use physical methods to lower body temperature, which include:

  • strip;
  • cold compress on the head, neck and other areas;
  • grinding with vinegar or alcohol.

Treatment of cold and flu symptoms

Licorice root in the treatment of influenzaReception of antihistamines is indicated with the following symptoms: nasal congestion and strong mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. These drugs are contraindicated in patients in the elderly and childhood, persons with bronchial asthma. Together with this they should not be taken to people whose activities require high concentration of attention, for example, to drivers.

Another symptom of ARVI is a cough. It appears due to the formation of viscous sputum in the bronchi. Cough can be treated with a medicamentous and non-medicament method. To alleviate the symptoms of cough, you should consume more fluid and more often stay in fresh, moistened air, as a lack of moisture makes it much more difficult to withdraw phlegm. Before taking a doctor, medication should not be taken. If you are in urgent need, you can take a remedy, which contains natural substances: plantain, licorice and others.

To cure a runny nose with a cold, you can use drops that narrow the blood vessels. They are shown even in the absence of discharge from the nasal cavity with congestion, as the edema of the mucosa prevents ventilation and discharge of secretions, this creates an excellent environment for the active reproduction of bacteria. Drops with vasoconstrictive effect can not be used for more than 7 days.

To treat pain in the throat should be frequent rinses (every 1.5-2 hours). As a solution for rinsing warm concoctions of herbs, for example, chamomile, sage or calendula, as well as a solution of water and salt, are suitable.

The most important rule: during treatment it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a doctor.

We learn - how is the flu transmitted?

The source of infection is an infected person, from this it becomes clear how the flu is transmitted. This disease belongs to the number of viral. The main lesions are localized in the lower and upper respiratory tract. The flu is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which can lead to serious complications. The likelihood of a lethal outcome is not ruled out.

Influenza virus

The main types of virus

To date, there are three main types of the disease:

  • virus type A;
  • virus type B;
  • type C virus.

The first type of influenza is especially dangerous. And people and animals can suffer from it. Each epidemic is characterized by its severity. This type of virus previously prevailed between certain species of animals. For example, swiftly spreading among birds, it could be dangerous only for them. To date, the viruses are mutating, so this pattern is not met. Now the flu of animals is dangerous for people.

Danger of avian influenza for human healthThe virus type A2 is distributed among the infected population.It is subdivided according to the surface antigen into hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.H5 and H7 are especially dangerous, they can lead to death. The recent avian influenza A (H1N1) virus worried health professionals. After all, it is dangerous not only for birds, but also for people. Avian influenza viruses, transmitted by airborne droplets, can lead to serious consequences for humans.

Type B. This type of influenza is found only among people. Characterized by a severe reaction, but compared with type A is much easier to tolerate.

Virus S. This variety is the most innocuous. It does not cause severe symptoms and epidemics. The type C virus is poorly understood. Symptomatology is easy, sometimes it does not manifest at all.

Source of disease transmission

The main source of infection is an infected person. The virus is able to stand out together with sputum, saliva and secreted secretion from the nose. Often, infection occurs when sneezing and coughing. The virus can get on the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. It penetrates the respiratory tract immediately through the air. This is possible with close contact with a sick person.

Distribution of the influenza virus by sneezingInfiltrating the body with the influenza virus, begins to multiply rapidly. After all, these conditions are favorable for him. It is sufficient for several hours before the complete destruction of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This place is one of the most favorite. The disease does not affect other organs, it concentrates exclusively in the respiratory tract. From this point of view, expressions like "intestinal flu" are not appropriate. After all, the disease is not capable of affecting other organs and systems of the body.

To date, there are no major protective mechanisms that are capable of provoking recovery. After 5 days, the virus stops reproduction on its own. It is during this period that a person becomes absolutely safe for others. Gradually, recovery comes.

Mechanism of disease transmission

The ways of influenza transmission do not include several varieties of this process. The disease can enter the human body only through the air or as a result of eating contaminated meat with insufficient processing. The viral aerosol released by the patient contains highly dispersed and low-dispersed particles. Besides them, there are drops of different sizes.

Infection with the influenza virus through a handshakeAs mentioned above, the main way of transmission of the disease is airborne. Viruses that cause acute respiratory ailments are localized in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Moreover, they are characterized by their tropism towards them. This indicates that the virus just gets on the mucosa for further reproduction.

Any infection that penetrates the body, can cause those reactions that are necessary for its successful spread.

Respiratory viruses lead to the development of coughing, tearing and sneezing.

During these processes, some of the malicious viruses are isolated from the human body. In close contact with other people, the particles actively settle on their mucous membrane. It's enough just to breathe in the virus. However, infection does not always happen, it all depends on the strength of the body's immune system and the type of the virus itself.

There is another way of transferring the disease - contact. We can consider it more dangerous than airborne. However, many people are confused when they hear about this mode of transmission. Most of them believe that the flu can be transmitted sexually. Such a judgment is not true. The contact path implies somewhat different. During coughing or sneezing, a person covers his face with his hand. This contributes to the settling of bacteria on its limbs. By hand with bacteria, a person can touch various objects or make a handshake. Thus, all viruses end up on the limbs of a healthy person. Not compliance with the rules of hygiene easily settles bacteria in the body. This entails infection. Viruses easily spread and multiply in the human body.

It is worth noting the fact that most bacteria are resistant to the effects of the external environment. They can persist on objects for a long time. This indicates that infection can not occur immediately.

Do I need a flu vaccine?

Vaccination against influenza, prevention of the disease - this is a very important point. Warnings are always more important than healing later. To date, there is no panacea for influenza, there is not a single miracle drug that guarantees a quick and complete cure, so vaccinations against influenza act as prevention of the disease. It is very important to prevent the disease by vaccinating on time. Every year more and more people are grafted from this dangerous disease.

Vaccination against influenza for prevention

However, there are both opponents and supporters of this procedure. There is no clear, concrete answer about the benefits or harm of vaccination against influenza. Vaccination should be carried out after studies and individually.

This vaccination is not included in the vaccination calendar and is paid for the adult, but for children it is still free of charge.

Vaccination against influenza in Russia occurs voluntarily, each person has the right to make his choice - for or against, and for the kids the choice is made by the parent.

The word "flu" came from the French "grab", "catch". The definition speaks of the suddenness and rapidity of the virus's entry into the body. Influenza is a dangerous infectious disease that is acute and usually affects the respiratory system and is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • severe weakness;
  • general deterioration of the condition;
  • pain in the head;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Dangerous influenza viruses, what is the danger, the testimony

Seasonal influenzaThe flu can get sick at any time of the year. But usually people get sick all the same in the autumn and in the winter, because at this time the body lacks vitamins, the premises are not ventilated and temperature drops occur. In the autumn-winter period, the epidemic of the disease usually occurs. Small children, whose age is more than half a year, can get sick, as the antibodies transmitted by the mother cease to have a protective function. The disease is caused by influenza viruses A, B, C. The flu virus mutates easily, so the flu vaccine for children and adults should be given annually. Once the virus enters the upper respiratory tract, it immediately captures the mucosa and destroys its cells.

Cells are rejected and during coughing, sneezing, breathing enter the external environment, infecting others. Such infection is called in medicine "air-drop path". You can get into and through personal hygiene items, underwear. Once the virus has entered the body, the symptoms of the disease begin to manifest, there is a sharp weakness, up to 40 degrees the body temperature rises, the head turns, even convulsions may develop, the mucus, the throat pershit, are released from the nose. When a person has been ill with the flu, it acquires a kind of immunity to the disease, but the problem is that the virus mutates and the antibodies that are produced will not have any protection in the fight against the mutated virus.

Influenza is very dangerous, because it completely suppresses the human immune system. In addition, the flu provokes an aggravation of other diseases.

Complications after infection can be as follows:

  • acute inflammation of the lungs;
  • otitis media;
  • changes in the work of the central nervous system;
  • altered processes in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Warnings of the Ministry of Health about vaccinationsThe Ministry of Health recommends vaccination as the only way to avoid infection and create immunity to a terrible disease. WHO (World Health Organization) identified the at-risk groups to whom the flu vaccine is indicated, these are people:
  • including children who are often ill with different infections;
  • with the diagnosis "bronchial asthma";
  • suffering from CNS diseases;
  • with heart disease or vascular problems;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with blood diseases;
  • who have diabetes mellitus;
  • with deficiency of the body's defense system;
  • who go to kindergartens and schools.

An effective influenza vaccine is improved every year, as the virus is constantly mutating. The experience of scientists allows creating an effective and safe vaccine. The vaccination with the drug that was made this year will be ineffective next year, and therefore the vaccination against the flu with the improved drug is carried out annually. As the statistics showed, the vaccine works, but can not guarantee 100% that the person will not get sick, however even in the case of infection, the disease will proceed in a lighter manner and severe consequences will not occur.

Best vaccine against influenza, vaccination scheme, when should be vaccinated against influenza

Vaccination with VaxgrippusFor vaccination, live and inactivated vaccines are used today. Live vaccines are now used very rarely, as the development of live vaccines of the newest generation is underway. But the inactivated vaccine practically does not give serious consequences. This vaccine can be:
  • whole cell;
  • split-vaccine;
  • subunit.

The difference between drugs is that they differently split the virus into component particles. The whole cell vaccine causes complications, has contraindications, but at the same time creates a stable immunity to influenza. The most dangerous to date are the second and third type of vaccine. They practically do not give complications. These drugs do not harm even a child, actively stimulate the immune system and do not cause adverse reactions. Today, 11 influenza vaccines are used and allowed in Russia. Most often do vaccination with drugs:

  • "Flight-arix";
  • "Vaxigripp";
  • "Begrivac";
  • "Influvac";
  • "Grippol".

How does the vaccine work?

Low temperature after flu vaccineAfter the drug is administered to a person, the process of producing antibodies occurs. This creates a layered protection. 14 days after vaccination, the body accumulates a sufficient number of antibodies, and the body does not perceive the disease. Protective protein immediately recognizes the virus and eliminates it.

Immunity persists up to six months or throughout the year. The effectiveness of immunization reaches 90%. This means that the probability of catching the flu is, but it is negligible compared to if the vaccination was not done in time. Today there is a standard vaccination scheme. Vaccination begins in September or October, due to which by the winter the body develops immunity to influenza. It is very important to get vaccinated before the epidemic. Babies can be vaccinated after the age of six months. Babies who have not yet been vaccinated against influenza, it is recommended to vaccinate twice in half the dosage for an adult with an interval of 30 days. The inoculation is done intramuscularly or very deep under the skin.

Modern vaccines against influenza practically do not give a negative reaction after administration, occasionally vaccinated people may have a fever or a puffiness around the site of the injection. You can not vaccinate people who are allergic to a particular component of the drug, such as a protein or preservative. Do not administer the vaccine during the period of illness. You can only be vaccinated a month after the illness has passed. You can not get a flu shot if there were complications during the previous vaccination.

The vaccine must be taken in a licensed medical facility. Vaccination should be carried out by an experienced doctor. After the drug has been introduced, the doctor must issue a certificate, which will include all the data on the drug. You can not buy the vaccine alone. Science today has proven the high efficacy of anti-influenza drugs, especially for toddlers at risk. One should or should not be vaccinated - this should be discussed with the pediatrician and individually.

Implications after vaccination, vaccination rules

Otitis after vaccinationAfter vaccination, the following complications can not often occur:
  1. Inflammation of lungs bacterial type. If the temperature does not drop more than five days - this is a sign of pneumonia.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Otitis of acute form.
  5. False groats.
  6. Myositis.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases.

Vaccination can be free, paid and passive immunization. Schools, kindergartens and a polyclinic purchase the vaccine at the expense of money allocated by the municipality. This vaccine is issued in Russia. Some employers also provide free vaccination. Fee paid for vaccination in private clinics, and the price depends on the drug and on the cost of the service itself.

Attention! Acquired vaccines against influenza should be stored according to the rules prescribed in the instructions, otherwise the drug will lose its valuable properties. It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate independently.

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