Mixture of medicinal herbs: immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds - recall about the application

Nature has given people a variety of medicinal herbs.

They are used in the treatment of diseases, strengthen the body and improve overall health.

Each plant has its own useful properties and contraindications for use.

The use of immortelle
  • The contraindications
  • Traditional medicine recipes
  • Curative St. John's Wort
    • To whom it is contraindicated
    • Popular recipes
  • Useful properties of chamomile
    • Side effects
    • Folk remedies
  • The healing power of birch buds
    • You can not use
    • Broths, tinctures and ointments in your homeconditions
  • Conclusion

  • Medicinal herbs immortelle, birch buds, St. John's wort, chamomile help for a number of diseases.

    But take these herbs, it is necessary, strictly in accordance with the dosage.

    Benefit of immortelle

    This is a perennial medicinal plant, belongs to the family of the Astrope.

    The people are known under the names " cumin sand " or "dried flower".

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    Scientific and traditional medicine recognize the value of immortelle( about preparations based on it is written here).

    The plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, choleretic characteristics.

    It is used as a diuretic and antispasmodic.

    The useful properties of the immortelle include the following:

    • The cyme successfully copes with urological diseases. Flowers immortelle gently eliminate pain, relieve spasms, disinfect the affected organs.
    • Immortelle helps with diseases of the digestive system, restores intestinal motility, eliminates chronic constipation. The plant does not irritate the gastric mucosa, improves appetite, promotes better digestion of food.
    • Preparations from cymine restore the gallbladder, help the outflow of secretion, cope with inflammatory reactions.
    • Immortelle helps with atherosclerosis, it reduces the amount of cholesterol plaques. Increases the pressure in hypotension.
    • The plant has antihistamine properties, it is used to remove helminth from the body.
    • Immortelle is a good hemostatic, it is applied externally with abrasions, wounds and other injuries.
    • Thanks to the essential oils that are part of the cumin, the plant is used in cosmetology.

    And what do you know about the causes and treatment of heartburn folk remedies? On the recommendations of traditional medicine to combat discomfort, read the helpful article.

    Feedback on the effectiveness of acupuncture in the ear for weight loss is written on this page.


    • Hypersensitivity to the plant - immortelle is a strong allergen;
    • pregnancy and lactation period;
    • hypertension;
    • obstructive jaundice.

    Before using the plant, consult a physician. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 months.

    Recipes of traditional medicine

    1. Immortelle helps to cope with worms .
    Take two large spoons of dry raw material, pour a glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for fifteen minutes.
    Make the resulting broth to a volume of 200 milliliters.
    Dosage of : half a cup three times daily before meals.

    2. For treatment of skin diseases it is necessary to prepare an infusion of the immortelle.
    Take plant flowers and 20% alcohol in the proportion of 1 to 10.
    Insist in a dark place one week.
    Dosage of : 15 drops dilute with 50 milliliters of water.
    Drink three times a day one hour before a meal.

    3. Immortelle is used in the collection:

    • Prepare 4 pieces of cumin,
    • 3 parts of shamrock water.
    • for 2 parts of peppermint and coriander fruit.

    Take 20 grams of this collection, pour 400 milliliters of boiling water.
    Insist twenty minutes.
    This collection is an excellent cholagogue.
    Take it 100 milliliters three times a day.

    Healer St. John's Wort

    This is a perennial herb of the Hypericum family. It grows to one meter, the flowering period is from June to August.

    St. John's wort is often called "Bloodbath", "Hvoroboy" or "Youth's blood".The plant is dangerous for animals.

    The useful properties include:

    • the decoction of St. John's wort strengthens the gums, eliminates the unpleasant odor in the mouth;
    • plant helps with gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea;
    • promotes the treatment of hypotension;
    • St. John's wort treats kidney and liver diseases. This is an excellent cholagogue, relieves inflammation from the gallbladder;
    • plant has a haemostatic property, it is used in the treatment of wounds and burns;
    • , St. John's wort removes inflammation from the mucous membranes, so it treats diseases of the respiratory system and the female sexual sphere;
    • herb helps with gout, rheumatism and nervous diseases.

    And what do you know about laxative candles of quick action, made on the basis of medicinal plants? The benefits and harms of drugs are written in the current material.

    To receive castor oil as a laxative, read here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /raznoe/ magnitoterapiya.html written about the treatment of osteochondrosis with a magnet.

    On the useful properties of oregano and St. John's wort, read on this page.

    To whom it is contraindicated

    People suffering from such diseases as:

    • hypertension, as the broth increases the pressure;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • increased sensitivity to St. John's wort - the plant causes allergies;
    • when taken for longer than 3 weeks, men experience temporary impotence.
      Male power is restored after cessation of use of St. John's wort;
    • children under 12 years;
    • plant is not recommended for people whose skin is prone to the appearance of pigmented spots.
    St. John's wort can not be used for a long time .During treatment, a break is required for at least one month.

    Popular recipes

    1. Take in the same proportions immortelle, St. John's wort( useful properties and contraindications for women), flowers of chemist's chamomile and kidneys of white birch.
    Mix the ingredients, grind them( can be in a mortar or with a coffee grinder).
    Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture, brew half a liter of boiling water.
    Insist fifteen minutes.
    Dosage of : a glass twice a day, adding a spoonful of honey.
    Broth helps with obesity.

    2. In cases of injuries to , pressure sores, ulcers and burns, oil from St. John's wort helps very well.
    To make it, take 100 grams of the ground plant, add 600 milliliters of oil( olive or sunflower).
    Boil for 30 minutes, then cool and filter.

    3. Tincture of St. John's wort is taken with:

    • rheumatism,
    • cystitis,
    • hemorrhoids and other diseases.

    Take the herb of St. John's wort, pour 40% alcohol, ratio 1 to 5.
    Insist for 2 weeks, then filter.
    Take 40 drops three times a day.
    Alcohol tincture is suitable for 4 years.

    Useful properties of chamomile pharmacy

    Chamomile pharmacy( instructions for use) is a herbaceous annual plant, belongs to the family Srednotsvetnye.

    Used in traditional and folk medicine. It is known under the names "Uterine Grass", "Romanova Grass", "Rumyanka".

    Chamomile grows to 20 - 40 centimeters, has a branchy stem and small flower baskets. The plant is distributed in the Central part of Russia, in the North Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine.

    Useful properties include the following:

    • Camomile is one of the best tools for treating stomach diseases.
      It not only reduces pain, but also heals.
      The effect will be noticeable only after prolonged use( 2 - 3 months).
    • Camomile pharmacy is used for problems with the intestines - colitis, constipation with colic.
    • The plant acts calmingly with nervous diseases and increased excitability.
    • Herb flowers help women during painful menstruation, with heavy bleeding.
    • Camomile can be applied externally: in the form of compresses, lotions, mouthwashes.
      The medicinal plant removes inflammation from the skin, heals the wounds, improves the condition of the gums and with toothache( written here).
    • Bath with the addition of chamomile helps with rheumatism.

    Side effects of

    • Individual plant intolerance - chamomile causes allergic reactions;
    • anacid gastritis;
    • susceptibility to diarrhea.

    Overdose may cause headaches, weakness in the whole body. There is a depression of the central nervous system.

    Folk remedies

    1. For colitis , gastritis, flatulence, it is recommended to prepare the following infusion:

    • mix two teaspoons of chamomile and a glass of boiling water.

    Insist in the thermos for 3 - 4 hours.
    Drink a quarter cup of warm water twice a day.

    2. For external use of , you can prepare a special infusion of chamomile.
    Take 3 large spoons of flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and insist one hour under the lid.
    Filter the infusion.
    They rinse their mouth with gum disease, sore throat, stomatitis.
    This solution makes syringing for female diseases.

    3. A glass of chamomile tea from will provide a deep sleep.
    It is useful for people suffering from insomnia.
    Prepare as follows:

    • brew a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water,
    • , insist 15 minutes,
    • drink before bed.

    The healing power of birch buds

    This is a unique remedy that helps with various diseases.

    Birch has long been known for medicinal properties, even in ancient times healers used bark, juice and leaves with buds, collected from birch.

    Birch buds( medicinal properties and contraindications) are characterized by the following useful properties:

    • Medicinal plant contributes to the timely removal of urine and bile.
      This is achieved through the action of saponin, which is part of birch buds.
    • They stimulate expectoration, so they are effective in bronchitis.
    • Birch buds are an excellent antihistamine.
      Specific bitterish taste contributes to the fight against helminths and other intestinal parasites.

    Birch buds have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

    • They contribute to the healing of wounds.
      For small cuts, it is enough to attach a few kidneys to the affected area.
      For large wounds, it is advisable to use ointments or decoctions.
    • Birch buds contribute to the fight against diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

    Read how useful birch sap for the human body.

    Do not use

    • Pregnancy and lactation period;
    • Renal failure;
    • In diseases of the urinary system, as birch buds have diuretic properties.

    Decoctions, tinctures and ointments at home

    1. Decoction of birch buds will help with flu and colds. Take 10 grams of kidney, brew 200 milliliters of hot water.
    Put on a small fire and simmer for fifteen minutes.
    Cool to room temperature and strain.
    Dosage : half a glass a day, drink between meals.
    The product has diuretic and choleretic characteristics.
    They can gargle with angina or stomatitis.

    2. For rheumatism and eczema , you can use ointment from birch buds.
    For its preparation, take 700 - 800 grams of butter.
    Prepare an enamel saucepan, lay a layer of oil in it( thickness in a finger), then a similar layer of birch buds. Alternate until the oil is finished.
    Put the saucepan in a preheated oven, leave for a day.
    You can add 4 - 5 grams of camphor to the resulting ointment.

    3. Alcohol tincture from birch buds helps with:

    • laryngitis,
    • bronchitis,
    • diseases of the digestive tract,
    • of the gallbladder,
    • of the liver and other diseases.

    Take 20 grams of dry kidney, pour 100 milliliters of alcohol( 70%).
    Insist three weeks in a dark place, sometimes shake the tincture.
    After 21 days, drain the remedy.
    Dosage of : 20 - 30 drops diluted with a tablespoon of water.
    Drink three times a day for fifteen minutes before meals.


    These medicinal herbs help with many pathologies.

    Immortelle helps with urological and digestive diseases.

    Chamomile pharmacy - the best remedy for a sick stomach, the plant calms the nervous system and is useful for women's diseases.

    St. John's wort treats hypotension, it helps with kidney, liver, stomach diseases.

    Birch buds heal wounds, have a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Herbs can be taken individually or as an assembly. Before eating, consult a doctor. Each plant has its own contraindications.

    Watch a video about the most popular medicinal herbs. On how the state healers treated the folk healer. A first-person story.

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