Pulls the lower back: causes for women

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  • 1Pulls the waist
    • 1.1What causes pain in the lower back of women?
  • 2Pulls the waist. Main reasons
    • 2.1Injury of the spinal column
    • 2.2Single lesions or deformity of the vertebrae
    • 2.3Inflammatory process in the muscles of the back (myositis), caused by hypothermia or heavy physical work
    • 2.4Bechterew's disease is a form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine
    • 2.5Diseases of internal organs
    • 2.6Cardiovascular diseases
    • 2.7Pneumonia (pneumonia)
    • 2.8Drawing pains in women
    • 2.9Pregnancy
    • 2.10Menstrual cycle
    • 2.11Gynecological diseases with pains
    • 2.12Clinical manifestations
    • 2.13Prevention
  • 3Pulls the lower back: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Main reasons
    • 3.2Diseases of internal organs
    • 3.3Drawing back pain in women
    • 3.4Clinical manifestations
    • 3.5Prevention
  • 4Pulls the waist in women: the causes of pain after ovulation, before menstruation and with delay
    • 4.1Drawing pains in women
    • 4.2Why does he pull his lower back?
    • 4.3Myositis of the lumbar muscles of the back
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Injuries to the spine
    • 4.5Osteochondrosis
    • 4.6Bechterew's disease
    • 4.7Premenstrual syndrome, ovulation
    • 4.8Pregnancy, third term
    • 4.9Diseases of the urinary system
    • 4.10Gynecological diseases
    • 4.11Diseases of the digestive system
    • 4.12Clinical manifestations
    • 4.13Conclusion
  • 5Why draws the lower back of women: reasons and recommendations
    • 5.1Abortion
    • 5.2Third trimester of pregnancy
    • 5.3Embryo transfer
  • 6Drawing back pain: causes and treatment:
    • 6.1Where do the pains in the lower back come from?
    • 6.2Drawing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen in women
    • 6.3Differential diagnosis with discomfort in the lumbar region
    • 6.4Back pain: laboratory and instrumental diagnostics
    • 6.5How to eliminate pain in the lumbar region
    • 6.6Prevention of low back pain

Pulls the waist

Drawing back pain is not a rare phenomenon for women. This unpleasant symptom at least once experienced many, and in some cases, it worries women constantly or periodically.

These pain sensations can be of different intensity, accompanied by other symptoms or act as the only pathological manifestation.

Consider what diseases and conditions of the body can be suspected in women, when pulling the lower back.

What causes pain in the lower back of women?

The reasons for which women are pulling the waist are quite diverse. Let us highlight the main of them, considering also what are the characteristics of pain in each case, and what other manifestations may be present in this case.

Myositis of the lumbar muscles of the back

Lumbar myositis, most often caused by a prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, supercooling of the waist, heavy physical activity and trauma, is characterized by trailing blunt pain, weakness of the muscles of the lower back, restriction mobility. In some cases, swelling and redness of the skin of the lower back are observed.

Injuries to the spine

If the waist is pulled, and pain is given to the legs or hands, this may indicate a spinal column injury in the area.

At the same time, initially uncomfortable sensations do not bother much, appearing only under heavy loads and active movement, and in the future the pain becomes permanent, becomes acute.


One-sided pains of pulling character, giving in a leg, amplifying at sharp movements, position change bodies, can indicate this disease, in which there are degenerative changes in the intervertebral disks.

Bechterew's disease

It is a form of arthritis in which vertebral joints are affected. This leads to a significant reduction in mobility, shortening of the spine. The first "bell" of the disease can just be the pulling pains in the lumbar region, intensifying in the morning.

Premenstrual syndrome, ovulation

Many women note that they are pulling the waist left or right after ovulation (in the middle of the cycle) or a few days before the onset of menstruation.

Such pain, as a rule, short-term, can be felt also in the lower abdomen, are a variant of the norm and do not require treatment.

They are associated with hormonal changes, the release of the egg from the follicle and some other factors.

Diseases of the urinary system

Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, nephrolithiasis and some other diseases associated with organs of urination, are accompanied by pains of a different nature localized in the lumbar region, including pulling. It can also be noted:

  • soreness with urination;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • darkening of urine;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • fever.

Gynecological diseases

Inflammatory and infectious pathologies of female internal genitalia, as a rule, are manifested by drawing pains in the loins and in the abdomen, as well as by some other symptoms:

  1. copious discharge;
  2. the appearance of blood in secretions;
  3. fever, etc.

Pulling the lower back can with:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • uterine myoma;
  • adnexitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Diseases of the digestive system

Sensation that pulls the waist, can accompany inflammation of the pancreas or gallbladder, peptic ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It can also be noted:

  1. stomach ache;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomiting;
  4. general weakness;
  5. high body temperature.

Frequent diarrhea in an adult - the causes of mild diarrhea in adults can be due to various causes, the most common of which are infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. What other factors can cause such unpleasant symptoms, find out from the material presented.

Cough in the morning in an adult - reasons Many people suffer from a morning cough. This is common, so do not panic. But to ignore it for a long time is dangerous, as this is one of the symptoms of serious diseases. What exactly can be caused by a cough, read in our article.

Frequent headaches in women - the cause of headache delivers a lot of trouble - interferes with work and rest, causes a decline in mood and bouts of irritability. Particularly exacerbated by the situation when the usual pill painkiller does not work. We will tell you why this is happening and what can be done.

Pain in the left or right side may appear in everyone. Symptom is unpleasant, but it's not always scary. If soreness has arisen suddenly and quickly disappeared, it can be attributed to chance. But when the pain does not go away for weeks or even months, you need to be worried.

A source: http://WomanAdvice.ru/tyanet-poyasnicu

Pulls the waist. Main reasons

Back pain is a fairly common phenomenon, doctors often hear complaints about unpleasant sensations in this area.

But if one patient is enough to relax and limit physical activity for several days, then others can be treated for months.

Drawing pain can be not only a symptom of problems with the spine, but also serious diseases of the internal organs.

What are the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon?

If the pulling pains appear after minor loads or in a calm state and do not pass a long time, it is necessary to find the cause of painful sensations.

Injury of the spinal column

Initially, the symptoms of injury can not significantly affect physical activity, appear only after loads or active movements.

But over time there is a lot of pain, which gives in the leg or arm.

If you do not consult a doctor and do not start treatment, the pain will become permanent, an ache will appear throughout the waist area.

Single lesions or deformity of the vertebrae

Deformity of the vertebrae may be congenital or acquired, meaning that the entire spine or one of its divisions deviates from the physiological position.

Drawing pains occur at the point of deformation, spreading to the waist.

In addition to discomfort in the back, a person suffers from migraines, there may be disruption of the internal organs.

Inflammatory process in the muscles of the back (myositis), caused by hypothermia or heavy physical work

When palpation of the affected area, swelling is felt. Because of the influence of infections in the muscles of the back, solid consolidations appear, which cause discomfort and aches in the lumbar region.

Bechterew's disease is a form of arthritis that affects the joints of the spine

With this disease, there is an inflammation process that affects the joints of the spinal column. Over time, the spine loses its mobility, is shortened in size.

One of the main symptoms of Bechterew's disease is low back pain.

As the disease progresses, the stiffness of the spine increases, and unpleasant sensations are especially troubling in the morning.

Diseases of internal organs

Back pain occurs not only due to diseases of the spine or back muscles, but also because of the improper operation of the internal organs.

The main difference of pain for this reason - the movement is not limited, physical activity does not affect the nature of pain.

For example, with diseases of the stomach pulls the lower back, and in problems with pelvic organs in women, the pain is pulling and aching.

Cardiovascular diseases

If the pain is observed in the left side of the back, then it can talk about problems with the cardiovascular system. With a heart attack, a person experiences severe tingling in the heart, heaviness in the left arm and back. Coronary heart disease is accompanied by pain in the region of the heart and lower back.

Pneumonia (pneumonia)

With pneumonia, pain in the back appears after coughing attacks.

Doctors advise not to delay with a visit to the doctor, if during the cold begins to pull the lower back, then to cope with the disease alone will not work.

This is due to the fact that the smooth muscles of the bronchi during coughing attacks are greatly reduced, the pressure in the chest increases and provokes the tension of the muscles of the back.

Drawing pains in women

A woman may have pain in the lower back and for other reasons that are associated with pregnancy, menstrual cycle and gynecological diseases.


Pregnancy is not the cause of back pain, uncomfortable sensations arise due to changes that occur in the body of a woman.

During this period, the center of gravity shifts in the female body, the load on the vertebral column is steadily growing.

In the body of a pregnant woman, the amount of the hormone relaxin increases, which takes part in the preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the joint-ligament apparatus, affects ligaments and tendons.

To reduce the dragging pain during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear a bandage, it will reduce the load.

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Menstrual cycle

Pain in the lumbar region appears before the beginning of menstruation and in the first days of the cycle. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, it is not worth taking any action.

Gynecological diseases with pains

These diseases are often accompanied by painful and uneasy pain in the lower back, severe pains occur only with ectopic pregnancy and apoplexy.

One of the most common causes of discomfort in the lumbar region is myoma of the uterus of intermuscular localization, which affects women aged 35 to 50 years.

The peculiarity of this disease is the presence of only two symptoms - pulling and dull pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.

If there are pulling and aching pain in the lower back, do not tolerate and hope that everything will pass by itself. This may be one of the first symptoms of a serious gynecological disease.

The sooner you turn to a specialist and begin treatment, the faster the recovery will be.

Clinical manifestations

Pain in the lower back may bechronicorsharp.

Acute pains appear unexpectedly and bind the entire back, movement is hampered, the pain is localized in the waist region on the left or right side.

After a few days of rest unpleasant sensations pass.

Acute pains occur with the displacement of the vertebrae or fracture of the spine, the condition slightly facilitates only the provision of immobility of the damaged area.

Chronic pain is not as severe as acute, but once it occurs, it does not go away until the right comprehensive treatment is performed.

The problem is that people get used to unpleasant sensations, do not turn to a specialist, and at this time in the body a serious disease progresses (tumors of various etymologies, osteomyelitis, arthritic changes in bone tissue and etc.)


Drawing pains in the lower back do not come at once, usually at first there are unpleasant sensations, discomfort and heaviness in the lumbosacral department, which many do not pay attention to.

To prevent the onset of pain, you need to monitor your physical activity, perform useful exercises and monitor the condition of internal organs.

If the pain still appears and does not give rest, in the beginning it is necessary to exclude lesions of organs and infections, and then use the means that will relieve the unpleasant sensations: warming creams and ointments, compresses, baths with aromatic oils. But remember that all methods of getting rid of pain and preventive measures can be prescribed only by an experienced specialist.

Drawing pains in the lower back can arise due to problems with the spine and back muscles, however unpleasant sensations can be associated with infections, malfunctions in internal organs and serious gynecological diseases.

Remember that even if the pains do not cause you great discomfort and do not increase with time, you still need contact a specialist, this will help to identify the disease at an early stage and provide timely qualified help.

A source: http://vashaspina.com/boli_v_spine/poyasnitsa/tyanet_prichiny.html

Pulls the lower back: causes, symptoms, treatment

Unpleasant pulling sensations in the lumbar region - a fairly common symptom.

One becomes easier after excluding all physical exertion, relaxation, and others, unfortunately, have to undergo a long course of therapy.

We draw your attention, it is possible to pull the lower back not only with problems with the spine, but also with serious pathologies of the internal organs. What to do? What are the causes of lumbar pain?

Main reasons

When the pain appears even after a minor load, during sleep, it is necessary to understand what caused it.

Injury of the spine

In this case, the symptomatology does not affect physical activity. Maybe a little pull the lower back after active jumping, running, lifting weights.

But after a while there is unbearable pain, giving in the arm, leg. What do we have to do? Call a doctor immediately.

If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, everything will end with constant pain and an ache in the lumbar region.

Deformity of the vertebrae

In pathology, the spine or some of its departments are in a completely different physiological position. The pulling sensations are localized precisely in the place of deformation, and they are given back. In addition to back pain, a person is suffering from migraine, the work of internal organs is disrupted.

Myositis (inflammation of the dorsal muscles)

The disease develops in the case of hypothermia, after heavy physical labor. When the doctor touches the affected area, he notices a swelling. After exposure to various infections in the dorsal muscles, compaction occurs, causing pain, and aches in the lower back.

Bechterew's disease

This form of arthritis affects the joints in the spine. With Bekhterev's disease, a serious inflammatory process that affects the spinal column develops.

The main symptom is soreness in the lumbar region. When the pathology progresses, stiffness appears.

As a rule, unpleasant sensations are aggravated early in the morning.

Diseases of internal organs

Sometimes drawing pain is caused not by problems with the spine, but by serious pathologies of the internal organs.

What is the difference between pain? Physical activity and activity are not reflected in the sensations.

For example, you have problems with the stomach will pull the entire waist, and with diseases of the female organs, unpleasant sensations are more aching, localized apart from the waist, also in the lower abdomen.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Pulls on the left side? Urgent go to the cardiologist. A symptom may indicate a myocardial infarction. With him, the heart is highly colitis, the heaviness is felt in the back and left arm. With ischemic disease pulls in the lumbar region and heart.


As a rule, he pulls his back after a strong cough.

The pain can easily be explained: during a fit of cough, the bronchial muscles are greatly reduced, while the pressure in the chest area increases, there is a tension in the dorsal muscles.

Drawing back pain in women

Most often pulls the waist in women. Discomfort is associated with menstruation, pregnancy, serious gynecological diseases.

Pregnancy is not a diagnosis, but ...

We draw your attention, pregnancy should not be an occasion for back pain. Of course, in the third trimester there can be unpleasant sensations, because in the body there are a number of changes: the spine is loaded, the center of gravity begins to shift.

Pulling the waist may be due to the increase in the hormone relaxin, which actively prepares the woman for childbirth, leads to relaxation of the joint-ligament apparatus, affects the tendons and ligaments. To reduce the drawing pain, you must wear a bandage, with its help you can reduce the load.

Menstrual cycle

In women before menstruation almost always begins to pull the lower back. Do not worry - this is a physiological phenomenon.

Gynecological pathology

As a rule, with all female diseases, there is a slight pain in the abdomen, it gives back.

Dangerous pain, she points to apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy.

The common cause of discomfort in the lower back is the uterine myoma, most often the disease develops in 35 - 50 years.

Clinical manifestations

It is worth noting, the pain can be acute and chronic. When acute pain begins to bind the entire back, a person can not move, the pain appears on the left and right side of the waist. Acute pain is characteristic for fracture of the spine.

Chronic pain is not strong, but does not last a long time. It is dangerous that a person gets used to them and does not contact the doctor in time. Then he is diagnosed with serious pathologies - osteomyelitis, swelling, deformity of bones.


To pull the lower back does not begin immediately, the patient at first can feel only a small discomfort in the sacral department. During this period it is possible to prevent pain, for this it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • Do not overload.
  • Perform a set of useful exercises.
  • Periodically check the condition of internal organs.

Could not escape the pain? Immediately go to the doctor, he must exclude the infection, defeat the specific organ, then assign the appropriate course of treatment.

To get rid of pain help special creams, ointments, warming compresses, baths with the addition of herbs, essential oils.

All this can be recommended to you only by an expert in the detection of diseases of the spine. But in the case of problems with internal organs, a different treatment is appointed, which depends on the diagnosis.

Particularly dangerous are heart diseases, some pathologies of female organs.

Have you always started to pull in the lower back? Do not know what to do? First of all, find out the reason, pay attention to your lifestyle, try to exclude all factors that negatively affect your health. For preventive purposes, do not forget to visit the clinic periodically. Carefully watch your health!

A source: https://medportal.su/tyanet-poyasnicu-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie/

Pulls the waist in women: the causes of pain after ovulation, before menstruation and with delay

Every woman can face back pain. Most often these are various diseases that gradually develop in the body, and if they are not diagnosed and untreated can lead to significant problems.

Drawing pains in women

What kind of pains are there? Most often theyPulling, giving in the perineum or the spine.

A woman can write off them for various problems: monthly, lifting of weights, colds. If the pain worries regularly, it is better to seek medical advice.

Read more about what kind of doctor to apply for pain in the back.

Pain can be differentBoth acute and sudden sharp aching.Sharp pains cover the waist and waist, do not allow to turn around or straighten up when tilted.

Can be with improper lifting of weights or with displacement of vertebrae. Often such a pain can cause a cold, such a disease is calledmyositis.

Chronic pain is not so strong, it manifests itself with dull aching pains, for hours that do not give rest.

It can be the cause of arthritis, osteochondrosis, inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

The answer to the question: what to do with back pain in early pregnancy? - we wrote here.

Why does he pull his lower back?

The reasons can be several:

  • Inconvenient posture during sleep, too soft bed;
  • Long sitting in the office at the computer;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Female gynecological problems;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • Diseases of the heart;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Injuries and other causes.
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How to recognize what is a disease, and what can be easily eliminated, leading a more active lifestyle. Anywayit is best to see a doctor.

However, not all specialists can make an accurate diagnosis, so you will have to be patient and pass all:gynecologist, nephrologist, therapist.

In addition, it is necessary to pass urine and blood tests, go to ultrasound of pelvic organs.

If nothing serious doctors found, then you can trywarm baths, various rubbing, warming ointmentssuch as Kapsikama, Finalgona.

You can go to spin your back in the bath, try to dress in the weather and change the mattress. When hypodynamia, move more, wear less heels and take care of yourself.

If the doctors found a disease, all of the above should not be done or only with the permission of the doctor. Here it is necessary first of all to get rid of the disease, which gives such unpleasant symptoms.

Myositis of the lumbar muscles of the back

Myositis is a jamming of the nerve endings and swelling of the muscles.The reason for the appearance of more drafts, hypothermia. However, it can provoke stress, infection, uncomfortable posture, trauma.

Most often myositis is acute, but if it is not healed, it goes into a chronic phase. Back paincan give in the chest or leg area.Appear more often in the morning after sleep.

An acute attack causes a person to be in a forced bent state. The diagnosis is made by palpation.

Besides,can the temperature rise, worsen the general condition of the body. We go to the reception to the therapist. Treat rest, blockades, anesthetizing tablets. Massage and physiotherapy in the acute period are prohibited.

When the infection is prescribed antibacterial drugs, with loads of ointment typeCapsicama, an autoimmune problem is treated with glucocorticoids, and with parasitic infection - with anthelmintic drugs.

Injuries to the spine

With spinal injuriespain gives in the limbs.It can be amplified by movement and does not disturb much at rest.

In the following, the pain may increase and be constant. Treatment should be done atsurgeon or traumatologist. The diagnosis is made after X-rays.

Immobilization, extraction can be offered.


With osteochondrosispain can be permanent and mild. Sometimes they are accompanied by a headache.

In addition to aches in the back, often broken and the work of internal organs.Treats such a disease therapist.

LFK, massage can be prescribed, an active lifestyle is recommended.

Bechterew's disease

Bechterew's disease -It is a kind of arthritis when vertebral joints are affected.

Characteristic signs are pain, forced position due to deformation of the joints and shortening of the spine.

Drawing pains, especially manifested in the morning. It is necessary to consult the therapist with the purpose of prescribing treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome, ovulation

Pain during premenstrual syndrome is due to hormonal changes and blood supply to the uterus.During ovulation, it can begin to pull the stomach and give back.

Because of the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, as well as bleeding, pulls the abdominal muscles, which affects the organs of the small pelvis.

Alsocan affect the bending of the uterusand other problems. With the contraction of the uterus, irritation of the nerve endings occurs, which actually causes pain.It is necessary to solve the problem with a gynecologist.

Diagnosis is based on examination, ultrasound and analysis. It is usually treated with antispasmodics, analgesics and possibly the administration of hormonal drugs in order to normalize the background.

Pregnancy, third term

In the third trimester of pregnancy, too, can pull the lower back.This is a rather disturbing symptom, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor.


  1. Kidney disease in history;
  2. Large load on the spine due to the large weight of the fruit, water;
  3. On the eve of the birth process, too, can pull back.

Naturally, it is necessary to eliminate problems, so the visit should not be postponed.

Diseases of the urinary system

In diseases of the urinary system, in the first place, this is signaled by the lower back. Drawing pain can be both temporary and acute during an attack of urolithiasis.Diseases treat the urologist, so it is better to go to the examination.

The diagnosis is based on ultrasound, urine and blood tests, as well as examination. Spasmolytics, analgesics, urological preparations such as Kanefron, Phytolysin are prescribed.

The patient may be directed to a crushing of stones or an operation.Cystitis can also give unpleasant sensations, so it is necessary to treat it immediately.

Gynecological diseases

Gynecological diseases can also cause back pain.Ectopic pregnancy, myoma and endometriosisgive unpleasant sensations and drawing pains. Including various infections, as a rule, lead to chronic pulling sensations in the loins and in the lower abdomen.

It is necessary to examine the gynecologist,where blood, urine, and swab tests will be performed, and the patient is directed to ultrasound to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, too, can give pain in the back. For example,chronic colitis, various manifestations of ulcerous erosion. Even hemorrhoids can contribute to the appearance of discomfort.

All this happens because not only the mucous membrane is annoyed, but also the nerve endings of the intestine, so the pain can irradiate everywhere.

Diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, gastritistoo, can be the cause of pain. To these symptoms subfebrile condition, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and abdominal pain are added.

Clinical manifestations

Pain can be differentboth acute and chronic. Acute pain is characterized by a sudden manifestation.

It literally binds the spine, girdling it from all sides. Such pain can only be left or right, depending on the problem.

For example, with a fracture or displacement of the vertebrae, the pain subsides only when the patient is immobile.

Chronic pain is constant, but not sharp.It is debilitating and only after appropriate treatment.

People often reconcile with it or are engaged in self-treatment, not addressing to experts.

During this time, the disease can progress, which is very dangerous, especially if it is a tumor.


Back pain can have various causes and even become a harbinger of serious diseases. That's why you should not postpone your visit to a doctor.

It may not always be temporary, thereforenecessarily be surveyed,before buying ointments or doing warming up.

Maybe this is something you absolutely can not do.

With an already clarified diagnosisstrictly follow the doctor's instructions.Do not engage in amateur activities, as this may end badly.

Problems can be both from the spine, and from the muscles, because of diseases of the internal organs. It is impossible to cure everything without immediately being examined.

Especially dangerous to pull with infectious diseases and complex pathologies.

And for those who often sin with colds, one can advisedress on the weather, do not get carried away with light and short clothes, take care of your back. In a small pelvis are vital organs, so do not catch them. Especially this advice applies to women.

It is also necessary to do physical exercises in dosing, do not lift heavy weights, be sure to avoid injuries.

When pregnancy followsbandage, to exclude the displacement of the spine.

Be engaged in prophylaxis of osteochondrosis and treat the main diseases, then unpleasant symptoms and pain in the lower back will not bother ever.

A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/illnesses/tyanet-poyasnicu-u-zhenshhin.html

Why draws the lower back of women: reasons and recommendations

Women have complex physiology that reacts to every hormonal change.

Almost every second patient complains when she visits a gynecologist that she pulls the waist in the middle of the menstrual cycle and before the menstrual cycle.

The abdomen and back hurt during pregnancy, after an abortion or IVF. Let us consider in detail each cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations.


After abortion, discomfort occurs for various reasons. Usually the fetal egg is removed under anesthesia and the patient does not feel anything. Causes of unpleasant symptoms after medical abortion - contraction of the uterus to normal size.

The result of an abortion with anesthesia is that the patient experiences painful pains that give back.

Why is this happening and what causes discomfort? The uterus is provided with a set of sensitive endings, which, when contracted, transmit nerve impulses.

Unpleasant feelings during an abortion with the help of pharmaceuticals are associated with the rejection of the fetal egg.

The patient thus experiences the same symptoms as during the miscarriage: the stomach pulls intensively, as well as during fights. This is accompanied by bleeding.

As soon as the fetal egg is rejected, the uncomfortable sensations become less intense.

During surgical abortion, there is a risk of infection. If symptoms disturb for a week, while the temperature rises to 38-400, you should consult a doctor. These may be signs of a beginning endometritis.

If you take spasmolytic drugs after an abortion, the risk of disrupting the process of contraction of the uterus increases.

In this case, the fetal egg is not completely removed, and the patient can lose a lot of blood.

Often, residual fetal tissue or blood clots cause unpleasant sensations, giving off in the stomach, fever, foul-smelling discharge. This condition requires an urgent call to a doctor.

Menstrual cycle

According to statistics, every third woman experiences soreness in different periods of the menstrual cycle.

This is due to the characteristic biological features of the body. Before the monthly pulls the waist.

The main causes of this condition are hormonal changes and changes in the blood supply to the uterus.

Before menstruation during ovulation in women pulls the stomach. This is due to bends, bends of the uterus, a genetic predisposition or natural physiological processes during the menstrual cycle.

At the beginning of ovulation, preparation for fertilization takes place. The follicle before the monthly increases, stretches, breaks, and from it comes the egg. A small amount of blood irritates the mucous peritoneum.

At this time of the cycle, before the menstrual cycle, the girls pull their stomachs.

In the middle of menstruation and during ovulation, it pulls back due to a violation of the water-salt balance and the appearance of swelling. If fertilization does not occur during ovulation, you should wait for periods.

If the uterus is incorrectly located, it presses on the nerve endings and causes pain in the back during menstruation. The same symptoms are observed at the beginning of the cycle, in the middle of ovulation and before menstruation, with uterine underdevelopment.

During the period of the month, the uterus begins to contract, causing painful symptoms. For each such reduction sensitive receptors react, which directly depend on the hormonal background. With an increase in estrogen in the middle of the menstrual period, a woman suffers from profuse and painful discharge.

Breaking the hormonal balance leads to an increase in the production of prostaglandins, which cause painful sensations during menstruation.

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Prostaglandins directly affect uterine contractions and maintain optimal expansion of blood vessels during menstruation.

This prevents heavy bleeding.

Third trimester of pregnancy

At the 38th week of pregnancy the child is almost ready to be born.

Despite the fact that the most difficult period has passed, expectant mothers face another problem - discomfort in the back.

Why is this happening? It should be noted that if the waist is pulled - this indicates the imminent approach of childbirth.

The 38th week can pass for the future mother with pulling pains in the back area on the right. This is due to the activity of the child. Turning over, he can press on the internal organs, thereby causing discomfort. The 38th week is the time when the baby changes his position.

Now his head is at the bottom of the small pelvis. The uterus begins to periodically come into tonus, then relax. This causes soreness in the back and abdomen. But sometimes discomfort at the 38th week of pregnancy can talk about the deterioration of the health of the future mother.

There are different reasons for pulling pain:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • load on the spine;
  • before the beginning of the birth process.

If the 38th week passes with unpleasant symptoms, it is worth informing the doctor about it. Increased morbidity indicates the opening of the cervix. In this situation, do not worry. It is necessary to come to the hospital and report your condition to the doctor.

The 40th week of pregnancy is held in anticipation of the birth of a child. But discomfort in the lower back also joins anxious and joyful feelings.

Why is this happening? For the organism of the future mother, the 40th week is an active preparation for childbirth. The child has already turned around, has lowered his head down and presses on the lone articulation and the sacrum.

From here and there are pulling painful feelings, giving back.

If the stomach hardens and falls on the 40th week, cramping pains appear, which means that the baby will soon be born.

Women should be patient, because the 40th week of pregnancy is the end of an important stage, and soon, after the birth of the baby, the pain will pass.

In order to transfer this period more easily, at the 40th week of pregnancy it is recommended to be more often outdoors and to remain calm.

Embryo transfer

One of the most reliable methods to combat infertility is IVF, which is the procedure for transferring embryos to the uterus.

Within a few days the patient will not feel anything.

Two weeks after the embryo transfer, the first signs of pregnancy appear: lack of menstruation, early toxicosis.

You should know that if after the embryo transfer begins to pull the back, do not connect it with the problems of the spine.

There have not yet been significant physiological changes in the body, there is no burden on the spine, as it happens in later pregnancy.

The causes of discomfort are different.

After the embryo transfer, the body can respond with ovarian hyperstimulation. This pathological condition, in which the ovaries increase in size several times.

In patients, the lower abdomen becomes noticeably palpable and the temperature rises. As a result of the transfer, the ovaries can release fluid into the peritoneal cavity, thereby causing back pain.

In any case, after the embryo transfer, it is necessary to be monitored and informed of all changes to the doctor.

A source: http://pozvonochnikok.ru/pochemu/tyanet-poyasnitsu-u-zhenshhin/

Drawing back pain: causes and treatment:

This symptom, like pain in the lumbar region, is familiar to almost every person. Especially often it is faced by the female part of the population.

In some cases, pulling back pain is not dangerous, because it is associated with an uncomfortable position of the body during long sitting or sleeping. But if the unpleasant sensations are worried more often, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor and find the cause of this symptom.

A thorough examination is required for this purpose. Often, signs such as traumatic pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen or in the iliac regions, speak of a chronic inflammatory process. Also, discomfort can be associated with spine pathologies.

With pain in the lower back, one should not engage in self-medication, since there can be many reasons. First you need to find out why they appeared, and only then to eliminate the cause.

Where do the pains in the lower back come from?

Complaints about pain in the lumbar region can be heard quite often. In most cases, they worry women, but they are often observed in men. Most often, painful back pains appear after a person is too long in a sitting position.

Then the patients complain that they can not straighten their back. Usually, such symptoms are typical for diseases of the spine, in particular - osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the lumbar spine. Less often, one can observe a pathology such as ankylosing spondylitis. Its other name is Bekhterev's disease.

In some cases, pulling back pain is associated with inflammatory processes in the kidneys. The most common of these is pyelonephritis. This disease usually begins at a young age, more often - among the female population.

Another pathology of the kidneys has an autoimmune character and is difficult to treat - glomerulonephritis. With it, there is also soreness in the lumbar region.

In some cases, unpleasant sensations occur in pathologies of internal organs.

Drawing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen in women

Gynecological diseases - this is another reason for low back pain. In this case, the inflammation covers the pelvic organs. Usually it is the fallopian tubes and ovaries. But, in spite of the inflammation of the appendages, the pain appears not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lumbar region.

There are a lot of gynecological diseases. The cause can be both bacterial and viral infections of the genital tract. Usually gynecological pathologies are transmitted through sexual contact, but this does not always happen.

In some cases, the cause of infection of the genitourinary tract are: non-compliance with personal hygiene, sitting on cold surfaces, lack of immune system. Drawing pain in the lower back with gynecological diseases can be either one or both sides.

In intensity, they are not very strong, tend to suddenly appear and subside. When involved in the inflammatory process of the bladder, dysuric disorders appear. In addition to the waist, unpleasant sensations always cover the lower abdomen.

To dysuric disorders include: soreness with urination, rez, small portions of the discharged liquid.

Differential diagnosis with discomfort in the lumbar region

In order to find out the reasons for the pain in the lower back, it is necessary to undergo a survey. Usually, unpleasant sensations are associated with pathologies of the kidneys or spine.

An important role is played by the constancy, extent, localization and nature of the pain.

If they cover one side of the lower back, then the cause may be pyelonephritis, inflammation of the appendages in women, frequent finding in the same uncomfortable posture.

When the entire lower back is painful, spine diseases, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, etc. are suggested. Also, unpleasant sensations can be associated with menstruation or pregnancy.

Back pain: laboratory and instrumental diagnostics

The exact cause of the appearance of lumbar pain can only be known after examination. Most often, the local doctor makes conclusions about the nature of the disease and then assigns laboratory and instrumental examinations.

If palpation of the kidneys reveals their soreness, then a general urine test should be done. The presence of leukocytes or protein in it is an indication for performing ultrasound examination of the kidneys. If you suspect a sexual infection, the patient is referred to a gynecologist.

Often low back pain is caused by osteochondrosis or arthrosis. In both cases, it is necessary to do an X-ray examination of the spine. For more accurate information, a computer tomography of the lumbar region is prescribed.

Only after carrying out all the diagnostic procedures can you find out the cause of the pain.

How to eliminate pain in the lumbar region

If there are drawing pains in the lower back, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Only after finding out the cause of the disease is prescribed treatment. With pathology of the kidneys, drug therapy is used.

Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. With autoimmune infection, glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics are used. For the treatment of gynecological pathologies are used combined preparations (suppositories "Terzhinan "Polizhinaks").

In diseases of the spine, a complex treatment is required. It includes massage, manual and reflexotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs.

To eliminate severe discomfort in the lumbar region, drugs with an anesthetic effect ("Diclofenac "Ketotop") are recommended. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed.

Prevention of low back pain

To avoid the appearance of lumbar pain, it is necessary to treat chronic diseases of the urogenital organs in due time, to sanitize foci of infection (with angina, sinusitis, caries). It is also important to take vitamins and immunomodulating medications.

Observance of personal hygiene and protected sexual contacts will help to avoid infectious gynecological pathologies. With spinal trauma, arthrosis and osteochondrosis, heavy physical labor is contraindicated.

In case of aggravation of these diseases, you should seek medical help.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/203505/new_tyanuschie-boli-v-poyasnitse-prichinyi-i-lechenie