Evdokimenko - arthrosis of the hip and knee joints: healing gymnastics


  • 1Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joint: effective gymnastics Evdokimenko
    • 1.1Principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko
    • 1.2Types of exercises for joint diseases
    • 1.3LFK with coxarthrosis
    • 1.4Lfk with gonarthrosis
  • 2Evdokimenko: arthrosis of the hip joints - healing gymnastics
  • 3Evdokimenko: arthrosis of the hip joints - healing gymnastics
    • 3.1Medical indications
    • 3.2Carrying out of trainings
    • 3.3Treatment options
    • 3.4The list of exercises
    • 3.5Doctor's recommendations
    • 3.6Complex therapy
    • 3.7Examples of static exercises
    • 3.8Preventive measures
  • 4Healing gymnastics of arthrosis of the hip joints according to Dr. Evdokimenko
    • 4.1Doctor Evdokimenko and his scientific works
    • 4.2Healing gymnastics for hip joints by Evdokimenko
    • 4.3Exercises for the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joint: effective gymnastics Evdokimenko

With arthrosis of the hip joints, Evdokimenko's healing gymnastics is an important part of the successful treatment of the patient.

Only an integrated approach to the therapy of the disease will help to achieve an improvement in health, especially if large joints are affected.

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LFK will successfully strengthen muscles and ligaments, activate local blood circulation and ensure delivery of all necessary nutrients to the cartilaginous tissue.

Principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko

The complex of exercises is developed depending on the location of the affected joint individually for each patient.

This takes into account the patient's health status, the degree of development of the pathological process, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases.

Improper selection of movements can significantly worsen the patient's well-being. It is desirable that the set of exercises was agreed with a physiotherapist.

Doctor Evdokimenko at an arthrosis has developed special exercises for all large joints which should be considered necessarily. A personal approach will ensure the achievement of a positive result in the shortest possible time, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and improving trophism of tissues.

In this case, there are no exercises in which the patient must bend, unbend or rotate the damaged joint.

After all, increased loads lead to further progression of the disease and deterioration of the patient's health.

At performance of gymnastics there can be an insignificant morbidity caused by loading on muscles which earlier were not intensively involved.


This condition will take place after several days of regular classes. If the movement is accompanied by a sharp pain, it can not be done.


There are 2 explanations for this: either incorrect execution, or it does not suit you.

Exercise should be done only during the period of remission. It is strictly forbidden to conduct gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease. Pavel Evdokimenko developed a fairly large complex of exercises for large joints. However, it is not necessary to do them all in 1 time.

Among them there are movements not only to strengthen the affected joints, but also to the muscles of the back and the press. One lesson of physiotherapy exercises should include about 2-3 exercises for stretching, and 5-7 - for strengthening.

A large selection will allow diversifying the training, its duration should be about 15-30 minutes daily.

Types of exercises for joint diseases

In diseases of the joints complicated by degenerative - dystrophic processes, it is strictly forbidden to make rapid dynamic movements. This squats, swings hands, feet with maximum amplitude and others.

The most common example of static exercise - lying on your back, raise your leg 10-20 cm above the support level and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slow dynamic movement - several times slowly raise and lower the limb.

A major role in the successful treatment of diseases of large joints is played by exercises aimed not only at strengthening, but also in stretching the joint capsule and ligament apparatus.

It is necessary to carry out these movements very slowly and cautiously. You can not do gymnastics through force, overcoming pain.

You need to be patient, and after a few weeks of regular exercise, the mobility of the joints will increase slightly.

LFK with coxarthrosis

Therapeutic physical training in diseases of hip joints should be carried out very carefully, taking into account the condition of the patient.

Classes should begin with static exercises. In this case, the muscles of the hip are involved, and the joint itself remains motionless.

Coxarthrosis involves training in the position of the patient lying on his back or sitting.

Basic exercises for physiotherapy in diseases of hip joints at home:

  1. On the floor spread the rug, lie on your back. Slowly and gently lift each leg 15-20 cm and hold 30-40 seconds. During the training you need to monitor the observance of the rules of training: lifting the leg should be carried out with the muscles of the thigh and buttock. Do the exercise with both limbs and rest a little. After this, repeat the load in the dynamic version: smoothly raise the leg by 10-20 cm and slowly lower, holding it at the highest point for a few seconds. It is necessary to make 10-12 approaches, each time making a short respite.
  2. Turn over on the stomach, hands stretch along the trunk, and one leg bend at the knee. Raise it above the floor level by 10-15 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. Lower the limb, relax and reproduce the movement with the other leg. Repeat the exercise in a dynamic form - several times smoothly raise and lower. Gymnastics for arthrosis should be done correctly and slowly, it is worth sticking to the recommendations. Your goal is to activate blood circulation and strengthen the muscles, and not raise the limb as high and fast as possible.
  3. Lying on his stomach, stretch his arms along the trunk and straighten his legs. Suitable for physically strong people, as it is a rather difficult exercise, and can provoke an increase in the level of blood pressure. To do this, you need to raise both legs slightly, dilute them to the sides and bring them together. Movements should be slow and smooth. It is necessary to make 8-10 approaches.
  4. Lie on the right side, bending the eponymous limb in the knee. The left leg should be raised by 45 ° and held for 20-30 seconds. Turn around and repeat.
  5. The starting position is similar to the previous one. Raise the straight leg to a level of about 45 °, and keeping it at a height, slowly turn it out and back. Rotate the movements 8-10 times. It is necessary to turn out not only the foot, but the entire limb, starting from the hip. Exercise is quite difficult, it needs to be done very slowly and smoothly, so as not to provoke damage to the affected joint.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and stretch your arms along the torso. Raise the basin, leaning on the shoulders and feet. Hold in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie down and relax. Repeat the motion several times in a slow dynamic version.

Lfk with gonarthrosis

Follow-up training should be conducted sitting on a chair or standing.

To achieve a positive result from exercise therapy, the load must be increased gradually, increasing the number of movements and the total time of the session.

After finishing the workout, the patient should rest and relax. To do this, you can lie on a horizontal surface: it will improve blood circulation in the joints. It is advisable to take a contrast shower.

Cure the knee will help the following set of exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair with a flat back, alternately straighten and lift each leg. If possible, it is desirable to hold it in this position for about 40-50 seconds.
  2. The patient should face the chair and lean on his back. To rise on socks and to stand so 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Without changing the position, raise yourself on the toe of one leg, then completely become on the sole. At the same time, stand on the toe of another limb. Repeat the motion several times. It will be a "roll thanks to which the circulation of blood in the knee joint area is activated.
  4. The final stage of any workout is a light massage. It can be done independently without resorting to the help of relatives and friends. It is necessary to gently stretch the muscles of the anterolateral surface of the thigh.

Gonarthrosis is hard to treat, so you need to make every effort to achieve a positive result. Therapeutic physical training is able to provide effective help, but for this it is necessary to do exercises regularly for a long time.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artroz/gimnastika-evdokimenko-dlya-tazobedrennyh-sustavov.html

Evdokimenko: arthrosis of the hip joints - healing gymnastics

Is it possible to treat arthrosis of the hip joints with the help of physical training? Dr. Pavel Evdokimenko is convinced that it is possible. And the proof of this are thousands of patients who come to the doctor with words of gratitude.

However, before grabbing for the "saving circle"healing gymnastics Evdokimenko with arthrosis of the hip joints, you should carefully study the author's recommendations, learn about contraindications and always consult a doctor. Why it is impossible to choose independently a complex of exercises and is it really possible for physiotherapy to help heal arthrosis? We'll figure out.

Those who first heard aboutHealing gymnastics Evdokimenko for arthrosis of the hip joints, it will be interesting to learn about the author of the methodology a little more. Pavel Valerevich is a practicing psychophysiologist and a rheumatologist with more than 20 years of experience, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAS).


Knowing perfectly well from personal experience that many patients for various reasons are deprived of the opportunity to seek professional Evdokimenko decided to formulate the main points of his theory, successfully tested in practice, in the series books.


The first - "Osteochondrosis: Myths and Reality" was published in 2001, and since that time the doctor has written 9 more books about various diseases of the joints, including the "Secret formula of health" - a bestseller, released in 2013 year.

The total circulation of the books published and reissued by Evdokimenko by 2015 exceeded 700 thousand. copies.

What is the secret of the popularity of Evdokimenko's books? All of them are written in a simple and accessible language, while the author logically explains why to cure various diseases of the spine and joints, on which other specialists have crossed, can be "without miracles". And the doctor's rate is not only on medical gymnastics, but about this a little lower.

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At the momentPavel Evdokimenko performs complex treatment of such pathologies, as:

  • kyphosis, stoop, early stages of scoliosis (curvature of the spinal column);
  • cervical radiculitis and other cervical pathologies;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs and hernia of thoracic region;
  • Bechterew's disease (chronic inflammation);
  • gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knees) and coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joints);
  • meniscopathy (meniscus disease);
  • trochanteritis (inflammation of the hamstrings);
  • gouty arthritis;
  • osteoporosis.

Doctors can regularly see on TV and hear on the radio, where he is invited as an expert, including Evdokimenko regularly participated in the "Business morning" on RBC and conducted the author's program "Your health with Dr. Evdokimenko" on the radio "Russian service news ".

Pavel Valerevich is sure that no patient will be able to achieve the necessary effect during the fight against arthrosis without special exercises. Only they help to strengthen muscles, "pump" the blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

So, in one of his books, the doctor cites a case from practice with one of the patients - a former sportsman, and retired in favor of the veterans team. The pains in his knees caused him to seek medical help.

The diagnosed "arthrosis of the knees of the third degree" suggested only one option - endoprosthetics - operation, after which sports would have to say goodbye.

The man began to look for other options and came for a consultation with Evdokimenko.

After examining the X-ray and general health, the doctor corrected the diagnosis to grade 2 arthrosis, in which fighting the disease does not involve surgical intervention.

It is important that Evdokimenko in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints uses not only healing gymnastics, but alsoPractices complex treatment - a series of sessions of manual therapy and cryotherapy, traction (traction) of the joint and a course of drug treatment.

The re-appointment was appointed after three months, but what was the doctor's disappointment when the patient arrived said that there were no results, and the condition of the knees only worsened.


They began to understand. It turned out that the patient had drunk the medicine, but the exercises were considered "not serious besides, the pain after taking the medicines was gone.


In general, he did not do the exercises. At the regular sports tournament, an increased load on the knees, which were not strengthened by gymnastics, brought to nothing all the results achieved.

I had to start all over again.

This is one of the main mistakes of patients - after using drugs pass the symptoms and pain retreats, they calm down and begin to ignore the recommendations of the doctor, considering gymnastics "frivolous "a waste of time time ".

Another mistake that often leads to disasters is following the advice of "savvy experts".

In his practice, the doctor often encountered recommendations from which his hair stood on end: one hundred knocks at a time with knee arthrosis, sharp legs and a "bicycle" - with coxarthrosis.

Such actions are highly contraindicated, and a person, following unprofessional advice, then becomes surprised, why does it get worse?

Why the condition worsens with excessive loads on the affected joints, it is easy to understand.

In one of the books Evdokimenko compares the cartilage with the bearing mechanism.

The joint, which is destroyed by arthrosis, ceases to be round, the "bearing" is covered with microcracks and burrs, and the lubricant becomes thick and viscous.

If you run such a mechanism, will it again become smooth from the heavy loads? Or, on the contrary, will it collapse more quickly? The answer is obvious. That is why from incorrect exercises with inaccurately calculated loads and incorrect technique of performing the joint will collapse more quickly.

To consolidate the results of complex treatment, exercises should be performed correctly, preferably under the guidance of a physiotherapist.

If the joints are destroyed more quickly, then, perhaps, with arthrosis, it is better to give up exercises altogether? No. Doing gymnastics is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing is to follow the recommendations received from the doctor.

Let's list the main principles, which should be remembered when doing the exercises:

  • Of the assembled complexesIt is necessary to choose only those exercises that strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus, without forcing the joints to move strongly, that is, the usual for the majority of dynamic exercises are replaced by static ones.
  • With insufficient physical preparation of the patient, so-called sparing static exercises are prescribed. For example, if lying on your back to raise your leg and keep it on weight for at least 30 seconds, then the muscles will certainly begin to work, although the joints moved minimally.
  • With arthrosis, it is important to strengthen the muscles, rather than load the joint, therefore, static exercises are performed primarily when the position is fixed for a certain time. Dynamic movements can be performed, but they are done smoothly, without jerks.

The ease of the exercises is visibility. They require both willpower and patience, because the result will not appear the next day. It will take 2-3 weeks, but you will be amazed at what "miracles" are doing the right exercises.

  • A good effect is given by stretching exercises, but there are also rules. Stretch slowly and with minimal pressure. No effort on the affected joint! As Evdokimenko advises, they stretched, fixed and "just wait without forcing the events. Through the time established by the doctor, when the body is held in one position, the ligaments will relax and stretch out as far as their condition allows at the current time. The next day - a little more, then - even more.
  • The healing gymnastics of Pavel Evdokimenko with arthrosis of the hip joints usually includes not only the movements for joint development of the affected limb, but also the strengthened muscles of the back and the press. When they are "pumped" limbs are better supplied with blood, which means that the blood supply to the affected joint also improves.
  • When practicing it is important to observe regularity, that is, to do gymnastics ideally should be done daily (or at least 3-4 times a week).
  • If the movement is accompanied by pain, two options are possible: the first - the exercise does not suit you, the second - you are doing it wrong. And in that, and in another case, consultation of the attending physician is necessary.
  • Each developed complex includes a large number of different exercises, but this does not mean that they should be performed in one day. Movement can be varied to diversify the gym.
  • In the daily complex, you can include 2-4 stretching exercises and up to 6 strengthening ones, spending on their implementation a total of half an hour a day.
  • Exercises should be done an equal number of times with each leg with the same tension and effort.

Separately it is necessary to tell about painful sensations during performance of exercises.

Making arthrosis atrophy muscles and ligaments work, you, of course, will experience aching pain, especially in the first weeks of training, and this is normal. But with regular classes in a few months they will leave.

Healing gymnastics of Pavel Evdokimenko with arthrosis of the hip joints - author's method of treatment, which, of course, has contraindications, which is why it is so important that the course be selected physician-physiotherapist.

Only a doctor who knows the basics of physical therapy can make a set of exercises correctly, taking into account the age of the patient, the degree of damage to the joints and other characteristics. The doctor also determines and oversees the sequence and number of repetitions of one movement, as well as the time of fixation of the body in one or another position.


The most important thing to remember isdo any gymnastics during periods of exacerbation. First they are eliminated by other methods of treatment (for example, with the help of medicines), and only then they begin to perform the exercises.


Strength exercises to strengthen the muscular corset and ligaments are contraindicated or prescribed dosed:

  • after surgical intervention in the peritoneum and thorax;
  • athernia in the area adjacent to the affected joint(groin, abdomen);
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • at high pressure;
  • with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood problems;
  • at high temperature;
  • during periods of menstruation in women.

Stretching movements can not be done if:

  • joints and spine are "loose
  • there are hernias;
  • increased temperature;
  • women during critical days.

List all the exercises developed by Pavlov Evdokimenko within the healing gymnastics for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints, in one article is impossible. Let's consider only some of them:

  • Lie down on the floor with your stomach down. Legs bring together, hands stretch along the body. Smoothly lift your leg up, as far as the state of the body allows you. Lock the position for 5-7 seconds. Gently lower your foot to the floor. Repeat with the other leg. Do 5 times with each leg, lifting the limbs solely with the hip joints and completely relaxing the legs at the time they are on the floor.
  • Lie down on your left side. Bend the right leg in the knee. Extend the right leg and hold it for 30 seconds. Then lower your leg and relax. Repeat 5 times with each leg.
  • Sitting on the floor with legs outstretched, straighten your back and pull your toes to yourself. Throw a towel on the feet, leaving his tips in his hands. Deeply inhale and gently bend forward. After reaching the maximum point, gently exhale and relax. Lock the position for a minute, and then try to bend deeper, slightly pulling yourself up with a towel. Again, fix the position and relax, and then try to strain the muscles of the thighs for 5-10 seconds and once again, stretch forward. Smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
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When performing each movement it is extremely important to learn the correct technique. For example, when lifting the legs, it is important not to unfold the body, trying to "reach the heavens" with the foot.

For a long time arthrosis of the hip joints can go unnoticed, day after day destroying the cartilage and joints.

In this regard, the healingEvdokimenko gymnastics is useful not only in the treatment of the disease, but also for prevention, so everyone can engage in it, regardless of age and sex.

However, in the preventive case, consultation specialist will not hurt, because of the presence of certain diseases a person often does not guess.

A source: https://medeok.ru/artroz/evdokimenko-artroz-tazobedrennyh-sustavov-iscelyayushchaya-gimnastika

Evdokimenko: arthrosis of the hip joints - healing gymnastics

If arthrosis of the hip joints is diagnosed, the healing gymnastics of Evdokimenko is an effective way to combat the disease. Coxarthrosis is a serious degenerative, dystrophic disease. It often develops in people over forty. Such a disease is more often diagnosed in women.

Medical indications

When the joints are damaged, cartilage is destroyed and deformed. Joints wear out quickly. Soreness appears in ordinary walking, restricting the movement of a person. The disease can affect one or two pelvic joints.

The fight against the disease consists in the surgical intervention. But early coxarthrosis can be defeated by conservative treatment and gymnastics.

The complex of exercises is selected individually. The complexity of training depends on the nature, severity of the disease, concomitant pathology, age.

Training is important to carry out in the remission phase. In this period:

  • reduced soreness;
  • temperature normalizes;
  • the inflammation decreases.

Gymnastics has the following advantages:

  • Improving the elasticity of knee ligaments;
  • strengthening of muscles;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • increased metabolism;
  • activation of the formation of joint fluid;
  • restoration of cartilage;
  • improvement of general condition, emotional background;
  • acceleration of recovery.

LFK usually spend in small groups under the mandatory supervision of the coach. Exercise should be done daily. This is the only way to fully or partially restore the work of knee joints.

Carrying out of trainings

Rules for effective exercise LFK:

  • regular daily classes; course of therapy - up to a month;
  • it is important to do exercises for 20 minutes;
  • should gradually increase the load;
  • the repetition frequency should increase gradually (starting from 3);
  • the amplitude of training is initially low, it must be increased at the end of the gym;
  • All the exercises must be done carefully, working out each muscle;
  • after training it is important to rest, lie (this improves blood filling of tissues);
  • to enhance the effect, you can take a shower after a workout, make a self-massage;
  • gymnastics should be painless; when discomforts appear, you must stop exercising;
  • painfulness during training should be the reason for contacting a specialist.

Coxarthrosis is not treated quickly. Only long-term studies are able to give positive results and improve the joints in arthrosis. According to most experts, complex therapy can give the maximum effect.

According to Evdokimenko's technique, arthrosis of the hip joints can pass without a trace in a short time. This is an effective set of exercises used to recover from degenerative ailments.

The methodology was developed by the famous Russian academician Evdokimenko Pavel. With the help of exercises it is possible to improve the condition of the support apparatus and the general mood of patients for more effective control of the disease.

Treatment options

With arthrosis of the first stage, the healing of the disease occurs in a year in 90% of cases. Effective course treatment includes up to five sessions of manual procedures, stretches.

Also, patients take medication, perform gymnastics.

Additionally, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, intra-articular injection of medicines with hyaluronic acid and enzymes is prescribed.

In the second stage of the disease, similar methods of therapy are used, but the effectiveness of such treatment is reduced: recovery occurs in 80% of cases in three years.


More often, specialists manage to stabilize the patients' condition, avoid surgery to replace the pelvic joint with an artificial analogue.


It is impossible to completely overcome the disease at this stage, because the ailment extends not only to the cartilage, but also to the joint bones - they are deformed. But on the background of therapy improves the condition of the tissues, increases the mobility of the joint.

Evdokimenko does not treat the third and fourth stages of ailment. Such a state of the body requires only radical surgery. There are the following contraindications to therapy:

  • large intracranial pressure;
  • hernia of groin;
  • the ailments of blood;
  • inflammation of the organs;
  • fever;
  • menstruation;
  • early postoperative period (up to a month).

The list of exercises

The curative technique consists of nine main exercises. They should be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. The position of the body lies on the stomach. It is necessary to raise the straightened leg alternately, to stay in this position for up to 40 seconds. The pelvis is important to fix, all movements must be performed by the muscles of the hips and abdomen.
  2. The starting position is the same. The legs are folded in turn in the joint, slowly raised.
  3. The starting position is the same. Both legs lift together to the maximum height. Then they smoothly spread their legs to the sides and reduce them. This exercise causes an increase in pressure, so with caution it should be performed by hypertensive patients.
  4. Lying on the right side, the right leg is bent, and the other is raised as much as possible and is held in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Sitting on a chair, alternately straighten and raise their legs, keeping them on weight.
  6. Adhering to the back of the chair, you need to smoothly rise on your toes, stay in this position.
  7. When in the same position, you should stand on your heels.
  8. The starting position is the same. It is necessary to take turns to climb one foot on the toe with the immobility of the other leg. This exercise greatly improves the flow of blood to the knees.
  9. In the end of gymnastics it is important to conduct self-massage of the hip from the knee to the groin. At first, it is necessary to rub the skin, kneading muscles. Then you need to pat your skin for relaxation. After a similar massage, there is a pleasant warmth.

Joint gymnastics is allowed to patients in all age categories. With knee arthrosis, such exercises significantly improve joint performance, relieve soreness from the first days of training.

For maximum results, it is important to complete the entire course of exercise therapy. For the correct performance of all exercises, you need to contact a specialist.

Only he can put the right technique of training.

Doctor's recommendations

Therapeutic physical training is an important part of the complex therapy of the ailments of the supporting apparatus. Coxarthrosis - a serious ailment of the elderly.

In severe and neglected cases, it leads to ankylosis - complete fusion of the femoral head with the acetabulum cavity.

This makes a person disabled: he can not move independently without crutches or a wheelchair.

Drug therapy temporarily reduces soreness, but does not affect the progression of the disease.

Salvation is therapeutic gymnastics with arthrosis, in combination with other treatment it improves the condition of patients.

Gymnastics is aimed at maintaining the mobility of joints, it inhibits muscle atrophy and progression of joint pathology.

In the phase of exacerbation of pathology soreness is greatly intensified. But it is important not to spare the diseased part of the body, otherwise:

  • there will be contracture (shortening of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles);
  • spine, limbs;
  • joints are deformed;
  • muscle atrophy.

Gymnastics is effective only if it is properly prescribed. Self-medication can be not only inconclusive, but also dangerous.

Exercises in video blogs are usually only suitable for preventive purposes, since they are of a general nature.

For treatment it is important to select each exercise individually, depending on many features of the patient.

Complex therapy

Coxarthrosis is of three degrees of complexity. In each case, the manifestations and clinical signs of the disease are different.

From this, the approaches to treatment also depend.

In the later stages of the disease, the exercises are combined with mechanotherapy, which acts on the damaged area by mechanical vibration created by:

  • massage;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • vibration therapy;
  • extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT);
  • phonophoresis.

Often in complex treatment of the disease apply manual therapy with the use of compresses from Dimexide, Bishofit or medical bile. The dynamics of therapy can be assessed only by a qualified specialist.

According to the method Evdokimenko, at each stage of the disease shows his own gymnastics. Excessive burden of the patient joint can provoke a fracture, displacement.

With exacerbation of coxarthrosis or at its initial stages, static loads are shown. At the same time the joint itself remains motionless, during training, its soreness is not increased. All exercises are important to perform in a sitting, lying position.

If pain occurs, stop the exercise.

Complex treatment of the disease, including exercise therapy, can not be categorically applied:

  • with recurrences of chronic ailments;
  • with thrombophlebitis.

Examples of static exercises

Types of exercises:

  1. The starting position is lying. In turn, raise the leg, hold it for half a minute in weight. It is important to exercise all movements due to the femoral and gluteal muscles.
  2. The starting position is lying. The legs are lifted in turn and held for a minute in a bent position.
  3. This exercise should only be performed by strong patients. The starting position is lying on the stomach. The legs are raised above the floor, holding them in a similar position for up to 30 seconds. Do up to ten movements.
  4. Exercise is performed in a supine position on the side. The upper leg is straightened, raised, held.

When remission of the disease, it is necessary to keep the mobility of the joint as much as possible. For this, simple exercises are carried out. With their regular implementation, minimization of soreness and the degree of atrophy of the pelvic muscles can be achieved.

An example of the scheme of training during the period of remission:

  1. The starting position is lying on the back, the legs are bent at the knees. The feet should be as close to the buttocks as possible. Breed and reduce the knees, increasing the amplitude of movements.
  2. In a horizontal position, raise the leg as high as possible and lower it.
  3. Pendulum movements with a straight leg.
  4. Cross movements of limbs in the horizontal position of the body.
  5. Move up and down with two legs.
  6. Exercise the bike. It is quite dynamic, so it is not performed in the late stages of the disease.
  7. In the horizontal position, raise the pelvis, rotating it to the right and left. It is necessary to make up to ten such rotations.
  8. In a sitting position, lean forward, fingers touch the feet.
  9. In sitting position, legs are bred. Hands pull, pull the fingers of both feet.
  10. The starting position is the same. Maximum bend over, clasping the feet.
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Preventive measures

To prevent the development of coxarthrosis, a special gymnastic complex has been developed. It should not be performed by persons with weak physical training:

  1. Squatting back to the starting position.
  2. Rolls (smooth transfer of the trunk from the left foot to the right).

This technique is also practiced in physical education classes. With the daily execution of such exercises, you can prevent the appearance of arthrosis, weakness, atrophy. General recommendations for medical gymnastics:

  1. The popularity of the method is explained by its wide availability and cheapness.
  2. For greater efficiency, gymnastics is combined with swimming in salt water (at sea or in the pool).
  3. Do not allow microtraumatic joints. They are accompanied by increased soreness.
  4. Selection of the gym is carried out depending on the preparedness of the patient.
  5. Training starts with minimal duration and complexity. Gradually they become more complicated due to the inclusion of dynamic elements, increasing the tempo and amplitude of movements.

Only regular training can give a result: a tightened body and minimization of manifestations of arthrosis of the hip joint.

A source: https://SustavyZdravy.ru/artroz/evdokimenko-tazobedrennyh-sustavov.html

Healing gymnastics of arthrosis of the hip joints according to Dr. Evdokimenko

When arthrosis of the hip (knee, elbow, ankle) joint is necessarily prescribed healing gymnastics. The type of exercise depends on the form, the degree of neglect of the disease, on the age of the patient and the concomitant pathologies.

Full-time training doctor can appoint only during the remission of the disease, that is, at the moment when the acute phase is passed and the fading of inflammation that characterized:

  1. decreased pain;
  2. decreased inflammatory symptoms;
  3. normalization of body temperature.

Doctor Evdokimenko and his scientific works

Dr. Evdokimenko is a rheumatologist, author of several medical works:

  • "Arthritis".
  • «Arthrosis».
  • "Athletics".
  • "Pain in the legs. Allowance for the sick. "

Doctor Evdokimenko practices complex treatment of many pathologies of joints and spine:

  1. arthrosis of the hip joints;
  2. arthrosis of the knee;
  3. osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
  4. Schmorl's hernia;
  5. Sheyerman-Mau disease;
  6. curvature of the spine;
  7. meniscus damage;
  8. cervical radiculitis, myositis and many other diseases.

Healing gymnastics for hip joints by Evdokimenko

Exercise # 1

The patient is lying on his stomach, on the rug, his legs are straight, hands along the body. At 15 cm from the floor you need to slowly raise your right foot and hold it for 30-40 seconds in weight. Further, the leg is also slowly lowered and completely relaxed.

After a short rest, exercise with the other foot. In this version, the exercise is performed only once by each limb.

Lifting up the leg, you need to make sure that the movements are carried out solely by the efforts of the thigh and gluteus muscles.

The stomach and pelvis should be firmly pressed to the floor.


The torso should not rotate after the limb. It is not necessary to raise your leg too high, it is much more important that the exercise is carried out according to all rules, without turning the body.


Dr. Evdokimenko leaves his notes: with arthrosis of the hip joint, both limbs should work with the same force and the same time.

The same exercise after a short rest is performed in a dynamic version. Smoothly and slowly straightened at the knee joint, the leg goes up and fixes for 1-2 seconds at the top point.

Similarly, smoothly and slowly, the leg goes down. It is necessary to execute 10-12 times with each foot. This gymnastics is very effective for arthrosis not only of the hip, but also of the knee joint.

Omitting the leg, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the hip joint for at least two seconds and always hold the limb at the top point. At all it is not necessary to lift a leg very high, it is enough to raise it from the floor by 15 cm.

Gymnastics for hip joints with arthrosis, requires that all movements of the limbs are carried out due to the gluteal and hip muscles. Before the patient is not the task to set a record for the height of the leg.

Exercise # 2

Like the previous one is performed on the floor, lying on the stomach. Hands lie along the trunk. The left lower limb is straightened. The right one should be bent at the right angle to the knee joint.

Slowly raise the knee bent in the knee by about 10 cm and hold it for 30-40 seconds in weight. Next, put your foot on the floor and completely relax. Exercise after a short rest, repeat with your left foot. In the static version, the exercise must be performed only once.


As in the previous exercise, raising the limb, you need to monitor that the movements are carried out solely by the efforts of the femoral and gluteal muscles. The stomach and pelvic bones should be firmly pressed to the floor.


The torso should not rotate after the limb. It is not necessary to raise your leg too high, it is much more important that the exercise is carried out according to all rules, without turning the body.


After a short rest, the exercise is performed in a dynamic manner. The leg bent at the knee joint smoothly and slowly rises 10 cm from the floor. At this point, it should be fixed for 1-2 seconds. Then, too, the limb goes down slowly and slowly.

The position of the joint in the knee should remain unchanged, that is, at a right angle. Approximately 10-12 such uplifts must be performed first with one foot.

Each time, lowering the leg, the patient should relax the limb muscles for at least a couple of seconds.

And when raising your foot, you must not forget about fixing it at the top.

As in the first exercise, you need to monitor that the work involved only the gluteal muscles and muscles of the hip joint.

Pelvic bones and abdomen should be pressed to the floor. The body should not react by turning on the upward leg.

Do not lift the limb very high.


To launch a blood wave through the blood vessels is possible only on condition that the gymnastics will be performed slowly and smoothly, correctly and without tearing.


Both the right and left legs should work with the same tension and perform the exercise an equal number of times.

Exercises for the knee joint

Most often, the functionality of the knees is broken with osteoarthritis, which is characterized by:

  • impaired synovial fluid production;
  • destruction of bone and cartilaginous tissue;
  • decrease in the amplitude of movements in the lower limbs.

The causes of the disease are usually two: trauma, after which the metabolism is broken in the joint tissues; inflammatory process in articular structures (periarthritis, knee joint bursitis, arthritis).

Therapeutic physical training has a small list of contraindications ,.

Therefore, before starting the exercise complex exercise, you need to familiarize yourself with it:

  1. increased intracranial pressure;
  2. arterial hypertension;
  3. acute blood diseases;
  4. a hernia of the abdomen and groin;
  5. acute inflammatory process of internal organs;
  6. increased body temperature;
  7. severe chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  8. menstrual bleeding;
  9. postoperative recovery period for a month.

With arthrosis of the knee joint, the medical-improving complex consists of nine items. They must be carried out in strict order.

  • The patient lies on the abdomen, arms stretched along the trunk. It should be alternately lifted from the floor straightened legs by about 15-20 cm. Finiteness should be fixed for 40 seconds at the top point.
  • The starting position of the patient, as in the first exercise. The right leg needs to be bent at the knee joint at a right angle and slowly lift it from the floor to a height of 10 cm. Fix the limb to the weight for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise with your left foot.
  • The starting position is the same. Slowly and smoothly, both legs should be raised to the maximum permissible height. Then smoothly, without sudden movements, you should raise the limbs to the sides and again bring them together. When performing this exercise, the patient may have high blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should be treated with caution.
  • The patient is lying on his right side. The right leg should be bent at the knee joint, and the left leg should be tried to maximize upwards. At the top point, the limb should be fixed for 20-30 seconds. The exercise is repeated on the left side with the right foot.
  • Sitting on a chair you need to take turns to raise your legs parallel to the floor and fix them in this position for 60 seconds.
  • The patient in the "standing" position should turn his face to the back of the chair and, holding on to it, climb the toes. In this position, you should stay for 3 seconds, then lower your heels to the floor.
  • The starting position, as in the previous exercise. Now you need to stand on your heels, lifting your socks as high as possible.
  • The starting position is the same. The right leg needs to be lifted to the toe, the left limb remains motionless. The exercise is repeated with the other leg. It turns a kind of roll from one foot to the other. When performing, the patient should feel a rush of blood to the knee joints.

At the end of the complex for 5 minutes, you need to perform a massage procedure for anterolateral lateral surface of the thigh. First rub the skin, and then muscle tissue. The procedure ends with stroking movements. The massage should bring the patient a pleasant warmth.

A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/fizkultura/evdokimenko-artroz-tazobedrennyh-sustavov-iscelyayushhaya-gimnastika.html