What is hyperbaric oxygenation
A medical procedure called hyperbaric oxygenation( HBO) consists of oxygenation of body cells. This manipulation is carried out in a special pressure chamber. The essence of the method consists in supplying oxygen to a single hyperbaric chamber under pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure. Oxygen dosage is calculated individually for each individual patient to avoid discomfort and adverse reactions. Nuances:
- It is believed that after the procedure the patient's body more actively synthesizes useful substances that ensure the proper functioning of organs and systems.
- During the procedure, the body needs oxygen.
- There is an opinion that hyperbaric oxygenation has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of the patient, increasing life expectancy.

Indications for hyperbaric oxygenation
This method is considered to be an effective treatment for many disorders. Indications for the use of hyperbaric oxygenation:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system( myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, myocardial ischemia);
- blood circulation problems;
- atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels and brain;
- infringement of a blood supply of a retina of an eye( retinopathy);
- Raynaud's disease( pathology, accompanied by violation of blood supply to the feet and brushes);
- diabetes;
- thyrotoxicosis( persistent increase in the amount of thyroid hormones);
- osteomyelitis( purulent-necrotic disorders that occur in the bone marrow and bones);
- hangover syndrome;
- impotence, infertility, prostatitis;
- preparation before surgery or recovery after surgery;
- pathology of digestion( ulcer, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
- obesity;
- hearing ailments;
- fetal fetal hypoxia( a syndrome in which fetal development disorders associated with lack of oxygen are observed);
- Rh-conflict( immune humoral response of the maternal organism with a negative Rh factor to the erythrocyte antigens of the fetus with a positive Rh factor);
- purulent wounds, trophic ulcers;
- varicose veins and other vascular pathologies;
- radiation diseases;
- is aging, relieving fatigue after severe nervous or physical overload;
- rehabilitation after encephalopathy, stroke, with multiple sclerosis;
- pathology of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract.
There are a number of contraindications for conducting hyperbaric oxygenation. These include the following pathologies:
- , cancer tumors;
- epilepsy( due to the possibility of an epileptic seizure, the appearance of seizures);
- arterial hypertension( persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mmHg);
- abscesses and bruises;
- disorders in the lung( eg, cysts), pneumonia( pneumonia) in any form;
- purulent lesions that have not undergone drainage;
- inflammation of the ENT organs, polyps;
- hemorrhage in the brain;
- intolerance of large amounts of oxygen;
- viral, respiratory pathologies;
- fever not responding to drug treatment;
- fear of confined space( claustrophobia).
Preparing for hyperbaric oxygenation
Before appointment, a physician must send a patient to carry out preliminary studies to identify contraindications. The patient must visit a neurologist, an ENT doctor, donate blood for analysis. In addition, chest X-ray and ECG( electrocardiography) are necessary. During the procedure, the skin of the patient should be clean, without therapeutic or cosmetic means. Do not use creams, nail polish or hair, oils, perfume, as well as any jewelry, watches, glasses.

How is the procedure
carried outDuring the manipulation the patient is in a special single capsule in a horizontal position. In this case, the patient should lie still and breathe in a measured manner. The doctor warns in advance about the nature of possible sensations( for example, there may be stuffiness in the ears).The duration of the session ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour, the course of treatment, depending on the goal pursued, ranges from 5 to 25 sessions.
Hyperbaric oxygenation is a medical procedure, the doctor must prescribe it. The essence of it is in the following sequence:
- compression( increasing the pressure in the chamber);
- isopression( exposure at the highest pressure);
- decompression( lowering the pressure to normal).
The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation is to increase the oxygen capacity of the blood. At the same time, the pressure in the incoming gas mixture is regulated, which helps to correct the amount of oxygen in the alveoli and internal environments of the body. During the session, there may be signs of oxygen intoxication. The time of development of these signs depends on many factors:
- temperature regime;
- concentration of carbon dioxide;
- of air humidity;
- of the central nervous system;
- of individual characteristics of the organism, etc.
As a rule, the initial symptoms of oxygen intoxication are the appearance of foci of convulsive activity and a change in cardiac conduction. In this case, the pulse and breathing rate increases. In the case of fixing the first signs of oxygen poisoning, it is necessary to decompress, to transfer the patient to breathing with normal air. If possible, the patient should be allowed to breathe the familiar air mixture before the pressure decreases.
Results of
This manipulation is a medical procedure. It helps to achieve the following results:
- relief of bleeding in the brain, hypoxia( lack of oxygen);
- healing of extensive injuries, purulent, trophic lesions;
- relief of the condition in diabetes mellitus, acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
- hearing restoration;
- increased pharmacological effect when taking antibiotics, cardiac glycosides;
- help in the treatment of nervous disorders;
- resuscitation in renal and hepatic insufficiency;
- elimination of ischemia( weakening of blood circulation), hypoxia of limbs;
- treatment of urological diseases;
- increased antioxidant activity of the lungs;
- recovery after surgery, poisoning( pharmacological, food);
- neurological diseases associated with blood flow disorders;
- rejuvenation of the body as a whole, alleviation of the physical condition, increase / normalization of the immune response;
- improved patient performance.

Price for hyperbaric oxygenation
The cost of manipulation depends on the type of apparatus used( hyperbaric hyperbaric chamber) - resuscitative or usual. In the first case, the price will be much higher. Approximate running costs in Moscow:
Name of medical institution | Address, telephone | Cost, rubles |
OJSC "Medicine" | Moscow, 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya per., 10 +7( 495) 229-30-37 | 4600 |
FGBU Clinical hospital | Moscow,ul. LOSINOOSTROVSKAYA, d. 45 +7( 495) 620-81-20 | 2875 |
DKB them. Semashko | Moscow,Ставропольская, д. 23 корп.1 +7( 499) 266-98-98 | 360 |
Main Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation | Moscow, People's Militia, etc. 35 +7( 499) 194-39-66 | 3000 |
Elena, 45 years old
After the surgical procedure, the doctor prescribed several sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation. I did not feel any special effect after the procedure. The state of health has improved, but I think that it is more likely due to restorative therapy. A little pity on the time and money spent.
Svetlana, 32 years old
Have been assigned to a child in three years. It was scary, there are many contraindications. Just say - hyperbaric oxygenation can provoke the appearance of seizures. But also the positive effect is noticeable - the immunity has strengthened, with further treatment there were no concomitant diseases( earlier, after each therapy, obstructive bronchitis was ill).
Vladislav, 53 years old
Diagnosis - ischemic heart disease( ischemic heart disease).Together with the complex therapy, the doctor appointed several sessions of HBO.The positive effect has come, but it is not possible to isolate the therapeutic effect from the procedure, since both diet therapy and drug treatment have taken place. Remember: the procedure can be a heart attack.
There are a lot of physiotherapeutic methods that can alleviate the patient's condition in severe conditions of different nature. Hyperbaric oxygenation helps patients cope with injuries, heart pathologies, obesity and other diseases. At the same time, special medical equipment is used - a hyperbaric chamber.