Hiccups in adults: causes and how to stop

Consider the topic, when we all, adults, at the most unseemly time we are, are captured by an obsessive constant hiccup. Well, if we are alone at home, and if, for example, in a public place, at work, at a meeting with the authorities or their colleagues. And how to deal with it then? In such situations, hiccups just urgently need to stop quickly, stop, take off!

Suppose that hiccups in adults are after eating, during and after eating. I still want to know exactly its causes, from what and why it happens.


What is hiccups

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Hiccups - is a convulsive sudden contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm, accompanied by a sharp narrowing of the glottis. It can be caused by hypothermia or overeating, but there are cases when the hiccup can be long and long lasting - even a few days, with it there may be vomiting, which indicates a serious illness. Frequent hiccough happens in a dream. On the previous page you can find out ways and folk remedies how to get rid quickly of hiccups at home to an adult person.

Causes and mechanism of hiccups in adults

Causes of episodic hiccoughs

  1. Stomach overflow.When overeating, the stomach increases in volume. It exerts pressure on the diaphragm above it, respectively, and on the vagus nerve. His overflow can be preceded by spasms sphincters. These are the circular muscles located at the entrance and at the exit from the stomach. When they are compressed, the food can not go farther - into the intestines, and the air can not come out in the form of an eructation. Then we feel the weight that precedes the hiccup.
  2. Hot and cold food, dry food, spicy food.Such food, passing through the esophagus, irritates its shell. Irritation is transmitted to the vagus nerve, through it - to the brain. Therefore, a sharp contraction of the diaphragm becomes a response to the stimulus.
  3. Alcohol. Especially strong alcoholic beverages when taking inside are burned by the pharynx mucosa and esophagus, then cause alcohol intoxication (poisoning) and disrupt the work of nerves: wandering and diaphragmatic. Therefore, hiccough often accompanies feasts.
  4. Intoxication with medicines.Here, hiccups in adults act as side effects of drugs. Violated the central nervous system. The appearance of hiccups often accompanies the reception of myelorelaxants, anesthetics and sulfonamide preparations.
  5. Stress, fright, hysterics load the central nervous system. The transmission of signals from the brain centers to the executive organ is disrupted. The center responsible for contracting the diaphragmatic muscle transmits uncontrolled stimuli to it.
  6. Subcooling.When it's cold, we are shivering. This convulsive muscle contraction is designed to help keep the heat, and the trembling of the diaphragm we feel in the form of hiccups.
  7. Laugh.When we laugh, a deep breath follows a series of jerky, sharp exhalations. The work of the respiratory center is disrupted, and the control of the diaphragmatic muscle receives the center of the hiccup.

Prolonged hiccough

Persistent, prolonged, incessant hiccough in adultsis caused by some diseases:

  1. Disorders of the nervous systemaccompanied by edema of the nervous tissue, some nerve cells die, the way of signal transmission from the brain to the diaphragm is disturbed. This causes her convulsive contraction. Diseases of other organs cause irritation not of the central part, but of the peripheral nerves: wandering and diaphragmatic nerves. When the focus of inflammation is located next to them, there is a malfunction in the nervous regulation of the diaphragmatic muscle. Here is a list of diseases that can be accompanied by hiccups: inflammation of the brain, its concussions and bruises, multiple sclerosis, stroke, neoplasm, intervertebral hernia, with pinching of nerve trunks.
  2. Diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, heartburn and esophagus enlargement, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: stenocardia, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm.
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system: acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, tumor diseases.
  5. Note: The hiccups caused by the diseases last more than two days and require compulsory medical attention. Remember that these diseases at the same time are never manifested by one hiccup. Diseases in passing cause a complex of symptoms and signs, so do not get upset prematurely. Consult a physician or neurologist for advice.

Hiccups treatment, how to stop it

Episodic hiccupsdo not need to heal. It passes itself in a few minutes, when switching attention to another. But when the hiccough strongly annoys to have to try the methods that open the reflex arc, to eliminate the nerve impulse. We answer the questions: how to remove the hiccup, what to do, how to fight and treat it. Techniques to remove hiccups a lot, choose for yourself the best and effective.

What not to do

Do not use "exotic" extreme methods to fight hiccups, which will stop the hiccups, but they will harm your health.

  1. Rectal massage.One American Francis Fesmayr, together with Israeli scientists, was awarded the Nobel Prize for this method in 2006. Having proved that the finger massage of the rectum heals hiccoughs. The method, in connection with its specificity, was not widely used.
  2. Frightened.The triggering of fright in a person can result in the development of neurological disorders. Especially when it's a sick heart.
  3. Spread the root of the tongue with mustard. So you can cause a spasm of the larynx. Getting into the esophagus, mustard, burns it and can strengthen hiccups.

What should I do, how to remove the hiccups?

Drinking water

There are some ways, recipes and folk remedies - options for drinking water, helping to cope with hiccoughs. Cool water acts on receptors in the pharynx, and distracts the vagus nerve from transmitting impulse-commands to the diaphragm. Dropping down the esophagus, the water relaxes and pushes the jammed food that irritates the diaphragm. Concentration of attention on the pharynx count, switches nervous excitement. So, people's ways to distract from hiccups:

  • Hold your breath and take 12 sips;
  • Drink water from the opposite side of the glass;
  • Pinch a pencil with your teeth, it should be placed horizontally between your teeth. Try to take a few sips.
  • Throw half a wooden toothpick into the glass. Drink water, making sure that the toothpick does not get into your mouth.
  • Drink water by leaning forward. You can drink from a tap or from a glass on the table. The hands must be locked behind the back in the lock. Raise them as high as possible.

Delayed breathing

When holding the breath, the blood is enriched with carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide signals the respiratory center in the brain to take control of the diaphragm control, which forces the muscle to work on the ventilation of the lungs and only. The technique helps to get rid of hiccups on the nerves and because of muscle spasm.

  • Slowly and deeply breathe in a paper bag. Do not use polyethylene in order not to suffocate.
  • Take a deep breath, then a few more, until you feel that the lungs are full. Then tilt your head down and hold your breath for half a minute. Further, gently exhale effortlessly. The method causes oxygen deficiency and relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm.
  • Reception Valsalva. Take a deep breath, hold your breath on inhalation and severely strain all muscles, strain. Hold on like this for 15 seconds.

Salt and sugar

The work of the vagus nerve is helped by the irritation of the taste receptors of the tongue, when the hiccups appeared from the irritation of the nerve when swallowing or cold. You can suck a teaspoon of sugar or a pinch of salt. Either lemon, honey, ascorbic acid tablet.

Physical exercises

To eliminate the neurogenic hiccups (associated with swallowing air), exercises of control of abdominal muscles and diaphragm in combination with uniform breathing are useful.

  • Stretch by standing on your toes, lifting your arms upwards to inhale. On exhalation - lean forward.
  • Sit on a chair, press against his back, take a deep breath. Then lean forward, wrapping your arms around like in an emergency landing of an airplane. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then make a gentle exhalation.
  • Do a stand on your hands or lie on your back, dangling your head from the bed, so it was below the diaphragm.

Vomiting reflex

Tap the root of the tongue with your fingers, but not until vomiting. This stimulates the gag reflex under the control of the vagus nerve. Vomiting is stronger than hiccups, the body successfully switches. This is a powerful method for a variety of reasons for hiccups.

Causing eructation

When the hiccups are caused by ingestion of air or by ingesting a soda, you need to empty the stomach from the air bubble. Therefore, several times swallow the air, a little leaning forward, strain the muscles of the abdominal press.

Water with mint drops

Tincture of peppermint well relaxes the esophageal sphincter. This makes it possible to release excess air from it. This method is suitable when hiccup after overeating, laughing or drinking carbonated drinks.

Effects on the reflex zones

Make your fingers pressing on the biologically active points and zones where the receptors of the nervous system are located. The breathing center will become excited and the control of the diaphragm will be put under control.

Such reflexotherapy very well will help with hiccups in adults of a neurogenic nature. Methods:

  • Sit down, close your eyes, lightly press on the eyeballs;
  • Actively massage the back of the hand from the wrist to the elbow;
  • Massage the upper sky with your finger or the tip of your tongue.
  • Pull down the lobes of your ears or attach something cold to them.

Treatment with medicines hiccups in adults

Treatment with medicines is advisable whenprolonged persistent hiccups, when: hiccough is regular; her attack lasts more than 48 hours; during hiccups there is a feeling of heartburn and pain behind the sternum; Hiccups are associated with various diseases.

Treatment Procedures

  1. Inhalations with carbonic acid(5-7% of carbon dioxide and 93-95% of oxygen). Carbon dioxide irritates the respiratory center. The procedure activates his work and causes the person to breathe deeply and fully. Here, the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles work smoothly and without unnecessary contractions.
  2. Intranasal catheter insertionto a depth of 10-12 cm. The catheter is a thin flexible tube. It is injected through the nose into the respiratory tract. It irritates the nerve endings of the vagus nerve. The procedure itself is not very pleasant. Manipulations of doctors make you forget about hiccups quickly and switch to your own feelings.
  3. Novocain blockade of the vagus nerve. 40-50 ml of 0.25% solution of novocaine is injected with a needle at the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Thus, the work of the wandering and diaphragmatic nerves is blocked. This method is used in extreme cases, when hiccough is associated with inflammatory processes in the chest.

Drug medication

Whenincreased excitability of the nervous system and stress, apply:antipsychotics (Chlorpromazine, Aminazine), which: calms the nervous system, reduces the rate of signal transmission from the brain centers to the organs and muscles. Make the vagus nerve less sensitive to irritation. Oppressive activity of reflexes, which includes hiccups. They are prescribed during an attack of hiccough, it is administered intravenously, 25-50 mg 4 times a day. For the prevention of recurrence, take inside at the same dosage. The drug is administered intramuscularly for 25-50 mg 3-4 times a day.

Whenirritation of the vagus nerve in diseases of the respiratory system, apply:muscle relaxants (Baclofen - Lioresal), which act on the centers in the spinal cord, prevents involuntary contraction of the muscles. It helps to relax the skeletal muscles, to which the diaphragm belongs. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. They are administered orally 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. It is advisable to eat after eating with 100 ml of liquid.

With hiccups associated withovereating and disturbance of digestive organs, apply:

  1. antiemetics (Tserukal - Metamol), which reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to irritants. Block the passage of the nerve impulse to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate the emptying of the stomach, prevents the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Have antiemetic effect. They are prescribed 1 tablet (10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before eating with enough water.
  2. gastrointestinal motility stimulants (Cisapride, Peristyle), accelerating the movement of food through the intestines, help the food to release faster, the stomach, relieve the feeling of overflow. Prevent heartburn and throw food from the stomach into the esophagus.Cisapridetake 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime. APeristyle5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. Efficacy increases if washed down with grapefruit juice.
  3. histamine receptor blockers (Omeprazole), which reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation in gastritis and refluxesophageitis (inflammation of the esophagus). It is prescribed 0.02 g once in the morning (before breakfast). The duration of treatment depends on the state of health.


What if the hiccup is very worried about you, do not self-medicate. After all, all medications are prescribed after examination in a specialist in order to avoid side effects.

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The article was prepared based on the materials of the second-category practitioner Isayeva A. D.