Cough inhalation for children

Use of a solution for a cough inhaler

Cough is a symptom of many diseases and often quite annoying people. A solution for a cough inhaler, when properly applied, is able to positively influence this specific phenomenon and alleviate human suffering. It is important to choose the right remedy taking into account the age of the patient and the type of disease.

The problem of coughing

A solution for a cough inhaler is available in various configurations and for all kinds of cases. It is possible to prepare a remedy according to one's own method and to carry out inhalation by a domestic method. But it's better to use proven drugs with effective influence, and at home have a standard nebulizer, capable of ensuring the procedure most comfortable.

Process Features

Inhalation is a method of administering a drug composition to a human body by inhaling steam or a gaseous preparation. This method of administering the drug for coughing allows you to accelerate the absorption of the formulation, provide targeted action on the inflamed organ with a local effect, which reduces the risk side effects.

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At home, a folk apparatus is frequently used, namely a kettle or a pot of boiling water evaporating medical steam. This method helps, but still carries the risk of inhaling superheated steam and is not always effective.

The Benefit of a Nebulizer for CoughingA modern inhaler (nebulizer) is a small device that provides an aerosol spray of a drug that, when inhaled, easily penetrates into any zones of the respiratory system.

The device sprays particles up to 10 microns in size, which ensures excellent penetration. At present, nebulizers of the following types are offered: compression, ultrasonic and electron-mesh devices.

When buying an inhaler, you should make sure that it is able to spray the desired product (for example, an ultrasonic device is not designed for inhalation of antibacterial agents and hormones).

The process of inhalation

The use of a nebulizer for inhalation with a cough (as well as the process of inhalation) should be carried out in compliance with certain recommendations. First of all, you need to follow these rules:

  1. Inhalation can not be performed under the following conditions: temperature above 3, º C, the presence of cardiac or respiratory failure, chronic bleeding from the nose.
  2. The procedure is carried out not less than an hour after physical work.
  3. Inhalation is carried out not less than 1 hour after ingestion or rinsing with an antiseptic.
  4. Smoking is allowed no later than 1 hour before inhalation.
  5. The order of application of different formulations: first - bronchodilator, after 20 minutes - mucolytic, after 30 minutes - antibiotic or anti-inflammatory solution, immunomodulator used after cure.
  6. When using a nebulizer, the following formulations can not be used: herbal infusions or decoctions, essential oils and oily formulations, Papaverine, Euphyllinum, Dimedrol, solutions without sterilization.

Preparing for the procedure

High temperature - a contraindication to the use of an inhalerFirst you need to check the device and connect it to the network, and then prepare the correct solution. The solution should be at room temperature.

If the composition was stored in the refrigerator, then it should be slightly heated. The drug is mixed in the proportions specified in the instructions. As a miscible liquid, physiological solution or sterile water for injection is used.

The prepared mixture is poured into the nebulizer tank at the level mark. A mask is put on the face, and a cotton towel is prepared.

Procedure Procedure

Inhalation is carried out in the following order:

  1. Sitting position is accepted.
  2. The entrance to the mask is applied to the nasolabial output of the device.
  3. The vapors of the solution are inhaled, while the breathing is slow, the breath is delayed by 2-3 seconds, the exhalation is smooth.
  4. The duration of the process is 10-15 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, the face is wiped with a towel, right after that you should not leave the room and talk.

Principle of use of drugs for coughing

The medicine for inhalation from cough is used after consultation with a doctor.

When prescribing the drug, symptoms, duration of cough, age of the patient, sensitivity of the organism to the drugs are taken into account. When preparing a solution for inhalation with a nebulizer, the following means should be prescribed:

The doctor's consultation
  1. Dry cough with airway obstruction (bronchodilator, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, cough suppressants).
  2. Wet cough (mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drug).
  3. Cough when infected with bacteria (antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug).
  4. Cough of an allergic nature (bronchodilator, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and hormonal agents).
  5. Restoration of immunity (immunomodulator).

As bronchodilators used for inhalation, the following drugs are recommended:

  1. Berodual.
  2. Berotek.
  3. Salgim.
  4. Atrovent.

For liquefaction and expectoration, the following solutions are recommended for solutions (mucolytics):

  1. Fluimucil (based on acetylcysteine) is diluted with saline in the proportion:.
  2. Abbroene diluted in the same way, the dose - 3 ml and 2 ml, respectively.
  3. Mukaltin is bred as follows: 1 tablet per 80 ml of saline.
  4. Sinupret is bred in the ratio: for children - for adults.
  5. Pertussin (4 ml with a solution ratio:).

For the control of inflammatory processes, the following anti-inflammatory drugs can be added to the inhalation solution:

  1. Rotokan based on calendula, chamomile and yarrow, diluted 1 ml in 40 ml of water.
  2. Propolis (a mixture of 1 ml per 20 ml of saline).
  3. Malawi is bred in the ratio: 0.
  4. Tonsilgon is bred in the following proportions:.
  5. Eucalyptus (a solution of 3 ml per 200 ml of water).
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Preparations with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the hormonal type (antihistamines and corticosteroids):

  1. A pulmicort on the basis of budesonide, is used in undiluted form.
  2. Kromogeksan based on cromoglycic acid.
  3. Dexamethasone.

For the elimination of bacteria and microbes the following drugs (antibiotics and antiseptics) are used:

  1. Furacil.
  2. Dioxydin is diluted in the following proportions:.
  3. Miramistin (antiseptic).
  4. Gentamicin is diluted in the ratio: 2.

As a local anesthetic with antitussive effect, it is recommended:

  1. Lidocaine (against dry cough, diluted in proportion:).
  2. Tussamag (divorced in the ratio:).
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As a means of anti-edema, it is proposed to use Naphthysine and Epinephrine. Effective immunomodulators - Interferon and Derinat.

Inhalation from dry cough

We are all used to the fact that with the arrival of colds we often get sick, but what is the most common cold symptom? This cough, which at the beginning of the disease is very dry, which gives a person discomfort. Than to treat this symptom? Recommended inhalation for dry cough with the use of various additives. The instructions below will help you select and properly perform the technique of this procedure.

Girl doing inhalation

What inhalations do with dry cough

The first signs of this symptom are discomfort and itching sensation in the larynx. A person feels the constant urge to cough. In addition, the confirmation of the approaching illness is general malaise, fever and headache. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, inhalation is used for coughing, which helps in an initial stage to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. Such procedures are of several types:

  1. Steam inhalations are treated with dry cough due to ingress of hot steam into the bronchi. Passing through the respiratory tract, it reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, improves blood circulation, promotes the formation and spitting of phlegm. This is a more usual way of inhalation, when you just need to cover yourself with a towel over a basin or a pot of boiled water. Additives can be herbal infusions or essential oils.
  2. Wet inhalations from dry cough are prescribed for severe diseases, such as bronchitis, laryngitis. These procedures are based on the spraying of aerosols, the particles of which fly at high speed in the respiratory tract, and then settle in the bronchi on the small alveoli. The composition of such drugs may include antibiotics, hormones, mucolytic or immunomodulating substances. Inhalers are pocket, compressor or ultrasonic.
  3. Teplyvazhnye inhalations are used for coughing more often than other types, because the medicine penetrates deeper into the mucous membranes of the lungs and bronchi. Special inhalers have been developed for the procedure, which have become popular in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. These devices are inhaled saline with a dry cough.
  4. Oil inhalations cover the bronchial mucosa with a thin protective film. Oils used for the procedure have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.
Runny nose in a girl

With what to do inhalations with a dry cough

Since the cough has a different origin, the preparations for inhalation also differ. These can be the following medicines:

  1. Expanding the trachea, larynx and bronchi, i.e. bronchodilators: Ventolin, Berotek, Atrovent, Berodual.
  2. Easier sputum discharge - mucolytics: Ambrobene, Acetylcysteine, Bronchipret, Lazolvan, Pertussin, Mukaltin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: Propolis, Budesonide, Kromogeksal, Rotokan, Calendula, Pulmicort.
  4. Against a cough: "Lidocaine "Tussamag".
  5. Antiseptics: Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt.
  6. Antibiotics: Isoniazid, Gentamicin.
  7. Stimulating immunity: "Interferon "Deoxyribonucleate sodium".
  8. Moisturizers of mucous: alkaline mineral water, physiological solution, baking soda solution.
Inhalation with calendula

Even a dry cough can have some specific symptomatic characteristics, so for treatment, choose one or another medication that is more suitable for a particular disease. There are several recommendations about this:

  1. Bronchodilators are used in both dry and wet cough to eliminate respiratory spasms and release the way for sputum discharge.
  2. As the resolution of the disease cough from the dry crosses into the wet, so the order of application of funds up to recovery such: humidifying or wetting, bronchodilators, mucolytic preparations, antiseptics and antibiotics.
  3. Use of herbal infusions is possible with any cough, but only with steam inhalations, because the nebulizer from them will spoil.
  4. Inhalations with essential oils are used only with a dry cough, provoked by laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, because the ethers envelop the mucous membrane with a thin film that relieves cough only time.
Anatomy of the human respiratory system

With saline solution

Saline is a mixture of water and table salt mixed in certain amounts. With proper inhalation, the damaged mucosa becomes a place for the settling of the drug particles, which facilitates the escape of sputum and improves overall well-being. Fizrazvor used for dilution when inhaled drugs or herbal decoctions, which can not be treated with boiling water, because of this their useful properties are reduced. The cost of the solution is low, but you can buy it in any pharmacy, but you can not cook it yourself either:

  1. Take 10 grams of the finest table salt.
  2. Dissolve it in 1 liter of boiled warm water, pre-filtering it.
  3. In view of the fact that the self-prepared solution is not sterile, its shelf life is only 24 hours.

For saline solution it is recommended to apply:

  1. Steam inhalers, but the medicine can reach only the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Nebulizer for inhalation of the lower part of the respiratory tract.
Inhalation by a nebulizer to a child

Procedures based on saline solution are used even for toddlers, but it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the medication:

  • Newborns and children under 3 years old - up to 30 ° C;
  • if a child from 3 to 4 years old does not exceed 40 ° C;
  • For children who crossed the threshold of 4 years - up to 52 ° C.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The solution heated to the required temperature must be poured into the nebulizer. Enough is 3-4 ml.
  2. Within 2-3 minutes, use inhalation for cough.
  3. Do not give food and liquid at least half an hour after the procedure.

With soda

Such a simple remedy, like soda, is in the kitchen of any landlady, but is used not only for cooking or cleaning mugs from plaque, but also for treating any form of cough: dry, wet or allergic. Procedures are carried out with an old, proven method using a kettle or a pot, but it is more convenient to use a nebulizer. Inhalation is carried out one and a half hours after eating:

  1. Mix, h. l. soda and 200 ml of slightly cooled after boiling water.
  2. Make a tube out of a thick cardboard, take it in your mouth.
  3. Cover yourself with a towel over the pan or use a kettle, then the tube is not needed.
  4. In order for the medicine to have an effective effect, make sure that the cervical department does not interfere with anything.
  5. After the end of inhalation, refrain from eating, drinking, talking for about an hour.
  6. Do not use boiling water to avoid burning the airways.
  7. At a temperature greater than 3 ° C, inhalation from a cough is contraindicated.
Inhalation with essential oils

With mineral water

It is better to use mineral oil for inhalations with a nebulizer. Water should not choose any, but one in which there are fewer minerals, for example:

  • alkaline water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki
  • water "Staraya Russa" with salt in the composition.

The main thing is to remove the gas bubbles, leaving the bottle open for the night or stirring with a spoon in a glass. If you use a special nebulizer, you just need to pour water into its container and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes. If the device is not available, use the following method:

  1. Pour the water into a saucepan, heat to about 50 ° C.
  2. Armed with a towel, cover it over a saucepan and inhale from a dry cough.
  3. Inhale steam for about 8 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to perform up to 3 times a day.
Inhalation by a nebulizer to an adult

With lazolvanom

The main component of lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride, which has several effects:

  • quickly clears the airways;
  • facilitates sputum discharge;
  • effectively removes mucus from the lungs and bronchi;
  • enhances the effect of antimicrobial drugs.

To perform inhalation with lasolvan, follow the following instructions:

  1. The drug in its composition contains a large amount of sodium, so you should have a normal reaction to this trace element.
  2. Lazolvan mixed in the proportion: with a physical solution or other neutral non-alkaline liquid.
  3. The temperature of heating the medicine should not exceed the body temperature.
  4. Observe the daily dose of the drug: for adults it is equal to 8 ml, and for children - 4 ml.
  5. In a day, you need to hold up to 2 procedures, using 2 ml per each.
  6. After 5 days, go to the doctor if there is no positive dynamics.
The girl uses an inhaler

With berodual

It is a preparation of bronchodilator action. Indications for use are bronchial asthma, suffocating cough with bronchitis. The drug helps to secrete fluid from the bronchi, expanding them. The man is more easily relieved by the accumulated mucus. The product is available in the form of a solution or spray. For inhalations, it is necessary to dilute the ferocoal with a physical solution. The final amount of the drug for inhalation should be 4 ml. Proportions are determined by a specialist depending on the weight, age and severity of the cough. Spray is injected 3 times twice a day, this requires:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the packaging, put the mouthpiece in the mouth.
  2. Exhale and press the bottom of the can, inhaling the drug.
  3. Hold your breath a little, take out the mouthpiece, and exhale.

Rules of the procedure at home

There are several general rules for inhalation over steam:

  1. The procedure should be carried out in a quiet environment.
  2. Breathing in and out should be done slowly. If there is dizziness, you need to suspend the procedure for a while.
  3. The length of the carton or cone should not be less than 30 cm, so that the mucosa of the respiratory tract is not affected.
  4. Clothing is better to choose free, so that the chest is not in tight conditions.

When using a nebulizer, observe the following instructions:

  1. Rinse your hands and assemble the unit.
  2. Pour the medium heated to the specified temperature into the container of the device.
  3. Close the lid firmly.
  4. Install a face mask or mouthpiece.
  5. Connect the compressor to the device.
  6. Having switched on the compressor, start to breathe a medicine.
  7. When the procedure is complete, turn off the compressor, disconnect it from the nebulizer.
  8. Rinse all elements with a 15% solution of soda.
  9. Boil the appliance parts, dry them, wrap them with a clean storage napkin.
Inhalation from dry cough

For children

The rules for performing inhalation with a dry cough in a child look like this:

  1. Between the procedure and food intake it is necessary to sustain a break of at least half an hour for children up to six months and 1 hour for children no older than 6 years.
  2. After inhalation, do not give the child food and drinks for about an hour.
  3. The time of inhalation of vapors for children should not exceed 3 minutes.
  4. The adult must always be near the child in order to protect him from burns.
  5. If the inhalation of the drug in the child has an incessant cough, the procedure must be completed.
  6. Do not perform the procedure at elevated to 3 ° C temperature.
  7. After inhalation, hold the child in a semi-reclining state on the knees or on a high cushion.
The doctor does inhalation from a dry cough to a child

For adults

Inhalation for adults also has a few simple rules. In addition to the contraindications at elevated temperature, care should be taken to ensure that the water is not hot, and the time of inhalation of the vapor does not exceed 10 minutes. Lean too low over the pan when steam inhalation is also not worth it. After the procedure, limit conversations, eating and necessarily change into dry clothes. Prepare the medicine immediately before the session and use only once.


Even such an inoffensive method of treating dry cough has its contraindications:

  • temperature 3, ° С;
  • tendency to bleeding from the nose;
  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to the drugs used;
  • individual reaction to medicines;
  • severe stage of lung or heart failure;
  • purulent sore throat;
  • pneumothorax;
  • a pronounced clinical picture of arrhythmia.

Video: how to properly do inhalations with a nebulizer

Indispensable tool for inhalation in every home was a nebulizer - inhaler for cough and cold, for a short time eliminating the problems of the respiratory tract. For therapeutic procedures, medicinal solutions are used, for which the creation of fine particles is not characteristic. Inhalations of a nebulizer with a dry cough are performed with the use of antibiotics, herbal infusions, mucolytics or hormone-containing drugs, but how to properly use this device, you can learn from a useful video. below.

Tip 1: Than breathing through a nebulizer with a dry cough?

What to breathe through a nebulizer with a dry cough?

Dry cough is characterized by the absence of excreted sputum, which makes it very unproductive and debilitating, as the fluid from the lungs does not expectorate. This kind of cough is accompanied by pain and a sore throat, while it does not help to clear the airways, therefore, it must be disposed of as quickly as possible.

One of the most effective ways to treat dry cough is inhalation. This method is called "first aid" for the body, since it helps very quickly and has a minimum of contraindications. Inhalation is best done with a special inhaler or nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device for inhalation, specially spraying a drug solution in finely divided particles.

Under the action of such a device, the atomized particles fall directly onto the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, instantly penetrating into the deep layers of the nasopharynx, which provides rapid relief of the condition patient.

The nebulizer is the only device that can be used to treat a person with a high fever, as well as small children from birth. It does not contribute to an additional increase in body temperature and limits the area of ​​spraying only to the upper respiratory tract, which makes it safe even for toddlers.

Causes of dry cough may include diseases such as tracheitis, which inflames the pulmonary department trachea, laryngitis, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and many others.

Depending on the cause of the dry cough, various solutions can be used to relieve the patient's condition.

Special medicinal solutions

At the pharmacy you can find a large number of various medicinal solutions from dry cough. The most effective of them are bronchodilators, such as salgim, berotek, berodual, or mucolytics, for example, lazolvanum, ambrohexal, flumucil. However, these drugs can only be used after consultation with the attending physician, without self-medication and not guided by the advice of friends. Before using the drug solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the indicated dosage exactly.

Folk methods of treatment of dry cough

It is very effective with a dry cough to breathe through the nebulizer with simple mineral water. It allows the phlegm to become more fluid, which facilitates the onset of expectoration and the removal of the resulting mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

In addition, in the treatment of dry cough helps the use of decoction of plantain, St. John's wort, lime-colored, chamomile or sage. To prepare a decoction of herbs, it is enough to pour dry herbs with boiling water, leave to stand for several minutes and carefully strain.

Inhaler for children from cough and cold

Effective and safe way to cope with the symptoms of colds, flu and ARVI - nebulizer therapy. So called treatment with the help of special devices, inhalers and nebulizers. The inhaler for children from cough and cold makes the medicine immediately to the focus of inflammation. Inhalations are indicated for bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and other problems associated with respiratory health.

Types of inhalers for children

Physicians distinguish three main types of devices: steam, ultrasonic and compressor. All of them operate according to the same principle: they convert the drug into steam or aerosol for deep penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract. Using inhalers for children from cough and cold helps to carry out procedures with a minimum amount of medication. Before deciding which inhaler is best, you need to find out how they differ.


Steam inhaler for children «Cow»

A steam inhaler is suitable for treating the upper respiratory tract. It is an improved modification of the famous folk method "breathe over the potatoes." The device is based on the inhalation of hot steam. He works with volatile substances, in which the threshold of boiling is less than 100 degrees - these are essential oils and herbal decoctions. The solution heats up to 45 degrees, is transformed into steam and is fed through a mask into the nose and mouth.

Disadvantages of a steam inhaler in the treatment of children:

  • It is difficult for a child to inhale a hot stream of air.
  • During heating, part of the active nutrients is destroyed.
  • The concentration of the drug in the inhaled cloud is lower than necessary for treatment.
  • The list of solutions that are allowed to fill the device is small.

Steam inhaler - the cheapest, the cost of simple devices - from 10 dollars, the average price range: 35-40 dollars. Famous steam inhalers for children: "Cow" (the name was translated as "Burenka"), "Puppy" ("Dog"), "Camomile". In the pharmacy can offer a device called "Chudopar it is not childish, but it is used for all family members, including children.


Compressor inhaler for cough

The device of this type creates a powerful airflow and feeds it through a small hole in the drug solution chamber. An aerosol cloud is formed, which through the mask is inhaled to the patient. The advantage of this device is that it can spray almost all types of drugs prescribed for inhalation. Minus - the device is very noisy and some kids perceive it with caution, with difficulty get used to it. The device has an electric compressor and a nebulizer, spraying liquid.

To reduce the anxiety of children when meeting with the device, manufacturers make compressor-type inhalers attractive. A merry locomotive or a baby whale is taken for a toy. Among such devices, Omron inhalers are distinguished. They are qualitative, they often use the epithet "best inhalers". The cost of compact Omron inhalers starts at $ 60. The famous compressor inhaler is the "Delphin" (Delphinus). It makes it possible to adjust the particle size of the aerosol. There is such an instrument from 80 dollars.


Ultrasonic inhaler from the common cold

Ultrasonic inhalers are similar to the compressor way of delivering aerosol to the respiratory tract, but compared to them, they are almost noiseless. With the help of ultrasonic vibrations, the device sprays the drug onto the smallest particles, up to 5 microns. Ultrasonic inhalers for children from cough and cold are an effective method of treatment. The child can breathe both the mouth and nose. When choosing an ultrasonic inhaler, attention should be paid to a characteristic such as the dispersion, i.e., the particle size of the sprayed drug.

Penetrate into the bronchi can particles of matter with a diameter of only 5-10 microns. And if the instruction says that the device generates larger particles, it is better to abandon the purchase. The device, in which the characteristic of a large dispersion of aerosol particles, may be of poor quality, especially inexpensive. The cost of an ultrasonic inhaler starts at $ 45. Famous manufacturers: Omron, AND, Beurer. How to choose an inhaler, tell the pharmacist in the pharmacy.

Which is better: an inhaler or a nebulizer

Any device for inhalation is sometimes called a nebulizer, then an inhaler. The word nebulizer comes from "nebula which in translation means "cloud, fog". This name means that the liquid medicine is transferred to an aerosol cloud. And "Inhalo" in Latin is "I breathe in". Nebulizers are a narrower version of inhalers. Steam does not belong to them, because it does not allow changing the particle size. The best nebulizers allow you to change the mode of aerosol delivery.

What to choose for a child from coughing

Children's nebulizer for coughing

When you cough, you can use both a steam inhaler and a nebulizer. A steam inhaler will help when the child has a dry cough, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Steam inhalations, done correctly, contribute to liquefaction and easier sputum discharge. This method is not suitable for young children. An ultrasonic or compressor nebulizer is safe to use, even if the baby is nursing. They are irreplaceable in the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, and if the child is suffering from a wet cough.

How to use an inhaler at home

The use of the device involves the implementation of several rules. Carry out the procedure in an hour and a half after eating. Repeat two to three times a day. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the nose well to release the airways, and to facilitate access to the aerosol to the destination. Do not use the inhaler if there are contraindications:

  • elevated temperature, more than 3, degrees;
  • from the nose there is blood, and there is a tendency to bleeding in general;
  • The allergy to a medicine for inhalations on which the prescription is written out is found out;
  • there are serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What medicine should I take

Medication for the inhaler

The medicinal preparation to be used is prescribed by a doctor. The usual dosage for children is 2 ml of the solution. In addition to medicines, children need saline for inhalations. They plant a remedy in the ratio:. With a dry, barking cough, it is necessary to use ambroben, lazolvan and ambrohexal, the active substance in them is ambroxol. Berodual is used to expand the bronchi. Its dosage determines the age of the child, the year-old is supposed to mix 6 drops of the drug with 2 ml of saline. Children from three years to fill 8 drops.

With laryngitis, stenosis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and false croup helps naftizine. Procedures with it are also carried out on saline, in the ratio:. A proven agent for alleviating the course of colds is inhalation with a mineral water for children. The gas from it must be released. The recommended mineral water is Borjomi. Pour 3-5 ml of liquid into the nebulizer for children.

Broth chamomile

For steam inhalations often used chamomile, herbal decoction. It helps with a cold, such procedures are useful for tonsillitis, influenza, tracheitis and bronchitis. Other herbs that help in the treatment of colds include thyme, coltsfoot and sage. Effective steam inhalations with essential oils of menthol, eucalyptus, geranium and juniper. 3-5 drops of oil are placed in saline solution. To small children such inhalations are forbidden. In an ultrasonic nebulizer, you can not pour oil.

How much to breathe

Inhalation during coughing in children can last 1-3 minutes. If a steam inhaler is used, it is important to ensure that the steam does not come in contact with the skin of the face. Breathing with steam inhalation should be carefully, a sharp breath can lead to a burn of the respiratory tract, so pediatricians prohibit such a procedure for babies. After inhaling the drug cloud, it is recommended to hold your breath for one or two seconds, to ease the cough, then exhale.

Video about children's inhalers

Before buying and using the inhaler, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which offers visual answers to most of the parental questions. You will see how the noisy compressor inhalers perceive very young children, how comfortable they feel in the mask. Hear the useful advice of a well-known pediatrician - Dr. Komarovsky on what to do with inhalations, learn how to help a child stop being afraid of a nebulizer.

Nebulizers for children

With what to do inhalations

If the child is afraid of the procedure

Reviews about inhalers

Larisa, 32 years old: I am a mother of two children, a younger (3 years) often has a cough, colds are constantly turning into bronchitis. Bought a compressor nebulizer "Steam Engine I thought that I would have to keep the baby, but he happily transfers the procedures, and does not even want to finish. The effect is visible after one day of inhalation, we spend two: in the morning and one hour after lunch.

Svetlana, 25 years old: Daughter went to the kindergarten this autumn and became more often sick with ARVI. On the advice of a friend bought a nebulizer, I spend the procedure with mineral water "Borjomi helps quickly, we are much less likely to sit on a sick leave. We bought an ultrasonic nebulizer Omron in the pharmacy. Doing inhalations with the whole family is very convenient. The kit of the nebulizer includes masks for adults and for children.

How to choose an inhaler for children from cough and cold?

The inhaler for children from cough and cold helps the child's immune system to cope faster with the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. Inhalation is useful for such diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.
Choosing an inhaler for children

The procedure eliminates the common cold, makes the cough more productive, improves local immunity. As solutions for inhalation, various antiseptic and antibacterial agents are used that increase the local defenses of the body. Traditional medicine, which is so loved in Russian families, uses steam from cooked potatoes for inhalation. The use of this method is very limited. Hot steam penetrates only into the oropharynx, but does not enter the lungs, bronchi and trachea, otherwise the child would get a mucous burn. For the high-quality delivery of medicines in the foci of infection, modern inhalers have been developed.

Types of inhalers

The principal difference between all the inhalers presented on the market is the way the airway is treated. Inhalers are:

  • steam: the drug solution heats up and turns into steam, it is no different from your favorite pot with potato steam;
  • Compression: the solution is sprayed under the action of an air jet;
  • ultrasonic: a fine suspension is formed when ultrasound passes through a liquid;
  • aerosol are available in the form of a can of pressurized pressure, when pressed, an air jet with fine dispersion of the drug is formed;
  • powder: according to this principle, pocket inhalers for asthmatics are arranged. To get the medicine into the respiratory tract, take a deep breath.

All these types of inhalers have a strictly fixed dispersion, that is, the size of the sputtered particles is specified in the manufacture of the device.

There are inhalers in which the particle size can be varied in order to allow easy penetration of the drug through the mucosa of the airways. Acquire such an instrument makes sense only if serious and life-threatening diseases, which do not include colds. Hospitals are equipped with adjustable inhalers, so that more people with a wide range of diseases can be treated. All steam inhalers provide a large dispersion, i.e. the particle size of the drug is quite significant. That is why sometimes they are used without special solutions or spray soft antiseptic agents, for example, a solution of chamomile or mineral water. The magnitude of the dispersion is related to the penetration of drugs into the respiratory tract as follows:

Inhibition of the inhaler for angina
  • particles of 1-2 microns pass no further than the alveoli;
  • particles of 2-3 microns only to bronchioles;
  • particles 3-5 microns reach the trachea and bronchi;
  • particles of 5-8 mcd settle in the nasal and oral cavity, in the pharynx;
  • particles larger than 10 microns do not penetrate beyond the oral cavity.

Another name for inhalers is nebulizers. The most modern mesh-nebulizers have a lot of attachments, the size of the particles depends on the mesh. For treatment of catarrhal diseases, a size of 5-8 mcg or larger is sufficient. Too small a dispersion does not exert sufficient influence on the foci of inflammation in the respiratory tract, it is used for allergic reactions, for example, in bronchial asthma. The positive effect of the inhaler without a drug in the child's cold:

  • heating promotes the expansion of blood vessels, the influx of blood increases local immunity;
  • due to heat, a short-term increase in mucus discharge from the nose is stimulated, which has an antibacterial effect and destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • regular inhalations in rhinitis and sinusitis reduce the risk of complications, reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The use of an inhaler without a drug solution has limited effectiveness. Help in selecting the best solution for each specific case will have a pediatrician or a children's otolaryngologist.

Inhalation during coughing in a child

Solution for inhalation - mineral waterThere are such positive things:
  • a fine dispersion of water vapor or a solution of the drug contributes to liquefaction and softening of the sputum;
  • expectoration of sputum is facilitated;
  • with a dry cough, wetting the nasopharynx with steam stimulates the release of mucus, which protects the body from further spread of the infection into the lungs;
  • inhalation turns an unproductive cough into productive, thus, dead pathogenic organisms and dead leukocytes are removed from the respiratory tract during expectoration.

To enhance the positive effects of inhalation, you need to use either breastfeeding, or another specialized solution for diluting sputum.

Of all the inhalers, the noisiest are the compression ones, which children may be frightened of. All other inhalers work silently. In pharmacies are sold baby nozzles on the inhaler in the form of ducks, pandas, elephants and other gay animals.

Important information

Often parents do not pay enough attention to precautions when using an inhaler, resulting in the ambulance hospitalizes children with burns of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions and even swift edema. throat. Before using any inhaler, you need to read the instructions, and when using all solutions for inhalation - read the correct dosage and contraindications. Do not use inhalation:

Inhibition of the inhaler at high temperature
  • with angina caused by streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and other bacterial pathogens;
  • for any otitis;
  • children under 1 year;
  • children under 6 years can only be prescribed by a doctor, without the advice of a specialist - it is impossible;
  • if there is even a slight increase in body temperature;
  • when blood or rusty mucus appears in the sputum.

Before applying inhalation, it is necessary to establish the type of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease in the child. For this, the pediatrician prescribes special tests. If a doctor prescribes a medicine without a bacteriological test, one should question his competence.

Bacteria reproduce very well in a humid environment, for them any steam and moisture will be just a gift. As a result, the child's condition will deteriorate very quickly, in severe cases, the inflammation will move down the respiratory tract and affect the lungs and pleura. When otitis manifested swelling of the mucosa of the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear and the oropharynx.

The use of steam shortens the mucus secretion, as a result, the otitis is aggravated, and the child feels worse. For children, it is best to choose ultrasound, compression or mesh-nebulizers, because they do not heat the steam.

Solutions for inhalation

Consult a physician before using the inhalerThe most important thing in the inhalation procedure is the right medicine, because it depends on what particles get into the child's respiratory tract, and the success of the treatment depends.

Before using for infusions infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, you need to make sure that the child does not have allergies on them. The most popular solutions for inhalations from cough and cold:

  • mineral water of the brand "Narzan" or "Borjomi" for moistening the mucous membrane of the oropharynx;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Liquefying phlegm and improving expectoration of drugs;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory drugs include such phytopreparations as tincture of propolis, calendula and eucalyptus, essential oils, Rotokan.

Some children show sensitivity to plant components, so you should carefully monitor allergic manifestations. To facilitate expectoration, "Ambrobene "Sinupret mucaltin and pertussin are used.

Before using drugs to treat a particular disease, you need to consult your doctor. The use of antibiotics is justified only in consultation with the pediatrician. Widely used inhalation for cough with mild antiseptic solutions of furacilin or miramistin. These remedies are safe and provide significant assistance to the local defenses of the body.


Steam inhalers increase the temperature of the solution to 3 ° C, which is why they can not be used for infants and young children of preschool age. When heated, the chemical bonds are destroyed in some medicines, for example, in hormonal and expectorant preparations. This method of administration destroys all the benefits of the drug.

The value of inhalation for recovery

Inhalations are not universal treatment for any catarrhal disease, it is an auxiliary method whose main task is to alleviate the symptoms. Difficult breathing and sore throat have a negative effect on the condition of the child, and inhalations will help to cope with these manifestations of the common cold. However, in order for the treatment to be as effective and fast as possible, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis and to prescribe the main drugs, depending on which pathogens caused disease.


To avoid complications, you should consult a pediatrician and receive a comprehensive treatment. Responsible attitude towards recovery will help the child to recover quickly and without loss.

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