Diseases in the Sunnah: treatment of diseases according to the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

The theme of our meeting today, dear reader, is "What is the disease and its healing on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad."We will consider the interpretation of the concepts we need, which dua( sayings, spells) were used to treat diseases in Muslim traditions, the methods and means offered by the Sacred Tradition of Muslims to alleviate headaches, heart diseases, skin diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the female andmale sexual sphere.

In advance, I want to warn you, coordinate the following treatment methods with your doctor in charge, because to take into account individual characteristics and health status is necessary for successful cure and in order to avoid causing harm to your body in the future.


What is DISEASE, Sunna, Koran and who?such a MUHAMMAD?

Disease is a condition of disturbance of normal vital activity of an organism, duration of its life and frustration of ability to support a homeostasis.

Sunnah in Arabic means "custom, example".This is a Muslim sacred tradition that sets forth the examples of the life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a model and guide for the entire Muslim community( ummah) and every Muslim.

The Quran is a sacred book of Muslims. In itself, the word "Qur'an" comes from Arabic "reading aloud", "edification."It was transmitted by revelation to the prophet Muhammad. And now imagine that in the Islamic countries the Quran, together with the Sunnah - the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad transmitted in the hadith - is the basis of religious, civil and criminal legislation.

Who is MUHAMMAD ?Most often in our European literature he is called Mohammed. The Russian language also uses the transmission of Mohammed( Magomed, Mohammed or Muhammad).But when I read the sites dedicated to Muslim traditions, I met the name Muhammad more.

Prophet Muhammad is an Arab religious and political figure, preacher of monotheism and the central figure of Islam. According to the Islamic doctrine, he is the last prophet and messenger of Allah, who also received the holy scripture - the Koran. Muhammad is the founder and head of the Muslim community( ummah), who during his reign was a strong and large state on the Arabian Peninsula.

Healing all the ailments in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims believe that the Koran contains recipes for the healing of all diseases, disorders and disorders of the human body.

Islam offers an integrated approach to health. Just as religion is part of everyday life, physical health is inseparable from the emotional and spiritual. These are three parts of one whole, three components of a healthy person.

If a person is physically ill, it can be difficult to concentrate on anything other than his pain. And if a person is ill emotionally, he may not be able to properly take care of himself or be lost and divorced from reality.

One of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad says that a strong believer is more loved by Allah than a believer is weak. The word "strong" here can refer to the power of faith or the strength of character, but it can also mean health. Our bodies are an amanate, and we will account for them on the Day of Judgment. And although the importance of physical and mental health of a person can not be overestimated, spiritual health should be the most important for us in this life. If the soul of a person is sick, problems in all spheres of life will not be long in coming.

Problems and illnesses can arise for various reasons, but it is important to understand that everything that happens to us happens by the will of Allah Almighty.

The Qur'an states:

"He( the Most High Allah) has the keys to the hidden, and He only knows about them. He knows what is on land and at sea. Even a leaf falls only with His knowledge. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, whatever it is in clear Scripture. "

This life is just a transitional place, decorated for us with the things we crave: spouses, children, prosperity and luxury. But all these are temporary pleasures and temporary pleasures in comparison with the beauties and charms of Paradise.

To save a place for us in paradise, the Almighty sends us obstacles and tests. So He checks whether we will be patient and grateful. But He also shows us ways and ways to overcome these obstacles. Allah is merciful and just, and we can be sure that all the trials He has prepared for us to help us get into the abode of eternal bliss. Diseases and accidents are tests that we must meet with endurance, patience and, most importantly, with appreciation.

Take the test - does not mean you have to sit with your hands folded. Of course, we must try to overcome this obstacle and learn from it a lesson. To accept the test means to meet him, armed with patience and other weapons from the arsenal given to us by the Almighty. The strongest of this arsenal is the Holy Book of Allah - a guidance filled with mercy and healing. The Qur'an is not a medical reference book, but it contains instructions on how to receive healing and gain good health.

Prophet Muhammad through the Holy Quran tells us:

  • "O people! To you from your Lord was exhortation, healing for what is in your chest, faithful guidance and mercy for the believers. "(Quran 10:57)

  • "We send down in the Qur'an what is healing and mercy for believers. ..".

Without a doubt, the words and verses of the Holy Quran contain healing from human ailments and sorrows. The Prophet Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that certain ayahs and suras of the Holy Qur'an are capable of curing illness and spiritual suffering. Gradually, we began to rely more on the achievements of modern medicine than on the ways of healing prescribed by Islam. But if our faith is strong and unshakable, the therapeutic effect of spiritual "medicine" will be quickly attainable and effective.

From the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the story of the man whom the Prophet sent with a mission is known. He broke camp near the settlement of people who had not given him any hospitality. However, when their leader was bitten by a snake, these people came to the companion of the Prophet( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for help. He read the first Surah of the Qur'an over the victim, and he rose "as if throwing off his chains."

It is important to seek healing in the Quran in the same way that the Prophet Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did, but it must also be understood that it is permissible( and in some cases necessary) to seek help from doctors. Our bodies are given to us only for temporary use, and we are obliged to treat them with respect and to look after them properly. In accordance with the comprehensive approach to health, there is no contradiction in Islam in resorting to help, both medicine and permitted spiritual practices.

The Prophet( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"There is no such disease for which Allah would not have created medicine."

He also said:

"For every disease there is a cure, and when this medicine cures the disease, it happens with the permission of Almighty Allah."

The Koran is a medicine for the body and soul. When life seems too heavy for us, or when we are knocked out of the rut by sickness and sorrows, the Qur'an illuminates our path and makes our burden easier. It is a source of comfort and deliverance. Today, many live in prosperity and luxury, but few feel satisfaction.

We have access to traditional medicine, to the latest medical novelties and alternative methods of treatment, but suffer from emotional dissatisfaction and despair. We lack spirituality and faith in God.

Over the past few decades, many have believed that religious beliefs and practices have a strong influence, both on physical and mental health. Scientific research has shown that religious beliefs help people in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders, illnesses, wounds and accelerate recovery. Faith in God and obedience to His will are the most important components of health care. And although reading the Holy Quran heals both hearts and souls and bodily ailments, it does not cancel the healing effect from the achievements of medical science used by permissible methods. In fact, Almighty Allah is almighty, and we must rely on Him, read His guidance - the Koran, follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and seek healing wherever it may be.

What and how the Prophet Muhammad

was treated. For any disease, we usually go to the pharmacy and buy medicine. But they do not always help. In addition, for Muslims it is important that the drugs do not contain the substances prohibited by the Shari'ah. That is why it is recommended that believers resort to the so-called "medicine of the Prophet", that is, to rely on the healing methods practiced by the Mercy of the Worlds Muhammad.

In the famous hadith, which is simultaneously led by Bukhari and Muslim, it is said:

"There is no disease that is not healed."

Consider some types of ailments and ways to get rid of them, described in the Noble Sunnah.


Migraines and other painful sensations in the head are among the most common among people. They arise for various reasons. Since ancient times, Muslims have used several ways to heal from such ailments.

Application of mehendi ( henna ).Known to many henna girls is not only a means of beauty, but also a good medicine. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad in such situations put a mehendi on his head and said:

"Henna, by the will of Allah, heals a headache."

Then he wrapped his forehead and the back of his head with a pressure bandage( Ibn Majah).

Black cumin .The Messenger of the Almighty advised:

"Eat black cumin, he gives healing from all diseases, except death"( the hadith is led by al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ahmad).

  1. Recipe 1 .Take three times a day for half a spoonful of black cumin oil.
  2. Recipe 2 .Shred the seeds of caraway seeds and stir them with pink vinegar. The resulting mixture is ground in the temples and forehead.

Treatment with dua .In the case of pain, you can also resort to pleas. The Prophet admonished: "If you feel pain, put your hand on this place and say:

" Bismili-alysa bi gyizzat ilayahi aa kudraatihi mish-sharima ajidu min wajagi hazaa "(Tirmidhi)

The translation of this dictum is:

" In the nameThe Most High. I resort to the protection of the Lord of the worlds from the grievous disease and its threat, hoping for His strength and power. "

Diseases of the stomach and abdomen

Quite often people feel pain in the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of their occurrence is malnutrition, as well as a violation of the digestive process. Sunna in this regard advises treatment with the following natural products:

Honey .One day a believer came to the Prophet Muhammad. He told us that his brother experiences unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. To which the Messenger of Allah said to him:

"Let him drink honey"( Bukhari).

Black cumin .In the case of ulcers, you can resort to the following recipe: 10 drops of caraway oil mixed with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture take a spoonful daily on an empty stomach.

With diarrhea ( diarrhea ): in 200 ml of good quality yogurt add a teaspoon of cumin oil. Take the mixture twice a day.

Dates of the .After poisoning, the indispensable means of healing, according to the hadeeth, are dates. The seal of all the prophets called this dried fruit a medicine from food intoxication of the body( based on a collection of his utterances transmitted by al-Tirmidhi).

Pomegranate fruits .For the prevention of stomach diseases and its purification, you can eat the flesh of the pomegranate, as evidenced by the riyavat, brought by Imam Ahmad.

Heart Diseases

The heart is the most important organ of a person, responsible for the flow of blood into all other human organs. Therefore, people need to monitor his condition. In the case of pain, you should not hesitate to identify the cause and the subsequent treatment.

Black cumin .A few drops of cumin oil is added to a glass of hot milk. In the resulting mixture, put a teaspoon of honey. Drink this drug should be hot several times a day.

Infusion of dates .The hadeeth, which is quoted in the collection of Abu Dawud, tells us that one day a man approached the Messenger of the Most High, who felt pain in his heart. The Prophet advised him to "take seven dates, make an infusion and drink it."

Quince .As a prevention of cardiovascular disease, it is desirable to regularly include in your diet quince. In the biography of the Mercy of the worlds of Muhammad, one can find such a statement:

"It( quince) normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens breathing, and also relieves gravity in the chest region"( Nasai).

Cold and flu

In winter, most often the human body is affected by colds and infections. Therefore, in the cold season it is necessary to carefully monitor your health and help your immune system.

Treatment of with black cumin .

  1. Recipe 1. Mix the oils of black cumin and olives. The resulting mixture to grind the thorax.
  2. Recipe 2. One glass of cumin oil to dilute in a liter of hot water. The resulting mixture should be inhaled.
  3. Recipe 3. In case of a runny nose, moisten a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad in the oil of black cumin and insert into the nose for 15-20 minutes.

Honey with milk .This popular remedy for cold is known to many: add a spoonful of honey in a glass of hot milk( some like to additionally put a piece of butter).Drink hot before going to bed and wrap yourself well.

Bleeding ( hijam ).Among the universal medical procedures found in the Pure Sunnah, one can also call hijam. The Prophet Muhammad said:

"The best means of treatment is bloodletting"( Bukhari and Muslim).

It should be remembered that it is more effective to do hijam on an empty stomach. In the case of the spread of influenza and cold infections, bleeding reduces the risk of infection and the development of viruses in the body.

Angina and cough

Black cumin .

  1. Recipe 1. Half a spoonful of cumin oil mixed with 100 ml of lemon juice. You can add honey to taste. The resulting mixture should be drunk 15 minutes before meals twice a day.
  2. Recipe 2. Add 100 ml of cumin oil to hot water( 500 ml).Inhale the resulting mixture.
  3. Recipe 3. Wash the black cumin with the oil of the chest and upper back area. Honey. As we described in the previous section of the article, you should add a spoonful of honey in a glass of hot milk. Drink hot.

Treatment with dua .In the hadeeth quoted by Bukhari and Muslim, it is described that the Messenger of the Most High placed his right hand on the sore spot and said:

"Allahumamm, rabbi an-nas! Izhab albas, uashfi anto ash-shafi, la shifa illa shifauka, shifaan la yugadiru sakaman. "

The sacred meaning of this phrase:

"Oh, Lord! Creator of people! Take the ailment and heal, for you are the Healing. There is no healing except by Your will, a healing that does not miss the disease. "

Muslims can use this text of prayer in the treatment of other diseases .

Diseases of the skin

Skin problems were common in the Middle Ages. However, the development of medicine and technology, the improvement of cultural and living conditions did not finally eradicate this type of disease. The causes of such diseases can be different - from an unfair attitude towards hygiene to the internal problems of the body.

Black cumin .Recipe: half a teaspoon of cumin oil to take inside twice a day.

Olive oil .Recipe: a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with half a teaspoon of cumin oil. The mixture is rubbed into the damaged skin.

Diseases of female and male genitals

In addition to strong pain, infection of the reproductive system can lead to infertility. In such situations, do not despair - refer to the practice of Muslim healers and do not lose hope for the mercy of the Almighty.

Treatment with dua .In the presence of diseases of the genitals or the identification of infertility, the believer should recite the following prayer from the Koran:

"Rabbi, hubli mil-ladunka zurriyatan tayibe, innaka samogud-dua".


"Lord! Give me a beautiful offspring of Yourself, for You listen to supplication. "

Black cumin .

  1. Recipe 1. Slightly heat the oil of black cumin and rub it in the area of ​​the scrotum and lower back.
  2. Recipe 2. Add a teaspoon of cumin oil to a glass of pumpkin juice. Drink several times a day.
  3. Recipe 3. Take a bath: 200 liters of water will require 60-70 drops of cumin oil. The water temperature should be within 38-40 degrees. These procedures should be done twice a week.

Any disease that comprehends a person should be taken as a test of the Almighty. If a believer dies with dignity and patience, he will, by the will of Allah, receive a reward from His Lord. Prophet Muhammad instructed:

"If a Muslim catches a disease, fatigue, grief, sadness, grief or even the slightest pang, the Almighty will certainly forgive his sins"( Bukhari, Mulsim).

In this case, it means that every trouble contributes to the forgiveness of his sins. Therefore, through healing, a person gets rid of not only the disease, but also the consequences of bad deeds.

The trials that comprehend the believer must be perceived not as punishment, but as the mercy of Allah. In one of the hadiths it is said:

"He who desires the good, the Lord desires to be tested"( Bukhari, Ahmad).

Another confirmation of this is the words of Aisha bint Abu Bakr:

"I have never seen anyone suffer such pain from illness as the Messenger of Allah, salaallahu galeyhi wa sami"( Bukhari).

In any difficult situation, the believer must rely on the help of his Creator and cry out to Him with entreaties. In the Holy Quran it is said:

"For every burden comes relief."

So, after most diseases, healing comes. Therefore, in case of illness, one should not lose hope for God, and patience should be shown, since Allah loves the patient.


  1. http: //www.ansar.ru/rightway/ v-korane-iscelenie-vseh-nedugov
  2. https: //islam.global/obshchestvo/ meditsina-i-zdorove / chem-i-kak-lechilsya-prorok-mukhammad-s-g-v- /

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