Arterial pressure, the norm according to age in the table, the reasons for the deviations of the upper and lower index

As long as the parameters of blood pressure in a person are within the normal range, no one is clogging his head with the problem of blood pressure deviations upward or downward. But here, the problems associated with headache, darkening in the eyes and flickering "flies" begin, dizziness and all - stop, what does all this mean?

It's time for you to get acquainted with the popular and scientific approach to the evaluation of blood pressure indicators, or in a simple way - AD( an abbreviation such at physicians so as not to write much).


What is blood pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is balanced by blood pressure. To the greatest extent, it is expressed in large arteries, therefore it is called arterial.

The level of blood pressure determines the volume of blood pushed out by the heart in a minute and the width of the vascular lumen, which exerts resistance to the blood flow.

When the heart is contracted( systole), blood is pushed into large arteries under pressure, called systolic pressure. In the people it is called top .Its magnitude, as we have already indicated, determines the strength and frequency of cardiac contractions and vascular resistance.

The pressure in the arteries at the time of cardiac relaxation( diastole) gives the index of the lower ( diastolic) pressure. This is the minimum pressure, completely dependent on the vascular resistance. If the systolic blood pressure is subtracted from the diastolic one, the pulse pressure is obtained. Arterial pressure( pulse, upper and lower) is measured in millimeters of mercury.

What measuring devices are provided to establish the value of blood pressure?

The very first pressure measuring devices were the so-called "bloody" devices of Stephen Galez. In them a needle was inserted into the vessel, attached to the tube with a scale. The Italian Riva-Rocchi put an end to this bloodshed, proposing a mercury monometer, which remained attached to the cuff applied to the shoulder.

In 1905, Nikolai Sergeyevich Korotkov suggested adding a mercury monometer to the cuff applied to the shoulder and listening to pressure from the ear. Air from the cuff of the pears, the vessels shrank. Then the air slowly returned to the cuff, and the pressure on the vessels weakened. With the help of a stethoscope on the vessels of the elbow, tones of the pulse were listened to.

The first strokes indicated the level of systolic BP, the last - the diastolic. Modern monometers are electronic devices that allow you to dispense with a stethoscope and fix the pressure and pulse rate.

Measure blood pressure, right?

Normal blood pressure is a parameter that varies depending on the person's activity. For example, with physical exertion, emotional stress, blood pressure increases, with a sharp rise, it may fall.

Therefore, to obtain reliable parameters of blood pressure it must be measured in the morning, without getting out of bed. In this case, the tonometer should be located at the patient's heart level. The hand with the cuff should lie horizontally at the same level.

Known is the phenomenon of "hypertension white coat", when the patient, regardless of the treatment, steadfastly gives an increase in blood pressure in the presence of a doctor. Also, blood pressure can be raised a few by running down the stairs or straining during the measurement of the muscles of the legs and thighs.

To have a more detailed idea of ​​the level of blood pressure of this person, the doctor can recommend keeping a diary where pressure is fixed at different times of the day. Also use the method of daily monitoring, when using a device attached to a patient, the pressure is recorded for a day or more.

What is the pressure in adults?

People have their own physiological characteristics, so fluctuations in blood pressure in different individuals may be somewhat different.

There is no such thing as an "age norm of AD" in adults. In healthy people at any age, the pressure should not exceed the threshold of 140 to 90;Art. Normal indicators of blood pressure are 130 by 80;Art. Optimal figures "like an astronaut" - 120 to 70.

What are the upper limits of pressure?

Today, the upper limit of pressure, after which the diagnosis of hypertension is exposed, is 140 to 90;Art. Higher figures are subject to identification of the causes of their occurrence and treatment.

For the beginning, there is a practice of changing the way of life, giving up smoking, physical exercise. With the increase in pressure to 160 for 90, a drug correction begins. If there are complications of arterial hypertension or concomitant pathologies( IHD, diabetes mellitus), drug treatment begins at lower levels.

During treatment of arterial hypertension, the norm of the blood pressure to which it is attempted is 140-135 at 65-90;Art. In people with severe atherosclerosis, the pressure is reduced more gradually and gradually, fearing a sharp decrease in blood pressure due to the threat of a stroke or heart attack. With renal pathologies, diabetes and those with less than 60 target numbers - 120-130 for 85.

What are the lower limits of pressure?

The lower limits of blood pressure in healthy subjects are 110 by 65;Art. At lower figures, blood supply to organs and tissues worsens( primarily, the brain, sensitive to oxygen starvation).But some people live all their lives with blood pressure 90 to 60 and feel great.

To the low figures of AD, former sportsmen with hypertrophied cardiac muscle are inclined.

It is undesirable for the elderly to have too low a pressure because of the risks of brain damage.

The diastolic pressure of those over 50 should be within 85-89;Art.

Pressure on both hands

The pressure on both hands should be the same or the difference should not exceed 5 mm. Because of the asymmetrical development of the muscles on the right hand, as a rule, the pressure is higher. The difference of 10 mm indicates a possible atherosclerosis, and 15-20 mm indicate a stenosis of large vessels or anomalies of their development.

Pulse pressure

The pulse pressure is normally 35 + -10;Art.(up to 35 years 25-40 mm Hg, at the older age up to 50 mm Hg).Lowering it can be caused by a drop in the contractility of the heart( heart attack, tamponade, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation) or a sharp jump in vascular resistance( for example, in shock).

High( more than 60) pulse pressure reflects atherosclerotic changes in the arteries, heart failure. It can occur with endocarditis, in pregnant women, against anemia, intracardiac blockades.

The specialists do not use simple subtraction of diastolic pressure from systolic pressure, the variability of the pulse pressure in humans is of great diagnostic value and it should be within 10 percent. Table of blood pressure norms

Table of blood pressure norms

Age, years men women
20 years 123 at 76 116 at 72
30 years 126 at 79 120 at 75
40 years 129 at 81 127 at 80
50 Years 135 at 83 135 at 84
60-65 years 135 at 85 135 at 85
Older than 65 135 at 89 135 at 89

Arterial blood pressure, the norm of which varies insignificantly, reflects the above table. AD is slightly less in women at a young age, compared with less muscle mass. With age( after 60), the risks of vascular disorders are compared in men and women, so the norms of blood pressure are equalized in both sexes.

What is the pressure in pregnant women?

In healthy pregnant BP until the sixth month of pregnancy does not change. Arterial pressure corresponds to the norm in non-pregnant women.

Further under the influence of hormones, there may be some increases, not exceeding 10 mm from the norm. In pathological pregnancies, there may be gestosis with irregular blood pressure, kidney and brain damage( preeclampsia), or even the development of seizures( eclampsia).

Pregnancy in the face of hypertension can worsen the course of the disease and provoke hypertensive crises or persistent increase in blood pressure. In this case, the correction of drug therapy, observation by a therapist or treatment in a hospital is indicated.

What is the norm of blood pressure in children?

For a child, blood pressure is higher the more his age. The level of blood pressure in infants depends on the vascular tone, the conditions of the heart, the presence or absence of developmental defects, the state of the nervous system.

For a newborn, normal pressure is considered to be 80 to 50 millimeters of mercury. What norm of arterial pressure corresponds to this or that children's age, it is visible from the table.

Age AD
From birth to 2 weeks 60-96 / 40-50
3-4 weeks 80-112 / 40-74
2 months.- year 90-112 / 50-74
2-3 years 100-112 / 60-74
3-5years 100-116 / 60-76
6-10 years 100-122 / 60-78

What is the difference betweennorm of pressure in adolescents?

Adolescence comes from 11 years and is characterized not only by the rapid growth of all organs and systems, a set of muscle mass, but also by hormonal changes that exert influence on the cardiovascular system.

At 11-12 years in adolescents, blood pressure ranges from 110-126 to 70-82.From the age of 13-15 it approaches, and then is equalized with adult standards, amounting to 110-136 by 70-86.

High blood pressure, causes of

  1. Essential hypertension( hypertensive disease) gives persistent pressure increases and hypertensive crises.
  2. Symptomatic hypertension( adrenal gland tumors, kidney vessel disease) gives the clinic a similar hypertensive disease.
  3. Vegeto-vascular dystonia is characterized by episodes of blood pressure jumps that do not exceed 140 to 90, which are accompanied by autonomic symptoms.
  4. Isolated increase in lower pressure is inherent in renal pathologies( developmental anomalies, glomerulonephritis, atherosclerosis of renal vessels or their stenoses).
  5. If the diastolic pressure exceeds 105 mm Hgfor more than two years, the risk of brain damage increases by 10, and the heart attack by five times.
  6. Systolic pressure increases more often in elderly people, people with pathologies of the thyroid gland, patients with anemia and heart defects.
  7. Increased pulse pressure is a serious risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Low blood pressure, causes of

Low blood pressure is called hypotension and its causes lie in weak heart function or features of vegetative vascular tone. BP was steadily reduced with:

  1. myocardial infarction and subsequent cardiosclerosis,
  2. myocardiopathy,
  3. of vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  4. against anemia,
  5. for long-term fasting and weight deficit,
  6. for hypothyroidism, adrenal cortex deficiency,
  7. for hypothalamic-pituitary diseases.

With a slight hypotension, people live quite fully. When the upper blood pressure drops significantly, for example, in shock, the lower blood pressure is also very low. This leads to centralization of blood circulation, multi-organ failure and development of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Thus, for a long and full life, a person should monitor their pressure and keep it within the physiological norm.

Publication source: article with http: // norma-arterialnogo-davleniya-po-vozrastam-tablica-verxnego-i-nizhnego-davleniya-u-zhenshhin-muzhchin-detej /

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