Allergic reaction to sweet

An allergy to a sweet is always a sad event, especially when it is in children. Because of the age features, they simply can not tear themselves away from various sweets and cakes. The fault lies with the parents who prefer to give the child a chocolate bar, just to sit quietly and not touch anyone. However, there are people who are interested in the causes of such a reaction, symptoms and consequences. This will serve as the topic of the article.

  • Causes of allergies
  • How is the allergy to the sweet?
  • An allergy to the sweet: how to treat?
  • Diet for allergies to desserts
  • Prevention of disease
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Causes of allergies

It is believed that the reasons lie in the name itself. But can there be an allergy directly to sucrose, which refers to carbohydrates? It rarely gives an allergic reaction, because most of the irritants belong to the class of proteins.

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Why does the allergy to the sweet:

  • Presence of preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, which in themselves are harmful to the body;
  • the composition of any cake - milk and eggs, the most common allergens.

Saccharosis activates other allergic reactions - due to its ability to ferment. And the baby, in general, may have intolerance to the mixture.

Attempts to independently determine the allergen will not do anything. Diagnosis is carried out by a qualified specialist, which in the shortest possible time will find an irritant. And as a result of attempts at self-treatment from the diet, it is possible to remove those products that did not carry harm at all.

Important!At pregnant allergy after sweet happens more often - harmful substances simply do not have time to be deduced from an organism. You should immediately go to the doctor. Remember - the reaction is genetically transmitted.

How is the allergy to the sweet?

The first symptoms appear as after the consumption of a sweet product, and after many hours. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, on the amount eaten.

The most famous and noticeable signs of an allergic reaction are skin problems, rashes that itch and irritate. Later they are flaky, and if you comb the damaged areas, then blood will come out. There is a risk of infection. Places in which most often there are traces of sugar intolerance:

  • on the hands (folds of elbows);
  • on the face (cheeks, can go to the neck);
  • on the abdomen and legs.

This is not all symptoms of the disease. Others refer to colds. They are typical for any type of allergy:

  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • tear, inflammation, burning in the eye area;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling.

A photo of what the allergy looks like on the skin of a child is filling the Internet more and more every day. However, this is not the worst thing. The consequences for adults and children are the same, and the most deplorable end is a reduction in pressure, in the most terrible cases - the loss of the ability to live. What is the name of this state? Anaphylactic shock. A person with him urgently needs to be taken to the intensive care unit.

Important!At the first symptoms of an allergy consult a doctor. Do not postpone it for a later period - the consequences are known to be irreversible.

An allergy to the sweet: how to treat?

How to get rid of the allergic reaction that suddenly arose on the sweet? The expert immediately conducts a competent diagnosis. Your task is to answer the questions:

  • when allergy symptoms were first noticed;
  • approximate diet;
  • the nature of skin rashes;
  • whether there is an intolerance of this kind in relatives.

Next, a blood test is taken. Based on the results and your answers, the doctor makes a conclusion about the type of allergy. In some cases, it is possible to test the patient's body by injecting various stimuli, which cause the reaction. Another option is the application of an allergen to the skin of the forearm, if the patient has a special sensitivity of the covers.

Treatment consists in the use of antihistamines. They are most effective in food allergies. Most often prescribed medicines are 2-3 generations, they have the least amount of contraindications. Successfully eliminated any signs of intolerance - itching, burning, swelling, catarrhal symptoms.

Not all medicines are suitable for the child - this must be borne in mind. Most often, special "children's" versions of well-known drugs are produced - in the form of ointments, drops in the nose and eyes.

Important!If you have a drug allergy, be sure to tell your doctor. Then the search for medicines will be performed more carefully. Those drugs will be selected, the components of which you will not have a negative reaction.

The treatment is as follows:

  • exclusion of the patient's contact with the allergen;
  • administration of antihistamines (Diazolin, Suprastin);
  • elimination of irritation of the skin with the help of creams, ointments (Cinaphlan, Lokoid);
  • intestinal cleaning (Enterosgel);
  • the use of special vitamin complexes aimed at increasing the immunity of the patient;
  • special diet;
  • follow-up preventive measures.

Diet for allergies to desserts

The diet is determined individually by a specialist and depends on the characteristics of the organism, the nature of the allergy, the condition of the patient. Do not take the already compiled diets from the Internet - this will only harm your health. However, you can use the list of recommendations.

What you can eat when you are allergic to sweet:

  • Natural products (without preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers);
  • bitter chocolate;
  • Nougou.

Take the rest of the sweets with care. Carefully study the packaging, contact the manufacturer for a detailed explanation of the composition of the product.

What can not be eaten? Products for which you have a food allergy - they will install a doctor. Most often, as was noted at the beginning of the article, eggs and milk. Other products included in the risk zone are various legumes, honey (because it contains pollen).

Important!You can not establish your own diet, this is the right to do only a doctor. It is especially dangerous to limit the baby's food. He may not have enough nutrients, which will lead to more serious problems - stopping growth and delaying development.

Prevention of disease

The most important preventive principle is observance of the diet made by the doctor. Even if there was no hint of the occurrence of an allergic reaction, still visit a specialist who will pick up for you a special diet, taking into account every feature of the body. This pledge not only protects against intolerance of specific products, which can be congenital, but also the lack of opportunities for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Strengthen the body and the immune system. It is necessary:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • remember about moderate physical activity;
  • if necessary, take prescribed by the doctor vitamins.

Another important item is product control. Buy food, on the packaging of which there is clear information about the manufacturer, the composition, the list of dyes. They must be natural. Cheese, meat, fish should be taken as a whole piece to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the knife.

Compliance with preventive measures is a guarantee of life without allergies. Take this seriously, do not let the disease win. Only with the help of a doctor can you conquer an insidious illness that does not give rest to children or adults. Health and good luck in all spheres of life!

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