Sciatic nerve: inflammation, pinching, symptoms and treatment of sciatica in the home

Sciatic nerve inflammation often occurs most often as a result of its pinch of in the lumbosacral spine. This condition in medicine is known as lumbosacral osteochondrosis, sciatica - sciatica .

Today, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of sciatica at home, how to treat pinching of the inflamed sciatic nerve with the help of official medications( medicinal treatment - injections) and traditional medicine procedures( including the Chinese method of acupuncture), as well as the possibility of self-treatment with home folk remedies.


Sciatic nerve: inflammation - symptoms, treatment

What is sciatica nerve inflammation, what is it, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment, prognosis and prospects for the patient?

This ailment is called senile rheumatism, chondrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis. Type, when older people grab at the lower back, can not straighten and they pull one leg. This is a classic case, but the fact is that in fact, such a disease can occur in people not only of middle age but also of young age - even in 20-year-old patients!

Sciatica: what is it?

Inflammation in the sciatic nerve is also called sciatica, in its essence this is a nerve pinched condition, in which an acute pain syndrome arises. Distinguish the disease from other conditions simply - one-sided localization( one leg and buttock hurt, from back to heel).

Sciatic nerve: where is the

The localization of pain passes along the route of passage of the nerve trunk, which in thickness can be compared to an ordinary white cord with a diameter of a ballpoint pen. The route starts from the lumbosacral spine, goes along the buttock, descends the outer-posterior surface of the thigh, where it splits in the region of the knee, runs along the back of the shin, and disintegrates from the heel into a whole network of small nerve trunks reaching the toes.

It should be noted that the sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the body in humans.

Sciatic Nerve Inflammation: Causes of

Knowing the possible causes of the disease, we can prevent the disease. The most common causes of pinching of the nerve:

  1. intervertebral hernia( the vertebrae are compressed, extruding beyond the fibrous ring a gelatinous nucleus, which is necessary for cushioning the spine in motion).As a result, this protrusion begins to press on the vessels and nerves, including pinch the sciatic nerve. In this case, the treatment will be difficult, since sciatica occurs only in advanced stages of cerebrospinal hernia;
  2. osteochondrosis( chondrosis) or arthrosis, that is, the formation of bone outgrowths on the vertebrae, which also compress the nerves when turning the vertebral column;
  3. displacement of vertebrae due to trauma or congenital anomaly of the spine;
  4. not treated colds, ARVI;
  5. poisoning;
  6. diabetes mellitus;
  7. benign and malignant tumors( neoplasms) in the lumbar region;
  8. nerve subcooling;
  9. pregnancy, because when the abdomen increases, the center of gravity is mixed, the load on the lumbar and sacral department increases;
  10. stress, depression;
  11. severe illnesses( typhoid, gonorrhea, syphilis, malaria, rheumatism, purulent inflammation);
  12. curvature of the spine, flat feet;
  13. even unsuccessful injections in the buttocks.

Usually, the disease occurs when a combination of several adverse factors.

Sciatica: symptoms of

Diagnostic symptoms of sciatica can be such:

  1. pain, piercing the lower back, buttock, back of the thigh, calves, reaches the foot and sometimes even the toes;
  2. feeling of numbness in the above-described areas, a feeling of creeping crawling over the skin;
  3. pain is sharp, strong, intensifying during physical exertion;
  4. sometimes swollen feet, sweats strongly;
  5. in fits of pain may occur fainting;
  6. advanced form is characterized by the absence of back pain with numbness of the foot;
  7. without treatment spasmodic muscles can atrophy, shorten and the person can not bend the leg, twist the foot, move your toes.

Sciatica: how is the

diagnosed? Usually, pain in sciatica and the patient's behavior itself prompts the problem, but for the purpose of accurate diagnosis some tests and tests help. The physician can prescribe:

  1. a biochemical and clinical analysis of blood and urine to determine inflammation;
  2. X-ray of the spine in two projections;
  3. CT for tissue testing;
  4. test for reflexes of the knee joint, Achilles tendon;
  5. check the patient on Lassen's symptom( for pain in the thigh and ankle when lifting the straightened leg upwards) and Bonnet( the same, but the limb is raised by the doctor himself, without any effort on the part of the patient).

Sciatic nerve: how to treat

It is necessary to restore the sciatic nerve in a complex way, considering the degree of defeat, neglect of pathology. Consider all the symptoms, the treatment is selected appropriate. As a rule, a neurologist combines medication with homeopathy, physiotherapy, therapeutic and prophylactic physical education( LFK) and folk remedies.

Medical treatment

For the removal of pain and inflammation, first of all, drug treatment is used. Apply these tools:

  1. painkillers. For example, analgin and its derivatives with a narrower focus( tempalgin, baralgin, sedalgin, pentalgin );
  2. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs) - diclofenac, ibuprofen, movalis ;
  3. corticosteroids ;
  4. for pregnant women, many tablets are forbidden, so candles ( suppositories) are more often used.

Blockade of the sciatic nerve

Often, traditional treatment with ointments and tablets does not give the necessary result, the patient continues to suffer from constant pain. Then they have urgent and effective help with novocaine and other blockade of the sciatic nerve. The procedure allows to block the transmission of painful impulses along the nerve endings to the central nervous system( CNS - brain) from the affected area. As a result, the patient receives significant relief, even complete disappearance of unpleasant sensations. But we will remember that this is just a temporary anesthesia, not a cure.

Blockade of the sciatic nerve is performed only with:

  1. too strong pain;
  2. is a serious inflammatory process;
  3. deformation of the leg muscles, their spasm;
  4. trophic disorders.

The blockade has contraindications:

  1. allergy to drugs;
  2. low blood pressure;
  3. heart rhythm disturbance;
  4. myasthenia gravis;
  5. shock state;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. chronic liver disease, severe disruptions in its work.

Often used for blockade is a strong anesthetic - lidocaine, novocaine in combination with NSAIDs and steroids. The drugs are injected layer by layer into the tissues surrounding the sciatic nerve, delivering the medicine to the inflammatory focus.

There are several ways of introducing:

  1. posterior ( the most popular), the patient lies on the abdomen, on his buttock the doctor applies iodine marking to locate the nerve, inserts the needle and injects the medication;
  2. front - the same, but to the sick nerve the doctor penetrates in front, introducing a needle between the muscles of the thigh. Because of the danger of damage to a large artery is not the most popular method, it is used when the first is impossible;
  3. side access is used when the complexity of the first two.

The procedure is carried out by an experienced physician who knows the anatomy well.

Side effects may be:

  1. nerve damage, which is why the pain will not pass, and the condition may worsen;
  2. puncture of blood vessels, in particular, perforation of the artery, which is very dangerous for the patient with blood loss and hematomas;
  3. fracture of the needle, in which part of it can remain in the body and it will have to be surgically removed.

Spikes in sciatica

It is most effective to treat sciatica with the help of injections .But it is not recommended to stab the drugs directly to the sick buttock( excluding the blockade, when the medicine is delivered to the inflammatory focus), the likelihood of reflex pain intensification is high. Most often, injections are used in the healthy buttock or intravenous injections.

For the treatment of pinch and inflammation of the sciatic nerve are used:

  1. NSAIDs, in particular, diclofenac derivatives intramuscularly;
  2. muscle relaxants for the removal of spasm, also intramuscular;
  3. vitamins and antiaggregants intravenously to improve blood circulation and relieve spasm.

Ointment for sciatica

There are effective ointments, gels and balms for the treatment of sciatica, they are used in complex treatment with other means. Ointments are not as effective as pills and injections, but they have a low chance of side effects.

By type of ointment can be divided into groups:

  1. homeopathic - for bioregulation( Traumeel, Objective T );
  2. distractions - a strong warming effect relieves pain in deep tissues( Capsicum, Viprosal, Nikoflex, Finalagon );
  3. chondroprotectors are effective in sciatica caused by osteochondrosis( Chondroxide, Honda Cream, Teraflex M );
  4. nonsteroidal - relieve pain( Diclofenac, Voltaren, Diclouran, Butadione, Ketoprofen );
  5. combined - they contain both anesthetics and anti-inflammatory components( Dolobien ).


This method of treatment came to us from China. With proper manipulation, acupuncture not only relieves the pain syndrome, but gives the opportunity to forget about the problem permanently for a long duration of the course. Of course, it's better when acupuncture is performed by a Chinese specialist or a trained experienced physician who knows the biologically active points, the locations of the nerves, so as not to cause greater harm by the intervention.

Osteopathy and manual therapy

Osteopathy is a special science that is designed to make the body recover without external interference. It sounds beautiful, but in the case of sciatica everything is quite simple - a specialist does a massage, taking into account the special arrangement of muscles, joints and nerves, helps relax the muscles that can press on the diseased area, and improve the condition of this part of the body.

As a rule, the doctor asks the patient to either relax or strain certain muscles, counteract his efforts, and swing badly moving joints.

With sciatic nerve inflammation, an osteopath is able to improve the condition, but it is difficult and very long to cure the disease completely, so the technique has not been particularly prevalent.

Pinch of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy: treatment

Sometimes the pinching manifests itself during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester because of the pressure of the enlarged uterus, and in some cases at the very beginning of the term. But then, as a rule, the pains go away themselves after moving the fetus and the uterus slightly upward.

Sometimes the appearance of sciatica can be confused with the usual strain of the lumbar muscles because of the increased load. To the doctor it is necessary to address, if:

  1. the pain does not pass even at rest;
  2. it is impossible to turn over, bend over, move legs;
  3. disrupted the process of bowel movement and urination.

Sometimes at complaints the gynecologist does not offer treatment, being afraid of consequences, and simply advises to suffer or bear. Of course, you should not fold your hands, you can ask for help from an osteopath or neurologist who already has experience in treating women in the situation and will prescribe a safe treatment.

Usually, in pregnancy,

  1. non-steroidal ointments and creams are used;
  2. massage( professional only);
  3. injections of anesthetics with very severe pain;
  4. exercises to relax and strengthen the muscles, for example, the usual knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes;
  5. warming the sore spot with warm scarves and scarves.

How to treat the sciatic nerve at home

To help traditional medicine, you can use folk methods, fighting the problem at home.

So, pincering the nerve is well treated with broths:

  1. Seeds of horse sorrel .To do this, 2 teaspoons of the product is poured with 5 liters of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, filtered and drunk instead of tea before eating;Burdock root of burdock .For 1 tablespoon, take 1 cup of Cahors, warm it over low heat for 5-6 minutes, drain, drink in the morning and in the evening;
  2. Calendula flowers .1 tablespoon for a cup of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes, drink a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.

Baths with decoction of horseradish roots, coniferous branches ( approximately 1 kg of product per bath) are also effective.

At home, you can prepare an effective tool - rubbing - according to this recipe: 10 tablets of analgin , powdered, 1 glass of vodka, a couple of drops of iodine , leave for 3 days, lubricate the sore spot and wrap it with wool.

Compresses are good, for example: grate raw potatoes , collect juice from it, add 1 teaspoon kerosene , moisten the composition with gauze and attach to the patient's back. Before this, smearing the skin with vegetable oil to avoid burns.

At home, without the use of medication, it is rarely possible to completely get rid of the problem of sore throat.

Sciatic Nerve Exercises

In case of pinching and inflammation of the nerve, exercise therapy is shown( therapeutic physical training) - therapeutic gymnastics, it helps to unlock the jammed nerve trunk and remove swelling, pain, accelerate metabolic processes, and relieve muscle spasm. Ideally, the first training should be conducted with an experienced instructor in exercise therapy in the hospital, but only after the first pain is removed.

The most useful exercises:

  1. lying on your back, pull your knees to your stomach, return to the starting position, repeat;
  2. on his knees and hands, alternately bend and arch his back;
  3. perform the exercise "bicycle";
  4. lying on his stomach, stretch his arms in front of him, raise the body and stretch his neck.

Massage for pinch of the sciatic nerve

A good, properly conducted massage course is very effective in controlling the pinch of the sciatic nerve, however, it must be performed by an experienced masseur.

With a good massage and the work of a manual therapist to unlock the clamped nerve trunks, you can cure the cramping and completely take off the pain!

Other methods of treatment

If you get rid of sciatica nerve with traditional therapy and rubbing at home, it does not work out, the disease progresses, the pain does not recede, and muscle deformity occurs with numbness of the leg - it is necessary to resort to the last, most radical method, that is, surgery.

Now doctors more often use minimally invasive methods, for example, microdiscectomy with the help of fiber-optic equipment. If the doctor is experienced and the operation is successful, the predictions are quite optimistic.

Occasionally, for pain relief in sciatica, magnetotherapy, UHF, electrophoresis, paraffin compresses, phonophoresis are also used.

Prophylaxis of sciatica

How to prevent nerve inflammation:

  1. dressing in the weather, do not let the bare lobes bare, since nerves and the spine do not like the cold;
  2. to go in for sports, for example, swimming, yoga, pilates;
  3. to lead an active lifestyle;
  4. avoid excessive physical exertion;
  5. maintain proper posture, both in walking and sitting.

Here we have examined the inflammation of the jammed sciatic nerve, its symptoms and treatment, the features of the manifestation, the causes of the occurrence and the ways of prevention.

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Sciatic nerve: treatment, what to do at home?

Source: the editorial of Svetlana Malysheva's article taken from the website