The incubation period of ARVI

SARS: incubation period. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

Among multiple diseases, colds occupy, probably, the very first place. After all, these problems worry almost every person several times a year. In this article I want to tell you the main thing about ARVI.

What it is

At the very beginning it is necessary to find out how this abbreviation stands, ARVI. So, this is an acute respiratory viral infection. In this disease, the epithelium of the respiratory tract with RNA- and DNA-containing viruses is affected. It is also worth mentioning that the incidence of this disease increases in the cold season. More often and more easily, the disease affects children aged 3 to 14 years. There are no sex and territorial differences in ARVI (affects both men and women, regardless of where they live).


ARVI is a group of viral diseases. So, under the given abbreviation it is possible to mean the following diseases:

  1. Flu.
  2. Paragripp.
  3. Adenovirus.
  4. Reovirus.
  5. Respiratory syncytial viruses.
  6. Parakoklyush.
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The incubation period

What you need to know when it comes to ARVI? The incubation period - that's what you need to understand. At the very beginning it is necessary to understand what this term also means. So, the incubation period is the time when the microbe has already entered the human body. But the first symptomatology of the disease has not yet manifested itself.

  1. The beginning of the incubation period: the time when a person was in contact with the patient.
  2. The end of the incubation period: when the person had the first symptomatology of the disease.

Its duration is different for all diseases. What can you say about ARVI? The incubation period of these diseases is on average from several hours to 14 days. The duration of the course of the disease will be different.


If a person has an adenovirus infection (a subspecies of ARVI), the incubation period of this disease is from 2 to 12 days. Further, the development of the disease is quite fast. The first symptomatology: high fever, cough, runny nose. This disease is long, often undulating (the virus has the ability to form new foci). A person for quite a long time can remain a carrier of adenovirus (it is latent in a long time stored in the tonsils).

Respiratory syncytial infection

If to speak about this subspecies of ARVI, the incubation period in this case is from two to seven days. The main symptomatology: a runny nose, pain when swallowing. The temperature rise is very rare, and there is no intoxication. In young children, the disease occurs in a more severe form, the acute respiratory infection penetrates deeper (bronchiolitis). The disease itself lasts an average of 10-12 days. However, there may be a longer course, relapses are not uncommon.

Rhinovirus infection

When a person has a rhinovirus infection (ARVI), how many days in this case will the incubation period last? So, it is about 2-3 days. The main symptoms: a runny nose, watery eyes. Increased temperature and intoxication are uncharacteristic symptoms. Can also be a dry cough.

The incubation period of ARVI in children is the same as in adults. Only the time and nature of the course of the disease can differ. Treatment will be also excellent, because those drugs that adults take, often children are contraindicated.

Characteristics of ARVI

Now we will consider one more urgent topic. It is necessary to consider the main signs of ARVI, so as not to miss the moment of its onset. How does the disease manifest itself?

  1. The disease comes slowly. The first symptomatology is not pronounced sharply. Most often it's a cold.
  2. The course of the disease has a different time. So, you can cope with the problem for 5-7 days. However, complications and relapses often occur.
  3. After ARVI for three weeks a person runs the risk of easily catching another disease.
  4. Mortality is very low, only% of patients die from ARVI all over the world (and only those who have not received timely adequate treatment).

The main symptomatology

Having examined the signs of ARVI, you also want to tell about the main symptoms that are typical for this group of diseases. So it can be observed in the patient, when it comes to intoxication:

  1. Chills, fever. The temperature can rise up to 40 ° C.
  2. Pain: head, muscle.
  3. At the very beginning of the illness and during its course the person will feel tired, lethargic. Working capacity is greatly reduced.
  4. Often, the patient may increase lymph nodes in the neck and lower jaw.
  5. Rashes on the skin or mucous membranes (typical of certain diseases).

If it is a question of a respiratory syndrome (feature of ARVI), the symptoms in this case can be different, depending on the type of the virus and the patient's body. However, we can distinguish typical features:

  1. Nasal congestion, runny nose (whitish thick discharge).
  2. Dryness in the throat, pershenie, pain (incl. and during swallowing).
  3. Lachrymation, photophobia, rubbing in the eyes.
  4. Cough. Can be wet, dry, barking.


If the patient started complicating ARVI, the symptoms in this case will be alarming:

  1. Fever, body temperature may exceed the indicator at 40 ° C. Antipyretics often do not have the desired effect on the body.
  2. A person can lose consciousness, it can become confused.
  3. The patient has severe headaches. Often the head is almost impossible to press against the chest.
  4. There may be rashes on the skin in the form of hemorrhages or asterisks.
  5. There may be pain in the chest, lack of air, shortness of breath.
  6. Cough with expectoration of unusual color: brown, green, red.
  7. Edema.
  8. The course of the disease is long, the infection can be raging for more than two weeks.

Attention: this symptomatology is alarming. In this case, you need to immediately seek help from a doctor.


What can be the consequences after SARS? Most often, these diseases are traceless for the body. The exception is complications that can affect one or another body. Especially dangerous are the effects of ARVI for infants, pregnant women and people with weakened immunity.


Prevention of ARVI - that's what also needs to be mentioned. After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to deal with it in the future.

  1. The first moment of prevention is vaccination against influenza.
  2. Support the body during a widespread disease can be using immunostimulatory or antiviral drugs. It can be such medications as Aflubin, Anaferon, Arbidol.
  3. It is very important to saturate the body every day with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements.
  4. Also, we must correctly think about the diet, the food should be protein, balanced.
  5. Prevention of ARVI is also a rejection of all bad habits, a healthy lifestyle.
  6. A good continuous sleep is very important (duration: not less than 7 hours per day).
  7. In the season of colds, you need to wear a face mask. Also, one should try to avoid contact with sick people.

The incubation period of ARVI

Influenza virus, penetrating the human body, does not immediately make itself felt. Therefore, for the timely detection of the first symptoms and the beginning of treatment, it is desirable to understand how much The incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection, how to determine this condition and what measures can be taken at the very beginning infection. In addition, it will help prevent the infection of surrounding people.

What is the incubation period for influenza and ARVI in adults?

It should be noted that there are many varieties of acute respiratory-viral infections, the type of which depends on the etiology and timing of the development of clinical symptoms. The most common among them:

  • flu;
  • reovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • coronavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • paragripp;
  • rhinovirus;
  • Coxsackie virus;
  • ECHO virus.

As a rule, all these subtypes of the disease under consideration are similar in features that characterize the acute intoxication of the organism:

  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • temperature increase.

But often there is a mixture of various clinical manifestations, which further provokes the emergence of secondary infectious complications in the form of catarrhalic tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Moreover, the development of these diseases can occur directly during the incubation period of acute respiratory infections. In such cases, it is believed that immediately after infection with the virus in the body, intensive multiplication of pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria began.

How many days is infected with ARVI?

Since the virus enters the body, the person is its carrier, respectively, can infect others, even if the obvious symptoms have not yet appeared. Usually, the flu and other types of described ailment begin quickly and acutely, within 1-3 days, but with strong immunity defenses the incubation can last about a week.

It is worth noting that a patient with acute respiratory infections is contagious throughout the course of the course of the pathology until all cells of the virus in his body die. This means that even with persistent improvements, lowering body temperature to normal values ​​and eliminating external flu symptoms a person still remains a carrier of the disease and can pose a danger to others, because SARS is transmitted easily - airborne by way of.

How long does the incubation period of ARI and ARVI last?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between these two diseases.

In acute respiratory infections, there is a local lesion, most often - the respiratory tract, without a significant increase in temperature (rarely exceeds 38 degrees). The disease progresses slowly and does not spread to other organs, the symptoms of intoxication are either weak or not pronounced at all.

Influenza and SARS are characterized by a sharp, intense onset, with a rapid onset of signs of ailment. In addition, these pathologies cause several groups of clinical manifestations at once:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, nausea);
  • upper respiratory tract (cough, sore throat, nasal congestion);
  • nervous system (migraine, insomnia).

The main difference between the considered respiratory diseases is that the cause of ARVI is mandatory is a viral infection, and the patient is infectious for a long period of time, whereas ARI does not have these qualities are inherent.

The incubation period of influenza, as already indicated, is short, and in ARI it can be up to 14 days. In this case, the condition of the victim is relatively normal, and the temperature increase is sometimes or completely absent, or reaches a low-grade value.

How many days is a person infected with ARVI: how long does the flu virus live

The flu virus is contagious and poses a great danger to a person - history knows cases when a sudden outbreak of disease covered entire countries, taking the lives of many people.

Moreover, the complications arising after a previous acute respiratory viral infection are also dangerous.

An organism that once undergone ORZ is not protected from a new infection - a constant mutation of the virus takes place, it lives, forming new complex forms with even greater degree of infectiousness.

Specialists, using strains of influenza, develop new vaccines to prevent the spread of another outbreak of ARVI. But the bulk of the population ignores vaccination against influenza - therefore the risk of infection is high.

To prevent the spread of infection can only quarantine measures - to limit the communication of healthy people with carriers of infection. Therefore it is very important to know exactly how many days a person with a flu can be contagious.

A unequivocal answer to this question by doctors has not yet been found. French physicians, for example, relying on their studies, argue that when an infection with ARVI is in contact with the patient for at least four days should be strictly limited.

Employees of the research center of the University. Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris), studies were conducted on the intensity of the disease in volunteers infected with the influenza virus. Experts tried to find the answer to the question of how many days the virus lives in the body and how long it remains contagious.

For this purpose, several groups of people were selected, followed by a group of medical experts for ten days. Calculation of the probability of disease among infected participants in the experiment was carried out on the basis of a mathematical algorithm.

Based on the results of the study, scientists found that isolating participants with primary symptoms of influenza made it possible to reduce the number of infected by half.

Based on the results of the experiment, the scientists concluded that for the period from the moment of infection and transition pathology to the active phase (4 days), the probability of spreading the virus to the nearest environment significantly decreases.

Features of the incubation period

  • Low probability of detection of infection the first day;
  • Absence in the incubation period of the characteristic features inherent in the influenza virus;
  • Individual duration of the incubation period, depending on the state of the patient's immune system;
  • Sudden development of the disease after the end of the incubation period.

The first day with a cold to recognize the signs of infection is very difficult because of the lack of clear symptoms. Being exposed to the attack of the virus, a person does not suspect that he became a carrier of the infection, until the first signs of ARVI appear.

Since the virus remains active for about 7 days during the incubation period, it is almost impossible to determine the time of infection. The incubation period of the flu is secretive, and it is possible to determine only how long it lasts, conditionally, based on the typical manifestations of it.

The duration of the incubation period can vary depending on the state of the human immune system, as well as on the presence of other viruses. With the increased attack of a large number of viruses on the immune system, the body malfunctions and the intensive development of pathology.

The virus has the ability to multiply with a huge speed - a couple of days after infection the patient becomes a dangerous virus carrier for a close environment. The probability of the danger of infection from such a patient disappears only after a week.

After the incubation period, the disease passes to the open phase. The patient senses this by suddenly falling heaviness all over the body, muscle soreness and joint arthritis.

It is necessary to identify the flu virus in time. For this, it is necessary to know the primary signs of acute respiratory viral infection. Correct therapy already in the incubation period gives a positive effect.

Main risks and signs of infection

The insidiousness of the influenza virus lies in the difficulty of determining it at the first stage of the disease. A person does not notice when he got infected. Further, the presence of the virus in the body can be judged if the patient has the following characteristic signs:

  1. Increased temperature;
  2. Coryza, cough;
  3. A sore throat
  4. Your ears hurt with colds.

Infection occurs most often in public places with a large crowd of people - these are shops, public transport, offices. Also, there is a high probability of infection through common household items, in drafts.

In people with weakened immunity, the duration of the incubation period increases. The group at risk of contracting the virus is people who live with the infected person.

Duration of the disease in each also can vary - people with good health tolerate the disease, which usually lasts from 4 to 14 days.

If the period of a person's feeling of a painful condition longer than the specified time, it is necessary to see the doctor to exclude the possibility of secondary infection or the development of complications.

Prevention of Infection with the Influenza Virus

The influenza virus differs from other viral pathologies by its "secretiveness" - even before the first signs of illness begin to appear, the patient is already spreading the infection. Until the moment he is diagnosed as infected with a viral infection, a middle-aged patient is dangerous for the carrier around the virus for about 5-10 days.

During this period he is able to infect a large number of people around him.

Often, for a cold, a person continues to go to work, especially if he works on the basis of an employment contract. This is due to the terms of the contract and the current economic situation, when care of the family budget exceeds the concern for one's own health.

The apparent cold may be signs of a virus. The employee becomes a carrier of the infection and can infect a significant number of people. Therefore, when there are several cases of ARVI in children's institutions, educational institutions and at work, quarantine is appointed.

  • Bed rest should be observed until the temperature normalizes and the appetite appears in the patient.
  • If the norms of the home quarantine are not complied with, the activity of the virus that continues to work increases the duration of the probable infection of others.
  • Non-compliance with preventive measures leads to infection of a large number of people.

The patient should undergo a course of prescribed treatment while observing bed rest and proper nutrition. If these requirements are not met, the doctor may prescribe hospitalization. About the period of infectiousness of the patient with ARVI will be described in the video in this article by Dr. Komarovsky.

How many days the incubation period of catarrhal and viral diseases lasts.


Seeker yes will come

As a rule, three days. Colds are caused mainly by viruses. This period is characterized by the penetration of microbes and rapid multiplication in an organism that does not have specific immunity


from 14 to 21 days

Fanta Lemon

the flu 2-3 days


from several hours to 2 days


Ot 3 dnei, do 2 Nedel. Sawisit ot rasnowidnosti sabolewanija.


viruses - hundreds and hundreds of species. For example, hepatitis B virus - incubates up to 6 months

Natalia Ryabokon

The incubation period after infection with viruses that cause SARS lasts from 1 to 10 days, usually 3-5 days. The period of infectiousness of the patient is quite short - from 3 to 5-7 days (in children). However, with the infection of children with the respiratory syncytial virus, the isolation of the virus after the onset of clinical symptoms may, although rarely, continue for several weeks.

The incubation period of influenza

Cold seasons are the most dangerous time for those who are afraid of catching a cold, SARS or ARD. It has long been known that when you are in contact with a sick person, you do not immediately get sick. First, the incubation period passes - the best time to start preventive procedures that will save you from the unpleasant consequences of the disease. Learn more about viral diseases.

How the incubation period manifests with the influenza virus

At first the virus is almost invisible to humans. You can continue to deal with your daily affairs, sports and at one point fall down with ARVI. The duration of this stage depends on the immunity - both in adults and in children. If you feel unwell, then take care of your loved ones and conduct preventive procedures with them. Secure them from further development of the viral disease.

How long does it take?

Depending on the organism, the incubation period can be 3-5 days. Infection does not immediately manifest itself. Once the disease has reached its goal, it will not let you relax for a second. In addition to SARS, there are many other viral diseases that are transmitted not only along the respiratory tract. If you want to know about the flu of the 2016 incubation period, then you will get a whole list of infectious diseases. Among the transmitted diseases will be rotavirus (parainfluenza, avian, intestinal or gastric), which can be infected by drinking from one glass with a sick person.

The following list suggests familiarization with the duration of incubation of various viral diseases:

  1. The incubation period of the common cold is often 1-3 days, but it can last up to 10 days.
  2. As for the flu, its duration is 3-5 days. Often this indicator affects the state of immunity: the weaker it is, the faster the virus spreads through the body.
  3. The incubation period of ARVI in children - lasts from several hours to 14 days. The stronger the child's body, the longer this phase takes place.
  4. Time that is characteristic of intestinal flu is 1-5 days. Infants can manifest themselves within hours after the introduction of rotavirus into the body. Especially dangerous is the disease for pregnant women.
  5. The incubation period of swine flu (H1N1) is 1-7 days. But more often there is an indicator of up to 4 days. This flu in children develops even faster than in adults.

Symptoms in humans

Symptoms of influenza, depending on its type, may be different. Symptoms of influenza at an early stage produces similar: ARD or ARVI is often manifested by strong body fragments, fever, sore throat, runny nose. In this state, even the simplest work is beyond the power of man. In this case, it will be best if you go to bed rest. This is the only way to deal with this unpleasant disease.

As for rotovirus infections, the symptoms here can be much more unpleasant. Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence - all this will certainly bring a lot of discomfort in everyday life. It is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the form of the disease and to prescribe the correct medication. The longer you disregard a doctor's visit, the stronger the virus will spread to your body. Treatment can last for a long time, leading to more serious consequences.

Influenza is contagious during the incubation period

What is the incubation period of the flu, you learned. Is this person contagious? Since the virus spreads through the body for several days, it is not contagious during this period. You yourself do not feel any signs of infection until it shows itself in all its glory. From this moment it is possible to catch from the patient. Sneezing, patient cough, drinking from dirty dishes - these factors are more significant than others for a healthy person. They often lead to infection.

The incubation period of usual and swine influenza

The incubation period of influenza depends on the type of virus (adenovirus, rhinovirus, reovirus). For all subtypes of the ailment in question, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • edema of the mucosa;
  • high body temperature.

Medical indications

Typical incubation period of the influenza virus lasts 1-4 days. After the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, an adult can spread the virus within 5-10 days, and a child - up to 10 days. People with weak immunity can be carriers of the virus for 1-5 months.

Influenza and its subtypes develop within 1-3 days. If the patient has a strong protective function of immunity, then the incubation period of influenza lasts 1 week. A sick SARS is contagious to others until the virus dies. This is due to the fact that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

With the flu and ARVI, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, cough, nasal congestion, insomnia appear. In acute respiratory infections, local airway disease is observed. The main difference between these respiratory diseases is that ARVI develops against the background of the virus. It is characterized by a long incubation period, which is not typical for ARI.

Direct influence on influenza has the following factors:

  • the state of immunity;
  • number of pathogens in the body.

Of the complications of the disease specialists allocate bronchitis, pneumonia, the presence of infection in the kidney and urinary system. As a result of the incubation period, a strong and sudden fever appears in the flu. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply. Eyes reddened and watery, joint and body breaking begins.

Methods of treatment

In case of influenza, the patient must comply with bed rest and milk and vegetable diet. The patient is prescribed antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Children can be given panadol. If necessary, the patient is wiped with alcohol diluted with water. With "pale fever" intensive therapy is carried out. You can not take aspirin with flu. Otherwise, Reye's syndrome may develop.

Of mucolytics, physicians secrete carbocysteine ​​and bromhexine. Children can be given the root of the althea. Since the flu develops against the background of viruses, antibiotics are not prescribed. Antibiotic therapy can be harmful to the patient, since viruses and bacteria are of a different nature. This technique is used by doctors in the following cases:

  • pneumonia;
  • bacterial bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract and pharynx.

Particular attention should be paid to bacterial complications occurring in children under 3 years old.Antibiotics can be taken as prescribed by the doctor for clinical signs of immunodeficiency.

Pig form of the disease

A swine flu developed against the background of a virus strain is considered a dangerous disease for adults and children. To diagnose it, a special test system is used. Swine flu, unlike the bird flu, is transmitted by airborne droplets. Its incubation period is 2-4 days. In severe form this indicator is 7 days. The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:
  • dyspnea;
  • difficult breathing;
  • blueing;
  • phlegm with blood;
  • chest pain;
  • high body temperature for 3 days.

When the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to seek medical help immediately.

Swine flu, unlike the usual, has a new form of the virus.

The clinical picture of this disease causes typical typical flu symptoms in the patient. When diagnosing the pork form, the patient has a fever, a cough. Rarely does the disease occur without symptoms. If the flu is sick with the elderly, then the virus can lead to death.

Pork form occurs in the unusual for the flu season. People can become infected with the virus throughout the summer. Strain, in contrast to the usual disease, spreads 6 times faster. Doctors believe that swine flu is especially dangerous for women in the situation. During the Spanish and Asian diseases, pregnant women in the 3rd trimester were at higher risk. Women in the condition diagnosed with common influenza are more likely to be hospitalized than other women of reproductive age.

Treatment and prevention

During pregnancy, the immune system is very weak. The body does not reject the foreign body - the fruit. In this case, a female body with weakened immunity is more prone to infection with influenza. If the disease is diagnosed late in pregnancy, then the diaphragm can rise and the lung volume decrease. Such phenomena have a negative effect on the female body and the development of the fetus.

Treatment of swine flu is the taking of drugs aimed at the causative agent of the disease. The patient is prescribed the following remedies:

  1. Amantadine.
  2. Zanamivir.
  3. Arbidol.

These drugs have successfully passed clinical trials. They are prescribed taking into account the age of the patient. The last means of Russian production has antiviral, immunomodulating and antioxidant action. Arbidol prevents the bacterial complication of the virus, having a positive effect on the conformational changes of the hemagglutinin strain of the virus. The above drugs are recommended after consultation with your doctor.

Prophylaxis of the disease consists in the following recommendations:

  • It is impossible to contact people who have such symptoms as high body temperature, coughing, sneezing;
  • During the epidemic it is not recommended to visit public places. Otherwise, use a protective dressing;
  • frequent hand washing;
  • You can not go abroad to a country where outbreaks of the virus have been detected;
  • pediatricians and therapists recommend taking complex multivitamins.

Doctors advise to do an annual vaccination against the flu. But this method does not guarantee 100% effectiveness in preventing the virus. When dealing with an infected person, you should avoid close contact with it.

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