Pupils of different size in the child

Today, you can name a lot of diseases related to the organs of vision, which are successfully treated. Among them there are congenital pathologies, or acquired during any period. Some of them can be determined only by means of an accurate examination, while others are immediately evident at a visual inspection. These phenomena include different in size pupils in the child. Many parents are concerned and believe this symptom is a sign of a hidden disease. Is it so?


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of a symptom

The symptomatology of such changes can be noticed visually. When a child has different pupils, it is most likely a disease from the field of ophthalmology or neurology. The name of such pathology is anisocoria.

As soon as the parents noticed this deviation from the norm, it is worth immediately examining.Anisocoria, as a rule, worsens vision, as well as makes images vague. You can check the presence of the disease as follows, if you turn on the light, you can see that one pupil reacts to it, and the other remains the same.

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For many symptoms, the child usually reacts and tells about it to his relatives.

Symptomatology can be expressed in darkening or doubling in the eyes, in especially severe cases, sometimes there is vomiting or nausea. However, not always different pupils are a serious problem, it depends on the difference in their diameter.At norm the size should not strongly differ, if he is no more than 1 mm, it is not considered a pathology. Usually, outwardly it's pretty hard to notice.With a more significant difference, you need to undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist, since there can be serious causes.

Among the types of the disease are two main: the physiological disease and the congenital. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

The physiological form is detected with a pupil difference, - 1 mm.This deviation is not considered significant and is an individual characteristic of the child. In this case, no diseases are diagnosed and it is considered quite common, since a fifth of the entire population has this form.

Visual manifestation of different pupil diameter in an adult

Congenital anisocoria develops with various visual defects. There is often a different visual acuity, and the pupil sizes vary considerably. This can be the cause of disturbances in the development of the nervous system of the visual organs or its damage.


  • It is worth paying attention to relatives, since if in family genetics there is such a feature, then there is a possibility that any of the newborns can repeat this phenomenon.In this case, special concern should not arise, since this is only a hereditary transfer of the genetic code. It usually appears after the birth and does not cause emotional or mental delay in development. Very often this phenomenon disappears by the age of 5-6 years, sometimes it remains for life.
  • The effect of different pupils can result from frequent and prolonged use of eye drops.Some drugs can cause changes in the eyes, in particular, to widen the pupils. Features of drugs have different effects.
  • Unequal in size pupils in a child can be if the muscles responsible for their expansion do not function properly.Usually this happens when light changes, leaving their darkness in a lighted room.
  • In case of inflammatory processes in the skin of the eye, there may also be a problem with access to the interior of the eye of information, the brightness and intensity of the light flux.And this causes a different reaction pupils and therefore one of them can slow down and do not expand in time.
  • With injuries and tumor lesions of the brain areas, deviations can occur.
  • In cases of aneurysm of the cerebral vascular system.
  • With encephalitis.

Possible diseases

Among the frequent reasons for the occurrence of anisocoria in newborns, it is possible to single out disorders in the development of the autonomic nervous system of the newly born baby.Also, this phenomenon can cause pathological changes in the iris of a hereditary nature.

With a sudden detection of a difference, one can assume the presence of such serious pathologies as: neoplasms in the brain, aneurysms, craniocerebral trauma in childbirth with a brain contusion, encephalitic or meningitis infection transmitted by the mother.


Barley on the eye: contagious or not

All about the drops of Danzil is written in this article.

How to choose the right color lens for the eyes http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/uxod/kak-vybrat-cvetnye.html


Diagnostic Methods

An important step is early diagnosis. If you notice such abnormal condition of pupils in a child for a long time, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible after finding the disease.It is especially important to do this if your child complains of poor vision, bifurcation in the eyes, pain in the eyes and head, with nausea or vomiting.

Among the main and additional methods of examination for diagnosis, the following are distinguished:

  • General and special tests.
  • Ophthalmoscopy.
  • MRI of the brain, with the introduction of a contrast agent.
  • Diagnosis of spinal fluid to exclude some terrible diseases.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • Radiography of the lungs.
  • Examination of the vessels of the head.

Having specified the diagnosis with the help of a whole complex of diagnostic measures, the doctor summarizes and appoints therapeutic therapy. If the disease does not find confirmation, then you can breathe freely and consider the phenomenon of different pupils in size just a genetic feature, the same as a birthmark of an identical shape.


The purpose of the treatment course depends on the diagnosis and the cause of the pathology.When detecting inflammatory or infectious diseases, the doctor prescribes drugs in the form of antibiotics of local or systemic use.With more complex diagnoses such as tumor processes, surgical intervention is required.


Yellow eye protein: causes and treatment

Why can there be yellow eye proteins in newborns will tell this article.

Yellow spot on the white of the eye http://eyesdocs.ru/simptomy/pozheltenie-glaz/zhyoltoe-pyatno-na-belke-glaza-kak-lechit-dannuyu-patologiyu.html




Pupils of different sizes in a child can become a serious problem and appear only as an external manifestation of a dangerous disease that lives in the body. Do not waste time guessing and guessing, a timely visit to the doctor can prevent terrible consequences or make sure that this is just a physiological legacy. With anisocoria, especially in young children, you should not joke, it can cost the child health or life.

Read also about such pathologies as astigmatism and amblyopia.

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