Tablets for sputum discharge on coughing

What should I take medicine for cough with phlegm?

Cough medicines with phlegm are selected after diagnosis. Depending on the disease, a course of medications is prescribed. It is impossible to diagnose the disease independently. If a wet cough is accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucus, you need to pay attention to her character and tell your doctor.

When do I need an ambulance?

Timely and correct diagnosis of diseases can save the lives of many people, especially infants and elderly people. If a wet cough is accompanied by a body temperature above 39 ° C, you need to apply for a preliminary diagnosis to the paramedic. Cough, in which a large amount of sputum is allocated, clearly indicates an active focus of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis or tracheitis. Sometimes more dangerous diseases are manifested in this way. The following diseases are the greatest threat to life:

  1. Pneumonia and pleurisy. In most cases, they manifest themselves by an increase in body temperature, but sometimes this may not occur. Without raising the temperature, it is very easy to not notice the early signs of pneumonia and take a cough for the manifestation of ARVI or bronchitis. The color spectrum of the sputum may vary from white to green, including yellow and all intermediate shades. The consistency of the phlegm is mucous, clearing out easily. If blood vessels are damaged, blood or mucus stains in rusty color can be found. In addition to cough, there is a complex violation of breathing, the victim breathes often and superficially. Sweating increases, with time, intoxication, weakness, headache and nausea. If the onset of pneumonia is sluggish, all symptomatology will be mild. In the case of rapid development of the disease, death from respiratory failure in newborns and the elderly occurs already in the first day. Often at the onset of pneumonia, chest pain is felt with a full breath, but in young children who can not describe their state of health in detail, it is impossible to detect this symptom. If suspected pneumonia should immediately call an ambulance, you can not rely on traditional medicine and tighten with diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis a person is hospitalized. If pneumonia is not detected, the patient will know his exact diagnosis and receive recommendations for treatment.
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  2. Lung cancer. At the initial stages of the disease occurs without specific symptoms. If the main tumor is located on the periphery of the lung, violations on the part of the breath will be insignificant. Smokers take the first symptoms of cancer for the usual smoker's bronchitis and seek help when it's too late for surgery. Cough with this arrangement of the tumor may not manifest until the terminal stage. If the tumor is located close to the center of the lung, the cough will appear pretty soon, accompanied by a discharge of sputum greenish-yellow with inclusions of pus. If the integrity of the blood vessels is broken, the color of the sputum may be red, rusty, bright blood may appear in it. The disease only in rare cases is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 3 ° C. Particular attention health should be given to older people with more than 20 years of smoking experience, as well as to industrial workers factories. An important diagnostic moment: fluorography, which is conducted annually, does not help to detect small cancers, it is effective only for detecting tuberculosis. Thanks to computed tomography, you can exclude this disease. If there is a lack of appetite, weight loss, decreased performance, apathy and a damp cough, it is worth taking care of your health and testing for lung cancer.
  3. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Despite all preventive measures, the incidence of tuberculosis, including among children, is still quite high. With tuberculosis there is a strong suffocating cough, sputum is coming off a greenish hue, often with veins of pus. Sometimes even in the early stages there is blood in the sputum. Any discharge of blood from the respiratory tract should be the reason for immediate contact with a doctor. In addition to cough, tuberculosis is accompanied by weakness, increased sweating, painful breathing, loss of strength and decreased performance.
Wet cough is typical for many less dangerous diseases, for example, for bronchitis. Different diseases can be caused by different types of microorganisms.The effectiveness of drugs is directly related to the correct diagnosis.If cough is caused by a fungal infection, antiviral therapy will not have any beneficial effect. As a result of incorrect actions, time will be missed, which could be used to eliminate the disease. Some diseases, for example, tracheitis, without appropriate care easily pass into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to treat. Damage caused to the body as a result of incorrect treatment will be very significant if In addition to the main infection, atrophy or hypertrophy of the respiratory mucosa ways.

Symptomatic treatment

Most of the funds from a wet cough are designed to alleviate the condition of the patient, they dilute sputum and help it go. Along with the phlegm from the respiratory tract, dead and living pathogenic microorganisms are removed, as well as dead protective cells. The more sputum is excreted, the more active is the process of cleansing the trachea and bronchi. There are many forms of release of medicines:
  • lozenges:
  • sprays for irrigation of the throat;
  • solutions for inhalation;
  • chewing lozenges;
  • drops for oral administration;
  • syrups;
  • medicines in a dry and liquid form;
  • granules;
  • powders;
  • collections of medicinal plants for self-production of drugs for gargling and inhalation.

Sometimes, the composition of funds from moist cough includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or antiviral components.

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The first task of the doctor is to determine the cause of the cough. Without this knowledge it is impossible to select quality treatment. Depending on the type of pathogenic microorganisms, various medications are prescribed:

  • with bacterial inflammation of the bronchi - amoxicillin, preparations based on penicillin and carbenicillin;
  • with a viral infection - anaferon, arbidol, aflubin.

Before taking any remedy, you need to read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Popular remedies for wet cough

As an additional treatment, good efficacy is indicated by bromhexine, which facilitates easy sputum discharge. Due to its composition, it increases the amount of mucus in the upper respiratory tract, which makes the cough more productive, and this contributes to recovery.

Another remedy, known for its low price, is the pertussin. This syrup based on extracts of medicinal plants stimulates the production of sputum in high volumes, soothes perspiration and aching in the throat, facilitates expectoration. Adults are suitable for any medication, and for children it is safe to use Dr. Mom, ambroxol and fljuditek. Some herbal ingredients can cause allergies, people with asthma should always consult a doctor before taking the medication.

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Codeine preparations

Are appointed only by the attending physician. The main active substance of these drugs is codeine, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain departments responsible for the reflex contraction of the respiratory muscles. Thanks to this cough passes. The funds are used in severe cases, as well as when all sorts of examinations do not reveal the cause of the cough. Medicines are released on prescription.

The best cough remedy. The best remedy for dry cough

What is cough is known to many, because not always this condition is associated with illness. In this way the body clears the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria, dust or foreign bodies that have got into them. Cough can be caused by different reasons, but in any case it irritates and does not allow to work and rest normally. In most cases, it signals a serious illness and requires immediate treatment. Many people are looking for the best cough remedy, but it's impossible to understand the abundance of drugs without the help of a doctor. After all, if you choose the wrong medicine, you can only aggravate the problem. Therefore, before you start treatment, you need to consult a doctor and determine what cough worries the patient. In addition, in most cases, even the best cough remedy will not help, if its cause is not eliminated. On the contrary, it can only get worse.

Types of cough

Depending on the characteristics of the disease and you need to choose the drugs. After all, different drugs have different effects. And before you determine the best cough remedy, you need to know what it is. Usually, the instructions to the medicine indicate which form it is treating.

  1. Dry cough can occur for various reasons. In general, it causes irritation of the mucous by chemical or physical factors. It also occurs with viral infection and colds.
  2. A wet cough is characterized by the spitting of sputum accumulating in the lungs or bronchi. It can be unproductive when it is viscous and coughs up with difficulty. Or wet, when there is a lot of sputum.

Causes of coughing

  • Catarrhal and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, tracheitis or SARS. They can be viral or bacterial. This is the most common cause of cough.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess or tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract by chemical substances or dust.
  • Heart failure.
  • Ingestion of foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  • Organic brain damage or neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, drugs that lower blood pressure.

How correctly to cure cough?

Without determining the cause, it caused, to cope with the symptom will be almost impossible. And in some cases, and completely contraindicated taking antitussive or expectorant funds. But most often, when they are looking for the best cough remedy, they try to eliminate the most common cause of it - infectious and inflammatory diseases. In this case, you need to remember that the disease begins most often with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet cough. Therefore, treatment should be changed during the course of the illness. It is not recommended to suppress dry cough, it is necessary to try to translate it into a more productive one, so that the bacteria and viruses that caused the disease come out with phlegm. And with an allergic cough, on the contrary, preparations are prescribed that suppress the cough reflex and antihistamines. If the cough has arisen on the nerves or on the background of heart failure, you do not need to take any additional medicines at all. Having cured the underlying disease, a person gets rid of it.

Features of the action of cough drugs

When the cause and type of the disease is clear, then you can choose the drug for its treatment. All of them have different effects:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs can be based on narcotic drugs, and they can be purchased only on prescription. They are needed if the cough is painful and dry. He does not allow to communicate, eat, or sleep. But in no case can they drink with a damp cough, so that there is no stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  2. Expectorants increase the production of sputum and facilitate its excretion by stimulating the bronchi. Such medicines are used only for the treatment of a damp cough, if it is dry, they will be useless.
  3. If there are a lot of sputum, but she coughs up with difficulty, you need to use mucolytics. These are the means that dilute it and facilitate the excretion.
  4. There are also local cough remedies. They treat it with an anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. Sometimes they have a local anesthetic effect, and if the cough was caused by irritation of the respiratory tract, it stops.
  5. Recently, there have appeared combined preparations that contain various substances and complex effects on the respiratory tract.

Types of cough drugs

  1. Tablets or capsules. Most often they are used to treat cough in adults. This form of the drug is convenient, if the treatment is long, and the drug should be taken several times. After all, they are easy to take with you and drink at work or on the road.
  2. Effervescent soluble tablets or powders have a more rapid effect, by facilitating absorption and a large amount of water drunk. But they can have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Syrups, drops and medicines are most often used to treat children, since they have a pleasant taste. They are also easily and quickly absorbed.
  4. Tablets or lozenges for absorption are used mainly in the treatment of cough caused by infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract or allergic reaction.
  5. Means for inhalation, rinsing and compresses are used to relieve cough that has appeared as a result of inflammation.


In many cases, a dry cough is so painful and exhausting to a person that the only way to save it will be to suppress it. Such medicines are divided into two groups:

  1. Means for suppressing dry cough, affecting the cough center in the brain. They are used only in the absence of sputum and come in different bases:
    - with narcotic effect - preparations Codeine, Hydrocodone, Morphine Chloride and others, sold only on the prescription of a doctor;
    - without narcotic effect - means "Tusuprex "Sinekod "Glavent" and others (they can be purchased without a prescription, but it should be used cautiously).
  2. Drugs that affect the nerve centers of the middle parts of the respiratory tract. This means "Libexin" or "Levopron."

The best remedy for dry cough

But recently, most often prescribe drugs of a new generation, which have a combined effect. With infectious and inflammatory diseases, if cough is unproductive and there is no sputum, complications are possible, since the infection is not eliminated from the respiratory tract. Therefore, we need drugs that do not suppress cough symptoms, but help to sputum. But dry cough often so exhausts the patient that it is necessary to slightly reduce its intensity. Modern combination drugs have this property. The most famous of them are the funds Stoptussin, Tussin plus, Butamirat, Lorain, and others.

At the moment, the best remedy for dry cough is the drug "Broncholitin". Its peculiarity is that in addition to antitussive substances (glaucin and ephedrine), it contains basil oil. It expands bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the viscosity of phlegm. This drug has a mild non-narcotic effect on the cough center and the musculature of the bronchi and is available as a syrup. Therefore, we can say that this is the best cough remedy for children over 3 years old.

How to take medications for dry cough?

Choose a tool you need strictly individually. For example, children are better suited medicine in the form of syrup, and soluble tablets are much faster than usual. But you need to know that, unlike expectorants, even the best cough drug without sputum has many contraindications. You can not take most of these medicines:

  • children under 3 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with allergic reactions;
  • those with respiratory failure or bronchial asthma.

In addition, it must be remembered that as soon as sputum begins to depart, it is necessary to change the drug. Suppress such a cough can not be in any case, as this can cause serious complications.

How to treat a wet cough?

It is very important that the sputum accumulating in the respiratory tract recedes easily. Many drugs for the treatment of wet cough are designed to enhance and facilitate its isolation. When there are a lot of sputum, you need to help the airway to get rid of it. Therefore, the composition of drugs for the treatment of wet cough includes substances that restore cells of the broncho-pulmonary tissue. In addition, they dilute sputum itself. Most often, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain plant components. The best remedy for a wet cough is Bromhexine. It easily helps to cope with the disease and has few side effects. Therefore, it is given even to children.

The "ACC" tool dilutes sputum very well, making it easier to leave. In addition to these, the most popular preparations for wet cough, the following medicines are also effective: Sinupret, Gedelix, Glitsira, Ascoril and some others. But they should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

The best expectorant

From cough, which is accompanied by a small amount of sputum, there are many medicines. Their purpose is to help in its passage by stimulating the bronchi or reducing its viscosity. Of course, according to the individual reaction, they need to be selected. But there are drugs that are not only effective, but also safe. They include plant components, and they can be given even to children.

  • Syrup of licorice root has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action and helps to sputum.
  • The drug "Mukaltin" has been known for a long time. This medicine is based on the root of the althaea - the best remedy for a damp cough. In addition to the expectorant action, the "Mucaltin" agent has an anti-inflammatory effect and slightly dilutes sputum.
  • The drug "Thermopsis" is also a fairly well-known herbal remedy with an expectorant effect. It increases sputum secretion and reduces its viscosity.

How to help the child?

Cough exhausts any person, but is especially bad when children suffer. Respiratory ways of babies are very sensitive to any external influences, and the majority of effective preparations to them is contraindicated. In general, children older than 2 years are given plant-based syrups: the preparation "Pertussin "Thermopsis "Doctor Mom licorice root syrup or althea. Many parents are looking for the best cough remedy for children, not only among official drugs, but also in traditional medicine recipes. Long since this ailment cope with the help of broths of herbs, honey solution, inhalations and compresses.

Traditional medicine

Despite the abundance of drugs from different types of cough, many are still being treated with home remedies, using old recipes. Conveniently this is because all the ingredients for this are always at hand, and they cause less side effects. What are the most popular recipes?

  1. The best cough remedy is honey. It is used alone or in combination with other products. Those who do not have allergies to it, successfully cure both dry and wet cough. And such drugs are very popular with children. For example, a mixture of ground hazelnuts with honey. It helps a lot if you mix a spoonful of honey with warm milk or lemon juice. Even just dissolved in water this product works wonders. A juice of radish or onions with honey is the best cough remedy. The testimonies of those who tried it testify that it can cure even a persistent chronic illness.
  2. Often when coughing it is recommended to drink broths of herbs. It is best to help the chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, oregano and sage. They can be used separately or in collections. But to drink such teas you need half a glass several times a day. You can also use such decoctions for inhalations.
  3. Onions and garlic are also an effective tool for alleviating the condition of the patient when coughing. And they use them both inside and outside for various compresses.
  4. Many healers recommend using cough to drink the juice of cowberry or viburnum with honey. Some people are helped by fresh carrot juice with milk.

But any means, both official and popular, should be used only after consulting a doctor.

How to improve the output of sputum when coughing

Cough begins after colds and viral diseases. First, the patient suffers from a dry cough, then it turns into a wet cough, but sputum is difficult to separate. To speed it out, you should get a doctor's recommendation and take additional measures at home to facilitate easy sputum discharge.

You will need

  1. - expectorants;
  2. - inhaler or nebulizer;
  3. - expectorant herbs;
  4. - Mustard plasters;
  5. - banks;
  6. - black radish;
  7. - honey.


  1. To maximize the speed of sputum discharge, the doctor will write out expectorant drugs: Ambrohexal, ACTS, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bromhexin or others. When using these drugs, it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, this will help to dissolve the sputum and its withdrawal from the bronchi.
  2. In addition, you can use a breastfeed that can be bought at a pharmacy, a decoction of St. John's wort, a ledum, an altea, a mother-and-stepmother, a licorice syrup. All herbal preparations have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, which makes it possible to withdraw phlegm in a short time.
  3. In addition to drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed. With a moist cough, warming compresses can be made, for example, mustard, cans, grated black radish. With a radish, you can make not only compresses, but also take its juice, mixed with equal parts of honey or sugar.
  4. In the room you need to maintain a high level of humidity. To do this, you need to install a humidifier or put batteries with clean water under the batteries, sea salt can be added to the water. Evaporation will create the effect of the salt chamber, which treat broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  5. Additionally, inhalations can be performed with a nebulizer or a mechanical inhaler. Inhalation, do with Ambrobene, saline or Vintolin 4-5 times a day until sputum is completely gone.
  6. If the sputum does not depart for a long time, the fever has risen, wheezing and shortness of breath appear, the doctor will prescribe a checkup and prescribe medications that dilate the bronchi in the form of aerosols, tablets or injections. Sighing breath, gurgling in the bronchi speaks of the development of obstructive bronchitis, at which occurs bronchospasm and sputum stagnate, which requires long-term treatment in outpatient or inpatient conditions.

Treatment for acute and chronic bronchitis: if sputum is bad

A clear sign of bronchitis is a productive (wet) cough, but sometimes sputum bleeds badly with bronchitis due to increased viscosity. How to distinguish it from other diseases, prevent the transition of the acute form into a chronic form, relieve cough? The answers to these questions will be found below.

Forms of bronchitis and their differences

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system, in which inflammation is transmitted to the bronchi. It is most often a complication of colds, so you should distinguish inflammation bronchus from other similar diseases - pneumonia, acute respiratory disease, influenza, miliary tuberculosis and cancer lungs. Some of these diseases require immediate treatment, because they can end up lethal.Therefore, it is not worth while coughing - the main symptom of many diseases - to delay the visit to the doctor: the expert can determine the diagnosis only after the examination.

Bronchitis is of three types:
  • acute bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchial tree, resulting in increased bronchial secretion, which leads to a cough with sputum expectoration;
  • chronic bronchitis - the defeat of the bronchial tree with the restructuring of the most secretory apparatus of the bronchi, which is accompanied by a violation of the purifying and protective functions of the bronchi;
  • obstructive form - inflammation, in which the congestion of the mucous membrane is a blockage of the bronchi.

Sometimes the chronic form is confused with an allergic reaction. These two forms are characterized by bouts of coughing and periodicity of exacerbation of the disease. But at the same time, with allergic bronchitis, body temperature does not increase, and exacerbations are provoked exclusively contact with allergens (animal hair, flower pollen, dust, detergents, etc.) P.).

Acute bronchitis: features of treatment

Most often, inflammation of the bronchi is provoked by various viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract (rhino and adenovirus, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, etc.), intracellular parasites (mycoplasmas, chlamydia) and bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci, hemophilic rod, etc.). Therefore, bronchitis is a contagious disease that spreads quite quickly by airborne droplets, even with a brief contact with a sick person.

There are primary and secondary acute types of the disease. The secondary develops against the background of colds. The primary diagnosis is much easier, because the picture of symptoms is not smeared with other diseases. But many specialists deny this pathogenetic division, since in fact acute bronchitis is always is a complication in acute respiratory infections or in lesions of bronchial mucosa other etiology. In acute bronchitis, symptoms appear as the disease progresses and include:

  • sore throat, pressing pain in the upper chest;
  • a dry cough that worries the patient for several days;
  • increase in body temperature to 3, -38 ° C;
  • productive cough that comes after dry.

A productive cough with inflammation of the bronchi lasts up to two weeks. If the cough lasts longer, it indicates an incorrectly selected treatment and the transition of bronchial inflammation from acute to chronic form. The nature of sputum indicates the degree of development of the disease: transparent means the initial stage, and if the disease proceeds without adequate treatment, then the color of phlegm can acquire a yellowish or greenish color tone.


Depending on the etiology of the disease, the patient is prescribed antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and immunomodulating medications. Traces of pus in the phlegm indicate a mycoplasmal infection or a bacterial infection, for which antibiotics are used. With viral infections, antibiotics will only weaken the already depleted body, so they should only be taken as prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis is clearly established.

If sputum, which is coughing up with a cough, is accompanied by bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor!

The main principle of treatment for bronchial inflammation is the dilution of too viscous sputum in order to facilitate its expectoration. Traditional medicine, for this purpose, prescribes to the patient abundant drinking (with the exception of beverages containing caffeine and alcohol), the use of expectorants and mucolytics - funds designed to dilute sputum without increasing its volume. The most popular mucolytics are Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, licorice root syrup. Expectorants are designed to divert the bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract by activating the cough reflex. This group of drugs includes derivatives of Cysteine, Himopsin, Ribonuclease, Potassium iodide, Sodium Hydrocarbonate, etc. Do not self-medicate and at your discretion choose a drug: each of them has its own side effects and contraindications. Therefore before taking medication you need to consult a doctor!

To facilitate the withdrawal of sputum with abundant secretion of bronchial mucosa, traditional medicine recipes are also effective, which are especially effective in combination with medication. So, to remove toxins from the body, the patient is given sweatshops: ginger with honey, lime blossom, sage, elderberry. If the body temperature is not increased, then you can put a yellow card on the upper part of the chest. If the sputum badly departs with bronchitis, then an inhalation will be an indispensable treatment in the home. For them, decoctions of herbs of chest collection, essential oils of conifers and eucalyptus, as well as hydrochloric and soda solutions are used. But before using any folk remedies, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid undesirable side effects and choose the most effective method of treating bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis: methods of treatment during remission and exacerbation

Inflammatory processes in the bronchi, which have passed into a chronic form, often occur not only in smokers, but also in those who for some reason often inhales air with respiratory irritating elements of non-infectious etymology (cadmium, urethane, dust, nitric oxide and other chemical substance). In chronic form, coughing attacks are repeated 3-4 times a year, typical exacerbations in cold and wet weather. With exacerbation, shortness of breath, increased sweating at night, wheezing when exhaling. There are several forms of chronic inflammation of the bronchi:
  1. Simple uncomplicated form: has the same symptoms as acute bronchitis without complications.
  2. Purulent form: sputum constantly or from time to time contains purulent inclusions.

Chronic disease during periods of exacerbation is treated on the same principle as the acute form of the disease, that is, drugs are used to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum.

During periods of remission of a chronic illness, one should beware of temperature changes and hypothermia, in order not to provoke an exacerbation. In addition, the effects of etiological factors, such as smoking, inhaling various types of dust, acids, alkalis, etc., should be avoided. Prevent exacerbation can also be inhaled moistened oxygen and a special diet. The diet necessarily includes vitamins (raw vegetables and fruits, juices and yeast drinks) and the necessary minerals to strengthen immunity. If the sputum is abundant, then the loss of protein should be restored, which can be done with a protein-rich diet.


Excellent results in chronic bronchitis demonstrate sanatorium treatment in the sea mountain climate. The method of hardening the patient's body during remission with the help of cold douches and a contrast shower is very popular.

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