Hepatitis C 3 genotype

  • Features genotype third type
  • reasons
  • Manifestations
  • diagnostic evaluation
  • Treatment of hepatitis C genotype 3
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Viral infections destroy millions of lives every year. From one hepatitis with 3 genotype, almost 700,000 people die each year. Studies have shown that the hepatitis virus is ambiguous and has various modifications and genotypes. The strain of a viral infection largely determines the prognosis of the disease and the severity of the course of the disease.

The causative agent of hepatitis C is constantly mutating, which causes difficulties in the selection of effective treatment. The causative agent rebuilds the genome and rearranges the nucleotides. Also, because of this, the immune system is difficult to identify a pathogenic microorganism and to resist its attacks.

For this reason, viral inflammation of the liver is a chronic disease. Scientists identify six main genetic variants of a viral infection that causes hepatitis C. One of the main is the third option, which, in turn, is divided into the genotype 3a and 3b.

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Genotyping helps predict the chances of success of treatment, as well as choose the dosage of medicines and the duration of the treatment course.

Well characterizes hepatitis C with its epithet "affectionate killer."Disease-causing microorganisms slowly but surely destroy hepatocytes and in the absence of proper timely treatment lead to death. That is why it is extremely important to understand what are the causes of the 3 genotype of hepatitis C and what threatens the infected people?

Features of the third type of genotype

This genetic variant is characterized by a persistent virologic response in response to interferon therapy. Only in 30-50% of cases the genotype is subject to the process's chronology, whereas the first variant is transformed into a chronic form in ninety percents of cases.

This genetic variant is characterized by a more pronounced lesion of the biliary tract and accumulation of fat in the hepatocytes. In comparison with the first version, this genotype rarely leads to cirrhosis of the liver. He can also be healed in just six months. As statistics show, this occurs in eighty percent of cases.

genotype 3 a and b are more amenable to treatment with modern drugs

highlight the key characteristics of a third genotype:

  • most commonly found pathogen in young people under thirty years of age;
  • treatment should be started as soon as possible, as the development of fibrotic changes progresses;
  • the older the patient, the worse the predictions;
  • excess weight reduces the effectiveness of therapeutic therapy;
  • in women, the prognosis for recovery is more optimistic;
  • more than seventy percent of cases show a steatosis of the liver. This is a kind of fatty dystrophy, which adversely affects the functional activity of the organ;
  • there are risks of malignant process;
  • is most common in Asian countries;
  • genotype 3 of the hepatitis virus affects not only the liver, but also other vital organs and systems. The causative agent of hepatitis C negatively affects the work of the kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, the endocrine, the nervous system.

Causes of

In hepatitis C, an inflammatory process occurs in the liver. On the cells, the body is affected not only by a viral infection, but also by the immune system. The severity of the inflammatory reaction depends largely on the activity of the pathogen, as well as the reactivity of the immune system. Identification of the pathogen variant and determines the treatment regimen for hepatitis.

We highlight the main causes of infection:

  • blood transfusion - transfusion of donor blood;
  • visit to the dental office, nail salon;
  • skin tattoo, piercing, when using non-sterile materials;
  • parenteral administration of narcotic substances;
  • surgery;
  • sexual intercourse.

After penetrating the body, the virus affects the liver, causing pathological changes in it
Important! The incubation period can range from six months to several years.

Manifestations of

The clinical picture of hepatitis C is as follows:

  • poor overall well-being: weakness, headache, dizziness;
  • reduced physical activity, the inability to carry out the usual load for the body;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • enlargement of the liver in size;
  • tenderness in the region of the right hypochondrium;
  • wandering joint pain;
  • skin itching;Icterus of the skin and sclera;
  • darkening of urine and clarification of stool.

The disease has no specific symptoms. The above signs can accompany other diseases.

If you find any of the above symptoms, you should immediately call your doctor

Diagnostic examination

How to reduce viral load in hepatitis C?

For the accurate diagnosis, the following methods of investigation are used: the general blood test well determines the signs of anemia and bacterial infection, as a concomitant pathology, a biochemical blood test, an enzyme immunoassay will detect the presence of antibodies.

PCR will detect the RNA of the virus. An ultrasound is performed, biopsy of the hepatic tissue, as a supplement, fibrogastroscopy, X-ray, ECG, viral load in hepatitis is determined by qualitative and quantitative tests.

Treatment of the 3 genotype of hepatitis C

The drug treatment of viral inflammation of the liver involves the use of direct-acting antivirals or an interferon group. Along with this, Ribavirin is prescribed. On the question of how to treat hepatitis C, there is no single answer, since the treatment scheme is selected individually, taking into account many factors.

Before the development of cirrhosis of the liver, it is possible to achieve remission, deactivate the virus and stop the inflammatory reaction. Hepatitis C is considered an incurable disease. By means of antiviral therapy, it is possible to prevent the development of complications and reduce the activity of a viral infection.

Treatment of hepatitis with genotype 3 includes the use of

generics. A feature of direct action drugs against hepatitis C is the absence of side effects, the possibility of using after unsuccessful treatment attempts and high performance indicators. These drugs shortened the duration of antiviral therapy. Produced in generic formulations in tablet form.

They are used both in the form of independent treatment, and in combination with interferon. The drug Sofosbuvir was registered in America and Europe and was clinically tested. Of the shortcomings can be identified only high cost. Indian generics Sofosbuvira are supplied to many countries, but Russia and Ukraine in these lists do not.

About the release of Indian analogs it became known about a year after the release of the original product. Treatment with generics will cost thirty, or even sixty times cheaper.

Hepatitis C genotype 3 is a serious disease that is fraught with liver destruction and death. It is the most common type of viral hepatitis C. This genetic variant is characterized by adherence to other subtypes, which complicates the diagnosis and selection of treatment.

The earlier the therapy was started, the more chances for a speedy recovery. The success of treatment depends on many factors, but the most important of them is the patient's desire to regain his health and follow all the recommendations of the doctor.