Iatrogenic: what is it, species, examples, prevention

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The concept of

The term "Iatrogenic" in medicine( iatrogenia ) includes the definition of an unfavorable disease state, caused in the patient by an authoritative person as a result of involuntary or intentional suggestion. The causes of iatrogenesis, most often - medical medical errors.

The mental problem of iatrogenesis is important in the occurrence of extremely undesirable psychological changes in the consciousness, emotional and vegetative sphere of the patient's personality, provoking various psychogenic reactions. The effects of iatrogenesis are manifested in the form of development of certain types of neuroses( iatrogenic disorders).

In medical activity, the trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient is very important, since this will largely depend on the success of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, disorders and disorders. After all, a doctor, a paramedic, a nurse are medical workers, who are always and to the greatest extent authoritative persons for their patients.

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Kinds of iatrogenia, its classification includes

It is possible to identify some types of iatrogenic or its forms, if we adhere to a broader modern interpretation of this concept:

  • unsuccessful therapeutic effect;
  • side effects;
  • no effect of drugs, due to their repeated use;
  • poor drug compatibility;
  • errors of doctors;
  • incorrect performance of medical prescriptions not because of negligence, but because of typos and blurry handwriting;
  • itself negligence.

Classification of species and forms of iatrogen includes five groups:

  1. Psychogenic iatrogenic diseases are various forms of neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, depression, phobias. Appear when the patient misunderstood the doctor's statements.
  2. Drugs - when side effects of drugs or their ineffectiveness appear.
  3. Traumatic - adverse effects of therapeutic and surgical effects.
  4. Infectious iatrogenia - when a patient becomes infected with nosocomial infections and others.
  5. Mixed iatrogenia - when iatrogenesis develops due to a combination of the above factors.

Thus, the diagnosis of iatrogenic may sound like "Psychogenic, drug, traumatic, infectious or mixed."

Examples of

As mentioned above, iatrogenia can be caused by a doctor unintentionally and intentionally. The use of the term is permissible in the following examples:

  1. An example of unintentional iatrogeny can be careless commenting aloud of an unimportant client state.
  2. Intentionally induced iatrogenesis occurs when some professionals who lack the concepts of charity, morality and only desire for profit, use intimidation for the future state of the client, so that he turns out to be dependent on them - "doctors" and additionally paid for them "medical services. This phenomenon in our life, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

We understand that the synonym for iatrogenia is an underlying disease. But can you inspire yourself with a disease? Of course! Iatrogenium can be freely and unintentionally directed to myself. This often happens in students of medical schools and universities, when there is a study of specific diseases. Also, iatrogeny occurs when patients are actively interested in medical literature and, so to speak, try on themselves the studied diseases. So the problem of iatrogeny is becoming increasingly scrupulous and urgent.

In general, initially the concept of iatrogenia and its term were introduced by the German psychiatrist Bumke Oswald in 1925.And now, in medicine, iatrogenic is defined more as any unfavorable consequence of medical interventions, diagnostic procedures, preventive measures leading to abnormalities of organism functions, limitation of self-service, complications of medical procedures as a result of erroneous and correct actions of the doctor.

Prevention of

Prevention of iatrogenium, respectively, should be carried out in the exclusion of the aforementioned points, as well as the stable moral basis and self-monitoring of medical workers in dealing with patients.

It is recommended that a doctor and a paramedic be urged to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of various modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, in view of possible complications in their use.

Drugs should be administered reasonably and circumspectly, looking at the patient's condition and possible side effects from medications. What can outweigh in each situation: a positive medication effect or a side effect?

Possible remarks to the patient should be thought out and cautious. And you can not allow to absorb all the attention of a doctor with a disease, since then we will forget about the patient.
Fighting a disease is not only a coolness, but also, to a greater extent - charity and compassion for the sick.

Degree of iatrogenic disorders

In order for iatrogenic disorders to develop actively, an important condition is necessary: ​​the patient must be suspicious, insecure, prone to anxiety, vulnerable.

The patient's characteristic feature is an important predictor of the extent to which neurosis can take possession of the patient and how much time it takes to get a person out of it.

With hypochondriac patients during intercourse for the prevention of iatrogenia, one must be extremely cautious, discussing the specifics of their health.