Otitis without fever in a child

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The temperature at the otitis as one of the main symptoms of the disease

The temperature at otitis, which is a serious disease, is considered one of the main signs of otitis.

Otitis can be acute or chronic.

In acute form, which lasts two to three days, patients feel constant or periodic pain.

Body temperature can rise to 38-39 ° C or higher.

In addition to the temperature of otitis, there are other, no less pronounced symptoms, namely:

  • severe headache and dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of congestion and pressure in the auricle;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • purulent discharge from the auricle.

It is important to know

Despite the severity of the signs of the disease, a qualified otolaryngologist must prescribe the final diagnosis and prescribe the treatment!

If the treatment is wrong or untimely, there is a possibility of the disease becoming chronic, which is quite dangerous. In this case, the symptoms will not be as pronounced, and the disease itself passes with a slight rise in temperature or without it at all.

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The temperature in otitis in children does not always increase, however, if the remaining symptoms are present, you need to check your ears for the disease. To do this, immediately consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

Temperature in otitis in children and adults: features of treatment

Treatment of otitis in a child is most effective at the onset of the disease. Since the temperature at the otitis in children can rise quickly enough, before the doctor comes, you can give to a child, an antipyretic agent in a dosage corresponding to the age and indicated in the instructions to drug.

How to treat an otitis in a child knows only a competent doctor. Before prescribing medicines, parents can offer the child a copious drink.

It is also possible to drip vasoconstrictive drops into the nose. It is not superfluous to ventilate the room and carry out a wet cleaning. But the purpose of whiter than serious medications is categorically unacceptable, as there are a number of contraindications for otitis.

So, if the temperature at otitis in children rises above 38 ° C, warming compresses, warmers and inhalations are contraindicated. They can significantly worsen the patient's condition and lead to the most unexpected consequences.

How much does the temperature of a child with otitis? Temperature is an important symptom of otitis in a child. In the event that the treatment is already underway, the temperature should gradually decrease to the norm by 4-5 days.

At normal temperature dry heat may be prescribed. In this case, a tissue bandage can be applied to the diseased ear (it should not be heated).

It is important to know

The temperature above 39 ° C is an indicator for the hospitalization of the child, since in a hospital environment it will be provided with proper treatment and care.

In the presence of bacterial infection and a decrease in the protective functions of the body, children under the age of two years are shown taking antibiotics, which are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is possible to perform an assay for sensitivity to various drugs prior to prescribing antibiotics. Also, antibiotics are recommended for patients with moderate and severe disease, as their administration will significantly accelerate the healing process and reduce temperature.

Children older than 2 years of age, who have otitis without fever, may be prescribed symptomatic therapy, normalizing the condition and eliminating painful sensations. If after two days after the start of treatment there is no positive dynamics, you need to take a course of antibiotics, which is five to ten days.

Treatment of this disease in adults, especially if otitis without temperature, is carried out in a traditional way and does not require any special methods.

At the initial stage of otitis, the patient may be prescribed vasoconstrictive drugs for the nose, which improve the patency between the nasopharynx and the ear.

With severe pain in the ear, ear drops are recommended, which should be warmed by hands before entering the ear canal.

As antipyretics and analgesics, adults can be prescribed paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Can there be otitis without fever

Since otitis is a fairly common disease, many are interested in the answer to the question: "Can otitis be without temperature?".

Situations when otitis begins with severe painful sensations, but without a rise in body temperature, occur quite often.

Such non-standard symptoms can be observed at the very beginning of the disease, when the pain was only beginning to manifest.

Given the nature of the disease, regardless of the presence of fever, the patient should be prescribed adequate medication. In the case of a mild form of the disease, symptomatic treatment may be prescribed, along with which it is necessary to adhere to a certain regimen and prescriptions of the attending physician.

Affirmatively answering the question, can there be otitis without temperature, doctors also note that circumstance, It is precisely the absence of a rise in temperature that very often leads to misperceptions by patients disease. In this case, there is a possibility that the patient will make an incorrect diagnosis, which in the future can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

Many people are worried about the question, is it possible to walk at an otitis without temperature? It is possible, but only if the disease is not in an acute form, and the patient does not have purulent discharge and general malaise. When walking, you should avoid overheating and hypothermia, raw and windy weather.

It is important to know

In the case of painful sensations in the ear, which are not necessarily accompanied by fever, it is necessary to consult a qualified otolaryngologist. In this case, you will protect yourself from the consequences of improper treatment and quickly restore health.


Otitis always with fever ???


Otitis often does not have temperature at all. Not all inflammations have a common temperature.
Here you cut your finger, for example, and 3-4 days there is red (inflammation), and then only heals. Do not you have a fever for these 3-4 days?
With otitis all is not very simple, because:
1) Remember what happened to the baby in the last week. Could he freeze somewhere? Was it possible to blow out with open windows in a draft? Could hit his ear? (although this rarely happens from the impact, with an impact there may be an external bruise). If you remember some of his "sit-rounds" in a draft, it is probably an otitis. If you had a sore throat or something like that, the cold is strong - it's even more likely that it has spilled into the otitis.
2) "Otinum" and "Otipaks" are good drops, there is no harm from them (if you have a child older than 3 years old, your kids have their own peculiarities and there may be contraindications).
BUT! Otolaryngologists are often angry when they learn that the patient has dripped to themselves any drops (generally any drops) in the ears WITHOUT prior consultation with the otolaryngologist. They say that any person in the ear can for some reason have a microperforation of the tympanic membrane - and therefore always at first the ENT should check that there is no such perforation - and only after that one can drip something in an ear. Without prior consultation lora can, according to their rules, do only "turundochki wetted with drops. That is, roll a soft swab of tampon (WITHOUT pointed tips), moisten it with drops (not much, let it be wet - but not so that it flows) and insert it into the ear
3) the eye can not hurt in the morning because your evening anesthesia still works; It is necessary to watch the dynamics during the day and ask the child every 2 hours for changes;
4) the ear can ache a bit inside of the pimple. There are such unpleasant pryshchiki that arise inside the auricle (but DO NOT reach the tympanum of course). And they can ache a couple of days. Even redness will be seen if you look directly at the auricle. It is not deep, literally 2-3 mm from the "inlet is not deeper.
It is necessary to ask the child: where exactly does the ear ache? Close to the entrance or deep? (once deeply - means the membrane, and apparently it's an otitis, the temperature may not be at all when otitis).
If the ear hurts all the time (and not just by pressing the ear) it will be another argument in favor of otitis.

Usually without temperature, but otitis can be a consequence of influenza, colds and so on

Radiy Kutluyev

No. Immunity to raise is necessary. In the morning on an empty stomach spoon of cedar oil with a wooden spoon with honey for an hour or two before eating. And further:
Many times I have already written, and here I am copying from the book of Megre
It is important, after all, to eat right for harmony
Of course, the needs of the body for different people in the quantity and range of products can not be the same. Therefore, there can not be a standard, uniform for all recipes or diets.
A person living in a modern apartment needs to buy a small amount, a gram of hundred or two hundred, all vegetables, fruits and edible herbs that grow in the region where a person lives.
Before eating these products, you do not need to eat for a whole day. Drink spring water, and at lunchtime, drink a glass of red beet juice.
After taking the beet juice, it is advisable not to leave the house. The stomach and intestines will begin to be intensively cleaned.
The next day, waking up in the morning and feeling hunger feeling, you need to get any vegetable, fruit or grass, put it on a plate, sit down at the table, carefully look at the product lying on the plate, then sniff it, lick it, and chewing slowly, to eat.
In the room, while it is desirable to be alone and isolated from the sounds of the artificial world.
The feeling of hunger from taking one product will not disappear or will arise again, after a short period of time. And then, it is necessary to take any other product, eat it in the same way as the first one.
All the purchased products a person should try in any order, but, with small intervals of time. The time of taking the next product will determine the feeling of hunger.
It is necessary to start the reception in the morning.
During the day, a person will try all the products growing in the region where he lives.
If the variety of foods turns out to be large and one day is not enough, continue eating the same way the next day.
This procedure is very important. It will enable many people, perhaps for the first time in their life, to get acquainted with the taste and properties of the product. Determine how much and how much, it is necessary for a person, at the moment.
After the body gets acquainted with all the products, it is necessary to take a large plate, cut into small slices each vegetable and spread it on a plate.
On this or another plate, also put small bunches of greens and berries. The contents of a plate with perishable products should be filled with spring water.
Still on the table it is necessary to put honey, flower pollen, cedar oil, spring water.
A person can do his own business. When he felt hungry, he could come to the table and take his favorite product or eat it with a wooden spoon, and eat it.
It may happen that some products will be eaten completely, and some will remain untouched. This means that your personal wise doctor, a nutritionist, assigned to you by the Creator, your body, has selected for you the most necessary, at the moment, and unnecessary - so far left untouched.
The next day, uneaten on the table can not be set.
But, three days later, the entire assortment of products should be on the table again. Perhaps, now the body will need another.
Gradually, a person will be able to determine: what foods can be temporarily excluded from the diet in order not to bother to buy them.
But, after a while, and they can be needed by the body, and therefore it is necessary, from time to time, to put on the table the entire possible range.
Do not mix them with each other or salt, otherwise, your body will not be able to determine the dignity and significance of the products.
If you have to leave your home, but in this case, you can adapt. For example, buy or make a tuesok-box of birch bark and put in it a piece of food, standing on the table.

Ear otitis in a child: symptoms, causes and treatment

Ear otitis in a child occurs much more often than in adults. The reasons for this imbalance are obvious - they are associated with the not yet sufficiently strengthened immune system of babies, which is not yet able to actively resist the development of inflammation. External manifestations of the disease, depending on the type of otitis media, differ, and therapeutic approaches should also be different.

What are otitis media in children and why they occur

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear.What are otitis media in children and what are their differences? There are external otitis and otitis media, depending on which department of the ear is inflamed. The course of the disease, which is very common at a young age, can be acute or chronic. The inflammatory process can, accompanied by suppuration or not accompanied by it. In this inflammation, there is a hearing disorder (mild to moderate hearing loss). The danger of all kinds of otitis in children is in their complications. Especially dangerous complications of purulent otitis. Remembering this, my mother should be attentive to the complaints of the child. If the child complains about the ear, the mother should immediately call the child's doctor. He, having examined the child, will give the necessary recommendations and, if he deems it necessary, appoint a consultation of a children's ENT doctor.

Otitis externa may be a furuncle of the external auditory canal, but may be external otitis and spilled. The furuncle develops as a result of the infection in the hair follicle or the sebaceous gland that is near this sac. Why does external otitis occur in young children? The cause of infection is usually a minor skin trauma (mum does not observe caution, when the child is cleaning the eye, or the child puts in his ear a hard object with sharp edges).

Acute otitis media often develops as a complication of an acute cold. In the role of pathogens may act staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, etc. The cause of otitis media in children are adenoidal disorders that cover the mouth of the Eustachian pipes and thereby create conditions for air stagnation in the "drum-eustachian system" trumpet". In turn, the complication of acute otitis media, as well as complication of tubotitis is

The causative agents of acute purulent otitis are the same as in acute otitis media. If, for some reason, there is no timely and sufficient treatment for acute purulent otitis, if the sick child is not eating well, if the resistance of his body is reduced due to some prolonged illness, the acute purulent process in the ear can be transformed into a chronic one, and then it is already possible to talk about the presence of a chronic purulent otitis. Among the causes of this otitis in children, it is necessary to name such pathogens as streptococci, staphylococcus and E. coli. If the pseudomonas aeruginosa appears in the ear, the otitis proceeds very hard.

What are the symptoms of external and middle otitis media in a child

What are the symptoms of otitis in a child depending on the type of inflammation?

With external otitis, the child complains of pain in the ear. The pain is growing, and when you press the tragus of the auricle, it is even worse. Body temperature rises, parotid and cervical lymph nodes increase, tissues in the external ear canal swell strongly - sometimes this passage is completely closed. After opening the furuncle, pus is poured from the ear. Soon after this, recovery comes.

Acute otitis media begins some time after the onset of a cold. Again, a characteristic sign of otitis media is a pain in the ear. Sometimes a child complains of pain in both ears. If you click on the tragus of the ear, the pain becomes stronger. Body temperature rises, appetite and sleep are affected. There is a noise in the Ear, hearing is broken. The JIOP-doctor sees the reddening of the tympanic membrane when examining the patient's ear. Also, with the average otitis of the ear in a child, the symptoms are changes in the blood test: leukocytosis, increased ESR.

Symptoms of purulent and chronic otitis media in a child

Acute purulent otitis proceeds with the same symptoms, but to them signs of intoxication of the organism are added:increased fatigue, general weakness, pale skin and mucous membranes. Increased body temperature - up to 40 ° C - lasts several days. The pain in the ear becomes stronger and, as it were, pulsates. At some point, there is a breakthrough of pus accumulating in the tympanum, through the tympanic membrane outside; and the amount of pus can be significant. When pus breaks through it, as a rule, an admixture of blood is found. After the pus empties, the pain quickly fades into nothing. There is a hearing disorder.

The chronic purulent otitis is characterized by a suppuration, which lasts a long time. The suppuration may be permanent or intermittent. The substance separated from the ear can have a mucous or mucus-like nature; rarely - festering. If the pseudomonas arisens in the ear or if pus stagnates in the tympanum, a putrid smell from the ear may appear. Symptom of this otitis in the child is a constant noise in the patient's ear. The doctor sees a hole in the eardrum when viewed (with the help of a special instrument) of the tympanic membrane. Chronic purulent otitis may be complicated by mastoiditis, meningitis; local complications - proliferation of granulations, the appearance of polyps; a fairly rare complication is cholesteatoma.

How to properly treat an ear otitis in a child

Before treating otitis in a child, the baby must be shown to a specialist. The patient is examined by the ENT doctor and prescribes the necessary therapy. When treating otitis in a child is very important nutrition. The child's diet should contain more foods that are sources of vitamins A, C, B, etc. for the body.

With external otitis, the patient's ear warms up several times a day, making warming compresses (around the ear). In the external auditory meatus every day put turundas with a doctor-appointed remedy. Physiotherapy is effective.

With acute otitis media, treatment is also local and general. How correctly to treat an otitis of the child if it has arisen in the middle ear? In this case, warming up several times a day; around the ear make warming compresses with vegetable or camphor oil, vodka, semi-alcoholic compresses.

With severe pain in the ear, analgesic drops are prescribed. The effectiveness of treatment is increased when physiotherapy is connected. Simultaneously, the nose is treated - with the aim of quickly restoring the function of the Eustachian tube.

And how to treat an ear otitis in a child, if the disease is an acute purulent inflammation? In this case, the doctor makes a paracentesis - a small incision in the tympanic membrane. Through this incision poured out, and the state of the baby improves. The doctor observes the child every day, performs the toilet of the ear, puts in the external ear canal of turunda with medicines. The patient's ear is warmed, warming compresses are put on, physioprocedures are done. With symptoms of purulent otitis in children, treatment is also prescribed for the nose with a nasopharynx.

With chronic purulent otitis, the doctor also makes a daily ear toilet; locally used anti-inflammatory drugs; antibiotics are administered parenterally; physiotherapy is prescribed. In those cases when conservative therapy is ineffective, when complications of otitis may occur, surgical treatment is indicated. If you can achieve a long period without suppuration, an operation is performed to restore the integrity of the tympanic membrane. This operation is called "myringoplasty."

Treatment of otitis in children at home: first aid to a child

The kid suddenly complained that his ear hurts. Timely competent actions of the mother will help in this case to alleviate the child's condition and prevent the development of dangerous complications. Before starting treatment for otitis in children at home, first, of course, you need to call a precinct pediatrician at home.

After that, the mother must:

  • to measure the child's body temperature; if the body temperature is increased significantly, the child is recommended to give something of antipyretics: paracetamol in the form of a syrup, Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the age-appropriate dose, a small child - put a cefekon candle; If the mother gives the sick child acetylsalicylic acid, then - by all means on milk;
  • if the pain is severe, and the child can not tolerate it, providing first aid in otitis in a child, you need to give for oral intake of any pain medication - for example analgin in the age-related dose; an analgesic is injected into the ear - you can inject into the ear novocaine, otinum, if they are in the home medicine chest; if neither novocaine, no on hand at hand, you can drip a few drops of warm vodka into the external auditory meatus; quite quickly the pain in the ear weakens after introducing a few drops of warm vegetable oil into it; for this purpose, you can use any vegetable oil - olive, corn, sunflower, soybean, etc. (on the child's recovery the ear needs to be rinsed to remove from the external auditory meatus the remains oil); After the mother dripped the baby in the ear one of these means, he should be about 15 min. lie down - while the sick ear should be facing the ceiling; after instillations the external ear canal is always plugged with a cotton swab;
  • When treating otitis in a child at home, you need to warm up your sore ear; The warming-up procedure, despite its simplicity, is very effective; is due to its effectiveness in that heat is always characterized by a mild analgesic effect; in addition, heat causes local expansion of blood vessels and, therefore, a rush of blood to the sore ear, and in conditions of abundant blood supply the inflammation focuses much faster; sometimes it is enough to warm your ear once the very beginning of the disease - and the process of inflammation begins to "take positions warm up your baby need 3-4 times a day; Each time the warm-up procedure should take 12-15 minutes; it is recommended to use an ordinary heating pad (the child should lie on the hot-water bottle with a sick ear); It is important to remember that with an increase in the body temperature of warming do not;
  • Also, such assistance is very effective for children in the home, like warming compresses; when inflamed, compress around the ear; most often for compresses use such means as sunflower oil, camphor oil, vodka, alcohol, half diluted with water; make warming compresses 2 times a day: 1 times a day on, -2 h. and for the whole night; if the child has increased body temperature, compresses in no case can not be done, otherwise the body temperature will rise;
  • close the child with a dry ear with dry cotton wool; until the doctor says that the recovery has come, the ear of the baby should be permanently closed; cotton wool is fixed on the ear with a handkerchief or cap.

Folk remedies for the treatment of otitis in children

It is necessary to warn that methods and means recommended by traditional medicine are used as a supplement to the basic treatment that the JIOP doctor will assign to the child.

Below are listed the best folk remedies for treatment of otitis in children at home:

  • alternating with other means, bury in a sick ear a warm infusion of chamomile flowers; Preparation of the infusion: 1 teaspoonful dry flowers in a preheated cookware, pour a glass of boiling water and press under the lid for about 15 minutes. strain;
  • when folk treatment of otitis in children should be put twice a day in the external auditory canal gauze turuns (fitilechki), impregnated with warm walnut oil, for 2-3 hours;
  • Propolis oil can be used as an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic; to put with it 2 times a day for 2-3 hours. in a sick ear gauze turundas;
  • there is more grapes; preferably - sweet varieties; grapes for the body - an excellent source of energy, very necessary for fighting the disease;
  • cleaning the external auditory canal from the pus, moisten the cotton swab with fresh juicy lemon juice (bear onions);
  • an effective folk remedy for otitis in children is mixed in equal quantities fresh juice of onions and flaxseed oil; moistened with this mixture gauze turunda, you need to put the latter in the outer ear canal for -2 hours; alternate with others means.


How much does the temperature last for the baby?

Inflammation of the middle ear, or otitis, is a fairly common disease, especially in toddlers. In most cases, the development of this disease begins with a rise in body temperature to a critical level of 39-40 degrees and severe pain in the ear.

Naturally, every loving and caring mother tries as soon as possible to save her son or daughter from suffering and gives the baby various medications prescribed by the doctor. With correctly chosen tactics of action, the picture of the disease changes rather quickly, however, this is not always the case. In this article, we will tell you what temperature can be in a child's otitis, and how many days it normally keeps.

How many days does the temperature last for children?

To begin with, it should be noted that the temperature of the body with otitis in children does not always reach a critical level. In some situations, it rests on subfebrile values ​​(in the range of 3, to 3, degrees), until the crumbs recover from the disease.

Nevertheless, in most cases from the first days of the development of this ailment the baby's body temperature rises significantly. Her values ​​will be high all the time, while in the tiny organism the inflammatory process is actively developing.

If the child's otitis occurs with a rise in body temperature to 38-39 degrees, he must be prescribed antipyretic drugs, as well as antibiotics that are allowed for children at the appropriate age. With properly selected antibiotic therapy, the clinical picture changes quickly enough, and within 2-3 days the temperature in the baby decreases.

If during this time the situation does not change, this means that the selected antibiotic can not cope with the inflammatory process in the hearing organs. In such circumstances, you should immediately seek medical attention for the selection of other medications, as the prescribed treatment has proved ineffective.

Meanwhile, the subfebrile temperature after getting rid of the heat can persist for up to 2 weeks, and this sign is not an excuse for unplanned treatment to the doctor and interference in treatment tactics.


What should I do if my child has an earache?

One of the problems that each mother faced, the child has an earache.Ears most often hurt in children up to a year, this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the nasopharynx of the baby.At this age, the Eustachian tube is located at the same level as the nasopharynx, as it grows the child becomes longer and longer, which makes it difficult for pathogens to access the medium an ear. Any illness of a baby with a misdiagnosed diagnosis and inappropriate treatment can greatly affect future health. Remember that lost time and improperly rendered help with earache in the child's ear can cause complete deafness!

Therefore at the first suspicions on ear disease it is necessary to address to the otolaryngologist. Before the doctor comes, parents can relieve pain with anesthetics and give the child antipyretic drugs.

Self-diagnosis of the disease

Older children, especially if they already know how to speak themselves, show and tell what hurts. Kids can not do this. With pain in the ears, the baby tries to touch them with their hands, rubs them against the pillow, anxiously sleeps, often wakes up. Carry out an external examination of the ears for foreign objects. Try not to press strongly on the ledge near the auricle, which indicates pain in the ear.

In addition, with pain in the ear, you can observe temperature, purulent discharge, worsening of hearing, vomiting, diarrhea.

Why can the ears

Ear pain can be contagious or non-infectious. If the child has an earache, the cause is usually actively developing inflammatory process directly in the ear, complications of tonsillitis, bronchitis, ARVI, sinusitis. Most often, pain in the ears indicates the onset of acute otitis media.

The causes of pain in the ear are as follows:

  • acute otitis media (internal, external, middle);
  • injury or foreign object;
  • accompanies sore throat, mumps, teething;
  • water in the ear cavities.

Otitis and its types

When an infection enters the middle ear cavity that causes acute inflammation, otitis develops. The disease lasts about three weeks, can go without treatment, and can drag on and go into a chronic form with persistent consequences. Inflammatory diseases, conjunctivitis, decreased immunity, as well as genetic predisposition serve as an encouraging factor of occurrence. There are otitis media of the inner ear, middle and outer.

People of any age are exposed to otitis externa. Symptoms: the skin itches and it becomes wet near the auricle, there is swelling, pain. It develops when infection is infiltrated during the cleaning of the ear with a sharp object, in case of moisture.

The middle ear is inflamed mainly in children (otitis media). The middle ear includes the drum cavity, sound bones (stapes, hammer, anvil). The tympanic membrane separates the middle and outer auditory canal. Infection and pathogens penetrate the nasopharynx through the auditory tube into the middle ear. Inflammation can begin because of an injury or spread through the system of the ear maze with meningitis. The ear and temperature are hurting - these are signs of an average otitis. Acute otitis media in the baby can develop due to hypothermia, overheating, and even when the mother does not properly hold the baby while feeding.

Otitis can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. Otitis caused by pathogenic bacteria is treated very well by antibiotics. In the case of a viral infectious agent, the earache in the child's ear may be absent. A consequence may be hearing loss, t. the liquid accumulated in the middle ear becomes thicker. This type of otitis requires surgery.

Internal otitis is much less common. This is a very dangerous disease, it can occur after the otitis media of the middle ear or infectious disease of the upper or lower respiratory tract. The treatment is long, requiring the exact fulfillment of all prescriptions of the doctor. The virus or bacteria penetrate from the middle ear, through the membranes of the brain, through the blood. Symptoms: noises in the ears, imbalance, nausea, vomiting, worsening of hearing. May lead to complete deafness. No self-treatment, only an appeal to a specialist!

How is otitis treated?

Otitis begins, as a rule, suddenly. Ear pain is very bad, tolerating it, especially a child, is unbearable. Ears can get sick at night, when an appeal to an otolaryngologist is difficult. Bury alcohol ear drops, boric alcohol can not, with damage to the eardrum this can lead to serious complications. But it is not bad to drip vasoconstrictive drops in the nose - they will help to remove the swelling of the mucous membranes of the Eustachian tube.

As a first aid to relieve pain, do a dry compress.

To do this, you need:

  • gauze;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol (you can vodka);
  • polyethylene.

Alcohol is diluted with water:. Gauze soak the solution and put it to your ear, but so that it does not cover the ear canal itself. Top with polyethylene and cover with dry cotton. Put on a light cap or handkerchief so that the compress does not move.

The compress can not be applied if pus is secreted from the ear or the child has a fever.

It is necessary to release the nasal passages from the mucus by means of a medical pear or cotton flagella. Water procedures during the acute phase are canceled, and you can walk after the temperature drops and pains pass.

Drug treatment is necessary. Antibiotics are prescribed in tablets or for injections for up to seven days. If necessary, the eardrum is cut, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. Ear drops facilitate pain and are a local antiseptic. To properly drip ear drops to the child, you need to twist the wool flagellum, insert into your ear and drop on it a warm medicine. For a child of school age, a folk remedy is used - cotton wool with onion juice.

Complications after otitis

Severe pain does not always occur with this disease. And since the middle ear and abdominal cavity are connected by a single neural chain, with otitis there may be disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Moms often confuse them with colic and self-medicate, they miss valuable time. Infection from the middle ear penetrates further, possibly the development of meningitis.

Running otitis can lead to hearing loss, paresis of the facial nerve, to affect the vestibular apparatus.

The cause of pain is a foreign object

If the object enters the ear, you should not attempt to remove it yourself using other objects (cotton buds, toothpicks, etc.) There is a great chance to push it further and damage the drum webbed. If the object is sticking out of their ear and you can grab it with tweezers, you can try to remove it by tilting your head to one side.

If an insect has entered the ear, it is necessary to lie down with this ear. If the insect moves, then there is a chance that it will crawl out by itself. If it does not stir, pour warm vegetable oil into the ear. We pull the outer part of the ear back and up, the auditory stroke will straighten, the insect will float up, and it can be removed. The method is suitable only for removing insects.

You can wash your ear with warm water from a syringe without needles. The head should be tilted down by the affected ear. The procedure is possible if there is no damage to the tympanic membrane. A sign of her damage is the discharge of blood from the ear.

Do I have to be afraid of water in my ears?

For an adult healthy person, water in the ears has no consequences, as it does not stay there for long, and the middle ear is protected by the eardrum. To babies it too is not terrible, from wide ear-holes the liquid freely flows outwards.

But schoolchildren often accumulate sulfur in the ear and form an ear plug. When water hits, it swells and clogs the auditory canal. The ear is very sore, inflammation occurs, which can lead to the development of otitis media.

Children suffering from otitis in a chronic form have holes in the tympanic membrane. Through them, water can enter the middle ear cavity. When diving on vacation or in the pool, it is possible to draw water through the nose, and bacteria that get into the ear through the auditory tube can cause inflammation. Detergents, shampoo can irritate the skin and cause inflammation of the external ear.

The easiest way to remove water from the external ear canal is to jump, tilting your head to one side. You can alternately use your finger to uncork and clog your outer ear by pressing on the tragus.

For a small child, removal of water with a cotton turunda is suitable. It is necessary to roll a thin flagellum from the cotton wool, pull the ear up and back, lower the tourniquet, wait a little. The water will be absorbed into the cotton wool. Another child can be put on his back and ask him to slowly turn his head in the direction of the stuffed ear or to make several swallowing movements in the same position, then the water itself will flow down the wall of the auditory passage.

When water enters the middle ear, vasoconstrictive drops are instilled, they will remove the edema and dilate the nasal passage. After 15 minutes lie on the opposite ear, the water should flow into the nasopharynx. To detain water in the middle ear can sulfur plug. We need to make sure that the child does not have a plug. If it does, you can not remove it yourself with the help of cotton buds, rinses from a syringe.

Put the baby on the opposite side of the sick ear and dip warm sunflower oil.


After some time, the oil will soften the sulfur plug, and it will start to go out, while you can pull your ear out to speed up the process.

Hearing is a very important human feeling. This is the first feeling that a child has in his mother's womb. Be attentive to your children, watch for the health and hygiene of the hearing organ.


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