Thoracic elixir and cough pill mixed

Thoracic Elixir: Instructions for Use

Thoracic Elixir: Instruction

The thoracic elixir is an effective herbal remedy used in diseases of the respiratory tract, including aniseed oil, licorice extract, aqueous ammonia. Aniseed oil contains anethole - it stimulates the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, increases the secretion of mucus and thus exerts an expectorant effect. The extract of licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which gives an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has expectorant, immunostimulating, antispasmodic, antiviral and regenerative action. Ammonia refers to locally irritating substances; its action is to excite the sensitive nerve endings of the upper respiratory tract.

How to take the chest elixir?

The thoracic elixir is widely used for diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs, which proceed with the formation of viscous sputum. Used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, influenza. Promotes recovery and with such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tracheobronchitis.

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Take the chest elixir on 20-30 drops 3 times a day. If the disease is chronic or proceeds in severe form, the number of drops increases to 40, and the reception - up to 4 times a day. The elixir is administered orally, if possible 30 minutes before meals or one hour after a meal. The course of taking the drug lasts about 7-10 days. The prolongation of taking the chest elixir and re-taking after a while is possible depending on the severity of the disease and in agreement with the attending physician.

It is not recommended to use it simultaneously with antitussive drugs for the treatment of dry cough, as they block the cough reflex. These tools include Kodelak, Stoptussin, Sinekod, Libexin, Terpinkod. When they are combined, sputum accumulates in the tracheobronchial tree, which leads to its damage, inflammation of the airway walls and the development of severe complications. To enhance the effect of the chest elixir, there may be a parallel reception with expectorants, such as bromhexine, mucaltin. These drugs are mainly used in the daytime, and with a debilitating cough at night, it is possible to take an antitussive drug for the night by skipping the breast elixir.

Thoracic elixir for children

The thoracic elixir is the best way to treat children. Use it since the age of two. The elixir is well tolerated by small children, and thanks to the natural plant-based preparation, there is ability to treat cough in situations where there are contraindications to other medicamentous drugs.

Admission of elixir to children from 2 to 6 years depends on the age of the child: approximately 1 drop for one year of life. Children from 6 to 12 years can receive 15-20 drops, but no more than 3 times a day. The thoracic elixir for the treatment of childhood diseases is dissolved in a small amount of water.

Thoracic elixir in pregnancy

To use the chest elixir in pregnancy and lactation there are no serious contraindications. It can also be used for treatment, since taking many medications during pregnancy is not recommended, but nevertheless taking and dosage should be agreed with the attending physician.

The price of the chest elixir

The price of a breast elixir is available for every buyer, since it ranges from 10 to 30 rubles.

Reviews of the chest elixir

Judging by the numerous reviews, with the chest elixir, many parents are familiar from the period of their childhood and with great pleasure use this inexpensive, natural and very effective tool and for the treatment of their own children. Most people prefer treatment with thoracal elixir than with any chemistry contained in medications, most of which can significantly affect your pocket. The thoracic elixir remains the best cough remedy for many years.

How to use ammonia aniseed drops from cough?

Many people remember from childhood an ammonia-anise drop from a cough. Usually, pediatricians prescribe them in the treatment of cough and bronchitis. They are effective in combating both dry and wet cough. And a few days after the start of treatment, the patient felt better. The drug is favorably distinguished by the lack of a lusciously sweet taste that adults and children like. Also there are no harmful chemical impurities in it. Pleasantly pleased with the price. In drugstores, the drug is difficult to find, because it is not profitable for pharmacologists to trade in cheap goods.

Historical reference

The first mention of "drops of the Danish king" (as writers sometimes call anise drops) was found in the first pharmaceutical directory "Pharmacopoea Danica issued in 1772 in Denmark.

Later in many Danish, Dutch and German pharmacopoeias, a recipe for drops was repeated: liquorice extract, dill water and an ammonia solution of anise oil.

But in these directories there was no additional information and one can only assume that a certain Ringelman, whose name is listed in the title, was the developer of these drops or was engaged in their manufacture. Many historians assumed that this elixir was brought to Russia at the end of the nineteenth century from Germany. But the theory is not true. A few years after the appearance of "Pharmacopoea Danica" by the Russian State Medical College, a handbook was published that was called "Evaluation of medicines". He was also called the "Statute of the Apothecary, Charter of Midwives "Statute of due pay for medical ranks". Among many items you can see and "Elixir Pectorale Regis Daniae,.. Elixir of the thoracic king of Danish ".

The recipe for anise drops was almost unchanged for several centuries. Only in the first half of the twentieth century, instead of dill water, the usual was added.Elixir has remained famous and popular due to its excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition and dosage form

The anatomical anise drops (Liquor ammonii anisatus) are produced in opaque brown bottles of 15, 25, 40 and 100 ml. The properties of glass protect the medicine from the harmful effects of sunlight and other external factors. Anise drops are a clear, colorless or light yellow liquid with a pronounced smell of ammonia and anise. In 100 g of drops contains:

  • anise oil g;
  • ammonia solution - 1, g;
  • alcohol 90% - 80 g.
Anis belongs to the family of umbrellas. Outwardly, it resembles dill. In the seeds of this plant contains anise oil, in which there is a large amount of anethole. Thanks to this substance the plant has pronounced therapeutic properties.

Anise oil, on the basis of which droplets are made, has not only an expectorant effect, but also contributes to a decrease in temperature. It also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates intestinal motility, has a carminative effect, which improves the patient's condition with flatulence. It helps to relieve attacks of vomiting and nausea that have arisen on the nerves. In some cases, treatment with anise oil relieves constipation. In addition, the essential oil of anise has an anti-inflammatory effect that favorably affects the kidneys and bladder.

Action of the medicine

Anise drops are intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. When ingestion there is a rapid absorption in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It enters the bronchopulmonary system through the blood vessels. The active components of the drug help the sputum liquefaction. Anise oil improves the work of bronchial glands, gastrointestinal tract, in addition, has a mild bactericidal effect.

Narrative anise drops from wet cough due to active substances accelerate the process of natural cleansing of the bronchi. From this, viscous sputum dilutes and is more easily excreted from the patient's body. In the treatment of anise drops of relapses and complications of the disease is practically not observed. They also contribute to the rapid regeneration of the mucous respiratory tract.

This medicine is effective and with a dry cough, because it helps to reduce pain. This contributes to a speedy recovery in the treatment of complex forms of colds.

Diseases in which amniotic anise drops are prescribed

Narrow-anis drops are prescribed for adults and children in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases of various genesis.

  1. Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract, in which inflammation affects the bronchi. There is irritation and edema of the mucous membranes, a large amount of thick mucus is released, which clogs the small bronchioles. Because of this, the patient has coughing attacks, during which the sputum is separated. In most cases, it is accompanied by shortness of breath. Most often, the cause of the development of bronchitis is the activity of a bacterial, viral or atypical microflora. In rare cases, the disease is caused by a fungal infection.
  2. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which manifests itself against the background of colds or acute viral infections. Sometimes it develops simultaneously with whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever. May occur in acute or chronic form. With this disease, the patient has a loss of voice, difficulty breathing and a "barking" cough. Without drug treatment, life-threatening complications can develop.
  3. Pharyngitis. This name has a disease of the respiratory tract, which inflames the mucous and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx. The patient complains of discomfort and sore throat, perspiration and dryness. The main causes of the development of the disease include the inhalation of hot, cold or polluted air, chemical irritation. Sometimes it is caused by the development of pathogenic viruses or bacteria.
  4. Tracheitis is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea. Rarely occurs as an independent ailment, usually accompanied by laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis. The main sign of tracheitis is a dry cough at night and in the morning.
  5. Bronchopneumonia (focal pneumonia) is an acute inflammation of the walls of bronchioles. Affects a small area of ​​the lung. Symptomatology can be different in severity, the healing process goes on for a long time. In many cases, relapses occur. Most often it is diagnosed in children of the first years of life and elderly patients. It is caused by influenza virus, mixed infection or cocci.
  6. Pertussis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Has a high infectiousness. It is caused by special microorganisms Bordetella pertussis. Most often it is diagnosed in preschool and primary school children. Children under 2 years of age can endanger life.

Dosing and Administration

Moist-anise drops should be taken three times a day. Strictly prohibited reception in undiluted form. A high alcohol content can cause burns of mucous membranes and poisoning. According to the instructions, the drops should be diluted with warm water. For adults, a single dose is 15 drops, children are prescribed an amount corresponding to the age of the child. You can add sugar to the solution. For example, a three-year-old child is given 3 drops three times a day. Do not engage in self-healing and take anise drops without consulting your doctor.

Allowed the use of ammonia anise drops for inhalation.

Contraindications for use

Elixir is considered one of the safest, but it also has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take when:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • with liver diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • craniocerebral trauma.

Do not use simultaneously with medicines that have the opposite effect and suppress cough. Use with caution in the treatment of young children.

Possible side effects and analogues

In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug allergic reactions occur. Sometimes there may be nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm. May worsen the concentration of attention and reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions.

There is no drug completely identical with ammonia-anise drops. But many medicines have a similar therapeutic effect. These include:

  1. Tincture of eucalyptus. Applied with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. It can be used for the treatment of mild forms of neurotic disorders and skin lesions.
  2. Breast gathering. Has a good expectorant effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  3. Ambroxol. Applied in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system (cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, asthma).
  4. Pertussin. Assign in the treatment of pneumonia, whooping cough and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Macrotussin. Accepted for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, which are caused by microflora, sensitive to erythromycin.

Store aniseed drops of cough in a cool, hard-to-reach place for children in containers with ground glass stoppers, the shelf life is 2 years.

Thoracic elixir to children

It is common knowledge that children, due to the fact that their immunity is not sufficiently developed, are more susceptible various ARI and colds with all the attendant symptoms: fever, runny nose and a cough. In search of means of treatment, pediatricians try to find a compromise between efficiency and safety. A special confidence among the numerous assortment of cough suppressants, which is often torments babies, not giving normal sleep at night, enjoys the chest elixir, which is often prescribed children.

Ingredients of the chest elixir

As part of the chest elixir, aqueous ammonia, licorice root extract, anise oil, ethyl alcohol. It has an expectorant effect, diluting sputum accumulated in the upper respiratory tract. Due to the root of licorice it also has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action.

Thoracic elixir from cough: testimony

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • flu;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • acute chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the function of the ciliary epithelium of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, so relief comes quickly enough after the start of the admission.

How do I take the baby an elixir?

Thanks to its natural composition, the chest elixir can be given to children from the age of two. It is drunk half an hour before meals or an hour after 3-4 times a day. The number of drops for children under 12 years is equal to the number of years of life. Before use, flask with elixir must be shaken. During storage, precipitation may occur. Breast elixir for children up to one year is prescribed by

discretion of the attending physician.

Also, you should pay attention to the fact that the drug can not be combined with drugs blocking the cough reflex: kodelak, sinecode, terpinkod and others containing codeine, which are usually prescribed for the treatment of "dry cough otherwise there is a risk of causing stasis and, as a result, increased inflammation and damage to the walls of the bronchial tree.

Thoracic Elixir: Contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of the chest elixir is individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. If you have an allergy that can be expressed in the form of hives, rashes, itching all over your body, it is recommended that you stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor.

Effective cough remedy "Thoracic Elixir"

"Thoracic Elixir" is a fairly popular and effective remedy that is used to treat cough and some problems with the respiratory system. This medicine is made on the basis of natural components. In addition, it has no serious side effects or contraindications, which makes it even more popular.

"Thoracic elixir composition and properties of the drug

This medicine contains natural ingredients and extracts of medicinal plants. Therefore, it gently affects the body without causing side reactions. Medication "Thoracic Elixir" is available as a syrup, sold in glass bottles. The main active ingredients are licorice root extract, as well as anise oil and aqueous ammonia. As auxiliaries in the elixir, there is purified water and a small amount of ethyl alcohol.

These components dilute sputum and facilitate expectoration processes. In addition, the drug softens dry cough, relieves bronchial spasm, facilitates coughing attacks. And thanks to an extract of licorice, this remedy removes inflammation, fights against a viral infection, stimulates the work of immunity, and also accelerates the recovery processes and promotes rapid recovery.

The drug "Thoracic Elixir indications for use

This remedy is widely used to treat both dry and productive cough. It is effective in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, which are accompanied by production of viscous sputum. In particular, the elixir is used for chronic, obstructive and acute bronchitis, as well as for pharyngitis and tracheitis. The drug helps in the treatment of laryngitis and influenza. The use of the drug greatly facilitates the state of patients with bronchial asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis.

It should be noted that the drug "Thoracic Elixir" is used only to facilitate expectoration and dilution of sputum. In most cases, for the complete cure of the disease, you need to take other medications.

Cough remedy "Breast Elixir instructions for use

The dosage of the medicine depends on the age and condition of the patient. For example, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 20-40 drops three times a day. Dosage for children under 12 years is slightly different. The daily dose is 12 drops for every year of the child's life.

Before use, the elixir must be diluted in a small amount of water at room temperature. Take the medicine you need half an hour before eating.

The drug "Thoracic Elixir contraindications and side effects

This drug has virtually no contraindications. It can not be taken only in case of allergy to any component component. As for the side effects, they can include the appearance of rash and itching on the skin, the development of urticaria, nausea and swelling. On the other hand, such reactions are extremely rare.

Means for coughing "Breast Elixir consumer reviews

This medicine has a very good reputation. Reviews of patients and doctors indicate that the elixir really helps to cope with a cough, quickly dilutes sputum and improves health. Quite often people prefer the drug "Thoracic Elixir". The price of it is more than affordable, which makes it even more popular.

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