The main causes of vision impairment and methods of their elimination
Unfortunately, people in the modern world quite often face problems of visual impairment.And it is important to take into account the fact that their causes lie not only in the most common diseases. Often the diseases of the visual apparatus in their symptoms contain such signs as a violation of sharpness, sharpness, the appearance of vagueness of surrounding objects, and so on. The task of everyone who faces such an anomaly, in time to pay attention to this and get qualified medical help.
1Definition of a symptom
3Possible diseases
4Diagnostic Methods
Definition of a symptom
At the present time, under the worsening of vision, the following problems can be understood:
Decreased sharpness;
Violation of the perception of colors and shades;
Violations of visual fields;
Problems of binocular vision;
At the same time, these variants of deterioration of the state of the visual apparatus can be both temporary and permanent.
Often anomalies can progress against the background of the development of the disease and lead to a complete loss of the ability to see.
To reduce the risk of possible visual impairment will help classical gymnastics for the eyes.
Various diseases of the organs of vision are the main cause of diminishing the capacity of the human eye.Also, the temporary form of this condition can accompany the use of complex medications (including eye drops), head and eye injuries, vasospasm.
The development of diseases that cause loss of visual quality can occur against the background of tissue destruction, progression of infections, lack of vitamins and minerals, too much stress on the visual apparatus.
When taking any medications (especially eye drops), you should consult an ophthalmologist and investigate the possible side effects.
Possible diseases
As already mentioned above, most of the causes of such problems are based on the progression of eye diseases. Among them:
Nearsightedness (myopia).One of the most common diseases of the organs of vision, characterized by an incorrect focusing of light rays and the position of the image. Normally, it should be located on the retina. With this disease - in front of the retina. In this case, a person can see only objects close to him, objects at a distance look blurred for him.
Farsightedness.To some extent, the disease can be called reverse myopia, that is, a person can see distant objects well, but it does not distinguish the details of the approximate ones. The disease is characterized by the location of the image behind the retina and assumes two forms: congenital and age (after forty or fifty years).
Diplopia.It is characterized by an optical disturbance, in which there is a double vision in the eyes in different manifestations and angles. Often, the cause of double vision in the eyes may be the development of strabismus, poisoning, head and eye injuries, excessively convex cornea.
Astigmatism.As a rule, it is characterized by different quality of sight along the vertical and horizontal lines, can be accompanied by double vision, myopia, hyperopia, double vision.
Violation of binocular vision.This disorder does not allow you to really evaluate the shapes and sizes of objects, surrounding objects. Can be accompanied by the development of strabismus, hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism.
Keratite. Causes inflammation of the cornea, often a complication of the progression of conjunctivitis. Such a defeat is accompanied by redness, discharge, swelling. The most dangerous stage is turbidity, a thorn. It is because of its occurrence that a person can lose the opportunity to see.
The destruction of the vitreous body. It is characterized by turbidity of the vitreous, accompanied by the appearance of optical effects in the form of bands, dots, spots. Often, hypertension, vascular problems, and age-related changes are the causes of the onset.
Miswork of the eye muscles.May cause visual impairment. In particular, with the development of strabismus.
Cataract.The development of the disease is accompanied by a clouding of the lens due to loss of elasticity and destruction of tissues. It can be a congenital pathology, acquired and age-related. The image for a person when it appears is vague.
Disease, accompanied by a violation of the perception of colors.The most common and known disease is color blindness. The disease is most often diagnosed in men and characterized by the impossibility of separate or cumulative perception of blue-violet, red and green colors. However, there are also particular cases of a deviation, for example, after surgery.
Diseases that distort the visual field:atrophy of the nerve of vision, loss of fields, glaucoma, degeneration and detachment of the retina. These diseases have many of their symptoms, but can also cause distortion of the whole image.
People with rudiments and predispositions to these diseases should visit the ophthalmologist on a regular basis and take preventive measures.
Diagnostic Methods
In rare cases, a primary examination is sufficient to determine the cause of loss of visual quality. A great role is played by studying the patient's medical history, as well as the results of his interview. But the most important here is the hardware survey, which includes:
Biomicroscopy (not always);
Reflactometry.Carrying out the visometry
In some cases, the ophthalmologist is forced to take a smear and samples of secreted liquid for analysis. With their help, the doctor determines the presence and type of bacteria, viruses and fungi, if any.
In order for the doctor to get the most complete and clear picture of the disease, it is necessary to remember the approximate time of onset of the fall of vision and all observations regarding the symptomatology.
After a thorough examination, the doctor usually prescribes treatment based on the diagnosis. It can be conservative or surgical.
Conservative therapy:
Wearing glasses correcting lenses;
Hardware methods of treatment (physiotherapy, simulators);
Massage, gymnastic exercises.
Medications can also be shown that improve health and relieve symptoms, as well as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and other necessary medications.
Ophthalmoferon is a complex ophthalmologic preparation of antiviral action, is indicated for topical application.
Surgical intervention is often treated:
Hyperopia and myopia;
Retinal damage;
Injuries (in severe cases);
Violations of the work and integrity of blood vessels;
Astigmatism.Laser surgery
Most often the main tool in the procedures is the laser. It can also be used to replace or correct the lens.
Often a surgical operation is a radical method of fighting diseases in a neglected state. To avoid the use of this technique, it is recommended to undergo therapy in the early stages of its development.
The most useful and common method of preventing visual acuity decline is classical gymnastics, which is recommended daily, especially if you have to work often for computer. It is also important to observe the following rules:
Keep clean and personal hygiene (especially for the eyes);
Do not touch the eyeballs and mucous membranes with dirty hands (avoid contact with hands if possible);
Avoid traumatic situations;
Provide a full rest to the eyes and the entire body, as well as quality sleep;
Establish proper nutrition and active lifestyle;
Take multivitamin complexes (with a lack of nutrients in the diet);
Make eye massages;
Time to undergo therapy for eye diseases and prevent them from reappearing.
Congenital sight pathologies require the patient to stay under constant supervision of an ophthalmologist.
The fall in visual acuity can be very dangerous, as it increases the risk of complete loss of vision.But it is important to pay attention to the fact that many diseases that provoke it can be even more dangerous by themselves, because in some cases they lead to irreparable consequences.Every person (including people who have a good visual apparatus by nature) must undergo preventive examinations in ophthalmologists, as well as know how to prevent the occurrence of diseases and what to do with the first signs diseases.