Ear drops for otitis for children

Drops with otitis in children

Otitis is the inflammatory process that occurs in the middle part of the auricle. Very often this disease manifests itself in toddlers. Drops with otitis in children are considered the most popular and safe remedy.

Indications for use

Drops with otitis in children are indicated for use when the first symptoms of this disease appear. Usually inflammation in this case occurs due to the fact that the ear gets an infection. As a rule, the causative agents of otitis are the hemophilic rod and pneumococci. Usually, otitis affects infants in the first year of life.


One of the most popular means for otitis in children is the drop "Otofa, therefore we describe exactly their pharmacodynamics. This drug is active against gonococci, streptococci, mycobacteria, pneumococci, meningococci, tuberculosis. That is why it is usually prescribed even in acute forms of otitis in children.


As a rule, drops in otitis in children have a low systemic absorption, so their pharmacokinetics are not investigated.

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Contraindications for use

Since such drugs are great for treating otitis even in young children, there are practically no contraindications to the use of drops. But it is necessary to check before use whether the baby is allergic to the main components of the drug, and whether it is hypersensitive to its substances.

Side effects

Usually among the most popular side effects of drops in otitis in children, there are the appearance of itching and burning in the ear (they quickly pass by themselves). Sometimes, there may also be redness and rash on the skin. If you notice any side effects from your baby's use of drops, discontinue use and discuss the problem with your doctor.

Names of drops in otitis in children

First of all, it is necessary to know that ear drops with different properties and characteristics are used to treat otitis media. Among the antibacterial the most popular are:

Cipromed. Strong drug with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The main active substance of the drug is ciprofloxacin, which suppresses the bacterial DNA-gyres. Before applying the drug, you should first rinse well and dry the ear canal. Also try to warm up a little drops in the palms of your hands. It is used three times a day for five drops at a time. Treatment is carried out until all the symptoms of the disease disappear. The drug can not be used in viral keratitis. Among the side effects can be identified: allergy and burning in the ear.

Drops with a combining action are also used:

Anauran. Drops with a pronounced antibacterial effect with the main active substances neomycin sulfate, polymyxin In sulfate and lidocaine. A special pipette is used to apply the drug. For the product to act, it takes some time after use to hold the head tilted. The recommended doses are prescribed primarily by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. Usually children are prescribed three drops four times a day. A drug can not be taken for more than a week.

Ear drops in otitis in children

Ear drops in otitis in children are the most popular drug that is used to treat this disease. Among modern means, you can especially highlight:

  • The otinum. Drops with a well-marked anti-inflammatory and disinfected effect. The active ingredient of the drug is choline salicylate. Apply the drug from three to four times a day (3-4 drops). Before using the product, it must be warmed in the palms. Usually, the therapy is conducted up to ten days.
  • Otypaks. The composition of the drug has two main substances (lidocaine and phenazone), which increases the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. To get a positive result, adults and children are dripped four drops three times a day. The course should not last longer than ten days.

Drops in the nose for otitis in children

In order to reduce puffiness, as well as prevent the infection from passing into the nasopharynx, children in otitis are also prescribed drops in the nose.

  • Sanorin. Apply these drops from two to three times a day (one or two drops in each nostril). The main active ingredient is naphazoline nitrate, in addition, there are additional substances: boric acid, ethylenediamine, water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. Among the main side effects are heart palpitations, headaches. The drug should not be taken with tachycardia and hypertension.
  • Tysin. Before applying the drops, it is very important to clean the nasal passages well. The main active substance of the agent is tetrisoline hydrochloride. Doses and duration of therapy are prescribed by the attending physician. As a rule, children are prescribed four drops from one to two times a day.

Capri with purulent otitis in children

It is important to understand that babies are not prescribed for up to a year with purulent otitis, as they cause a lot of serious side effects, among which vomiting and convulsions are especially frequent.

Children after the year can be appointed:

  • Otofa. The main active ingredient is rifampicin (a synthetic antibiotic). Before using the droplet, it is necessary to slightly warm up. You can just hold the bottle with the drug in your hands. When otitis in children, drops are applied twice a day (three drops in one ear). Therapy is not more than a week. Among the main side effects can be distinguished: redness and itching, rashes on the skin. Do not use drops if the patient has an allergy to the main active ingredient.
  • Otisol. It differs in a combination composition with such active substances: benzocaine, phenazone, phenylephrine hydrochloride. To inject drops into the ear use a special pipette. The therapy is conducted from three to ten days. Children usually receive a dosage prescribed by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the age of the baby.

Please note that purulent otitis in children should be treated in parallel with antibiotics.

Dosage and administration in children with otitis media

Since each individual case is individual and unique, the dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician. But, as a rule, the standard dose is: two to four drops in one ear, one to two times a day.


Exceeding the therapeutic dose from drops in children in otitis is quite difficult, so at the moment no negative reaction was seen after the dose was exceeded. But remember that ear infections in children can cause serious complications, so it is recommended that you carefully follow the recommendations that the doctor gives you.

Interaction with other drugs

When otitis in children, it is best not to use various ointments, drops or other preparations simultaneously with the selected drops. The fact is that this can lead to physical or chemical incompatibility.

Storage conditions

It is very important to keep a bottle of drops in the package in which it was released from production. Usually droplets for the treatment of otitis are stored in a dry, cool and dark place inaccessible to children. Remember that improper storage can cause drops to lose their positive properties. For more information about storage conditions, see the instructions.

Shelf life

If you follow all the rules for storing drops for the treatment of otitis, then their shelf life is usually from two to three years. Do not use the drug after this time is over.

Remember that young children are very often sick with otitis media of the middle ear. This is due to the fact that they still have a rather weak immunity. That is why it is necessary to prevent this disease, so that later there was no need to torment the baby with medical products.


Anesthetics for otitis in children and adults

Treatment of otitis reduces to the use of antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic drugs. The pain syndrome in this inflammatory process is often so strong that it is impossible to do without an anesthetic in otitis. It can hurt not only the ear, but also the head, since the human auditory canal is located in the temporal bone of the skull. Pain can be firing, aching, harsh or stupid, if a person can not tolerate it, take painkillers.

How to reduce pain in otitis in adults

When diagnosing the inflammatory process in the tympanic cavity, a specialist will tell you how to relieve pain in otitis in adults. Especially without pain medication, it is difficult to manage with moderate and severe forms of this disease.

Painkillers for otitis for adults can take the form of drops or tablets. There are several types of medications that eliminate the pain syndrome that occurs with this infectious disease.

Among the analgesics in otolaryngology, NSAIDs are usually used - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Such funds are considered relatively safe, as they are not addictive, effective and at the same time they can be purchased at an affordable price. After the use of nonsteroidal drugs, the swelling of the tissues is reduced, the stagnation of blood is eliminated and the temperature in the inflammatory focus decreases.

The group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs includes more than 50 different medications. They all have the same mechanism of action, but, nevertheless, differ in the degree of expression of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The highest analgesic effect is given to such drugs as ketorolac, analgin, paracetamol, propifenazole. It is on the basis of these active substances that pain medications are prescribed for otitis in children and adults.

If, in order to reduce the pain in otitis, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, adults should be aware that with a high dosage they can cause a number of side effects. In order for the treatment not to cause some complications, it must be performed according to the appointment of a specialist.

Another group of drugs that relieve pain in the inflammatory process in the ear canal are local analgesics. In otorhinolaryngology, such remedies-ear-ear drops for otitis are used in the treatment of the external form of this disease. Most often, these drugs contain lidocaine, which has a powerful analgesic effect. The pain is removed after 10-15 minutes after instillation of the drug in the ears, lidocaine is recommended to be taken only with a severe pain syndrome. However, the remedy has its drawbacks - short-term action and toxicity of the drug.

Painful ear drops and pills for otitis

When developing the inflammatory process that occurs in the ear canal, you should know what to anesthetize with otitis, since pain can occur suddenly. Recently, such drops as Anauran, Garazon and Normaks have proven themselves well.

Otolaryngologists in the treatment of otitis in adults often prescribe such an anesthetic drops, as Anauran. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of external acute and chronic otitis media, exudative otitis media. It contains lidocaine. Drops should be instilled in the external ear canal with a special pipette, which comes complete with drops. It is used not only for the treatment of adults, but also for children. Adults drip 4-5 drops two or three times a day, children - 2-3 drops at least 3-4 times a day. Anaurans can not be used for longer than a week, prolonged use of the product can cause side effects such as peeling and itching in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. In addition to analgesic action, Anauran has an antibacterial effect.

Garazon also helps to cope with the pain in the development of the inflammatory process in the middle ear. The composition of the drug includes gentamicin and betamethasone. The drug belongs to the number of potent drugs, so an overdose can cause serious consequences.

In addition to ear drops, pain pills can also be prescribed for otitis in adults. These are tablets based on components such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. How does this substance work on the patient's body? Ibuprofen suspends the production of substances that cause the inflammatory process and the development of pain syndrome. When the paracetamol enters the human body, pain signals to the central nervous system are blocked. "Paracetamol" - the most affordable and popular painkillers for otitis for children and adults.

What and how to anesthetize the ear with otitis in a child

With the development of the inflammatory process in the tympanum, parents must know how to relieve pain in otitis in a child at home. Treatment of this infectious disease in children is carried out with the help of safe drugs. Analgin-based drugs are rarely prescribed, and they should be used with extreme caution.

As a rule, an anesthetic for otitis in children is prescribed in the form of drops, since this method is considered the most convenient and safe for the child's body.

The most popular drugs widely used in pediatrics are the following drops:

Otypaks.These drops are endowed with a double effect - analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The composition of the drug includes lidocaine and phenazol, so it still has a disinfecting effect. Bury the medicine in the baby's eye two or three times a day for 3-4 drops. The course of treatment is 10 days. Observing the rules of the drug, without violating the dosage and course of admission, the drug does not cause side effects. The main advantage of otitis Otipaksom treatment is the possibility of using the drug to patients of all age groups - newborns and the elderly, in addition, the remedy is not contraindicated for pregnancy. Otypax is prohibited for use with perforation of the tympanic membrane.

The otinum.Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved due to such a component as choline salicitate. The drug also has antibacterial and antifungal action, so it is effective in all forms of otitis.

To anesthetize a child with otitis inflamed auditory canal and with the help of ear drops Anauran. Ear drops should be at room temperature, so you can hold the cold bottle in your hand before use.

How to anesthetize the ear with otitis, without using ear drops?Eliminate the pain syndrome caused by the inflammatory process in the ear canal, using syrups based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. It can be Nurofen, which is indicated for use even by newborn children. Patients older than 12 years can be given Saridon tablets, which have a pronounced analgesic effect. Dosage of this drug is 0, 5-1 tablet two to three times a day.

Anesthesia in otitis is one of the mandatory therapeutic actions in the treatment of this disease in the case when it causes severe pain syndrome.


Drops in the treatment of otitis in children

Otitis is a fairly common disease in children. In the medicine cabinet, every mother should have drops of otitis, because the ailment can occur unexpectedly.

The disease is an infection of the middle ear cavity in the background of a cold or other disease. Physicians cite statistics according to which 90% of toddlers aged 1 to 5 years suffer from otitis media.

The causes of otitis in a child

Adults can also develop inflammation of the ears, but it happens much less often than in children.

This prevalence is related to the peculiarities of the structure of the child's ear. Inflammation usually occurs in the eustachian, or auditory, tube. It is she who connects the hearing organ with the nasopharynx, which constantly abounds with a large number of bacteria and microbes. Compared with adults, the child owns a wider and shorter tube, which accelerates the penetration of pathogens into the middle ear region. At the same time, the area of ​​the connection between the auditory tube and the nasopharynx is an ideal place for the multiplication of bacteria and the formation of pus.

Most often, otitis media become a complication of an already existing infectious disease, such as ARVI or influenza. If treatment is not fully implemented, the disease can move to neighboring organs.

There are a number of reasons that can cause otitis media and are not associated with infectious diseases:

  1. Adenoids. Growing polyps in the nose and throat of the child are the carriers of various infectious diseases, including otitis.
  2. Frequent whims and crying of the child. A child who often cries, sniffs, often suffers from snot.
  3. Diseases of the skin. Various skin diseases, such as dermatitis or eczema, can lead to so-called external otitis media.
  4. Bathing in cold water. The cause of inflammation can become a bath in cold water, especially if it got into the ear canal.
  5. Improper hygiene of the ears. Most parents do not know that when cleaning the ears from sulfur, you can not use cotton swabs for adults. They can damage the eardrum and poke sulfur, which contains bacteria, even deeper into the ear.
  6. Other diseases of the ears.

In each family, you need to have ear drops, otitis can occur in the child at any time.

Symptoms and consequences of otitis media

The first sign of otitis is always pain. It can be so strong that it will be hard for a child to hold his head, move his neck.

Doctors distinguish two main types of otitis media: external and internal. In the case of external otitis, various acne and furuncles occur at the site of the inflammation. Their localization can be varied: from the scalp to the ear fold, the earlobe to the visible ear canal. Drops for the treatment of otitis media are rarely used in this case. The second type, otitis media, is the most common. It has no external signs, and it is very difficult to identify diseases in young children. If the ear hurts a cold child, then in 90% of cases it is otitis. But how to determine the disease in another case?

You need to pay attention to the tragus, the protrusion, which is located near the beginning of the ear canal. If a child falls ill with otitis, then even a slight touch on the tragus can cause increased pain. Secondary signs of otitis include fever, pain in whiskey and teeth, malaise. In some cases, the hearing deteriorates in the child (down to absolute deafness).

If the treatment is wrong or absent, the disease can greatly progress. Parents should remember that any inflammation in the ear is dangerous for the baby, as microbes and bacteria settle in close proximity to the brain. Complications of otitis can be various infectious diseases, runny nose, deafness, paralysis of the facial nerve, in particularly complex and neglected cases - meningitis.

Treatment and drops from otitis

The main treatment prescribed by a doctor is ear drops, the otitis in the treatment of which very quickly passes if the disease is not in a neglected stage. The rate of use of drops should not exceed 10 days. There are 4 types of drops for the ears used for otitis. Each of them can be used according to the cause of the disease and strictly according to the doctor's prescription.Drops can be antifungal, antibacterial, corticosteroid and acid.

With such treatment it is important to observe the proper instillation procedure. To begin with, the ear canal must be cleaned so that the sulfur plug or other secretions do not become a barrier to the drug. To prevent the drops from causing a headache, they need to be warmed to body temperature. This can be done by holding the bottle for several minutes in the hands. To warm a medicine with the help of fire or hot water is inadmissible: it can provoke a burn.

Important is the position of the patient during instillation. To prevent the drop, the child must be laid on one side (the ear must be on top), then drip the recommended number of drops.

If the child is worried and twisted or the time between drops is prolonged to avoid formation in the ear of an air cork, you need to massage the nodule and leave the patient for a few minutes in this position. To avoid infection of the second ear, as a prophylaxis it is possible to instill a remedy into it.

After instillation it is recommended to put a warming compress on the ear. It can consist of a gauze dressing and a cotton pad, moistened with a solution of alcohol or vodka. Such a procedure can only be carried out in a situation where the patient does not have a temperature, and the infection passes without the secretion of pus. In the treatment of otitis in children, doctors use many kinds of drops.

They have their pros and cons, they are suitable for different ages, they can be used during pregnancy.

Anauran. These drops can be used by both adults and children. If for the first doctor recommends 5 drops per day, then for babies you need to reduce the dosage. The drug can be used not only for otitis, but also for other diseases of the middle ear, as well as for external otitis. The use of this medication by pregnant women is not prohibited, but is also not recommended. It is necessary to monitor the dosage of the drug, since even its slightest excess can lead to itching and flaking of the skin of the hearing aid.

Sophradex. These drops have a wider application. They can be used to treat not only the diseases of the ear canal, but with infection of the eyes. The drug is not prescribed to people who suffer from allergies, and is strictly prohibited to pregnant women, young children and people with kidney and heart failure.

The otinum. These are drops that are ideal for people suffering from allergies. They practically have no side effects. The disadvantage of this drug is the presence of salicylic acid. If ingested on the affected surface of the eardrum, the product may cause loss of hearing.


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Normax. Effective and inexpensive drops in otitis in children, which will help to cope with internal and external otitis media. Drops will get rid of the infection, which is accompanied by a strong secretion of pus. Minus is an allergic side reaction, which can be accompanied by Quinck's swelling, rashes, burning and itching in the ears.

Otypaks. A drug that suits absolutely everyone. This is almost the only drug that can be used by pregnant and lactating women, young children, including babies. It is recommended to use only at the beginning of the disease, since the drug has no antibacterial effect. The drug contains lidocaine, which will help fight the pain. Therefore, with caution, it should be taken to people who are allergic to local anesthetics.

Folk treatment of otitis in children

With a mild form of otitis, you can seek help from folk medicine. As a warming agent in the ear, you can drip drops of boric acid, levomitsitinovy ​​alcohol. Levomitsitinovy ​​alcohol will help to cope with the pain.


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As a drop, you can use camphor or almond oil or juice of onions.


Antibiotics for otitis in children. Ear drops and antibiotics in the treatment of otitis media

Otitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases in babies up to three years old. It happens in older children, and in adults, but less often. It is caused by a special structure of the auditory canal, because of which any infection from the throat and nose gets into it. Even with improper feeding of the infant, an inflammation of the middle ear can occur. All parents are concerned about curing the baby as soon as possible. Often they buy medicines without consulting a doctor. But this can not be done, because until now the question remains whether antibiotics are necessary for otitis in children. After all, bacteria that cause inflammation of the middle ear can adapt to antibacterial drugs, so they can only be prescribed by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis.

How to determine if a child has otitis media?

During this disease, the child is concerned about pain, congestion in the ear, and hearing loss.

Often the temperature rises, the patient refuses to eat, can not sleep properly, is restless. The most difficult thing is to diagnose a baby who can not say that it hurts. Therefore, with the first symptoms and suspicion of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor-otolaryngologist. Only by examining the tympanic membrane can an accurate diagnosis be made. On how quickly this is done, the effectiveness of treatment without complications depends. Often, doctors prescribe antibiotics for otitis in children, but the need for this depends on many factors. And in many cases, the disease passes without the use of antibacterial drugs.

Pros and cons

Do you need antibiotics for otitis in children? The expediency of taking such drugs has long been controversial. After all, a large number of side effects and the ability of bacteria to adapt to many medicines often negate the entire treatment. But in many cases, antibiotics can not be avoided, especially when it comes to otitis in a small child. To prevent complications, you need to take antibacterial drugs. When can you do without this?

- if the child is older than 2 years, doctors recommend expectant management, because in many cases the child's body copes with inflammation on its own;

- if the disease is caused not by bacteria but by a viral infection, then the use of antibiotics will be useless;

- if the child does not have the effects of intoxication and high temperature;

- if only one ear hurts and the disease is mild.

Otitis in a child - treatment

Antibiotics are not the only drugs that can alleviate the condition of the patient with otitis. Typically, in the first 1-2 days of the disease, analgesics and antipyretic drugs are used.

Each mother should know how to cope with such a disease as otitis. Treatment:

- antibiotics are prescribed at a temperature above 39 degrees and strong intoxication;

- to relieve pain and reduce temperature, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: "Nurofen "Ibuprofen" or "Panadol

- If pus is not secreted from the ear, it is advisable to use ear drops: "Otipax" or "Otinum they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;

- if the child does not have temperature, the pain can be removed with warming compresses with camphor oil or alcohol;

- To reduce the inflammatory process in the ear in children, it is mandatory to use vasoconstrictive drops in the nose.

The best antibiotics for otitis

Despite the fact that many bacteria that cause inflammation of the middle ear are resistant to penicillins, antibacterial drugs of this series are still the most popular. After all, they are most easily tolerated and have fewer side effects. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic for otitis media is "Amoxicilin." It is also common to treat cephalosporins: "Cefazolin" or "Cefipim" is used. Antibacterial drugs are used in the form of tablets, suspensions or syrup. If on these medicines the child has an allergic reaction or after two days of applying the improvements observed, prescribe stronger antibiotics: "Clarithromycin "Levofloxacin "Vantin "Omnitsef" and others. Sometimes, to increase the effect of antibiotics in otitis in a child are used in the form of injections. After all, some children refuse to take pills and suspension, and syrups often have an allergic reaction.

Antibiotics of the penicillin group

Most often, it is with these drugs that otitis treatment begins. They are best tolerated by children and have few side effects. The most common antibiotic for otitis is the drug Amoxicillin.

Parents, he is better known under the name "Flemoxin Solutab". It is made in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension or in the form of sweet tablets, so that it is easier for a child to take them. If in a few days the drug did not bring improvements, it can be replaced by a stronger drug of the same group - "Amoxicillin Clavulanate" or "Amoxiclav." It is more effective, but also well tolerated by children. Other common antibiotics for otitis in a child are Ampicillin and Sultamycillin. They also belong to this group and are contraindicated for intolerance to penicillin.

Preparations of the group cephalosporins

It is also often prescribed antibiotics for otitis in children. Modern drugs of this group are effective against bacteria that are resistant to penicillins, but also well tolerated. The most common drug prescribed for children is "Cefuroxime Axetil". The drug "Ceppodoxime Procetyl" or "Omnitsef" is also used. These antimicrobial agents have an effective effect on otitis media. But although they rarely cause allergic reactions, children are not always appointed. The most dangerous side effect of cephalosporins is the destruction of vitamin K and the violation of hematopoiesis.

Group of macrolides

This is a new generation of antimicrobial agents that have some advantages over other antibiotics. Having a wide spectrum of action and high activity against most bacteria, they almost do not give side effects. But, despite this, for children these medicines are used with caution, only in extreme cases, when other drugs do not help. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed for otitis in a child, such as Clarithromycin Roxithromycin and Azithromycin. In addition to antimicrobial action, they stimulate immunity and relieve inflammation. But their strong influence on the immune system is the reason that macrolides are rarely prescribed to children.

Ear drops

One of the easiest forms of inflammation is otitis externa. Antibiotics in tablets in this case are very rarely prescribed, usually it is possible to manage local drugs. But with severe inflammation, you can use drops containing antimicrobial substances.

They are also used for otitis media. Which of them are the most common:

- Most often the drug "Candibiotik" is prescribed. It contains two strong antimicrobial drugs and lidocaine, which provides its rapid analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

- The remedy "Anauran" is a very strong antibiotic that also contains lidocaine. But it can not be used for allergy and perforation of the tympanic membrane.

- The drug "Otofa" contains a very strong antibiotic and is effective for any inflammation in the ear. But these drops do not have an analgesic effect.

- The drug "Normaks" is used more often, because it has a wide spectrum of action. Sometimes it can cause an allergic reaction.

- Medication "Sofraks is a hormonal drug and children are rarely prescribed.

Features of the use of antibiotics

- Such medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. With improper use of antibacterial drugs, it is possible, in addition to allergic reactions, the occurrence of complications and the transition of otitis to a chronic form.

- Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor. In addition, that it can cause an allergic reaction and dysbiosis, it is possible to develop immunity to such drugs.

- Usually, antibiotics take 5-7 days. It is unacceptable to increase this period without the recommendation of a doctor. You can not also interrupt treatment if it seems that the illness has passed.

- If after 2-3 days of taking the drug there is no improvement, you need to replace it with a stronger medicine.

- Usually, together with an antibiotic, the doctor prescribes antihistamines to prevent allergies and probiotics and bifidobacteria to protect the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects after the use of antibiotics

Every mom needs to know that one of the most common diseases in babies is otitis media. Antibiotics help to quickly cope with inflammation and prevent complications. But these drugs are bad for the rest of the child's organs and systems. Most often, after the use of antibiotics, allergic reactions occur: itching, rash, redness of the skin, swelling and even anaphylactic shock. In addition, these drugs strongly affect the gastrointestinal tract: cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence and dysbiosis. Some antibiotics may cause impaired renal and hepatic function. When the first signs of side effects appear, the drug should be stopped and consulted with a doctor.


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