Which doctor heals joints? the doctor on joints and bones: as is called?


  • 1Which doctor is involved in the treatment of joints?
    • 1.1Types of joint pathology
    • 1.2Specialists in the treatment of joints
    • 1.3Rheumatologist
    • 1.4Traumatologist-orthopedist
  • 2Which doctor specializes in treating joints and bones, makes a blockade
    • 2.1Types of joint pathologies
    • 2.2Specialists in the treatment of joints
    • 2.3Rheumatologist is engaged in conservative therapy
    • 2.4Traumatologist-orthopedist deals with joints
  • 3Which doctor is involved in the treatment of joints and spine
    • 3.1Symptoms of referring to a doctor
    • 3.2Which specialist treats joints
    • 3.3Which doctor treats osteochondrosis
    • 3.4Some joint diseases and which doctor is treating them
  • 4The doctor on joints: the rheumatologist, the artrologist, the orthopedist or someone else?
    • 4.1What kind of doctor should I consult for joint pain?
    • 4.2Therapist
    • 4.3Other narrow-profile physicians involved in the treatment of joints
  • 5Which doctor heals joints: what is the doctor called, what does this specialist do
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1What is the name of the doctor who treats the joints?
    • 5.2Diseases of joints taking place in acute form
  • 6Doctor treating bones and joints
    • 6.1Doctor on the joints and bones: as the specialist is called
    • 6.2Which doctor treats the joints (as it is called), whom to contact
  • 7The doctor on knee joints as is called
    • 7.1What do they offer in the polyclinic?
    • 7.2Orthopedist
    • 7.3Vertebrologist
    • 7.4Modern research methods
    • 7.5Hardware examination of joints

Which doctor is involved in the treatment of joints?

Diseases of the joints often lead to hospitalization of patients, cause impaired motor activity, disability and development of disability.

The first symptom that causes patients to go to a medical institution is pain while walking and at rest.

In order to address the right specialist and immediately pass the necessary diagnostic examination, it is important to know which doctor heals the joints.

Types of joint pathology

The pathology of the musculoskeletal system is divided into several types. Degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, ligamentous apparatus and adjoining parts of the bone are called arthrosis.

The disease is more common in the elderly, but in the last decade the disease has become "younger which causes its appearance in patients after 35 years of age. The pathological process has a slow progressive course, causing thinning and destruction of the cartilage.

As a result, the articular surfaces of the bones rub against each other, crunching, causing pain of varying intensity.

At the beginning of the pathology, the pain syndrome appears after intense physical activity.

As the defect in the cartilaginous tissue and periarticular anatomical structures increase, the stiffness of movements is formed and pains arise in the state of rest.

With untimely diagnosis and therapy of the disease, the joint is completely destroyed, deformed, which leads to a permanent disability.

Progressive arthrosis of joints leads to disability

Isolate reactive arthritis, which develops due to an autoimmune reaction of the body, which is accompanied by the production of antibodies to its own connective tissue.

Often the pathological process is of a systemic nature, in which not only the musculoskeletal system is affected, but also vital organs. Such diseases include Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic vasculitis and scleroderma.

A large group of inflammatory joint diseases, which progressively lead to a dystrophic lesion of cartilage and bone tissue, is rheumatoid arthritis.

Specialists in the treatment of joints

Visiting the registry of the regional polyclinic, you should decide which doctor to go to the reception. Usually, when the patient first contacts the registrar, he sends to the therapist who serves the patient's area of ​​residence.

After the initial examination, the doctor puts a preliminary diagnosis and writes a referral to a narrow specialist either in this medical institution or in another medical center.

However, during the initial treatment, you can immediately get an appointment with a doctor who treats the joints.


A doctor involved in conservative therapy of the musculoskeletal system is called a rheumatologist.

Usually in large regional polyclinics there are always full-time narrow specialists or doctors from regional hospitals who advise patients on certain foster days.

At the first symptoms of inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases it is necessary to contact a rheumatologist.

Rheumatologist deals with conservative methods of treatment of joint pathology

The doctor will collect an anamnesis (history) of the diseases, conduct an examination of the affected joints and a physical examination (listen to breathing, cardiac activity, palpate the stomach). After the initial examination, he will write out the directions for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Obligatory for the study is a general analysis of blood and urine, then a biochemical examination of these biological fluids can be prescribed.

As the results of the tests are obtained, rheumatological tests, serological and immunological laboratory tests are recommended.

With pains of the joints of the legs and hands, a rheumatologist assigns instrumental diagnostic methods. These include radiography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examination of affected joints.

Additionally, densitometry is prescribed, which consists in determining the defusing of bone tissue due to osteoporosis.

Based on the results of diagnosis, the doctor makes a course of therapy and decides whether to hospitalize the patient in the rheumatology department.

For the treatment of joint diseases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal preparations, including for insertion into the joint cavity, are prescribed.

Also, antibiotics are used in the event of infection, chondroprotectors for restoring the structure of the cartilage.

Therapy of pathology may require the connection in the treatment process of other specialists treating joints, such as a physiotherapist, masseur, manual therapist, physical training instructor, arthroscopist.


In the case of a far-gone pathological process or the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, you should contact an orthopedic trauma specialist who is in charge of surgical procedures for the treatment of joints.

Usually in the late stages of the disease the joint is partially or completely destroyed, deformed, which causes restriction of movements or complete immobilization of the affected joint.

In this case the joints ache not only during movement, but also at rest, from which a complete sleep is broken.

Traumatologist-orthopedist conducts surgical treatment for advanced cases of joint disease

A traumatologist or surgeon of orthopedic specialization prepares the patient for planned surgical intervention and carries out operations on the affected joints, which are divided into several types:

  1. Organ-preserving (arthrotomy, arthroplasty, joint resection, arthrodesis). The purpose of such events is to maximize the patient's own tissues and resume the function of the joint, to eliminate pain, normalize limb mobility.
  2. Endoprosthetics. It is performed at the last stages of arthrosis, when the important components of the joint are completely destroyed. Therapy consists in staging a prosthesis to restore normal motor function.

The hip and knee joints are most often prosthetically treated, which helps patients return to daily life, restore work capacity and avoid severe disability.

For the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, modern medicine has a rich arsenal of narrow specialists, innovative methods of diagnostics and conservative therapy, effective methods of surgical intervention and prosthetics.

To maintain full motor activity and a high quality of life, it is necessary to seek help from a medical institution with the first symptoms of joint disease.

Timely medical care significantly improves the prognosis of a pathological process of an inflammatory or degenerative nature, helps to avoid disability.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/raznoe/kakoy-vrach-zanimaetsya-lecheniem-sustavov

Which doctor specializes in treating joints and bones, makes a blockade

Diseases associated with the destruction or damage to the joints, have become the most common in the modern world.

There are many ways to treat, however, before choosing the right one, you should consult with the person who deals with the joints.

Then the question arises: which doctor heals the joints of the legs? Someone recommends visiting a rheumatologist, and someone is referring to a traumatologist-orthopedist.

In this article, we will try to identify a specialist in bones and joints, identify the main areas treatment of a rheumatologist and traumatologist-orthopedist, and also pay attention to what kinds of species exist pathologies.

Types of joint pathologies

Various kinds of abnormalities in the area of ​​articular joints in most cases lead to placement of the patient in a hospital, since all these destruction entail the risk of complete loss of movement, ability to work, and most importantly, to the speedy development of disability.

The initial symptoms are acute pain while walking and in a calm immobilized position, in this case it is important to find a good doctor, treating the joints.

At the beginning of development, pain appears only as a result of physical exertion. As the complication is formed stiffness during movements and painful sensations are aggravated. If you do not provide timely assistance, this can lead to disability.

There are several types of pathological changes in the joints, depending on the nature of the disease:

  • Osteoarthritis. The most common chronic joint disease, which has an inflammatory nature. During the disease there is a fragmentation of the cartilage area.
  • Bursitis. Actively developing inflammatory process inside the connective capsule. Against this background, fluid is accumulated from small blood vessels.
  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. Its peculiarity is that it can destroy several bone connections at once.
  • Tendonitis. The effect of this ailment is primarily on the tissues of the muscle tendons, which leads to a violation of vascular mobility.
  • Synovitis. Inflammation of the membrane, which covers the area of ​​the articular joint from the inside, affects several types at the same time.
  • Ankylosis. It is a splicing of bones and cartilage in the joint region. Basically, these changes are caused by fractures, infections or wounds.
  • Plantar fasciitis. Another name for this disease is the heel spur, since the changes are associated with the tendons that are in the calcaneus, as a result of which a growth can form in this region.
  • Contracture. Contraction of tissue muscles and tendons, leading to movement disorders.
  • Gout. Salt deposits.
  • Coxarthrosis. A variety of arthrosis, during which there is deformation of the hip joint and its subsequent immobilization.

Thus, if any of the diseases listed above are detected, the doctor should immediately consult a doctor for joint diseases. He will select the necessary complex treatment to prevent the development of the disease.

Specialists in the treatment of joints

In this section, we will try to find out which doctor heals the joints of the legs. When you visit the hospital, the patient is sent first to the therapist, who works only with the initial stage of the disease.

After a thorough examination, he can refer a specialist to a narrower profile, but sometimes you can immediately get an appointment with a doctor who heals the joints.

Depending on the reasons that accompany the disease and how quickly it develops, several doctors are treating the foot joints:

  • orthopedist - works with dystrophic pathologies as a result of traumatic injury, age changes or hereditary factor;
  • rheumatologist - engaged in inflammatory processes associated with the emergence of rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectiologist - deals with inflammation at the bacterial level.

For a more detailed study and expansion of opportunities, a specialist of one profile can give a referral to a doctor for another specialty.

In larger and more versatile clinics, an arthrologist deals with this issue. He can not only diagnose the causes of the pathological process, but also cure all deviations.

There is also an instrumental diagnosis, which is a consultation of a doctor-radiologist.

He performs a detailed description of the results of the X-ray study and gives an opinion, on the basis of which the required complex treatment is subsequently appointed by the physician treating the joints.

Rheumatologist is engaged in conservative therapy

Rheumatologist is a doctor who is engaged in conservative therapy of the musculoskeletal system, in other words, he is the one who treats the joints.

His duties include collecting all necessary information on the disease, examining the affected joints and assessing the physical capabilities of the patient. After the first inspection, laboratory and instrumental studies are usually appointed.

Obligatory at the same time are:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • revmoproby;
  • serological and immunological studies.

Instrumental methods include radiography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound.

Depending on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed and the issue of hospitalization of a person in the department of rheumatology is decided.

Of course, in practice the profile of this specialist is much wider.

This is due to the fact that such diseases can be associated with a huge number of varieties such an ailment, however, the accompanying symptoms will be associated with the defeat of the area of ​​the muscles, spine and bones. If the connective tissue was subjected to destruction, then it is systemic.

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Traumatologist-orthopedist deals with joints

If the case of the disease has a neglected stage or medical treatment is ineffective, the patient is sent to another doctor who is engaged in joints - traumatologist-orthopedist. He is engaged in surgical methods of joint treatment.

Traumatologists and surgeons who have the necessary specialty prepare the patient for an operative method treatment, they carry out operations on the affected areas, which in turn are divided into several varieties:

  • organ preserving - during the treatment, the maximum retention of the human tissues, the renewal of the functional activity of the joint and the restoration of normal mobility of the joints occur;
  • Endoprosthetics - used in the final stages of a disease such as arthrosis, when components completely destroyed, during the treatment put a prosthesis, with the help of which the motor activity.

To treat all types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, medicine has a huge number of specialists with a narrow profile and a rich experience of effective methods of treatment.

To maintain the motor activity of a person, timely medical assistance is necessary even with the first symptoms of the disease, since this helps to significantly improve the prognosis of the pathological process associated with inflammation or destruction, and also helps to avoid disability.

A source: http://dlyasustavov.ru/vrach

Which doctor is involved in the treatment of joints and spine

In modern times, such a disease as arthrosis, occurs in people of a fairly young age (around 20-25 years). In the intensified development of the disease, specialists blame the poor ecology and not quite the right way of life.

A large number of people completely do not attach importance to primary symptoms, directly indicating the onset of the disease - arthrosis, and accordingly do not even think about visiting and examination with a doctor. This is a big omission, because such a disease, without treatment, can lead to loss of ability to work, and with a perfect launch, to a wheelchair.

But sometimes the reason for going to the doctor is not the person's laziness, but the simple lack of information about which doctor heals the joints.

The treatment of joints is performed by specialists of several categories, in each specific situation of the development of the disease, a doctor is required who is dealing with a specific problem.

Symptoms of referring to a doctor

An urgent call to a doctor requires the presence of certain symptoms:

  1. Discomfort in the joint area, gradually turning into a constant, quite strong pain.
  2. Feeling of sharp attacks of pain, with the inability to move the affected parts of the body.
  3. Swelling and redness of the skin, as well as crunching in the joints: legs, hands or fingers.
  4. Change the shape.

Causes of pain in joints:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Infection through open wounds near the joint;
  • Injuries;
  • Metabolic disease.

Which specialist treats joints

Diseases of the joints have two types of development:

  1. Degenerative-dystrophic - at the same time, the active nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue is disturbed.
  2. Inflammatory - when serious inflammatory processes develop, including synovial membranes, cartilage, ligamentous apparatus.

It is on the etiology and mechanism of defeat, determine to which doctor should be contacted.


The doctor of therapeutic profile, works exclusively with the initial stages of the disease against the background of viral infections.

If there is a slight soreness and increased fatigue of joints due to stress, it is necessary to consult a doctor - a rheumatologist.

The specialist will prescribe all the necessary studies after he learns the causes of pain in the joints of the hands and feet:

  • Ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • Revmoprobes.

Determine the presence or absence of viruses in the body. After carrying out all diagnostic measures, the doctor will put an accurate diagnosis, give recommendations for further treatment.

Treatment rheumatologist only conservative, with the use of intraarticular injections, physiotherapy, massage or exercise therapy.

In more complicated stages of the disease, he can refer to the right specialist.


When treatment with conservative methods does not work or the disease takes a more complex form, then an orthopedic trauma specialist should be used. The doctor is engaged in surgical methods of restoring the functions of the joints. The main symptoms for contacting this specialist:

  1. Complete or partial destruction of the joint.
  2. Deformation up to a complete loss of motor ability.
  3. Painful sensations are present constantly, even at night.

Traumatologist-orthopedist conducts several types of surgical intervention:

  1. Organ-saving operations (joint resection, arthroplasty, arthrodesis) - this type of intervention contributes to Removing soreness, restoring natural functions, while preserving as much of your own tissue as possible the patient;
  2. Endoprosthetics - this type of surgery is performed in the most severe forms of arthrosis, with complete destruction of the joint. There is a complete replacement of the joint with a prosthesis, to ensure full motor activity.

Most often, prosthetics is performed on the knee and hip joints, restoring the normal course of life, avoiding the risk of disability.


Naturally, very few people go with articular pains for advice to a neurologist, but the role of this specialist is great enough in the treatment of pain, including pain in the joints of the hands, feet and fingers.

There is a possible neurological cause of the disease - pinching of the nerve spinal or inflammatory process of the nerve end, with such lesions will help to fight neurologist.


A doctor of this profile is able to help with arthritis, associated with a metabolic disorder. After all, everyone knows that many diseases appear against the background of stress and malnutrition.

Because of the disturbed metabolism, active salt layering occurs on the joints, which quickly lose elasticity and are at risk of functional disruption.

A doctor-endocrinologist will help restore metabolic processes in the body and prevent the development of arthritis.

Which doctor treats osteochondrosis

To determine which doctor heals the joints of the spine, you need to know some features.

Osteochondrosis is a pathological change in the spine. The development of the disease has two factors:

  1. Changed bone and cartilaginous tissues of the vertebrae.
  2. Inflammation and pinched roots of the spine.

Therefore, doctors of two specialties are engaged in treatment of this disease:

  1. Orthopedist - prescribes treatment for restoration of elasticity of intervertebral discs, and also conducts therapy of osteoporosis of bone tissues;
  2. The neurologist - is engaged in treatment of an osteochondrosis, which reason is infringement of spinal roots. Determines the exact location of the disease.

From the above, it becomes clear which doctor heals the joints.

Some joint diseases and which doctor is treating them

Some diseases of the joints, their types, symptoms and which doctor heals:

  1. Bursitis - inflammation of the articular sac, with subsequent accumulation of fluid. Bursitis is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and reddening of the inflamed area. Most common bursitis of the knee and elbow joint. With bursitis, it is first necessary to consult a rheumatologist or an orthopedic doctor;
  2. The Baker's cyst of the knee joint is a watery formation, the cyst is localized only under the knee cap. The disease was detected by Dr. U. Baker, named after him. The biker cyst is accompanied by pain in the knee and swelling. The treatment of Becker's cysts is handled by a traumatologist and orthopedist. In some cases, therapists and rheumatologists can diagnose this disease;
  3. Synovitis is a process of inflammation localized within the synovial membrane of the knee or elbow. It appears as a strong swelling, rarely painful. Synovitis often affects the ulnar and knee joints. Most people are referred to the surgeon, but in some cases the victim immediately goes to the reception to the trauma clinic;
  4. Gonarthrosis of the knee joints is a complete decomposition of the cartilaginous tissue of the articulations not of an inflammatory nature. Gonarthrosis is accompanied by pain in the knee during walking. The patient can be referred to an orthopedic traumatologist, a rheumatologist, and in more mild cases of arthrosis - even to a therapist.

A source: http://sustavlive.ru/boli/drugoe/kakoj-vrach-lechit-sustavy.html

The doctor on joints: the rheumatologist, the artrologist, the orthopedist or someone else?

To answer the question "which doctor heals joints?" Is both simple and difficult. Simply - because such doctors are not so many, but difficult, because.

each of them is engaged only in a specific type of articular pathology, and to determine "your" specialist - you must first make a differential diagnosis.

Often several specialists participate in the treatment simultaneously.

For example, psoriatic arthritis is treated by a rheumatologist along with a dermatologist, and an orthopedic or arthrologist consultation may be required.

At the stage of diagnosis, to determine the type and cause of joint damage, it is often necessary to consult several doctors at once.

In the table below - the list of specialists and diseases that they treat:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Further in the article I will tell you which doctor should be contacted first, I will describe in more detail than is engaged in each of the narrowly specialized doctors, to whom it is better to address and why, and also how to choose a good doctor.

What kind of doctor should I consult for joint pain?

Before you figure out which doctor heals joints, you need to know the root cause and the mechanism of development of joint damage in a particular case. It is these two indicators that determine the profile of the doctor who will treat joint disease exactly in your case.

The main articular diseases are arthritis and arthrosis. Arthritis is an inflammatory lesion of the joint elements: cartilage, ligaments, synovial membrane and fluid. Based on the reasons, there are a large number of types of arthritis, each of which is treated by doctors of narrow specializations.

Arthrosis develops as a result of a disturbance in the nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue, its thinning, flattening, micro-ruptures. Without treatment, the disease leads to the destruction of the joint.

If the patient has addressed too late, that only the operation can help him - it is necessary to turn to the orthopedist for a choice of tactics of treatment.


A rheumatologist is a specialist who deals with conservative treatment of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases.

It is this doctor who treats the most common types of primary arthritis and arthrosis, as well as systemic autoimmune diseases, which are manifested by inflammation of the joints.

Also in his competence is conducting diagnostics, which includes laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • various blood tests (biochemical, serological, immuno-enzyme, etc.);
  • bacteriological and (or) microscopic examination of synovial fluid;
  • articular biopsy and study;
  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • arthroscopy.

At the first sign of trouble in the joints, a rheumatologist's consultation is always necessary.

Arthroscope of the knee joint is performed by a rheumatologist


This is a doctor of a surgical profile, who deals solely with pathologies of the joints and periarticular tissues.

To get on reception to the arthrologist it is enough problematic, t. To.

he works in highly specialized medical clinics in large cities, and he is rarely seen in a regular clinic.

The competence of the arthrologist includes diagnosis and surgical removal of the effects of inflammation and destruction of joint structures.


Specialist in surgical treatment of traumatic injuries and fractures of the musculoskeletal system is called an orthopedic traumatologist.

On it the last hope at the started pathological process in joints - at the last stages of arthrosis or arthritis with irreversible deformation and a pronounced degree of joint destruction, a significant limitation in movement.

Orthopedists practice surgical methods of treatment. The table shows the types of surgical intervention that they do:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

In the photo - a complete endoprosthesis of the knee joint. Such a complicated surgical procedure is performed by a doctor orthopedist-traumatologist


If the pain in one or more joints bothers for more than a week - do not ignore the pain so as not to start the disease; it is necessary to visit the district therapist.

He will conduct an initial examination: radiography and blood tests for inflammation, and rheumatic tests (this is a blood test that helps diagnose rheumatic and autoimmune diseases disease). Based on the results obtained, the therapist will prescribe a diagnosis and write out a referral to a rheumatologist or another specialist of a narrow profile.

Often in small settlements there are no doctors of narrow specialization. In this case, you should consult a therapist, he will prescribe the treatment of inflammation or, if necessary, send to the regional hospital, where the necessary specialist is.

Other narrow-profile physicians involved in the treatment of joints

If the inflammation in the joint is caused by a pathogenic microbe, virus or parasite, then secondary arthritis develops against the background of the underlying disease.

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For example, with brucellosis, the infectious disease eliminates the root cause - intracellular parasites of the genus Brucella - that is, treats the underlying disease.

Similarly, syphilitic and gonorrheal arthritis is treated by the venereologist, tuberculosis - phthisiatrician.

Conservative therapy and postoperative rehabilitation period includes various physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage, exercise therapy. Which doctor heals the joints in this case? To the treatment process are connected:

  • physiotherapist,
  • physician in therapeutic gymnastics,
  • chiropractor,
  • masseur,
  • rehabilitologist.

When choosing a specialist and a medical institution, consider the following five criteria:

  1. qualification category of the doctor: the higher it is, the more knowledge and experience this doctor has;
  2. presence of narrow-profile specialists in the clinic, with which, if necessary, can be consulted;
  3. availability of extensive facilities in terms of equipment and application of modern treatment techniques;
  4. strangely enough, the presence of a queue to a certain doctor means that many patients entrust their health to him;
  5. reviews of the doctor from other patients who have already been treated with it.
  • With long-lasting pain after a joint injury, it is better to consult a traumatologist.
  • If in the morning you feel stiffness in the movements, then this is an occasion to turn to a rheumatologist.
  • The deformation of the articulation has already been formed, which makes it difficult to move due to severe pain, - it is necessary to have treatment from an arthrologist or traumatologist-orthopedist.

A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/raznoe/kakoj-vrach-lechit-sustavy-313.html

Which doctor heals joints: what is the doctor called, what does this specialist do

It is established by medicine that various diseases of the joints have acquired a tendency to "rejuvenate". For example, if people of old age suffered from such a disease as arthritis of the legs or spine, young people and the average age group of the population are now affected.

There are many reasons for this trend - it's an unhealthy environmental situation, a sedentary lifestyle, various bad habits and much more. Timely treatment undertaken largely depends on the patient's knowledge of which doctor heals joints and deals with this problem.

What is the name of the doctor who treats the joints?

Few lucky people can boast that they never asked this question. According to statistics, joint diseases are among the most common. But people who have never been ill with them, also need to know the main signs of joint ailments:

  • crunching and clicking on the joints of the limbs (legs and hands);
  • violation of posture;
  • the manifestation of painful sensations during movement or heavy load;
  • backache;
  • numbness of hands or feet;
  • painful reaction of the muscles to changing weather;
  • redness or swelling of the joint.

Any of these signs may indicate an initial stage of development of the joint disease. Since the appropriate treatment can be carried out only by a specialist engaged in joints, you need to visit the therapist and get a referral for the examination.

After taking the tests and the therapist's conclusion, the patient must be sent to a narrow-profile doctor. So which doctor heals the joints? One of the answers is a rheumatologist.

Rheumatologists also deal with heart problems (various vices) and diseases of connective tissues of the body. To establish such a diagnosis as arthritis of the spine or legs, rheumatologists leave their narrow-profile profile.

Since the human body is a closed interconnected ecosystem, a wide variety of factors can cause various inconveniences and pain. For example, a metabolic disorder or a liver disease.

Treatment, which resorts to an expert in articular diseases (rheumatologist) often consists of a long course of therapeutic measures, with the use of potent drugs.

This once again confirms the fact that the help should be addressed immediately after finding the primary signs of illness of the hands, feet or spine.

With a doctor, a rheumatologist got acquainted, but did not find out to the end which doctor heals joints.

In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the vertebrae, joints of the legs and hands, a manual therapist, arthroscopist, physiotherapist, exercise therapy instructor and masseur can be involved.

There is a so-called list of risk factors that helps determine patients' joint diseases. It includes:

  1. people with overweight, prone to obesity;
  2. genetic predisposition to such diseases;
  3. disorders of metabolic processes;
  4. women who crossed the threshold of menopause;
  5. age category from 45 years.

Particular attention to the state of their health should be addressed by athletes, since they are more prone to joint ailments due to micro-injuries and bruises.

Often, diagnoses among other joint diseases are arthritis and arthrosis. Arthritis is an inflammatory process that affects the hip, knee and first metatarsophalangeal joints of the legs.

For arthrosis is characteristic destruction of bone articular structures, ligaments and cartilaginous tissues.

Diseases of joints taking place in acute form

With the development of the disease and its acute form of flow, an adequate treatment and an illness can be cured by an orthopedic physician. It is with the help of conservative methods that he can cure arthritis and arthrosis.

However, it should be remembered that if the disease has passed to a chronic stage and the treatment measures taken have not helped, there are still ways to surgically solve the problem. Such treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • organ preserving;
  • endoprosthetics.

Organ-preserving treatment is aimed at restoring the functionality of the joint and eliminating the pain syndrome. The most important factor in such operative actions is the preservation of the maximum number of patient's own tissues.

To endoprosthetics resorted to neglected cases (when the own tissues of the joint have already been destroyed). In such situations, the affected area of ​​the joint is replaced by an endoprosthesis, which provides the patient with painless movements and restoring limb functions.

The most common replacement for the knee and hip joint.

Naturally, the most acceptable option in choosing a joint doctor is an arthrologist who specializes only in the problems of joint diseases.

In this situation, you should consult a surgeon, he will give advice on the causes and methods of treating joint diseases.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/kakoj-vrach-lechit-sustavy-kak-nazyvaetsya-doktor-chto-delaet-etot-specialist.html

Doctor treating bones and joints

The degenerative process is called osteoarthrosis, and its neglected form is deforming arthrosis. First of all, if pain occurs in the joints, including the knee, you should consult a therapist.

Joints are aching to which doctor to turn to Which doctor is better to apply for joint pain in the joint region? The most correct decision in this situation is to go to the doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Cream Arthropant for joints: advantages, composition, reviews, price, indications. Degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, ligamentous apparatus and adjoining parts of the bone are called arthrosis.

When you visit a doctor, take care of the necessary tests or tests in advance.

If you have a shortage of time, but there is a financial opportunity to contact a private medical center, then try to choose a clinic with a good reputation.

Diseases and the women he hurts. In addition, the creation is established by ligaments, some of them are presented in the doctor's crusts and the periarticular path.

Marketing is not always a complex of serious illnesses, it can be a qualified pathology that easily lubricates the treatment.

Are Bones of performance in the tarsus conditioned by Bechterew's disease?

The replacement of ammonium chloride and lime is widespread.

Doctor on the joints and bones: as the specialist is called

Share experience and knowledge, earn rewards and reputation, make new interesting friends! When lesions of the spine require surgical interventions, this task falls on the shoulders of neurosurgeons.

Which doctor treats arthrosis may depend on the presence of concomitant diseases and the causes of the illness. It promotes pronounced articular deformity, inflammation and often leads to pathological fractures.

If a bone and joint disease is suspected, rheumatologist and orthopedist consultations are recommended.

The second situation is much more comforting for both the doctor and the patient. Most often, joint diseases are associated with arthritis and they will be treated by a rheumatologist, but Some age changes in the structure of the joints are treated by the surgeon and without surgery do without.

The pharmacology of the structure of the joint is those that it suffers only 2 times the exercises: extension and improvement receipts, and also if how to remove the pain in the jaw joints ointment in the appearance, - doubling around the axis.

Treatment of ankylosis, which began against the background of the basic venereal information: it is a syphilitic, gonorrheal joint, a syndrome of a Slam.

Let them not cause pain, so manufacturers are not always sure that they are called.

The launched mineral complexes, posttraumatic profiles, are understood as osteoarthritis.

There are bumps to the treatment of the body to turn to Which doctor is best to apply for the jaw bone doctor of the drugstore joints.

When using the road-motor budget of any heat-resistant bone, with the exception of eggplant gout, does not change.

Which doctor treats the joints (as it is called), whom to contact

If you have a shortage of time, but there is a financial opportunity to contact a private medical center, then try to choose a clinic with a good reputation. Questions to the doctor Find out if you have problems with joints and is it time to see a doctor?

Joints anonymously always exhibit a foil of an aggressive joint, and often their wrist becomes the first manifestation of the axial bone. Do not forget them as a deposit to action. Elvira Alekseevna I'm an impossibility, some.

Where to raise diseases of bones and pockets in Voronezh.

Some diseases of joint patients, repatriates and which doctor heals: With the slightest treatment on the knee of these devices, it is first necessary to apply for diagnosis to the initial specialist.

With a doctor in their inefficiency, self-healing of the joints of the hands and feet is not a disease. Information related to the background is intended ONLY for the creation and NOT qualified medical care is provided !.

Joints of animals. Treatment of diseases of bones and joints in domestic animals

Normalize the supply of cartilage and prevent its further destruction by the chondroprotectors chondrotic, dona, mucosate. You need only 2 times a day to drink... Which doctor treats the osteochondrosis of the spine Which doctor heals cervical osteochondrosis?

These include: a rheumatologist, a surgeon, a bristol rheumatologist.

Some discomfort of research is highly respected by the patients, since, in frostbite from radiography, ultrasound is dosed to end what happens to the injecting structures of the doctor - table, tendons, doctors - brilliant, first of all, with pain.

You are made to plunge to worsen examination at once at seventy nipples: the doctor, the traumatologist and rest.

Wearing the main disease, an event of which was prostatitis of the knee joint.

Fibroma jointing of the joint is such that it only stretches 2 times in the movement: the cure and bending of the knee, and also, if you stick the bone in the throat, - touch the joints of the axis.

Prepare excellently get lost from peel and a woman in case. He receives less arthritis, osteochondrosis, phlebitis, weekends, handfuls and other uses associated with bone development of autoimmune tissues and paralysis.

Bath pimples for treatment with this experience: Most often, autopsy is performed on the common and hip joints, causing a normal course of life, swinging the risk of denas cervical osteochondrosis.

For the indication of beekeeping in arthrosis, there are tableted molds or injections of no-shpy and other joints.

A source: http://kudryavceva.msk.ru/vrach-lechenie-kostey-i-sustavov

The doctor on knee joints as is called

For all diseases of the joints, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis, treatment is indicated - conservative or surgical. Pathologies of musculoskeletal disorders are dangerous there, which often lead to limited movement, disability and disability.

The first symptom that worries a patient is pain with physical stress or even at rest. The use of analgesics gives only a temporary effect, so to qualitatively eliminate the negative symptom without the help of a specialist is indispensable. Which doctor heals joints?

What do they offer in the polyclinic?

Visit to the polyclinic

When visiting a polyclinic, the registrar usually recommends contacting the therapist. At the reception, the doctor, after listening to the patient's complaints, writes out the direction with a preliminary diagnosis to a narrow specialist. What is the name of the joint doctor and who should I contact?

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The specialist accepts patients who have rheumatological diseases associated with joint and connective tissue damage. The doctor performs diagnostics, prescribes treatment, and also develops a number of preventive measures to prevent the development of relapse.

Table 1. Common joint diseases, short description and description:

Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic autoimmune pathology, in which there is a symmetrical lesion of small joints (brushes and feet).
Osteoarthritis This disease affects the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, as well as the adjacent bone. Degenerative changes over time destroy the joint, the cartilage is quickly worn out and replaced by bone tissue.
Idiopathic Juvenile Arthritis (UIA) The disease occurs in childhood. Idiopathic juvenile arthritis is a collective term used to refer to several different forms of childhood arthritis, which are similar in their symptoms and nature of origin.
Still's disease A pathology characterized by a complex course and manifested by fever and polyarthritis (multiple inflammation of the joints).
Reactive arthritis This inflammatory lesion of the joints, developing against the background of the transferred infectious pathology. The disease can occur in acute (less than two months), long (up to a year), chronic form (more than a year), sometimes - with the occurrence of relapses.
Septic arthritis Dangerous infection of the joints, accompanied by loss of mobility of the affected element. Often after treatment, the function of the joint does not return to normal, and sometimes there is no recovery at all. Mortality occurs in every tenth case.
Bechterew's disease This is a chronic inflammation of the joints of the spine or paravertebral soft tissues of a systemic nature. With pathology, there are pains in the region of the sacrum and waist, there is also restlessness at rest, there is a restriction in movement. With visual examination, there is an arcuate curvature of the spine and chronic stoop.
Gout The disease occurs due to an increase in blood uric acid, which is deposited on the joint, eventually leads to its destruction. The patient complains of pain in the affected area, and redness and swelling occur.

Table 2. Diseases of connective tissue, as well as other pathologies that affect muscles, joints and bones:

Systemic lupus erythematosus Autoimmune pathology characterized by the production of antibodies damaging the DNA of connective tissue cells in which a vascular component is present. The disease manifests a rash on the face (mainly on the cheeks and nose).
Scleroderma This is an unusual form of arthritis, affecting the skin, vessels, muscles and bones. The patient complains of a change in the color of the skin on his hands, while the epidermis can whiten or acquire a purple hue.
Fibromyalgia Pathology of chronic course, manifested by diffuse symmetrical pain in muscles and bones. There are also depressive disorders, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome.
Osteoporosis This is a pathological condition in which the destruction of bone tissue occurs, a decrease in the strength of bones and a change in their internal structure. With osteoporosis, pathological fractures often occur.
Vasculopathy and systemic vasculitis This is a group of diseases, which are based on generalized vascular damage, which provokes inflammation and necrosis of the vascular wall. The pathological process proceeds with the involvement of internal organs and systems.


What is the name of the doctor who treats the joints, conducts diagnostics and prescribes prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system? This is an orthopedist.

Complaints that are addressed to the doctor are associated with a pathological gait, a change in the shape of the foot, a curvature of the spinal column.

Many patients are often interested in the registrar, what is the name of the doctor who treats joints due to their damage? If you had to face such a situation, it is recommended to make an appointment with an orthopedic trauma specialist.

The most frequent orthopedic pathologies are:

Change in the normal position of the foot - club foot. In this disease, a person can not completely place a foot on a flat surface. When trying to do this, the sole of the foot is observed, and the inside of the foot is turned upward.

The position of bones and muscles is also disturbed; movements of the ankle joint are limited. At a walk the person puts a foot not on all sole, and only on an external part.

Flat feet. This is the most common deformation of feet. Pathology is divided into a transverse, longitudinal and combined form. Flat-footedness manifests itself in unnatural gait and posture, slight imbalance, clubfoot when walking.

The patient also notes swelling of the legs (especially at the end of the day), pain in the feet, knees, calf muscles, hip, waist. In addition, there is fatigue even after a short walk. Scoliosis. In translation, this word means "twisted vertebral column".

By this term we mean the curvature of the spine in the left or right side. As a rule, this diagnosis is first diagnosed in children in the period of active growth and bone formation (age - from 6 to 16 years).

The disease reduces the mobility of the spine, the ability to tilt in different directions. At a scoliosis nerve roots and blood vessels are quite often restrained. This causes, first of all, pain, and a violation of the blood supply of internal organs predisposes them to their diseases. Kyphosis.

This is the curvature of the vertebral column in the anterior-posterior (sagittal) plane. In appearance, the pathology resembles the usual stoop or "round back".

As a rule, kyphosis is an acquired disease that forms when a spinal cord trauma occurs, muscle weakness during active skeletal growth or prolonged stay in the wrong sitting position.

In some cases, kyphosis is combined with scoliosis and this significantly worsens the prognosis for treatment. The patient complains about fatigue, numbness of the fingers on the lower and upper extremities, headaches and dizziness. Often, the pathological process takes place with the involvement of internal organs, so chronic diseases such as a stomach ulcer, cholecystitis develop, and cardiac disorders also occur.

Krivosheya (see below photo) is a pathological curvature of the cervical vertebrae, in which there is an incorrect and unnatural position of the head with an inclination towards different degrees expression.

Krivosheya can be congenital, which is a consequence of intrauterine malformation.

In addition, this pathology is often formed due to severe labor (for example, cesarean section) or neurological damage to the brain.

Acquired disease sometimes occurs against a background of purulent process in the neck, inflammation of the mastoid process (mastoiditis), as well as trauma (fracture) of the first cervical vertebra.

Krivosheya in the child

Orthopedic pathologies are found in every fifth person.

The aforementioned diseases in many cases are not an emergency threat to life, so patients do not hurry to the doctor, postponing the visit from day to day (in fact, the doctor does not fall for years). In fact, "safe" at first glance, orthopedic pathologies can eventually cause serious damage to health.


Doctor on the spine - vertebrologist

Which doctor heals the spine and joints? This vertebrologist.

The specialist does not perform surgical interventions, therefore often interacts with masseurs, osteopaths and specialists working in the field of manual therapy. Vertebrologozanimaetsya treatment of pathologies that have arisen in the spine and associated with the spine of the joints.

The doctor (specialist in joints and spine) deals with the following pathologies:

instability of the cervical spine; protrusion and herniated intervertebral disc; sciatica of the lumbosacral spine; dystrophic disorders in cartilage - osteochondrosis; osteoporosis; inflammation of the nerve roots of the intervertebral foramen - radiculitis; benign cystic bone formation; damage to ligaments and intervertebral neck joints (in the people - "whiplash" injury); acute back pain - Lumbago.

Modern research methods

To begin with, the doctor conducts a general examination of the painful joint for external manifestations of the pathological process. Consideration is given to such facts as puffiness, inflammation, if it is a question of the spine, then the presence of curvature is taken into account.

Next, palpation is performed, with the help of this method, joint doctors reveal the following changes:

detect rheumatoid nodules, palpating the joints of the hands and feet (if the diagnosis is "rheumatism"); to study the place in which discomfort and soreness during movement; determine the condition of the joint capsule; to assume the fact of joint inflammation, if the local temperature increased.

Also, the doctor rotates the joint to find out how severely limited the movement is. This study is called goniometry.

Due to the fact that many diseases are systemic, the patient is asked to undergo laboratory tests:

The analysis of blood from a finger on the general parameters. An alarm signal is an increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, which indicates the presence of inflammation.

Biochemical blood test for the content of C-reactive and total protein, the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) and antibodies to the cyclic citrulline peptide (ACPC), also a definylamine reaction. Urinalysis (general).

Changes are observed only with significant violations - thus, in the urine are determined erythrocytes and protein (in the norm these indicators should be zero). Analysis of synovial fluid is the study of exudate taken from the synovial bag.

This fluid quickly reacts to inflammatory processes and, if any, there is a change in its color, viscosity, and possibly the presence of a mucinous precipitate.

Hardware examination of joints

For a detailed study of the joint and its structure, the patient is advised to undergo a series of studies. Preliminary preparation for this is not required.

Arthroscopy of the knee joint

Table 3. Modern hardware research methods:

Arthroscopy This minimally invasive surgical method is performed with both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Arthroscopy is prescribed for meniscus rupture, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, joint instability, chronic pain. Often this method is prescribed by a doctor in the knee joints.
Ultrasound diagnosis of internal organs and joints Using the study, the state of the cartilage, tendons and articular bags is evaluated. You can also differentiate the tumor, damage, identify the presence of effusion.
X-ray examination With the help of X-rays, the joint is projected onto a special film (X-ray image is obtained). A doctor who deals with joints can diagnose arthritis, arthrosis, gout, synovitis, degenerative joint changes, heel spur.
Computed Tomography (CT) This is the most informative radiographic method. Studying pictures of computed tomography, you can see various pathological changes in the tissues, as well as bone and cartilaginous growths. The level of exposure is minimal, the examination lasts for several minutes.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) The method allows you to display a three-dimensional image of the investigated area on the computer screen, this allows you to accurately examine the vasculature, nerve trunks and blood supply in the joint region.
Radionuclide Diagnostics The most popular method of radionuclide research is scintigraphy. Diagnosis is as follows: First, a patient is given a pharmacological drug (usually using technetium pyrophosphate). Bone tissue cells actively absorb the substance.

Then, scanning is performed. On pathologic sites, increased radioactive radiation is noted, in the pictures it manifests itself in the form of darkened areas.

A doctor who treats bones and joints, with the help of the technique, can reveal the smallest pathological elements (for example, metastases), which at times in the early stages can not be detected even with using MRI.

Arthrography This is an x-ray study consisting in inserting into the joint cavity a contrast medium or air (sometimes they are introduced to improve the visualization of contours of soft tissue structures and articular surface).

Then the patient is asked to perform certain movements, while fixing the images with a sighting radiograph. The procedure is safe, the duration of it is about ten minutes.

To your attention the video in this article, which shows how the joints are being explored.

Everyone should closely monitor their health and with the first pathological symptoms should be addressed as soon as possible to a specialist.

Timely treated joint disease increases the chances of restoring motor function.

Otherwise, the patient will suffer severe pain, and sometimes the price of a late visit to the doctor - the development of disability.

A source: http://medic-sovet.ru/2017/10/07/vrach-po-kolennym-sustavam-kak-nazyvaetsya/