Herniated hernia

Contents of
  • What is it?
  • Classification and varieties
  • Reasons
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Diagnosis of the pathology
  • Treatment of the pathology
  • Is it justified to wear a bandage?
  • Intestinal hernia in children
  • Possible complications
  • Forecast
  • Prevention
  • Related videos

Hernia is a common pathology. Can be diagnosed as in adult patients, and in childhood. The condition does not represent a particular hazard, unless accompanied by the development of complications.

What is it?

Hernial hernia is the deformation of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, accompanied by the exit of part of the loop of the intestine. The hernial sac can either stay inside or go beyond it.

The retention of the intestinal loops in the physiological position is achieved by the ligament apparatus. With the development of pathological changes accompanied by a thinning of the peritoneal wall, and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the formation of a hernia is possible.

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Classification and varieties

It is customary to distinguish several varieties of intestinal hernias. The classification depends on the location of the hernial sac:

  • Inguinal. Develops in the area of ​​the inguinal canal. It can form inside, go under the skin or be diagnosed in both places simultaneously.
  • Umbilical. This type of education is typical for newborn babies. Due to insufficiently developed umbilical ring. Also, a hernia can form in women during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Thighs. It is located in the upper part of the anterior part of the thigh. It is typical for the elderly.
  • White belly line. In most cases, it is represented by several small hernias located in close proximity to each other.
  • Ventral( postoperative).Formed in the area of ​​thinned scar tissue.
  • Sliding. It is formed as a result of partial overlapping of the intestine by the tissues of the peritoneum.

depends on the type of hernia. Causes of

Causes of

Any condition that affects the intraabdominal pressure, as well as the thinning of the muscular layer of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, or the formation of lumens in the muscle tissues, can provoke the development of pathology.

Intestinal hernia can be formed during the period of bearing of the child as a result of the active pressure of the growing uterus on the surrounding organs, with ascites - abdominal stretching and increased intra-abdominal pressure occurs due to the accumulation of a significant volume of free fluid, against a sharp slimming, with physiological thinning of the walls of the abdominal cavityas a result of age-related changes.

Provoking factor is one of the following conditions:

  • birth pains and attempts;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • strong, prolonged cough;
  • vomiting;
  • considerable physical exertion;
  • lifting weights;
  • bloating.
In some cases, the disease is caused by congenital defects in the structure of the abdominal organs.

Symptomatology of the disease

At the very beginning of its formation, the pathology does not say anything about itself. And only later, as the condition worsens, there is a characteristic symptomatology, which is gradually increasing. Typical symptoms of hernia formation are as follows:

  • appearance on the surface of the bulge of the bulge in the form of a ball disappearing in the supine position;
  • soreness in the area of ​​the appearance of the hernial sac, appearing under the load - the pains can be blunt, cramping, pricking, appear periodically or not stop at all.

Hernial hernia requires compulsory surgery

Development of general weakness, fever, is not excluded.

Diagnosis of pathology

At the appearance of the first signs of the appearance of a hernia of the intestine, it is necessary to get advice from a specialized specialist. It can be a surgeon or a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis of pathology is based on the following techniques:

Symptoms of a hernia of the white line of the abdomen
  • Patient survey. Helps to make a general picture of the disease, collect existing complaints and make a preliminary diagnosis.
  • Palpation( feeling of the area of ​​a hernia).One of the methods to determine the presence of hernia formation.
  • MRI.The technique helps to identify pathology in the early stages, and also allows to obtain exact dimensions and detailed structure of the hernia.
  • US examination. Used to determine the size of the hernial sac and its location.
  • Radiography.
To get a full picture of the intestinal hernia, the patient is assigned a comprehensive examination( using several methods).

Treatment of pathology

Therapy of hernia of the gastrointestinal tract in adult patients is performed surgically. Conservative methods do not bring the necessary therapeutic result. Newborn babies are an exception. As a rule, umbilical hernias are diagnosed in infants, which pass independently by about 3-5 years of the child's life.

Operative treatment

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the intestinal loop is repositioned and the hernial gate is closed. With necrosis of the contents of the hernial sac, the deceased portion is removed and the intestine is then connected.

Surgeons guide the intestinal loop that has gone beyond the front wall and cover the hernial gates, preventing the re-formation of a hernia

Conservative techniques of

In case of failure to perform a hernia operation, the following options are used:

  • Wearing a bandage. The use of corrective curative linen helps to maintain weak muscles and slows the progression of pathology. Each model is equipped with a solid part providing high-quality hernia support.
  • Physiotherapy. Effective in the early stages of pathology.
  • Therapeutic physical training. Recommended at the initial stages.

The absence of relapse largely depends on the competently executed plastics. To eliminate the hernial gates, the patient's own tissues or a special medical mesh can be used. The second option is more functional. In addition, the body reacts positively to its material and rejection does not occur.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine recipes help alleviate current symptoms, but can not be an alternative to surgical treatment. Well-established recipes. Overlay on the surface of the hernia baked in the oven onions. The duration of the course is 3 weeks. Roots of horse sorrel( 10 grams) or oak bark( 10 grams) pour boiling water( 200 ml) and cook for 10 minutes.

The resulting broth is used for compresses for 10 days. Duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. This prevents an increase in the hernia in size. The following methods are also used. Seeds of plantain should be washed, dried to the point of flow and grind. Eat a pinch every day.

You can put nettle leaves on the surface of the hernia. Duration of treatment - no less than a calendar month. It is necessary to take a leaf of sauerkraut and apply it to the site of the hernial sac. Either wet a piece of soft cloth in the brine and use it for compress.

See also:
Symptoms of a hernia on the abdomen after surgery
Female bandage for umbilical hernia

Is it justified to wear a bandage?

The use of a bandage with a diagnosed intestinal hernia is mandatory during pregnancy, since the surgical intervention in this period is completely contraindicated to a woman. The use of the bandage shows good results at the initial stage of pathology and prevents the infringement of the hernial sac. It should be worn when lying down and must be removed before bedtime.

Contraindication to the use of the product become:

  • presence on the surface of the skin of all types of damage;
  • dermatitis and other skin conditions;
  • infringement of a hernia;
  • cardiac pathology, taking place in severe form.

Wearing a bandage as a therapeutic measure is justified only at the initial stages of hernia development

Wearing the formation of a postoperative hernia of the intestine after an intervention on the abdominal organs will help wearing a special bandage. It looks like an elastic waistband and provides a reliable support for the anterior abdominal wall.

Intestinal hernia in children

The main symptom that indicates the development of the intestinal hernia in a child is the appearance of a pathological protrusion. The dimensions of the formation may be different, because they depend on the size of the intestinal loop that has fallen into the hernial sac. There are three types of intestinal hernia:

  • .If in the supine position on the back or by pressing the finger on the surface of the formation it decreases in size or completely disappears, this is the hernia that is being guided.
  • Undeveloped non-steerable. In the absence of pain, but the impossibility of restoring the hernia, it is an uncomplicated uncontrollable form.
  • Restricted.

Uncomplicated uncontrolled hernias may accompany the following symptoms: aching pain, impaired digestive system functioning - nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, difficulty with urination. The most dangerous is the strangulated hernia. Its signs are the development of severe pain in the area of ​​the hernial sac, a rapid rise in body temperature, the development of vomiting, hernia does not lend itself to correction, it becomes painful when touched and tense.

The use of a conservative treatment technique is possible only with umbilical hernias, as they are prone to self-elimination. The other types of formations are operated in the planned mode. Temporary contraindications are inflammation of the skin, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute respiratory infections and colds.

Emergency surgery is performed when symptoms of infringement of the hernial sac appear.

Umbilical hernia in a child

Possible complications of

Complications develop as a result of late seeking medical help. Most often, caloric infringement is diagnosed( obturation intestinal obstruction).Due to the inflection of the loops of the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible and elastic infringement( strangulation intestinal obstruction).It is accompanied by necrosis and rupture of the intestine, which is in the hernial sac.


Prognosis of the disease in the absence of complications favorable. When the surgery is performed, the patient is completely cured. Relapse of the disease is unlikely. When the hernia is infringed, the outcome of the disease is determined by the time of the operation and the success of the removal of dead areas.


Prophylaxis of hernias includes the following measures: rational nutrition, daily bowel movement, weight normalization, sufficient physical activity, failure or restriction of increased loads and lifting of severity.

Hernias of the intestine - a fairly common condition. With timely diagnosis and correctly conducted treatment does not pose a danger to human life. This is why when you have a symptomatic symptomatology, you should consult a specialist.