We treat cystitis in children at home in the shortest possible time

Disease of cystitis is manifested by inflammation of the bladder. Inflammation is caused by E. coli, streptococci or staphylococci. These bacteria are in the body of every person, but do not manifest themselves in any way. Against the background of reduced immunity, getting into a new environment, bacteria begin to multiply, causing disease. There are ways to treat cystitis in children at home.

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Why girls are more likely than boys
  • About medicamentous treatment
  • What antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor
  • What advises folk medicine
  • Herbal Treatment
Related articles:
  • How to provide first aid for cystitis at home
  • Preparation 5-NOC for cystitis - instructions for use
  • Psychosomatics of cystitis - reasons and how to eliminate the disease
  • Interstitial cystitis - symptoms and treatment
  • Nitroxoline - an application for cystitis

Interesting!Usually the disease develops due to the fact that the pathogenic bacteria move upward from the urethra to the ureters, into the bladder. Children often suffer from this pathology, and treatment requires a special approach.

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Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of cystitis in children:

  • the child becomes restless, often crying;
  • the body temperature rises;
  • urine has a dark, muddy shade;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain syndrome increases with urination;
  • in neglected cases, the pain extends to the whole crotch area;
  • urination becomes frequent, the toilet wants to stably once every few hours;
  • the child may start to write without reaching the toilet.

Why girls are more likely than boys

If up to one year, boys and girls equally can get cystitis, then girls get sick much more often. As a child, the child is forced to contact the urine regardless of sex. But when the child begins to walk on the pot, then direct contact with the urine happens less often.

Because of the physiological structure of the genitourinary system, girls suffer from cystitis more often. All because the urethra of the boys is longer, it is far from the anus. As a result, it is more difficult for bacteria to enter the male ureters. We will tell you how to help a child with cystitis. (On the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women there is a separate article).

About medicamentous treatment

Since the disease is an inflammation, it is not necessary to begin treatment of cystitis in children at home without consulting a doctor who treats. Even with the treatment of the house, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.

In the early days of the disease you need to provide the child with bed rest, dim the light in the room and try not to make noise. No walks or active games during this period should not be. Separate attention should be paid to hygiene of the perineum: after each trip to the toilet, wash with warm water (without using soap or other hygiene products).

In a successful process of recovery, an important role is played by diet. After all, what a person eats, directly affects the state of the body and the composition of urine. It should be abandoned salty and smoked food, exclude sharp and fried, fatty foods. In the diet of the child you need to include more sour-milk products: kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka.

Important!With cystitis, you need to drink a lot of warm liquids. Excellent in the period of treatment and recovery, warm milk, black not strong tea, various fresh fruit berries.

What antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor

Doctors stress that in order to treat children from cystitis, one must try to choose preparations on a plant basis. It is also important not to quit the treatment after it is possible to stop the pain, but to go through the course to the end. In this case it will be possible to cure the cystitis completely and prevent relapses.

Popular drugs for the treatment of cystitis in children:

  • furadonine. The drug helps to cope with microbes, has a wide range of action. With infections of the urinary system fights successfully;
  • furozolidone. Another antimicrobial drug, whose active substance, is disastrous for many urogenital infections;
  • kanefron. This drug is homeopathic. With mild forms of cystitis, doctors can prescribe it first, and in the absence of positive dynamics, switch to antibiotics.

What advises folk medicine

To alleviate the symptoms and quickly cure cystitis at home, you can use traditional medicine.

Herbal Treatment

For a quick cure, you can take a sessile bath. For them brewed broths of sage, calendula or St. John's wort. The water should be warm, take a bath for about half an hour.

Drink, to strengthen immunity, it is recommended decoctions of yarrow and chamomile, will help St. John's wort, a decoction of dill seeds.

In the treatment of cystitis in children at home, you can not act independently. Only a doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment for the child, which will be most effective in each specific situation.