Severe pain in ovulation - causes and treatment

Ovulation is the exit of a mature egg from the follicle. This period falls on the middle of the cycle. Sometimes the process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Pain during ovulation can be of different intensity and duration, they depend on the individual characteristics of the organism.

  • Symptoms
  • Pain in ovulation: normal or not
  • Natural causes
  • Signs of pathology
  • Why is there pain?
  • Than such a dangerous state
  • How to relieve pain
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Symptoms of the ovulation period can not always be seen by a woman. Some have absolutely no manifestations. However, women who dream of having a baby can have one or more symptoms.

Not the least role is played by the psychological moment - the future mother listens attentively to her body. She can notice that it is slightly enlarged and the chest hurts during ovulation. The follicle breaks, the ovum rushes to the fallopian tube - the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen.

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Somewhere in 3 days the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus is expected - the same painful procedure as the way out of the follicle. Repeated pains after ovulation indirectly indicate the beginning of pregnancy - implantation.

The ovulation period is accompanied by a painful syndrome, bad state of health, nausea, mammary glands can swell. Often observed mucus discharge, which in number exceed the usual. If after the ovulation was implantation, on the underwear you can see one or two drops of blood - this is normal. Excessive spotting is not the norm.

Attention! During the period of ovulation, the pulling pains at the bottom do not always happen. Sometimes a woman mistakenly believes that she is sick - there is some weakness and fatigue. There may be sharp, cutting pain in the right or left side.

If there are doubts about the onset of ovulation, it is worthwhile to conduct special tests. They are sold in many pharmacies. You can visit the ultrasound room to exclude pathology and establish the onset of ovulation.

Pain in ovulation: normal or not

Often pains do not have pathological causes. In most cases, the natural physiological processes in the female body are too active, so the stomach hurts.

But if the symptoms are expressed, you need to seek medical advice from a doctor. He will rule out possible gynecological problems. At the reception of the patient it is necessary to clarify what pains bother, what they accompany, localization, the nature of secretions, the way of protection.

Natural causes

The follicle in which the egg grew and fed was torn by the action of hormones. When the sexual cell leaves a certain amount of blood. It causes irritation of the peritoneum. This is the main natural cause of ovarian pain in the ovulation period. Provokes them and stretching the follicle.

The ingress of an egg into a tube results in an increase in the contractile function of the muscle layers. They begin to pulsate. This also can provoke the occurrence of periodic pulling spasms in the abdomen.

Know! The paired glands work alternately. One month the ovary carries the right ovary, another month - the left ovary. Therefore, pain in the middle of different cycles can be observed from one side, then the other.

After entering the uterine cavity, the oocyte is introduced into the lining endometrium. At penetration, the integrity of the tissue, consisting of a multitude of tiny blood vessels, is slightly damaged. Therefore, the occurrence of a short bleeding, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, is not ruled out.

Signs of pathology

Often the pain between menstrual bleeding occurs against the background of the features of the anatomy of the genitals, the available somatic and infectious diseases:

  1. Launched venereal diseases cause inflammation of the abdominal organs and contribute to the pathological reconstruction of cells. Changing tissues increase the contraction of smooth muscles. This causes severe painful spasms, they give into the rectum.
  2. The pains in the lower abdomen are sometimes associated with diseases of the digestive system. More often it is irritable bowel syndrome, colitis. Increased gas formation causes swelling. The lower abdomen begins to ache. When such pains appear, a consultation of the gastroenterologist is needed.
  3. The structure of the pelvic organs can also cause pain. Often unpleasant symptoms during ovulation are observed in women with a uterine bend.
  4. Wounds and erosions may well become a provocateur of pain. When sex is often traumatized by the vaginal mucosa. Because of intensive movements, damage occurs. During frictions the woman feels a strong pain. The sensations are accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.

The nature and duration of discomfort depends on the individual pain threshold of the body. In the process of ovulation, someone feels small rare spasms, while others experience sharp stabbing pain throughout the whole day. Many women do not notice the output of the egg at all.

Important! If severe pain does not pass a long time, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Why is there pain?

In fact, ovulation is not a disease, but a natural condition. And unpleasant spasms in the process of egg release are not ruled out.

The duration of the pulling sensations should not exceed three days. If the pain does not cease to disturb after 3-5 days, does not decrease or grows, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a checkup.

In acute, unusually sharp pain, one should not wait, when several days pass, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis urgently. It can be:

  1. Tumor. If the ovary has a new growth, it will increase in size. How quickly this happens depends on the nature of the tumor itself. During the period of ovulation, it presses on the peritoneum, which affects the sensations. In the early stages of the found education is successfully treated, so do not delay with a specialist's consultation.
  2. Adnexitis. The infection in the genitourinary system causes inflammation of the ovaries. Sometimes the cause is the subcooling of the pelvic organs. A woman may not have other symptoms, except for a slight increase in body temperature and pain. But discomfort from the ovary spreads throughout the lower part of the body, aching pains gives back. Chronic course of the disease can lead to infertility of the woman.
  3. Cyst. Its appearance can seriously affect health. The twisting of the cyst's leg results in impaired blood circulation, development of necrosis. Physical stress provokes rupture of the capsule. Spilled liquid into the abdominal cavity can cause inflammation of the serosa (peritonitis). These complications pose a real threat to the life of a woman.
  4. Apoplexy of the ovary. Violation of the integrity of the ovary leads to hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity. Because of irritation of the peritoneum, acute pain occurs, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With severe bleeding, there is a drop in blood pressure, fainting.

Attention! Sometimes symptoms that do not last for a long time can be a consequence of the transferred operations or diseases.

After apoplexy, the ovaries can continue to function. But chronic pain in the lower abdomen after surgical treatment is not uncommon.

The same happens with spikes. Scar tissue reacts sharply to any changes in the body. Many women with a commissural process in the abdominal cavity note that on the day of ovulation the pain happens, as with menstruation.

Important! To distinguish the normal physiological course of ovulation from a pathological condition, you should listen carefully to your body.

In the presence of anxiety signs, it is urgent to visit a gynecologist. If, in addition to the severity of the lower abdomen, there is an increase in body temperature, fainting, vomiting - you need to call an ambulance.

Than such a dangerous state

Physiological pain is not dangerous for the female body, although sometimes it is hard to tolerate. Usually a woman can tell the normal course of ovulation from a catastrophe.

This is due to the following factors:

  • the pain is regular and constant, the sensations do not change in each cycle;
  • there was an operation after which a pain syndrome appeared;
  • the examination was completed, the diagnosis was established, the doctor's recommendations were received - the woman knows her body and first aid.

If spasms occur during ovulation occur for the first time, you should visit a specialist and establish their cause. For the health and life of a woman, sudden abnormalities are dangerous - a cyst or ovary rupture.

Know! Hemorrhages, acute pain and high fever directly indicate the need for medical intervention.

How to relieve pain

It is not difficult to calm the severe pain that accompanies ovulation. But first you need to establish the reasons for its appearance. If the yield of an egg is always very painful, a gynecologist can prescribe hormonal contraceptives. They suppress the process of maturation and release of the egg, thereby relieving the woman of the pain syndrome.

If the pain is associated with physiological causes and does not require special treatment, you need to be able to help yourself. Doctors recommend:

  • To stay home;
  • drink tablets - analgesics or antispasmodics;
  • relax and lie down on the bed;
  • apply a warm water bottle to your stomach.

Before applying the heating pad, you need to make sure that the pain is not associated with the disease and inflammation.

Attention! Visit a gynecologist regularly - 1-2 times a year. If acute diseases occur, visit as soon as possible.

On consultation do not need to feel shy. The gynecologist will be able to give help only if the patient is as frank as possible to talk about her problems.