Flatulence in adults: causes and treatment, medicinal and folk remedies, a diet with bloating

Flatulence in the intestine - this is increased gas formation and swelling in the abdomen - a symptom of digestive disorders. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract is not an independent disease.

Today, we will figure out how to get rid of increased flatulence and bloating, how to treat it at home with folk remedies and medical preparations.


Adult meteorism:Causes of

Calling an ambulance or a district attending physician is not a home with increased gas production, it is not necessary, however, it will not hurt to visit a gastroenterologist. The main causes of flatulence in adults are revealed when collecting anamnesis data, or after a clinical examination of the digestive system. The appearance of bloating is preceded by such physiological processes of the adult organism as:

  1. individual nutrition features;
  2. penetration of air into the digestive system( with breastfeeding);
  3. lack of oxygen;
  4. diseases of the digestive tract, for example gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer;
  5. systemic circulation disorder;
  6. breakdown, stress;
  7. acute intestinal infections;
  8. intoxication of the body;
  9. intestinal parasites;
  10. taking medications.

Foods that cause flatulence

If it is true to determine why the intestines swell and quickly eliminate the cause of this phenomenon from the life of an adult patient, the general well-being will improve, the anxiety symptomatology will recede into the background. You need to know such foods in the diet that cause flatulence. If we cut them in the menu several times - the problem will be solved.

There is a certain list of products, when digesting which in the intestine is excessively formed gases, such products provoke bloating, bring discomfort, reduce appetite:

  1. Any amount of legumes: peas, beans, lentils;
  2. coarse fiber: sauerkraut, apples, onion, garlic;
  3. yeast products: kvass, beer, pastries;
  4. carbonated beverages;
  5. Citrus Fruit;
  6. black bread.

Meteorism: symptoms

When an adult develops marked signs of flatulence, his mood is noticeably in decline, a chair is broken( prolonged constipation or vice versa, diarrhea), and appetite decreases.

Other symptoms of flatulence in adults:

  1. heartburn;
  2. colonic spasms;
  3. belching;
  4. abdominal enlargement;
  5. nausea, less often - vomiting;
  6. sleep phase disorder;
  7. abdominal tenderness.

Meteorism during pregnancy

Increased gas production occurs both in childhood and in adults. Incidentally, suffer from bloating and future mothers, uncomfortable symptoms they are accompanied by general discomfort and excessive abdominal pain.

Meteorism in pregnant women is due to digestive problems. The appearance of this anomaly is preceded by the fetus itself, which, as the term increases, becomes larger in size and exerts a higher pressure on the digestive organs.

Flatulence: treatment at home, how to get rid and how to treat

Of course, if there is a problem of flatulence, you should visit the district physician-therapist, determine the treatment regimen. Effective treatment of bloating in adults involves a therapeutic diet, taking medications.

Pregnant women should not use carminative fees! Use activated carbon tablets!

Usually, the scheme for treating an adult person requires the use of such medicines:

  1. To avoid increased absorption of carbon dioxide, toxins, slags, other toxic substances, it is necessary to take Polysorb , activated carbon , Dimethicone , white clay , Polyphepan .
  2. For the purpose of providing a carminative effect, dill water is used. , activated charcoal, Disflatil , Espumizan , Riabal .
  3. To restore the functions of the pancreas, an additional intake of enzymes is necessary, among which medicines such as Pancreatin , Creon , Mezim , Pancreoflate .
  4. For the regulation of intestinal microflora, the reception of probiotics such as Hilak Forte , Linex , Bifidumbacterin , is welcomed. Rioflora Immuno , Symbolter , Bifiform .
  5. To remove unpleasant spasms of the colon, you can use the help of enterosorbents. This method really works if you choose Enterosgel .
  6. If the sensation of nausea is suddenly replaced by vomiting, it's time to purchase a therapeutic solution Cerucal or Metoclopramide .
  7. Laxative is taken with constipation to eliminate colonic spasm. For these purposes, designate Cisapride , as an alternative to the classical enema.

Diet with meteorism

To kill pathogenic microorganisms in colitis and enteritis can be by correcting the daily diet.

Diet in bowel flatulence provides for a reduction in the diet products with coarse fiber, legumes, food ingredients with fermentation properties. These are the most dangerous dishes that can only worsen the work of systemic digestion.

With lactose intolerance, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of milk sugar, reduce the total number of calories. Only after this, to determine the scheme of treatment, than to treat flatulence.

Remedy for flatulence

In women and men, the therapy scheme is identical. If adult flatulence progresses - the causes and treatment are closely interrelated, and all prescriptions for a particular clinical picture should be performed solely by the attending physician. From a wide range of medicines, specialists and their patients choose the following drugs for the treatment of flatulence in adults:

  1. activated charcoal as a sorbent;
  2. Espumizan against spasms;
  3. Polysorb with obvious signs of intoxication;
  4. Linex or Hilak Forte for digestive rehabilitation.

Folk remedies for flatulence in adults

Not all patients use official medicine. When solving the main problem, how to treat flatulence of the intestine, they choose alternative methods, no less reliable.

There are many effective recipes for health, but it is important to choose selectively for their choice. The productive treatment of flatulence by folk remedies includes the following health recipes for adults:

  1. One tablespoon of dill seeds to soak in a glass of water, after filtering, chilling, giving to adults and children in the treatment of bloating. Knowing the causes of the ailment, you can add dried thyme.
  2. Grind the carrot seeds in a coffee grinder, use it in dry form with a sensation of bloating, but after determining the cause of the pathological process in adults.
  3. Prepare the decoction from the roots of a dandelion, and for this pour 500 ml of boiling water two tablespoons of dried raw material. Cool, give adults in a strained form, dividing the finished dose into 4 divided doses.
  4. With known causes of flatulence, adults can be given a ground ginger root of 0.25 teaspoons. The tea mushroom is still allowed.

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How to cure flatulence?

Flatulence is a widespread condition.

Its essence consists in the increased accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are three main sources of gas in the intestines: swallowed air;gases formed in the lumen of the cecum and gases coming from the blood.

Normally, approximately 200 ml of gas is contained in the gastrointestinal tract. In healthy people, about 600 ml of gas are released daily through the rectum, however, individual differences range from 200 to 2600 ml.

The unpleasant odor of gaseous gases is associated with the presence of such aromatic compounds as indole, scatol, hydrogen sulphide that form in the colon as a result of the action of microflora on undigested organic compounds in the small intestine.

Gases accumulating in the intestine( flatulence) are a foam with a lot of small bubbles, each of which is surrounded by a layer of viscous mucus. This mucous foam covers the surface of the intestinal mucosa with a thin layer, which in turn hinders parietal digestion, reduces the activity of enzymes, disrupts the assimilation of nutrients.

Disturbances of the enzyme system can occur with an unbalanced diet, as well as with various diseases of the upper digestive tract( gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis).

Another cause of increased gas production in the intestine is a violation of the microflora of the colon. Under normal conditions, most of the gases are absorbed by the bacteria that live in the gut. If the balance between gas-producing and gas consuming micro-organisms is disturbed, flatulence occurs.

The principle of treatment of flatulence is to eliminate the cause of increased gas production.

Treatment can include the following stages: diet correction, restoration of motor disorders, treatment of intestinal biocenosis disorders( biopreparations), removal of accumulated gases from the intestinal lumen.

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