Disease company: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Disease Roth: what is it and how is it manifested
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Diagnostics
    • 1.4Treatment
    • 1.5Physiotherapy
    • 1.6Physiotherapy
    • 1.7Medication Therapy
    • 1.8Surgery
    • 1.9Prevention
    • 1.10To which doctor to apply
    • 1.11Check out the popular articles
  • 2Roth's disease - symptoms and treatment of paresthetic melalgia
    • 2.1Where is the root of the problem?
    • 2.2Features of the clinical picture
    • 2.3Diagnosis and treatment
    • 2.4Therapeutic course of therapy
    • 2.5Consequences and prevention
  • 3Roth-Bernhardt's disease - causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Methods of treatment
    • 3.5Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 3.6Medication
    • 3.7Prevention
    • 3.8Interesting articles:
  • 4Roth-Bernhardt's disease: symptoms treated with folk remedies, where they are treated in Moscow
    • 4.1Classic Roth-Bernhardt Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 4.2Roth-Bernhardt disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
    • 4.3Where is Roth's disease treated in Moscow?
  • 5General information on symptoms and treatment of Roth's disease
  • instagram viewer
  • 6What is Roth's Syndrome (Roth-Bernhardt)
    • 6.1The causes and pathogenesis of Roth's disease
    • 6.2Manifestations of the disease and how to diagnose it?
    • 6.3Treatment of Roth syndrome
    • 6.4For pathogenetic treatment is used:
    • 6.5Preventive actions

Disease Roth: what is it and how is it manifested

Roth's disease (or paresthetic melalgia) is one of the most common types of tunnel syndrome, Caused by compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the femur in the anterior iliac bone or inguinal ligaments.

It is manifested not so much by pain as by the appearance of unpleasant sensations of a different nature. The nerve, suffering from this form of neuralgia, is formed from several branches emerging from the spinal cord, passes through the canal and ends in the region of the knee.

It provides sensitivity to the front surface of the thigh.

In this article, we will acquaint you with the main causes, symptoms and ways of treating Roth's disease. After learning about the manifestations of this disease, you can make a timely decision about the need to see a doctor and can get rid of the bothersome signs of this tunnel syndrome.

According to statistics, this disease is more often observed in men 50-60 years old or pregnant. And the frequent development of Roth's disease is largely due to the anatomical features of the location of the lateral cutaneous nerve.

It passes through the tunnel and is often squeezed when it rubs in the area of ​​the inguinal ligament or near the iliac bone when the body tilts forward or moves the legs.

On its way, the nerve, in addition to these "obstacles passes through the wide fascia of the thigh and can also be affected at such levels:

  • zone of perforation of the wide fascia of the thigh;
  • exit zone under the inguinal ligament;
  • zone of passage of the loose bundle of the inguinal ligament.


Roth's disease can be caused by the following external and internal causes, leading to compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh:

Under the influence of the above-described factors in the tissues of the nerve, metabolism is disturbed.

This condition leads to a violation of the transmission of the nerve impulse, and since the lateral cutaneous nerve is more responsible for sensitivity, then the site innervated by it begins to receive "incorrect" information, manifested in paresthesia and pain.


Pain and burning in the front of the thigh may be signs of Roth's disease.

Roth's disease is accompanied by specific symptoms, but the degree of their manifestation is often described by patients quite differently. Usually the disease develops gradually.

The most frequent complaints of patients with this diagnosis are the following symptoms:

  • crawling on the skin;
  • tingling;
  • numbness;
  • burning sensation in the front surface of the thigh;
  • feeling cold;
  • slight disruption of skin nutrition;
  • complete loss of sensitivity in the affected area.

Later the patient has painful sensations. A number of patients describe them as tolerant, while others describe the pain as burning or unbearable. At the same time, patients do not suffer from movement disorders.

A characteristic feature of Roth's disease is the intensification of paresthesias and pain when the patient is in the vertical position and after the movements. This feature is explained by the tension of the nerve. Painful sensations will decrease when the leg is bent in the hip joint, at rest or lying down.

In the long course of the disease, the innervation and nourishment of the skin is significantly impaired. In a patient, the skin of the hip becomes thinner and flabby. Sometimes it can cause trophic ulcers.

In the most neglected cases, Roth's disease can be manifested by intermittent claudication. This symptom is caused by ischemia of the vessels of the legs and is a consequence of painful sensations. In this disease, moving lameness develops not in the lower parts of the lower extremities, but in the upper ones.

When examining a patient, the doctor reveals a decrease or a complete lack of sensitivity along the front surface of the thigh.

The greater part of patients with Roth's disease are diagnosed with pain when probing in the trunk region nerve, increased painful sensations when the hip is straightened and loosened when the leg is bent in the hip the joint.


Diagnosis of the disease of the company includes a detailed survey and examination of the patient. To clarify the diagnosis, he can be assigned such instrumental methods of examination:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound.

With characteristic complaints, in most cases, an X-ray is required to confirm the diagnosis. A more accurate picture in case of doubt can give an MRI.


Treatment of Roth's disease should begin with the elimination of factors that lead to compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh. For this, the patient may be recommended the following activities:

  • refusal to wear tight clothing, corsets or belts;
  • wearing a special unloading corset;
  • struggle against excess weight;
  • in the presence of tumors or hematomas, their removal is carried out;
  • in the presence of ascites, a puncture is performed to remove fluid from the abdominal cavity.

Various methods of pathogenetic treatment can be used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The treatment plan is made individually for everyone.


Occupations of physiotherapy improves nerve nutrition and alleviate the condition of patients.

The patient is recommended to perform special exercises aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the affected area, improving the nerve supply, strengthening the muscles and fascial structures. This can be the bending of the legs in the knee, the swings and the legs apart.

An approximate set of exercises for Roth's disease:

  1. Sitting on the floor to perform knee bending, sliding on the mat with heels, and their full extension. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Expand the legs inwards and return them to their original position. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Lie on your stomach, put your hands on the lone articulation, and put your fingers in the lock. Raise your head and shoulders, keeping them raised for 2-3 seconds. Do not bend sharply! Return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  4. Hands put on your waist, and your feet, slipping your heels on the rug, spread out to the sides. Return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach and put your hands on your buttocks, connecting your fingers to the lock. Alternately raise your straightened and extended legs. Repeat 6 times with each foot.
  6. Lying on his stomach, raise his torso and raise his hands to the sides (as during the voyage). Repeat 6 times.
  7. Lie on a healthy side, put your head on your arm, bent at the elbow. Lift your leg up and down, relax your muscles. Repeat 8 times.

With obesity, patients are recommended exercise complexes for weight loss. In addition, to prevent the recurrence of the disease should lead an active lifestyle, go swimming and cycling.


After excluding all possible contraindications, the following procedures may be prescribed for treatment:

  • acupuncture;
  • percutaneous electroneurostimulation;
  • dynamic currents;
  • interstitial electrostimulation;
  • magnetic-laser therapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • electrophoresis with novocaine and vitamins;
  • moxotherapy;
  • aqua aerobics;
  • hydromassage procedures;
  • radon baths;
  • mud treatment;
  • hydrogen sulphide baths;
  • medical wrapping;
  • massage.

The goal of all physiotherapeutic procedures is to improve the blood supply to the nerve and restore the transmission of nerve impulses. Some manipulations allow normalizing venous outflow, eliminate spasms and the pains caused by them.

Medication Therapy

To eliminate inflammation and pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used:

  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Lornoxicam;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac (Diclobert);
  • Ketoprofen and others.

Drugs are prescribed courses. Prolonged use of these drugs can lead to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, increases the risk of thrombosis and arterial hypertension.

In severe cases, in the absence of pain reduction, the patient may be recommended to inject an analgesic such as Tramadol. The drug is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously, and its repeated use can be performed after 4-6 hours.

To improve myelin formation in nerve fibers, normalize metabolism and restore the structure of nerve tissues, vitamins are used:

  • Thiamine bromide (vitamin B1);
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).

Initially, they are prescribed as a course of injections. After this, the patient is recommended to take B vitamins in the form of tablets (Milgamma, Benevron, Neurobex, Neurobion, etc.).

To improve blood circulation in the affected area, vasodilators are prescribed:

  • Angioflux;
  • Trental;
  • Pentylin;
  • nicotinic acid, etc.

In rare cases, to eliminate inflammation, an injection of glucocorticosteroids is administered:

  • Metizred;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone.


Surgical operations for the treatment of Roth's disease, aimed at the release of the nerve, are prescribed in extremely rare cases. They are recommended to patients with ineffectiveness of conservative therapy and the presence of severe pain syndrome, which significantly disturbs daily life.


To prevent the development and relapse of the disease of the company, the patient is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Abandon excess nutrition and maintain normal body weight.
  2. To lead a flexible way of life, to engage in physical education, swimming or riding a bicycle.
  3. Refuse to wear tight lingerie and clothes, belts and corsets.
  4. Do not wear aggravating devices on the belt (weapons, cartridges, tools, etc.).
  5. Abandon excessive loin load.
  6. Avoid supercooling.
  7. If necessary, use a unloading corset.
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The disease of the company in most cases is well treatable and does not bring heavy suffering leading to disability. However, in neglected situations, this disease can significantly complicate the patient's life, lead to intermittent claudication and trophic ulcers.

To which doctor to apply

If you suspect a Roth disease, you need to consult a neurologist. After examination and questioning the patient, the doctor can prescribe an X-ray, MRI or other instrumental diagnostic methods.

The first channel, the program "Live Healthily" with Elena Malysheva, in the section "About Medicine a conversation about Roth's disease or paresthetic measure:

Roth-Bernhardt Syndrome. Keep freedom of movement

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A source: https://myfamilydoctor.ru/bolezn-rota-chto-eto-i-kak-proyavlyaetsya/

Roth's disease - symptoms and treatment of paresthetic melalgia

The disease of Bernhardt-Roth (paresthetic mesalgia, neuropathy of the occlusive nerve, neuralgia of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh) is a disease in which the damage to the external cutaneous nerve of the femur is diagnosed because of the squeezing of the fibers of the latter, located under the inguinal ligament, in the region of the pre- the ilium.

This disease doctors often diagnose in men.

The pathology develops gradually, most often with one-sided lesion of the body, in which numbness and pain, like the symptoms initially manifest themselves insignificantly, but after are of a permanent nature.

Where is the root of the problem?

Neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh can develop for several reasons. First of all, the doctors identify the following:

  • compression of the nerve, which occurs due to anatomical features in the structure of the body - most often compression occurs when the legs are tilted, friction;
  • another cause may be overweight, fat deposits in the thigh and peritoneum;
  • tumors and hematomas;
  • complications after surgery or the inflammatory process that occurs in the abdominal cavity;
  • constant wearing of tightly tight belt or close, synthetic underwear, corsets;
  • sedentary and inactive way of life and failure in nutrition of the affected nerve, as well as degenerative changes occurring in the spine.

In addition, the cause of nerve damage and the development of Bernhardt-Roth's disease can be a traumatic injury, as well as professional ailments that are inherent in certain categories of professions.

Features of the clinical picture

Roth's disease has its own characteristic symptoms, which distinguish it from other diseases. Most often, patients at a doctor's appointment suggest the following symptoms that are troubling them, which indicate that the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh is damaged:

  • numbness on the right or left side of the thigh;
  • feeling cold or numbness on the front surface of the thigh;
  • sensation of "goose bumps" on the surface of the skin and tingling in the affected part of the thigh;
  • complete loss of sensitivity on the affected area of ​​the thigh;
  • attacks of pain, while in each patient it can differ and be blunt or aching, some people describe it as burning.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before the appointment of a course of treatment, the patient necessarily undergoes a full examination, since the disease can be taken for a bruise or other pathological condition. Diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

If the doctor's preliminary diagnosis is obvious - physicians are limited to the appointment of the patient's examination on the X-ray, but in the presence of certain doubts, MRI is most often prescribed.

Therapeutic course of therapy

Treatment of Bernhardt-Roth's disease involves the appointment of medications, curative gymnastics and physiological procedures.

With regard to the drug course of therapy - its main task is to eliminate puffiness and inflammation in the area of ​​lesion and nerve infringement, reduction of pain syndrome.

For this purpose, prescribe drugs classified as an NSAID, as well as a course of vitamin B group vitamins. If the disease is started, and medical treatment and physiotherapy does not give a positive dynamics of treatment - in extreme cases, prescribe surgical intervention.

Most physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and removing puffiness. Most often, the following methods of exposure are prescribed:

  • acupuncture and reflexology;
  • radon or hydrosulphuric medicinal baths;
  • a course of therapeutic massage and mud therapy.

At home, the patient can practice exercises from the course of curative gymnastics - it is the bending of the legs in the knee joint, legs or legs, or diluting them to the side.

Also an important component of effective treatment is weight control, removal of tumors, timely treatment of hip joint pathologies, if the latter were the direct causes of development pathology.


Coping pain syndrome is done by doctors with the course of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, in a more severe and neglected form they are injected.


In this case, the doctor introduces Lidocaine or Novokain or conducts pain blockade with the introduction of glucocorticoids.

Consequences and prevention

The disease must be diagnosed on time and the patient must undergo an adequate course of treatment. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient may develop abnormalities in the nutrition of the skin, the development of trophic ulcers, a change in gait.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, doctors give a prognosis for the full recovery of the patient.

In the absence of timely treatment - pathology can go into the chronic form of its course and the patient may show lameness developing in the presence of permanent pain.

In some cases, attacks of pain can be so severe that you have to resort to surgery.

Thus, the neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh must be treated - otherwise the patient may develop a serious disorder in the nutrition of the dermis and, as a consequence, the development of trophic ulcers and other pathological changes, which will be cured complicated.

As a preventive medicine doctors recommend exercise therapy, therapeutic walking and swimming, in a more severe case it is necessary to wear and wear a unloading corset. Exercises that can be performed at home:

  • flexion of the leg in the knee joint - the heels in this case as if slip on the surface of the floor, repeat the exercise 10 times;
  • The leg turns inward and then returns to its original position - repeat this way 10 times;
  • it is necessary to lie down on the floor, hands to close in the area of ​​the lone articulation - then it is necessary to raise the shoulders as high as possible and head, fix the position for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the original position, so repeat 5 time;
  • it is necessary to lay down on a floor, having turned on a stomach, further to put hands on buttocks and from such position alternately raise the right, and then the left foot as high as possible - repeat the exercise 10 times with each foot.

Preventative measures include a proper and complete diet, enriched with vitamins and necessary macro and microelements for the body.

Also, you should not sit in one place and lead a sedentary lifestyle: you need to walk more often, walk as much as possible, let it be easy, but charge in the morning. If the job implies a sedentary lifestyle - every hour you need to get up and 5 minutes to do a leg warm-up.

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A source: http://neurodoc.ru/bolezni/nevropatuya/bolezn-rota.html

Roth-Bernhardt's disease - causes, symptoms, treatment

Roth's disease is considered to be one of the types of tunnel syndrome that occurs if the cutaneous nerve of the thigh in the inguinal ligament or in the ilium is squashed. In this case, there is not pain, but different unpleasant sensations.

This kind of neuralgia is quite rare: the formation of the nerve occurs in several branches that leave the spinal cord, pass through the canal, and end at the knee. That is why the front surface of the thigh becomes supersensitive.

What to do with Roth's disease? How dangerous is the pathology?


We can distinguish such factors that lead to the squeezing of the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve:

  • Excess weight.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Substandard and cramped underwear.
  • Frequent wearing of a corset.
  • Incorrect use of belt, belt.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Permanent stay in one position.
  • Inflammation of the abdominal region.
  • Subcooling.
  • Ascites.
  • Tumor.
  • Disturbed nerve nutrition.
  • Injury of the spine, back.
  • Hematoma of retroperitoneal space.
  • Degenerative pathology of the spine.

When all the factors described above are affected, metabolic processes are disrupted in the nerve. All ends with a violation of the transmission of nerves, pain, paresthesia.


Everyone with Roth's disease can have different symptoms. As a rule, the pathology does not appear immediately. There are such frequent complaints of patients:

  • It creates a feeling of shivers.
  • There is numbness and tingling.
  • A burning sensation appears in the front of the thigh.
  • The cold is felt.
  • Slightly disturbed skin nutrition.
  • The affected area completely loses its sensitivity.

Then the patients may have pain. Each describes it in different ways. Some people say that the sensations are quite tolerable, while others, on the contrary, can not bear a burning pain.

At the same time, motor activity is not impaired. We draw your attention to the main sign of Roth's disease - soreness and paresthesia are intensified if the patient arrives in an upright position, actively moves.

The peculiarity is explained by the nervous tension.

You can alleviate the condition only if you bend the leg in the hip joint, as well as in the prone position.


If Roth's disease persists for a long time, the skin may be damaged in the course of time.


Then the skin on the thigh becomes thinner, becomes flabby, in some situations, a lot of trophic ulcers occur.

In a neglected case, Roth's disease is accompanied by lameness. The symptom can be explained by vascular ischemia. With pathology, lameness begins to develop not in the lower limbs, but in the upper limbs.

After examining the patient, the doctor observes that the sensitivity in the front of the thigh has decreased or is completely absent.

Some patients complain of unpleasant sensations when they straighten the thigh, it becomes easier when the leg is bent.

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With Roth's disease, the patient is questioned in detail, carefully examined. Additionally appoint:

  • MRI.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Electroneuromyography.
  • CT.
  • Radiography.

Sometimes, in order to confirm the diagnosis, you need to take an X-ray.

Methods of treatment

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors leading to squeezing of the femoral cutaneous nerve. It is particularly important to follow such recommendations:

  • Refuse to wear tight corsets, clothes, belts.
  • Wear a special unloading corset.
  • Fight with excess weight.
  • Do not refuse to remove the hematoma, tumor.

In the case of ascites, the liquid is specifically removed from the abdominal cavity. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, use different pathogenetic methods of treatment.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

If you do not have a contraindication, such procedures can be prescribed:

  • Dynamic currents.
  • Electroneurostimulation.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Magnetic-laser therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with vitamins, novocaine.
  • UHF treatment.
  • Moxotherapy.
  • Mud treatment.
  • Aqua aerobics.
  • Massage.
  • Therapeutic wrapping.
  • Radon baths.
  • Hydromassage.
  • Hydrogen sulfide baths.

The goal of physiotherapy is to improve the blood supply in the nerve, to restore the transmission of impulses. With the help of some procedures, it is possible to normalize the venous outflow, to remove the spasm, which leads to pain.


To get rid of the pain, to stop the inflammatory process, non-steroid drugs are prescribed: Indomethacin, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Lornoxicam, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen.

Do not abuse these drugs, otherwise it all ends with a stomach ulcer, arterial hypertension, thrombosis. In neglected cases, they can prescribe an analgesic - Tramadol.

The drug is administered under the skin or intravenously.

To improve the production of myelin in nerve fibers, normalize metabolic processes, restore the structure of nerve tissues, it is necessary to use vitamins:

First you need to take an injection, then you need to drink vitamin B in tablets - Neurobion, Milgamma, Neurobeks, Benevron. To improve blood circulation, prescribe vasodilator drugs - Trental, Angioflux, Pentylin, nicotinic acid.

Rarely, to remove inflammation, inject glucocorticosteroids - Hydrocortisone, Metipred, Prednisolone.

In severe cases, a surgical operation is required to release the nerve. It is recommended only if conservative therapy and other methods of treatment are ineffective.


To prevent Rotha-Bernhardt's disease, the patient must adhere to such rules:

  • Follow the diet, do not gain excess weight.
  • Constantly move, engage in swimming, cycling, physical education.
  • Do not wear tight clothes, underwear, corsets, straps.
  • Abandon the heavy adjustment on the belts - tools, weapons, etc.
  • Do not load the lower back.
  • Do not overcool.
  • If necessary, wear a corset.

Thus, at an early stage of development, Roth's disease is well treated, does not disturb the patient, does not impair working capacity. If the ailment is launched, everything will end with trophic ulcers, lameness. Carefully watch your health!

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A source: https://medportal.su/bolezn-rota-berngardta-prichiny-simptomy-lechenie/

Roth-Bernhardt's disease: symptoms treated with folk remedies, where they are treated in Moscow

The way of life of modern man has to develop pathologies associated with dysfunction of nervous tissue.

Sedentary work, the lack of regular physical activity, the violation of diet - all this over time leads to various options for the manifestation of the tunnel syndrome.

Rota-Bernhardt disease is a type of compression of the nerve fiber in the tunnel channel in the thigh and iliac bone. The tendon apparatus of the inguinal group of muscles of the abdominal press is affected.


Pain can occur in the area of ​​the anterior surface of the ilium and the inner thigh area. With the passage of time, the lesion of the epidermal group of the lateral nerves leads to a decrease in the cutaneous sensitivity of the lower limb.


Most often, pathology is one-sided and develops in the fair sex. For the first time the pathology was diagnosed and described by two doctors (Bernhardt and Roth), whose names she received later.

Among the common causes, an anomaly of the anatomical structure of the ilium is leading, as a result of which compression and neuralgia may occur. The contraction can occur during pregnancy due to a violation of the physiological position of the pelvic bones.

When the angle of the lumbar lordosis increases, prolapse is observed in the projection of the hip joints. Together, this provokes a change in the angle of inclination of the pelvic bones, which can form the prerequisites for compression pressure on the nerve fibers passing through the tunnel.

Pathogenic risk factors include overweight, impaired lymph drainage from the hip (usually accompanied by cellulite and excess volume), venous pathologies with blood stasis. For other reasons that cause symptoms of Roth's disease, the following pathologies and conditions can be attributed:

  • development of neoplasms of oncological and benign nature;
  • the consequences of injuries in the form of hematomas (blood clots in the delimited space);
  • adhesions and other complications after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity;
  • gynecological inflammatory diseases, damage to the walls of the bladder (in men, prostate pathology);
  • clothing that hampers blood flow and normal innervation (tight pants, corsets, modeling underwear, low straps);
  • complications of lumbosacral osteochondrosis with compression of radicular nerves;
  • Bechterew's disease and other destructive processes in the spinal column.

Also it is necessary to exclude a sedentary lifestyle, unusual physical activity, stressful situations, eating disorders and lack of drinking water.

Classic Roth-Bernhardt Symptoms and Diagnosis

Diagnosis of pathology can be difficult due to the fact that the classic symptoms of Roth-Bernhardt's disease are often masked under the manifestations of a number of other diseases. Differential diagnosis is carried out with radiculopathy, osteochondrosis, a herniated intervertebral disc, neuritis and neuropathy of various genesis.

The main symptoms include the following complaints and external manifestations:

  • constant feeling of cold or heat, numbness in the place of lesion of nervous tissue;
  • lamp pain on the inner surface of the thigh from the affected side;
  • slight lameness;
  • difficulty in moving;
  • detection of areas of complete or partial reduction of skin sensitivity in the zone of pathological changes.

In the later stages, the so-called trophic changes can manifest themselves: with constant disruption of nutrition and innervation, atrophy of soft tissues begins. There may be ulcers, deep scars, abscesses.

Electroneuromyography takes a leading place in the diagnosis of pathology. With the help of special equipment, it is possible to identify foci of neurogenic lesion. Radiography, MRI, and ultrasound are also used.

Roth-Bernhardt disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Roth-Bernhardt's disease may not show its symptoms for quite a long time. However, at some point, emergency medical care may be required, since the patient may be immobilized.

If there are characteristic symptoms of Roth-Bernhardt's disease, treatment with folk remedies can only be used as an adjunctive therapy. The main emphasis is on eliminating the cause of pathology.

To do this, surgical surgical techniques are used, conservative pharmacological effects and manual therapy.

By the way, it is with the help of manual therapy that the patient has a chance to completely restore his health, since neither surgery nor pharmacology provides guarantees of nerve fiber recovery.

Regular sessions of therapeutic massage in combination with reflexology and gymnastics give tremendous results. The cause of disturbance of innervation is completely eliminated, pains and stiffness of movements pass.

Certified clinics of manual therapy offer individually designed rehabilitation programs for patients with a similar diagnosis.

The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chances of winning over the disease.

Official medicine is traditionally used by a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have absolutely no therapeutic effect. They just eliminate the symptom. B vitamins, nicotinic acid, pentoxifylline and a number of other drugs are also prescribed.

Where is Roth's disease treated in Moscow?

About where Roth's disease is treated in Moscow, you can find out in the nearest polyclinic. Usually with a similar disease the patient is under the supervision of a neurologist. Consultations of related specialists are appointed: orthopedist, surgeon, therapist.

For full-fledged treatment, a clinic for manual therapy should be found, which has sufficient experience in the treatment of such cases. It is in such institutions that patients are offered full medical attention.

An experienced specialist will conduct work on the analysis of probable causes and develop practical recommendations on lifestyle changes. Also, a recovery program is developed individually.

It can include:

  • diet therapy;
  • manual therapy and osteopathy;
  • special massage;
  • complexes of physical exercises;
  • electromyostimulation and reflexology.

The result of the work done is the rapid improvement of the patient's condition and the complete restoration of his health.

A source: https://lumbago.ru/simptomy-i-lechenie-bolezni-rota/

General information on symptoms and treatment of Roth's disease

With regard to the symptoms and treatment of Roth's disease, every patient who is confronted with this ailment thinks about it. This disease with a strange name is one of the manifestations of the so-called tunnel syndrome.

Its cause is the squeezed outer lateral cutaneous nerve of the femur in the region of the ilium or groin ligament. This syndrome brings terrible discomfort to its owner.

The affected nerve is formed from some branches emanating from the spinal cord itself, having traveled a long way, ending in the region of the knees. Its function is to provide a tactile feel to the front surface of the thigh.

This condition is more common among pregnant women and men over 50.


The cause of the syndrome is a peculiar location of the nerve, near the inguinal ligament - there is a fold when the body tilts or walking, which can squeeze it.


In addition, other anatomical features are an obstacle in its path, for example, a wide femoral fascia.

The factors contributing to the development of the disease are divided into internal and external. As noted above, this is:

  • pregnancy;
  • obesity;
  • uncomfortable underwear, tight clothes;
  • inactive way of life;
  • when the organism is undercooled.

Presence of chronic pathologies: ascites, oncological education, inflammation of the peritoneum, complications after surgery, trauma, spinal column disease, etc.

All these factors disrupt the correct metabolism in the nerve, which is why its impulse transfer function is violated.

The impulse is distorted, which leads to improper skin sensation, severe pain or total lack of sensitivity is possible.

The clinic of this condition is very specific. Each patient treats his own feelings in his own way, it all depends on the type of person. The disease is characterized by gradual development. The main complaints of the patient are goosebumps, tingling and numbness.

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Sometimes it burns like an affected area, or vice versa, it becomes cold. There is a loss of sensitivity and a deteriorating nutritional function of the skin. After that, after a while the patient begins to worry about the pain in the affected area.

The nature of pain is different for all: from aching permanent to stitching and sharp. The disease does not affect the motor function of the limb. Symptoms are worse when standing and after walking. This is explained by the fact that the nerve is stretched in this position.

Accordingly, if the tension is removed, the symptoms pass, that is, when the leg is flexed in the thigh, at rest and horizontally.

If the process lasts for a long time, the disease progresses, skin nutrition worsens, and it loses its elasticity, is thinned. In the advanced stage ulceration of trophic character can develop. Because of the painful symptom, there is a narrowing of the vessels in the leg, resulting in lameness.

Diagnostic criteria

The main diagnosis is a complete examination and a detailed questioning of the patient.

Having studied all the nuances, the doctor prescribes the passage of some laboratory-instrumental methods of examination: ENMG (electroneuromyography), magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, X-ray examination and Ultrasound. Most often, X-rays are used to confirm the diagnosis, in controversial situations - tomography.

Before starting the basic treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of pathology. Recommended:

  • wearing comfortable, not embarrassing movements of clothes;
  • if you have excess weight - go on a diet, do sports;
  • in the presence of formations in the abdominal cavity - operative removal, etc.

Then they switch to symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment. The physician selects the tactics and treatment scheme individually for each patient.

With a positive dynamics from treatment, they begin treatment and preventive activities.


The patient is recommended to conduct special gymnastics to improve blood flow through the vessels of the lower limbs, strengthen the muscular framework.


All exercises are aimed at reducing the tension of the nerve - this is the bending of the legs, their dilution. For example:

  • regular repetition of flexion and extension of legs sitting on the rug;
  • turn the limb inward and back several times;
  • in the supine position, fold your arms under the trunk and gently lift your head up, hold for a few seconds and relax.
  • still helps such an exercise: in the standing position, put your hands on your waist, legs at the shoulder level, gradually spread your legs to the half-string and reconnect them, repeating the action up to 10 times;
  • Lie on your stomach and do swimming movements with your hands, slightly lifting the body;
  • then turn to the healthy side, head to lean on a bent hand and move in different directions with a suffering leg, while trying to relax the muscles.

In a patient with obesity, special courses of sports exercises for weight reduction are carried out, and special massage is recommended. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the patient is best served by swimming, cycling, trying to move more and less to be in the same pose.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed only after exclusion of acute conditions or other contraindications.

A good effect is observed from the procedures: acupuncture, percutaneous electroneurostimulation, UHF, electrophoresis with vitamin preparations, Darsonval therapies, water procedures, including aqua aerobics and hydromassage.

Mud and radon, hydrogen sulphide baths help to remove the pain. This type of treatment contributes to the restoration of blood circulation and nerve supply.

Medications are the main part in the treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac sodium, indomethacin and ibuprofen are widely used.

However, using them, the patient should use drugs to protect the stomach mucosa, as these drugs can cause severe pain in the stomach. They also increase blood pressure and thicken the blood. It is not recommended to take them for a long time.

Often used analgesics in the form of injections, for example, the drug Tramadol. The vitamin B group restores neural structures well, especially Thiamine bromide and Cyanocobalamin.

In the absence of pathologies of the heart, drugs that improve blood supply are prescribed, such as Trental, Nicotinic acid, etc. In severe conditions resort to hormonal drugs that contribute to the elimination of inflammation, for example, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.


Operative intervention is carried out in those cases when there is a constant mechanical squeezing of an organ or tissue, or a pathological object, and with ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.


Treatment with folk remedies sometimes helps to reduce the unpleasant sensation in the leg. So, at home, many apply a honey compress with the addition of 15 g grated shit, or a night compress of table salt, radish and vinegar.

In order to avoid relapses of the disease, the patient needs to change his way of life, monitor his diet, eat more vegetables, fruits and greens, move more actively, engage in dancing, sports. It is necessary to change the style of clothes, preferring loose clothes and soft belts, to give up corsets, etc. Try not to carry weights, so as not to load the lower back.

In general, the disease does not cause serious damage to health, in severe cases, lameness and ulcers may occur, but everything is completely cured, leaving no serious consequences.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/bolezn-rota-simptomy-i-lechenie/

What is Roth's Syndrome (Roth-Bernhardt)

Roth's Syndromeis a compression-ischemic neuropathy of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.

If to say it is easier - this is a consequence of compression and subsequent disturbance of nerve supply, resulting in the innervation of the skin of the external surface of the thigh is broken and characteristic clinical manifestations appear disease.

The causes and pathogenesis of Roth's disease

The cause of the pathology is the pressure on the nerve from the outside, which can be related to:

  • with the wearing of tight clothes (belts, linen);
  • pressure on the nerve of the internal organs during pregnancy;
  • obesity with the accumulation of a large number of subcutaneous fat in the lower abdomen;
  • pressure on the nerve by tumor-like formation of any genesis;
  • compression of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh with ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity).

Pathogenesis consists in exchange changes in the tissue of the nerve fiber, as a result of which the normal transmission of the nerve impulse is disrupted.

And since the nerve is extremely sensitive, the manifestations of these disorders are the "wrong" receipt of information from the innervated site.

Manifestations of the disease and how to diagnose it?

The main symptom of Roth's diseaseis a violation of sensitivity in the region of the outer thigh, in its upper half.

Here, paresthesia ("crawling sensation"), unpleasant or painful sensations may occur. There are no motor disturbances.

If there are pronounced changes in the nerve, then over time there are trophic changes in the skin (thinning and flabbiness).

A characteristic symptom of the disease is an increase in pain or paresthesia in the vertical position and after movement, which is explained by the tension of the nerve. The pain decreases at rest, lying down and flexing the leg in the hip joint.

Specific clinical manifestations make it possible to diagnose without using additional survey methods.

Performing laboratory examinations, computer or magnetic resonance imaging can be assigned doctor to determine the causes of Roth syndrome and determine the possibility of medical procedures.

Treatment of Roth syndrome

The main direction in the treatment of Roth's disease is the elimination of factors that can cause the appearance of compression-ischemic neuropathy, namely:

  • it is necessary to wear loose clothing;
  • with obesity should resort to a special diet and exercise therapy;
  • in the presence of volumetric formations, their removal is shown;
  • It is necessary to treat ascites with conservative methods or puncture if it is the cause of the appearance of Roth's syndrome.

For pathogenetic treatment is used:

  1. Reflexology. Exposure to special biologically active points allows normalizing metabolic processes in the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and improving the innervation of the skin.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment.Apply diadynamic currents, through the skinny electroneurostimulation, interstitial electrostimulation, magneto-laser therapy and others.

    The task of all physiotherapeutic methods is to improve blood supply to the nerve fiber and restore its natural function in the transmission of the nerve signal.

    Contraindications to physiotherapeutic methods can be benign and malignant neoplasms, changes in laboratory tests, severe systemic diseases.

  3. Therapeutic exercise and wearing a corset can serve both curative and preventive measures.

    They help to get rid of excess weight, improve the trophism of the nerve, and also strengthen the muscles, and normalize the work of fascial structures, inside which the nerve fiber passes, in connection with which the probability of the appearance of trophic and degenerative changes.

  4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.The use of these drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, lornoxicam, indomethacin, etc.) makes it possible to reduce the pain syndrome and eliminate the inflammatory process.

    Treatment is prescribed by courses, long-term use of these drugs is dangerous because of the possible increase in arterial pressure, a high risk of tromoobrazovaniya and the appearance of ulcerative defects in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum guts.

  5. Vitamins and vascular preparations.These substances can improve the formation of myelin nerve fiber, restore its structure, metabolic processes, blood supply and function.
  6. Operative treatment.It is performed in rare cases, when there is a pronounced pain syndrome, and conservative treatment is ineffective.

Preventive actions

Prevention of Rotha-Bernhardt's diseaseis the refusal of excess nutrition, maintaining normal body weight.

A balanced diet plays an important role not only to maintain a normal weight, but also to supply enough vitamins to the body.

Of great importance arephysical education, as well as the refusal of compressive and tight clothes (belts, linens). If necessary, it is possible to wear the unloading corset.

A source: http://www.medklinika.spb.ru/o-kompanii/stati/chto-takoe-sindrom-rota-berngardt.html

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