Bedbugs home bed in the apartment: how to get rid yourself at home once and for all

Now, home bed bugs , or else they are called underwear , have become less common in apartments than before. Nevertheless, consider as you can yourself at home once and for all to get rid of the bedbugs of the house , using industrial and home tools, if the bedbugs are to be settled in the apartment of a private house or a multi-storey building.

All about ways and means of excretion from linen, sofas of domestic bedbugs, including odorless remedies.


Bed bugs: how to get rid yourself at home

Assortment of anti-bed bugs is extensive. All funds, as a rule, are divided into groups:

  1. physical impact;
  2. chemical preparations;
  3. folk methods;
  4. call special services.

Which option to choose is an individual matter, it all depends on personal preferences, a number of circumstances and cost of funds.

By physical action is meant the self-destruction of bed linens bedbugs, and the difference of the last point is the exact guarantee of complete elimination of insects in the house by special services when they are called, although here the price of the issue will be maximum.

If the location of bedbugs in the house is concentrated in one or two places, if the area of ​​the apartment being treated is small, you can completely get rid of them yourself.

Whatever option you prefer in the fight against insects, remember that chemical insecticides are poisonous to humans and can cause poisoning and allergies. Incorrect use of insecticides, non-observance of precautions and safety precautions lead to serious poisoning. Therefore, with a tendency to allergic reactions in children and adults, pregnant women and nursing mothers, children are not allowed to have contact with insecticides.

Linen bugs: how to get rid at home with the help of chemistry

Rules for the expulsion of bedbugs from home through chemical products:

  • , the person carrying out the activities should use rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze dressing to protect the respiratory tract and skin from chemical agents;
  • the process of chemical cleaning is carried out in tightly closed clothes( for example, in a sports suit), keep open skin areas as little as possible;
  • the head during processing should be protected by a handkerchief or a special headdress;
  • at the end of the procedure, go to fresh air, wash your hands and face with soap and water, take off your robe.

You can fight with linen bedbugs by means of:

  1. Executioner ( high efficiency, persistent unpleasant odor);
  2. GET ( no less effective, odorless );
  3. Raid ( aerosol)
  4. RIAPAN ;
  5. Neopin ;
  6. Carbozole ;
  7. Forsyth ( very strong, but has a very strong smell).

The list includes domestic and foreign funds. The choice is given by the names of the preparations, form and composition: some of the agents use dichlorvos, carbophos, peritroids or organophosphorous substances as the main impact force. As for the latter( representatives of low toxicity), today they are very popular, they are very effective and quickly destroy bedbugs. In a short period of time they disintegrate, losing their danger. The room treated with such drugs, in a day or two, becomes safe for humans.

Carefully approach the choice of chemical agents in the form of aerosols, they have been used for a long time by people, can lose effectiveness because of the developed immunity in insects.

Home bugs: how to get rid at home with the help of folk remedies

If linen house bugs have recently appeared in a private house or apartment and there are not many of them, you can try to fight them with the help of folk remedies. The most famous of them:

  1. turpentine ;
  2. vinegar ;
  3. denatured ;
  4. Cresol .

Each of the products in a clean or diluted form is applied to the bedraggled area. To completely get rid of bedbugs, update the products daily, after a while the bugs will disappear from the house.

For processing corners of wooden furniture, floor and skirting, and apply a mixture of turpentine and kerosene - plus - add naphthalene. Here you need to wear not rubber, but polyethylene gloves( which dye your hair), because these substances corrode rubber products.

For the processing of upholstered furniture and carpets, use denatured, acetic acid, naphthalene, or purified ethyl alcohol solutions. For example, five grams of naphthalene is dissolved in a glass of methylated spirit or 70% alcohol and processed by bug-populated places.

Any of these tools is effective only at the first stages of the appearance of bed bugs, when the situation requires serious measures, use chemical preparations or start the temperature treatment, which we will consider in detail. ..

Lingerie bedbugs: how to get rid of at home by temperature treatment

When the pests were settled in cold winter, the first - try to freeze them on the street. Put some pieces of furniture on the street infected with insects( mattresses, blankets, shelves, tables, chairs) in the frost for several hours. The frost in the street should be from -25 degrees and above. It is hardly possible to freeze an apartment completely, it can be done in a private house with drained water in the radiators and pipes of the heating system and with the water piped off.

You can get rid of bed bugs by heating, but not all things and furniture can be treated with temperatures from +50 degrees or more. But furniture and places of possible accumulation of insects can be treated with dry steam or heat, this treatment is very effective. It is true that you will need to call a sanitary service equipped with industrial hair dryers, steam generators or special irradiators.

The higher the temperature, the shorter the exposure time, at a temperature of +100 degrees the treatment is 45-60 minutes. All the bugs, including their larvae and eggs, are destroyed.

Calling special services

Of course, the full guarantee of getting rid of all types of apartment insects, including bed bugs, is given by professional disinsection. The cost of the service is palpable, but the owner of the apartment will be less labor-intensive.

Employees of pest control services use the most effective insecticides that can not be bought at a hardware store, because the use of such substances requires special conditions and skills, special equipment:

  1. heat guns for warming up the room when pests are eliminated by the temperature method;
  2. fog generators for spraying insecticides with small drops. This is the most effective method, since the poison enters all hard-to-reach places where bugs can be found.

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Video channel "How to get rid of pests" will show an interview with an elderly woman who, herself, quickly and inexorably got rid of bedbugs, without the services of services to kill bedbugs. The cost of the "Fufanon" is only 25 rubles.

5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in the apartment and house

Video channel "klop911" will answer questions and tell about:

  1. Is it difficult to destroy bedbugs in an apartment?
  2. Destruction of bedbugs with insecticide aerosols.
  3. Is it possible to destroy bedbugs with dusts?
  4. Is it effective to freeze bugs?
  5. Destruction of bedbugs with high temperatures and steam.
  6. Collect bugs with adhesive tapes.
  7. Destruction of bedbugs with polyethylene.

In fact, you can kill home bugs in many ways. These insects are susceptible to various poisons, perish in sudden temperature changes, and have no supernatural characteristics.

However, there are a few of the most common and well-known methods that are quite successfully used by people at home and really allow to destroy bedbugs.

Let's start with the first, to date - the most common: the destruction of bedbugs with insecticide aerosols. It is good in the first place in that it allows in a short time - in a few hours - to destroy all the bugs in the room, regardless of their number and where they hide. And not only bugs: with a full treatment in the apartment there will be no other insects - ants, cockroaches, fleas and moths.

The main drawback of this method is its laboriousness. Plus, many aerosols smell bad, and odorless preparations are quite expensive.

Professional disinsectors often use so-called cold fog, in which the drops of the insecticide drug turn out to be smaller, and, therefore, more effectively penetrate into the shelters of bedbugs and destroy them. However, the devices for creating such a fog are very expensive. More often even experts use powerful sprayers, with them such services all the same appear enough qualitative.

Another way is also to poison bugs, but with different powders, they are also called dusts. Such powders are produced a lot, it is Piretrum, Phenaxin, Clean house and their analogues.

However, dusts against bedbugs are less effective than aerosols. This is due to the fact that they destroy the parasites passively only after the bedbugs run through them. Therefore, if the bugs in such a powder do not get dirty, they will not be able to drain them.

The third way is freezing. It is good because it is safe for humans, and at the same time it is effective. But he has one significant drawback.

Klopov is difficult to freeze out of a dwelling, equipped with engineering systems rooms. The fact is that for effective destruction it takes about a day to keep the room at a temperature of -20 degrees or lower. Obviously, in a normal residential building in which engineering systems work, such a drop in temperature can lead to the freezing of water in the pipes and their destruction.

As a result, you can freeze bedbugs from any auxiliary, technical premises - sheds, chicken coops, cellars, from the cabins - either from individual items and furniture. For example, you can take out a sofa, a wardrobe, a mattress, a bed, things or children's toys for a few days on a cold frost. Bedbugs in them will die, and these items can be brought home.

There is a diametrically opposite way - to kill bugs with high temperature. It is known that adult bugs and nymphs perish at an air temperature of + 45 degrees in 45 minutes, at 52 degrees they die in 10-15 minutes. Therefore, if the warm air fan warms up the air in the house to 55-60 degrees and keeps the temperature at this level for an hour or two, there will be no bugs here.

However, such fan heaters are so expensive that their use is uneconomical.

More often bedbugs are destroyed by steam generators, even simple, domestic ones. This is a very old practice, back in the Middle Ages bedbugs fermented from the kettles.

In principle, if a bug or nest of bedbugs is treated with steam, the scalded insects will die. But since many shelters of bedbugs in an apartment are in hard-to-reach places, where it is difficult to drive a steam jet, in most cases it is extremely difficult to destroy all bedbugs in an apartment only by a steam generator.

There is still a very interesting method with the use of adhesive tape. The essence of it is that people move to sleep from a normal bed to the floor, put here, for example, an inflatable mattress, and around him spread on the floor a solid strip of sticky tape from the flies.

Bedbugs, not finding people on the bed, begin to look for them indoors, focusing on the smell of carbon dioxide exhaled by people. As people sleep on a mattress, bedbugs go there and near the mattress stick to the tape.

It is also important to remember that the method of fighting, even properly chosen and implemented, does not guarantee that after complete extermination, bedbugs will not appear in the apartment again. Therefore, the destruction of bedbugs is only one aspect of the fight against them. It is equally important to take measures so that new parasites do not enter the room again.

The best means of bugs in the apartment

On the video channel "HEROES".

Top 5 tools against bugs


How to quickly get rid of bed bugs: 5 steps.

Center for disinfection of Geradhes, site -

You can order disinfestation services( killing bugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants and other pests) or deratization( killing mice, rats) by the following numbers:

The general line for receiving calls is 8( 800) 333-50-42.

Phones of branches

  1. Astrakhan 8( 8512) 24-31-11,
  2. Belgorod 8( 4722) 40-24-36,
  3. Blagoveshchensk 8( 4162) 20-95-50,
  4. Bryansk 8( 4832) 59-04-70,
  5. Vladimir8( 4922) 22-21-90,
  6. Volgograd 8( 8442) 78-05-04,
  7. Vologda 8( 8172) 26-40-48,
  8. Voronezh 8( 4732) 04-50-45,
  9. Yekaterinburg 8343) 318-00-70,
  10. Ivanovo 8( 4932) 77-32-04,
  11. Izhevsk 8( 3412) 24-95-95,
  12. Irkutsk 8( 3952) 79-91-49,
  13. Kazan 8( 843)202-33-40,
  14. Kaluga 8( 4842) 92-23-25,
  15. Kemerovo 8( 3842) 65-00-64,
  16. Krasnodar 8( 861) 204-03-00,
  17. Krasnoyarsk 8( 391) 204-
  18. Moscow 8( 495) 77-01-57,
  19. Moscow 8-17,
  20. Naberezhnye Chelny 8( 8552) 20-51-60,
  21. Nizhny Novgorod 8( 831) 261-39-20,
  22. Novokuznetsk 8( 3843) 20-45-60,
  23. Novosibirsk 8( 383) 209-50-70,
  24. Eagle 8( 4862) 44-27-06,
  25. Orenburg 8( 3532) 37-30-30,
  26. Penza 8( 8412) 22-32-85,
  27. Perm 8( 342) 205-75-50,
  28. Rostov-on-Don 8( 863) 303-40-66,
  29. Ryazan 8( 491) 246-64-70,
  30. Samara 8( 846) 206-01-61,
  31. Saint Petersburg 8( 812) 425-15-40,
  32. Saransk 8( 834) 222-33-23,
  33. Saratov 8( 8452) 49-22-60,
  34. Smolensk 8( 4812) 29-40-15,
  35. Stavropol 8( 8652) 20-62-80,
  36. Sterlitamak 8-987-254-32-00,
  37. Tambov 8( 475) 242-70-42,
  38. Tver 8( 4822) 99-85-85,
  39. Tula 8( 4872) 74-01-81,
  40. Tyumen 8( 3452) 69-52-24,
  41. Ulan-Ude 8( 3012) 20-43-05,
  42. Ulyanovsk 8( 8422) 24-22-40,
  43. Ufa 8( 347) 229-42-20,
  44. Cheboksary 8( 835) 223-90-00,
  45. Chelyabinsk 8( 351) 778-53-05,
  46. Cherepovets 8( 8202) 25-33-07,
  47. Yaroslavl 8( 4852) 69-51-10.

How to find bedbugs in the sofa

Vadim Verevkin on the places of congestion of bed bugs and their larvae under the upholstery of the sofa.

Where the bugs in the apartment are hidden

The video channel "Sanepidemstantsiya SES 4 DeS" will tell you where the bugs live in the apartment, how to inspect furniture, bed. Will bring practical advice and recommendations. Phone for contacts: 8( 812) 911-04-24.

Well, we have discussed how to get rid of bed linen bedbugs in an apartment of a high-rise building and in a private house once and for all. You can fight insects yourself or call a special service by phone. The choice is yours, based on your financial capabilities.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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