Chest X-ray: what shows?


  • 1How to do and what X-ray of the chest shows
    • 1.1X-ray differs from a fluorograph
    • 1.2Recommendations for the
    • 1.3The course of the diagnostic procedure
    • 1.4What is the use of X-rays?
    • 1.5X-ray of the lungs
    • 1.6Chest x-ray decoding
    • 1.7What do the inflammatory foci in the picture indicate?
    • 1.8Examination of the roots of the lung and diaphragm
    • 1.9X-ray of the chest for children
    • 1.10Alternative to X-ray
  • 2X-ray (radiography) of chest organs: indications and contraindications
    • 2.1The principle of chest X-ray
    • 2.2When chest X-ray is needed
    • 2.3Indications for chest radiography
    • 2.4The advantages and disadvantages of the method
    • 2.5Method Restrictions
    • 2.6Dangerous conditions detected by the study
  • 3Chest X-ray: the opinion of specialists
    • 3.1Chest X-ray (OCG) - what is it or how do chest X-rays
    • 3.2Chest X-ray - what shows
    • 3.3Chest X-ray - what equipment is used
    • 3.4How do x-rays of OGC (chest organs)
    • 3.5Radiography of WGCs - what is it?
    • 3.6When you can not do a chest X-ray
    • 3.7How do X-rays of the chest in tuberculosis
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Chest X-ray - why and how it is conducted, where to do it
    • 4.1What is a chest X-ray?
    • 4.2What are the results of chest X-ray?
  • 5What does chest X-ray show?
    • 5.1Radiography of chest organs
    • 5.2X-ray
    • 5.3Changes in diseases of the respiratory system
  • 6Chest X-ray: what shows how often to do?
    • 6.1Diagnostic features
    • 6.2Indications and contraindications for examination
    • 6.3How is the examination?
    • 6.4How many times needs to be examined?

How to do and what X-ray of the chest shows

Chest X-ray is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to examine the internal organs of a person located behind the sternum. X-ray research allows you to recreate the image and image of organs located inside by "radiographing" of the chest by radiation.

X-ray differs from a fluorograph

Yes, it's true, radiology and fluorography are not the same procedure.

The fluorograph is a more outdated diagnostic technique that allows to determine the pathology of internal organs.

X-rays are considered a less dangerous procedure, allowing more accurate results of the study, exposing a person to less radiation.

Despite these facts, the radiographic procedure is prescribed to patients much less often, and the fluorograph is strongly recommended to be taken annually for the purpose of prevention. Nevertheless, with the help of this analysis, the patient receives a result indicating the general condition of the internal organs, without any specificity.

X-rays are prescribed only when there are any abnormalities on the fluorographic photograph.

In order not to expose yourself once again to radiation, you can go to a medical institution that has equipped with all the rules for radiographic examination and undergo a less harmful procedure for diagnosing internal organs thorax.

Recommendations for the

To make an x-ray of the chest is necessary for those people who have the following symptomatology:

  • the appearance of dyspnea;
  • presence of severe cough;
  • the presence of pain in the chest.

X-ray procedure is necessary for suspected pathology of soft tissues and anatomical structures in the sternum.

In the detection of heart failure, this study also plays an important role.

Such diseases as pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis and inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma, allows to identify the chest X-ray. How do this procedure? What exactly is its effectiveness?

The course of the diagnostic procedure

An x-ray of chest organs is quite simple.

The whole procedure consists in placing the patient between the receiving device and the radial tube.

The receiving device (film or cassette) detects vibrations of the rays arising during passage through the human body.

Before the procedure, the patient wears a lead shield that covers the reproductive organs. It is also important to remove all metal jewelry and objects located in the chest area, since this can bring down the interpretation of the data obtained during the study.

Before taking a picture, the patient is asked to take a deep breath, then hold his breath for a couple of seconds. This approach allows us to obtain a qualitative picture of internal organs upon completion of the study.

What is the use of X-rays?

The research procedure - chest x-ray - is used to identify many diseases and is an important indicative measure of diagnosis.

this, the conclusion about the disease is placed only when considering the results of this study in conjunction with other: physical examination, complaints of the patient and the collection of anamnesis.

To exclude or confirm a presumptive diagnosis in most cases is possible only by performing a procedure such as chest X-ray. What does this diagnostic measure show, and what organs can be examined with its help?

Among the main organs undergoing X-ray diagnostics, one can distinguish:

  • bone base - ribs, vertebral column, scapula and sternum;
  • internal organs - the heart, lungs, pleura, mediastinum, vascular bundle, thyroid and thymus gland.

Chest X-ray reveals not only infiltrated shadows, but also air cavities. The research procedure makes it possible to determine the presence of foreign bodies and pathological syndromes.

X-ray of the lungs

  • Zadniperednaya - performed in a standing position, the patient's chin is fixed with a special holder, breathing is delayed during the shot.
  • Anteroposterior - performed in the supine position, the patient's head rises to the top, exposure is carried out during a deep inspiration.
  • Right and left lateral - the hands are placed behind the patient's head, the left or right side (according to indications) is fixed, the breath stops or takes a deep breath during the picture.

Execution of radiographs in two projections is necessary if there are suspicions of any diseases that have such consequences as damage to the chest cavity. The purpose of the side image is also the determination of the pathological process in the lungs and nearby organs and systems.

Chest x-ray decoding

When decoding the received X-ray, first of all, the image quality (correspondingly, and the correctness of the procedure) are evaluated.

If the picture has inaccuracies, and the radiography was carried out in the wrong projection, then the conclusion is difficult to make.

The evaluation of the X-ray is carried out taking into account the size of the lungs, their shape, the structure of tissues and pulmonary fields, the location of the mediastinal organs and the condition of airiness.

In pneumonia, there is a pronounced deviation in the picture, which consists in the presence of intensive additional tissues on the lateral and direct radiograph.

Venous congestion in the small circle is characterized by the presence of a special basal shape, reminiscent of "butterfly wings."

The presence of uneven flaky shadows indicates swelling of the lung tissue.

As additional research activities, to obtain a more accurate picture is carried out:

  • fluoroscopy of the ribs - allows to assess the mobility of the lungs;
  • X-ray tomography - excludes the possibility of shadow overlapping shadows of the sternum structures.

In some cases, additional bronchography is required, which significantly increases the burden on the patient's body.

What do the inflammatory foci in the picture indicate?

In the event that there are dark areas on the X-ray taken, we are talking about the presence of inflammatory foci.

Similar focal changes - this is not something like the infiltration of the inflammatory focus into the lung tissue.

Chest X-ray with similar signs indicates the presence of pneumonia.

When decoding the image, the specialist takes into account the shape, size, structure, number and position of the shadows. By the size of the inflammation foci can be divided into the following:

  • up to 3 mm - shallow;
  • from 3 to 7 mm - medium-focus;
  • from 8 to 12 mm - large-focal.

With increased intensity of the dimming of inflammatory foci on the x-ray, it is a question of reducing airiness in the area of ​​the affected tissue. This indicates the progression of the inflammatory process and requires immediate therapeutic measures.

Examination of the roots of the lung and diaphragm

After studying the foci, the specialist goes on to evaluate the roots of the lung, namely the shadows of the medium and large bronchi, the blood and lymphatic vessels. It is important to determine the presence of structurality, the presence of lymph nodes and the change in their size.

Further, pleural sinuses of the interstitial spaces lining the inner cavity and the outer membrane of the lungs are evaluated. Normally they are free, which is noted in the picture as enlightenment, having sharp corners, diaphragm and formed areas in the chest area.

In the presence of fluid, the chest X-ray reveals areas of intense darkening with a horizontal upper level.

The state of the diaphragm is estimated at the very end. Here, attention is paid to elation, omission, presence or absence of defects.

The pulmonary picture is studied and attention is paid to the condition of the heart.

X-ray of the chest for children

Many parents worry about the health of their child before performing an X-ray procedure.

In this case, do not make hasty conclusions, because you need to first compare the possible damage to the procedure and the consequences that can arise when refusing it.

Such a diagnosis is not dangerous if you do a chest X-ray to a child in compliance with all the rules.

An important point is the use of an X-ray protective apron, which allows you to hide from the radiation of the stomach and pelvic region.

To prepare for the procedure, the child is recommended to undress, exposing only the upper body. During the picture, care should be taken to ensure that the child is stationary.

This is important, because it affects the result of X-rays.

Alternative to X-ray

Today there is an alternative to this study, which is absolutely harmless for children. This is an ultrasound study.

Ultrasound is not suitable for diagnosing all diseases, but most of the pathological processes in the body make it possible to determine.

Use this type of research can be used for diagnosis:

  • hip joints;
  • cartilaginous connections;
  • connective tissue structures.

Before the appointment of an X-ray study of the child, the physician must compare the intended use of the procedure and the possible resulting harm from radiation.

Chest X-ray is an effective and effective technique for detecting pathological processes in the lungs and surrounding tissues. With the help of this study, it is possible to monitor the dynamics of treatment of patients.

Despite all the advantages of the diagnostic procedure, everyone has every right to refuse to conduct it.

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X-ray (radiography) of chest organs: indications and contraindications

To perform chest radiographs in medicine, a very low dose of X-rays is used. The rays passing through the body are absorbed in different ways by the tissues, as a result of which a picture of the lungs, heart, ribs, sternum and spine forms on the film or screen.

The method is useful when there are complaints of shortness of breath, cough, fever, chest pain. Radiography is used to diagnose and control the treatment of various lung diseases, such as pneumonia, emphysema, cancer.

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The principle of chest X-ray

The degree of absorption of X-rays by tissues depends on their density: the bones well retard the rays, so the picture looks light, and soft tissues - are passed, which makes them look gray.

X-rays - one of the forms of radiation, like radio waves or visible light, only with a different wavelength. They penetrate well through many physical objects.

After focusing the beam beam on a certain anatomical area, for example, the chest, the X-ray apparatus briefly intensifies the radiation intensity.

It penetrates through internal organs, being absorbed depending on the density of tissues, and the obtained data are fixed on a film or sensitive screen.

The bones well retard the rays, while the internal organs, muscle and fat tissue let them out. Therefore, the image of the chest and looks like bright bones, around them are gray soft tissues, and inside - the dark air fields of the lungs.

Until recently, the radiographs were stored only on film. Today, most images are digital files that are stored electronically.

Such a format provides ease of analysis, transmission and storage of information.

That is why modern X-ray rooms are equipped with digital fluorographs and X-ray apparatus.

When chest X-ray is needed

The study is appointed by the doctor after the initial examination, percussion, palpation and auscultation of the lungs.

Indications for X-ray examination of the chest:

  1. shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  2. persistent cough;
  3. discharge of purulent sputum;
  4. pain in the chest;
  5. trauma of the chest wall;
  6. fever of unknown origin.

With the help of X-ray, doctors can diagnose such diseases:

Indications for chest radiography

The study is assigned to adults and children for this purpose:

  • evaluation of signs and symptoms potentially caused by the pathology of the respiratory, cardiovascular, upper gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal apparatus of the thoracic wall;
  • evaluation of the involvement of the lungs in the pathological process in systemic diseases affecting the entire body, as well as metastasizing malignant tumors from other foci;
  • studies with a known diagnosis to assess the quality of treatment (improvement, recovery, stabilization, progression);
  • examination of patients in intensive care units;
  • preventive examinations of different population groups, in particular, for diagnosis of pneumoconiosis and tuberculosis;
  • preparation for surgery for lung diseases.

The advantages and disadvantages of the method

Like any medical intervention, lung radiography has pros and cons.


  1. there is no residual radiation after the diagnosis is completed;
  2. while observing the rules of the study, the method does not cause side effects;
  3. equipment is available in most hospitals;
  4. to get an image, especially with the help of a digital device, is very easy and takes little time, which is especially important in critical medical situations.

Possible risks:

  • There is little chance that X-rays will trigger the formation of a tumor, but the advantages of diagnosis outweigh this risk;
  • to obtain a high-quality image, a high qualification of laboratory assistants is required to select the dose of X-ray radiation depending on the characteristics of the patient;
  • for pregnant women additional measures are needed to protect the fetus from radiation (lead aprons, blankets, etc.).

In modern devices, special attention is paid to reducing the radiation dose while improving image quality. National and international radiological organizations constantly review and update the standards of the techniques used by radiologists.

Modern equipment monitors the dose of radiation by minimizing the effect on other parts of the body.

Method Restrictions

Chest X-ray is an informative study, which often becomes decisive in the diagnosis.

Chest X-ray is a very informative examination, but it has some limitations.

Not all pathological conditions can be detected with conventional radiography, for example, a small tumor or pulmonary embolism.

There are no contraindications for radiography of the lungs. In pregnancy, it is performed only in case of emergency. At the same time, the abdominal area is protected with a special apron that does not allow X-rays to pass through.

Also use a special septum, not allowing radiation to penetrate through the abdominal cavity. However, the risk for the fetus still remains, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Preventive studies (fluorography) during pregnancy are not carried out.

Dangerous conditions detected by the study

The main diseases that can be diagnosed with a chest X-ray:

Pneumonia appears on the roentgenogram with a light spot on a dark pulmonary background.

This is due to swelling of the walls of the alveoli and the ingression of inflammatory effusions into their lumen.

The main causes of pneumonia are bacterial infection, trauma to the chest, inhalation of harmful chemicals or stomach contents.

Congestive heart failure is accompanied by increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels, and in more severe cases - the accumulation of fluid around the heart (in the pericardial cavity). On the roentgenogram it looks like an intensification of light linear shadows around the heart (strengthening of the lung pattern) and an increase in its size.

Pneumothorax - the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity as a result of injuring the chest, bullous emphysema, a decaying tumor.

It looks like a thin dark line, adjacent to the chest wall.

With intense pneumothorax, lung radiography is performed during inspiration and expiration, and it is found that the amount of air does not change or even increases.

With accumulation in the pleural cavity of blood, pus or inflammatory exudate speak of pleural effusion.

It is caused by pleurisy, empyema of the pleura, congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism or chest trauma.

Often, effusion can be detected only in the area of ​​the diaphragmatic angles, so it is very important to observe the technique of taking the picture so that the image of the entire thoracic can get on it.

Cardiomegaly - an increase in the heart, which can be a sign of hypertension, valvular disease, dilated cardiomyopathy. It is diagnosed by measuring the size of the shadow of the heart and its relationship to the width of the chest.

At a roentgenography of lungs it is possible to find out and a congestion of air in an abdominal cavity - a pneumoperitoneum. This condition occurs with injuries of the abdomen, complications after operations on the organs of the abdominal cavity, with intestinal perforation. It looks like a dark band of air under the diaphragm.

Emphysema is one of the most frequent causes of death of patients with chronic lung diseases. Radiography is one of the main methods of diagnosing this dangerous condition, which is manifested by an increase in the airiness of the lung tissue, deformation and an increase in the size of the thorax.

Radiography of the chest is often crucial in diagnosing and determining the way the patient is treated. That is why it is important to conduct it not only on modern equipment, but also to ensure a good training of X-ray laboratory technicians and radiologists.

The radiologist tells and shows what is visible on the chest X-ray in the norm:

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Chest X-ray: the opinion of specialists

Chest x-ray is performed with suspicion of inflammatory (pneumonia), organic diseases (tumors), with traumatic lung injury, when early diagnosis is required diseases

Chest X-ray (OCG) - what is it or how do chest X-rays

Chest X-ray is carried out annually to thousands of people. The study results in radiation exposure of the population, but doctors prescribe fluorography, chest X-ray about all cases when the benefits of diagnostics exceed harm.

Chest X-ray - what shows

Chest X-ray is a diagnostic examination that shows the following anatomical structures:

1. Pulmonary fields; 2. Heart shadow; 3. Bone skeleton of thorax; 4. Blood vessels;

5. Thoracic spine.

X-ray is a summation image, which is due to all the above-described structures.

To carefully understand where the norm, and where the pathology needs practice.

Doctors-radiologists "see" a lot of radiographs, so that the eyes are accustomed to distinguish pathological shadows from physiological ones.

Radiography is a non-invasive test used to diagnose various diseases. The formation of images on the roentgenogram is determined not only by pathological dimming, but also by the quality of exposure, styling.

Modern medical imaging is based not only on chest radiography. Radiation diagnostic methods are used to obtain reliable data on the alleged disease.

The direction for radiography is prescribed by the treating physician if the patient has the following symptoms:

• Fever; • Traumas of the breast; • Coughing and wheezing;

• Inconsistent breathing.

Indications for x-ray of the chest:

1. Emphysema; 2. Heart failure; 3. Pneumonia; 4. Cancer;

5. Pneumothorax

X-ray of chest organs is a procedure accompanied by radiation exposure of the patient. To reduce radiation from the patient, it is required to perform a number of important procedures:

• Remove metal jewelry; • Dentures; • Glasses;

• Other metal objects.

Women must necessarily inform specialists about pregnancy or planning of bearing of the child.

Chest X-ray - what equipment is used

Modern equipment for chest X-rays suggests a reduction in radiation load per person.

Digital devices for chest radiography emit a thin beam, which is several rows.

The final image is formed by analyzing the resulting image with software.

Schematically, the X-ray machine can be divided into several blocks:

1. Device for installing a film or a special chip (for digital radiography); 2. X-ray tube - emitting X-rays;

3. Diagnostic table - for the patient's location.

Most x-ray machines are limited in mass. The study does not accept patients with a mass of more than 150 kilograms. Excess weight does not allow the diagnostic table to move optimally.

When exposed, the X-ray passes through the patient's body through and through. The tissues of the body are different in density. Some of them intensively reflect the image, through other rays passes through.

Portable devices, which are used by some private centers, allow you to get an image at home in the patient. Such approaches are not justified.

There are norms of radiation safety of personnel and patients, for which requirements for premises are established.

The walls and ceilings of the premises where research is carried out should be protected with barite plaster. At home, it is impossible to ensure the conditions of radiation safety.

Only in emergency cases, when there is no possibility of delivering the patient to the X-ray room, X-ray is carried out by a mobile unit.

X-ray radiation is ionizing. After the emission of the next beam by the tube, ionization of air molecules takes place. The state is maintained for 5 seconds. During this time, the X-ray laboratory technician doing the research can not enter the procedure room.

How do x-rays of OGC (chest organs)

There are 2 projections for the radiography of WGCs:

1. Rear-front;
2. Anteroposterior.

Most patients with suspicion of pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis are followed by a posterior-front picture, which makes it possible to clearly distinguish between pathological dimming and enlightenment. Anteroposterior projection is performed to study formations located predominantly in the posterior regions of the lungs.

All alternative studies must be performed before the procedure is performed. Radiologist in the description of the radiograph examines the patient's medical history, which allows to form a correct conclusion.

There are no immediate negative effects under the influence of X-ray radiation in humans.

Multiple studies show long-term effects that result from the defeat of the DNA molecule, the destruction of blood cells.

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To avoid distant manifestations, it is optimal to select the type of research, projection, the need for repeated X-ray diagnostics. The radiologist is responsible for the solution of these questions.

Radiography of WGCs - what is it?

Radiography of WGCs is a method of X-ray examination of the thoracic organs, which allows detecting diseases of the upper respiratory tract at an early stage.

The reliability and quality of the study is much lower than modern ray methods-computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

The level of radiation exposure is also less, therefore additional CT diagnosis is carried out only after preliminary radiography.

Particular attention in the study is given to the minimum radiation of a person with the maximum image quality.

Modern equipment is equipped with special automatic exposure meters, which allow you to automatically select parameters during exposure.

The technical filling helps to ensure exposure with minimal radiation load on the patient. The parts of the trunk that are not needed in the picture are screened by the diaphragm.

X-rays do not pass through them.

When you can not do a chest X-ray

The chest X-ray does not show a cancerous lesion of less than 5 mm in size. The resolving power of the research does not allow us to reveal the formations that are summed up by intense shadows - the heart, the bones.

On the X-ray, the formations located on the border of tissues with a high and low absorbing effect are well visualized. Not only the differences in the composition of tissues, but also the lack of intensive tissues not the path of the movement of the X-ray beam determines the qualitative image.

Defined in the visualization determine the characteristics of the shadow. White obscurations on the roentgenogram of the chest are well traced.

Bone tissue, cardiac shadow are not the main structures that are studied by radiology physicians.

If there are any pathological changes in this area, the specialist must indicate in the description.

How do X-rays of the chest in tuberculosis

Tuberculosis on X-rays creates additional shadows in the upper pulmonary fields. Typical localization of mycobacteria is the first, third, sixth segment. With active pulmonary tuberculosis, infiltrates of medium intensity are observed in the projection of the upper pulmonary fields.

Children on the roentgenogram of OGC can not be traced tuberculosis changes in pulmonary fields. The main form of the disease is tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes. Mycobacteria can last for a long time within the formations without external clinical symptoms.

Under such an X-ray situation, a snapshot of the chest organs is ineffective for the diagnosis. Tuberculin test allows revealing the hyperreactivity of the organism.

On the skin of the pathology, a reddening spot of up to several millimeters in size can be traced.

Chronic forms of tuberculosis are manifested by fibrous foci, caverns. These fragments can contain pathogens, which are activated when the immune system decreases.

Fibrous scars, nodules with tuberculosis provoke a positive tuberculin reaction. Calculated post-tuberculosis foci represent a smaller risk.

X-ray of the chest in tuberculosis is done in a similar way, as in the verification of other lung diseases. Infection is characterized by a prolonged course, so during the treatment, radiography is conducted to monitor the dynamics.

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Chest X-ray - why and how it is conducted, where to do it

In order to obtain accurate and complete information about the condition of internal organs, doctors do one session of the images in two projections: the first - the back of the thorax, and the second shot is done on the side.

If the results of this procedure are not sufficient to obtain a complete picture of the condition of the internal organs and bones, the doctors in addition appoint other studies: echocardiography, ultrasound, computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

What is a chest X-ray?

Chest X-ray helps to identify problems with internal organs that are invisible during routine examination. It is appointed with the purpose:

  • diagnose diseases such as pneumonia, cystic fibrosis and lung cancer;
  • understand what is the cause of the common symptoms: coughing, shortness of breath and painful sensations in the chest;
  • to reveal pathologies of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, enlarged heart, etc .;
  • diagnose damage to lung tissue, as well as diseases accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the lungs;
  • To reveal traumas of a thorax, fractures of ribs;
  • identify foreign objects in the respiratory tract, lungs and stomach.

In most cases, the chest X-ray does not require any preliminary preparation.

For the duration of this procedure, it is necessary to remove the outer clothing to the waist, and also to remove ornaments, removable dentures, glasses - any metal objects, since they can affect the quality of the X-ray Images.

Women should be informed of the possibility of pregnancy, since X-rays have a negative effect on the fetus.Especially dangerous for an unformed baby such an effect during the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the case when the probability of complications for the mother in case of refusal to study significantly exceeds the risk of radiation exposure to the fetus, the chest X-ray is still carried out, but the abdominal region is closed by a special apron that does not let X-ray rays.

Chest x-ray is carried out by a technologist or laboratory assistant-a person who controls the process of performing the procedure and coordinates the patient's actions.

With the roentgen of the chest, you will need to press your chest against the plate of the X-ray machine, straighten up and hold your breath for a few seconds.

If you need a second shot, you should turn sideways, raise your hands up and hold your breath again. The average duration of the procedure is 10 - 15 minutes.

Despite the fact that the picture appears within 20 minutes after the study, its you will find out the results after your attending physician analyzes the image and compiles it description.

In fact, X-rays are radiation, which in high doses is dangerous for the human body. But the amount of radioactive radiation a person receives when taking X-rays is negligible.

Therefore, do not worry about your health if your doctor has given you an x-ray. Remember that, if necessary, it is assigned even to small children.

To protect your body from unnecessary negative effects, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Rule No1 - X-rays are best done no more often than 2 times a year.Therefore, if the day before you did x-rays, and another doctor appoints you this procedure again - be sure to tell him about it. It does not matter what part of the body was previously subjected to research, because under irradiation were you entirely.
  2. Rule No2 - X-ray is a forced measure, which is carried out only when necessary.Therefore, do not insist on doing an X-ray, if the doctor believes that your diagnosis is confirmed in another way.

The analysis and decoding of the X-ray is performed by the attending physician to determine the cause of the disease or confirm the diagnosis. Here are the normal indicators of the study:

  • The bones, including the ribs and the vertebral column, look natural.
  • The shape and size of the lungs, hearts are satisfactory. Pulmonary and cardiac tissue look normal. Within the lungs, no formations or growths are seen.
  • The appearance of the vessels corresponds to the norm.
  • The location and shape of the diaphragm are satisfactory.
  • No pathological accumulations of air and fluid are seen.
  • The presence of foreign objects in the chest was not identified.

Let's enumerate what is related to the pathological indicators for x-rays:

  1. The presence of foci of inflammation caused by such infectious diseases as tuberculosis or pneumonia.
  2. The presence of swelling or swelling, which can be a consequence of heart failure.
  3. Identification of an increase in the size of the heart or fluid accumulation around it, as well as of enlarged aorta and lymph nodes, pulmonary edema, etc.
  4. Fractures of bones.
  5. Detection of foreign objects in the lungs, esophagus and respiratory tract.

What are the results of chest X-ray?

The quality of the X-ray image depends on the following factors:

  • the ability of a person to hold his breath for a while and not move;
  • the presence of metal objects, the image of which is superimposed on the image of the chest;
  • the presence of obesity;
  • Scars that make decoding difficult.

Chest x-rayis a process of obtaining a picture of the chest and all its constituent elements - bones, internal organs - through X-rays.

X-ray of the chest allows the specialist to assess the condition of your internal organs, identify pathological and inflammatory processes, and also detect foreign objects in the chest.

We have collected for you interesting and useful information related to diagnostics. The articles describe various diagnostic methods, including methods for functional diagnosis, X-ray, ultrasound and endoscopy.

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What does chest X-ray show?

With many symptoms, doctors direct the patient to take an X-ray. What does chest X-ray show?

Radiography of chest organs

Radiography of the chest (OGC) is one of the most used studies, today it refers to the routine methods of diagnosis.

Previously widely used fluoroscopy, which allows you to assess the state of organs in real time.

Currently, it continues to be used in certain diseases.

The disadvantages of X-rays include the negative effect of ionizing radiation on the body. However, the radiation load of modern devices is not so great as to abandon this survey. The benefits of establishing a diagnosis are much higher than the potential harm.

But there are certain groups of people who do not want to perform chest radiography. First of all, these are pregnant women. Radiation can negatively affect the fetus and cause developmental defects.

Also, it is often not recommended to use this method in children. The greatest damage to radiation causes the developing organism.

However, in the presence of indications - for example, if there is a suspicion of pneumonia - an x-ray of the chest can be performed by everyone without exception, subject to special protective measures.

The most frequent indications for referring to a radiographic examination are diseases of the respiratory system that manifest themselves by such symptoms:

  • cough;
  • shortness of breath;
  • fever;
  • pain in the chest;
  • hemoptysis;
  • expressed by loss of body weight.

What can you see in the picture with such manifestations?


In the picture in a direct projection, the doctor can see the spine, ribs and sternum. If it is necessary to assess the condition of the musculoskeletal system, radiography is performed in a different mode. This allows a good visualization of bone structures.

Also in the picture, the shadow of the heart and the diaphragm is clearly visible. Radiography allows you to visualize changes in the volume and location of these organs and diagnose diseases such as cardiomegaly or hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.

On the sides of the sternum, you can see the lymph nodes and the shadows of large vessels. In the image in several projections, their deformation or enlargement can be clearly seen.

However, the best radiography allows you to visualize the respiratory system. A doctor can assess the status of the following structures:

  1. roots of the lungs;
  2. pulmonary tissue;
  3. pleural sinuses.
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X-ray method allows to diagnose the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • emphysema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncopathology.

Changes in diseases of the respiratory system

Most often in clinical practice, a doctor is faced with pneumonia.

In this case on the roentgenogram will be determined characteristic sites of infiltration - inflammation of the lung tissue. Pneumonia can affect a restricted area and be called focal.

In severe cases, the pathological process involves the proportion of the lung with the development of lobar pneumonia.

Sometimes small foci merge with each other, this variant of the disease also proceeds hard.

Sometimes the radiologist in the description indicates an intensification of the pulmonary pattern. Many consider this a sign of bronchitis.

It should be noted that inflammation of the bronchi in the image is not visible, this diagnosis is established after auscultation (listening to the phonendoscope) by the patient.

The phrase "signs of bronchitis on the radiograph" is incorrect.

The X-ray method is today leading in the detection of tuberculosis. Computer tomography can be used to clarify the diagnosis, but for routine diagnosis it is not suitable because of the high cost.

X-ray can detect both fresh and chronic foci of tuberculosis (calcifications).

Inflammation of the pleural leaves and accumulation of exudate in the corresponding cavities will also be seen in the picture in the form of thickening of the shadows, the level of the liquid.

Emphysema - increased transparency of the fields - gives the image a darker appearance. Often it is accompanied by augmentation of the pulmonary pattern.

Tumor education can be visualized in the image, especially if it was performed in several projections. Sometimes it is possible to suspect oncopathology by an increase in lymph nodes, deformation of the roots of the lungs, calcifications.

On the roentgen of the chest, the doctor can see signs of many diseases. Therefore, this method of diagnosis can not be neglected.

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Chest X-ray: what shows how often to do?

X-ray of the chest is needed when there are suspicions of various pathologies, so this procedure in medicine is used quite often.

The article will help you understand how often it is possible to carry out a chest x-ray, and also how this study goes through.

Diagnostic features

A picture of the chest, contrary to the opinion of many, reflects the state of not only the bones, but also soft tissues and anatomical structures that are located in the sternum. This is the heart, lungs, pleura and mediastinum.

Surely everyone knows the fluorography - this study, like the X-ray, is aimed at studying the state of the organs of the chest.

In general, these procedures do not really differ from each other: they demonstrate the state of internal organs and display the main pathologies.

However, modern X-ray examination is considered safer, because at the time of its passage a person receives a significantly lower dose of radiation.

In addition, the picture obtained with the help of fluorography is not as clear as the image after the X-ray, so you can notice on it only the most gross violations.

X-rays are of two types: you can make an overview or an objective snapshot of the state of the thoracic organs.

An overview or general snapshot gives the doctor the following results: shows all the internal organs of the chest.

An overview X-ray is performed if the patient has complaints of unpleasant sensations in the chest, the cause of which is difficult to establish in another way.

Decoding in the case of targeted radiography shows only the injured organ. As a rule, she is appointed after the diagnosis.

A sighting X-ray gives a much sharper image, which allows the physician to view the organ in full detail.

In many clinics, instead of the usual X-ray, the patient can now be offered his computer analogue.

The principle of operation is the same, but the speed of the device is higher, and the pictures on it are much more clear due to the fact that the image is displayed in digital format, protecting it from the appearance of scratches and other damage.

It is also important that the radiation load when using a computer X-ray is lower in almost half.

There is another possibility of studying the organs of the chest - this is a computer tomography.

It also operates on the basis of X-rays, but its purpose is markedly different from the X-ray apparatus, so comparing these two procedures will not be correct.

Indications and contraindications for examination

Indications for chest X-ray are, as a rule, specific symptoms, rather than preliminary analyzes.

You can do it both to study the condition of the internal organs of the chest space, and the bones of the skeleton.

Also, the examination can be appointed by a surgeon, traumatologist or other specialist, if the doctor will suspect that the patient has a fracture or a crack in the ribs, a mechanical injury lungs.

Pregnant or lactating women who require x-rays are often concerned about whether it is possible to take a picture of the internal organs of the chest in a similar position.

Doctors say that when breastfeeding the study can be carried out: there is no evidence that it in any way affects the composition of breast milk or disrupts lactation.

Pregnant procedure is forbidden: although the mother X-rays and does not cause harm, but can adversely affect the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Therefore, for pregnant women, doctors choose a safer method of examination.

In addition to pregnancy, contraindication to X-rays is severe bleeding, unconscious or very serious condition of the patient, as well as the presence of an open pneumothorax.

For example, a pediatric X-ray examination of organs is prescribed if there is a suspicion of pneumonia, injury to the ribs and other pathologies.

A child's organism, like an adult, receives a certain radiation load after the procedure, therefore, it is not worthwhile to abuse this type of research.

How is the examination?

The picture, which will be seen the organs of the chest, is absolutely painless, and the procedure itself passes quickly enough.

Complex preparation for the X-ray is also not needed, in contrast, for example, from ultrasound of the abdominal organs, for which a certain preparation is required.

To take a picture of the chest, it's enough to just appear in the radiology room at the appointed time.

The only thing that a doctor must make sure before starting a procedure is the absence of contraindications.

X-ray is carried out with the help of special equipment. In a classic examination, the patient is in front of the wall unit: there is an X-ray tube, a film for creating a picture, and a matrix with which to take a picture.

In some cases, during the examination, the patient may lie on his back, and the tube is suspended above it.

The use of a portable device is as follows: the tube must be connected to the manipulator mounted over the patient, while it must also be in front of the photographic plate or the holder for X-ray films.

In stationary conditions, the X-ray is carried out in a specially equipped office. Before starting the study, a person should take off his clothes to the waist, and also remove all metal objects.

In the office in front of the patient there will be a special shield: the thorax should be pressed to it for a few seconds.

The entire procedure is monitored by a doctor who will give a signal that you need to hold your breath: at this time, and a picture will be taken.

The entire procedure lasts a few seconds, during which you need to observe immobility and not breathe.

Despite the fact that the patient is directly in front of the scutum, a picture of the chest shows also a lateral position, which allows the doctor to examine the internal organs from several parties.

There are no sensations during the research - you can see only the sound of the device.

The standard transcript of the study takes several days, but in emergency cases it can often be done in a few minutes, immediately after the X-ray.

How many times needs to be examined?

Many people are interested in how often it is possible to take an X-ray, so that it is safe.

The answer to this question is uniquely difficult, since many types of diseases are much more dangerous, than the impact of X-rays - if they are available, to refuse an unscheduled X-ray will be unreasonable.

However, in most cases, there is no need to do x-rays too often. In the absence of any symptoms, doctors advise patients to undergo only a routine examination - fluorography.

Although it does not give high definition, it is quite suitable for detecting the overwhelming majority of abnormalities in the state of the chest organs.

Persons who have not attained the age of 18 are also contraindicated in this type of examination - they are prescribed X-rays only if they suspect a tumor or other life-threatening pathologies.

If pathologies are found that are not even deadly, it is of course more necessary to carry out the procedure.

This is done, firstly, to put the right diagnosis and see the exact localization of the problem, and secondly - to follow the dynamics of treatment and to make a conclusion about its effectiveness.

Some doctors believe that the procedure can be performed as many times as the pathology is displayed in the picture, but Today, most experts agree that this is too often, since it can negatively affect the state rights.

Such methods do not carry any burden on the patient's body, so they can be carried out as often as needed, including children.

To take a picture is often possible only with very serious pathologies, for example, established lung cancer - in this case, monitoring the dynamics of treatment can be most effective in this way.

In other cases, if the patient's condition improves and the symptoms of the disease disappear, it is often irrational to take a picture of the chest organs, and it is even dangerous for children.

Repeated X-ray can be prescribed only if the positive dynamics during treatment for a long time is not observed.

Often physicians have to do a repeated X-ray, if the first picture was damaged, because of what an accurate diagnosis is difficult to put.

But such a situation arises quite rarely and only with an ordinary, not a computer device.

Given all the features of the X-ray, we can conclude that if there is evidence, then you do not need to refuse the X-ray: decoding The research shows the most pathologies of the organs of the chest and skeleton, including very dangerous ones, which are difficult to detect by others methods.

However, it is often not necessary to do x-rays, because this procedure still negatively affects the body.

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