Cayenne pepper, grown in Africa, India, South America and Western Europe, is considered one of the most spicy spices in the world.
Now it is grown everywhere.
It is represented by a large number of varieties and is known as "chili", "Brazilian pepper" or "Indian pepper".Its burning sensation is 40 thousand times higher than that of the paprika you love.
The fruit of the plant is small( from0.5 to 1.5 cm in length) elongated pods.
Has a wide range of colors - from rich yellow to dark red.
It does not have a vivid taste, therefore it is not used in its natural form.
Pepper is used in dishes and medicinal broths in dried or fresh form.
Chemical composition of
The use of cayenne pepper is related to its composition.
Fruits of a plant are considered a valuable source of the following useful substances:
- vitamins A, C, E, K and group B;
- micro- and macro elements( manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium);
- of capsaicin alkaloids, havicin, piperidine;
- carotenoids;
- essential and fatty oils.
It would seem that this composition is no different from the composition of other hot peppers. This is indeed so.
Only the concentration of nutrients differs.
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Capsaicin, which acts depressingly on malignant cells and imparts sharpness to the plant, is contained in peppers of different species in different numbers.
The more peppery the flavor is, the more useful it is contained in it.
And cayenne pepper - the record holder for the content of capsaicin.
Useful properties
South Americans call cayenne pepper "spice of life."The use of the plant extends to the entire body: it restores its work and strengthens the defenses.
All organ systems experience the beneficial effect of this burning seasoning:
Heart and blood vessels
Cayenne pepper normalizes the heart, cleanses blood, stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the transfer of nutrients through the body.
It clears the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and normalizes blood pressure.
For pains in the heart, a few drops of alcohol cake of cayenne pepper act in the same way as nitroglycerin.
There are cases when the use of cayenne pepper prevented a beginning heart attack.
Due to the high content of vitamin C, this burning plant strengthens the immune system, supports the body's defenses and fights against infectious diseases( sore throat, scarlet fever, diphtheria).
A antimicrobial and antifungal action allows the use of such pepper for the treatment of fungal infections.
Gastrointestinal tract
It is paradoxical, but hot pepper is able to fight with a stomach ulcer or intestine!
It restores the process of digestion, destroys the pathogenic flora and has a regenerating effect on the damaged mucosal tissues.
It eliminates heartburn, indigestion and flatulence. No less beneficial plant affects the work of the liver and gallbladder.
Musculoskeletal system
This pepper has an anti-inflammatory effect, which quickly removes the pain syndrome in arthritis, gout, edema of the joints.
Genital organs
Cayenne pepper is useful for men to increase sexual desire and restore potency.
Burning seasoning improves the flow of blood to the pelvic organs and helps in the fight against stagnation.
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For women, this seasoning will get rid of uterine pain, normalizes the menstrual cycle.
Powder of cayenne pepper disinfects wounds and promotes their speedy healing.
At the same time, the risk of scars and scars after application of such a tool is minimal.
Nervous system
The use of cayenne pepper improves the conductivity of nerve fibers.
Sometimes, it is used and as a sedative.
Oral cavity
Rinse mouth with decoction of cayenne pepper stops the destruction of tooth enamel, prevents tooth decay and relieves toothache.
This plant stimulates the production of saliva, which cleans the mouth.
Cayenne pepper is not just a burning and fragrant seasoning. It is a cure for all diseases.
It has a tonic effect, permanently charges the human body with strength and energy and contributes to the production of the hormone of joy.
The wrestler with cancerous tumors
Thanks to the high content of capsaicin, cayenne pepper is successfully used in the treatment of oncological diseases.
Capsaicin destroys mitochondria of malignant cells and suppresses tumor development.
It is especially effective in the fight against prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
For slimming
Directly this plant does not fight fatty deposits.
But it speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, stimulates intestinal motility and increases energy expenditure.
To get rid of boring kilograms, the powder from dried pepper is added to meat, fish or chicken dishes, and the plant is applied externally, in the form of wraps.
Wraps from burning peppers reduce the amount of fat tissue, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, restore muscle tone.
How to use
Most often, cayenne pepper is used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, sauces.
Traditional healers recommend drinking an infusion or decoction of this plant.
Powder of dried pepper is mixed with water and drunk in a pair of spoons, daily, or rinse their mouth.
It is no less useful in the form of compresses or wraps.
Harm and contraindications
This seasoning should not be used:
- for people with nerve disorders;
- to people prone to seizures and epileptic seizures;
- hypertensive patients;
- with exacerbation of diseases of the stomach or intestines.
External use of preparations with cayenne pepper also has a number of limitations:
- increased sensitivity of the skin;
- susceptibility to allergies and irritations;
- varicose veins;
- inflammatory skin diseases;
- pregnancy, lactation.
Take a short video on the benefits and harms of cayenne pepper for the human body.