Therapeutic properties of elderberry black in oncology - contraindications and recipes

The elderberry is one of the few medicinal plants officially used in medicine.

Its parts, prepared in various ways, have many useful properties.

Including information and anti-tumor properties of this berry that allows to successfully use it in the fight against cancer.

Useful properties of
  • Contents of the article:
  • Useful properties of
  • Chemical composition of
  • Home recipes
    • From malignant tumors
  • Contraindications and side effects

Useful properties of

For treatment, it is always the black elderberry - in red there are poisonous substances.

In black berries there are:

  • a mass of useful and biologically active substances,
  • carbohydrates,
  • organic and fatty acids,
  • steroids,
  • organic metabolism improving substances, highly active compounds that protect the body and enable it to fight infections.

Chemical composition of

It also depends on the area where it grew. Traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant: berries, flowers, leaves, bark, roots.

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Wine, honey, juices are made from black elderberry. They demonstrate positive results with a potential radiation hazard.

Tea on the basis of leaves helps with colic in the kidneys and intestines. Infusion of berries, color and leaves helps with severe rubella and measles.

Folk healers of the Caucasus successfully used a mixture of dried leaves, fruits and flowers to combat diabetes.

Crushed elderberries are useful in the treatment of malaria.

The combination of medicines based on black elderberry and taking baths with branches and plant roots showed results in the control of all types of polyarthritis.

There is confirmation that wine from elderberry juice and waste from it contribute to getting rid of skin cancer.

And what do you know about the application of wintergreen grass? Read about the useful properties and contraindications in the article after clicking on the link.

How to use tar tar soap is written on this page.

Rubbed berries with sugar are used to treat stomach cancer .

In berries of black elderberry vitamins of group B are collected just in those proportions which are necessary for a human body.

Therefore, berries with honey or sugar are the best remedy against hypovitaminosis.

No matter how popular the healers of the elder elderly, in each case, its effect will be individually.

Therefore, you need to start small. Safe is the procedure of applying on the skin gruel from berries, the use of infusions of elder flowers on the water.

To reduce the heat, this infusion is prepared:

  • a tablespoon of leaves pour boiling water.

Eat one third of the glass three times a day.

It is necessary to remember the diuretic property of elderberry.

For those suffering from gout, the effect of using elderberry will be getting rid of uric acid.

When starting treatment, take care of a balanced diet.

It should be enough magnesium, potassium, calcium.

Homemade recipes

To make wine, add the juice of black elderberry in a three-liter bottle of glass, pour a glass of sugar.

If the wine is intended for for diabetic ( table that you can not eat with diabetes here), then replace the sugar with a similar amount of honey.

The container must be sealed. Put water seal. Leave in a dark place for fermentation.

Ready wine bottled, which should be stored in a horizontal position.

For therapeutic purposes, use 30-50 grams of wine before a meal. Note that even in such doses a laxative effect is possible.

It's easy to make jam from black elderberry. A kilogram of fruit requires a kilogram of sugar.

Berries layered with sugar, defended for 24 hours.

And what do you know about the useful properties of bread from amaranth flour, the recipe of which is published in a useful article?

72% of the benefits and harm of soap are published here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / podorozhnick.html read the instructions for the juice of the plantain juice.

After settling and letting out the juice, you need to bring the mass to a boil and distribute it over the sterilized jars, sealing them tightly.

To cook the honey, rub the fresh flowers of the plant to the consistency of sour cream, pour honey( boneless, linden, kiprejnym or others) in proportions of 1: 1.

Place the glass container with the resulting mass in the refrigerator. Use as needed for colds, coughs, flu, sore throats.

Collect black elderberry flowers in ecologically safe areas.

Optimal option - forests or abandoned villages.

There should not be rains in the collection areas for the last few days, so that the flowers are dry. After collection, do not rinse or rinse them, otherwise the honey will ferment and deteriorate.

From malignant tumors

This extract is used for the treatment of cancer in Bulgaria.

Witch doctors are given a 100% guarantee that the cancer will be cured before and after surgery.

You can not say for sure about the effectiveness of the tool, but it's worth a try.

It is necessary to collect berries of black elderberry, put in glassware.

A layer thick with a finger fill with the same layer of sugar, and so on up to the top of the container.

  1. The product should be infused for 20-30 days.
  2. The extract is filtered.
  3. It is used three times a day on a tablespoon after eating.

And 10 minutes before the meal, you need to drink 150 ml of purified water.

Treatment passes course at 1.5 months.

After a month has passed, repeat the course. For treatment, you need three sessions. For prevention, one therapy is enough once a year.

Contraindications and side effects of

Fresh fruits of blackberry are contraindicated.

They can provoke vomiting, diarrhea, and with active use and severe poisoning.

Toxic and fresh shoots. The bark and roots can cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

Fresh berries and flowers have amygdalin - a toxic substance , converted to hydrocyanic acid.

Drying raw materials destroys toxins, therefore, after treatment, all parts of the plant cease to be dangerous.

In any form, black elderberry is contraindicated for expectant mothers and lactating women. Contraindications include chronic inflammations of the intestine, ulcerative colitis and diabetes insipidus.

In folk medicine, the elderberry black has a variety and wide application. Look at it in the video.