Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint


  • 1The healing power of physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 1.1Basic principles and types of procedures
    • 1.2Electrophoresis
    • 1.3Ultrasound, phonophoresis, microwave
    • 1.4Laser and magnetic therapy
    • 1.5Darsonvalization and other procedures
  • 2Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 2.1Physiotherapy for arthrosis
    • 2.2Contraindications in case of physiotherapy
    • 2.3Types of physiotherapy
    • 2.4Ultrasound therapy
    • 2.5Microwave therapy
    • 2.6Applicating coolants
    • 2.7Magnetotherapy
    • 2.8Radiation and laser therapy
    • 2.9Balneotherapy
    • 2.10Mud Treatment
  • 3Physiotherapy procedures for knee arthrosis: indications for physiotherapy
    • 3.1Is laser treatment useful?
    • 3.2Treatment of joint diseases with a magnet
    • 3.3Other ways to treat arthrosis
  • 4Treatment of arthrosis of the knee with the help of physiotherapy
    • 4.1Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 4.2Methods of physiotherapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis
    • 4.3Physical therapy and manual therapy
  • 5Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint: what procedures are prescribed
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Hardware physiotherapy
    • 5.2Warming up
    • 5.3Laser
    • 5.4Ozone treatment
    • 5.5Shock Wave Therapy
    • 5.6Ultrasound
    • 5.7Non-physical physiotherapy methods
  • 6Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint
    • 6.1Advantages and disadvantages of physiotherapy
    • 6.2Contraindications to physiotherapy
    • 6.3Purpose and purpose of physiotherapy
    • 6.4Methods of physiotherapy
    • 6.5Physiotherapy
    • 6.6Effective complex of physical exercises

The healing power of physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

Arthrosis refers to diseases in which the quality of life is significantly reduced. To restore the cartilaginous tissue, which began to deform, is impossible, but there is a chance to prevent its ultimate destruction.

For this it is necessary to combine medical therapy with non-medicamentous therapy, to change the way of life, to perform special exercises.

Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee belongs to auxiliary methods of treatment, but often it is no less effective than taking medications.

Basic principles and types of procedures

With arthrosis prescribe a variety of medications.

Joint diseases require prolonged treatment, and most drugs can not be taken for a long time: the risk of side effects increases, and addiction is formed.

Physiotherapy is better perceived by the body, it has fewer contraindications, side effects, no intoxication, allergization.

Physiotherapy procedures for arthrosis of the knee joint allow us to do without anesthetics, provide a deeper penetration of local therapy.But there are a number of points that need to be considered:

  • physiotherapy is not prescribed for acute inflammatory process, first it is necessary to stop inflammation;
  • the choice of procedures and the development of a treatment regimen should be handled by a specialist, an individual approach to the patient is necessary;
  • Physiotherapy is performed after a detailed examination of the patient using the methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics;
  • the course must be completed to the end, and for sustainable improvement 2-3 courses of procedures per year are required.

The main methods of physiotherapy, which are used in gonarthrosis:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. magnetotherapy;
  3. laser therapy;
  4. ultrasound.

Also paraffin-ozocerite wraps, UHF (ultra-high frequency current exposure), ozone therapy, darsonvalization are used.


This procedure is also called galvanization, iontophoresis. Under the influence of electric current, a drug in the form of charged particles (ions) penetrates through the skin deep into the tissue.

To perform the procedure on the joint fix gauze pads moistened with a solution of drug substance, sometimes several drugs are combined. Inside the gaskets there are plates (electrodes) on which a special device supplies current.

Under its action, the drug breaks up into ions that begin to move.Electrophoresis for arthrosis is carried out with such drugs:

  • anesthetics - dicaine, lidocaine, novocaine;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - acetylsalicylic acid;
  • biogenic stimulants - humisol;
  • enzymes - caripain, lidase;
  • Minerals deficiency of which is observed in the body.

Usually, the drugs are diluted in saline solution.

Dimexide is often used, which not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also improves the permeability of tissues.

Electrophoresis is also combined with local treatment with ointments. First, the ointment, gel is applied to the knee joint, then electrodes are applied.

Electrophoresis improves blood circulation, relieves puffiness, helps reduce contractures (limited mobility of the joint).

The main advantages of the method: the maximum concentration of the drug is created in the lesion and is maintained for a long time, for account for the different effects of positive and negative ions, a complex effect is achieved, there is no irritating effect on GIT.Conduct procedures lasting up to half an hour, the course requires 15-20 sessions.

Ultrasound, phonophoresis, microwave

Several types of ultrasonic waves are used, which have different effects on the body:

  • normalization of metabolism and activation of blood circulation;
  • soft tissue heating;
  • stimulation of the production of enzymes necessary for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.

The emitter is applied directly to the skin and lightly massaged. When the regimes alternate, a complex effect is provided - heating, micromassage at the cellular level, normalization of biochemical processes. The course of treatment requires about 15 procedures lasting 10-12 minutes.

Ultrasound is contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases, in which case it is possible to assign a microwave therapy (microwave therapy) to the patient, that is, exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields.

In the main, decimeter waves are used, providing the deepest but softest effect.

Microwave therapy has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic effect, corrects metabolic processes and enhances blood flow.

Laser and magnetic therapy

Laser therapy consists in influencing the biologically active points of the problem area with a directed beam of light - a laser beam.

This is one of the procedures that can be performed during a period of exacerbation of the disease, but under close monitoring of the patient's condition. The laser improves blood circulation and lymph flow, removes puffiness and inflammation, helps block pain.

During the procedure, they affect not only the joint, but also the popliteal fossa. The course is conducted 10-15 procedures lasting up to half an hour.

Magnetotherapy with arthrosis of the knee joint is reduced to the action of pulsed magnetic fields.

There are different devices, an inductor cable can be wound around the joint or several planar emitter-inductors are applied to it.

The devices for magnetotherapy include Polyus, Polymag and its portable analog for home use - Almag.

Magnetic fields have a complex effect on the body:

  1. blocked pain;
  2. inflammation, swelling;
  3. improve metabolic processes, excretion of toxins, detoxification;
  4. Improves trophic tissue and stimulates their regeneration;
  5. blood circulation is activated, blood vessels are dilated, their tone is increased, viscosity is reduced and blood characteristics are improved;
  6. the mobility of the joints increases.

The optimal duration of the session is 15 minutes, it is recommended for the course to undergo 12 procedures.

Darsonvalization and other procedures

Scientist D'Arsonval developed a technique for impact pulsed rapidly extinguishing currents with a combination of these characteristics:

  • high frequency - 110-400 kHz;
  • high voltage, about 20 kV;
  • small force - before, A.

Apparatus Darsonval finds wide application in cosmetology, dermatology, various branches of medicine. Darsonval with arthrosis stimulates metabolic processes, blood circulation, which improves the trophism of tissues and enriches them with oxygen.

Also the sensitivity of pain receptors decreases, the effect of anesthesia is achieved. During the procedure, a nitrogen-filled electrode is driven over the affected joint. At the time of the current supply, heat is generated, ozone is formed, so that the therapeutic effect is enhanced.

The course consists of 10-12 procedures for 8-10 minutes.

UHF-therapy is also based on the influence of high-frequency currents, but their voltage is an order of magnitude lower than for darsonvalization, 20-30 W.

The effect can be continuous or pulsed, paired electrodes apply to the joint almost closely. With UHF heat is released, soft heating of the joint is provided, trophic is improved, and edema is eliminated.

Warming is also provided with heated paraffin applications, the procedure continues until it cools.

Mud treatment and baths are a component of sanatorium-and-spa treatment. Perform wraps with heated mud, appoint radon, hydrogen sulphide, salt baths.

In the treatment of arthrosis, ozone injections are applied to the lesion focus. These injections quickly stop pain due to muscle and nervous relaxation.

Also, the introduction of ozone into the joint stimulates the influx of intra-articular fluid.

This allows you to increase the amount of movement, get rid of the crunch in your knees, to restore the synthesis of cartilage tissue.

Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures significantly improves the effectiveness of drug treatment, promotes rehabilitation after operations on the knee joint. Complementing other methods of treatment, physiotherapy can not replace them.

Many physiotherapy procedures have a similar effect on the body. Sometimes you can combine several techniques, but not all.

When choosing the optimal technique, the doctor takes into account the severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases, contraindications.

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Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

Arthrosis is one of those diseases that can not be cured with medicines alone. In addition, prolonged use of medicines can cause side effects.

To strengthen the effect of drugs and reduce their dosage, physiotherapy procedures are additionally prescribed. They help alleviate pain, and also improve nutrition, blood flow and joint regeneration.

So physiotherapy with arthrosis of the knee joint and its other forms allows to slow down the process of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue.

Physiotherapy for arthrosis

Physiotherapeutic treatment plays an auxiliary role in relation to the drug. In combination with other methods, it makes it possible to significantly improve the patient's condition.

Different forms of physiotherapy can be shown for different forms of arthrosis. So, in case of defeat of the cartilaginous tissue of the knee, electrophoresis, ultrasound and laser therapy are recommended.

With arthrosis of the hip joint, electro- and magnetotherapy can help reduce pain. Physiotherapy with arthrosis of the shoulder joint is based on the application of heat carriers, hirudotherapy, laser therapy.

With similar foot diseases, good results are obtained by electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, mud therapy.

Physiotherapy courses should be repeated 2-3 times a year. The procedure will be selected by the doctor, based on the form and stage of the disease. Sometimes they should be completely ruled out.

Contraindications in case of physiotherapy

There are contraindications to both physiotherapy in general, and in relation to its specific types.Among the general contraindications can be identified:

  1. malignant tumors;
  2. cardiovascular pathologies in the late stages;
  3. tuberculosis in an open form;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. a number of mental illnesses (epilepsy, psychomotor agitation);
  6. bleeding disorders;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. physical exhaustion;
  9. body temperature more than 38 ˚C.

Types of physiotherapy

Among a variety of different techniques should be identified the main, widespread in the treatment of arthrosis.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound of high frequency allows to strengthen metabolism in a patient joint. Due to this, the focus of inflammation becomes less, cellular respiration is activated, tissues are better restored.

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This method of treatment is used for complaints of severe joint pain. For example, physiotherapy for knee arthrosis often involves this method.

Microwave therapy

Microwaves have the ability to penetrate deeply into the affected area, exerting a thermal effect. As a result, blood flow increases, nutrition of cartilaginous tissue improves and development of inflammation decreases.

Applicating coolants

Heat carriers increase the temperature in the lesion, enhancing metabolism. This contributes to the restoration of joint tissues.


This method involves the introduction of medications into the problem area under the influence of an electric current. Two electrodes are installed on the body, forming an electric field in the affected area.

For example, if physiotherapy is performed for arthrosis of the knee joint, electrodes are located in the knee area, with hip arthrosis in the pelvic region. Damaged tissues carry a current, and together with it, medicinal substances come in high concentration.

This allows you to quickly anesthetize the joint and have a healing effect on it.


Heating the diseased joint and muscles around it with the help of a magnetic field helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and vascular conditions, accelerate regeneration processes. For arthrosis of the hip joint, this method of treatment is often used.

Radiation and laser therapy

Light and laser in the right concentration are also used for arthrosis.

Laser therapy is widely used for lesions of the spine, especially the cervical and lumbar parts of it.

Laser radiation makes the nerve roots less sensitive, increases blood flow in the affected area, and also has a calming effect.


Therapeutic baths have a positive effect on the areas affected by arthrosis:

  • hydrogen sulphide baths - improve the nutrition of the joints and blood flow in them, promote the release of synovial fluid;
  • radon baths - help strengthen the bones and heart muscle, reduce pain, improve blood supply and increase the body's overall resistance to disease.

Mud Treatment

Peloid therapy or mud therapy increases the ability to regenerate cartilaginous tissue, improving blood flow and delivering useful substances to the joint.

Physiotherapy with arthrosis of the knee joint, as with hip arthrosis, is performed with the application of therapeutic mud to the waist region.

When treating the joints of hands, the mud is applied to the cervical collar area.

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Physiotherapy procedures for knee arthrosis: indications for physiotherapy

Physiotherapy with arthrosis of the knee joint is complementary to medication, it helps to avoid the repeated exacerbation of chronic forms of the disease.

The use of magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, UVT and warming contributes to the normalization of blood supply to the affected tissues.

Most patients with joint pains try to warm them up, for which they use various ointments and compresses.

Physiotherapy, based on thermal effects, can be quite effective for arthrosis of the hip joint.

It allows you to get rid of the pain syndrome, restore the disturbed metabolism.

However, this method can be used only in the early stages of the disease, with special care it must be prescribed with significant destruction of the cartilage.

With arthrosis of the knee joint of the 2nd degree, a Russian bath can be used as a warming procedure.Its useful properties are:

  1. heals the body;
  2. Eliminates excess salts;
  3. eliminates toxins and toxins.

To warm up the affected areas, special devices can be used, which are selected by the attending physician.

For cartilage tissue, the effects of extremely low and high temperatures are harmful, so the thermal procedures should last no more than 20 minutes.

Therapy also involves the use of ointments and compresses based on snake venom and red pepper. The heating of the joint in the period of exacerbation is strictly prohibited.

Is laser treatment useful?

Treatment of arthrosis with a laser is another physiotherapeutic procedure that can stop the development of degenerative processes. The affected knee is affected by a directional light beam of high power, which leads to:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • promotes the healing of open wounds.

This method is used only after a full survey.

Electrophoresis - the delivery of drugs in the thickness of tissues with the help of electrical particles. Under the influence of current, the active substance decomposes into ions, further action causes them to move into the mucous membranes and the upper layers of the skin.

With blood and lymph flow, the drug is evenly distributed to all organs and tissues, the greatest amount of active substance is concentrated at the site of its administration.

Such physiotherapy with arthrosis of the hip joint allows you to get rid of unpleasant sensations without the occurrence of consequences from the liver and digestive system.

Treatment of joint diseases with a magnet

Magnetotherapy for arthrosis is prescribed when:

  • ineffectiveness of drug treatment;
  • decreased mobility of the joint;
  • the appearance of permanent pain.

Positive results are observed in 60% of cases. The use of magnetotherapy can significantly ease the patient's well-being.A person can choose one of 2 treatment regimens:

  1. The most effective is the use of equipment, which is installed in hospitals and clinics.
  2. The use of compact devices only temporarily removes pain.

The therapeutic effect of magnetotherapy is based on the stimulation of muscle fibers. They are affected by waves of different frequencies, contributing to the relaxation and disappearance of spasm. The joint becomes more mobile, the pain subsides.

Increased blood flow in the affected area contributes to the elimination of inflammatory and stagnant phenomena. Positive changes in joint condition appear after 1 session of magnetotherapy.

However, half of the patients do not help this method.

Magnetotherapy with arthrosis affects the entire body, which can be dangerous in the presence of certain diseases.

Therefore, before the appointment of this procedure, the doctor must conduct a complete examination of the patient and assess the appropriateness of using this method.

Contraindications to magnetotherapy are:

  1. Oncological diseases - an increase in temperature can provoke an increased division of cancer cells and the appearance of metastases.
  2. Under the influence of the magnet, blood is diluted, which can be dangerous in pathological conditions, accompanied by a violation of its coagulability.

Absolute contraindications to the procedure are diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially the presence of a pacemaker. It is impossible to conduct such treatment in the presence of trophic ulcers, it can provoke the development of phlegmon or gangrene.

For patients who do not have the above conditions, the procedures are completely safe. With the sensitivity of tissues to the effect of magnetic field, a significant improvement can be achieved, which can not be achieved with the help of medical treatment.

What other methods can be used in the treatment of joint diseases?

Other ways to treat arthrosis

  1. Ozone therapy is one of the safest physiotherapy procedures for arthrosis of the knee joint. A portion of ozone in the affected tissue is injected with a thin needle. At the same time chondroprotectors can be used. The effectiveness of this procedure is explained by the ability to quickly eliminate pain, return the mobility joint, strengthen the processes of producing synovial fluid. Ozone therapy quickly improves the patient's condition, stops the processes of destruction of cartilaginous tissues.
  2. Shock wave therapy for arthrosis eliminates inflammatory changes, promotes healing of microtraumas. A wave of variable frequency destroys salt deposits and quickly removes them from the body. After several sessions, metabolism is normalized, puffiness disappears. Shock wave therapy for knee arthrosis has a number of contraindications. Such treatment can not be performed with deep vein thrombosis, purulent forms of arthritis, oncological diseases, diabetic angiopathy. Before conducting UHT it is necessary to completely examine the body in order to exclude the presence of the above diseases.
  3. Ultrasound exposure to gonarthrosis is used to eliminate severe pain and inflammation. In addition, such treatment contributes to the restoration of the body's defenses, the launch of tissue repair processes. With simultaneous application of ultrasound and chondroprotectors, rapid regeneration of the cartilage can be achieved. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. The results of treatment largely depend on the types of waves used. Mechanical improve metabolism and accelerate blood circulation. Thermal increase the local temperature, providing a gradual warming of the affected joint. Physico - chemical are directed to the development of substances that contribute to the normalization of cell division processes.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective only if they are part of complex treatment. All preventive and therapeutic methods should be applied with the permission of the doctor.

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Treatment of arthrosis of the knee with the help of physiotherapy

Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of articular cartilage, their gradual destruction. An insidious disease can hide for a long time, without letting itself know.

But over time, the joint loses its elasticity, there are constant painful sensations with the load on the leg. There are primary arthrosis and secondary. Primary is usually a consequence of age-related changes, most often it occurs in the elderly.

A secondary - the result of the injuries. This type of arthrosis occurs in athletes and people engaged in severe or traumatic physical labor. The most common degenerative change in the knee is called gonarthrosis.

There are cases when gonarthrosis is caused by toxic, allergic or infectious factors.

With arthrosis of the knee, the cartilaginous tissue gradually becomes less elastic, the gap between the parts of the joint gradually decreases, and then the bone tissue itself deforms.

Osteophytes grow, spike-like formations. They do not allow the joint to move freely and cause acute pain.

So there is a deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, a disease that is not amenable to treatment.

Symptoms of knee arthrosis:

  1. The joint moves freely, but crunches. The leg quickly gets tired and starts to hurt. Diagnosis of the disease is possible by the results of X-ray photographs.
  2. Movement of the knee joint is limited. Pain occurs when you try to bend or unbend a knee. At this stage, the doctor can already observe the accumulation of fluid in the knee.
  3. The pain is constant, the joint completely loses mobility. Deformation of the bone begins.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

Usually, the treatment of arthrosis is performed on an outpatient basis, since it requires a significant limitation of mobility. At home, it is difficult to achieve the necessary reduction in the load on the joint.Treatment of gonarthrosis is usually aimed at achieving the following factors:

Potassium and calcium - for our health

- reduction of pain in the patient;

- restoration of normal circulation in the affected area;

- providing cartilage tissue;

- Increased mobility of the joint.

For the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, both medicamental treatment and physiotherapy are used. Drug therapy in this case is not determinative. In the first and second stages of arthrosis, physiotherapy brings significant relief.

Physiotherapy for arthrosis involves the use of the following methods:

- Magnetotherapy;

- Laser therapy;

- Ultrasound;

- Electrophoresis;

- Pulse therapy;

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- Microwave therapy;

- Radon and hydrogen sulphide baths;

- Mud treatment;

- Local barotherapy;

- Applications of coolants;

- LFK.

Methods of physiotherapy in the treatment of gonarthrosis

The most common and proven method for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is electrophoresis, which is performed with various medications.

In cases of inflammation and severe pain in the joint, electrophoresis with dimexide is recommended.

Calcium, zinc, sulfur or magnesium improve the metabolism in the joints, thanks to faster recovery is much faster.

Treatment with ultrasound is also very effective for arthrosis. Usually this method is prescribed for elderly people, suffering from pains in the knees.

But if the patient has heart disease, ultrasound should be replaced with microwave therapy.

Microwaves penetrate the tissues of the knee joint, having a beneficial effect on it.

In joint arthrosis, the application of heat carriers is often used. Warming the joint leads to an acceleration of metabolism, and cartilage tissue is restored much faster.

The method involves compresses with ozocerite, the use of saccules with salt, paraffin therapy. Patients whose gonarthrosis has reached the third stage should not be prescribed such treatment.

When treating the knee joint with magnetic fields, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and sedative effects on the body are achieved. A magnetic field of low frequency affects the affected organ, communicating the liquid magnetic properties.

Also there is an electrostimulating effect on the muscles. Magnetotherapy for joint arthrosis reduces pain, increases the mobility of joints, inhibits their further destruction.

This gentle type of treatment improves the general condition of the body, which helps weakened people feel better.

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In sanatoriums, the knee joint is usually treated with mud and baths. Radon, salt baths, compresses with bischofite are used. This significantly increases the effectiveness of other treatments.

Physical therapy and manual therapy

You can take a course of manual therapy, stretching. When using this method, the ends of the bones are carefully moved away from each other, which leads to a decrease in the load on them.

Massage of the knee joint improves blood circulation in the tissues, relieves muscle spasm, increases the production of joint fluid. All this leads to a reduction in pain.

Massage is carried out by soft, kneading movements, using warming sprouts. Recommended canned, underwater massage.

Extension of the joint, the so-called traction, is performed with the help of manual therapy or a special traction apparatus.

Such an effect gives a good result, although it is fraught with risk, since it requires jewelry precision and strictly dosed load. When traction of the knee joint, it is required to act immediately on four contiguous bones, so only a highly skilled doctor can perform this procedure. These methods are not recommended if the deformity of the joint has gone too far.

With arthrosis of the knee joint, a good effect is provided by physiotherapy exercises. Gymnastics strengthens muscles around the joint, which allows you to reduce the load on it.

The mobility of the joints is restored, the joint fluid that feeds the cartilage is actively produced.

Physiotherapy is recommended to combine with other methods of physiotherapy, such as paraffin compresses, massage. This will pre-heat your muscles.

After classes, the use of ultrasound or microwave therapy is much more effective. Physical exercises should be performed cautiously, in no case through overcoming painful sensations.

Medicine today has a rich potential in the field of arthrosis.

But physiotherapy for arthrosis is also a treatment that can be accompanied by unpleasant side effects, so it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Only a specialist will be able to take into account the contraindications and nuances of the course of the disease and choose the only correct set of procedures.

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Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint: what procedures are prescribed

Physiotherapeutic procedures are successfully used in the complex treatment of knee arthrosis.

Physiotherapy with knee arthrosis is designed to increase the effectiveness of the entire treatment course. It enhances the effect of medications and restores joints after surgery.

There are several basic procedures that help to resolve this issue. They can be appointed in a complex or selectively. To properly use physiotherapy, you need to consult a doctor.

Hardware physiotherapy

Physiotherapy with knee arthrosis helps to restore blood supply to a sore spot, improve metabolism, and also prevent the limb from losing its motor activity. Each method has its own specific action, so you do not need to use them yourself. But nobody prevents to familiarize with such procedures in more details.

Warming up

Those who suffer from arthrosis of the knee joint often enough, at the first appearance of pain, try to warm their feet. To do this, all sorts of ointments and folk recipes are put into play.

In fact, these actions are correct.

But the procedure of heating in a medical institution is most effective, since it penetrates to a sufficient depth, which ensures the necessary warming up of tissues.

Warming helps relieve pain, and also normalizes metabolism and restores blood circulation. This procedure is most effective at the first stage of arthrosis and the beginning of the second.

In parallel, orthopedists recommend at least once a week to visit the bath (if there are no contraindications). If, for whatever reason, you can not attend a medical facility, you can also warm up the knee at home using special devices.

But such a device should be selected by a doctor. The fact is that cartilage tissue can not be overheated. Therefore, only an expert can tell you how to properly perform such procedures.


This method allows you to stop the degeneration processes in the joint.

Laser treatment gives the following result:

  • blood supply to the affected joint is restored;
  • if the skin has open wounds (for example, after injuries), the regeneration of the cells will accelerate;
  • eliminates inflammation and relieves swelling;
  • reduces pain.

Laser therapy is quite an expensive procedure. The price for it varies in each clinic. Not all public hospitals carry out it, therefore, in most cases it is necessary to apply to private institutions.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications, which depend on the phase of the disease. Therefore, laser treatment specialist can replace a more gentle and budgetary procedure.

Laser therapy - not cheap, but effective procedure.


With the help of a special apparatus, an electric field is created, which transfers certain medicines to the patient's body. This allows you to improve the effect of drugs that the patient takes by oral route.

The principle of influence has the following scheme:

  • the electric current causes the drug substance to decay into ions;
  • further they are mixed and again under the influence of current, they already penetrate the skin and mucous surfaces;
  • after that the medicinal substances go deep, and then with the blood flow penetrate into the tissues of the diseased knee, and also spread throughout the body.

But the maximum concentration will remain at the site of exposure to electrophoresis.

This procedure is prescribed for those who can not take certain drugs because of their negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Electrophoresis is a painless and inexpensive procedure that shows a very effective result.

in this article can visually demonstrate how this procedure is performed, as well as a number of other physiotherapy procedures.

Ozone treatment

Sometimes the pain syndrome with arthrosis is well amenable to cupping with the help of heat, but there are situations when you need to act on the contrary - apply cold. Ozone therapy has this approach.

Here, a small amount of ozone is injected into the affected area by means of a very thin needle. If the disease is 2 -3 stages, then the introduction of chondoprotectors may be prescribed in parallel.

Ozone treatment is effective because:

  • pain is instantaneous due to direct contact of ozone and the damaged joint;
  • there is an articulate crunch;
  • the motor activity of the knee is restored;
  • the substance provides inflow of intra-articular fluid;
  • Ozone helps regenerate the structure and surface of the cartilage tissue of the knee.

During the procedure of ozonotherapy, a specialist with a thin needle (as in the photo) introduces a small amount of ozone into the affected joint.

This approach is characterized by the highest speed of improving the patient's well-being, since there is a direct effect on the affected tissue.

Of course, for the sake of justice it is worth saying that the price of such a procedure is not cheap.

In addition, it should be repeated from time to time, however, the result can be seen pretty soon.

Shock Wave Therapy

UHT is prescribed to those patients who have serious problems. If this is an arthrosis of the knee joint, physiotherapy of this kind in combination with other methods helps to defeat a serious ailment.

Shockwave therapy is not in vain received such a name. With the help of a special device, the affected site has such an effect, due to which the calcium deposits quickly soften.

During the passage of such therapy, the patient must take drugs that contribute to the removal of "precipitation" data. In the opposite case, everything that "breaks" UHT, simply remains in the body, but will accumulate in a different place.

UVT helps to cope with serious joint diseases. However, it should be applied in a complex way, combining with other methods of therapy for arthrosis.

Shockwave therapy is not shown to everyone.

Persons who have thrombosis, diabetes mellitus and conditions provoked by it, purulent accumulations in the knee joint, carcinomas and tumors (whether benign or malignant), can not undergo such a procedure.

There is too much risk of getting complications. Therefore, before the UHT is started, the patient is sent for the delivery of a number of mandatory tests. And already by results it will be possible to judge whether a person is allowed to shock wave therapy or not.


This method is aimed at relieving pain and reducing inflammation. In addition, it is proved that ultrasound mobilizes the body's defenses, which means that it will begin to recover itself.

If arthrosis has already strongly affected the knee joint, then ultrasound is recommended to inject chondoprotectors. But here everything is up to the discretion of the doctor. Usually this treatment takes 2 weeks. It is worth knowing that waves in such a procedure can be different.

It depends on them the effect of the impact:

Type of waves Effect
mechanical improves microcirculation of damaged tissues and metabolism
thermal on a sore spot are warming up, which provides warming up of diseased tissues
physico-chemical Enables activation of the production of enzymes that help cell regeneration
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This procedure is effectively used in rehabilitation, for example, when an operation was performed or the patient suffered a joint injury.

Ultrasound mobilizes the defenses of the body and accelerates the process of joint repair.

Non-physical physiotherapy methods

Effective physiotherapy for knee arthrosis is carried out without the help of special instruments.

These include:

  • massage;
  • reflexology;
  • Balneological procedures (baths, mud treatment, etc.)

The first two methods can only be used with the permission of a doctor, and manipulations should only qualified specialist, otherwise you can spend a significant amount of money and only aggravate disease. Use massage and reflexology in any period of the disease.

Balneological procedures in most cases are used already in the recovery period for arthrosis of the knees. They are accepted by patients in specialized medical institutions - sanatoriums, medical boarding houses, medical centers, etc.

Summing up, it should be said that physiotherapy procedures for arthrosis of the knee joint will be effective only if they are appointed by the attending physician. After all, any treatment should be properly performed, and the instructions are familiar only to a specialist.

Therefore, there can be no question of home treatment here. Also, you should not chase cheap procedures, because it is quite possible that this is fraud, which means that there will not be any relief.

And arthrosis of the knee joint is a disease that requires competent supervision and skilled care, otherwise it can progress and lead the patient to disability!

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Physiotherapy for arthrosis of the knee joint

The complex method of treatment for arthrosis of the knee joint necessarily includes the use of physiotherapy.

At the initial first and second stages of gonarthrosis development, this method is considered to be the most effective.

The timely passage of several courses can halt the development of the disease and bring considerable relief.

Advantages and disadvantages of physiotherapy

An impressive list of advantages, involuntarily suggests the idea of ​​whether everything is so good in reality, what drawbacks or side effects does physiotherapy have with arthrosis of the knee joint? Long-term practice shows that the physiotherapy method is characterized by an absolute lack of negative effects. If it is applied correctly, timely and professionally, the patient will feel better. The only insignificant flaw, which is very rare, is that some people may feel a little unwell after undergoing physical therapy sessions. This is because the body gets an unusual effect. However, poor state of health passes through several sessions, with addiction and adaptation of the body to physiotherapy.

Contraindications to physiotherapy

Like any other method of treating arthrosis, physiotherapy has a number of contraindications of a general nature. Before applying it, specialized doctors study the medical history and the patient's card, and in no case prescribe physiotherapy procedures, with:

  • Presence of malignant tumors;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory and endocrine systems;
  • Mental diseases and disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Elevated body temperature;
  • Active stage of tuberculosis;
  • Exhaustion and weight loss;
  • Launched the stages of gonarthrosis.

Purpose and purpose of physiotherapy

With arthrosis of the knee joint, the appointment of physiotherapy is as follows. The attending physician collects an anamnesis, conducts a general examination of the patient's body, studies the results of the analyzes and instrumental diagnostics.

Based on all the information received, the doctor prescribes certain physiotherapy procedures for arthrosis, depending on the stage of his development, especially severe symptoms, the period of exacerbation or remission.

In this case, the purposes of their appointment can be the following:

  • Achievement of the best effect in complex treatment;
  • Normalization and concomitant improvement in metabolism;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation;
  • Elimination of swelling and swelling;
  • Removal of pain and inflammatory syndromes;
  • Elimination of crunch;
  • Restoration of the structure of articular surfaces;
  • Increased mobility;
  • Restoration of the limb.

Before the appointment of any kind of physiotherapy, the patient must undergo a full examination of all systems and organs to identify or exclude ailments that are contraindications and can become a causal factor leading to a worsening of the condition health.

Methods of physiotherapy

Having become acquainted with the main advantages, disadvantages and contraindications, we will consider specific methods of physiotherapy, as well as what basic physiotherapy procedures are used for arthrosis.

Reducing and relieving pain

SUF-irradiation involves exposure to ultraviolet light on the skin, to its slight reddening.

Ultraviolet irradiation reduces pain, by accumulating, thus, special substances inside the knee joint, which reduce the sensitivity of nerve fibers.

The frequency of application - every day or every other day, during the course of 1 course will need to visit 7-9 sessions.

Electrophoresis is used for chronic arthrosis of the knee joint, it allows the introduction of medications through the skin with the help of low power of electric current, without damaging it.

Primarily used for the removal of intense pain, in combination with anesthetic drugs.

The effect is observed immediately after the first procedure, and that would result in a long-term appointment course of 15-20 sessions.

Reducing the inflammatory process

High-intensity centimeter-wave therapy is used to improve the patient's health.

This procedure is affected by heat, due to which the circulation of blood is restored, the work of vessels and capillaries, which in turn affects the activation of cartilage nutrition, followed by the removal of inflammatory process.

With arthrosis of the knee joint, anti-inflammatory effect has infrared laser therapy.

This method involves a significant decrease in the sensitivity of the endings of nerve fibers, stimulation of the circulatory processes, which as a result gives a calming effect.

In order to obtain and consolidate the result, conduct a course of 10-15 procedures, for 8-10 minutes daily.

The methods of physiotherapy that contribute to the recovery

High-intensity magnetotherapy - refers to the most popular methods of treatment of arthrosis. The essence of these procedures is the non-contact action of the magnetic field on the structures of all types of tissue.

The result of magnetotherapy is almost instantaneous, it is revealed in the stimulation of muscles, improving metabolism and work of the circulatory system, the gradual restoration of damaged areas and stopping the destruction of the knee the joint.

Ozone therapy for the treatment of gonarthrosis is used very often, since it refers to the most effective procedures. Its essence lies in the introduction with the help of a needle, portions of ozone, directly into the affected area.

The most significant advantage is the instant relief of pain, as well as the elimination of a crunch in the limb. The use of ozone therapy guarantees the restoration of the damaged internal structure and the inflow of a special fluid that ensures the correct operation of the knee joint.

The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Targeted on improving nutrition and blood supply

Reception of special hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, is prescribed for osteoarthritis of the knee joint, in order that significantly improve the nutrition of articular, muscular and cartilaginous tissues, increase blood circulation and production of intraarticular liquid. Such baths are used more often at spa treatment, course in 10-15 procedures, with each session lasting no more than 10-15 minutes, but the effect of them is remarkable.

Ultrasound therapy belongs to this group of methods.

In addition, it is aimed at restoring diarthrosis and cartilage, improving the cellular respiration of tissues, due to which active metabolic processes occur in the affected area. The course of ultrasound is 10-12 sessions, daily, lasting 10-15 minutes.


Physical exercises are almost always assigned to perform simultaneously with the passage of physiotherapy procedures.

Thus, the combination of these two therapies gives a double result, physiotherapy provides an internal effect and strengthening, and therapeutic physical exercise by external influence positively affects adjacent tissues, restores and increases mobility.

Before performing any physical exercises with arthrosis, it is necessary to pre-warm the muscles of the affected self-massage, rubbing or a warmer, in order to avoid injuries, sprains and do not bring any harm.

Effective complex of physical exercises

Squats with a support on the wall

Standing against the wall, leaning back, doing slow, shallow squats, repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise "Step"

If you do not have a step at home, you can use the most common steps or a low stable stand. The starting position is standing, legs together.

We perform a step on the raised surface with the right foot, the left one is substituted, then makes a step back again with the right foot, substitute the left one.

Repeat 10-15 times, then do the same, starting with the left foot.

Leg bending

Lying on the stomach, the front part of the body can be, as it is lowered to the floor, and slightly raised, we perform a slow bending of the leg in the knee, as if trying to reach the heel to the buttock. Repeat 10-15 times on each leg.

The option of doing an exercise with a gym band is to complicate it and increase resistance.

Leg extension upwards

Lie down on the back, bend both legs in the knees, then lift the right leg, so that the ankle was parallel to the floor, we perform slow "pushing" the foot up. We do 10-15 reps for each leg.

Raising a straight leg

Lie down on his side, with his hand rest against his face, we perform slow ascents with a straight leg about 30-45 °, we return the leg to its starting position. Repeat 10-15 times, turn over on the other side, perform movements with the other limb.

The exercises of Dr. Evdokimenko and Popov, with arthrosis of the knee joint, also proved to be very good. Which can be viewed here.


Physiotherapy in combination with exercise therapy gives excellent results in the first stages of development, in addition, their use reduces the need to take medications, and therefore significantly reduced the burden on the body, especially on the digestive system system. In addition, these methods of treatment of arthrosis can restore the affected part of the body in a natural way, and the effect of the therapy will persist for a long period.

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