Than useful and that heals the root of burdock in humans

An ordinary burdock or thistle, growing literally under our feet, is among the most useful plants.

For a long time people have been using its medicinal properties.

The burdock root is especially appreciated, which helps to cure many ailments.
Before using it, it is necessary to understand what its composition is, what is its use and how to apply it correctly.

How useful is
  • Indications for use
  • Side effects and contraindications
  • Correct burdock root preparation
  • Preparation of burdock oil at home
  • What are the roots of burdock in folk medicine
    • For oncological diseases
    • For skin and hair
    • Application in dietology
  • Drawing the line
  • Than useful

    The burdock root contains just a storehouse of the most valuable substances for the human body.

    Rarely, what plant can boast such a rich composition. It includes:

    • resinous and tannic substances;
    • vitamins B, A, E, P, C;
    • essential oils, flavonoids, mucus, tannin;
    • instagram viewer
    • proteins, organic and fatty acids;
    • copper, zinc, silicon, boron, tin, strontium, iron, titanium, vanadium;
    • prebiotic inulin.

    Thanks to this diverse composition, the root has the most beneficial effect on the human body.

    This gift of nature, surprisingly, is effectively used as a medicine for cleaning vessels of cholesterol, and also as a preventive agent.

    The root is used as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound-healing, diuretic, laxative, sudorific, antiseptic and immunosuppressive.

    In addition, it improves the intestinal microflora, participates in the treatment of the liver and pancreas folk remedies and improves the performance of all systems of the human body.

    Root pappus is very useful as slimming agent , because it dulls appetite and normalizes metabolic processes.

    And do you know what to do when a baby has a rash and pimples on his face? Than to treat the kid it is written in a useful article.

    About the treatment of subcutaneous acne on the face is written on this page.

    This amazing root is also very effective in the treatment of joints. After all, he actively removes salts from the body and relieves pain.

    Since ancient times, unique properties of burdock oil are known, which is made from our miracle root.

    It is actively used in cosmetology. Burdock oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates its dryness and itching.

    And teens skin it saves from the occurrence of acne and various inflammations. In addition, the root has a healing effect on the hair, activating their growth.

    After applying this natural remedy, the hair gets a healthy look, becomes soft and silky.

    Burdock root is officially recognized as a medicinal raw material for use in traditional medicine. Based on it, anti-inflammatory drugs and are prepared for the treatment of diabetes, rheumatism and hemorrhoids .

    Studies have shown that the burdock root has cytostatic properties, that is, it is able to restrain the growth of malignant cells .

    The root extract is found in some antitumor drugs.

    It is worth mentioning separately the polysaccharide called inulin , which in the root of the burdock contains a record amount - 45% of the composition.

    This unique substance is one of the main participants in the metabolism.

    Inulin helps to remove toxins and toxins of and promotes proper digestion.

    In addition, it prevents excessive deposition of salts and lowers cholesterol.

    With inulin, more complete assimilation of vitamins occurs. He is also an excellent assistant in the treatment of diabetes, successfully reducing blood sugar levels.

    Indications for use

    The list of diseases in which the burdock root successfully helps is huge.

    And what do you know about nutrition with increased acidity of the stomach? People's ways to normalize the acid-base balance are described on the page hidden under the link.

    Effective facial cleansing from acne at home is described in this article.

    On the page: http: // uhod-za-kozhej / retsepty.html read how to make a face cream at home.

    Its use is effective at the following indications:

    • gastritis, stomach diseases, pancreatitis;
    • acne, dermatitis, seborrhea, pustular rash on the skin, furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema, small burns, trophic ulcer;
    • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis( how to do a liver and bowel cleansing is written in this article);
    • febrile state, colds and infectious diseases;
    • rickets in young children;
    • hemorrhoids, diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • gout, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
    • risk of diabetes mellitus and its treatment or prevention( prescriptions here, about sugar from the stevia herb here);
    • alcohol intoxication, poisoning;
    • obesity, metabolic disorders;
    • oncological diseases;
    • faded and loose skin.

    Side effects and contraindications

    It is not necessary to apply burdock root( medicinal properties and contraindications) to people with an individual intolerance to this product and a tendency to manifest allergic reactions: cough, pollen or rhinitis.

    This drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

    Care should be taken when using burdock root and hypoglycemic agents at the same time.

    Correct burdock root preparation

    When preparing medicinal raw materials it is important to remember that should be collected in the first year of its life and, necessarily, in the autumn - in September-October.

    At this time it contains all the useful substances and becomes juicy and fleshy.

    In the second year of life, nutrients are expended on the growth of the plant itself, and the rhizome becomes flabby and not suitable for medicinal purposes.

    Young root should be excavated, separated from the plant, cleaned from the ground and thoroughly rinsed with cool water. Then the rhizome should be cut into pieces not larger than 15 cm.

    Dry the cut rootlets in a well-ventilated area. The best place is an open area under a canopy or an attic with open windows.

    Residents of rural areas can decompose raw materials on paper and put it on a cold Russian stove. Dried roots of burdock can be stored for about 5 years.

    Preparation of burdock oil at home

    Excellent burdock oil can be easily prepared by yourself and from your own raw materials.

    It will be no less effective for the treatment of seborrhea( photo) than bought in a pharmacy.

    To do this, you need to dig out the root of the mug, rinse it and chop it very finely.

    Next, pour this mass of quality olive oil in a ratio of 3 tbsp per 200 ml of oil.

    The resulting mixture should be infused for 24 hours, and then cook over a low heat for 15 minutes.

    Further the composition is filtered, cooled and stored under cool conditions.

    What are the roots of burdock in folk medicine

    For the treatment of diseases rhizome rhizome is used as infusions, decoctions, ointments and oil. For the drug to have the greatest healing effect, it is important to strictly follow the formula.

    As a rule, all folk recipes are tested and time-tested. Burdock root contains many active substances.

    Therefore, before using it, a doctor's consultation is needed so that instead of doing no harm to yourself.

    In the treasury of folk medicine, there are many prescription drugs based on the root, able to help cure ailments:

    • In its raw form it helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers .
    • Boil with boiling water( 200 ml) about 20 g of chopped roots, boil for 20 minutes and then insist for half an hour.
      One st.spoon of filtered decoction take three times a day after eating.
      The remedy helps with:
      • colds,
      • gout,
      • rheumatism,
      • osteochondrosis,
      • inflammation of the bladder,
      • stone formation.
      • You can also lubricate the wound with a decoction, apply it as a rinse to treat sore throat or stomatitis, and remove warts.

    • 100 g finely chopped roots to boil in a liter of water, until in the pan there will be only half of the previous volume of liquid.
      Next, filter the broth and add honey to it( you can taste it).3 tbsp.l.use drugs three times or four times a day.
      This remedy can be used for diathesis, gout, arthrosis, rheumatism, urolithiasis, hemorrhoids.
    • Pour overnight a spoonful of finely chopped root with cold water( 200 ml).
      In the morning bring the infusion to a boil and remove from heat.
      Drink it for a day for 4 or 5 receptions.
      This is a wonderful tool for weight loss, which activates the metabolism, suppresses appetite, removes toxins and has a slight laxative effect.
    • Cut the ground root with water and cook until its volume is halved.
      Then add butter to the composition in the calculation of 4: 1.
      Therapeutic ointment is used for burns, eczema and rheumatism.
    • When treating diabetes , mix equal parts of the root, bean pods, blueberry leaves.
      50 g of the resulting mixture pour a liter of lukewarm water and leave until the morning insist.
      Infusion in the morning boil for 5 minutes, and after a couple of hours drain.
      Drink 150 ml of the drug 5 times a day.
    • Mix the grated root with olive oil in a 1: 3 ratio and put for 4-5 days in heat infuse.
      Then boil the mixture on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
      Ointment is excellent in healing wounds and cuts.

    With oncological diseases

    • Dug in May, burdock root grate, and squeezed juice take under Art.spoon about 5 times a day.
    • 1 ч. Spoon the crushed mass of rootlets in a thermos, pour boiling water( 500 ml) and insist in a thermos, about 10 hours.
      Take 100 ml of medication 4-5 times during the day.
      Take a month, then take a break from treatment for 3 weeks, then you can repeat it.
  • Pour the root with vodka, keeping the proportion of 1:20, and place in a dark place for a month, regularly shaking the mixture.
    Drink tincture 3-4 times a day for 1 hour spoon.
  • For the prevention of oncology put a pair of art.spoons of chopped roots of burdock in half a liter of water and douse on a low heat, on a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
    Drink 100 ml of decoction three times a day.
  • For skin and hair

    • Mix in the same proportions burdock and almond oil, lightly heat the mixture and rub it into the roots of the hair, after covering the head with a shower cap and warming it with a warm cloth.
      After about an hour and a half, wash off the mask with shampoo.
      This wonderful remedy heals hair and eliminates splitting ends.
    • Another recipe for a hair mask: a mixture of a pair of art.spoons of burdock oil,
      • two st.spoons of cognac,
      • of one yolk,
      • st.spoons of sour cream - keep on the hair for 60-80 minutes.
    • Pour the crushed root with vodka at the rate of 1:10 and insist for a month.
      Rub the tincture into the hair and their roots every other day.
      The product prevents hair loss.
    • Prepare a decoction of the same parts of the root of the burdock and the willow bark and rub it into the scalp.
      This drug strengthens the hair, eliminates dandruff and itchy skin.

    Application in the dietology of

    The calorie content of burdock root is only 72 kcal per 100 g, so it is widely used in the fight against extra pounds.

    This rich vitamin and microelement product can successfully replace more caloric ingredients.

    From the root of a burdock cook porridge, make cutlets, it is put in soups instead of potatoes and carrots.

    When using this priceless product, excess weight goes without any risk to health.

    There is a wonderful recipe for soup with a burdock root, which is not only useful, but also very tasty.
    For its preparation you will need:

    • 0,5 liters of water
    • half a kilo of burdock
    • on 1 onion and 1 carrot
    • one yolk
    • 10 g of flour
    • 100 g of sour cream

    Root peel, cut into small pieces, dip into water together with cut carrots and onionsand put it on the fire.

    1. As soon as the vegetables and root are taken out, let the broth drain.
    2. Next, put the vegetables back in the broth and only half the roots.
    3. The other half should be wiped with a sieve and put into the broth too.
    4. Mix the yolk with sour cream and flour, pour the mixture into the broth and, when it still leaves a couple of minutes, remove it from the fire.

    A useful and unusually tasty soup is prepared by .It is recommended to serve it with croutons.

    Drawing the line

    As you can see, the root of burdock is an unusually useful gift of nature, the application of which extends from cooking to serious diseases. To get the most benefit from the miracle root, you need to apply it correctly and regularly.

    After watching this video, you will not have any questions: how to treat joints, liver and other organs.