Dysbacteriosis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment in adults and children

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine is a disturbance of the balance of its microflora in the aspect of the ratio of useful and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Intestinal dysbacteriosis is clinico-laboratory syndrome, tied to a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora in qualitative and quantitative form, with the possible development of gastrointestinal disorders.

Of course, the amount and set of specific microbes depend on the intestine department. For example, in a healthy person in the duodenum, the number of bacteria is no more than 104 -105 cfu per one milliliter of contents.

With the use of food, the number of bacteria can increase greatly, but also quickly come to normal. This publication and the videos in it are devoted to the symptoms and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in children and adults. Separately, then how to treat dysbiosis folk remedies at home.


Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine develops mainly in children of the first 2-3 years of life. It is usually associated with the consequences of antibiotic therapy. Especially easy dysbacteriosis of the intestine develops in children of the first half of the year when switching from natural to artificial feeding.

Symptoms of : intermittent fasting or immediately after eating abdominal pain, unstable liquid stools, plenty of gas, poor appetite, bloated stomach. The child is constantly crying, nervous, with a bad mood.

Dysbacteriosis is often accompanied by dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract and bile excretory system. Dyskinesia may be the result of severe dysbiosis. Prevention of dysbiosis - a rational diet and a very cautious change in the diet of the child, the correct use of antibiotics.

Children with this disease need the help of doctors-gastroenterologists. If the dysbacteriosis is a consequence of a severe bowel disease, then with the consent of the doctor in the diet of the child, you can enter the fermented milk mixture.

Traditional treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in a child and adult

Traditional medicine advises with dysbacteriosis to give the patient garlic( children in droplets, respectively age) and kefir.

Cinquefoil( calgan) - a wonderful tool, the effect of this decoction you will feel immediately. It is very effective for diarrhea( diarrhea) associated with dysbiosis, has a pronounced astringent and anti-inflammatory effect: 1 tablespoon of tinfoam pour a glass of steep boiling water and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Insist in warmth during the night. Take one second glass 2-3 times a day.

Oak bark. Has anti-inflammatory and astringent effect: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, and after 45 minutes you can take.

Treatment of some diseases requires a very long time of taking antibacterial drugs - from 15 to 30 days. Therefore, always put your doctor in charge of knowing that you have dysbiosis.

To help the intestines avoid complications during treatment with antibiotics, take such drugs as Enterol( it contains live microorganisms that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora in the lumen of the intestine), and use all of our general recommendations for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis.

In case of exacerbation of symptoms, enterosorbents - Polyphepan, Lignosorb, will help you, since these substances adsorb toxins, gases, pathogenic microorganisms on their surface and remove them from the body, thereby facilitating your condition.

Blood throat. Decoction of rootlets: 15 g of roots per 200 ml of boiling water boil over low heat for 20 minutes, drink 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.

Broth should not be taken to people with a sick liver.

There is one more way to combat bacteriosis: in the preparation of cottage cheese from kefir, cottage cheese and whey are formed. So, it is the serum and is an excellent tool that normalizes the flora and intestinal activity. It is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of whey, and warm, and the flora of the intestines is very quickly and naturally normalized. Your condition will improve, digestion will improve, and you will feel a noticeable relief.

Sunflower seeds. Take a tablespoon of peeled pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and nuts of walnuts. All bold in the coffee grinder. Then a tablespoon of powder, pour half a glass of boiled cool water, stir and drink. Take the mixture 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening - for three weeks.

After taking carbohydrate food in the gastrointestinal tract, fermentation and decay occur, which leads to unpleasant sensations and illnesses. Get rid of this will help the following simple procedure: 1 hour before breakfast and 2 hours after dinner, you need to eat 1 clove of garlic.

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis with drugs and medications

Treatment of dysbacteriosis should be comprehensive and include the following measures:

  1. elimination of excess bacterial contamination of the small intestine;
  2. restoration of normal microbial flora of the colon;
  3. improvement of intestinal digestion and absorption;
  4. restoration of impaired intestinal motility;
  5. stimulation of the body's reactivity.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial drugs are needed primarily to suppress the excess growth of microbial flora in the small intestine. The most widely used antibiotics from the groups of tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, quinolones( Tarivid, Nitroxoline) and Metronidazole.

However, broad-spectrum antibiotics significantly disrupt microbial equilibrium in the large intestine. Therefore, they should be used only in diseases accompanied by impaired absorption and intestinal motility, in which, as a rule, marked growth of microbial flora in the lumen of the small intestine.

Antibiotics are prescribed internally in usual doses for 7-10 days.

For diseases accompanied by colon dysbiosis, treatment is best done with drugs that have minimal effect on the symbiont microbial flora and suppress the growth of the proteus, staphylococcus, yeast fungi and other aggressive microbial strains. These include antiseptics: Intetriks, Ersefuril, Nitroxoline, Furazolidon, etc.

In severe forms of staphylococcal dysbacteriosis, antibiotics are used: Tarivid, Palin, Metronidazole( Trichopolum), and Biseptol-480, Nevigramon.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for 10-14 days. In the case of fungi in the feces or intestinal juice, the use of nystatin or levorin is indicated.

Bacterial preparations

Live cultures of a normal microbial flora survive in the human intestine in an amount of 1 to 10% of the dose taken and are able to fulfill the physiological function of a normal microflora to some extent. Bacterial drugs can be prescribed without prior antibiotic therapy or after it.

Apply Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol, Lactobacterin, Bactisubtil, Linex, Enterol, etc. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months.

Colibacterin is a preparation of antagonistically active Escherichia coli strains. It is used to combat dysbacteriosis, dysentery and other intestinal infections.

Another possible way to eliminate dysbacteriosis is to influence the pathogenic microbial flora of with metabolic products of normal microorganisms.

These drugs include Hilak-forte. It was created 50 years ago and is used to treat patients with intestinal pathology. Hilak-forte is a sterile concentrate of metabolic products of normal intestinal microflora: lactic acid, lactose, amino acids and fatty acids. These substances contribute to the restoration of the biological environment in the intestine necessary for the existence of normal microflora, and suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Perhaps the metabolic products improve the trophism and function of epithelial cells and colonocytes.1 ml of the drug corresponds to the biosynthetic active substances of 100 billion normal microorganisms. Hilak-forte appoint 40-60 drops 3 times a day for up to 4 weeks in combination with antibacterial drugs or after their use.

Digestion and intestinal motility controllers

Creon, Pancetrate and other pancreatic enzymes are used in patients with impaired digestive digestion.

With the purpose of improving the absorption function, they are prescribed Essentiale, Legalon or Karsil, since they stabilize the membranes of the intestinal epithelium.

Propulsive bowel function is improved by Imodium( Loperamide) and Trimebutin( Debridide).

To improve the reactivity of the weakened patients, it is advisable to use T-actinin, Timalin, Timogen, Immunal, Immunophane, and other immunostimulating agents. The course of treatment should be an average of 4 weeks. At the same time, vitamins are prescribed.

Body reactivity stimulants

With exacerbation of the process - Intestopan 2-3 times a day 4-6 days;after this 4-6 days Polyphepan, activated charcoal 2-3 times a day;Pancreatin - 7 days. After that, go to the grass harvest.

1st collection : mender, chamomile, centaury, mint, fennel seed and violet;

2nd collection : a leaf of a birch, the Icelandic moss, a mulberry, a mint, a root of valerian;

3rd collection : yarrow, sage, St. John's wort and chamomile.

To prepare all fees, take an equal amount of each herb( for example, 1 tablespoon) and mix thoroughly.

1 teaspoon of the obtained collection pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist in the thermos for 2-3 hours. Take one third of the glass 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals for 2-3 months( depending on the state of health).

Video on topic

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How to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis with folk remedies

Source: YNGorgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.