Teraflex tablets for the treatment of joints


  • 1Teraflex for joints. The drug "Teraflex reviews, price
    • 1.1Form, description, composition and packaging of the preparation
    • 1.2Pharmacological action of the drug
    • 1.3Pharmacokinetic properties of the preparation
    • 1.4Indications for use
    • 1.5Contraindications to the use of the medicine
    • 1.6Instruction for the use of the drug "Teraflex"
    • 1.7Side effects
    • 1.8Drug Interactions
    • 1.9special instructions
    • 1.10Analogues of the drug and its price
    • 1.11Reviews about the drug
  • 2Medication Teraflex - instructions, analogues and application for joint disease
    • 2.1Characteristics and application
    • 2.2Available in capsules and cream
    • 2.3Compatibility with other drugs
    • 2.4Instructions
    • 2.5Analogues of Teraflex
  • 3Tablets Teraflex: instructions for use, cheap analogues and customer reviews
    • 3.1Structure of the preparation
    • 3.2Form of issue
    • 3.3Pharmacological properties of Teraflex
    • 3.4Pharmacokinetics
    • 3.5Indications for use of the medicine
    • 3.6Contraindications
    • 3.7Side effects
    • 3.8Dosage and course of treatment
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.9An overdose of the drug
    • 3.10Drug Interactions
    • 3.11Storage, shelf life and special instructions
    • 3.12Children and pregnant women - you can?
    • 3.13Cost of tablets "Teraflex"
    • 3.14Analogues of "Teraflex"
    • 3.15Which is better: analogs or "Teraflex"?
    • 3.16Reviews
  • 4What helps Teraflex. Instructions for use
    • 4.1Active components and form of release
    • 4.2Pharmacological actions
    • 4.3Tablets Teraflex: what helps the medicine
    • 4.4Contraindications to admission
    • 4.5Preparation "Teraflex instructions for use
    • 4.6Instructions for use «Teraflex Advance»
    • 4.7Apply ointment
    • 4.8Possible unwanted effects
    • 4.9Analogues of the drug "Teraflex"
    • 4.10Price
    • 4.11Reviews
  • 5Teraflex or Artra: what is better, doctors' opinions
    • 5.1Teraflex
    • 5.2Arthra
    • 5.3Indications (diagnoses) for use
    • 5.4Instructions for use
    • 5.5Efficiency
    • 5.6Reviews of doctors about preparations
    • 5.7Teraflex
    • 5.8Arthra
    • 5.9Which preparation to choose?

Teraflex for joints. The drug "Teraflex reviews, price

The drug "Teraflex" for joints is prescribed very often. What properties this medicine possesses, how much it costs, whether it has side effects and contraindications, we will tell in the materials of this article.

Form, description, composition and packaging of the preparation

The medicine for joints "Teraflex" is issued in two different forms. Consider their composition in more detail.

  • Hard gelatin capsules with white powder inside. In the sale of this form of the drug comes in polyethylene bottles of 60, 30 or 100 pieces. The active ingredients of the medicament are glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sodium sulfate. The preparation also includes such auxiliary substances as manganese sulfate, magnesium stearate and stearic acid.
  • Ointment "Teraflex". The price of such a form is slightly lower than the previous one. The drug, intended for external use, is sold as a cream with the smell of camphor and menthol white and yellow. It is produced in plastic tubes by 56 or 28 g. In 1 g of ointment contains: peppermint oil, glucosamine, camphor and chondroitin. Also, the medicine includes additional substances in the form of treelike aloe, lanolin, purified water, macrogol, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol and dimethicone.

Pharmacological action of the drug

How does Teraflex work? For joints, this medication is very good, as it helps to restore cartilaginous tissues.

The high efficiency of this remedy is due to its composition. Chondroitin sulfate, as well as glucosamine hydrochloride, promote the synthesis of connective tissue, preventing damage to the cartilage.

The latter substance protects the damaged cartilage from its further destruction, which can occur when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids.

This component has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

As for chondroitin sulfate, this substance is intended for the construction of cartilage. It helps the synthesis of proteoglycans, collagen and hyaluronic acid, and also inhibits the properties of enzymes that destroy cartilaginous tissues, and provides the viscosity of the synovial fluid.

With a disease like osteoarthritis, chondroitin sulfate significantly reduces all manifestations of the disease.

Camphor, which is part of the ointment, provides an irritating effect, and also improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues and skin.

Peppermint oil can have a moderate antiseptic and distracting effect. It also reduces pain and inflammation.

The drug "Teraflex" does not refer to biologically active additives. It is a drug that undergoes thorough testing, and also guarantees efficacy and safety.

Pharmacokinetic properties of the preparation

Is the drug Teraflex (for joints) absorbed? When you take the medicine inside the bioavailability of the active substance - glucosamine - is about 25%. Its maximum concentration lasts for a long time in joints, kidneys, cartilage, liver, as well as bone and muscle tissues.

The half-life of this component is about three days. It is derived mainly through the kidneys.

As for the bioavailability of chondroitin sulfate, it is about 12%. This substance is metabolized by desulfurization reactions. The half-life of the component is 5 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Indications for use

At what deviation is the "Teraflex" medication prescribed, the price of which is indicated below? This agent is actively used for the treatment of diseases of the joints and the spine, which are degenerative-dystrophic (eg, osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis).

Contraindications to the use of the medicine

The drug "Teraflex" for joints can not be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • severe renal failure;
  • during pregnancy;
  • intolerance to drug substances;
  • during lactation;
  • in childhood (under 15 years);
  • damage to the skin (only for ointment).

With diabetes and bronchial asthma, as well as in case of predisposition to bleeding, this medication is prescribed with extreme caution.

Instruction for the use of the drug "Teraflex"

The price of this tool is quite high. But despite this, for the treatment of joints, many patients acquire this particular drug. Their choice is explained by its high efficiency.

For children older than 15 years, as well as adults in the first 3 weeks of treatment, the medication is prescribed one capsule three times a day. After this, the drug is taken 2 times a day. This treatment continues for 3 to 6 months. Courses can be repeated periodically.

Capsules are allowed to be taken at any time, regardless of food intake. They should be washed down with plain water (in small amounts).

How should I apply the "Teraflex" ointment, the price of which is indicated below? The external preparation in an amount of 2-3 cm rub over the site of the lesion until it is completely absorbed. Do this three times a day.

Side effects

When oral medication is taken, patients may experience flatulence, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, as well as pain in the legs, palpitations, swelling of the lower extremities, allergies.

With regard to external use of the drug, such procedures can contribute to the emergence of local allergic reactions.

Drug Interactions

About what analogues of "Teraflex" for joints is cheaper provided by pharmaceutical companies, we will tell below. Now we should talk about the drug interaction of this medication.

Its simultaneous administration with antibiotics of the tetracycline series increases their absorption. Also, the drug reduces the effectiveness of semisynthetic chloramphenicols and penicillins. In addition, chondroitin can enhance the effect of anticoagulants.

special instructions

Now you know what is the drug for the joints "Teraflex". Feedback from experts suggests that in the event of adverse reactions from digestive system, the dosage of the medicament should be reduced in half, and, if necessary, altogether cancel.

The considered drug from joints is very often prescribed in complex therapy with glucocorticosteroids and NSAIDs.

Analogues of the drug and its price

The price of the product in question ranges from 300 to 1200 rubles (depends on the form of release and the number of capsules in the package).

There are no structural analogs to the "Teraflex" ointment. As for the oral form of the drug, it has quite a number of similar means (for example, "Chondroxide "Mukosat "Structum "Artra "Chondroguard "Kondronova "Chondroglucside "Don" and other).

Are there analogues of "Teraflex" for joints cheaper? You can always find inexpensive, but no less effective substitute medicine. For example, the Russian analogue "Chondroglucoxide" also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, but costs much less (about 190 rubles).

There is also a cheaper drug "Kondronova" (about 160 rubles). However, it includes a smaller number of active components.

Reviews about the drug

It is not a secret for anyone that chondroitin and glucosamine play a significant role in the normal functioning of joints and cartilaginous tissue.

Currently, numerous reviews of the drug mentioned are ambiguous. Some patients admire the therapeutic effect of this medication, while others complain that they have wasted their money.

Positive feedback on the drug for joints "Teraflex" contain information that it is the drug rather quickly helped them get rid of the pains and crunches in their joints, and also to increase mobility. However, such patients claim that although this drug is very effective, but it is very expensive.

As for the opinions of specialists, they are also ambiguous and depend on the doctor's belief in the benefits of chondroitin and glucosamine for the joints.

In general, we can safely conclude that the capsules, as well as the "Teraflex" ointment, have a noticeable therapeutic effect with their debt use (about half a year), in not very advanced stages of the disease, as well as in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs and other methods of therapy.

A source: http://.ru/article/197458/terafleks-dlya-sustavov-preparat-terafleks-otzyivyi-tsena

Medication Teraflex - instructions, analogues and application for joint disease

Today, for treatment of pathological processes in the joints, along with the use of steroid therapy, successfully used drugs of the group of chondroprotectors.

If steroid drugs are designed to stop muscular dystrophy, then chondroprotectors are used to restore joint and cartilaginous tissue. A worthy representative of this group is the drug - Teraflex.

The manufacturer is Sagmel (USA)

drug Teraflex in capsules

Characteristics and application

Teraflex belongs to the group of combined chondroprotective drugs. The effect of the drug is characterized by the stimulation of regenerative processes in the cartilaginous articular tissues. It is used in the treatment of:

  • pathologies in large joints;
  • osteoarthritis of any etiology,
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis of any localization.
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Available in capsules and cream

Capsules contain ingredients from natural substances, included in the composition of human tissues - a substance produced by the articular cartilaginous tissue, glucosamine and chondroitin. Each component, complementing each other, actively affects the exchange processes.

Glucosamine is the main substance, included in the joint lubricants. Promotes:

  • strengthening cartilage;
  • protecting it from destruction;
  • normalization of calcium deposits in the tissues of bones;
  • the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which positively affect the regenerative processes of cartilage tissue.

The substance of glucosamine remains in the tissues for a long time. Helps reduce pain symptoms. Produced from corn husks, does not contain animal proteins and is not allergenic.

Cream and capsules of Teraflex

The effect of chondroitin is aimed at increasing the strength of cartilaginous tissue, protecting it from compressive contractions and stretching. It is an important structural component of cartilage and a constituent element of the joint synovial fluid. Produced from cartilage and bone-cartilage components of animals.

The use of Teraflex at the initial stage of the disease, when the pain manifestation is not significant, is more effective.

Long-term treatment with the drug helps to slow down the destructive process of cartilage.

Protect the joints from the effects of non-steroidal and glucocorticoid hormones used in treatment.

The positive effect of Teraflex is manifested after a certain period of time, acting on the accumulative system - not earlier than six months, and only when the cartilages are not completely destroyed. When the disease is in neglected form, and the articular tissue has lost its restorative capacity, the drug has no active force and is useless.

Compatibility with other drugs

Combined therapy Teraflex with antibiotics penicillin series and natural antibiotic levomycitin is not carried out, as it causes impaired absorption of antibiotics. But, the tetracycline series of antibiotics, with the combination therapy, is absorbed perfectly.


When the TeraFlex dosage form is prescribed, the best results are achieved when the capsule and cream are combined together. This method helps to enhance the biosynthesis of the connective tissue and the components of the drug, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fibrous matrix of cartilage.

The course of treatment is three months. Daily intake - 3 times a day for the 1 st capsule, not important, before meals or after. According to the testimony of the results, the course of treatment can be extended. In severe illness and good susceptibility, treatment can be prolonged for a long time.

A variety of Teraflex - dosage form - Teraflex-Advance contains an additional component Ibuprofen. It is taken by the same scheme, but not more than 20 days. With a break of two weeks, a repeat course of treatment is possible.

Teraflex-M is available in the form of a cream. It is applied to the skin with a thin layer and rubbed into the joint. For rapid absorption in the tissue, physiotherapeutic procedures are used: ultrasound, phonophoresis or magnetophoresis. Do not apply the cream to the affected and irritated skin.

Children under 15 years of age, the drug is not recommended, since it has several contraindications - increased sensitivity of the body to any of the components of the drug or diseases associated with disorders functions of the kidneys. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women (lactation period).

It can not be used for a number of diseases:

  • with various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endogenous and mixed aspirin asthma
  • with hemophilia and bleeding;
  • with allergic dermatitis.

Adverse reactions can be expressed:

  • pains and bloating;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • dyskinetic constipation;
  • ulceration of the gastric mucosa;
  • hepatitis and bronchospasm;
  • depression and agranulocyte rash;
  • edema Quincke and polyuria.

Analogues of Teraflex

The drug form "Teraflex" has many analogues in capsules and tablets, in the form of ointments and creams, powders and injectable solutions.

These are Artra and Kondronova, Khondra and Don. Independent selection of analog preparations is unacceptable, since many of them also have a lot of "pitfalls".

The choice of an analogue should be handled by a doctor.

A source: http://sustavu.ru/preparaty/lekarstvo-terafleks-primenenie-pri-bolezni-sustavov.html

Tablets Teraflex: instructions for use, cheap analogues and customer reviews

Today, the problems of joint pain worry not only the elderly.

It happens that an inaccurate step can provoke a feeling of discomfort, seemingly, at first glance, in a healthy joint.

A crunch, stiffness of movements, unpleasant sensations at walking is an occasion to address to the doctor for the further inspection.

"Teraflex" refers to the combined preparations of a group of chondroprotectors. It is able to influence the processes of metabolism in the cartilage and participate in stimulating the formation of the cartilaginous matrix.

Structure of the preparation

The main active ingredients are glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate.

In one capsule, "Teraflex" containsglucosamine 500 mg and chondroitin 400 mg.

The "Teraflex Advance" was additionally addedibuprofen to enhance the analgesic effect.

Form of issue

The drug is produced by30, 60, 100 and 120 pieces,which are placed in the HDPE bottle. The capsule itself is hard, gelatinous. Inside there is a powder of white color.

Pharmacological properties of Teraflex

One of the main components of the drug(sodium chondroitin sulfate) is a high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide.

He takes an active part in the creation of cartilaginous tissue.

Also, its important function is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that participate in the destruction of the joint, and stimulation of its recovery.

Chondroitin sulfate is particularly effective in detecting the inflammatory process at an early stage of development. Lowering the activity of enzymes helps slow the degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue.

Also this componenthas the properties to reduce pain manifestations of the disease, improves the functioning of the joints,as a result of which the use of NSAIDs in patients with osteoarthritis is reduced or completely abolished.

About the peculiarities of using gelatin for joints and the doctors' opinions about the treatment, read here.

The second component of the drug "Teraflex" (glucosamine hydrochloride) due to chondroprotectiveproperties is able to protect the joint from negative effectsand reduce the shortage of glucosamines. It also occupies an important place in the process of biosynthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid.

Since glucosamine hydrochloride has a certain attachment to cartilage tissues, it has the ability to initiate sulfur fixation during the synthesis of chondroitinsulfuric acid.

The main characteristics of glucosamine are:

  1. Selective action on cartilage.
  2. It is a specific basis for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans.
  3. It affects the formation of superoxide radicals and enzymes depressingly. This does not allow the cartilage tissue to break down.
  4. It does not allow glucocorticoids and chondrocytes to destructively affect healthy joint tissues.


Suction.With a single internal use of the average dose of the drug, the maximum concentration chondroitin sulfate in blood plasma is observed after 3 - 4 hours, and in synovial fluid - no later than 5 hours.

Bioavailability of the components of the drug is 13%. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys during the day. Almost the entire dose (90%) of glucosamine enters the intestine and is absorbed there.

More than 25% of the total dose of the drug comes from the blood plasma in cartilage tissue and synovial articular membranes.

The process of metabolism occurs in the liver, while forming:

  1. Urea.
  2. Carbon dioxide.
  3. Water.

At primary passage through a liver, the bioavailability of glucosamine is at 25%. Glucosamine in the highest concentrations is found in the kidneys, liver and articular cartilage.

Approximately 30% of the total dose remains in the bone tissue and muscles. The half-life of the substance is 68 hours.

Only a small fraction of glucosamine is excreted in the feces, the main part remains unchanged in the urine.

Indications for use of the medicine

The main indications for the purpose of this medication are:

  1. Different degrees of osteoarthritis.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Injuries of bones of different origin.
  4. Pathology of the joints and spine.
  5. For the formation of bone callus.
  6. Osteoporosis.
  7. Spondylosis.


The drug has a number of contraindications, which should be considered when prescribing this drug:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.Since clinical studies on the effect of the drug on the fetus were not conducted, then from the appointment of "Teraflex" during this period should be abstained.
  2. Allergic reactions to the constituent components of tablets (especially on seafood).
  3. Children and adolescents under 15 years.
  4. Renal failure in severe form.When treating the drug "Teraflex" patients paid attention to the increase in the puffiness of the body. This situation could provoke the osmotic effect of chondroitin sulfate.
  5. Phenylketonuria.

If the patient has the following diseases, the drug is prescribed with caution:

  1. Bronchial asthma.When glucosamine is used, symptoms worsen.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.At the beginning of treatment it is necessary to control the level of sugar in the blood more often.
  3. Propensity to bleeding.

Side effects

In general, treatment with the help of "Teraflex" goes without complications, but still some patients reported the development of such situations:

  1. Stomach ache.
  2. Diarrhea or constipation.
  3. Inflammation of the intestine.
  4. Increased puffiness.
  5. Sleep disturbance.
  6. Dizziness and frequent headaches.
  7. Allergic reactions in different manifestations.

Dosage and course of treatment

"Teraflex" is used only for internal use.The only exception is the ointment of the same brand, which is rubbed into the affected joints.

Adults and children aged 15 yearsreceive a course of treatment with the drug 1 capsule 3 times a day for the first 21 days. Subsequently, the dose is reduced to 2 capsules per day. The drug is taken as before meals, and after, with plenty of water.

The doctor appoints the course of treatment individually.The average duration of the drug is about 6 months. It is possible to appoint, if necessary, repeated stages of treatment.

The drug is not an anesthetic, so to facilitate the suffering of patients, the manufacturer has developed Teraflex Advance. It contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - ibuprofen.

It is "Teraflex Advance" doctors recommend to take patients in the first weeks of treatment.

If there is no result after several months of treatment or increased painit is necessary to see a doctor.

An overdose of the drug

During the use of the drug in medical practice, cases of overdose were not recorded.

With an independent uncontrolled excess of the dose, the appearance of:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Hemorrhagic rash.

Specific antidotes do not exist. To eliminate the overdose, methods of symptomatic therapy are used, and the first help is givengastric lavage at homeor on the territory of the hospital.

When studying the toxicity of the drug, a conclusion was drawn, that it is impossible to get toxic symptoms, even with a significant excess of the dose.

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Drug Interactions

During the decision on the appointment of treatment with the drug "Teraflex the doctor is obliged to ask the patient about the concomitant diseases and possible reception of other medications.

The main problems arise with the joint reception of Teraflex with preparations of such pharmacological groups:

  1. Antibiotics of tetracyclineAbsorbed in combination with active substances "Teraflex" much faster and more.
  2. Efficacy of chloramphenicol(levomycetin) and semisynthetic antibiotics of the penicillin series is reduced.
  3. Chondroitin sulfate enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulantsand fibrinolytics. An example is the use of "Teraflex" and warfarin, which increases the risk of bleeding. To avoid this, the doctor recommends that the patient monitor blood coagulability.
  4. Does not interact with alcohol.Despite this fact, during treatment it is necessary to refrain from using such kind of drinks.
  5. When treating Teraflex, the dose of NSAIDs can be reducedor even refuse to use them.

Storage, shelf life and special instructions

"Teraflex" in all forms of release is released from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue, provided that the storage is correct, namelyat a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees, away from direct sunlight.

When there are unpleasant sensations in the digestive system, the dose of the drug decreases 2 times from the original. If the improvement from taking Teraflex does not occur, the doctor decides to cancel the drug.

Children and pregnant women - you can?

The experience of taking Teraflex in children's practice is currently not available, so in the treatment of small patients and adolescents under 15 with diseases of the musculoskeletal systemnot used.

During pregnancy and feeding, women also do not receive treatmentdrug in connection with insufficient knowledge of its influence on the formation of the fetus and the development of the child during lactation.

Cost of tablets "Teraflex"

The cost of the drug in different pharmacies is very different, so usually the price indicators are within:

  1. "Teraflex" № 30650-770 rubles.
  2. "Teraflex" № 601350-1480 rubles.
  3. "Teraflex" № 1002050-2260 rubles.
  4. Teraflex Advance No. 307200-840 rubles.
  5. Teraflex Advance No. 601250-1750 rubles.
  6. Teraflex Advance No. 1202100-2325 rubles.

The drug "Teraflex" can be purchased freely in pharmacies of any city.You can also order it in the online pharmacy and use the additional function - delivery.

The purchase on the Internet is as safe as the usual trip to the pharmacy, only this option is most convenient and does not take much time.

Analogues of "Teraflex"

In the pharmaceutical market, there are many analogues to the drug "Teraflex" both Russian and imported.

Analogues of the drug are represented by a reduction in the price for packaging:

  1. Arthron Complex No. 60. The price of the drug is 1950 rubles
  2. "Dona" packages number 20.Monocomponent drug and contains only glucosamine sulfate. The price in pharmacies is within 1500 rubles per package.
  3. «Structum» № 60.The average price in the pharmacies of the city is in the range of 1500 rubles.
  4. Artra №60.The drug is of American manufacture and contains 100 mg of chondroitin more than "Teraflex". The price of the drug for 60 tablets is in the area of ​​1300 - 1400 rubles.
  5. «Moveks comfort» № 60costs in pharmacies from 750 to 860 rubles.
  6. "Elbona". 20 powders of the drug costs 750 rubles.
  7. "Kondronova"costs 450 rubles for 30 tablets. Although the price is low, but the dosage of active ingredients is 2 times less than that of Teraflex.

Which is better: analogs or "Teraflex"?

When choosing a drug for the treatment of joints, pay attention not only to an affordable price, but also to the effectiveness, experience of prescribing physicians and positive patient feedback.

All these characteristics and includes "Teraflex".Be brave enough to choose this productand never again remember the sick joints.


The drug "Teraflex" has been on the pharmaceutical market for quite a long time and managed to earn many positive reviews.

Despite a fairly high price, buyers notice the following qualities:

  1. High efficiency.
  2. Quite fast result of treatment.
  3. Reduction of pain in the affected joint.
  4. A stable result after passing the full course of treatment.

Doctors also note its high quality and usability. However, they notice a very long and rather expensive treatment.

When treating dystrophic joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, one should not forget about such simple rules:

  1. Pass the entire course of treatment and do not stop taking the drug halfway to recovery.
  2. Use ointments and vitamins in the complex treatment of the disease.
  3. Use knee pads, elbow pads or normal elastic bandages to immobilize the joint and reduce the load on them.
  4. Carefully follow all the prescriptions of your doctor and be always healthy.

A source: http://SpinaSpina.com/lechenie/preparaty/terafleks-cena-instrukciya.html

What helps Teraflex. Instructions for use

A modern drug, actively used in the therapy of degenerative lesions of musculoskeletal structures - tablets "Teraflex".

What helps this complex agent, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory, as well as analgesic effect, against the background of reception of which there is a correction of metabolic processes in cartilaginous structures?

Active components and form of release

In the pharmacy network, the drug "Teraflex the instruction for use reports this, is presented in the form of gelatin capsules with a powder component inside. Packing in bottles of polyethylene for 30 pcs., 60 pcs., Or 100 pcs.

The active component of the medication in the instructions are:

  • 500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride;
  • 400 mg of chondroitin sulfate.

They, with complex action, contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes in bone structures, reduce pain in the joints.

Of the auxiliary components listed: magnesium stearate and stearic acid, as well as manganese sulfate. Their purpose is to maintain and enhance the medicinal action of the active components.

Also, the drug "Teraflex Advance" is produced, which helps, as indicated in the instructions. It also contains 100 mg of ibuprofen, which is different from its analogue, the drug "Teraflex".

In addition, the cream "Teraflex M" comes to the pharmacies, which is sometimes mistakenly called ointment.

Pharmacological actions

Thanks to the complex composition, the drug "Teraflex which helps with joint diseases, has many pharmacological effects:

  • promotes active regeneration of cartilaginous tissues in the affected joints, with various degenerative processes in them;
  • glucosamine, present in the drug, takes an active part in the formation of glycosaminoglycans, and hyaluronic acid, which are the basis of cartilage;
  • There is an antioxidant effect necessary for the full functioning of cartilage structures, to protect them from destruction by oxygen radicals;
  • Glucosamine also protects the surface of the joints from the negative effects of metabolites formed by the therapy with drugs from the subgroup of NSAIDs and glucocorticoids;
  • there is also an anti-inflammatory property;
  • chondroitin sulfate, a representative of mucopolysaccharides, actively promotes an optimal decrease in the activity of enzymes capable of destroying the surface of bone elements;
  • there is a stimulation of the formation of useful collagen, as well as hyaluronone and proteoglycans;
  • the cartilage structure itself is reconstructed against the background of taking Teraflex. Instruction for use notes this;
  • the optimum viscosity of the joint solution is maintained.

In a complex interaction, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate enhance the drug properties of each other.

Absorption of active components of the drug occurs in the loops of the intestine. Bioavailability is average. Metabolism occurs in the structures of the liver. Excretion is performed by the kidneys.

Tablets Teraflex: what helps the medicine

From the instruction to the preparation "Teraflex" it follows that the indications for its reception are:

  • primary, and also the repeated form of an osteoarthrosis;
  • treatment and prevention of degenerative lesions of vertebral structures;
  • violation of metabolic mechanisms in the cartilaginous elements of the joints;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • acceleration of the formation of bone callus after a fractured bone elements.

The drug "Teraflex" can be included in the complex treatment of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in adolescents and adult category of patients, in the detection of significant degenerative, as well as dystrophic conditions in cartilaginous structures. Admission to therapeutic doses of the drug contributes to the slowing down of negative processes, and actively promotes the improvement of metabolic processes in tissues.

Against the backdrop of the treatment, patients indicate that pain and unpleasant stiffness in joints are significantly reduced. In this case, the need for high doses of drugs from the subgroup of NSAIDs is reduced.

What helps the drug Teraflex Advance? The drug well relieves inflammation and pain. It is also prescribed for osteochondrosis of the spine and osteoarthritis of large formulations.

Contraindications to admission

The instructions to the drug "Teraflex" indicate the following absolute and relative contraindications to its administration:

  • age category of patients before the age of 15;
  • de-observed conditions in renal and hepatic structures;
  • individual hyper-reaction to active and auxiliary components of the drug "Teraflex from which tablets can cause side effects;
  • period of bearing of the baby and its subsequent lactation;

With special care, the medicine is used with existing pathologies, for example, diabetes, asthma, and also with a tendency to various forms of bleeding.

Preparation "Teraflex instructions for use

The manufacturer of the tablet "Teraflex" is intended only for oral administration. Capsules are recommended to be taken whole, not crushing, accompanied by a sufficient volume of water. The use of food for pharmacological properties of the drug is not affected.

For adolescents and adults, the remedy is recommended for taking in the first 2.5-3 weeks 1 capsule three times a day, then 1 unit each. every morning and evening.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by a specialist in an individual order - in a direct depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, the age category of the patient, his susceptibility to medicine. As a rule, it is not less than 4.

5-6 months. On demand, the course of treatment with the drug "Teraflex" is repeated, after the break.

Instructions for use «Teraflex Advance»

Capsules drink three times a day for 2 pieces together with a sufficient volume of liquid. The medicine is consumed after a meal. Without consulting a doctor, the drug should not take more than 3 weeks.

Apply ointment

A strip of cream 2-3 cm long rubbed into the skin over the diseased part of the body 2-3 times a day. The application is carried out by soft circular motions until the cream is completely absorbed.

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Possible unwanted effects

In most cases, the drug "Teraflex instructions for use and reviews confirm this, is well tolerated by patients. Rarely, the following undesirable effects may occur:

  • flatulence;
  • dyspeptic disorders - desires for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • persistent dizziness;
  • pain impulses in various areas of the head;
  • increased weakness, drowsiness;
  • the appearance of swelling of tissues on the periphery;
  • various allergic reactions, for example, urticaria.

After stopping the medication, all of the above negative manifestations completely cease.

Analogues of the drug "Teraflex"

Substitution of the drug can serve as analogs:

  1. "Chondroglucid".
  2. "Structum".
  3. Hondroguard.
  4. "Teraflex Khondrokrem Forte."
  5. "Chondroxide".
  6. The Don.
  7. "Teraflex Advance" (instructions for use are in the package).
  8. "Glucosamine Chondroitin Complex".
  9. "Hondroflex".
  10. Artra.
  11. "Artra MSM forte".
  12. "KONDRONOV".
  13. Mukosat.

Does Teraflex have cheaper analogues?

Than to replace a medicine, the doctor will prompt. A cheaper analogue is "Kondronova" (the price is 175 rubles). Cheaper than, "Teraflex" is "Glucosamine Chondroitin complex" (you can buy for 340 rubles). The Russian analogue is Chondroglucid.

Which is better: "Teraflex" or "Don"?

The analogue contains only glucosamine. It is produced both in tablets and in injections. The effectiveness of the drug is also high, but it is used for a less wide range of diseases.

"Chondroxide" or "Teraflex" - what is better?

In this case, the opposite situation. "Chondroxide" contains only chondroitin.

"Artra" or "Teraflex" - which is better?

Preparations are identical in action and composition. Is that the analogue of "Artra" includes 100 mg more chondroitin. The cost of medicines is also comparable.

"Structum" or "Teraflex" - which is better?

The drug has only chondroitin in the composition.


Tablets "Teraflex" in Moscow can be bought for 1460 rubles for 60 capsules. The price of the drug Teraflex Advance is comparable. In Minsk, the medicine costs from 18 to 67 bel. rubles. In Kiev it can be bought for 230 hryvnia. The price in Kazakhstan is 1, 05 tenge for 120 capsules.


The majority of specialists and patients express grateful comments - the use of the drug "Teraflex" helps to adjust metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints and spine, thereby relieving pain manifestations, eliminating stiffness when movement.

A source: http://OtchegoPomogaet.ru/terafleks.html

Teraflex or Artra: what is better, doctors' opinions

Diseases of the joints and articular cartilage, play a large role in modern society. Their treatment is a complex interaction of different drugs and prevention methods.


Teraflex, is the corrector of the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue, produced in combination.

It consists of two active substances:

These two substances affect the synthesis of cartilage tissue and stimulate its metabolism. Protect from premature destruction and enhance its reparative system.

Glucosamine, strengthens the cartilage complex and reduces the toxic effect of drugs used in the treatment of joints (NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids) and from nonspecific cartilage destruction.

Chondroitinserves as an additional substance in supporting adequate metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue.

It increases the production of substances necessary for reparation (hyaluronone, proteoglycans and collagen).

It takes the main action in the protection of hyaluronone from enzymatic cleavage.

In the pathological process in the synovial fluid, it increases its viscosity and suppresses the negative activity of certain enzymes involved in the destruction of cartilage.

Bioavailability of Teraflex 15-20%. It is partially excreted by the kidneys and persists for a long time in the bone-cartilage apparatus


The drug is a combination of two active substances:

It affects the metabolism of pulp tissue of the cartilage and accelerates the restoration of the matrix of joints. Protects tissues from the effects of chemotherapy and creates conditions for rapid replacement of damaged areas.

Chondroitin- affects the production of substances due to which the process of repair of the joint segment is underway. Reduces the level of cleavage of protein fractions and helps in supporting metabolism.

Glucosaminehas the property of moderate anti-inflammatory action and inhibits catabolic phenomena in the cartilage matrix. Reduces the harmful effects of several drugs.

Indications (diagnoses) for use

The main indication for the appointmentTeraflex, destructive changes occur in the articular segment of the limbs and spine.

These include:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Chondropathy.
  • Osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  • Protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs.

Arthracomplex drug and is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and pathological changes in the peripheral joints.

Diseases in which:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Chondropathy.
  • Decreased level of standing of intervertebral discs.
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine and joints.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Reactive arthritis.
  • Protrusion discs.
  • Deforming arthrosis of the peripheral joints (knee, elbow, small joint of the hand).

Instructions for use

Teraflexis applied in tableted form. Used at any age and in the same dosage.

1 capsule of the drug 3 times a day. It is washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid and does not depend on the time of eating.

Duration of treatment isnot less than 3 months.The average duration of treatment is 6 months. With insufficient therapeutic effect, the course should be repeated. Its duration is set individually from the result of the previous treatment.

Arthra. Applies 6 months. Adults and children 1 capsule 3 times a day. Food intake does not affect its medicinal properties. It is swallowed whole, washed down with water. Depending on the clinical effect, the course of treatment can be repeated, until a significant result is obtained.


Effectiveness of Teraflexhas been proven in clinical studies. It was found that the effect of the application of metabolites of cartilaginous tissue appears for 3 months of treatment and continues for another 3 months after the end of therapy.

They affect the pain syndrome and reduce dependence on NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids. In combination, they accelerate the metabolism and recovery of cartilaginous tissue. Affect the height of the standing disk and the phenomenon of apoptosis in the joints.

After a 6-month course of treatment with Teraflex, patients with stages 2 and 3 of chondropathy experienced persistent remission and improved radiological picture. Significantly decreased complain of joint pain and increased mobility


The clinical effect of the drug consists in the combined action of two active substances. The study involved 100 people, with varying degrees of damage to the joint apparatus.

The drug was given in standard dosages, lasting 6 months.

During the study, 2 people were discharged, as they had an oncological disease. A woman has a carcinoma of the breast, and a man has a carcinoma of the lung. Further study of these results did not reveal any relationship with the use of the drug.

At the end of the treatment period, it was found that in 88% of cases, subjects experienced a reduction in pain syndrome and improved mobility in the affected joints

Decreased dependence on the intake of NSAIDs was noted by 66% of participants, and a total rejection of 32%. The radiological picture improved in all patients who noted a positive effect.

Reviews of doctors about preparations

Since the drug is an important component in the treatment of arthropathies and arthrosis, many doctors have their own vision of its place in the market of chondroprotectors.


  • Egorov Danil, orthopedic physician.The drug is wonderful. Due to its complex action, tremendous results are achieved. Assigned in standard dosages, for 6 months and the clinical picture changed in many patients. X-rays are also pleased with the pictures. I recommend to all.
  • Anisimova Lyudmila, physician-therapist. Very often there are complaints of pain in the stomach and a violation of the stool. Basically, they appear on the 2 month of admission and are very interfering with treatment.
    People are frightened and do not want to use it anymore. With FGDS, a picture of acute or exacerbation of chronic gastritis, which coincides with the beginning of taking Teraflex.
  • Shmatko Victoria, a rheumatologist.When identifying the initial stages of chondropathies and changes in joints, I appoint it immediately. I do not wait for the moment when it will be necessary to send a person to a traumatologist, to replace joints.
    In general, like, but so far controversial. Too long the beginning of the effect, but a very good picture after taking off compensates for the beginning.
  • Silantiev Peter, general practitioner.During the period of standard therapy, I noticed a good effect, but after stopping the reception, people returned with the repeated occurrence of pain.
    Symptoms are, of course, not so pronounced, but significantly reduce adherence to treatment. Of course, the price is also not encouraging. No pensioner will ever buy it.


  • Alexandra Bondarenko, general practitioner.Amazing! The drug works wonders in patients with stages 2 and 3 of arthrosis and chondropathy. I started using it recently and was pleasantly surprised by the results.
    On X-ray, after the 12th month of treatment, a good regression of the disease and a reduction of complaints in people can not but rejoice. Plus, when everything has a long positive effect after stopping the reception. The prolongation is very impressive.
  • Semashko Nikolai, traumatologist-orthopedist.Long and stubbornly looking for the positive properties of this drug, and so did not find. There was, insignificant, a reduction in the pain syndrome and nothing more.
    It has no clinical meaning. The radiograph without changes and physical examination gave nothing. I do not recommend it.
  • Olga Petrenko, a doctor-therapist.I noticed various allergic reactions in patients. And they appeared almost all. Itching, redness of the skin. All this does not lead to recovery. People just stop using them.
  • Anton Merlyasev, general practitioner.I work mainly with athletes and their professional sores. I prescribe for the maximum period and in the maximum dosage. In conditions of increased load, the best.

Which preparation to choose?

In their composition, both preparations are identical and designed for the same purpose. Correction of metabolic disorders in the joints. The fundamental difference lies in the scale and number of studies.

Arthra is more well studied and it has large randomized clinical trials when there are not so many teraflex.

In fact, both these drugs have the same mechanism of action and can not compete with each other as an efficacy.

But it is worth paying attention to deeper and larger studies of the drug - Arthra.

A source: http://prosustavi.com/lechenie/preparaty/terafleks-ili-artra.html