Osteoporosis: Symptoms and Treatment

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  • 1Osteoporosis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 1.1Primary type of osteoporosis
    • 1.2Secondary type of osteoporosis
    • 1.3Symptoms of osteoporosis
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Treatment
    • 1.6Prevention
    • 1.7To which doctor to apply
    • 1.8Check out the popular articles
  • 2All about osteoporosis of bones
    • 2.1CAUSES
    • 2.2Genetic PR:
    • 2.3Hormonal PR:
    • 2.4Lifestyle:
    • 2.5Prolonged use of certain medicines:
    • 2.6Concomitant pathology:
    • 2.8The main degrees of osteoporosis are as follows:
    • 2.9Depending on the cause of origin, osteoporosis happens:
    • 2.10Types of the disease:
    • 2.11The location of the problem distinguishes such types of illness:
    • 2.12Risk group
    • 2.13SYMPTOMS
    • 2.14The main manifestations of osteoporosis:
    • 2.16Methods of diagnosing osteoporosis:
    • 2.17TREATMENT
    • 2.18For effective therapy of osteoporosis, the following actions are used:
    • 2.19PREVENTION
    • 2.20For the prevention of osteoporosis apply:
    • 2.21FORECAST
  • 3Osteoporosis - symptoms and treatment, signs, tests
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Osteoporosis - what is it?
    • 3.2Classification of osteoporosis - types and forms
    • 3.3Osteoporosis in women - features
    • 3.4Symptoms of Osteoporosis
    • 3.5Diagnosis of Osteoporosis
    • 3.6What tests are taken with osteoporosis?
    • 3.7Treatment of osteoporosis
    • 3.8Consequences, complications of osteoporosis
    • 3.9What kind of doctor should I use for osteoporosis?
    • 3.10Prevention of disease
  • 4Causes and symptoms of osteoporosis, the first signs
    • 4.1Definition of disease
    • 4.2Statistics
    • 4.3Physiological processes
    • 4.4Classification of osteoporosis
    • 4.5Types of Osteoporosis
    • 4.6Types of primary osteoporosis:
    • 4.7Types of secondary osteoporosis is caused by:
    • 4.8Symptoms - clinical manifestations of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis: Symptoms and Treatment

In the modern world, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the problem of osteoporosis as the cause of mortality and disability is on the fourth place, yielding to pathologies of cardiovascular system, oncological diseases and sugar diabetes.

However, most people do not take this insidious illness seriously. The reason for this disregard lies in the fact that up to a certain point this disorder is asymptomatic and manifests itself already in the advanced stage.

Osteoporosis is a progressive decrease in bone density, which leads to increased brittleness of bones. The process involves all the skeletal bones, due to which the risk of fractures in everyday situations increases many times.

The human bones contain calcium and phosphorus, which make them hard and strong. Normally, bone density to 25-30 years increases, reaching a maximum of 35 years, then gradually begins to decrease.

When the disease occurs excessive leaching of minerals from bone tissue, the bones become porous, resembling the structure of the sponge, there is a decrease in bone density - osteopenia.

There are two types of osteoporosis - primary and secondary.

Primary type of osteoporosis

On the left is the structure of a healthy bone, on the right is the bone structure with osteoporosis.

  • Juvenile - develops in children 7-13 years old, causes are not clear, usually it passes by itself;
  • Idiopathic - manifested in women before menopause and men under 75 years. Exact reasons are not established.
  • Involutionary - develops after 55 years. The most common postmenopausal osteoporosis occurs in women due to a sharp decline in the production of estrogen. Risk factors are old age, low growth, fragile constitution, propensity to fracture in close relatives, later onset (after 16 years) and early termination (up to 50 years) of menstruation, infertility. Older osteoporosis affects women and men over 75 years of age and is associated with an imbalance in the rate of formation of bone tissue and its destruction.

Secondary type of osteoporosis

It is the result of other disorders that lead to a violation of calcium metabolism. Main reasons:

Symptoms of osteoporosis

The main manifestation of osteoporosis is the occurrence of fractures, even with a slight load. Characteristic compression fractures of the vertebrae (usually the thoracic region), neck and upper third of the femur, lower third of the bones of the forearm.

To avoid fractures, a doctor should be examined if there are early signs Osteoporosis, such as worsening of posture, pain in the thoracic or lumbar spine, its curvature.

Urgent consultation of traumatologist-orthopedist, rheumatologist and endocrinologist is required if for a short period of time there were two fractures, there are pains in the bones or if the growth decreased by 1.

5 cm and more.


The patient is examined, the body is measured. It is desirable to compare the data with earlier results. The most effective modern method of recognizing the disease is bone densitometry.

This is an x-ray or ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to detect a decrease in bone density of 3-5%. With the help of tomography, foci of impaired bone tissue are determined.

X-rays are also used, but it is informative already at a late stage, with a decrease in density by 20%. Biochemical analyzes are prescribed.

Studies are periodically repeated to track the dynamics of the development of the process and evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.


A person suffering from osteoporosis should include in his diet foods rich in vitamin D and calcium.

It consists in eliminating the factors that caused the disease. With a lack of hormones, appropriate drugs are used.

With improper diet, a therapeutic diet with sufficient calcium and vitamin D is selected. With secondary osteoporosis, the emphasis is on treating the underlying disease.

A complex of therapeutic physical training is developed, solar baths are recommended, regular walks in the open air.

Often, women develop osteoporosis in the background of menopause due to a sharp decline in the production of estrogen.

To softly reduce the symptoms of menopause, non-hormonal agents based on plant components are used, for example, biologically active food additive ESTROVEL ® capsules - a complex of phytoestrogens, vitamins and microelements, the components of which act on the main manifestations menopause. ESTROVEL® contains vitamin K1 and boron, which help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis is not an inevitable manifestation of age-related changes.

Maintaining the right way of life, rejecting bad habits, timely detection and treatment of other pathologies, healthy, a variety of food and sufficient physical activity will avoid this violation and keep the vigor of body and spirit, even in deep old age.

To which doctor to apply

Treatment of osteoporosis is usually handled by a rheumatologist. In addition, you should consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist, nutritionist. In pathological fractures, the treatment is performed by an orthopedic trauma specialist.

Osteoporosis: causes, risk factors Five important facts about osteoporosis

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A source: https://myfamilydoctor.ru/osteoporoz-simptomy-i-lechenie/

All about osteoporosis of bones

A disease such as osteoporosis of bones is considered a common ailment among older patients - from 55-60 years. It is in this age group that osteoporosis is considered the most common cause of bone fractures.

Also at risk are women during the onset of menopause, when there are pronounced changes in the metabolism and hormonal system, the activity of the ovaries decreases.

Female sex hormones actively participate in the metabolism of bone tissue.

A sharp decrease in their content in the body in the menopausal period causes a decrease in bone mineral density (osteopenia), which ultimately leads to the formation of osteoporosis.

Such a bone disease, like osteoporosis, is characterized by a progressive nature.

In a significant number of cases in patients with this pathology there is a violation of the structure and density of bone tissue, high brittle fractures are diagnosed.

Over time, the bone tissue is noticeably atrophied, accordingly there is a deformation of the spine, posture changes, irregularities in the gait, etc. are noted.


The main risk for osteoporosis isinjuries at low loads. Most often in the initial stages of the disease occurs without symptoms, people neglect the diagnosis, and shows a deviation after the injury.


Symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis directly depend on the degree of deficiency of mineral substances in the bones and changes due to this their structure.


The leading cause of osteoporosis is a decrease in the level of bone density, a marked decrease in their strength, and the washing out of calcium salts from the body.

These changes are considered the norm for people over the age of 60 years. However, in some patients, such abnormalities are noted earlier.

There are many risk factors (FF) provoking the formation of this disease. They can be divided into several groups.

Genetic PR:

  • Heredity - the presence of osteoporosis, pathological bone fractures in blood relatives.
  • Age of the patient is more than 60 years.
  • Female.
  • Deficiency of body weight.
  • High growth.
  • Lactose intolerance (milk protein).
  • Low peak bone mass.

Hormonal PR:

  • Later menarche (the beginning of menstruation).
  • Early onset of menopause.
  • Infertility.
  • Hormonal disorders of any etiology (endocrine pathology).
  • Violations of the menstrual cycle as amenorrhea.


  • Abuse of bad habits (in particular, smoking and alcohol).
  • Hypodinamy (an insufficiently mobile way of life).
  • Prolonged and / or excessive physical overexertion.
  • Craze for caffeinated drinks.
  • Inadequate nutrition is the inadequate content of micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and vitamin D.
  • Excessive consumption of meat products.

Prolonged use of certain medicines:

  • Glucocorticosteroids and some other hormonal drugs.
  • Diuretics.
  • Antacids (for example, containing aluminum in their composition).
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Lithium-containing preparations.
  • Gonadotropin antagonists and gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
  • Tetracycline and its derivatives.
  • Phenothiazine and its derivatives.
  • Preparations for chemotherapy of oncological diseases.
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Concomitant pathology:

  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Endocrine disorders - diabetes, diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenals and other structures.
  • The pathology of blood and hemopoiesis (anemia, leukemia, etc.).
  • Chronic insufficiency of the circulatory system or renal function.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a violation of absorption.
  • Conditions after transplantation.


The main degrees of osteoporosis are as follows:

  • First degree- is diagnosed exclusively on radiographs. It is accompanied by a mildly expressed symptomatology, there is a slight brittle bones, a deterioration in the quality of the hair, a tarnishing of the skin.
  • Second degree- an easy form, at which there is a thinning of the trabeculae, a moderate decrease in bone density.
  • Third degree- With this development of the disease it is possible to detect deformation in some parts of the spine, a hump is gradually forming on the back.
  • Fourth degree- the most dangerous degree of manifestation of osteoporosis. Bones are almost "glowing which becomes noticeable when carrying out radiography. In some places, bone thickens are formed, the patient is prone to injury with the slightest physical activity.

Depending on the cause of origin, osteoporosis happens:

  • primary (expressed as an independent disease);
  • secondary (is the result of illness or medication).

Types of the disease:

  • senile (occurs in people older than 70+ against a background of lower calcium and vitamin D, expressed in muscle weakness, problems with coordination of movements, weakness);
  • diffuse, glassy, ​​uniform (accompanied by thinning of practically the entire bone material, the disease is hard to treat, because it is caused by age-related changes in tissues);
  • systemic (in this case there is a decrease in the entire bone mass, so the bones often break down, deform, changes occur rapidly);
  • postmenopausal in women (forms more than 80% of the total number of diagnosed types of disease, It develops on the background of the extinction of the ovaries, the risk of fractures of the joints, tubular bones, forearms etc.);
  • spotted (in places where the bone is thinned, a picture with divorces and spots is formed, the main reason is the violation of the calcium-phosphorus exchange process in the patient).

The location of the problem distinguishes such types of illness:

  • brushes;
  • bones (considered a metabolic abnormality, when the process of destruction of bone substance prevails over the process of formation);
  • stop (accompanied by a change in the structure of the lower extremities, may occur asymptomatically);
  • spine (is considered the most severe form of the disease, in this case, the posture is disrupted, stoop develops, growth decreases);
  • joints (has a great similarity with arthrosis, since the most common lesion occurs in the hip joint, knee joint, etc.).

Regardless of the form and type, osteoporosis should be treated urgently, referring to an experienced orthopedist.

Risk group

The risk group for osteoporosis, in particular, includes women over 55 who experience menopause.

In addition, patients with reduced levels of sex hormones are subject to osteoporosis, people with elevated levels sweating, low weight, hereditary predisposition, as well as those who are sedentary life.


As the bone mass is demineralized, the structure of the bones becomes hollow, porous. This provokes frequent occurrence of injuries (fractures) at the slightest load.

Disease for a long timecan be completely asymptomatic.

The first symptoms of osteoporosis often appear already at the stage of pronounced osteopenia and are expressed in the appearance of fractures of bones.

Usually fractures are detected in the region of the chest (ribs), vertebral bodies, neck of the thigh, tubular bones.

The main manifestations of osteoporosis:

  • Pain syndrome in areas where there are violations of the structure of the bone (these are knee joints and other joints, brushes, spine, feet, etc.). Everything depends on the location of osteoporosis. The peculiarity of such pain is that the usual painkillers do not stop it.
  • Sharp decline in efficiency.
  • Decrease in growth (from, cm for 1 year).
  • Pronounced thoracic kyphosis.
  • Pronounced skin folds on the lateral surfaces of the chest.
  • Diseases of the gums and abundant plaque deposition.
  • Violation of posture.
  • Violations of gait, lameness.
  • Frequent palpitations.
  • Convulsive manifestations (mainly during sleep).
  • Increased brittle hair, gray at an early age.
  • Swelling in the lesion with osteoporosis.
  • A crunch during movements.
  • Disturbance of mobility of joints.
  • Increased irritability, a tendency to frequent depressions.

With the progression of the disease, more and more pronounced symptoms appear, treatment in such cases should begin immediately.


To establish the exact diagnosis only on the basis of complaints of the patient it is impossible. After all, signs of osteoporosis can mask other diseases of the musculoskeletal system that require a different approach to treatment.

Modern diagnostic capabilities allow you to solve several problems: identify the presence of osteoporosis and its consequences, to assess the degree of osteopenia, and to determine the possible cause of this pathology.

Methods of diagnosing osteoporosis:

  • Inspection at the orthopedist (surgeon, neuropathologist).
  • Radiography of the skeleton (in several projections to get a clearer picture, the method is effective if more than a third of the bone mass is lost).
  • MRI and CT.
  • X-ray or ultrasonic densitometry of bone tissue (the mineral density of bones is assessed).
  • Isotope absorption.
  • General and biochemical analysis of blood (indicating the concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other indicators).
  • General and biochemical analysis of urine.
  • Determination of daily calcium release by the kidneys (the degree of absorption of this microelement in the structures of the digestive tract is estimated).
  • Research of hormonal status.

The leading method of estimating bone loss in the diagnosis of osteoporosis is bone densitometry.

This method allows you to accurately measure bone mass, evaluate the structural density of bone tissue and determine the degree of osteopenia. In most European countries, densitometry is recommended every two years for all women over 45 years of age, and for men, from age 50. If there are any risk factors for the formation of osteoporosis, it is necessary to begin this examination earlier.


Osteoporosis of bones is treated mainly by the orthopedist, who is also obliged to monitor the course of therapy. Women in the menopausal period need advice from a gynecologist and endocrinologist in order to correct hormonal disorders during this period.

It is necessary to treat osteoporosis complexly. First of all, it is necessary to identify and, if possible, eliminate the cause leading to loss of bone mass (cancel "provoking" medications, treat the underlying disease, etc.).

Furthersymptomatic and pathogenetic therapy, which is aimed at slowing or stopping the loss of bone mass and bringing to the norm the processes of bone remodeling. All these measures prevent the occurrence of fractures in the future and significantly improve the quality of life of the patient.

For effective therapy of osteoporosis, the following actions are used:

  • Medicinal effect.
  • Physiotherapy exercises (yoga, stretching, swimming, walking and other physical doses).
  • Massage.
  • Orthopedic treatment for complications.
  • Dietotherapy (assumes the use of foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus).
  • Vitaminotherapy.
  • Reception of food additives with microelements.
  • Walking in the open air, etc.

Drug therapy is aimed at arresting the main symptoms of the disease, and also - the impact on the mechanisms of development of this pathology.

For example, to reduce pain in osteoporosis, various pain relievers, muscle relaxants are used.

The basis of treatment of osteoporosis is the appointment of drugs that interfere with further resorption (destruction) of bone mass.

These include: preparations of female sex hormones (estrogens), bisphosphonates and calcitonins.

To date, it has been proven that prolonged use by women in the postmenopausal period of funds hormone replacement therapy (HRT) more than halves the risk of bone fractures.

Medications that affect bone mass building are also included in the complex of drug therapy in patients with osteoporosis.

These include fluorine-containing drugs, androgens, anabolic agents and some others.


In addition to the above groups of medicines, in the treatment of osteoporosis, vitamin D preparations, ossein-hydroxyapatite complex and some others can additionally be prescribed.


For the treatment of osteoporosis, in addition to medicinal preparations, some traditional medicine can be used. However, before using these methods, you should consult your doctor.


For the prevention of osteoporosis apply:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • physical activity;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • massage;
  • balanced diet;
  • treatment of chronic ailments;
  • control of hormonal disorders;
  • use of HRT in postmenopausal women (appointed by a gynecologist after a preliminary examination);
  • the use of vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • struggle against lack of body weight;
  • optimal mode of rest and work;
  • Regular observation in the orthopedist, surgeon, and gynecologist (for women).


The prognosis for recovery depends on the degree and timeliness of osteopenia and correctness of correction of this pathological condition.

Because osteoporosis is considereddisease of the elderly, unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid this ailment. The danger in osteoporosis is trauma and their consequences.

But doctors tend to argue that not in all cases, osteoporosis is an "accompaniment" of old age.

To prevent illness, you should follow preventive measures and carefully monitor your health.

It is also important to consider the presence of background diseases or conditions leading to the development of this pathology, and in the treatment of osteoporosis of the bones to produce their adequate correction. If these risk factors are eliminated, the outlook becomes more favorable.

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A source: http://pillsman.org/21666-osteoporoz.html

Osteoporosis - symptoms and treatment, signs, tests

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In the modern world, the attainment of advanced age is considered a merit of the development of medical science. Indeed, even some two hundred or three hundred years ago the average life expectancy was limited to thirty to forty years, and the old were a rarity.

The cause was a constant epidemic of infectious diseases. After the appearance of antibiotics, mankind began to live longer, and in our time the main causes of death are cardiovascular diseases.

But the elderly age, apart from atherosclerosis and a high risk of myocardial damage and the likelihood of developing a stroke, results in the appearance of such an unpleasant condition as osteoporosis. Let us examine this problem in more detail.

Osteoporosis - what is it?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the density of bone tissue decreases, with the appearance of its fragility and a tendency to pathological fractures. In other words, osteoporosis is an increased "porosity" of the skeleton.

The causes of osteoporosis are very numerous. Briefly, the main reason is the predominance of catabolism (decay processes) in the bone tissue over anabolism (growth and assimilation of nutrients). Most often, the following conditions lead to osteoporosis:

  • Menopause in women. The lack of estrogen causes osteoporosis, so the risk of bone damage in females is three times higher than in men of the same age;
  • Old age. Do not look for any disease, just in the old age there is a decrepit whole body, including bones;
  • Long-term use of hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids). This can be, for example, in the treatment of severe forms of bronchial asthma;
  • Alimentary osteoporosis: occurs when there is a shortage of calcium and vitamin D in the diet;
  • Hereditary factor - the presence of osteoporosis in close relatives and parents;
  • Hypodinamy (sedentary lifestyle). With it, blood supply to the deep muscles and bone tissue worsens, and this leads to an inadequate delivery of calcium to the bone;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic pancreatitis, a syndrome of insufficient absorption in the intestine - malabsorption);
  • In women, ovarian disease can lead to osteoporosis, accompanied by a decrease in endocrine function;

In addition to these reasons, there are other conditions that can contribute to an increase in the incidence of the disease in the population. Thus, belonging to a European or Mongoloid race increases the risk of osteoporosis. It is important that African Americans are practically not inclined to this disease.

Classification of osteoporosis - types and forms

First of all, the defeat of bones can be common (common) and local, for example, osteoporosis of the hip joint. Common osteoporosis is also called systemic.

Also, the disease can be primary (if there is no reason) and secondary (for example, with prolonged treatment with hormonal drugs, or with apoplexy of the ovary).

In addition, the structure of bone tissue damage can differ in cortical (superficial bone), trabecular (a disorder in the structure of spongy substance) and mixed.

Osteoporosis in women - features

As already mentioned above, women are three times more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than men, especially after the termination of menstruation, at the postmenopausal age.

This is due to the fact that estrogens, which are produced by the ovaries, prevent the "washing away" of calcium from bone tissue.

Looking ahead, we can say that in women, one of the most effective ways to treat this condition is hormone replacement therapy.

Symptoms of osteoporosis in women, therefore, are more "numerous" than in men.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

The clinical symptoms of osteoporosis are numerous, but not all of them are local, that is, they are directly related to the skeleton. So, there are common manifestations of rarefied bone tissue, for example, such as:

  • Pathological fatigue associated with systemic calcium deficiency;
  • The appearance of increased convulsive readiness, especially in calf muscles;
  • Osteoporosis of the spine - its symptoms often include low back pain, both during motion and at rest;
  • The nail plates become brittle and often fray;
  • Perhaps the appearance of diffuse myalgias, or muscle pains;
  • Frequent attacks of tachycardia, or palpitations;
  • The appearance of protrusions and hernias in various parts of the spine, most often they occur in the lumbar region, where there is an increased load;
  • The emergence of scoliotic deformity of the spine, a decrease in growth.

In this disease, a fracture can occur under the influence of a very weak load, for example, when trying to raise a pot of water, a fracture of the radial bone in the area of ​​the wrist occurs. To avoid this, it is necessary to diagnose osteoporosis long before he "does ill".

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

Densitometry is one of the best ways to diagnose a disease. It is absolutely painless and safe way of direct measurement of bone tissue density, as well as the mutual correlation of mineral and organic component in bones.

But, despite the conduct of densitometry, in the diagnosis of osteoporosis, certain laboratory tests are envisaged.

What tests are taken with osteoporosis?

Of great importance are research methods that reflect the balance states in the body of phosphorus and calcium, because these two elements are found in bone tissue in certain relationships:

  • The amount of calcium in the blood plasma;
  • Concentration of inorganic phosphorus also in blood plasma;
  • The level of parathyroid hormone - it is produced by small parathyroid glands and is responsible for regulating the level of calcium and its utilization from the blood. This substance is one of the most important in the regulation of calcium;
  • Osteocalcin protein. It is examined with the observed changes in the level of calcium in the blood. This substance rises in the blood with osteoporosis, but also with certain endocrine diseases;
  • The level of vitamin D in the blood plasma;
  • Study of the concentration of the hormone calcitonin;
  • In extreme and obscure cases, it is possible to study a biopsy, most often the bone of the iliac crest is taken in an insignificant amount.

Treatment of osteoporosis

Preparations for the treatment of osteoporosis, photo

Modern treatment of osteoporosis is a complex exercise and is inseparable from proper nutrition, the use of vitamin D, preparations containing phosphorus-calcium supplements. The most known are the following methods of treatment:

  1. The use of bisphosphonates, for example, alindronate. This drug prevents the destruction of bone tissue and almost twice reduces the risk of pathological fractures;
  2. The use of the preparation "Miakaltsik which is a natural analogue of calcitonin, improving the phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  3. An effective method of treating osteoporosis in women is hormone replacement therapy, which is performed after the onset of menopause. Estrogen therapy should be performed only after careful examination by a gynecologist, mammologist and taking into account the severity of side effects, the most frequent of which is venous thrombosis.

In addition to the above methods of treatment, patients with osteoporosis are shown a special non-loading exercise therapy, as well as a mild massage.

Consequences, complications of osteoporosis

The most famous and at the same time a serious consequence of osteoporosis are fractures. You can even put the sign of equality between these concepts: osteoporosis = fracture. And one of the most dangerous is a fracture of the neck of the hip.

The fact is that immobility and bed rest with this kind of fracture can cause hypostatic pneumonia, paresis of the intestine, the formation of bedsores, and as a result, an elderly person may die from the development of infection and auto-toxicity in a very short time after fracture.

What kind of doctor should I use for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that lies at the junction of many medical disciplines. The search for its causes often begins in the office of a gynecologist, endocrinologist or therapist.

Sometimes, when the manifestation of the disease manifests itself as a pathological fracture, it can be a traumatologist - an orthopedist.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of osteoporosis is the quintessence of what can simply be called a "healthy lifestyle." Of course, preventing the rarefaction of bone tissue is much easier than treating its neglected forms, or dealing with multiple fractures.

It is important to know that not all physical exercises are equally useful: there must be pressure on the bone, so this kind of load, like swimming, will be insufficient.

But cycling, aerobics and dancing are all excellent means for preventing such an unpleasant disease as osteoporosis.

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A source: http://medknsltant.com/osteoporoz-simptomy-lechenie/

Causes and symptoms of osteoporosis, the first signs


Osteoporosis develops imperceptibly, often without subjective symptoms, and is diagnosed already when fractures occur.

Osteoporosis is the process of loss of bone mineral density due to loss of calcium.

The disease is an extremely topical problem, which in its importance is on the fourth place in the series non-communicable diseases, after cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus and has the features of "silent epidemic ".

The data of individual experts suggest that at the current rate of increase in the number of people with osteoporosis, by the middle of the 21st century, the disease will become a mass epidemic.

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Definition of disease

To date, there is a clear definition of the concept of "osteoporosis".

It assumes that this is not an isolated, but a progressive system metabolic (metabolic) skeletal disease characterized by low bone density and a violation of their microarchitectonics.

The study of the cause of the onset of the disease, its mechanism of development and consequences allowed to add to it definition is also such a thing as a decrease in bone strength, resulting in an increased risk fractures. Strength is a single component of bone mineral density, its architectonics, the amount and quality of collagen, etc.


In Europe, Japan and the United States suffer from osteoporosis 75 million.

persons, 1/3 of whom are women over 50 years old, each of 4 of them was found to deform at least one vertebra. In America, 10 million

people suffer from osteoporosis, of which 8 million - Women. 80% of women over 50 years old and almost all men and women over 75 are affected by this disease.

Although in Russia, osteoporosis is not recognized as a socially significant disease, nevertheless about its medical and socio-economic significance is shown by some statistics, published in early 2013

in the article following the results of the summit on osteoporosis, which took place at the end of 2012. in St. Petersburg.

In the reports on the results of epidemiological studies conducted in the same year in several Russian cities, it was noted that:

  • the prevalence of osteoporosis among people over 50 years old is on average 28%;
  • a complication, such as a fracture of the neck of the hip as a result of a minor load, only in old age, became frequent in women after 40 years, and in 2 - 4 times more often than in women men;
  • mortality in the first year of life after an intraarticular fracture of the tibia in osteoporosis - 20 - 35%;
  • 17 fractures of the lower extremities and 5 vertebral fractures associated with osteoporosis, and every 5 minutes - a fracture in the upper thigh area, which is accompanied by a disability and high mortality.

These figures indicate the need to improve the quality of early diagnosis and take measures to conduct active prophylaxis of the disease.

Physiological processes

Bone is a complex system in which life-long renewal takes place, the internal structural adjustment, change in length, thickness, width, that is, the formation of its tissue (remodeling). The meaning of remodeling is to adapt the properties of bones to changing loads and environmental conditions.

All these processes mean permanent resorption, destruction of bone tissue through osteoclast cells and restoration with the participation of osteoblasts. Osteoblasts synthesize bone fibers, regulate the entry of calcium ions into the tissue, subsequently turning into mature bone cells.

The constant physiological destruction is accompanied by the release of calcium salts from the bone tissue into the blood, and the restoration of microdamages by the reverse transition of minerals.

under 25 years old The predominance of recovery over destruction occurs to about 25 years, after which their relative equilibrium is established.
35-40 years old From 35 to 40 years of age, the reverse process occurs, as a result of which the bone mass is lost annually by %.
60-70 years old In women, physiological bone loss after the onset of menopause up to 60 - 70 years of age occurs at a faster rate (up to 2 - 5% per year).

Regulation of remodeling processes is carried out by hormones of the thyroid gland (calcitonin, etc.), parathyroid glands (parathyroid hormone), pancreas (insulin), gonads, vitamin D derivatives, hormones of the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland, prostaglandins, etc.

Classification of osteoporosis

Its development is due to the excess of the physiological rate of loss of bone mass, as a result of which, after reaching a peak value, a bone fracture occurs. Its low mineralization can be the result of:

  • insufficient collection of bone mass in youth;
  • rapid loss in later life.

Factors contributing to insufficient accumulation of bone mass, are divided into:

related to the carriage of altered genes of collagen, osteoprotegerin (suppresses bone destruction), and also influencing the action of the vitamin "D on which the absorption of calcium ions depends, and others;

including intrauterine malnutrition of the fetus, inadequate calcium intake by the mother during pregnancy, premature birth and low weight in the first year of life after birth, delay in sexual development, inadequate intake of foods containing calcium, before sexual maturation. Prevents the absorption of calcium in the intestine and its accumulation in the bones of frequent use by children in adolescent age of carbonated drinks ("Fanta "Pepsi-Cola"), kvass, chronic bowel diseases, wrong food. In addition, violations of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, extinction of the function of the sexual glands in women (pre- and menopausal periods), a decrease in testicular function in men after 50 to 60 years leads to a loss of the accumulated calcium.

Types of Osteoporosis

Depending on the reasons, it is divided into primary as a result of the natural aging of the organism, and secondary.

Types of primary osteoporosis:

  • Idiopathic (causes not established). It can develop at any age
  • Postmenopausal (in women)
  • Juvenile (adolescent)
  • Osteoporosis of adults
  • Senile (senile)

Types of secondary osteoporosis is caused by:

  • Endocrine diseases (decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones, dysfunction of the thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands).
  • Diseases of connective tissue (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Blood diseases.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, which contribute to the violation of calcium absorption.
  • Diseases of the kidneys (Fanconi syndrome, chronic renal failure).
  • Other diseases leading to bone destruction.

Symptoms - clinical manifestations of osteoporosis

According to statistics, the symptoms of osteoporosis in women after 50 years, expressed in varying degrees, are detected in 30%, which is mainly due to a decrease in the synthesis of estrogens in the body.

The danger of the disease lies in the slow asymptomatic development or in the appearance of minor symptoms, which even doctors attribute to the manifestations of arthritis of an exchange character.

Despite the fact that arthritis and osteoporosis develop simultaneously, these are various diseases: osteoporosis is a systemic disease. The very first signs of osteoporosis include:

Despite the defeat of the entire bone system, the main manifestations at later stages of development are associated with the spine and joints.


Symptoms of osteoporosis of the spine are associated with compression of the anterior parts of the vertebral bodies, leading to their wedge-shaped deformation in the upper and middle thoracic, as well as the upper lumbar spine the spine.


Fractures of individual thoracic vertebrae can occur imperceptibly, accompanied by minor pain. The main symptoms of spine injury:

  • The feeling of fatigue of the back muscles, dull pain, especially in the area of ​​the greatest deformation of the vertebrae. Sometimes they acquire a paroxysmal character.
  • Limitation of mobility of the spine due to the reflex-protective spasm of the muscles of the back. In women, the sign of osteoporosis is a scoliotic curvature with a progressive restriction of mobility.
  • Stoop - "pose petitioner a violation of posture and growth of 5 cm for several years, especially with vertebral fractures in the middle thoracic region.
  • Formation of the "old hump".
  • Small folds of skin along the lateral surfaces of the abdomen.

Along with the spine, when the pain and heaviness are felt more often in the chest and lumbar region, the heads of the bones that receive participation in the formation of large joints, mainly the hip, knee, shoulder, and rarely - small (wrist, wrist joints and Stop). Perhaps the curvature of the fingers when they take the form of tympanic sticks, the curvature of the shins in the form of saber-like.

The most common and threatening symptoms are the symptoms of osteoporosis of the hip joint, due to the possibility of developing a necrosis of the head of the bone and a fracture in the region of the neck of the hip. Such fractures are more often spontaneous, (not correlated with the severity of a stroke or injury), even the slightest fall can cause a fracture.

Changes in posture, decreased growth, change in the fit of the head are characteristic of osteoporosis in women (postmenopausal).

If there are fractures of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae under static loads, this is most often the consequence of prolonged therapy with steroids or metastasis of tumors from various organs, for example, stomach.

Common symptoms of osteoporosis are painfulness in a calm state, which increases with walking, in the joint region and in lumbar spine due to the strain of the lumbar muscles and thigh muscles, as well as the restriction of mobility in the region of the hip the joint. The consequences of intra-articular fractures of the hip are disability, and sometimes even more serious complications within the next year after the fracture.

Deceleration of the processes of development of osteoporosis, prevention of complications are possible with timely access to a doctor, conducting laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and obtaining recommendations in terms of treatment and corrective therapy. This should be remembered for everyone, especially for middle-aged women.

A source: http://zdravotvet.ru/prichiny-i-simptomy-osteoporoza/