Gymnastics for the back: complex


  • 1Wellness for the muscles of the back and its types
    • 1.1The main types of gymnastics for the back
    • 1.2General rules and recommendations
    • 1.3An approximate set of health improvement exercises
    • 1.4Qigong Gymnastics
  • 2Complex of 7 morning exercise exercises for the back, spine and neck - strengthen the muscles of the house in 15 minutes
    • 2.11. "Cat"
    • 2.22. "The dog snouts down"
    • 2.33. "Dog face up"
    • 2.44. "Crocodile"
    • 2.55. "Boat"
    • 2.66. "Bridge"
    • 2.77. "The Pose of a Child"
    • 2.8The advantages and benefits of this complex
    • 2.9Fast charging sitting at the workplace for the back (in pictures)
    • 2.10Is it possible to perform these movements for various diseases of the back?
  • 3Exercises for the spine at home - what? Complex exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky
    • 3.1How to maintain the health of the spine in the rhythm of modern life
    • 3.2Why do exercises for the spine in the home
    • 3.3General recommendations for performing exercises for the spine at home
    • 3.4Exercises for the spine
    • 3.5Complex exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Gymnastics for back with low back pain [2018]
    • 4.1 :
    • 4.2The benefits and contraindications for back exercises
    • 4.3What is useful gymnastics for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine?
    • 4.4In addition to eliminating pain, you will get a lot of pleasant bonuses:
    • 4.5Strictly observe the following rules:
    • 4.6Are there any contraindications to therapeutic gymnastics for the back?
    • 4.7In addition, back pain can occur not only from fatigue, but also because of:
    • 4.8Exercises for the back with the ball
    • 4.9Straightening
    • 4.10Extension
    • 4.11Superman
    • 4.12Twisting
    • 4.13Chinese gymnastics for the back
    • 4.14To make the exercises as effective as possible, remember the main rules of qigong:
    • 4.15Gymnastics for the back with scoliosis and osteochondrosis
    • 4.16Gymnastics in scoliosis
    • 4.17After that you can proceed:
    • 4.18A bike
    • 4.19Scissors on the abdomen
    • 4.20Rises of legs and hands
    • 4.21Therapeutic exercises with osteochondrosis
    • 4.22Basic complex of exercises

Wellness for the muscles of the back and its types

Back and joint health »Miscellaneous

Gymnastics for the back - this is exactly the way that will prevent the diseases of the spine, and if they are present - reduce pain and progression.

Unfortunately, many people neglect this method of therapy and do it absolutely in vain.

After all, only regular sessions of curative and preventive physical training will be able to strengthen the back muscles, which will become an excellent protection and support for the spine.

Everyone can choose suitable exercises for themselves and perform them themselves at home. For a healthy back, just 15-20 minutes a day of exercise, but regular.

The main types of gymnastics for the back

There are more than 30 varieties of gymnastic exercises for the back. Some are designed to correct posture, to correct scoliosis, to eliminate pain in osteochondrosis, and others - for general recovery and strengthening of the muscles of the back. They can all be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Gymnastics with dance elements. For example, step-aerobics, modern gymnastics, shaping. Such occupations are especially popular among women.
  2. Exercises that are aimed at the development of a particular function or part of the body. For example, fitness, athletic gymnastics, callanetics, breathing exercises. It is important to emphasize that the main methods of health gymnastics for the spine are related to this group.
  3. This group of gymnastic exercises is based on popular oriental teachings. They have their own philosophy, and, besides the physical component, they use the spiritual. For example, yoga, qigong, wushu, Tibetan, Chinese gymnastics, etc.

Step aerobics is useful not only for health, but for the figure

A healthy person for prevention can choose exercises for himself from any group, but you need to take into account the level of physical training required for a particular technique. A patient with a spinal pathology necessarily needs to consult a specialist regarding the selected exercises.

General rules and recommendations

Therapeutic gymnastics for the back involves following certain recommendations and rules that will allow you to get maximum benefit from the exercises and prevent traumatization:

  • during the lessons there should be no pain in the back, if this happens, then it is necessary to reduce the load or completely stop the gymnastics;
  • It is impossible to perform exercise therapy in the period of exacerbation of the pathology of the spinal column and the presence of acute pain syndrome;
  • It is necessary to try not to perform abrupt and abrupt movements, all exercises should be smooth;
  • classes should be regular, otherwise their effectiveness will not be manifested;
  • It is forbidden to use any painkillers before exercises, otherwise you can not feel pain and hurt yourself;
  • Before the basic complex of exercises, you must always do several exercises to warm up and stretch the muscles of the whole body - this will save you from injury;
  • after charging, you should never fall off your feet, but only feel light tired.

Following these simple rules, you can well strengthen your muscles and get rid of back pain or the risk of its occurrence in the future.

An approximate set of health improvement exercises

Gymnastics for the back muscles are very diverse. There are many exercises for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Below we give only an exemplary wellness complex that will help you stay toned daily and avoid back pain:

  • The head inclines to the right and left, forward and backward. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  • Circular movements in the cervical spine. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  • Head inclinations with resistance (while trying to tilt the head in some direction, we resist the movement by hand). Repeat 10 times for each type of slope.
  • Hands on the belt, raise the shoulders and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then smoothly lower, repeat 10 times.
  • We sit on a chair, not touching the back, hands are folded into the lock on the back of the head. On inhalation, we bend our backs back and throw our heads back, and on exhalation we round the backbone and lower our head to the chest. Repeat 10 times.
  • We lie on the floor face down, arms and legs stretched along the axis of the body. We perform the exercise "boat". On the inhalation we tear off the limbs from the floor by 15-20 cm, throw the head back. We stay in this position for a few seconds, then smoothly descend. Repeat 10 times.
  • AND. P. - On knees. At the inspiration we round the back and lower the head, on exhalation we bend in the spine, and we throw the head back. Repeat 1 time.
  • AND. P. Lying on his stomach. On inhaling, tear off the upper part of the trunk from the floor and, leaning on his hands, bend in the back and throw your head back. On exhalation slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Complex of exercises for the health of the back

Qigong Gymnastics

This kind of gymnastics belongs to the third group and is based on ancient Chinese teachings.

At the heart of these exercises for the spine is the correct activation of the energy points of the human body, thanks to which streams of healing energy are formed.

There is a special sequence of such exercises. They allow you to get the right shape of the body, which "includes" the energy flows in the body.

All the elements of qigong are the right alternation of relaxation and tension of muscle groups. At first glance, it's pretty simple, but in practice it's far from the case. To master the Qigong technique completely, it will take several years. But in return you can get:

  • amazing flexibility in the joints;
  • complete recovery of all structures of the musculoskeletal system;
  • complete freedom of movement;
  • beautiful and correct posture;
  • general improvement of the organism;
  • increase in vital energy and strength;
  • improvement of blood supply to all vital organs;
  • the ability to control your body in all situations.

To start the practice of Qigong, you do not need to pre-strength training, because all the elements of gymnastics are introduced gradually. Also there are no age restrictions, it can be done by both the child and the old man.

All Qigong techniques can be divided into static, dynamic and mixed. Also there are 2 techniques of ancient Chinese gymnastics: soft qigong and hard. In the second case, the classes include elements of Chinese martial arts.

Gymnastics Qigong will help to improve not only the body, but also the soul

Qigong is able to develop and strengthen the muscular corset back. All exercises include:

  • proper breathing, relaxation and tension of the body;
  • stretching of individual parts of the body, which allows to develop good flexibility and elasticity of muscle fibers, joints;
  • static retention of the body in a certain position, which allows you to pump and strengthen the muscles;
  • "Visy" in various poses (but this is only for the trained).

Beginning is recommended under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Thus, you can quickly learn the technique and avoid accidental injuries.

Several qigong exercises for beginners:

Read more:Exercises for correct posture

  1. "The dragon shakes the cradle." AND. P. - Stand up straight, feet set on the width of the shoulders, the head looks in front of him. On inhalation we climb to the toes, on exhalation rolls on the heels, while not bending the limb in the knees. Repeat 10 times.
  2. "The dragon dances." AND. P. - stand straight, feet together, head looking forward. We inhale and put our hands on our knees. On exhalation the knee joints are unbent, pushing them back with their hands. Repeat 10 times. AND. P. also. We repeat the first part of the exercise on inspiration, and on exhalation we draw a semicircle with knees to the side, then we return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. "Crane comes out of the water." AND. P. - We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. On inhalation, raise the leg and pull it up with the hands to the stomach. Then repeat the exercise with the second limb. For each leg, make 5 approaches.
  4. "The snake dances." AND. P. - we stand straight, feet are shoulder-width apart, hands are folded into the lock behind the head, elbows are maximally divorced. Perform smooth circular movements of the hips to the right and left alternately. Repeat 10 times.
  5. "The dragon spreads its wings." AND. P. - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hang freely along the trunk. On inhalation, we round the back as much as possible, on exhalation - we bend back as much as possible. We perform 10 times.
  6. "The goose is stretching its neck." AND. P. - We stand straight, the head looks into the distance. On inspiration we stretch our neck forward, on exhalation we slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Then we carry out similar movements to the right, to the left and back.

Thus, each person can choose for themselves the technique of gymnastics for the back, depending on the preferences and health status. Fortunately, the choice is quite wide. If you decide on your own, it's your doctor who will help you.

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Complex of 7 morning exercise exercises for the back, spine and neck - strengthen the muscles of the house in 15 minutes

A complex of morning exercises for the back and spine promotes an excellent study of the basic muscle groups and gives the body energy of energy, in just 15 minutes without leaving home!

Exercises from this article are borrowed from yoga practice and are included in a variety of very different sets of exercises for the spine. Carrying out these movements, you literally from the first time will feel their positive effect on the body.

Doing this set of exercises will help improve or even restore the health of the spine.

The charging system is focused on soft stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back, spine and neck.

An important part of it is relaxation of the back and relaxation of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health and general condition of the human body.

The stage of relaxation can not be neglected - it is better to do less exercises, but with complete relaxation in accordance with the technique of execution! Properly performed exercises can improve the blood supply to the muscles of the spine, correct posture, reduce the curvature of the spine, lose weight in the waist and shoulder blades. This treatment charge in the morninghas no age restrictions- it can be performed even by elderly people. It is highly recommended for sedentary work.

Caution!Performing complex in the stage of exacerbation of any diseases of the spine is strictly prohibited. First of all, consult a doctor.

1. "Cat"

Stretch the muscles of the back and neck. Training for stretching of muscles is recommended to be included in the morning exercise complex one of the first.

"Cat" makes it possible to awaken the body and pleasure to perform other exercises.

It allows you to stretch the muscles of the spine and prepare them for the load, to get rid of stoop.

About 4 different types"Cats" and their influence on the spine look here.

"Cat" can be done and among the day after doing any monotonous work - it helps to remove fatigue, improve blood circulation in the muscles of the back.

  1. We go down on all fours, kneel and lean on the hands.
  2. On exhalation, we bend our back as much as possible and lower our head.
  3. On inhalation we bend down and raise our head up.
  4. Movements are unhurried and smooth, like a cat.

We execute from ten to twelve times, two - three approaches. Detailed equipment in the photo. "Cat" is suitable for any age, it is an excellent charging for the back muscles for children.

Helpful advice!To start a complex of morning classes is necessary precisely with "Cats as it gently stretches the muscles after sleep, and ends with the asana "Pose of a child as it promotes rest and relaxation.

2. "The dog snouts down"

Promotes a good stretching of the neck muscles, flat back, hamstrings and lower legs, improvement of cerebral circulation. Helps you wake up and cheer up after sleep.

About 12 useful properties"Dogs face down" as well as lightweight traffic options look here.

  1. We get on all fours and both hands. Legs shoulder width apart.
  2. On the inhalation we lift the buttocks, straightening the legs.The feet should be firmly on the floor.
  3. Exercise at the end point represents a triangle, the top of which is the buttocks. This position should be kept for about a minute, while breathing is free and measured.

We rest by fully relaxing the muscles for one minute. Repeat three times. This pose is an excellent exercise for the back for pregnant women, even on the 8th month.

3. "Dog face up"

Morning exercise, including this movement, promotes a good stretching of the muscles, back, hips and abdomen. Activates the work of internal organs.

About detailed engineeringand 9 useful properties of "Dogs face up" here.

  1. We lay down on the stomach, arms bend at the elbows and have under the shoulders of the palms down, legs straighten.
  2. On exhalation we take our shoulders back, straightening the thorax.
  3. We lift the head, then, caving in the back, raise the upper part of the body up. In this positionhold the body for about one minute.Then we slowly lay down on the floor.

We rest for one minute, repeat three times.

4. "Crocodile"

This exercise is extremely effective for the health of the spine and getting rid of pain. It can be learned and performed at any age.

Classicalcomplex "Crocodile" from Dr. E.A. Antipko consists of 12 steps, and can be used as an independent system of recovery of the back.

We will consider one of the movements.

  1. We lay with our backs on the floor, hands on each side. The palms should be deployed upwards.
  2. Next, you need to spiral turn the spine - head to the right, hips and feet to the left
  3. Repeat the motion for the other side
  4. It is very important to move symmetrically

You need to do 10 such twists in both directions

5. "Boat"

Forms a muscular corset, reduces waist volume, works out the widest muscles of the back. Loads a large gluteus muscle, hips and calves. "Boat" can be performed, lying on his back, as well as lying on his stomach. We favor the option "lying on my stomach."

See detailsOn the influence of "Boat" on the spine here.

  1. We lay down on the floor on the stomach, legs together, arms extended forward.
  2. On exhalation we bend, trying to raise your arms and legs as high as possible.
  3. We linger in this position, lie down on the stomach and relax the muscles,We breathe freely.

Repeat three times. Time of rest between the approaches is one minute.

6. "Bridge"

This movement, performed in the morning, strengthens the lower and upper back, works out the extensors of the back, increases the flexibility of the spine.

Promotes the formation of "royal" posture. " "Bridge" loads the small muscles of the body, which is not available to all exercises.

You can perform a bridge lying on the ball (fitball), resting on it with the waist.

  1. Laying your back on the floor, your arms are stretched out.
  2. Relying on the hands and feet, we beginsmoothly lift the case,tearing it off the floor.
  3. When you become a bridge, your back should represent an arc, and the buttocks should be above your head. This is not the ideal bridge for the first time. But with persistence and certain efforts it can be mastered by developing stretching and flexibility.
  4. When performing a movementBreathing can not be delayed.

Repeat three times. Time of rest between the approaches is one minute.

7. "The Pose of a Child"

This morning exercise stretches the muscles of the thighs and shins, relieves fatigue in the back after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, relaxes the muscles of the back and neck. Relieves stress, promotes the development of mobility of the hip, knee and shoulder joints.

Technique of execution:

  1. We go down on our knees, feet together.
  2. Buttocks are located on the heels.
  3. On exhalation we lean forward, stretching arms along the body with palms up. The forehead rests on the floor.
  4. We focus attention on how the spine is stretched.
  5. In such a relaxed position, one can befrom one minute to three minutes.

The variant of the exercise is to stretch the arms forward. This allows you to stretch your back muscles even more.

Attention!"Pose of a child" is recommended to perform the last in the morning charging system, as it promotes rest and relaxation.

The advantages and benefits of this complex


  • In this complex, the back-charging charging charge includesmovements, borrowed from the practice of yoga.They are an excellent way to bring all body systems into a state of harmony.
  • In the morning exercises it is not recommended to include active exercises, since the body has not completely woken up yet. This complexgives a sparing loadand at the same time contributes to thorough elaboration and stretching of the muscles.
  • To overcome a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to perform this system. She isdoes not take much time,is performed without significant loads, and at the same time heals the body and charges you with a good mood.
  • Selection of movements.From the entire morning complex, you can choose from three to five of the most suitable exercises for you and perform them exactly. After doing the morning exercise, you feel vivacity and pleasant sensations in the muscles and throughout the body.

An indication that you have faithfully observed the technique of doing morning exercises will be pleasant sensations in the muscles and cheerfulness.

Morning exercise is necessary for everyone - both those with active physical work and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Without physical activity in the body there are unfavorable changes: it concerns the cardiovascular and respiratory system, the musculoskeletal system, the work of internal organs.

Do not forget that in addition to training there is still7 reliable methodsgetting rid of cellulite on your back.

Attention!If, you did not manage to perform the complex in the morning for some reason, you can do it in the evening. The only condition - after eating should be two and a half hours.

Fast charging sitting at the workplace for the back (in pictures)

If you can not afford to perform the above complex, we present you an express gymnastics sitting on a chair.

Do this fast system at least once a day. But if possible, do it more often. Ideally, every hour or two.

Is it possible to perform these movements for various diseases of the back?

The frequent cause of spine diseases is weakness and undeveloped muscles of the spinal column.

Perform complex with back problemsit is necessary.

This is a good way to treat and prevent exacerbations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In doing so, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

  • When the acute process abates, exercises need to be performed, butat a very slow pace,smoothly stretching his muscles. Gradually you can move on to the whole complex of exercises.
  • From this system you needChoose the movements that suit you the most.Perform them need to be smooth and measured, at a slow pace. After performing each movement, give your back muscles time to relax to prevent spasm
  • When hernia and scoliosis is necessaryconsult with a doctorTherapeutic physical training, which will be able to pick up the most effective exercises from this complex.
  • With hernias and varying degrees of scoliosis, different workouts with different loads can be recommended. Correctly chosen exercises for each patient individually distribute the load on the spine, remove the muscle spasm and release the clamped nerve root.
  • "Pose of a child" and "Cat" are included in all systems of physical therapy,since their daily use gives a very good effect - it alleviates pain and relieves muscle spasms.

The following systems also showed high efficiency

This system, despite its apparent ease and simplicity, gives a good study of the main muscle groups and charges the body with energy! Doing these exercises regularly in the mornings, you will feel a positive effect on the body and, having got used, you will not be able to refuse them any more.


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Exercises for the spine at home - what? Complex exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky

The spine is the pillar on which the whole body is held.

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If you have any problems with it, it will affect all other organs and parts of the body.

But, unfortunately, because of the modern lifestyle, there are practically no such people who would not have any problems with their backs.

Sedentary lifestyle leads to a variety of pathologies, such as: scoliosis, kyphosis and osteochondrosis.


The last disease becomes more "young". If earlier the first signs began to manifest themselves to 50 years, now it is easy to find a 30-year-old, with the first signs of osteochondrosis.


Your spine needs to be protected from the youth. After a certain age mark, the regenerative capacity of the body is reduced, and it will be much more problematic to restore the back.

Even regular sports can not be 100% likely to help you avoid these problems.

But there are special exercises that serve as a preventive measure against diseases of the spine.

How to maintain the health of the spine in the rhythm of modern life

As stated earlier, the sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons why the health of the spine is deteriorating. And then everything is quite simple - if a passive lifestyle deprives you of health, then accordingly, an active lifestyle on the contrary will help you.

But here there is one thing - we are all adults, and we can not imagine life without work. The work is different - someone has an active physical, while others, on the contrary, need to sit in front of the computer all the time.

At this point, we will touch those who spend most of their lives sitting in front of the screen.

You can even sit right and wrong. And here I want to say that you need to sit absolutely surely, in any case not to hump.

In addition, you must definitely make some breaks - often get up because of the chair. For example, you can put some thing you often use, away from the workplace.

Such small alternations of sitting and standing mode are much more effective than you think. Or every time you call, hold a conversation in a standing position.

You can go back and forth or just stand still - the main thing is not to sit too long.

Sitting in one position "lulls" the muscles. Therefore, try to change your position every 10-15 minutes. You do not have to sit on your head - just change the position of the body and legs.

Why do exercises for the spine in the home

Within a day, the person's back is in constant tension. Because of this, the first symptoms appear - pain, discomfort and heaviness in the spine. Most of this concerns the waist region.

Any weightlifting has a negative impact on the health of this area. Especially if there are weak muscles in this area - then all the load goes only to the spinal cord and is not absorbed by the muscles.

Physical exercises will help stretch the back muscles, as well as intervertebral cartilage and joints. This will improve their nutrition, they will receive more oxygen and nutrients.


Exercises for the spine will help not only prevent the appearance of diseases, but also cure some of them.


Curvatures, osteochondrosis and scoliosis - all of them are treated with simple exercises.

But do not rely too strongly on them - for serious pathologies, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, and the exercises will only complement your treatment.

General recommendations for performing exercises for the spine at home

Exercises alone will help you to get rid of the problem, but not from the cause.

In order to effectively eliminate all the ailments, it is necessary to revise your lifestyle, including.

There are some simple, but at the same time, useful tips that will help your spine to gain health.

First, stop stooping. Just tell yourself this will not be enough - you should always keep this thought in your head.

Otherwise, you will simply forget about this rule after a while. A healthy back is a pledge of correct posture.

In the opposite direction, this rule also works, so, never forget about it.

Secondly, picking up things from the floor, especially heavy, do not bend in the back and use the legs for this.

You should always keep the spine in a straight line, not allowing "arcs" in this area. In addition, if you raise something, then it's better to sit down a little, and help yourself with your feet.

Thus, you can significantly reduce the load on the lower back.

The third rule is that you should let your spine relax during the day. This is done very simply. Approximately once per hour rise in full growth, and stretch. Stretching your spine, you will help him to get rid of tension.

Exercises for the spine

Exercise should be done regularly, otherwise there will be no sense from them.

Before doing a set of exercises, the best thing is to prepare your back. For this, it needs to be warmed up.

The usual slopes in different directions, the corners of the body - in general, all the things that you did so hard in physical education during the school years.

For stretching the spine, you can use both normal pulling and pulling on the bar. The second option will allow you to very effectively stretch the back muscles and put all the vertebrae in place.

Exercise # 1 - Body Slopes. Stand up straight, hands on the waist, legs shoulder-width apart.


Lean forward, with your hands touching the floor, and then, make a deflection back, putting your hands on your belt. Movements must be made with the maximum amplitude.


Tilt back and forth - one repetition, do 20 repetitions.

Exercise number 2 - stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, hands clasp in the lock over your head. Do the slopes left-right-forward-backward. Try to do with the maximum amplitude, but do not hurt yourself.

Exercise number 3 - a little book. Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean in the body down, and grab your hands by the calf muscles.

From this position, make the slopes up and down with a small amplitude.

Make about 10 such small slopes, and then, putting your hands on your waist, make a deflection back.

Exercise # 4 - body turns. Standing - standing, bent hands in front of him hold on the elbows of each other.

From this position, make the corners of the body first to the left, then to the right side.

Try to achieve the maximum amplitude to feel the tension of the muscles.

Exercise number 5 - stretching the loin. Position - lying on the back, hands in different directions, legs raised up.

From this position, put your feet on the floor first to the left, then to the right, leaving them straight.

In this exercise, only the lower part of the body should move, the body lies motionless.

Exercise number 6 - the bridge. Position - lying, legs bent at the knees. Lean your hands on the floor so that your hands look toward your body.

From this position, lift the body, and maximally bend in the spine.

In this position, wait a second for 30 seconds, then take a short rest and repeat again.

Exercise number 7 - cat. The starting position - standing on all fours, the back is bent down. On exhalation, make a deflection in the region of the spine upward, while tilting the head down and towards the body.

Complex exercises for the spine of Bubnovsky

Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich is a doctor of medical sciences who offered a fundamentally new approach in the treatment of the spine. His method is to treat without any medications and surgeries.

He developed a special system of exercises, which helps to restore the health of the spine at any age. In addition, he also invented a special simulator for the same purposes.

But we will consider in more detail the complex of exercises.

Exercise number 1 - bicycle. Position - lying on the floor, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees.

Lifting the upper body, pull the right knee to the chest, while touching his left elbow.


After that, draw and straighten the leg, and repeat to the other side. On each side, repeat 15-20 times.


Exercise # 2 - touching with socks. Position - lying on the floor, hands are stretched up and also lie on the floor.

Simultaneously raise the legs and the body so that you touch the socks with your hands.

This exercise not only helps to maintain the health of the back, but also loads the abdominal muscles well.

Exercise number 3 - stretching. Position - lying on the back, hands lying along the trunk. Take a deep breath, and on exhalation raise your hands up, and put them over your head. In doing so, try to maximize your body.

Exercise # 4 - lifting the knees to the chest. Position - lying on the back, whole body straight, arms along the trunk. Raise one knee and with the effort of hands, press it more forcefully to the chest. Wait in this position for 10 seconds, and then change your legs.

Exercise number 5 - walking on the buttocks. Position - sitting, legs stretched forward, arms straight ahead. From this position, start moving forward, using for this reduction of the muscles of the buttocks.

Exercise number 6 - flexion in the lower back. Standing - standing, hands behind the head, legs on the width of the shoulders. Drag your right elbow to your left knee, and vice versa. On each side for 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise number 7 - tilt your feet to yourself. Positions - sitting, legs straight. Grasp one leg, and pull it to yourself as close as possible.

Exercise number 8 - boat. Position - lying on the stomach, legs straight, arms stretch forward. From this position, raise your legs and arms slightly upwards so that only the body lies on the floor. In this position, lie in seconds 30.

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Gymnastics for back with low back pain [2018]

Gymnastics for the back with low back pain is an effective and accessible to everyone method, suitable for both prevention and solving problems with the back.

In the new material Life Reactor has prepared useful recommendations for you to combat the problem at home and collected 10+ simple and effective exercises.


The benefits and contraindications for back exercises

Exercises for the back with the ball

Chinese gymnastics for the back

Gymnastics for the back with scoliosis and osteochondrosis

The benefits and contraindications for back exercises

It is unlikely that there will be at least one adult who has never experienced pain in the back. Most often, discomfort occurs due to tension or fatigue of the muscles.

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A sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work also contribute to the appearance of pain.

We are so used to this, that often we do not perceive the burning or pain in the muscles of the back seriously - it will pass by itself.

Indeed, several times this pain can pass by itself. But if nothing is done, the attacks of pain will be stronger and longer, and there, too, and before the development of serious illnesses.

Agree, the prospect is not a pleasant one.

But the problem can be solved only with the help of therapeutic gymnastics for the back and spine.

Often we do not attach serious importance to pain in the back

What is useful gymnastics for strengthening the muscles of the back and spine?

The main advantage of gymnastics for back with pains in the waist or scapula is simplicity.

To perform the exercises you will not need special equipment - just a little bit of free space and a desire to strengthen your own health.

Proper gymnastics helps keep muscles toned and minimizes the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle

In addition to eliminating pain, you will get a lot of pleasant bonuses:

  1. Relieve the strangulated nerves and clamped intervertebral spaces
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the cortex
  3. Improve circulation in the back and abdomen

Physical stress is the most powerful type of exposure, so if you are mismanaged or over-zealous, instead of getting rid of pain, you can gain them.

Strictly observe the following rules:

  1. No jerks, sudden movements - everything should be smooth and gentle.
  2. Remember the gradualness - do not do more than 10 repetitions the first time, even if it seems to you that the exercise is easy and you do not get tired at all.

    In the future, the number of repetitions and the amplitude of movements you can adjust, depending on how you feel.

  3. Practice in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air.
  4. Clothes should be comfortable, not shackling the movement.
  5. All exercises are performed on inspiration, exhalation - return to the starting position.
  6. In case of pain, dizziness, nausea, or any other unpleasant symptoms, the exercise should be stopped immediately.

Trying to do different types of movements, each person will notice that some of them are given to him more easily, while others are more difficult.

Gymnastics with back pain will help relieve unpleasant symptoms

Someone will be easier to move from standing position, someone will feel more comfortable sitting or lying down.

However, it should be remembered that the subjective feeling of comfort is not always a correct indicator of the healing effect.

Guaranteed effective complex you can appoint only a professional.

Subsequently, it is advisable to go to consultations from time to time to monitor the dynamics and monitor the correctness of the exercises.

Are there any contraindications to therapeutic gymnastics for the back?

As already mentioned, exercise is a powerful curative and preventive tool, which should be used wisely and carefully.

In addition, back pain can occur not only from fatigue, but also because of:

  1. Injury of the spine
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Oncological diseases
  4. Kidney Diseases
  5. Exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases

Doing exercises, try not to make sudden movements

In such cases, do exercises without medical advice!

Do not exercise, if the pain gives in the leg, you have increased blood sugar, and diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure, tendency to bleeding and general exhaustion organism.

Exercises for women "in position" are only permissible if the future mother was engaged before pregnancy.

Waiting for the baby is not the best time to start an active sports life.

Exercises for the back with the ball

If you are set for serious work and want to achieve a pronounced result, an excellent assistant for you will become fitball.

Incredibly useful for back exercises with the ball

The basic set of exercises for the back on the gym ball looks like this:


This exercise is best suited for strengthening the dorsal muscles and the press.

If you do not feel confident enough, try to perform it against the wall (resting on it with your feet) - so it will be easier to maintain balance.

Lie down on the fitball belly, relax, dangling arms and legs freely on the sides, slowly exhale.

On the inhalation we gradually straighten, stretching in one line (hands on each side). On exhalation we relax again, starting with the head, and gently drop back onto the fitball.


Spreading the spine, we help him to return to normal after a long time in the other (which is familiar to all who lead a sedentary lifestyle).

This, in turn, helps in the prevention and even treatment of the early stage of osteochondrosis and even hernia.

Sit on the fitball facing the wall, knees bent, hands resting on its surface.

Without taking your hands off, we roll back on the ball as far as possible, while the spine is smoothly stretched. Get a sense of tension and elongation in each vertebra.

Hold the position for 1-2 minutes and gradually return to the starting position.

Exercises with the ball you can easily perform at home


I hope everyone remembers in what posture the superman flew over the city? We will portray something like this on the fitball, in parallel strengthening the muscles of the back and the press and developing a sense of balance.

Starting position: lying belly on the ball, focusing on the arms and legs.

On the breath we stretch the arm and the opposite leg. Try to stretch as much as possible in one line and keep the pose for at least a few seconds.

On exhalation we relax and return to the original one. Then do the exercise with the opposite hand.

When you learn to stay in the "flying" position, try to tear your hands and feet off the ground.


With the help of this exercise, you can return the spine to its former mobility and lightness.

Lay down on the floor near the fitball, throw your feet on the ball, put your hands on the floor on the sides of the body. Smoothly roll the ball from side to side, trying to touch the hips of the floor.

Make sure that the upper part of the body remains stationary, and the spine is twisted around the waist.

At the end, one more stretching exercise should be done.

Before you begin, be sure to check with your doctor

Stand on your knees, keep the ball on the floor in front of you. Put your hands on the ball, bend so that the body becomes parallel to the floor.


On inhalation, lift your back, rolling the fitball closer to your knees, your back arched and lower your head to your chest.


Keep position 20-30 seconds, breathe smoothly. After that, go back to the starting position and stay for another 30-60 seconds.

These simple exercises will help not only forget about the pains in the back, but also strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Chinese gymnastics for the back

Exercises from Chinese qigong gymnastics are also very useful for the spine.

No less effective will be the Chinese practice of Qigong

To make the exercises as effective as possible, remember the main rules of qigong:

  1. Maximize your relaxation, achieving a state of rest in each cell
  2. Breathe properly
  3. Concentrate on doing the exercises, try to understand how and for what you are doing every move

The best exercise of Chinese curative gymnastics for the back is to study by video or in person from the master.

Remember that exercises need to be done gently and smoothly

So you will be able to notice the slightest subtleties in the position of the body and movements.

Gymnastics for the back with scoliosis and osteochondrosis

Medical gymnastics will be useful for both treatment and prevention of scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics in scoliosis

The basis of the complex for the treatment of scoliosis is symmetrically performed exercises with minimal load.

By doing them correctly, you reduce the risk of side effects to a minimum.

At the same time, although the movements are symmetrical, the load on the muscles turns out different - the weak ones become stronger, and the strong ones work half-heartedly.

Consequently, the development of the muscular framework is harmonized, and the spine is leveled.

First you need to do exercises to unload your back - to be like on all fours, stretch out, relax on the floor or fitbole.

If you have a sick spine, it will be better if the set of exercises you pick a specialist

After that you can proceed:

A bike

Familiar to everyone from school years, exercise is very effective in scoliosis. Lying on the floor, resting your hands on the sides of the body, raised feet above the floor, imitate riding a bike.

Scissors on the abdomen

Lying on the stomach, we have a head on the back of the palms. Straight legs make cross flies (vertical and horizontal).

It is important to tear your hips off the floor. Perform 2-3 sets of 20-40 seconds.

Classic exercise bike

Rises of legs and hands

Standing on all fours, simultaneously stretch the opposite arm and leg until they are parallel to the floor.

Repeat 10 times for each pair of hands-feet, to begin with, it will suffice to perform 2 approaches.

Therapeutic exercises with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease affecting the tissues of the intervertebral discs.

Excessive stress, insufficient or excessive physical activity, excess weight, trauma spine, stress, smoking, abrupt discontinuation of sports - all this can provoke him development.

Practice yoga for the back

gymnastics for a back with an osteochondrosis, certainly, will not replace on 100% consultation of the physiotherapist or the trainer with the experience, but for many it is the unique possibility to help or assist itself independently.

Exercises presented below, can be considered universal - they can be performed by adults and children.

Basic complex of exercises

Lie down on the floor and completely relax. Bend the legs in the knees, put the heel of one leg on the fingers of the other.

Do not tear your legs apart, make turns right and left. Repeat 7-10 times, then change your legs in places.

Do gymnastics regularly and forever forget about problems with your back

Smooth turning of the hips to the sides will also be very useful.

The tempo can be chosen at your discretion, but too fast pace or actively expand the amplitude is undesirable - most likely, it will cause unpleasant sensations, and perhaps even stretching of the muscles.


Lying on the floor, turn your hips from side to side, while keeping your feet together above the floor.


At the same time, you should turn your head in the opposite direction.

As you already knew, smooth turns and twists are the main movements in the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.

Stretching your back with simple movements is 10 minutes. But doing the exercises regularly, you will be able to get a result that will far surpass your expectations.

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