Cyclamen root from genyantritis

Cyclamen from sinusitis: folk remedy as an auxiliary therapy

Cyclamen from sinusitis is used in folk medicine for a long time.

Due to its medicinal properties, which are in the root of the plant, cyclamen is able to have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, to remove swelling and to facilitate breathing with the nose.

With the help of sap of the cyclamen root, a common runny nose, inflammation of polyps and adenoids are treated, but still, first of all it is used to treat sinusitis.

It is proved that with the regular use of drops made on the basis of this plant, you can completely get rid of chronic forms of the disease, as well as from a cold and nasal congestion.

As is known, sinusitis is caused by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses as a result of a protracted runny nose and a layering of bacterial infection. Also, the disease can be triggered by a bad condition of the upper teeth, whose roots are located near the cavity of the maxillary sinuses.

The main symptoms of sinusitis are:

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  • thick astringent discharge from the nose;
  • absence of smell;
  • heaviness in the nose and temples;
  • headache;
  • elevated body temperature (37-38 degrees);
  • general malaise.

Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to serious complications and irreversible processes, up to a lethal outcome. To avoid all this, when the first similar symptoms appear, consult a doctor who, when confirming the diagnosis, if necessary will cleanse the clogged maxillary sinuses with a special otolaryngological device for nasal lavage, and also assign you the proper treatment, most likely with the reception of antibiotics, and perhaps recommend a folk remedy for sinusitis cyclamen in the form of drug drops or domestic recipes.

Cyclamen treatment of sinusitis in the home

The first to use cyclamen for medical purposes began still Hippocrates, it was he who discovered healing anti-inflammatory properties of this flower, although earlier this plant was considered poisonous and did not try touch it.

Today, treatment of genyantritis at home with cyclamen is quite common in medicine, on its basis different medications are being prepared, and it is widely used in folk medicine, sinusitis.

From the roots of tubers, the plants extract medicinal juice, which is the basis for the preparation of various infusions, drops and ointments, and the roots themselves are also ground in a crushed form.

It is important to know

Despite such miraculous properties, cyclamen should be used with caution, since concentrated juice of the plant, can have the opposite effect, thereby complicating the flowing disease. Therefore, it is important to follow the recipes for self-preparation of home cyclamen, and also, before you start taking them, you should always consult with an otolaryngologist.

Home drops with cyclamen from genyantritis

Recipe number 1.

To prepare drops from a genyantritis with cyclamen it is necessary to take:

  • the root part of the cyclamen tuber;
  • boiled water.
  1. One part of the root of the plant is thoroughly rinsed, dried and rubbed on a small grater.
  2. Then, from the resulting gruel, squeeze the juice and strain it through a four-layer gauze fabric.
  3. The resulting therapeutic juice should be diluted with cold water (boiled) in the proportion:.
  4. Apply this remedy in the morning, digging into each nostril two drops per pipette for one week. After the performed procedure, it is necessary to take a horizontal position or simply to tilt the head back, and also to make an easy massage of the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose.

Recipe number 2.

There is another way of preparing drops in the nose on the basis of cyclamen. It is necessary to take:

  • 1 g of tuber plants;
  • 50 ml of hot water;
  • 1 liter of cold water.
  1. Root the ground and pour 50 ml of boiling water.
  2. The mixture should be allowed to infuse for an hour, after which the tincture should be diluted in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of cold boiled water.
  3. Prepared drops should be buried in the nose 2 drops at least 3, but not more than 5 times a day. The course of ancillary therapy is carried out for one week.

Recipe # 3

To eliminate the unpleasant dryness of the nasal mucosa during sinusitis, you can prepare the following drops with cyclamen. Take:

  • 1 part of the cyclamen juice;
  • 1 part of vegetable (sunflower) oil.
  1. Both ingredients should be combined in equal proportions, and allow the agent to infuse.
  2. Drip daily 2-3 drops in each nostril. The course continues for about 1 week.

Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen: folk recipes

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, as well as cyclamen is not limited to the use of drops, it is also possible to prepare a healing ointment.

To do this you need:

  • cyclamen juice;
  • aloe juice;
  • juice of onions;
  • the Kalanchoe juice;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.
  1. Extract the juice from the tubers of the cyclamen plant with aloe juice, onion, Kalanchoe and Vishnevsky ointment.
  2. The received product should be put in a nose on impregnated wadded flagella and to hold about half an hour. Such treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen should be at least 21 days.
Like most medicines, preparations based on cyclamen from sinusitis can cause side effects, associated primarily with individual intolerance to a person of one of the components medicines.

Therefore, if you feel any discomfort, burning, pain, dizziness, etc., you should immediately stop using such drugs and seek medical help from a doctor.

Prepared medications on the basis of cyclamen as well as folk remedies from sinusitis with soap, not It is recommended that children under seven, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers be used to avoid undesirable consequences of such treatment.

It should not be forgotten that sinusitis is quite a complex and dangerous disease, leading to serious complications and chronic forms. Try not to run the disease.

Today, the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is carried out in various ways, including with the help of cyclamen, thanks to which the ailment passes quickly and without a trace.

Drops in the nose with cyclamen from sinusitis: where to buy and at what price

Drops from sinusitis with cyclamen juice can be done at home, and you can buy at a pharmacy. The cyclamen concentrate is the most commonly sold, which must then be diluted. One bottle is enough for a full course of treatment, its price is 320-360 rubles.

More softly than the juice solution, oil from the root of the cyclamen, which can also be bought at the pharmacy (the average cost of 240-260 rubles). The oily structure of the drug more evenly spreads and helps to avoid overdrying the nasal mucosa.

The drug for the treatment of sinusitis Cyclamen has been used successfully for a long time, but it is not worth it forget that this plant is poisonous, so when applying it, you must strictly follow the recommendations doctor.


Cyclamen from sinusitis: the features of the use of the remedy

Cyclamen from sinusitis has been used for a long time. Then the plant was used for the preparation of folk remedies in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract. Now pharmacology uses cyclamen extract in the process of making drops in the nose against the sinusitis.

How does a plant act on the body?

Cyclamen is the name of a perennial herbaceous plant that was brought to our regions from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Now many people grow it at home, thanks to which in the autumn-spring period an effective treatment of the inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses is carried out.

As part of the cyclamen tubers there are saponins and cyclamines, it is these substances that give the plant a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. In addition, they normalize the hormonal balance, have an irritating effect on mucous membranes, enhance the reflex function, stimulating these actions to self-purification and regeneration.

Cyclamen flowers are quite toxic, they can cause allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, seizures, cardiovascular and respiratory system disorders. Such side effects can occur only with an overdose.

In folk and traditional medicine, the extract of this plant is used in the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, runny nose, adenoiditis, polyps in the nose, headaches.

The use of cyclamen in genyantema

In the treatment of sinusitis cyclamen is used by folk and traditional medicine. A common application is the root of the plant, the extract of which is used in this form:

  • ointment;
  • drops;
  • decoctions;
  • infusions.

These products can be easily prepared at home and used to treat sinusitis. Drops are prepared this way: the root of the plant needs to be cleaned, washed under water and rubbed. The juice is squeezed, diluted with water and stored in a refrigerator. In a day the medicine is ready for use, it should be dripped every morning 2 drops in the nose until complete recovery.Notable improvements are evident already on day 3 of this treatment. Cyclamen is not always well tolerated, sometimes itching, burning, pain can occur in the nose, then the administration of drops should be avoided.

With sinusitis, cyclamen juice is often used as a basis for preparing an anti-inflammatory ointment. To prepare the medicine in the same amount you need to take the juice of aloe, calanchoe, onion, cyclamen and Vishnevsky ointment. Mix everything and get the obtained ointment in a small amount on a cotton wool flag which is put in the nose for 30-40 minutes. Ointment should be used daily for 3 weeks, even if the improvement occurred earlier.

The roots of cyclamen from sinusitis are used to prepare decoctions and infusions. To prepare the infusion, take 1 gram of grated cyclamen root, pour 50 ml of boiling water, insist the medicine within an hour. Before use, the infusion should be diluted with water - 1 hour. l. per liter of boiling water. The prepared medicine drips into the nose 2 drops in each nasal passage 5 times a day for one week.

Sinuforte from sinusitis

The plant extract is so effective in combating inflammatory processes that on its basis pharmacists have made drops in the nose with a cyclamen called "Sinuforte". When using a medicine, such changes in the body are observed:
  • reduces edema of the mucosa;
  • liqueurs pus;
  • the processes of natural cleansing of the nasal cavity and regeneration of the cells of the mucosa are stimulated.

This complex action of drops with cyclamen from sinusitis "Sinuforte" allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant signs of the disease. When treating the inflammatory process in each nasal passage, 2 drops drop once a day, the course of treatment - 7 days. Sinuforte is also produced in the form of a spray, it is applied according to the same scheme, making 2 irrigation of each nostril.The use of this drug at the initial stage of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses will not only allow you to get rid of the maxillary sinusitis in a short time, but also to prevent its further development.

Precautionary measures

Cyclamen can not be taken to children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women

Choosing this plant as a remedy for sinusitis, it is worth remembering its virulence. For this reason, after preparing the medicine on its basis, the hands should be washed well with soap. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage, especially if the inflammatory process in the child is treated. Some specialists against the treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen, since it often leads to burns of the mucous membrane, which only aggravates the further course of the disease.

It is forbidden to take medicine from cyclamen in such cases:

  • children up to 7 years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation.

You can not use cyclamen if you are not sure of the diagnosis. Determine the course of the inflammatory process, namely - sinusitis, can only the otolaryngologist. Any treatment of sinusitis can be carried out only after consulting a specialist.

How to use the cyclamen root for sinusitis?


Good afternoon! My name is Elena. For many years, I have suffered from sinusitis, several times I have made a puncture. It seems to me that the drugs do not help at all. I found out that the cyclamen root is used in genyantritis. Is it so?


Hello, Elena! For a long time it is known that cyclamen can be used for sinusitis. It is used even for the production of drugs, which is distinguished by high efficiency.

Extracts from the root help stop various inflammatory processes. Using folk recipes, based on cyclamen, you can cope not only with sinusitis, but also with the common cold, sinusitis, adenoids, arthritis.

Grow this plant at home is not difficult, and shredded tubers are used to make drops, infusions, broths and ointments. Cyclamen from sinusitis is used widely enough. It is rich in saponin, cyclamines and bitter substances. Medicines based on this plant have anti-inflammatory, soothing and antimicrobial effects.

Be sure to consider the toxicity of the cyclamen, so after the medicines are prepared, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. In addition, strict adherence to dosage is required. Do not recommend using such drugs for children under seven years of age, pregnant nursing women.

In order to prepare the drops, the washed cyclamen root is ground using a float. The resulting mass is filtered, and the formed juice is diluted with water and insisted in a cold place. The solution is injected daily for a week, a couple drops into the nostril. The result will be in one or two days.

Drops with tsikamenom from a genyantritis are on sale and in a drugstore. The most popular of them are known under the name "Sinuforte".

To prepare the ointment mixed cyclamen juice, Kalanchoe, aloe, onion, Vishnevsky ointment. This substance is applied to a swab of cotton or gauze, which is put into the nose for half an hour. The procedure is conducted daily for twenty-one days.

To make the present, the ground root, two grams, is poured over with boiling water, 100 ml, and settles for an hour. The resulting infusion, a teaspoon, is diluted with a liter of boiling water. Used for instillation in the nose, two drops in each nostril, four times a day.

Cyclamen from genyantritis

A perennial herb with surprisingly beautiful flowers has long been used by folk healers in the treatment of diseases of the nasal sinuses. Even in the modern pharmacological industry, cyclamen is used from sinusitis, and the preparations from it have a high cost.

The effectiveness of folk and traditional medicines is due to the unique composition of the plant tubers that are rich in saponins and cyclamines. These substances quickly stop inflammation, clean the mucous membranes of the sinuses, prevent the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen

You can make a healing solution at home.

Standard Recipe


  • rhizome rhizome - 20 g;
  • boiled water - 4 h. spoons.

Preparation and use

Rinse, dry the tubers a little. Grate them on a small grater and lightly shine, you can use a blender. Squeeze the juice from the gruel, drain the resulting liquid through the cheesecloth folded in four. Mix 1 hour. a spoonful of raw material with water. Bury 2 drops in the nostril every morning for 7 days.

Alternative prescription for a remedy for sinusitis with cyclamen


  • tuber cyclamen h. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 25 ml;
  • cold clean water - 500 ml.

Preparation and use

Wash, grind the roots of the plant. Pour gruel with boiling water and leave at 1 hour. Press mass, discard solid residue. Dissolve the remaining liquid with cold water. Introduce 2 drops in each nasal passage up to 5 times a day for a week. You can also make home-made cyclamen oil for sinusitis, which relieves not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the dryness of the mucous membranes.

Recipe for Cyclamen Oil


  • juice from the roots of cyclamen - 1 hour. a spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 hour. a spoon.

Preparation and use

Shake in a small glass bottle components, leave the solution for 2-3 hours. Drip 3 drops of oil in the nostrils 1 time per day, continue the course for about 8 days.

Pharmaceutical medicines for sinusitis with cyclamen

If there is no desire or opportunity to use freshly squeezed plant juice, you can buy ready-made products in the pharmacy. They are not so many, but any of the medicines is highly effective even in severe purulent inflammation.

Medicines for sinusitis on the basis of cyclamen juice:

  • Sinuphoe;
  • Neonox and Neonox Forte;
  • Sinupret;
  • Apifarm "Nasal agent with cyclamen
  • Nasoprene;
  • Phytosanol "Cyclamen + Eucalyptus".

Cyclamen from sinusitis. Drops with cyclamen from the genyantritis: reviews

Sinusitis is a disease that develops as a result of the inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. This ailment can be the consequence of a common cold in combination with a bacterial infection. To date, created a huge number of drugs that can heal sinusitis. The basis of this disease is mainly antibiotics.

However, there are also safer methods of getting rid of the disease. Among the means of alternative medicine are those that are able to improve the condition of the patient with genyantritis, while facilitating the course of the disease and speeding up the recovery process. Sometimes some herbal preparations allow avoiding such unpleasant methods of treating the disease as washing and puncture. Well proven cyclamen. From a genyantritis drops on the basis of this plant help. Usually a wild flower grows in the Caucasus. Of course, an ordinary European cyclamen, which grows well on the sills of apartments in pots, is also used to combat the disease.

What it is?

Cyclamen treatment of sinusitis has been practiced for a very long time. It is a representative of herbaceous perennial plants, home to which is considered Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Cyclamen grows well in our climatic conditions. The substances that make up its tubers, have a beneficial effect on the hormonal environment. In addition, the components are able to withstand inflammatory processes, have a calming effect, improve the reflex secretion of mucous membranes, producing a peculiar irritant effect. As a result, the tissues self-clean and regenerate faster.

Often for the treatment of various ailments use funds based on cyclamen. A flower from a genyantritis relieves perfectly, and also helps to cope with a common runny nose, is effective in adenoids, sinusitis, headache, arthritis and polyps in the nose. The process of growing a plant does not cause great difficulties. On the basis of crushed roots, ointments, decoctions, infusions and drops are prepared.

The root of cyclamen will help cure sinusitis

Very often, for the fight against sinusitis and sinusitis, non-traditional medicine products, based on the cyclamen root, are used. After all, this part of the plant contains the most useful macroelements, saponins and cyclamen. It is worth noting that such drugs can cure even the chronic form of sinusitis. Before preparing the means, the tubers must be cleaned with a brush and well washed. After that, the juice should be extracted from the raw material. To do this, you can use a grater or a juicer.

How to apply

Cyclamen juice should be diluted with water. Thus it is necessary to observe proportions: on one part of juice to take 4 parts of water. For the night, the product should be placed in the refrigerator so that it is infused. Drops with cyclamen from sinusitis are best used in the morning or before going to bed. After digging in, you should lie down for a while. This product perfectly helps in combination with a decoction of medicinal herbs with honey. You can prepare the drink from the root of licorice, echinacea, eucalyptus, string, St. John's wort, yarrow, or mistletoe. In this form cyclamen helps to get rid of purulent discharge in just a few days.

Are there any rules for using a cyclomene? A flower from a genyantritis it is really necessary to apply with observance of certain prescriptions. A solution made from the juice of the plant must be digested a few drops into each nostril. After this procedure, you need to lie down for 10 minutes, and then drink a decoction of herbs. The course of such therapy is 7 days. The positive effect is already observed on the third day.

Among the advantages of this method of treatment of sinusitis is a positive effect that occurs after a short time. As for the shortcomings, it is necessary to identify allergic reactions, which are often accompanied by increased sweating, sneezing, coughing, pain and burning in the nose. If any of the symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


Cyclamen from sinusitis is often used in the form of ointments. The juice of this plant is the basis for the preparation of such products. In pure form, it is not worth using. Usually, they make mixtures from the juice of cyclamen, Kalanchoe, onion, aloe, and also Vishnevsky ointment. All components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting substance must be applied to a gauze or cotton swab, which is later laid in the nostrils. You need to go through the procedure once a day. In this case, its duration should be from 30 to 40 minutes. The course is three weeks.


There is a huge amount of nontraditional medicine, which includes cyclamen. Treatment of sinusitis can be carried out not only with drops and ointments, but also with infusions prepared on the basis of this plant. It is necessary to take 100 milliliters of water and 2 grams of chopped cyclamen tubers, place them in one container and put on a small fire. Boil the infusion it takes about an hour. After that, a teaspoon of the prepared broth is bred in one liter of hot water. The finished product is used for instillation in the nose up to five times a day. In each nostril you need to drip 2 drops.

Pharmacy products

To date, there are pharmacy products, of which there is a cyclamen. From a genyantritis various sprays and drops help or assist. The most famous drug is Sinuforte. The only drawback of this spray in its high cost, despite the fact that one bottle of medicine is enough for a while.

This drug perfectly cleanses the sinuses of the accumulated fluid. This reduces the swelling and liquefaction of pus. Thanks to this, a speedy recovery comes. The course of treatment is only 7 days. Every day you need to do up to three injections. If you strictly adhere to this treatment scheme, then there is a chance to achieve a stable remission and forget about the ailment.


The plant has toxic properties. That is why it is worthwhile using with caution the funds, in which there is a cyclamen. Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies should be carried out only after consultation with specialists. Do not use them to treat the disease for nursing and pregnant women, as well as for young children.


What do those who have already tried means on the basis of cyclamen think? From genyantritis, according to people, help and drugs, and cooked at home. After instillation of drops, a burning sensation is felt. After this, an active discharge from the nose begins. At the same time, the patients note that they get high-quality washing at home. According to consumers, the sensation is a little unpleasant, but on the second day there is no more pus.

The remedy, which contains cyclamen, from the genyantritis helps well. Judging by the reviews, after instillation, along with burning, the swelling intensifies, but not for long. After this, the nose begins to breathe. If you use the products on the basis of this plant from the very first day of the disease, then you do not have to pierce. Drops perfectly cope with sinusitis.

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