Severe coughing before vomiting

What is the cause of coughing with vomiting?

Very often with a strong cough in a person, a vomitive reflex starts to develop, while specialists point to several causes of its origin. So, according to them, when a strong cough comes up to vomiting, one can assume the development of several respiratory diseases. This phenomenon causes parents anxiety and anxiety, especially if there is a coughing up before vomiting in a child who has not yet turned a year old. Having discovered such a process, it is important to understand why it can occur.

Why do children have a vomiting cough?

Coughing with baby vomiting - one of the symptoms of whooping cough, pediatrician consultation required

Simultaneous occurrence of cough and vomiting in a child is much more common than in adults.Pediatricians to such a process find a fairly simple explanation: the fact that the children have cough and vomiting centers are very close, moreover, they are closely related.If parents repeatedly notice the occurrence in a child of a cough with vomiting, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the development of such a dangerous disease as whooping cough. One of the brightest and most important signs of this disease is a dry convulsive cough, which always causes vomiting. In addition, with such a process, any antitussive drugs that were previously considered effective in treating colds are powerless. During coughing, the baby tries to clear his throat, but he does not succeed, his face turns red, his tongue protrudes. In some cases, as a complication of the disease, swelling of the vocal cords may occur, presenting a great danger to the life of the patient. That is why it is so important at the moment when the child has a strong cough before vomiting, immediately seek medical help from experienced specialists. To diagnose "whooping cough" pediatrician can only by results of the analyzes.

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In the case where pertussis is excluded as the cause of vomiting, it is worthwhile to consider other possible variants of this state of the organism. Such an unpleasant and dangerous process can be caused by the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • ARI;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • runny nose.
Very often, when coughing is neglected, accompanied by a catarrhal disease, bronchitis begins to develop.The accumulation of thick mucus in the bronchi causes a cough, which can reach vomiting because the sputum is not separated and not removed to the surface of the respiratory tract. In addition, it is possible that the phenomenon of coughing and vomiting can be the result of the accumulation of mucus in the nose.It can be intensively produced and accumulated in the nasal cavity not only because of a cold, but also as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen. In this case, the mucus begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, causing a dry cough and vomiting in the child.

Why does this process occur in adults?

In adults, vomiting is rare when coughing

In adults, coughing attacks that lead the body to the development of a vomiting reflex are extremely rare. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that their immunity is much stronger, and therefore catarrhal diseases carry them much easier. But, nevertheless, adults can also sometimes frighten a phenomenon when a strong cough causes vomiting. The cause of coughing before vomiting usually becomes a neglected disease, which occurs in a very complicated form, when there is a strong inflammation of the airways. According to specialists, the gag reflex is produced by irritation of the receptors of the throat wall. Usually, this complication is typical for pneumonia and bronchitis at an advanced stage of their development. Most often, vomiting due to severe coughing attacks occurs in the evenings, as well as during a night's sleep. It is not excluded and cough at night in a child who is especially dangerous, because during sleep the child can suffocate from getting into the respiratory tract of vomit.Therefore, for the entire period of treatment in order to exclude such irreversible consequences, the mother must sleep with the child, watching the whole night for his condition.This condition in children and adults is always accompanied by severe pain in the throat and chest, as damage to the mucous membranes occurs. A muffled cough that occurs mainly in the morning or on the street, causing a gag reflex, may indicate a chronic bronchitis in the human body. In adults, coughing, causing vomiting, can be associated with the development of such diseases as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.

In addition, such complaints can be from heavy smokers, as well as people who work in dusty premises.

How to help the patient?

Having discovered such a debilitating cough, it is important to help the patient until the doctor has examined him. Experts recommend that the following steps be taken to alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. Provide a warm drink and properly selected food. During this period it is useful to drink warm milk with butter and honey or raspberry tea, which soften the inflamed respiratory tract well. The diet of the patient should consist mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, the food should be low-calorie, so that the body does not spend energy to digest it.
  2. To create a quiet environment for the rapid recovery of the patient, it is important to rest more without overworking the body.
  3. Do inhalations with medicinal herbs - use lime flowers, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, which will make the cough more productive.

Parents who see that the cough is about to cause vomiting in the child can raise his hands up, after which temporary relief should come. If the baby does not know how to blow his nose, it is necessary to constantly wash and clean his nose of mucus, or teach him spit it through his mouth. In any case, when coughing, which causes vomiting, medications without a doctor's appointment can not be taken.

What if I get vomiting?

Coughing up vomiting is a rare phenomenon, which causes anxiety in patients and their loved ones. Some of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to this condition of the patient.According to experts, many diseases can cause it, but more often it occurs with colds and bronchitis.

A severe cough before vomiting in children is considered quite normal, even if it is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But, if this situation arises in adults, this should signal a possible development of very serious health problems.As a rule, such coughing attacks can be a complication in pneumonia.

It is important to know that all heavy smokers suffer greatly from a cough that often causes vomiting. Most of them have such diseases as asthma or pneumonia.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting with severe coughing attacks occurs from irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the following diseases and conditions to which children are exposed:

  • whooping cough;
  • presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • runny nose.

If the parents found the child vomiting when coughing, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of this condition. The main task of parents is to provide first aid before the arrival of a doctor.

Whooping cough

Among infectious diseases it is necessary to allocate whooping cough. Despite the fact that almost all children are vaccinated against this disease, it can still occur, however, after a vaccination in a weaker form. The main sign is a cough, in which sputum often goes away, less often - a cough with vomiting occurs.

Usually, such attacks occur at night, when the child wakes up from the fact that it starts to choke. As a rule, such a state is not accompanied by a temperature, but with dry coughing attacks, there may also be a runny nose. During the bouts of coughing, the child becomes red, his body becomes very tense, which has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system.

Foreign object

If a foreign object enters the respiratory tract of a child, it requires immediate action on the part of parents and medical personnel. In early childhood, foreign objects fall into the swallowing of small parts during the game. Sometimes children choke on food while eating. This can happen at any age, but most often suffer from the age of 4 months to 2 years, at a time when they all take in their mouths.

To understand what happened is very easy, because until the foreign object entered the respiratory tract, the child was absolutely healthy. Characteristic signs are reddening of the face, shortness of breath, coughing, often accompanied by vomiting.

At this point, it is very important to provide first aid: if the child is small, it can easily be turned upside down and knock on the back, freeing the airways.

Unfortunately, the foreign object can completely shut off the air supply by its arrangement, which inevitably leads to suffocation. In such cases, one should resort to the use of Heimlich's method - a sharp push under the diaphragm increases the pressure in the airways and pushes the object out.

ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis

Cough with an emetic reflex and even with vomiting can occur with viral and colds. After all, for them, the accumulation of mucus and sputum in the respiratory tract is characteristic, which causes an attack. Vomiting for colds occurs as a result of the movement of excitation from the cough center to the vomiting center. Usually, vomiting caused by a cough, the child is not plentiful, and after it there is no relief from the condition.

If cough is caused by congestion of mucus in the airways, treatment should only be carried out by a pediatrician, since some cases will help mucolytic or expectorant, in others - do not do without drugs that suppress cough seizures. Eliminate coughing attacks even before taking medications will help such actions as humidification of the air in the room, airing the room, a plentiful drink.


Coughing and vomiting often occur in the cold in children, especially in newborns, because at this age the child does not yet know how to release the nose from accumulated mucus. She, draining on the back wall of the pharynx, accumulates there, irritating the mucous membrane, causes severe attacks of coughing. Get rid of coughing with vomiting for a cold is much easier, it is important to constantly release the nose from the snot. Also, a competent treatment for the common cold should be done.

Features of treatment

Even before the arrival of doctors, it is important for the child to provide first aid. In all situations, except for the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, soft emollients should be used. It is useful to drink warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries. To get rid of such an unpleasant symptom is possible only if the cause of its occurrence is eliminated, so the doctor should diagnose and conduct the proper treatment.

To cough up before vomiting did not reach, it is important to monitor the child and, if necessary, contact a specialist.

At what illnesses there is a cough with vomiting at the adult?

Everyone knows about frequent cough, whooping cough satellite, which brings the child to a vomiting reflex. And what if the cough with vomiting in an adult? Cough itself is not a disease, it is a symptom.And often such signs have diseases of the respiratory organs: influenza, acute colds, pneumonia.Only not always cough comes to vomiting. A vomitive reflex arises from the fact that coughing attacks irritate the receptors of the walls of the throat. Hence the conclusion: this state can develop due to the advanced stage of the cold, presence of foreign matter in the airway or because of a more serious health problem.

In children, coughing up to vomiting comes at a high level of intoxication of the body during a respiratory illness. Such symptoms in childhood are quite frequent, which can not be said about the adult generation. Adult patients have stronger immunity to diseases, which they already had in childhood, so the body reacts to infections and viruses not so violently. The only thing with which the human defense system can not cope is with neglected diseases. The body fails, and the disease manifests itself quite violently, leading a person to vomiting.

Diseases that cause such symptoms

The very first group of diseases that are suspected are acute respiratory viral diseases, which can affect a person with different intensity. Usually the onset of acute respiratory infections, colds, or flu comes with a feeling of malaise, weakness, and even with a dry cough.

After a few days, the cough becomes wet, and when purging, purulent sputum is separated. Depending on the type of disease, it can be pectoral or barking cough. At high temperature, headaches and general malaise in adult patients, coughing can reach the gag reflex.

Another disease, the main symptom of which is cough, is acute or chronic bronchitis. With acute development of the disease, the patient will suffer from a deep and moist cough, with which mucous and watery sputum leaves. The chronic course of bronchitis passes with a more muffled symptom, similar to a "barking" sound. Usually the patient begins to cough in a cold or dusty room. In the morning, signs of bronchitis increase and often reach vomiting.

When tracheitis is diagnosed with a sonorous cough reflex with characteristic pain behind the sternum, high fever and weakness. Coughing the patient begins suddenly, breathing in cold air or smoke. After a cough, purulent sputum is separated.

If an adult is diagnosed with an allergic disease with bronchial asthma, the signs of the illness will be attacks of suffocation and a prolonged cough that comes to vomiting.

Typically, this reaction occurs at the time of contact with the allergen stimulus. It is a seasonal illness characterized by exacerbations in the spring-summer period. It is worth noting that vomiting with a cough reflex occurs not only in allergies, but also in heavy smokers, and also after taking certain medications.

Pneumonia necessarily flows with a chest and deep cough, which is accompanied by a low temperature and pain in the lungs. The cough reflex is strong and often results in vomiting. The characteristic "rusty" sputum appears when the croup type of pneumonia.

Diseases not suspected

If a dry cough does not leave a person for a long time, while intensifying while reaching vomiting, then, most likely, the patient has tuberculosis. Sometimes such patients have blood in sputum. The general condition of a person worsens, for a long time, a low temperature can keep, and at night the symptoms will only increase. Usually patients suffer from excessive sweating and chills during the night.

If a person for a long time is tormented by a dry cough that goes to vomiting, but the temperature remains within normal limits, this may be the first and only sign of lung cancer. Noticing this symptom, you can find out about the disease and begin its treatment in the early stages. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient will need to do a fluorography. When lung cancer, dry cough should necessarily change to wet.

In diseases of the gallbladder, a person can simply turn out from a cough reflex, which is accompanied by vomiting. Usually these are night attacks, after which the adult has convulsions of the thighs or lower legs, there may be shots in the eyes, burning of the feet, hot sweating occurs.

Such an irritating symptom is diagnosed when there is a malfunction in the immune and endocrine systems, liver diseases (it does not reach vomiting, but desires may be).

How to get rid of this symptom?

If you can get rid of a simple cough with the help of antitussive drugs, then to treat a cough reflex with vomiting you need medical help. What is usually allowed to take with the usual dry or wet character of a cough can be harmful to health or ineffective in a vomitive reflex. First you need to determine the cause correctly and make a diagnosis.

During the period of illness, the patient must ensure rest and peace, it is desirable that he was in bed. To alleviate the suffering of the patient can be with the help of recipes of traditional medicine. Usually used tinctures from breastfeeding, honey, milk and tea. At this time, you need to visit a doctor and go through the necessary examination, take tests.

If the diagnosis is a catarrhal disease, you should not take drugs that stimulate expectoration with a dry cough, and vice versa. Patients should consume a lot of warm liquid, which will promote the excretion of mucus. Herbal tinctures and decoctions, teas, milk with honey - the first thing that should always be near a patient with a cold or flu. Before taking medication, be sure to consult with your doctor and not make a diagnosis yourself. Do not self-medicate!

I have an intense cough, right up to vomiting! Cold! How to treat?



coughing attacks can be removed with a sugar candy (smear a large spoon with sunflower oil (this is what sugar to the spoon is not strongly adhered), put it there a teaspoon of sugar and drip a little water there, hold it over the gas burner until the sugar turns dark brown, then cool) is not tasty, but it helps. Only more often than 1 time per day to resort to this agent is harmful


it's pneumonia, however... (inflammation of the lungs, if in Russian)

Galina Krivova

To the doctor. And to make a fluorography


right now he has many. stay at home a week. helped me

Igor Belov

And stop caring for your hair.


summed quickly and efficiently.

Irina Gubareva



Cough is also allergic, after drops in the nose, for example, then helps suprastin

Girl Dragon

During the day, you can ambroxol, and at night, kodelak.

Stepan Unknown

First of all, make a good detour so that there is no vomiting. Then suck "HOLS blue or black. It makes it easier.


It is necessary to treat eseppal or biopark, it will be better to breathe over a potato with salt and soda for the night. the throat is obligatory. in the heat does not go to the streets to frost, the doctor to call let the throat look at anyway.

D. C.

The BEST folk remedies for bronchitis
In 300 ml of boiled milk add 1 tablespoon badger oil and 1 tablespoon of honey, take in the warmest form in the morning and evening.
Mother-and-stepmother 2 parts, herb of oregano 1 part, inflorescence of chamomile 2 parts. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
Grasshopper herb 4 parts, birch buds 1 part, oregano grass 2 parts, nettle leaves 1 part. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
300 g of honey, half a glass of water and a sheet of finely chopped aloe, cook over low heat for 2 hours. Cool and mix. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
root of althea, grass of Ledum, birch buds, root of elecampane, grass of sweet clover - equally. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
bark of oak, grass of oregano, angelica root, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, viburnum bark, leaf of spray, clover flowers - equally. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
fruits of cranberries, mullein flowers, nettle herbs, flowers of the moth, bay leaf, flax seeds, linden flowers, raspberry leaf - equally. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
hoof half part, raspberry leaf 1 piece, cuff leaf 1 part, stepmother leaf 2 parts, mint grass 2 parts, dandelion root 1 part, grass root 1 part. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
root of the primrose, tansy flowers, plantain leaf - 2 parts, motherwort grass 1 part, chamomile flowers 1 part, cyanosis root 1 part. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
3 currant leaves, licorice root 2 parts, pine buds 1 part, yarrow 1 part, dill fruits - 1 part. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
grass violet tricolor 2 parts, grass horsetail field 2 parts, herb thyme 2 parts, rosehip fruit 3 parts, eucalyptus leaf 1 part. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.
althea root, rosemary grass, birch buds, elecampane root, sweet clover grass, oregano grass, mint grass, celandine grass - equally. Preparation and use: 2 tablespoons of the collection to pour, l boiling water, drain together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight. Take 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3-4 times a day. Course - 1 month. After a week break, the course can be repeated.

Tatyana Petrovna

Tincture of propolis, 1 tea. lie in the morning and evening before eating, dilute a little with water, drink better with milk. 5-7 days.
Boil tangerine peel-hot infusion to drink with sugar (1-1.5 liters per day to drink a little. )
Lollipops "BOBS" with menthol and eucalyptus 5- 7 candies a day to dissolve. (until recovery.)

Nikolay Zuev

To me personally, broncholitin helps


There is a virus with this current. If there is no pneumonia on the x-ray, then the ERESPAL preparation can be taken 1 table 3 times. For children from three years old there is a mixture, adults - tablets.
In addition, inhalations and antihistamines, for example, CLARITIN according to one table. 2 times, still any multivitamins.

Pavel Semestyaga

If a strong cough is necessary to take ACTS, it is a thinning agent, and then an expectorant "CUCA".


Ordinary bromhexine + antibiotics. And it is better to have a hot-water bottle on the whole body!


Ceces of the throat every two hours with some infusion of herbs (sage, chamomile, etc. ..). It's local!
And in general, strengthen the body! Lemonchik, milk with oil, tea with honey and everything will be The Best! :)

Yevseeva lilya (moleva)

very well medicine ASKORIL checked or SINEKOD only this helps my daughter with an influx of coughs


Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.

The child coughs before vomiting

The majority of people, becoming parents of the kid, regularly face such phenomena as cough and snot. This can be explained, first of all, by the physiology of the child and his still insufficiently developed immune system. Cough and mucous discharge from the nose are natural phenomena designed to clean the respiratory tract. With the help of such protection mechanisms, particles of dust, small foreign bodies and mucus formed there from the upper parts of the respiratory system are removed. It should be borne in mind that small children catch colds much easier and more often than adults. Therefore, snot and cough are often perceived as ordinary companions of childhood.

Some parents do not attach much importance to such manifestations of the disease. However, when a child has a cough to vomit, even they are usually frightened and realize that the problem is much more serious. In such cases, moms often begin to panic, call doctors or, more significantly, give the child various medications not recommended by the doctor.

It must be remembered that coughing up vomiting in children is quite common and common. This can be confirmed by any pediatrician. This development is due to the fact that in children the emetic and cough centers in the brain are located close to each other and have a large number of connections among themselves. Therefore, when one is excited, the excitation of the second often occurs, and as a result, the child coughs up to vomiting.

But not all so unambiguously. Coughing up to vomiting can also be a symptom of severe pathology. In such cases, a favorable outcome and the absence of any consequences often depend on the timely recognition of the disease and the initiation of treatment. Therefore, if a child has a cough to vomit, it is worth paying attention to, and if it repeats, other symptoms of the disease or if there are suspicions of its presence, it is better to turn to specialists.

Possible cause of coughing before vomiting - whooping cough

If coughing in a child goes into vomiting, then initially it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing pertussis. One of the most characteristic signs of this pathology is just a convulsive dry cough before vomiting, which has a paroxysmal character. In this case, coughing quickly becomes violent, there may be signs of lack of air. The face of the child can strongly blush and stiffen, the eyes are watery, and the tongue usually protrudes from the mouth - this is a typical posture for patients with whooping cough. The use of various antitussive drugs and drugs does not bring any result - the cough persists, and the child's condition does not improve.

Pertussis is characterized by worsening of the condition and a more frequent onset of coughing attacks before vomiting at night. One of the important signs that make it possible to recognize this disease is the characteristic sound that the child emits after the coughing episode. An experienced doctor will easily catch him and be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the first stages of the disease, it is rather difficult to detect whooping cough. Since in the beginning the child usually develops a common cold or respiratory viral disease. But over time, cough does not decrease and does not go away, but begins to intensify after about, - 2 weeks. Gradually, he acquires a convulsive, paroxysmal character, becomes suffocating and very strong. At night, the cough can go to vomiting.

If parents are suspected of developing a baby whooping cough, then you need to visit a pediatrician and ask him for directions to the tests. In the first week of the disease, mucus sowing will become indicative, at a later time it is possible to diagnose pathology only by blood analysis.

Other Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

After a number of possible causes that caused the child coughing up vomiting, whooping cough was excluded, other possible causes of this condition can be started to be considered.

One of them - banal ORVI or cold. This is usually the reason why pediatricians are called. Do not be too easy to treat these diseases, because they also require timely diagnosis and full treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go further, as a result of the baby develops bronchitis. There is also a certain difficulty in diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi, since not every pediatrician can correctly listen to the lungs of a baby. Often, doctors confuse the withdrawal of phlegm with the appearance of wheezing, prescribing antibiotics in cases where it is quite possible to do without them. It happens and vice versa, and the existing bronchitis is not detected on time. However, it is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious enough pathology requiring compulsory treatment, therefore pediatrician recommendations must be followed.

At the child cough up to vomiting can be provoked by a simple rhinitis. This is especially common in children who do not know how to blow their nose. They swallow the mucus secreted from the nose, and it can drain down the back wall of the pharynx and accumulate. To get rid of it to help the body comes a natural defense mechanism - a cough. It can be quite intense, reaching vomiting. In this case, the child may not have severe external symptoms of rhinitis or cold. The amount of excreted mucus is small, but it can almost all fall into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, causing their irritation, and, as a consequence, coughing.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose can be associated not only with an infectious lesion, but also with an allergic reaction. It is in this case, most often there is a strong puffiness of the mucosa, because of which mucus does not go outside, and almost all get into the bronchi, draining on the back of the pharynx. The causes of an allergic reaction may be covered in the use of certain medications, the ingestion of certain substances: food allergens, dust, pollen of plants, household chemicals and other things. The allergy has a pronounced hereditary predisposition, but it can also appear in children of perfectly healthy parents.

How to help your child with a cough before vomiting

If the child coughs before vomiting, the most correct decision will be to find and visit a good specialist. In this case, you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives, but it is desirable to choose a competent, responsible pediatrician, who has sufficient experience behind him. Such a doctor will help cope with many unpleasant and questionable situations and choose the most optimal treatment in each case.

The technique for treating coughing before vomiting exists in large numbers, often they do not fit together at all. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously give the child drugs that suppress the cough reflex and coughing attacks, and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stimulating expectoration and withdrawal phlegm. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and many other factors, so the doctor will do the best.

Often when coughing up before vomiting, specialists prescribe a child inhalation with various medications, such as beryl, hydrocortisone and others. From home remedies with a strong coughing attack, you can apply steam inhalation over boiled crushed potatoes. Instead of potatoes can be used and other means, for example, mineral water, broth chamomile, sage or other medicinal plants. To quickly remove the edema and a strong attack of cough in the absence of other means, you can simply take the child to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Increased humidity and hot steam will help cope with the attack.

With a strong coughing attack, when it is likely that vomiting is about to begin, you can try to raise both hands of the child and wait for relief. To improve the condition of the baby is also used warm, plentiful drink, but not at the moment of a fit of coughing before vomiting. As a drink for a cough, the so-called "oatmeal milk" is good. It will require a glass of unpeeled oats. It is thoroughly washed several times, then it is poured into a liter of milk and boiled on a quiet fire for at least an hour. After that, the milk is left for cooling, and then given to the child. One serving can range from a few sips to half a glass.

If the coughing up before vomiting in the child is caused by a slime flowing inward, then one should not allow it to accumulate. Children who do not know how to blow their nose correctly should regularly wash their nose with special solutions. Suspicion of allergies should be an occasion to bring "order" in the apartment. To do this, remove all the things in which dust can accumulate, such as wall carpets, soft toys, decorative pillows and so on. In addition, careful wet cleaning of the entire room should become regular. It is important to maintain a good microclimate, pay attention to humidity, abandon household chemistry, which includes phosphate-containing substances, and artificial food.

All of the above recommendations can be considered only tips for alleviating the condition and organization of life of a baby who has severe coughing attacks. The correct diagnosis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the recurrence of such a situation can be determined only by a doctor. Before his arrival, it is not necessary to give any medicines to the child, this can make it difficult to diagnose and lead to the wrong choice of treatment.

Why there is a strong cough before vomiting.

Cough is the most common symptom of many diseases. It is a mistake to think that cough is an indicator of only lung or upper respiratory tract diseases. Many people do not attach much importance to such a symptom. Untimely begun treatment complicates the effect of recovery, leads to more severe forms of the disease.

Diseases that can cough

ORVZ (influenza, parainfluenza, RS-infection)

Acute respiratory viral diseases are accompanied by a cough. At the beginning of the course of the viral infection, the cough is dry, later on it becomes wet with purulent sputum. It causes a feeling of pain behind the sternum. This symptomatology often accompanies the flu. When parainfluenza is characterized by a "barking" cough with hoarseness. RS-infection is characterized by a damp, thoracic cough that appears in the first days of malaise. Acute respiratory viral diseases are accompanied by high fever, lethargy, headache due to intoxication of the body. Sometimes a strong cough may occur before vomiting.

Tracheitis in acute and chronic form

Occurs in the background of a viral disease. Characterized by voices, pain behind the sternum. Appears unexpectedly when inhaled by cold air or smoke. Cough with tracheitis is accompanied by the excretion of phlegm with pus. The general condition of the patient worsens, the temperature may rise.

Acute bronchitis

The disease is characterized by the appearance of a wet cough with watery and mucous sputum. With acute bronchitis there is a deep, sonorous cough. Disease of colds and develops, mainly as a result of hypothermia.

Chronical bronchitis

The main symptom of this disease is a muffled cough. Attacks are repeated in cold air or in a dusty room. Disturbs, especially in the morning, a strong cough before vomiting. Prolonged chronic bronchitis is accompanied by a cough with purulent sputum.


A deaf cough begins in the first days of the disease. When croupous pneumonia passes into the wet, accompanied by a "rusty" sputum. There is a very strong cough before vomiting, with painful sensations in the chest in the patient's lung zone. Bronchopneumonia is characterized by low temperature, general weakness. With croupous pneumonia, malaise is severe, the temperature is high.

Bronchial asthma

The symptom of the disease is coughing up vomiting with suffocation attacks. Sputum is excreted at the same time. An attack occurs during exposure to an allergen. The disease can be seasonal in nature. Various allergic reactions are manifested.

Chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis

With these diseases, there is also a dry cough before vomiting. In the throat, torture and tingling are suffered. They cause seizures. Chronic ENT diseases have a weak symptomatology. The patient often feels pain in the area of ​​the cheeks, forehead. There is discomfort in the nose, throat.


The disease is accompanied by a painful, dry cough. There is shortness of breath, high fever. Most often, pain in the chest.

Tumors of the mediastinum

During illness the patient suffers from a dry cough, of a persistent nature. It can be the only symptom of the disease.


In the early days of the disease is characterized by a slight cough, growing into a dry or wet strong cough until vomiting. Probably, in the emerging sputum, the presence of traces of blood. At night, the attack increases, sweating, and chills. Cough is the main symptom of tuberculosis. The patient may lose weight. The temperature of the body is small, but it lasts a long time. The disease usually occurs when you are in contact with a patient.


In adults and children in the period of pulmonary migration of ascarids, worms, dry cough occurs. A few weeks later it passes. The disease can be accompanied by an increase in temperature, a rash on the skin. Ascaridosis is very common in children. It may be the reason for the development gap. It causes intestinal obstruction, hepatic colic, suppuration in the lungs.

Whooping cough

The disease is accompanied by severe attacks of cough, periodically interrupted by heavy sighs. In this case, vomiting is possible. Pertussis is common in children. Adults are very rarely exposed to such a disease.


A painful, dry cough with measles appears in the early days of the illness. The disease is accompanied by high fever. On the skin and mucous a rash appears.

In addition to these diseases, cough may occur in smokers, as a result occupational disease, lung cancer, heart failure, taking some medical preparations.

The appearance of a cough is the reason for visiting a doctor for the purpose of establishing the correct diagnosis. In time the treatment begun will allow to achieve the necessary, effective results, will return the lost health.

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