Arthritis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms and tips for effective treatment

Arthritis (from the Greek "arthritis") is a generalizing name for inflammatory joint diseases, both one and several at the same time (monoarthritis and polyarthritis, respectively).

The most common form of this disease is arthritis of the knee joint, or as it is called in the field of medicine - it drives.

From diseases such as bursitis, it is distinguished by etiology (bursitis is a lesion synovial joint bag).


  • 1Types and causes of arthritis of the knee
  • 2Risk factors
  • 3Symptoms of the disease
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Methods of treating the disease
  • 6Preventive measures and possible complications in arthritis of the knee

Types and causes of arthritis of the knee

According to microbial 10, arthritis is represented by four main types:

  • rheumatoid;
  • arthrosis;
  • reactive (infectious);
  • posttraumatic.

Rheumatoid arthritisleads to the destruction of the cartilage of the knee joint. This is due to the fact that cells of the body's immune system block and neutralize non-pathogenic microorganisms, and native articular tissues.

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This is a fairly common form of the disease, most common in 30-year-old women (and older), hitting two knees at once (in most cases diagnosed by doctors).

Osteoarthritisis usually caused by impaired blood circulation in the knee (namely, the joint tissues) leading to degenerative, inflammatory processes, thinned cartilage and growths on bone joints or seals.

Reactive arthritisknee joint - the result of previously transmitted human infectious diseases, whereas post-traumatic - injury knee (fractures, various injuries of meniscuses or ligaments), whose treatment may be needed only 2-3 years after incident.

Other types of arthritis occur much less often than the above, developing with tuberculosis and diseases such as rheumatism or psoriasis.

The reasons that can cause this disease include external / internal risk factors (in the medical language - exogenous / endogenous, respectively).

To the first viruses, allergens and some types of bacteria are ranked, to the second - sexual hormonal imbalance and separate features of the human immune system.

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Provoke arthritis can:

  • infections (caused by bacteria / viruses);
  • knee injury;
  • abortion, childbirth;
  • operative intervention;
  • allergic reactions;
  • vaccine / serum injected into the body.

Risk factors

At risk are:

  • those with hereditary predisposition;
  • having defects of the locomotor system since birth;
  • carriers of foci of infection;
  • women;
  • older people (45 years and over).

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of arthritis:

  • painful sensations in the region of the knee joint, which increase when trying to descend or climb a flight of stairs;
  • ever-increasing swelling;
  • characteristic reddening of the skin over the affected area of ​​the joint.
If the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge, the patient has an increased body temperature and worsening of the general condition. In the case of chronic inflammation, pain attacks occur periodically, gradually learning.


Before treating arthritis of the knee joint, the rheumatologist must examine all complaints of the patient, perform an external examination, as well as motor diagnostics.

The main method for diagnosing knee arthritis is radiography. Often it is supplemented by laboratory research.

A general urinalysis, a biochemical / general analysis of the blood plasma is assigned (in the presence of a disease, the indicator the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) will be increased, the number of leukocytes or platelets will exceed norm).

With the help of the latter it is possible to confirm the signs of the onset inflammatory process, characteristic of gonitis - the presence of C-reactive protein (CRP), seromucoid, rheumatoid factor.

Methods of treating the disease

With this disease, you can fight conservative, medicated and providing surgical intervention methods.

Medical treatment of knee arthritis involves the use of the following drugs:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • chondroprotectors;
  • steroid hormones (steroids);
  • vitamin and restorative complexes.

Non-steroidal agentsare aimed at relieving the pain that arises in the joint. Their representatives (in decreasing order of effectiveness of reducing pain and getting rid of inflammation): "Ketorolac" ("Ketanov" or "Ketalgin"), as well as "Tenoxicam" ("Artoxane" - it has the longest 65-72 hour effect), then - Diclofenac (Voltaren and Orthofen, some others), Indomethacin and Piroxicam, the well-known Analgin, and finally Naproxen, Ibuprofen, and "Phenylbutazone".

All NSAIDs have one significant drawback - funds of this type have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Chondroprotectors- these are drugs that help improve the structure of the articular cartilage. Produced in tablet, capsule, powder form. In their list: "DONA "Teraflex" and "Hondrosamine".

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In arthritis, the following vitamins of groups E, A and C are often prescribed, as well as Folic, Pantothenic and nicotinic acids, vitamins B6 and B12, nicotinamide (B3), beta-carotene. As complex preparations for joint treatment antioxidants are used (they include vitamins A, E and C).

A special place in the treatment of knee arthritis, such as arthritis, is occupied by the "Apizatron "Gistalgon" ointments, and the popular "Finalgon".

Steroidsare used most often in the form of injections and are used to effectively remove the symptomatic reactions of the body. The medicinal substance is injected directly into the very cavity of the knee joint.

The most popular steroids are "Kenalog "Diprospan hydrocortisone suspension. Representatives of this group of drugs have about the same number of adverse events as the NSAIDs.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of arthritis

As herbal medicine, herbs and herbal infusions are used from:

  • ayr and ledum,
  • barberry and birch,
  • hawthorn and cowberry,
  • elder black and elecampane,
  • sweet clover, oregano and black currant,
  • thyme,
  • chicory, string, and eucalyptus.

They have a diuretic effect, but also help to relieve inflammation, strengthen the body as a whole, and anesthetize.

Phytotherapy can be used alone or in combination with medication or physiotherapy (among them - electrophoresis, exposure to magnetic static and ultrasonic fields, as well as radiation exposure using laser).

Preventive measures and possible complications in arthritis of the knee

Treatment of arthritis in the complex will stop the destructive effect of the disease, eliminate inflammation and remove pain in the joint region, and avoid complications in the form of rheumatoid polyarthritis (symptoms: the emergence of Baker's cyst and the "congealing" of the knee occupying a bent position), capable of hitting more than 5 joints simultaneously.

The main preventive measures include:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • proper nutrition (additionally - refusal to drink alcoholic beverages);
  • protection of knee joints from injuries and hypothermia;
  • excluding the crossed position of the legs when seated;
  • control weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle in general.
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Follow the doctor's recommendations, do not self-medicate and stay healthy.