How to treat lumbar radiculitis at home with pills and folk remedies?


  • 1Treatment of lumbar radiculitis at home with folk remedies and preparations
    • 1.1basic information
    • 1.2Treatment of sciatica
    • 1.3Medications
    • 1.4Physical Education
    • 1.5Home remedies
    • 1.6Final recovery
  • 2How to treat sciatica effectively and safely - the best advice and recommendations
    • 2.1The causes and symptoms of exacerbations - how to recognize the radicular syndrome?
    • 2.2First aid and how to treat sciatica?
    • 2.3Complex approach - the key to successful treatment
    • 2.4Injection blockade
    • 2.5Ointments and compresses from radiculitis
    • 2.6Painkillers from sciatica and back pain
    • 2.7Folk methods of treatment of radiculitis
    • 2.8about what to treat sciatica
    • 2.9Prophylaxis of an attack of radiculitis
  • 3How to treat lumbar sciatica
    • 3.1Ways to relieve an attack
    • 3.2Medications in the treatment of disease
    • 3.3Analgesic drugs
    • 3.4Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 3.5Steroid preparations
    • 3.6Muscle relaxants
    • 3.7Chondroprotectors
    • 3.8Folk remedies
  • 4Symptoms and causes of lumbar radiculitis. Treatment of the disease in the home by folk remedies
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Causes of Radiculitis
    • 4.2Medication
    • 4.3Treatment with folk remedies
    • 4.4Injections
    • 4.5Ointments with radiculitis
    • 4.6Diclofenac with radiculitis
  • 5Radiculitis lumbar: treatment with medicines and folk methods
    • 5.1Symptoms and treatment of sciatica
    • 5.2Medication for radiculitis
    • 5.3The main drugs to eliminate pain syndrome
    • 5.4The muscle relaxants used
    • 5.5Retreat period
    • 5.6Folk methods
    • 5.7Home remedies
    • 5.8Treatment of radiculitis folk remedies
    • 5.9Healing baths from radiculitis
    • 5.10Diet with radiculitis

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis at home with folk remedies and preparations

Every eighth person in the world suffers from back pain. Most often they are subject to professional athletes and people leading a sedentary lifestyle (mental workers).

And if earlier patients with a diagnosis of lumbar radiculitis were treated by patients older than forty, now the age is much younger, but the treatment of this pathology has become much simpler.

basic information

The pain syndrome (radiculitis) is conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Lumbago(in the people - chambering). Characterized by acute pain in the lower part of the spine (lumbar). It usually occurs after physical exertion and hypothermia.
  2. Sciatica. His symptoms - the pain is localized in the buttock and runs across the entire leg.
  3. Sciatica. It is a combination of the two previous options.

Since the lower parts of the spine bear the main burden (more than 140 kg in a sitting position for a person weighing 70 kg), then diseases like osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis and other dystrophic processes, reduce the mobility of the lumbar department. This leads to a disruption of metabolism and jamming of nerve endings.

Treatment of sciatica

Lumbar and lumbosacral radiculitis should be treated in two stages - remove pain symptoms (apply medications) and daily gymnastics.

Treatment of radiculitis and its further prevention is a long-term occupation, but necessary. Therefore, have patience. This will bear fruit in the future.


Radiculitis lumbosacral and lumbar in the acute stage should be treated with medication. It can be:

  • stabbing or stitching;
  • tablets (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketoprofen, Movalis);
  • ointments (Viprosal, Finalgon);
  • plaster from sciatica.

All these drugs relieve inflammation and spasms and pursue a single goal - to eliminate pain symptoms

The procedures quickly eliminate pain, but have a side effect on the part of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you have similar problems, then be sure to tell the doctor about it.

Tablets Ketoprofen and Diclofenac are contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer.

They treat lumbar and lumbosacral radiculitis preferable to Nimesulid and Movalis (up to 3 times a day, one tablet at 1 hour after eating).

Sometimes Pentalgin and Paracetamol are added. However, such treatment only leads to anesthesia and does not affect the causes.

To treat acute sciatica at home, you can use ointments (a sore spot then wrap up) and a plaster (put on for 12 hours). Carry out treatment is acceptable in the complex.

Physical Education

Medical gymnastics helps to restore mobility of the lumbar spine. And, when it becomes your habitual way of life, sciatica (and lumbar and lumbosacral) will be only a painful memory.

You can do both in groups of exercise therapy, and independently at home. However, exercise treatment begins only after the pain symptoms of sciatica significantly decrease (or completely pass).

The complex is simple and accessible for everyone.

Back stretching. You have to lie on your back and bend your legs. Then try to clasp your knees with your hands.

Treatment of sciatica begin with 30 seconds - round back (as much as possible) and try to do ricks (see p. photo above).

If you can not "swing" - do not despair, just lie back in this position.


Treat the lumbosacral and lumbar radiculitis recommended exercise "cat." Step on all fours.


Inhale - we tilt the head and round the back, exhale - throw the head and bend the back (see Fig. a photo).

In this case, treatment occurs by increasing the mobility of the entire spine (including the lumbar spine).

Lie on the floor on your stomach. Try to raise your arms and legs at the same time, as shown in the photo. This exercise will allow you to heal the back - to strengthen the muscular corset.

Physical culture should be done every day, at a slow pace. If any exercise causes pain - do not do it. Over time, everything will turn out.

Treatment of sciatica takes a long time and the effect will be noticeable not immediately. The main thing for you is to be sure of a positive end result.

And then radiculitis (lumbosacral and lumbar) will recede.

Home remedies

Sometimes with exacerbation of sciatica there is no possibility to consult a doctor. In this case, you can use folk remedies and treat seizures at home.

Tincture of wild garlic. The raw material is tightly filled with a three-liter can. Fill with alcohol (you can vodka). Month insist in a dark place, filter and store in the refrigerator. To treat sciatica (both lumbar and lumbosacral) follows by rubbing the tincture of the sore spot.

Effective remedy for radiculitis - ointment of Ledum.

At home, it is prepared in this way: in a pan it is necessary to put 2 tablespoons of harvested raw materials and 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


The prepared mixture is heated (do not boil!). And 10 hours insist. Then filter. The ointment is ready. After five days of use, the pain symptoms noticeably decrease.


Also, acute sciatica can be cured with sheep's wool. Soak in a salty water piece of cloth, dry it. Fixing such a compress on a sick site, you are relieved.

Final recovery

Lumbar sacral and lumbar radiculitis is treated successively. First, the pain syndrome is removed (medicamentally or folk remedies).

Secondly, there is a restoration of mobility of the spinal column (therapeutic gymnastics).
And no matter how you do not think that everything is hopeless - continue to engage in physical education.

It will help you get rid of back pain.

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How to treat sciatica effectively and safely - the best advice and recommendations

Hello, friends!

Did you have to be in such an unpleasant situation, when the ability to move freely and to control your own body at your discretion suddenly disappeared, leaving you weak and helpless?

That sounds awesome, does not it?

But this is exactly how a person feels when he has had an attack of radiculitis.

Even the most healthy and physically active people should be aware of the symptoms of this insidious disease and be ready to meet him fully armed.

Today we will talk about how to treat sciatica and how to protect yourself further from such situations.

First, let's try to find out what this ailment is, and who is more at risk.

Lumbar lumbar puncture is a consequence of various degenerative processes in the spine, namely ligamentous apparatus disorders, intervertebral disc injuries and vertebrae themselves.

Changes in the tissues of intervertebral discs can be a consequence of violations of water-salt metabolism or other pathological processes in the body.

Sadly, the radicular syndrome of the lumbosacral region most often affects people in the most active and able-bodied age between 30 and 55 years.

This phenomenon is associated with the fact that after 30 years physiological signs of aging of the spinal structures begin to appear, especially those expressed in places of increased stress.


Such a place, as a rule, becomes the lumbosacral spine.


Typically, the predominantly chronic course of the disease, which periodically makes itself felt by painful periods of exacerbation.

It is in these moments that we are all eagerly seeking ways to get rid of the pain, using all the methods known to us.

The causes and symptoms of exacerbations - how to recognize the radicular syndrome?

The main causes of sciatica:

  • In most cases, an acute attack of radiculitis occurs after excessive physical exertion, for example, a sharp lifting of a heavy object or turning the body.
  • With such a sharp movement, a sharp stretching of the back muscles and violation of the local circulation in the tissues surrounding the spine can occur.
  • The deformed intervertebral disc squeezes the roots of the spinal nerves, provoking the development of an attack.

The main signs that you have developed a radicular syndrome will be as follows:

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The area of ​​pain is associated with the level of the problem disk, the deformed vertebra or hernia.

In some cases, there may be a loss of skin sensitivity in the region of the hind femur, the outer leg and even the toes.

Every movement brings suffering, so a person strives to limit any activity as much as possible, while forcing it to the sick side, it is easier to bear pain.

First aid and how to treat sciatica?

The first help with radiculitis - the faster, the more effective!

Basic moments:

  1. First of all, you need to provide the patient with absolute peace and exclude even the most minimal loads of the lumbar spine.
  2. To remove the pain at home, you can take any pain medication. But it is important to remember that this exercise does not replace a full-fledged treatment and can be used only as a means to relieve acute pain.
  3. The fact is that the pain is a natural restrictor of activity, which does not allow the injured roots of the spinal nerves to be even more traumatized.

Complex approach - the key to successful treatment

When starting treatment of radicular syndrome, it is important to understand that to achieve sustainable improvement it is possible only with a comprehensive individual approach with strict observance of all the doctor's recommendations.

The main direction in the treatment is anti-inflammatory therapy.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act quickly and effectively, eliminating not only the symptoms of radiculitis, but also to some extent influencing the cause of its occurrence.

The most effective and safe for the gastrointestinal tract is injectable drug administration.

Injection blockade

By the way, at the very beginning of the treatment process, a correctly performed blockade with the use of modern painkillers significantly simplifies the condition and simplifies further treatment.

Simultaneously with injections, you can use other means, many of which are available if you are treated at home.

Ointments and compresses from radiculitis

Therapy with folk remedies has remained popular for many centuries.

A good effect is given by anti-inflammatory ointments and gels such as Diclofenac, Fastum-gel or their analogues, although they are prescribed with caution in pregnancy.

Painkillers from sciatica and back pain

One of the most effective ways, which allows you to medically affect the focus of inflammation and eliminate pain, is an anesthetic patch.

You can buy here this unique hydrogel plaster, which provides a reliable and long-term relief of the pain symptom.

Such a remedy is simply irreplaceable if the pain has overtaken you outside the home - the patch is invisible even under summer clothes and can be used at any time.

Folk methods of treatment of radiculitis

Folk remedies - rescue in a critical situation.

Long-term experience in the application of traditional medicine methods allows today to successfully apply simple and affordable means: cans, mustard, salt.

Warm compresses help to activate blood circulation in the affected areas, and the bath, according to many "experienced" patients, may well replace the tablet analgesic.

Supportive methods of therapy are of great importance: therapeutic gymnastics, massage, various exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the back.

about what to treat sciatica

Be sure to watch this good video, which will allow you to better understand all the causal illnesses and how to deal with them correctly.

Prophylaxis of an attack of radiculitis

If you are attentive to your health, do not let the illness go into a chronic inflammatory process. "What should I do?" You ask.

The answer is simple: regular exercise of simple exercise exercise therapy (exercise therapy) will provide sufficient mobility and flexibility to your spine, and increased blood circulation will help to strengthen muscles and ligaments.

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With you was Alena Yasneva, be healthy and take care!


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How to treat lumbar sciatica

Radiculitis is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which significantly limits the mobility of a person and brings considerable discomfort. The disease can be treated at home, adhering to all the recommendations of the treating doctor.

Experts recommend not to limit themselves in the conduct of everyday affairs, attend work, but at the same time exclude those loads on the back that could cause a sharp pain syndrome.

How to treat sciatica with the help of medications and other techniques, we will consider in more detail.

Ways to relieve an attack

Sciatica (lumbosacral radiculitis) is accompanied by a pain syndrome that occurs in the corresponding region, irradiating into the pelvic department, the external surface of the thigh, the shin, and in some cases - even in the foot. In most cases, the symptom covers only one side of the trunk.

Pain significantly restricts a person in the conduct of everyday affairs, while worsening the quality of life.

Even with such an unpleasant symptom, one can hope for a favorable prognosis and a complete cure for the disease, but only if it is diagnosed in time.

Since the pain occurs already at the initial stage of the development of radiculitis, it allows you to consult a doctor in a timely manner, as well as to exclude the need for surgery.

It is necessary to treat the lumbar puncture at the time of the attack correctly. First of all, all efforts are directed to the removal of the pain syndrome.

Experts recommend to occupy a horizontal position or in which a person will be comfortable and comfortable.

One of the most convenient poses is this: a man lies on his back, legs are bent at the knee joints. You can put a pillow under your head.

No sharp movements need to be done: this will only increase the intensity of the pain syndrome.


Another option to relieve the condition during an attack is to occupy a lying position on the abdomen, under which a hard pillow is laid. Under the head and shoulders, it is also necessary to lay a pillow.


Being in this position, you can rub into the sick areas of the warming ointment, after covering your back with a warm blanket.

Medications in the treatment of disease

You can treat lumbar radiculitis both medically and with the help of folk remedies. It is medicines that come to the fore and allow you to completely get rid of the disease.

Analgesic drugs

With radiculopathy of the lumbar spine, severe pain occurs, which is a strong stress for the human body. To reduce its intensity, the doctor prescribes pain medications.

Such means in the tableted form of reception to use is inexpedient, as many experts consider.

This can be explained by the fact that they fall into the digestive tract, dissolve and are absorbed into the blood, and this takes not a short time.

More effective and quick-acting are injections of pain medications administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The therapeutic effect of such medicines can be seen only 5-10 minutes after the administration. These can be injections:

  • Analgin, which can be used in conjunction with the therapy of other drugs of analgesic action;
  • Ketonal, which is considered one of the most potent drugs;
  • Voltaren, which has a pronounced analgesic effect, simultaneously reducing the temperature, as well as the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • Paracetamol, Orthofen, Ibuprofen, which are related to combined analgesics.

If there is a pronounced pain syndrome, a person is put in blockade with Novocain or Lidocaine

To cure pain with radiculitis it is possible and narcotic analgesics, which are prescribed extremely rarely and in the event that other drugs with such an effect do not bring relief.

Rare their appointment is due to the fact that they have different side effects.

Novokainovaya blockade is no worse than a narcotic analgesic coping with a strong pain syndrome and does not cause negative consequences.

If symptoms of radiculitis occur, it is important to consult a specialist. Only the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective and sparing drugs that will not cause harm to health.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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Treat inflammation, pain, and swelling in lumbar radiculitis using non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs that are released in tablet form, in the form of injections or local preparations, that is ointments. These include such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulid, Orthofen, and others.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used during an acute attack of the disease, and during the remission of sciatica.

The dosage and the period of taking this or that medicine are determined only by the attending physician.


Also, the doctor chooses the most effective method of drug administration, depending on how difficult the general condition of a person is and what the severity of radiculitis is.


Given the fact that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause many side effects, including symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, they are prescribed for a short period of time. To reduce the likelihood of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, taking the pill is recommended only after eating.

Steroid preparations

Than to treat a radiculitis, if the above-stated preparations are not effective? Quickly cope with the symptoms in this case, steroid means, that is, hormonal.

These include drugs that can replace hormone-cortisol, which is produced in the human body to activate protective forces in some inflammatory process.

It can be a drug called hydrocortisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone. Dosage and the period of treatment with such medications are determined exclusively by the attending physician.

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Cortisol-based drugs have the most dangerous consequences

Despite the effectiveness of such drugs, they can cause various side effects.

The most common of these include weight gain, the development of osteoporosis.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to use all other means in the treatment, and after their inefficiency to use steroids.

Muscle relaxants

Miorelaxants are prescribed for admission before bedtime in those cases when spasms disturb a person only at night, he can not fall asleep for this reason, and in the morning there is stiffness of muscles. Among these drugs can be identified as follows:

  • Midokalm (the drug is released in the form of tablets and is suitable for the treatment of low back pain, both adults and children);
  • Clonazepam (except for myorelaxing action, the drug has a hypnotic effect);
  • Clonidine (muscle relaxant has both analgesic effect);
  • Capsaicin (ointment with this name is a synthetic analogue of natural origin, because it contains the substance that is in red pepper).


Such drugs are prescribed in the event that the nerve root is squeezed by a deformed vertebral disc.

These include the drug Teraflex, which can be used by adults and children, starting with 15 years. Side effects in this case are rare.

The only contraindications to the use of the drug include individual intolerance, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, chronic kidney failure.

The drug Teraflex - one of the most effective drugs for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue

Another preparation-chondroprotector can be called Chondroxide.

Ointment with this name helps to slow down degenerative-dystrophic changes, anesthetize, remove the inflammatory process, restore articular cartilage, improve mobility. Among the side effects is to identify only the allergic reaction to the skin.


Capsules called Structum are prescribed for adults and children aged 15 years.


The medicine can cause various allergic reactions from the skin, as well as a nausea-vomiting syndrome. It is for this reason that it is not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components.

Folk remedies

To treat the lumbar puncture can be done at home, using folk remedies. The easiest way is to warm up.

You can also make a compress of black radish, which is pre-rubbed on a large grater, spread on the gauze section and covered with a warm cloth. The compress is done daily, until the pain syndrome disappears.

At home, you can make a grinder based on radish and horseradish juice, which is diluted with warm water in equal proportions.

You can treat radiculitis at home using potatoes, which are pre-rubbed and spread with a compress on the affected area.

No less effective is a pack of potatoes with baking soda: it is boiled together with a peel (500 g), mashed and add a few teaspoons of soda.

After thorough mixing, the finished product is used as a compress on the diseased area.

One more folk remedy is grass. For example, you can make a compress of burdock, which is applied to the sick area.

Such a plant copes well with pain.


Another honeysuckle is considered to be hops from which rasskiruyut: 20 g cones of hop are poured boiling water in a volume of 200 ml and put on the fire, maintaining for 30 minutes.


In any case, abusing folk remedies is not worth it, because those are considered only an auxiliary technique for treating sciatica. In advantage - only medicines and only those that were prescribed by the attending physician.

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Symptoms and causes of lumbar radiculitis. Treatment of the disease in the home by folk remedies

Lumbar radiculitis is a pathology to which mostly elderly people are exposed. However, the disease can also occur in young people.

In this case, the disease can provokeincreased load on the spine in the lumbar part of the spine,sharp careless movements, emotional frustration and hypothermia.

People at risk are those whose activities are associated with being in unfavorable climatic conditions and people who systematically subject the spine to heavy loads (athletes).

Pathology is characterized by the emergence of sharp acute pain, which patients describe as "Lumbago forced unnatural position of the trunk, a sharp restriction of mobility lumbar spine.

Causes of Radiculitis

The main causes of the disease are:

  • injuries;
  • diseases of the vertebral column of a degenerative-dystrophic nature);
  • violations of muscle tone;
  • scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis.

Also, the appearance of radiculitis is caused by an incorrectly distributed load on the spinal column when lifting heavy objects, sudden movements, a long anatomically incorrect position of the body, of whichIn the lower back there is a muscle stretching and circulatory disturbancein the vertebral column, in the near-vertebral tissues.


The most effective in the treatment of lumbar radiculitis are considered drugs that belong to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs of non-steroid origin. Such medications reduce or eliminate pain syndrome, reduce swelling of the tissue around the vertebrae.

The most common of this group of drugs are Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ketaprofen, which are used in the company of tablets, rectal suppositories or solution for injections during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Also for the treatment of pathologyapply muscle relaxants, the main action of which is muscle relaxation, circulation stimulation, cell regeneration and pain relief in the area of ​​injury. To such means it is possible to carry Mydocalm, Tizanidin, Baclofen.

In addition to drugs that reduce soreness and eliminate swelling, the treatment of radiculitis recommends the use of B vitamins, the most effective of which are Nerviplex, Milgama.

Treatment with folk remedies

Coping with lumbar radiculitis is possible with methods and recipes of traditional medicine.

20 g of mustard powder diluted with warm water. The instructed gruel is applied to a cloth, folded in several layers, andattach to the affected area for 10-15 minutes, after which the place of the compress is wiped clean with a napkin.

1 part of the powder is dissolved in 30 parts of vegetable fat. Blend the mixture on the lower back, cover with a cloth and stand for half an hour.


With exacerbation of sciatica, decoction from the root of elecampane is very helpful, for the production of which it is necessary to mix 2 tbsp. l. raw with 400 ml of boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Take 50 ml twice a day.


Another effective tool isa decoction of cornelian leaves.Prepare a decoction, bay 3 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, l boiling water. Brew a few minutes. Drink at 100 ml 2-3 every 8-12 hours.

200 ml of radish black juice is combined with 200 g of fresh honey and a bottle of vodka. Add 10 g of sea salt and stir well. Tincture is taken every evening for 50 drops inside and is used to rub the diseased area.

  • Raspberry wolfberry

3 tbsp. l. Bark the plants finely chopped and filled with a bottle of medical alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 5-7 days, then apply for grinding.

Important:the plant is very poisonous!Use gloves when preparing the product!

  • Ointment from juniper needles and laurel

15 g of dry bay leaf grind, combine with 3 g juniper needles and with 30 grams of animal fat. Ointment should be used externally 2-3 times a day with severe pain.


Treatment of the disease is aimed primarily at removing pain symptoms, reducing swelling of tissues and inflammation.

Injectable use of drugs can achievemore rapid and strong therapeutic effect.

As a rule, patients are prescribed the following drugs:

Ketonal - eliminates the inflammatory focus, effectively removes the pain syndrome. Used in acute forms of the disease;

Vortharen has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, but is not recommended for use for more than 2 days;

Novocain blockades - quickly and effectively eliminate pain;

Ambene - reduces inflammation, anesthetizes, eliminates swelling of tissues. In addition to symptomatic treatment, the drug has an effect on the cause of radiculitis.

The agent is strong enough, but itsDo not use more than 3 times a week, as well as patients under the age of 14 years, pregnant women and nursing mothers, elderly people and patients with diseases of the kidneys and digestive system.

Dicloberl is an anti-inflammatory drug of rapid action. With the introduction of the solution into the muscle, relief comes after 10-15 minutes.

Ointments with radiculitis

For the treatment of the disease, topical preparations are used in the form of ointments and gels. Anti-radiculitis ointments are divided into groups:

  • warming, the action of which is based on relaxation of muscles, normalization of blood circulation, anesthesia and removal of inflammation. This group includes: Rescuer, Nais-gel, Kapsikam;
  • locally irritating, having in the composition of poison bees or snakes, formic acid. The best among the means of this group are: Virapine, Viprosal, Apizatron;
  • anti-inflammatorynon-steroidal origin (NSAIDs) - Indomethacin, Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Finalagel and others.
  • combined, removing inflammation and eliminating pain with radiculitis. Resorbable and regenerative properties. The best drug for radiculitis is Dolobene;

Diclofenac with radiculitis

Diclofenac is the most popular treatment for radiculitis.

Having a broad spectrum of action, diclofenachelps the patient to get rid of pain, relieves inflammation, acting directly on the hearth, lowers the temperature of the body. Diclofenac is used in the form of oral tablets, rectal suppositories, injections.

Injections are carried out exclusively in the muscle, often after the first injection the patient feels much better. The use of the drug in any form is contraindicated in young patients, women during pregnancy, people with gastrointestinal pathologies.

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Radiculitis lumbar: treatment with medicines and folk methods

Radiculitis makes itself felt by sudden acute pain in the region of the back. Any careless movement, and sometimes even coughing or sneezing, is given strong "lumbago".

Many reasons - damage to the disc, colds, improper position - can provoke sciatica. Treatment with medicines and folk remedies can save the patient from unpleasant discomfort.

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It is important to determine the true cause of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of sciatica

Many people are very mistaken, considering the disease as an independent disease. In fact, this is a specific radicular pain syndrome. The most common form is lumbar radiculitis.

Symptoms, treatment (and folk remedies, and medications) of this ailment are practically no different from the standard for other common diseases of the spine.

However, here, too, there are some features that are specific for the lumbar region.


This area of ​​the spine accounts for the greatest burden. All due to the fact that it is as close to the main center of gravity of the body. To ensure greater freedom of movement, the lumbar region should always be sufficiently mobile.


It should also be noted that the spine of every person is able to cope with the load imposed on him. However, if the inflammation of any of its departments has begun to develop, then a serious illness can very quickly appear.

Especially in the lumbar region.

Medication for radiculitis

In the fight against this disease, you can immediately identify the two most basic stages.

Initially, a medicamentous treatment of sciatica of the lumbar region is selected. The task of any doctor is to eliminate all disturbing pain sensations as soon as possible.

At the same time, all medications that are able to eliminate pain syndrome and, of course, accelerate the healing process are used.

In order to reduce discomfort, the doctor sometimes applies special splintering of painful areas.

So what exactly drugs are most often used for patients who have lumbosacral scoliosis? Treatment with medicines will be effective only if the patient adheres to complex therapy.

First of all, special non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are used because they are able to eliminate all the pain sensations quite well and quickly, thanks to the removal of the inflammatory process and edema in the affected area.

But since such drugs negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the timing of their administration is clearly limited.

It is because of this that each attending physician must in advance measure all possible negative consequences with the expected good result.


Usually the treatment of lumbar sciatica lasts long enough. All this is associated with a specific specificity of this department of the spine.


Due to the fact that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is strictly limited, they can also be prescribed with anesthetics.

In severe cases, accompanied by severe pain, they carry out so-called blockades. That is, splitting the affected area of ​​the spine with various analgesics.

This method, although it helps to quickly eliminate pain, but it can not be considered a cure. In this case, the absence of discomfort will be only a reaction to the injected drug, but not a sign of recovery.

The main drugs to eliminate pain syndrome

Most often, it is specifically nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs. They are administered in the form of injections, which help to quickly remove the inflammatory process. However, the most effective action is shown by special anti-inflammatory ointments for topical application.

For patients in whom lumbosacral sciatica is diagnosed, medication is prescribed such that it includes "Diclofenac "Fastum-gel" preparations.

Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation directly on the affected area. They slightly relieve pain.

Such ointments can be used even for people with various allergic reactions, since they do not show irritating effects.

Drug treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are produced in injections and not only. Among them, such means are very popular:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Dicloran.
  • Voltaren.
  • "Naklofen."
  • Nurofen.

The muscle relaxants used

If there is such a need, then the doctor can prescribe and drugs that can remove muscle spasms, which often accompany sciatica. Medicamentous treatment of lumbar radiculitis includes muscle relaxants.

Most often used such drugs:

  • Cyclobenzaprint.
  • Robaxin.
  • "Midokalm".

Thanks to many studies, today the most effective drug called "Midokalm" is named the most effective. It has been used for a long time in many well-developed countries of the world.

The most rapid removal of muscle spasm and eliminate the existing pain sensation is helped by parenteral administration of the drug.

It is also noted that in some patients cerebral activity rises, anxiety and some nervous tension are removed.


This drug is quite well combined with NVS, which can reduce the risk of undesirable side effects. However, the effectiveness of treatment does not decrease.


Even with a sufficiently long-term use, the drug "Midokalm" is not able to cause muscle weakness and does not have any sedative effect, like many other muscle relaxants.

A good tolerance of this drug allows you to assign it even to those people who need quick reaction and maximum concentration for work.

Retreat period

If you have disappeared discomfort, then this does not mean complete recovery.

Treatment should be prescribed only after clearly establishing the cause of the onset of pain.

The fight against the disease can be completely different, because the causes of the disease can be radically different.

Practically in each case in patients with lumbar radiculitis diagnosed, traditional treatment is based on the use of therapeutic massage and gymnastics. Physical exercises help to normalize the entire muscle corset and the necessary ligamentous apparatus of the back. Thanks to this, joint mobility develops.

Folk methods

There are many znacharian ways to combat the disease. Practically all folk methods for the treatment of sciatica are based on a good warming of the entire affected area of ​​the back.

This helps to relieve pain and improve blood circulation.

It is important to understand that such a disease as lumbar radiculitis, symptoms, treatment (and folk remedies, and medications) must necessarily be discussed with a doctor. And only after agreeing with it - apply.


There is one more "but". Folk methods can not be considered a serious treatment. They can be regarded only as an attempt to ease the pain a little.


Therefore, it will be best, of course, to seek qualified help from a specialist who already prescribes treatment based on your specific case.

Home remedies

It was noted above that complex therapy is sufficiently effective to defeat lumbar sciatica. Treatment with medications in this case should be combined with household remedies.

Among the best recognized are the following methods:

  1. In the affected areas of the back, an aqueous solution of horseradish juice is rubbed, after which the waist is tied with a warm woolen shawl.
  2. A piece of soft cloth is moistened with black radish juice and applied to the desired place. After wrapping a woolen shawl. Such a compress can be worn even for several days, in the absence of severe burning.
  3. In the sore spots rub a small amount of fir oil. The course of treatment is usually 10-15 procedures.
  4. Mustards and mustard baths are also recommended.

Treatment of radiculitis folk remedies

When coordinated with a doctor, you can use other wonderful methods that have come down to us from the depths of centuries.

Only a specialist appoints patients with a diagnosis of lumbar radiculitis medication. People's means can be tried to help themselves. The following methods are well proven:

  1. Compresses made of flax seeds wrapped in warm cloth are applied to the painful area.
  2. To relieve pain, it is recommended to iron the loin with a hot iron through a thick woolen cloth.
  3. Fresh birch leaves are covered with boiling water, applied to a sore spot and covered with thick paper.
  4. Kashitsu of grated radish and horseradish is applied to sore spots. To reduce burning, you can add sour cream to the mixture.
  5. Finely grind the chestnuts, mixing them with pork fat and camphor oil, and then apply the mixture to the sore spots.

Healing baths from radiculitis

Do not forget the water procedures.

  1. Marl with grated horseradish is placed in a bath. It is necessary to take such procedures for the night, after which to wrap the waist with a warm woolen shawl and lie down under the blanket.
  2. The warm water is poured into the mustard powder until the mixture becomes a mushy consistency. Then pour the gruel into a bath and mix well.
  3. Apply also a decoction of straw. Raw materials are preliminarily ground and poured with boiling water, after which the mixture is poured into a hot bath.

Diet with radiculitis

It is equally important to heal from an ailment and eat right. The basis of the diet for people who suffer from radiculitis pain, should be salads of fresh vegetables. For them, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are used.

But carrots and cauliflower are recommended to cook for a couple. You should also eat as many fruits as possible, especially bananas. The food should be 4 meals a day.

Avoid eating fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods, as well as confectionery and strong tea.

Remember: in order to back down lumbar lumbosus, medication treatment should be combined with folk remedies and a proper diet.

A source: http://.ru/article/165020/radikulit-poyasnichnyiy-lechenie-medikamentami-i-narodnyimi-metodami

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