New antiviral drugs against influenza and colds

New drugs for influenza and colds

When a person has caught a cold and got an infection, he will certainly think about which of the modern drugs will help, what to take with the flu? Scientists are developing all new tools, because viruses mutate every year, and to combat them, more effective formulas are needed. Drug from the flu and colds of the new generation - what are its features? Find out what different these drugs are and on what depends the effectiveness of means to combat various diseases.

Modern means for influenza and colds

Today pharmacology does offer a wide range of new medicines. Their advantages are obvious: they have a wide spectrum of action, they have fewer side effects, they are convenient to use patient at home or in general you can get yourself vaccinated so that you do not get sick during the acute respiratory syndrome. When choosing drugs, do not forget that not all advertised drugs are effective.

The price of medicines, the packaging of which regularly flashes in the TV, includes the cost of these commercials. If you compare the instructions, almost for all imported non-expensive drugs, there are inexpensive domestic counterparts. So, "Koldreks" (price 150-240 rubles) and "Ferveks" (315-590 rubles) in the composition contain paracetamol. Tablets "Paracetamol" can be bought in a pharmacy for 3-5 rubles, and most doctors even consider them to be the safest drug in ARI during pregnancy and lactation.

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A girl with cold symptoms

Effective cures for colds

Modern pharmaceutical industry produces funds for colds, working in two directions and complementing each other. One group of drugs is helping to cope with the manifestations of ailment: a runny nose, a cough, a headache, a fever, a sore throat. Another segment of drugs exhibits immunomodulating and antibacterial action.

For adults

See examples of drugs that are used for colds:

What affects

Group of medicines

Examples of drugs

Eliminate the cause


Tablets "Acyclovir", "Amantadine".

Antibiotics (used in extreme cases, when the body itself does not cope with disease-causing bacteria).

Tablets and powders for injections "Ampicilin", "Levofloxacin".

Strengthen immunity


"Amiksin", "Tsikloferon".

Vitamin complexes, preparations based on medicinal herbs.

"Ascorutine", "Aevit."

Relieve symptoms

Antipyretics, ease the ache in the body.

Tablets "Coldrex", "Paracetamol", "Rinza", powder in bags "Teraflu", effervescent tablets "Solpadein".

Preparations for cough relief.

Syrups "ACTS", "Ambroxol", "Alteika".

Vasoconstrictive for the nose from the common cold.

"Oksimetazolin", "Polidexa with phenylephrine".

To soften the throat.

Sprays "Cameton", "Orasept", Ingalipt "" Chlorophyllitis ".

For children

When choosing children's antibacterial drugs, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, not to engage in self-medication. You can help:

  • antibiotics "Amoxiclav", "Zinnat" "Supraks";
  • for removing heat - syrup "Panadol", tablets "Paracetamol";
  • from the common cold - spray "Otrivin", drops "Nazivin";
  • as prevention - vitamin complexes "Alphabet", "Pikovit".

Modern preparations for influenza

What is the similarity and difference between drugs for influenza and colds of a new generation? With both ailments, drugs are taken that relieve the symptoms of diseases. When the flu is not prescribed antibiotics, because they are effective only to combat bacteria - causative agents of the common cold, and the strains of the virus do not work. Consider the pharmacological groups of modern antiviral drugs against influenza, depending on their mode of action.

Anti-viral drug Oseltamivir


Such antiviral drugs against influenza act in a directed manner, preventing the multiplication of viruses. These include:

  • "Oseltamivir" - an active substance of oseltamivir phosphate inhibits (inhibits) neuraminidase - a key enzyme, involved in the replication (reproduction) of influenza viruses, and violates their ability to penetrate inside the cell.
  • "Remantadine" - the active substance remantadine hydrochloride is effective against influenza viruses A2 and B.
  • "Arbidol" - part of the capsules of Umiferon has an immunostimulating effect.
The drug for the treatment of influenza Ingavirin


Antiviral drugs of immunotropic action are interferons or their inducers (pathogens) that help the natural defense system of the body to fight the disease, destroying the virus at the initial stage of reproduction. They are effective in the first two days after the onset of flu symptoms. Read the names and brief descriptions of these drugs:


Active substance

Effect from application


Tocopherol, ascorbic acid

Stimulates the immune system, fights the virus.


Interferon Inductor

Immunomodulating action.


Extract of the leaves of buckthorn sea-buckthorn

Antiviral action, induces the production of interferon in the blood cells.



Inductor of human interferon, suppresses the synthesis of proteins of viruses.



Prevents the penetration of the virus into the cell and the synthesis of virus proteins.



Suppresses reproduction of the influenza virus, anti-inflammatory effect.


Human interferon

A powerful immunomodulator, an effective antiviral drug, stimulates macrophages. Increases the resistance of the body to the penetration of viruses, and when it enters the cell it blocks their reproduction. The mechanism of action is not directed against a particular type of virus, because this drug is universal.


Meglumine acridone acetate

A strong immunomodulator, an antiviral effect, is effective against influenza and herpes.


These anti-influenza drugs act on the mechanism of the disease, helping to fight the infection and preventing the development of complications. These include:

Group of medicines

What affects

Examples of drugs

Active substance

Antioxidants and vitamin-containing preparations

Provide prophylactic, antioxidant, angioprotective (kapilyarazashchayuschee) and immunity-strengthening action.


Vitamins C and P (rutin)


Vitamins-antioxidants A and E


Help to remove allergic reactions to medicines, have a quick soothing, antiemetic effect.

Suprastin, Prometazin

Histamine receptor blockers


These powders, drops, sprays, tablets from influenza are high-speed drugs against the symptoms of viral intoxication:

Group of medicines

What affects

Examples of drugs

Active substance


Contribute to the removal of mucus, the regeneration of the bronchial mucosa.






Removes inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.


On a plant basis

To treat a cold

Reduces the amount of secretion, swelling of the mucosa.



Vasoconstrictive anticonvulsant substance.



Video about the right choice of a medicine for a flu


Albina, 26 years old: I have been a child with a cold, when the fever rises, my head hurts, I take 3-4 days "Paracetamol". At one time I was led to an advertisement, I drank soluble "Coldrex", "Rinzu". After I read at one forum what kind of active ingredient is being sold at a fabulous price, I returned to a proven penny.

Zoya, 32 years old: Before pregnancy, I often had a cold on my lips, and I was afraid that herpes would not manifest itself during the carrying of the child. The doctor attributed to me the anti-herpes "Hyporamin". I immediately liked that it was plant-based. She drank two months, the pills really helped.

Tatyana, 47 years: My child was assigned "Interferon". I read the instructions to the ampoules, I was confused that it is actually produced from the blood of donors, and also - a list of its side effects. She drank the medicine and dripped her son in the nose according to the instructions. I did not notice the special result, I will not use it anymore.

Antiviral drugs against influenza and colds

Treatment of viral diseases is difficult and requires taking into account the characteristics of the patient. The role of the person's age, individual characteristics of the organism, the level of readiness of the immune system to react and even the stage of the disease play a role. Antiviral drugs for cold and flu are given for the prevention and strengthening of immunity. You can be treated with pills, powders, nyxes or other methods. Patients choosing cold medicines are not recommended - because of the significant differences in the "cold" of the bacterial and viral nature. It is better to consult a doctor beforehand.

What is antiviral drugs

Drugs of each category differ in the principle of action on bacteria and the human body. Antiviral drugs are proteins that help the immune system destroy viruses when they re-enter the body. Tablets are not always effective, so injections are recommended. When treating Orvi or influenza it is important to understand the difference between antiviral agents and antibiotics.

Differences in medicines:

  • antiviral drugs strengthen immunity, prevent the entry of viruses into the body;
  • antibiotics destroy bacteria, but negatively affect the immune system.

Many patients wonder whether antibiotics and antiviral drugs can be taken simultaneously. The answer is unambiguously negative. Preparations of the first category block the action of funds from the second group. Taking antiviral medicines will be useless. There are rare exceptions, so what to take with the flu, you need to check with your doctor.

A set of medicines

Preparations for the prevention of influenza

Antiviral drugs are divided into several categories. They differ in the form of release, packaging, recommended age for use, the spectrum of action and contraindications. Medicines against influenza and colds are made in the form of tablets, powders or special injections. For home treatment or disease prevention, the first two categories of medicines are used. Vaccination is organized in medical institutions.

Categories of preparations against influenza and ARVI:

  • immunomodulators (agents that promote the production of interferons and short-term enhance immune defense);
  • antiviral agents (antiretroviral, anti-herpes, anti-influenza drugs, extended spectrum of action);
  • means for vaccinations (the main goal of drugs is to stimulate the production of antibodies, vaccination is carried out before infection).
Antiviral agent Kagocel

Antiviral drugs against influenza

Please note that the listed products are suitable for adult patients, pregnancy or child age require special rules of appointment and admission. Popular means for viral diseases include:

  • "Kagocel" - has the ability to immunostimulate the body, is available in the form of tablets, suitable for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults or children older than 3 years;
  • "Ingavirin" - immunostimulant, is not recommended for children under 18 years of age, increases the activity of interferon function;
  • "Cycloferon" - interferon inducer, immunostimulant, prevents herpetic infection, contraindications include pregnancy or lactation;
  • "Acyclovir" - has an antiherpetic effect, is released in the form of effervescent powder, in pregnancy or lactation is taken on the advice of a doctor, can cause allergies;
  • "Remantadin" - can be realized with the changed name "Rimantadine", a high-speed antiviral drug, a wide spectrum of action, is contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation.
Anaferon tablets

For children

The recommended age for medicines that can be given to a child is indicated in the instructions. Please note that you can not break rules and dosage. For the treatment of colds and influenza at an early age, the following drugs are suitable:

  • "Rimantadine" - suitable for the prevention or treatment of early stages of the disease, is used for children older than 7 years in accordance with the instruction;
  • "Grippferon" - suitable for children from birth, used to treat or prevent viral diseases;
  • "Anaferon" - is contraindicated for children up to 1 month, a powerful immunostimulant.

In pregnancy

Being in a happy expectation of the baby moms are highly recommended not to take antiviral drugs without prescribing a doctor. Examples of drugs that can be used during lactation, during pregnancy:

  • "Viferon" - candles are safe not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation, contain vitamins that help strengthen immunity;
  • "Ocillococcilum" - used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza of the middle and severe stage, a strong variant with minor side effects;
  • "Grippferon" - strengthens immunity, antiviral medication for cold and flu, it is recommended to follow the conditions specified in the instructions.
Arbidol Capsules

Inexpensive antiviral medicines

Selection of medicines for the treatment of any disease must be carried out in accordance with certain recommendations. Funds from SARS and influenza are different in their specifics. In order not to spoil the health and not to risk harming the child, the nuances for replacing imported expensive drugs with cheap ones should be clarified by the doctor. The list of domestic options - no less effective than foreign ones - is very extensive. Substitute modern expensive tablets against the flu cheap analogs:

  • "Kagotsel" is replaced by "Remantadin" or "Arbidol";
  • "Grippferon" can be replaced by "Interferon";
  • "Zovirax" in composition is identical to "Acyclovir";
  • Acyclovir Acry is replaced with the usual Acyclovir.

Video about the rules for choosing drugs from influenza


Elena, 45: Recently, colds began to haunt. The slightest hypothermia - in a day there is a runny nose, cough, fever. Accepted "Tsikloferon" on the advice of a doctor. I realized that tablets are more effective if you start treatment if you suspect a disease. Thanks to the drug, I can prevent colds.

Natalia, 25 years old: The child turned 3 years old. We went to the kindergarten, they often got sick there. To prevent colds, the pediatrician advised the children's Anaferon. We use the drug for ARVI treatment or with the first symptoms of a cold. Recovery is quick and without complications. In cold weather or rain, we smear "Oksolinovoy ointment". The child became sick less often.

Olga, 20 years old: Since childhood I have not been resistant to colds. I looked at the Internet photos and videos about viral diseases. For prevention of acute respiratory disease, acute respiratory viral infection or influenza began to take Remantadin. I start the course of pills at the risk of colds (hypothermia, rainy weather). To become ill less often, and the drug does not cause unwanted pobochek. Excellent positive effect.

Effective drugs for ARVI and influenza

At the time of worsening epidemiological situation, the question of how to effectively treat ARVI and influenza is very acute; drugs, which offers modern pharmacological industry, help not only to eliminate the symptoms of viral diseases, but also to influence the mechanisms of their development, which makes them the main means of treating viral infections.

Features of treatment of influenza and ARVI

Influenza is a part of the ARVI group, so this type of illness is similar in its symptoms. The difference is the duration of the incubation period, the course of the disease and the complications of advanced forms of the disease. The similarity of the symptoms makes it possible to apply an identical remedy for cold and flu for therapeutic therapy.

Features of viral infections

To select the effective treatment of viral respiratory diseases, the doctor focuses on such symptoms as:

Symptoms of ARVI
  • fever, chills;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • headache;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • high body temperature;
  • change in the condition of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory processes in the airways.

In some cases, there may be swelling of the larynx mucosa, coughing and lacrimation. Influenza begins suddenly and has more severe symptoms than SARS or ARI. With a typical manifestation of these types of viral infection and their course for more than 7 days, the doctor prescribes effective medications for cold and flu. Especially it concerns small children, if begun ORVI is complicated by additional symptoms from other organs. Of great importance in this case is antiviral therapy, which consists of three main areas:

  • influence on the cause of the disease and directly on the virus-causative agent with the help of etiotropic drugs;
  • influence on the mechanisms of the development of the disease;
  • elimination of painful symptoms.
Symptoms of influenzaThe most effective remedies for colds and flu are etiotropic drugs that have an effect on viruses. In the treatment of colds and influenza, they are given special attention when the first symptoms appear, but already for 5-7 days, When the bacterial flora can join the disease, doctors recommend taking antibiotics. Etiotropic drugs are not used as preventive agents. If the disease has an easy form of leakage, antiviral drugs doctors do not recommend using, because the body itself is able to cope with the infection under normal immunity.

When new symptoms appear in the form of a cough, runny nose, fever, only the use of antiviral medicines helps. During this period, active propagation of the virus-agent occurs, therefore, as soon as the patient began to observe these symptoms of a cold, these medications must be taken immediately. After a few days, taking these medicines will be useless.

Classification of antiviral agents

Drugs from influenza and colds are divided into several groups:

  • interferons and their inducers;
  • antiviral antibiotics;
  • antiviral phytopreparations;
  • stimulants of immunity - immunomodulators.
Effective drugs for the treatment of coldsInterferons are a protein group of substances that are produced by virus-infected cells.

Due to their effectiveness, the multiplication of viruses in cells ceases, which allows us to further protect the body from a virus attack.Interferon is a powder that is dissolved in boiled water.

It is taken immediately before contact with the infected person and before leaving for places with a large population of people. Use the drug as follows: dissolved powder is injected into each nasal canal for 5 drops for 2 times a day.

For today it is the best remedy for viral diseases. The earlier his reception is begun, the more effective he will show himself. When the infection begins, the dosage of the drug is changed. The drug is administered 5 drops every 2 hours (5 times a day).

Treatment continues for three days. You can treat the disease with Interferon, using it as a substance for inhalation: in 10 ml of warm water dilute 3 ampoules. The thermal procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 3 days.

Interferon for the treatment of influenzaTo this group of drugs is another means for influenza and viral infections - Grippferon, which is a combined preparation of preventive and curative action. The drug is instilled in the nasal passages every 4 hours for 3 drops. If the patient is sensitive to the components of the drug, its use is discontinued. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in the early stages.

ARI and influenza are treated with Viferon. Recently, doctors recommend it for treatment of young children as the best tool to help stimulate the formation of interferons in the body. They have a depressing effect on different groups of viruses such drugs from influenza and ARVI, as Amiksin, Lavomax, where the active substance is Tyloron.

Arpeflus, Arbidol, Immustat - a group of drugs that help increase the body's resistance to viral infections. The main substance in them is Umifenovir.

Other antiviral agents

Treatment for colds and influenza is also carried out with the help of other drugs that inhibit the process of reproduction of the virus by affecting its shell. These medications include Remavir, Rimantadine.

Rimantadine for treatment of influenzaFor children this type of medicine is prescribed for treatment and prevention. Packaged powders are diluted in water and given in the scheme. As a preventive tool, it is recommended to drink the medicine for two weeks with 1 diluted bag (the dosage varies according to the age of the child).

All these groups of drugs have side effects and contraindications. To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to carry out a sensitivity test and strictly observe the dosages for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, stools, hypertension, allergies. Especially cautiously should take these drugs to people with kidney disease.

Other types of drugs that act solely on the influenza virus are neuraminidase inhibitors. These include Zanamivir, Relenza. These drugs are used only as inhalants as a curative and preventive agent. Preparations in which the active substance is Zanamivir, have a high degree of toxicity, which demonstrates a large number of side effects. Very carefully it should be taken to people with kidney diseases and prone to allergic reactions.

Preparations of the natural group

Treatment of influenza and ARVI under the supervision of a doctorInhibiting the activity of influenza virus neuraminidase and helping the body to produce its own interferon are antiviral drugs of plant origin.

Effective among them are Proteflazide, Flavozid, Altabor, Immunoflazid, in which the extract is an active alder. This type of medicines has not only antiviral, but also antibacterial action. For medicinal and prophylactic purposes, the medicine is taken three times a day, dissolving two tablets. The course of treatment is 7 days.

If a patient has increased sensitivity to this group of drugs, the doctor appoints others. Against the background of long-term use of drugs in this group, there may be an allergic reaction. When pregnancy and breast-feeding, they are also not recommended.

To reduce and stop the multiplication of viruses, the administration of Proteflazide, Flavozide, Immunoflazide, which are made on the basis of medicinal herbs of pike and turtle, terrestrial.

The first trimester of pregnancy - a contraindication to taking a number of drugsThis group of medicines is also characteristic of its immunomodulating feature. Doctors appoint them as a curative and preventive agent. Immunoflazid - syrup, which is used for two weeks twice a day for 9 ml. With a preventive purpose, it is consumed within a month.

The drug Flavozid is taken according to the scheme: 5 ml twice a day from the first to the third day of the disease, starting with the fourth - 8 ml. Preparations made on the basis of phytocomponents almost never show side effects. Their reception is contraindicated only to pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as during lactation.

Complex homeopathic antiviral drugs that suppress the active action of viruses are Engistol, Sagrippin, Amizon, which have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, interferonogenic properties.

Treatment of children

In acute respiratory viral diseases, pediatricians recommend the use of homeopathic medicines - candles, powders, syrups. These types of drugs actively suppress viral attacks and increase the protective properties of the child's body. These include Viburkol and Aflubin, Gripp-Heel, EDAS-903 and others. Significant effectiveness of these drugs with simple forms of viral diseases.

Ribaverin - for treatment of influenza in childrenSome pediatricians are inclined to believe that not all phyto-drugs have an effective antiviral effect, so they advise not to experiment with the health of the child. If the drug does not begin to show therapeutic effect within 24 hours, it should be replaced with a drug of another group.

Treatment of influenza and colds in children is carried out with drugs such as Arbidol, Rimantadine, Ribavirin, Tamiflu. In some cases, it is recommended to take Acyclovir, which acts on many types of viruses. Rimantadine, as a rule, is used only to neutralize the influenza virus, it does not have the proper effect on other types of viruses.

This drug is considered the most in demand during the flu epidemic as a preventive. It is shown in the treatment of children and Ribavirin, which in its spectrum of action is very similar to Rimantadine. In addition, it has a depressing effect on the virus that causes pneumonia in infants. If there is a decrease in the effectiveness of rimantadine, it is advised to replace it with Ribavirin.

The spread of the virus in the child's body delays Arbidol. Despite its popularity in ARVI, it can only have a curative effect on influenza viruses. Of all antiviral drugs for children, Tamiflu is recognized as the most effective.

Its activity is observed not only in the early stages of the disease, but also in the period of exacerbation. Its effect is several times stronger than other drugs. Tamiflu has side effects, so it is prescribed only to children who are 12 years old.

Assign drugs and interferon group with a child's dosage - suppositories Viferon, drops Grippferon, suppositories Kipferon. The drug of the new domestic pharmacy Derinat, despite its recent existence on the pharmacological market, has won many positive reviews.

It is available in the form of drops. This helps start an active fight against the viruses through the nasopharynx, preventing them from penetrating further into the body. The drug helps to strengthen the effect of drugs that treat a child in conjunction with Derinatom. It is allowed to use this medicine for infants from the first days of life.

Sometimes children are prescribed immunostimulating agents - Riboxin, IRS 19, Imudon, Bronhomunal, Metiluracil. There are separate types of these medicines, prescribed by the pediatrician as a preventive medicine, and those that can appoint only physicians immunologists after a special diagnosis of the immune characteristics of the child's body. It must be remembered that immunostimulants do not have a therapeutic effect during the active development of the disease. They are used before the infection begins to multiply in the body.

Antiviral means of fast action

Colds can overtake each of us when it is completely unacceptable to get sick. When you want to be as focused and full of energy as you can, suddenly begins to flow from your nose, to stifle your throat. They are followed by sneezing, cough, accompanied by weakness, high fever. In this situation, urgent measures are required. A cold remedy will put you on your feet in time.

How to quickly cure a cold at home

The girl sneezes

The key to quick healing is the application of all necessary measures at the first alarm bell. If the disease has arisen for obvious reasons, due to inattention to immunity or hypothermia, and the symptoms are not a manifestation influenza virus, you can take advantage of the following tips on home treatment and cold remedies.

  1. Measure the temperature. If the mark on the scale did not reach 38 degrees, then antipyretics for colds should not be drunk.
  2. Vitamin C. At the onset of the disease, a large dose of ascorbic acid will be an effective aid to the body for colds for a speedy recovery. The best option is an effervescent vitamin - quickly absorbed and warms. Five oranges a day will be a natural alternative to pills or capsules and will help to cure colds.
  3. Drink plenty of water, tea, compotes, fruit drinks. They must necessarily be warm, it will help to remove toxins, which is important for a cold.
  4. As much as possible sleep. After drinking a warm drink and climbing under the blanket, putting on warm socks and clothes, sleep as much as possible. Sweating with sleep is an important element of recovery for a cold. Better to comply with hospital bed rest. The room should be often ventilated.
  5. Warm up. If the heat is not observed, you can get your feet stuck and take a hot shower.
  6. Take the vitamins. Such support will be useful to the body for colds. It's best if he gets it from fruit, but if it's not possible, they should replace the dragee from the pharmacy.
  7. Medicines for the treatment of colds. Suitable funds for a cold flu, sold in the form of diluted teas, powders, which should be poured into hot water. Within a day it is permissible to use three or four such bags, but the course should not last more than three days. Powders from cold with "Paracetamol" reduce temperature, eliminate chills, have anti-inflammatory effect. The treatment will help immunostimulating drugs. Antiviral medications for colds and influenza contribute to the destruction of the infection. If the disease drags on, go to the injections of the antibiotic.
  8. Remedies for a cold, cough and sore throat. If the sky hurts, then you can choose either candy, or potions, solutions for rinsing and spraying. With a runny nose will help to cope with drops, among which it is better to choose not powerful vasoconstrictors, but medicines that have grasses in their composition. A solution of sea salt will be useful for washing the nose. With a cold, sputum is often not produced, therefore, the usual cough stopping means will suffice. If sputum in the bronchi still appeared, you should use the means that withdraw it.
  9. Consumption of liquid. Warm tea, compote or juice contribute to perspiration and recovery, while toxins are eliminated, preventing the body from fighting a cold. Ordinary water will not be the most optimal means, and carbonated drinks will not help recovery. Drink follows as much as you feel necessary, not overpowering yourself.
  10. Vodka. Alcohol should be slightly warmed and rub it all over the body. This tool will help to quickly remove heat.

List of the best drugs for influenza and colds of a new generation

Remedy for colds Coldrex

Today, several classes of drugs are recommended:

  1. Arbidol, Oseltamivir, Amiksin, Viferon, Otsilokoktsinum, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Anaferon (antiviral).
  2. "Teraflu", "Koldreks", "Ferveks", "Antigrippin", "Grippferon", "Anvimax" (febrifuge and relieve the pain in the throat, against the flu and ARVI)
  3. "Acetylcysteine", "Ambroxol", "Bromgexin", "Carbocysteine" (expectorants)
  4. "Butamirat", "Glaucin", "Prenoxdiazin", "Ledvropropizin" (means for dry coughing).
  5. "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin" (antipyretic drugs).
  6. Drops on the basis of xylometazoline, naphazoline (vasoconstrictive in the common cold).

Overview of fast-acting remedies against colds on the lips

Quick-acting anciclovir ointment

Colds that occur on the lips are often herpes - the Herpes Simplex virus, which is found in 95 percent of the world's population. Once in the body, it exists unnoticed and "turns on" when the human body is weakened by hypothermia, lack of vitamins, nutrients or other diseases. There are many effective ointments for fighting herpes. These funds should be applied to the affected areas of the cold several times a day, the course - no more than 5 days.

Do not use your fingers when applying the product because of the risk of transferring the virus to another location. Among the common names of ointments for colds in the ranking of the best can be noted "Acyclovir", "Gerpferon", "Zovirax", "Gerpevir". The main active substance in them is acyclovir, which prevents the reproduction of the virus. There are ointments based on tromantadine, such as Viru-Merz.

What antiviral drugs can children take?

Anaferon for children

When a child develops symptoms of ARVI and if for some reason the doctor is not available, measures should be taken to fight the disease in order to avoid complications. If after all simple means have been tested, the disease does not recede, you will have to resort to antiviral drugs, but only those that are specifically designed for children. Acceptable are "Tamiflu", "Remantadin", "Relenza", "Amantadine".

If the bronchitis occurs in infants, then "Ribavirin" will help, and if the child's body is weakened or have heart problems, the Sinagis remedy will be the best choice. "Tamiflu" is acceptable for children at the age of one year, tablets from the flu "Arbidol" can be given from three years. "Interferon" for the solution is used at any age, like homeopathic preparations, such as Aflubin, Anaferon, Otsilokoktsinum. To lower the body temperature, "Paracetamol" or syrups "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen" are suitable.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

Blackberry Tea
  1. Blackberry tea. Grind the dried leaves of blackberries (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Drink 30 minutes before eating. A good remedy against coughing.
  2. Herbs (cough remedy). One tablespoon of leaves of wild strawberry, raspberries, three tablespoons of blackberry leaves, a dry shredded violet tricolor (1 tsp). All this must be mixed, use a tablespoon of the composition for a glass of boiling water, let it brew in a closed form for half an hour, drain. Reception: a couple of times a day by a glass.
  3. Potatoes. This vegetable will help bring down the temperature. Rub two raw potatoes on a grater, mix with a tablespoon of vinegar (apple). Use the mixture to make compresses on the forehead.
  4. Kalina and honey. A mild remedy for colds and colds. Mix one tablespoon of viburnum juice and honey, take half an hour before meals.
  5. Nettle, sage and Schisandra. Herbal collection is good for colds and flu. Mix dry crushed nettle leaves (3 tablespoons), as many shoots of Chinese magnolia and sage (1 tablespoon). Pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water, after a couple of hours strain. Reception: one glass in the morning and evening. If desired, you can add honey.

What means is inexpensive and effective for the prevention of colds

Nurofen for cold prevention

Very often a cold in an adult appears as a result of a weakening of the immune system. The impact of external factors, malnutrition, lack of vitamins can lead to loss of effectiveness of the immune system and increase the likelihood of entry into the body of infections. To avoid this, interferon inducers can be used. They will ensure the production of natural protection by the body, which will allow it to successfully resist colds. This type of drugs include:

  • Arbidol;
  • "Cycloferon";
  • «Amiksin».

It is necessary to support the body with vitamins. For the prevention of colds will help "Vetoron", "Gerimaks", "Aevit." Preparations that help to cope with the impact of the environment - adaptogens - include extracts of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, leuzea. Immunomodulating, such as "Bioaron C", "Immunal" "Likopid", will help restore strength to immunity, will be useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

Antiviral drugs used to prevent colds, help to give the body additional strength in the fight against pathogens. The best are "Grippferon", "Viferon", "Arbidol", "Amiksin". Do not forget about honey, vitamin C - they will not allow the development of colds. Echinacea is a cheap, simple remedy. More rest, give up cigarettes and do not forget about the seasonal intake of vitamins.

Video: what to do with the first signs of a cold

Medicine for influenza and colds for children: recommendations, reviews. Prevention and treatment of influenza and colds

Having noticed the malaise in themselves or their child, some are running to the pharmacy and buying up all available antiviral drugs, while others are waiting for the disease to recede. But not always the disease goes by itself, in a number of cases without a drug against the flu and cold can not do.

Spread of diseases

When it comes to colds and flu, it is important to understand that complications can arise without appropriate treatment. Of course, if this is simply an ARD, then the optimal method of therapy will be copious drinking, bed rest and elimination of symptoms. But with the flu without special medications can not do. But remember that only the doctor should establish the diagnosis, especially if it is a child. He also chooses the most appropriate treatment for influenza and colds. Medications are selected depending on the patient's condition and what caused the illness.

Medicine for influenza and colds

In the viral nature of the disease, special antiviral agents are required, in the case of bacterial - antibiotics. Determine which therapy will be most effective, you can use a routine blood test.

At present, the main problem is that the spread of colds and influenza is becoming pandemic. This is due to the high variability of viruses. The organisms of children, like many adults, are powerless against new pathogens.

Necessary therapy

medicines against influenza and colds

To understand, what medicine for a flu and cold is necessary in each concrete case, without visit to the doctor it is complex or difficult. But there are a number of drugs that have an effect on viruses and help the body fight many diseases.

They are divided into several groups. It can be means that directly affect the virus, they are also called etiotropic. They include:

1) ion channel blockers: this group includes such agents as "Orvirem", "Remantadin";

2) a specific HA chaperone that prevents the penetration of viruses into the cells of the body, an example of such a medicament is "Arbidol";

3) neuraminidase inhibitors, which include the powder for inhalation "Relenza" and the means for ingestion "Tamiflu", "Peramivir";

4) NP-protein inhibitors are drugs such as "Ingavirin."

Also, specialists can prescribe interferon preparations. They block the translation of mRNA viruses. In this category of funds fall "Interferon", "Viferon", "Grippferon", "Kipferon."

Another fairly common group are inducers of interferon. Doctors can prescribe such a medicine for cold and flu, like "Kagotsel", "Amiksin", "Tsikloferon", "Citovir 3".

Additional drugs

With a competent approach to treatment are not limited to only one antiviral therapy. It should also be symptomatic. It is so important to relieve the condition of the youngest patients in case of illness! For example, with a cold, vasoconstrictive drugs are used, such as "Nazivin", "Mezatol", "Sanorin". Also, funds can be prescribed that moisturize and soften the mucous membranes: Aquamaris, Aqualor, essential oil mixtures Sinupret, Pinosol. Combined funds "Vibrocil", "Rinoprint" and others are considered effective.

With pain in the throat, antiseptics are prescribed. You can use a solution of Lugol, furatsilina, "Pharyngosept", "Geksoral."

Medicine for cold and flu

It is difficult to do without special cough preparations. These can be cough suppressants Codeine, Dastosin, Sinekod, Kodipron, Stoptussin, which can be drunk only after their appointment as a doctor. Mushrooms Ambroxol, Flavamed, Lazolvan are often used for cough treatment.

Complex treatment also includes taking in case of need antipyretic drugs "Panadol", "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin". However, the last drug should not be given to children under 12 years old. Antihistamines are mandatory. They are able to inhibit the allergic inflammatory process, which is accompanied by mucosal edema, vasodilation. The most popular medicines are "Loratadin", "Eden", "Alerzin".

Ion channel blockers

This group of drugs does not allow viruses to be fixed on the cells of the body.

Such a medicine for flu and cold, like Remantadin, is referred to as antiviral drugs. When it is taken, the number of attacking microorganisms begins to decrease, and the person recovers. The action is due to the fact that the viruses for reproduction need to get into the cells, and when "Remantadine" is received it becomes impossible.

Contraindications to admission are individual intolerance, pregnancy, chronic kidney disease, age up to 7 years.

a cure for flu and colds for children

To the same group of drugs include the drug "Midantan." This medicine for flu and cold can not be drunk with psychoses, epilepsies, intolerance to the components of the drug. In addition, contraindications include the periods of pregnancy and lactation. Also, it is not recommended to use it for thyrotoxicosis, glaucoma, arterial hypertension, renal and heart failure.

The composition of the drug "Orvirem" includes the active substance rimantadine. Therefore, this drug has the same contraindications as Remantadine, with the exception of age restrictions. Syrup "Orvirem" can be given to children older than a year. Ion channel blockers are used to treat influenza A. The effectiveness of such therapy was confirmed during the research. Prevention of influenza and colds can also be carried out with the help of these drugs. Drugs in this case are drunk according to a special scheme.

Dosage of ion channel blockers

To treat babies with drugs from this group, only syrup "Orvire" is prescribed. For example, children aged 3 to 7 years on the first day of the disease need to receive 90 mg of rimantadine in the body, 60 mg in the second, and 30 mg in the third. For the prevention of enough 30 mg per day. The necessary amount of syrup is easy to calculate if you know that 5 ml contains 10 mg of active ingredient.

For children aged 1 to 3 years, it is necessary to take 20 mg of rimantadine three times a day on the first day of the disease. The same amount, only twice a day, is recommended on days 2 and 3 of the disease. On the 4th day of the disease, a single dose of 20 mg is necessary. For the purpose of prevention at this age, give 20 mg once a day for 10-15 days.

Neuraminidase inhibitors

Cure for the flu and cold reviewsThe drug "Relenza", intended for inhalation, affects influenza viruses related to types A and B. The main active substance in it is zanamivir. Contraindications to admission are the first trimester of pregnancy, the age of up to 5 years, an allergy to the drug and bronchospasm in the anamnesis. In the treatment, the dosage is increased 2-fold.

The remedy for cold and flu called Tamiflu contains oseltamivir phosphate. Treatment with this medication can be given in children older than 1 year. It is able to suppress neuraminidase of influenza A and B viruses. This prevents the spread of infection in the respiratory tract.

Dosage of neuraminidase inhibitors

Inhalation drug "Relenza" is prescribed, as a rule, to children over 5 years of 10 mg (which corresponds to two inhalations) twice a day. For prevention it is recommended to do 2 inhalations a day.

The drug "Tamiflu" is recommended to be taken with meals, it helps to improve its tolerability. But you can drink the indicated medicine for flu and colds for children and adults, regardless of food intake. If the patient can not swallow the capsule, then he can be prescribed a drug "Tamiflu" in powder, from which the suspension is prepared. Children can be given capsules of 30 or 45 mg or a suspension of 12 mg / ml preparation. Babies younger than two years are recommended to give the drug in powder.

Teenagers over 12 years and adults are prescribed capsules of 75 mg, which must be drunk twice a day. But this dosage can be prescribed for children older than 8 years.

NP-protein inhibitors

The medicine for influenza and cold called "Ingavirin" is active against influenza A and B viruses, including A / H1N1 and A / H1N1 swl, A / H5N1, A / H3N2 swine. It is also prescribed for parainfluenza, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial infection.

When taking this medicine against influenza and cold, reproduction of microorganisms is suppressed even at the nuclear phase, and newly synthesized NP viruses can not migrate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Also, the drug helps increase the amount of interferon in the body and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

But the agent "Ingavirin" is prescribed exclusively for adults. For children, it is necessary to select other drugs.

Interferon Inductors

Quite often in pediatric practice, such drugs as "Kagocel", "Amiksin", "Cycloferon" are used. But despite their popularity, many doctors doubt the effectiveness of these funds.

Drug for flu and colds Kagocel

Producers say that the active components contribute to the formation in the body of a special "late" interferon, which has a high antiviral activity.

For example, a medicine for flu and cold "Kagotsel" is prescribed to babies from the age of 3. For the purpose of treating children under the age of six years, give the first pill twice a day for the first two days and once a day in the following days. If the child is 6 years old or more, he needs 3 tablets in the first days of the illness and 2 on the 3rd and 4th days of the disease. For preventive purposes, it is drunk in courses for 2 days with a weekly break.

The drug "Amiksin" is prescribed only to children over seven years of age. Dosage of it depends on the severity of the disease and is selected by the doctor individually.

The drug "Cycloferon" recommend to kids from 4 years. This medicine for flu and colds for children is taken 1 time per day on an empty stomach. Adults appoint 3-4 tablets per reception, children depending on the age can be recommended from 1 to 3 pieces. For the prevention of the drug is drunk according to a special scheme: it is taken on the 1st or the 2nd day after contact with the patient, until the 8th day the reception is conducted every other day, and from the 11th to the 23rd day, three days later.

Recommendations and feedback

Given that assess the activity of antiviral drugs without special studies is sufficient it's difficult, some moms can recommend, and others criticize a certain cure for flu and colds. The responses are quite contradictory.

Prevention of flu and cold medications

To the smallest patients, doctors often recommend interferon preparations. It can be "Viferon", "Grippferon". They are even prescribed to newborn babies. They are used for both treatment and prevention of seasonal viral diseases, including influenza.

Many mothers, whose children have recovered with this approach to treatment, of course, recommend antiviral drugs. But at the same time there are those who did not have therapy with the help of these drugs, the diseases were complicated by the attachment of a secondary infection. As a result, treatment continued with the appointment of antibacterial agents.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to find objective feedback and recommendations. The optimal option will be the use of drugs with proven efficacy, which you will recommend a pediatrician or another treating your child's doctor. If you believe the reviews, then many helped syrup "Orvirem" and the drug "Tamiflu." True, the last remedy is effective only with the flu, many say that with conventional SARS it makes no sense to drink.

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