Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis - symptoms, treatment, causes, complications

Chronic tonsillitis is a condition of palatine tonsils, in which, against the background of a decrease in local natural protective functions, their inflammation periodically occurs. Therefore tonsils (tonsils) become a constant focus of infection, with chronic allergization and intoxication of the body. Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are clearly manifested during periods of relapse, when during an exacerbation increases body temperature, lymph nodes increase, pain appears, sore throat, pain when swallowing, unpleasant odor from mouth.

Against the background of reduced immunity and in the presence of a chronic foci of infection, patients with tonsillitis chronic form in the future may suffer from such diseases as rheumatism, pyelonephritis, adnexitis (see Fig. inflammation of the appendages of the uterus - symptoms and treatment), prostatitis, etc. Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis are social diseases of a modern inhabitant of a megalopolis, because the unfavorable ecological situation in cities, monotonous chemical nutrition, stress, overwork, an abundance of aggressive, negative information has a very negative effect on the state of the immune system of the population.

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Why does chronic tonsillitis occur?

The main function of palatine tonsils as well as other lymphoid tissues in the human pharynx is to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms that enter the nasopharynx with food, air, water. These tissues produce such protective substances as interferon, lymphocytes, gamma globulin. In the normal state of the immune system on the mucosa and in the depth of the tonsils, lacunae and crypts are always present both non-pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, in correct, natural concentrations, without causing inflammatory processes.

As soon as there is an intensive growth of bacteria coming from outside or present conditionally pathogenic bacteria, Palatine tonsils destroy and remove the infection, leading to the normalization of the condition - and all this happens unnoticed for rights. If the balance of microflora is disturbed for various reasons, described below, the sharp growth of bacteria can cause angina - acute inflammation, which can occur as a lacunar sore throat or follicular angina.

If such inflammations become protracted, often recur and poorly treatable, the process of resistance to infection in the tonsils weakens, they do not cope with their functions of protection, lose the ability to self-purification and themselves are the source of infection, then develops a chronic form - tonsillitis. In rare cases, approximately 3%, tonsillitis can develop without a preliminary acute process, that is, its occurrence is not preceded by angina.

In tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillitis, bacterial analysis reveals almost 30 pathogenic bacteria, but in lacunae the most numerous are streptococci and staphylococci.

It is very important, before the start of therapy, to take an analysis for the bacterial flora with the establishment of sensitivity to antibiotics, since pathogenic microorganisms are very diverse and each of them can be resistant to certain antibacterial means. When prescribing antibiotics at random, with the resistance of bacteria, treatment will be ineffective or completely ineffective, which will lead to an increase in the period of recovery and the transition of angina to chronic tonsillitis.

Diseases that provoke the development of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Violation of nasal breathing with polyps (polyps in the nose, treatment), adenoids (treatment of adenoids in children), purulent sinusitis, sinusitis (treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics), curvature of the nasal septum, as well as dental caries - can provoke inflammation of the palatines tonsils
  • Reduction of local and general immunity in infectious diseases - measles (see. symptoms of measles in adults), scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc., especially in case of severe leakage, inadequate treatment, incorrectly selected medications for therapy.
  • Hereditary predisposition - if in a family history there is chronic tonsillitis in close relatives.

Adverse factors provoking exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis:

  • Low amount of liquid consumed per day. A person should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, as well as low water quality, consumed daily (use only purified water for cooking, special filters for water)
  • Severe or prolonged hypothermia of the body
  • Strong stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional overstrain, lack of adequate sleep and rest, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Work on harmful production, dustiness, gas contamination of premises in the workplace
  • The general adverse environmental situation in the place of residence - industrial enterprises, the abundance of vehicles, chemical production, increased radioactive background, abundance in the residential premises of household goods of poor quality, emitting harmful substances into the air - cheap household appliances, carpets and furniture produced from toxic materials, the active use of household chemicals (chlorine-containing products, washing powders and detergents with a high concentration of surfactants and etc.)
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking
  • Inadequate nutrition, an abundance of carbohydrates and proteins, limited consumption of cereals, vegetables, fruits.

When the process begins to acquire a chronic form in the tonsils, the lymphoid tissue from the tender gradually becomes denser, replacing the connective tissue, there are scars that cover the lacunae. This leads to the appearance of lacunar plugs - closed purulent foci, in which particles accumulate food, tobacco tar, pus, microbes, both living and dead, necrotic epithelial cells of the mucosa lacunae.

In closed lacunae, figuratively speaking, pockets where pus accumulates, very favorable conditions are created for the preservation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic products of vital activity of which with a current of blood are carried throughout the body, affecting almost all internal organs, leading to chronic intoxication organism. This process is slow, the overall work of immune mechanisms is lost and the body can begin to respond inadequately to a constant infection, causing allergies. And the bacteria themselves (streptococcus) cause severe complications.

Symptoms and complications of tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis in the nature and severity of inflammation is divided into several types:

  • Simple recurrent form, when often there are tonsillitis
  • A simple lingering form is a prolonged sluggish inflammation in the palatine tonsils
  • A simple compensated form, that is, relapses of tonsillitis and episodes of angina occur rarely
  • Toxico-allergic form, which is 2 types

With a simple form of chronic tonsillitis, symptoms are meager, limited only by local signs - pus in lacunae, purulent plugs, swelling of the edges of the arch, lymph nodes increase, there is a foreign body sensation, discomfort when swallowing, dry mouth, smell from the mouth mouth. During periods of remission, symptoms are absent, and during exacerbations up to 3 times a year there are tonsillitis, which accompanied by fever, headache, general malaise, weakness, prolonged period recovery.

1 toxic-allergic form - in addition to local inflammatory reactions to symptoms of tonsillitis, general signs of intoxication and allergization of the body - increased body temperature, heart pain with normal ECG, joint pain, increased fatigue. The patient is more likely to suffer from influenza, Orvi, recovery after illness is prolonged.

2 Toxico-allergic form - with this form of the disease, tonsils become a constant source of infection, and the risk of spreading it throughout the body is high. Therefore, in addition to the above symptoms occur violations in the joints, liver, kidneys, functional disorders of the heart, detected ECG, heart rhythm is disturbed, acquired heart defects may develop, rheumatism, arthritis, urinary-genital diseases sphere. A person is constantly experiencing weakness, fatigue, subfebrile temperature.

Conservative local treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis can be surgical and conservative. Naturally, surgical intervention is an extreme measure that can irreparably damage immunity and protective functions of the body. Surgical removal of tonsils is possible in the case when with prolonged inflammation the lymphoid tissue is replaced by a connective tissue. And in cases when a parathonsillar abscess occurs in the toxic-allergic form 2, an autopsy is shown.

Indications for the removal of tonsils:

  • Increased tonsils interfere with normal nasal breathing or swallowing.
  • More than 4 sore throats a year
  • Peritonsillar abscess
  • Koneservativnaya therapy without effect more than a year
  • There was an episode of acute rheumatic fever or there is a chronic rheumatic fever, kidney complications

Palatine tonsils play an important role in creating an infectious barrier and inhibit the inflammatory process, are one of the components of support and local and general immunity. Therefore, the otolaryngologists try to preserve them without resorting to surgery, try to restore the functions of the tonsils by various methods and procedures.

Conservative treatment of exacerbation of a chronic process should be performed in the Lor center, a qualified specialist who will prescribe comprehensive adequate therapy depending on the form and stage of the disease. Modern methods of treatment of tonsillitis are conducted in several stages:

  • Rinsing lacunae

There are 2 ways to wash the lacunae of the tonsils - one using a syringe, the other using the Tonsilor attachment. The first method is now considered obsolete, since it is not sufficiently effective, the pressure created by the syringe, is not sufficient for thorough washing, and the procedure is traumatic and contact, often causes a vomitive reflex in patients. The greatest effect is achieved if the doctor uses the nozzle "Tonzilor". It is used both for washing and for the administration of medicinal solutions. First, the doctor makes the lacunae washed with an antiseptic solution, while he clearly sees that it is washed out of the tonsils.

  • Ultrasonic medicinal irrigation, treatment with Lugol

After cleaning from the pathological secret, you should change the tip to an ultrasound, which due to ultrasound the effect of cavitation creates a drug suspension and with effort delivers the drug solution to the submucosal layer of palatines tonsils. As a medicine, 1% Miramistin solution is usually used, this remedy is an antiseptic that does not lose its properties under the influence of ultrasound. Then, after this procedure, the doctor can treat the tonsils with Lugol's solution (see Fig. Lugol with angina).

  • Therapeutic laser

The laser therapy session also has a good effect, reduces swelling and inflammation of the tissues and mucosa of the palatine tonsils. To achieve better results, the source of laser radiation is placed in the oral cavity closer to the tonsils and the posterior pharyngeal wall.

  • Sessions of vibroacoustic impact, UV

Such sessions are made to normalize microcirculation, improve nutrition in the tissues of the tonsils. UV - ultraviolet irradiation is carried out for the sanation of microflora, this old time-tested method has not lost its relevance and is considered quite effective.

All described methods should be conducted in courses, the number and multiplicity of which are determined individually in each specific clinical case. To achieve maximum effect, 5 to 10 rinsing procedures are required until clean wash water appears. This course of treatment is able to restore the ability of the tonsils to self-purification and the period of remission is significantly prolonged, relapses become less frequent.

To avoid the removal of palatine tonsils and treatment led to a persistent result, such effective treatment is desirable. to spend 2-4 times a year and independently to conduct supportive preventive treatment at home, gargle (see. all solutions for gargling with angina).

Recent studies of scientists lead to the conclusion that in chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, an important role is played by imbalance of microflora mucous nasopharynx and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply with an insufficient amount of useful flora that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. (cm. The causes of sinusitis are in the sinus dysbiosis)

One of the options for preventive and maintenance treatment of tonsillitis can be gargling with drugs containing live cultures of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria - Narine (liquid concentrate 150 rubles), Trilact (1000 rubles), Normoflorin (160-200 rub). This normalizes the balance of the microflora of the nasopharynx, contributes to a more natural recovery and a longer remission.

Medication effective treatment

Only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, clinical picture, degree and form of chronic tonsillitis the doctor determines the tactics of managing the patient, prescribes a course of drug therapy and local procedures. Drug therapy is the use of the following types of drugs:

  • Antibiotics for tonsillitis

This doctor prescribes this group of drugs only with an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, antibiotic treatment should preferably be carried out on the basis of bacterial culture data. Appointment of drugs blindly may not lead to the desired effect, loss of time and deterioration of the condition. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics for angina as a short course the most light and safe means, and a longer course with stronger drugs that require probiotics (see also Sumamed in angina). In the latent course of tonsillitis, treatment with antimicrobials is not indicated, since this additionally disrupts the microflora and the gastrointestinal tract and the oral cavity, and also suppresses the immune system. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly).

  • Probiotics

With the appointment of aggressive antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, as well as with concomitant diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis, reflux, etc.) with the initiation of therapy should take probiotic drugs that are resistant to the action of antibiotics - Acipol, Rela Life, Narine, Primadofilus, Gastrofarm, Normoflorin (cm. the entire list of probiotics-BAA and Linex analogs)

  • Anesthetics

In severe pain syndrome, the most optimal is Ibuprofen or Nurofen, they are used as symptomatic therapy and with minor pain their use is not advisable (see. complete list and prices of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the article Stabbed back pain).

  • Antihistamines

To reduce edema of the mucosa, edema of the tonsils, the posterior pharyngeal wall, it is necessary to take desensibilizing preparations, as well as to more effectively absorb other medicines. Among this group is better to use the drugs of the last generation, they have a longer, prolonged action, do not have a sedative effect, stronger and safer. Among the antihistamines, the best ones are Tetrin, Parlazin, Zirtek, Letizen, Zodak, as well as Telfast, Feksadin, and Fexophast (cf. List of all medicines for allergies). In the case when a patient with a prolonged reception is well helped by one of these drugs, you should not change it to another.

  • Antiseptic topical treatment

An important condition for effective treatment is gargling, for this you can use various solutions as ready-made sprays, and dilute special solutions yourself. It is most convenient to use Miramistin (250 rubles), which is sold with a nebulizer, 1% solution, Octenisept (230-370 rubles), which is diluted with water 1/5, as well as Dioxydin (1% rp 200 rubles 10 ampoules), 1 amp. diluted in 100 ml of warm water (see. list of all sprays for the throat). Aromatherapy can also have a positive effect if you make a gargle or inhalation of essential oils - lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar.

  • Immunostimulatory therapy

Among the drugs that can be used to stimulate local immunity in the oral cavity, perhaps, only Imudon is indicated for use, the course of therapy is 10 days (resorptive tablets. 4 r / day). Among natural products for raising the immunity you can use Propolis, Pantocrinum, ginseng, chamomile.

  • Homeopathic treatment and folk remedies

Experienced homeopath can choose the best homeopathic treatment and if you follow his recommendations, it is possible to extend the remission as much as possible after the acute inflammatory process has been removed by traditional methods therapy. And to rinse your throat, you can use the following medicinal plants: turn, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, willow buds, Icelandic moss, aspen bark, poplar, as well as the roots of the bloodlet, elecampane, ginger.

  • Mitigating agents

From the inflammatory process and the intake of certain medicines there is dryness in the mouth, pershenia, sagging in the throat, in which case very it is effective and safe to use apricot, peach, sea buckthorn oil, taking into account the individual tolerability of these products (absence allergic reactions). To properly soften the nasopharynx, you should dig in any of these oils in the nose a few drops in the morning and in the evening, when burying the head should be thrown back. Another way to soften the throat is 3% hydrogen peroxide, that is, 9% and 6% solution should be diluted and gargled for as long as possible, then rinse the throat with warm water.

  • Food

Diet therapy is an integral part of successful treatment, any hard, hard, spicy, fried, sour, salty, smoked food, very cold or hot food, saturated with taste enhancers and artificial additives, alcohol - significantly worsens the condition patient.


Chronic tonsillitis - Symptoms

One of the most reliable signs of the disease is the presence of angina and anamnesis. In this case, the patient must always find out how an increase in body temperature is accompanied by pain in the throat and for how long.

Angina in chronic tonsillitis can be pronounced (severe pain in the throat during swallowing, considerable hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, with purulent attributes on the palatine tonsils according to the forms, febrile temperature of the body, etc.), but in adults this classic symptomatology of angina is not often it happens. In such cases, exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis occur without any severe acuity of all symptoms: the temperature corresponds to low subfebrile values ​​(3, -3, C), pain in the throat when swallowing is insignificant, there is a moderate deterioration in the total state of health. The duration of the disease is usually 3-4 days. Such a picture of angina is characteristic for patients with rheumatism. In other cases, the patient only notes "ache a little" in the throat with a worsening of well-being for several days. However, the unexpressed manifestation of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis does not in the least reduce the aggressiveness of the pathological process with respect to the occurrence of toxic-allergic complications. After such "soft" angina, the number of exacerbations of rheumatic fever increases several times, and the repeated deformation of the mitral valve often occurs.

The clinical picture of chronic tonsillitis is characterized by the frequency of angina, usually 2-3 times a year, often 1 time in several years and only 3-4% of patients have no angina at all. For anginas of another etiology (not as an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis), the absence of their frequency is characteristic.

In chronic tonsillitis, moderate symptoms of general intoxication are observed, such as periodic or permanent subfebrile body temperature, sweating, increased fatigue, including mental fatigue, sleep disturbance, mild dizziness and headache, decreased appetite, etc.

Chronic tonsillitis often causes the development of other diseases or increases their course. Numerous studies conducted over the past decades confirm the relationship of chronic tonsillitis with rheumatism, polyarthritis, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, sepsis, systemic diseases, dysfunction of the pituitary and adrenal cortex, neurological diseases, acute and chronic diseases bronchopulmonary system, etc.

The main feature of the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis is the non-specificity of some of them. Thus, subjective symptoms largely coincide with those in various forms of chronic pharyngitis. In terms of their size, palatine tonsils are classified into three degrees, however, the size and appearance of the tonsils also do not reflect their true state: there are tonsils of absolutely normal appearance and yet they can contain a source of chronic infection, which causes various metatonzillar complications. The removal of such tonsils often confirms this position. And yet in most cases of chronic tonsillitis a number of subjective (from anamnesis) and objective symptoms are revealed, which give grounds to establish a diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis and differentiate it into two clinical forms - compensated and decompensated chronic tonsillitis and depending on this determine the tactics and strategy of treatment patient.

With compensated chronic tonsillitis, some signs of chronic inflammation are macroscopically revealed, but this process is limited the territory of the palatine tonsils, does not spread beyond its limits, does not manifest itself in anginal exacerbations, and especially paratonzillar complications. This condition of the tonsils is due to the existing balance between local tissue immunity and general reactivity of the organism, on the one hand, and inflammatory in the palatine tonsils process. With decompensated chronic tonsillitis, local signs of chronic tonsillitis are usually distinctly expressed, some of them are typical only for this form and are absent when compensated chronic tonsillitis, with this form often there are exacerbations in the form of angina, peritonzillitis, paratonlesillar abscesses, regional lymphadenitis, and clinically neglected cases - metatonsillar complications at the distance (according to the data of BS Preobrazhensky, the ansanginous course of chronic tonsillitis occurs only in 2% of cases of this disease).

Subjective symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Subjective symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are characterized by recurring pain in the tonsil when swallowing and talking, tingling in them, burning, dryness, discomfort and sensation in the throat of a foreign body. As a rule, these signs with compensated chronic tonsillitis are not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but in In some cases, especially with decompensated forms, there may be a constant or periodically occurring a subfebrile condition. During this period, there are weakness, malaise, fatigue, which are often accompanied by aching pain in the joints and in the heart. The appearance of subjective symptoms at a distance indicates a transition of the compensated form of chronic tonsillitis to decompensated. In other cases, the patients feel a pronounced burning sensation and perspiration in the throat causing them attacks of severe cough (irritation of pharyngeal branches vagus nerve) - one of the symptoms of the lacunar form of chronic tonsillitis, during which of the widened lacunae are excreted into the oral cavity caseous masses. Often, patients themselves squeeze them out of the tonsils with a finger or a teaspoon. The smell of these "purulent plugs" is extremely unpleasant; its putrid character indicates the presence in the crypts of palatine tonsils fusospiroheleznyh microorganisms. A number of patients observe a symptom of reflex pain in the ear - tingling and "shooting" in it.

Objective symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Objective symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are revealed during endoscopic examination of the pharynx and external examination of the region of regional lymph nodes. In this case, the examination, palpation, a test with "dislocating" the amygdala, a test with extrusion from the lacunae of caseous mass, sounding of lacunae, taking material for bacteriological research, including aspiration puncture tonsils.

On examination, first of all pay attention to the amount of palatine tonsils, the color of the mucous membrane, the condition of its surface and surrounding tissues. Objective signs of XT itself are determined not earlier than 3-4 weeks after the end of the process of exacerbation or sore throat. According to the descriptions of B.S. Preobrazhensky (1963), with the follicular form of parenchymal chronic tonsillitis on the surface of the tonsils under the epithelium, "Yellowish vesicles indicating the degeneration of the follicles and their replacement by small cyst-like formations filled with "dead" leukocytes and dead microbial bodies. In the lacunar form, extended lacunar outlets are identified, in which caseous masses of white are contained. When pressing with a spatula on the lateral part of the anterior palatal arch and on the region of the upper pole of the amygdala, caseous masses or liquid pus are emitted from it, like minced meat.

When examining the area of ​​palatine tonsils, it is often possible to find a number of signs of chronic tonsillitis, reflecting involvement in the inflammatory process of surrounding anatomical formations:

  1. symptom Giese [Guisez, 1920] - hyperemia of the anterior arch;
  2. Zak's symptom [Zak VN, 1933] - swelling of the mucous membrane over the upper pole of the tonsils and upper parts of the palatine arch;
  3. symptom of Preobrazhensky [Preobrazhensky BS, 1938] - arcuate infiltration and hyperemia of the upper halves of the arches and the intercostal angle.

In chronic tonsillitis, as a rule, develops regional lymphadenitis, determined by palpation behind the angle of the lower jaw and along the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Lymph nodes in palpation can be painful, and when palpating the retro-mandibular nodes - the pain radiates into the corresponding ear.

An important diagnostic value is the reception of palpation and dislocation of palatine tonsils. With finger palpation (there is also a palpation tool) assess the elasticity, softness of the amygdala or, on the contrary, its density, stiffness, the contents of the parenchyma. In addition, with finger palpation, it is possible to determine whether the amygdala is present in the parenchyma or in the immediate vicinity of its niche a large pulsating arterial vessel, which must be considered as a risk factor for bleeding in tonsillotomy and tonsillectomies. If, with an emphasis on pressing the spatula on the lateral part of the anterior palatal arch, the amygdala does not protrude from its niche, and under the spatula feels dense tissue, it indicates the adhesion of the amygdala with the tissues of its bed, that is, on chronic sclerotic tonsillitis, as well as on the difficulties of extirpation of the tonsils with all extracapsular removal.

Sounding of crypts, carried out with the help of a special curved button probe GG Kulikovsky (with a handle or a separate, inserted into a special holder, fixing the probe with a screw), allows you to determine the depth of the crypts, their contents, the presence strictures, etc.

Thus, the basis of the clinical picture of chronic tonsillitis is considered a symptomatic complex associated with the formation of a foci of chronic infection in the palatine tonsils. This process has certain patterns of local development and distribution in the body. The focus of chronic infection in the tonsils affects the work of all organs and functional systems, disrupting their life activity, on the one hand, and with the other often becomes the etiological factor of a new, usually severe disease and in all cases aggravates any diseases occurring in the organism.

Classification of chronic tonsillitis

Many authors suggest different variants of classification of chronic tonsillitis. According to these classifications, the disease is mainly considered from the point of view of the degree of protection of the organism from tonsillar intoxication, using the terms "compensated" and "decompensated" inflammatory infectious process in the tonsils in relation to everything organism. Based on the previous classifications and new data, the classification of KS was created. Preobrazhensky and VT Palchoun, according to which differentiated and from the modern scientific and practical positions distinguish the clinical forms of the disease that determine the curative tactics.

In most cases, the patient is observed all signs of chronic tonsillitis. Characteristic for a certain form, however, in a number of cases only a few or even one indication is revealed. According to this classification, the evaluation of a sign or signs of an infectious focus in the tonsils and in the general state of the organism is of diagnostic importance.

There are 2 clinical forms of chronic tonsillitis: simple and toxic-allergic two degrees of severity.

Simple form of chronic tonsillitis

For her, only local symptoms are characteristic and in 96% of patients - the presence of angina in the anamnesis.

Local signs:

  • liquid pus or caseous-purulent plugs in lacunae of tonsils (can be with a smell);
  • tonsils in adults are often small, can be smooth or with a loosened surface;
  • persistent hyperemia of the edges of the palatine arches (a sign of Giee);
  • puffiness of the edges of the upper parts of the palatine arch (Zak's sign);
  • cuff-like thickening of the aprons of the palatal arch (sign of Preobrazhensky);
  • fusion and adhesions of tonsils with arches and triangular fold;
  • an increase in individual regional lymph nodes, sometimes painful during palpation (in the absence of other foci of infection in the region).

Concomitant diseases include those who do not have a single infectious basis with chronic tonsillitis, pathogenetic connection features general and local reactivity.

The treatment is conservative. Presence of purulent contents in lacunae after 2-3 courses of treatment is an indication for tonsillctomy.

Toxico-allergic form I degree

It is characterized by local signs of simple form and general toxic-allergic reactions.


  • periodic episodes of subfebrile body temperature;
  • episodes of weakness, weakness, malaise;
  • fast fatigue, reduced work capacity, poor health;
  • periodic pain in the joints;
  • increase and soreness in palpation of regional lymph nodes (in the absence of other foci of infection);
  • functional disturbances of cardiac activity are unstable, can manifest themselves under stress and at rest, during exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • deviations from the norm of laboratory data can be unstable and unstable.

Concomitant diseases are the same as in a simple form. They do not have a single infectious basis with chronic tonsillitis.

The treatment is conservative. Lack of improvement (pus in gaps, toxic-allergic reactions) after 1-2 courses of treatment is an indication for tonsillectomy.

Toxico-allergic form of II degree

It is characterized by local signs of simple form and general toxic-allergic reactions.


  • periodic functional disorders of cardiac activity (the patient makes complaints, violations are recorded on the ECG);
  • heart beat, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • pain in the heart or joints occur both during angina and outside the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • subfebrile body temperature (can be prolonged);
  • functional infringement of infectious nature in the work of the kidneys, heart, vascular system, joints, liver and other organs and systems, recorded clinically and using laboratory methods.

Concomitant diseases can be the same as in a simple form (not associated with infection).

Conjugate diseases have common infectious causes with chronic tonsillitis.

Local diseases:

  • paratonzillar abscess;
  • parafaringitis.

Common diseases:

  • acute and chronic (often with veiled symptoms) tonsillitis sepsis;
  • rheumatism:
  • arthritis;
  • Acquired heart defects:
  • infectious-allergic nature of diseases of the urinary system, joints and other organs and systems.

Surgical treatment (tonsillectomy).

Pharyngoscopic signs appear again: the purulent contents released from the crypts on the surface of the amygdala, being a strong irritant, causes local inflammation, so the edges of the palatine arches are hyperemic, infiltrated and edematous. For the same reason, with chronic tonsillitis, as a rule, there is catarrhal or granulosis pharyngitis. Regional lymphadenitis in the form of enlarged lymph nodes at the corners of the lower jaw and along Chest-clavicular-mastoid muscle also indicates infection in the overlying areas, most often in tonsils. Of course, in all these cases, the infection can come not only from the palatine tonsils, but also the sick teeth, gums, pharynx, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account in differential diagnosis all possible causes of the appearance of pharyngoscopic signs of inflammation.


Causes and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is a disease of the throat, in which tonsils are affected, and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis is nothing but a sore throat.

The process of inflammation can begin due to several reasons: hypothermia, decreased immunity, the presence of allergies. In a person who has been diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, tonsils have certain microorganisms. And if one of the above reasons occurs, then begins to develop angina, sometimes even with a number of complications.

In the throat of a person there are 7 different types of tonsils, the most common inflammation is inflammation of the palatines. Tonsils participate in the formation of immunity, especially in children.If the child has had tonsillitis, then immunity functions will be already violated, and the disease will become more frequent.

Causes of tonsillitis

With multiple tonsil disease, immunity reduces its protective functions, and then you can talk about the chronic form of the disease. As a rule, chronic tonsillitis is manifested due to the action of various bacteria, for example, staphylococcus, group A streptococcus and others. With respiratory diseases, tonsillitis may manifest as an exacerbation.

Another cause of tonsillitis can be inflammation near a number of organs, for example, dental caries, sinusitis.

If a person had sore throat, and treatment was performed without an ENT doctor, then in such conditions, too, an exacerbation of tonsillitis is possible. With angina, the ENT appoints a special diet for the tranquility of the mucous membranes, thus preventing the onset of tonsillitis.

Symptoms of the disease

At an initial stage of disease the patient can even not guess, that he is already sick. Symptoms are hidden. The first symptom can be noted growing discomfort in the throat - severe pershenie. Many patients notice in the first few days the sensation of a lump in the throat. Unpleasant odor from the mouth is possible.

Another very important symptom of tonsillitis in chronic form is cough, fast fatigue, weakness in the whole body.

Sometimes there is an increase in temperature, it may not be constant, and rise closer to evening or night. The patient feels very weak and can not do the work that he performed in the usual state.

There may be unpleasant sensations or even painful swallowing in the tonsils. Doctors note a slight increase in lymph nodes, which can be observed for several days.

With an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, headaches that give to the left side of the head are possible.

Types of chronic tonsillitis

There are two types of tonsillitis. The first form is compensated. It differs by local symptoms of inflammation. The patient, as a rule, feels fine, fatigue is not observed, body temperature is normal. Tonsils try to cope with the disease, and therefore it is less pronounced.

The second form is decompensated. With this form, there may also be local symptoms, but they will be accompanied by other diseases, for example, angina, allergy and others. There is a fever and weakness in the whole body.

Do not forget that any of these forms of the disease with a lack of treatment can go into complications.

Complications after tonsillitis

If a patient does not follow the doctor's instructions for tonsillitis, in most cases this leads to serious complications of the disease. Tonsillitis can be complicated by more than 50 different diseases.

Patients with chronic tonsillitis often complain of difficulty with nose breathing. This is due to the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Tonsils during the inflammatory process can not normally resist the infection, and therefore various abscesses can arise. The most dangerous is the phlegmon of the neck. With such a disease, a lethal outcome is possible.

With a long course of the disease, the infection descends lower along the respiratory tract. And there may be bronchitis or pharyngitis. With various forms of tonsillitis complications can be expressed in different ways and with different strengths.

Doctors detect a large number of complications affecting the internal organs of a person. Among them, rheumatism, polyarthritis, lupus erythematosus and many others can be distinguished.

With frequent occurrence of angina, there may be problems with the heart: heart disease, stroke and others. Possible complications affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Most often there is gastritis, ulcers, colitis.

A prolonged course of the disease can affect the lungs, and specific diseases occur. In some cases, pneumonia may worsen in both mild and chronic forms. To treat pneumonia for a start, the cause in the tonsils should be eliminated.

In the form of complications, eye diseases are sometimes observed. Among the main complications can be identified developing nearsightedness. If the patient has noticed a slight decline in vision, it is necessary to urgently contact the ophthalmologist to stop the process. The first thing to do is to eliminate the focus of infection.

There may also be Behcet's disease, in which both eyes of the patient are immediately affected. With a long course of tonsillitis, the kidneys can be affected, kidney function is impaired.

There may be a violation of the metabolic process in the body. A person either very rapidly gaining weight and does not control his appetite, or vice versa, sharply grows thin, loses appetite. A constant sense of thirst also bothers the patients. Women have problems with the menstrual cycle, and men may lose the potency and desire for intimate relationships.

Chronic tonsillitis can trigger a decrease in insulin in the blood, resulting in diabetes.

Young girls suffering from chronic tonsillitis have problems with conceiving and carrying a child.

It can be concluded that tonsillitis can provoke the appearance of any disease.

At the first signs of tonsillitis should immediately consult specialists and not neglect treatment and recommendations.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis?

For today in medicine there are not so many ways of treatment of the given disease. In tonsils, lymphoid tissue dies, and in its place appears scarring. Because of this, inflammation can worsen and move to other internal organs. Treatment of the disease occurs with the help of a powerful effect on the patient's airways.

Sometimes, together with tonsillitis, there is pharyngitis, and in this case, the treatment will be directed to two diseases at once. The first thing the doctor will do in such a situation will remove the manifestation of angina, and after that therapy will be performed, aimed at treating tonsillitis and improving human immunity, to eliminate the possibility of repeated disease.

Doctors recommend to observe a bed rest for 5-7 days, to use antibiotics of a wide spectrum. But in no case can not prescribe such drugs to yourself without consulting a doctor. Medicinal preparations are selected taking into account the form and degree of the disease, and also taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

In hospital conditions, the tonsils are washed with a special solution. In addition to drugs, ultraviolet radiation is prescribed. This allows to remove the inflammation in the shortest possible time.

If treatment with drugs does not help, the doctor can decide to remove the tonsils. This type of treatment is used only in very complicated cases, with a large number of different complications on the internal organs.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = 3gdaJfcxnGg

There is also the prevention of tonsillitis. In order to not get sick with tonsillitis, you should constantly monitor your breathing. At any discomfort in a throat or in a nose it is recommended to address immediately to the doctor. After tonsillitis you need to lubricate the tonsils. The drug for this procedure can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

One of the main preventive measures is the constant hardening of the body from the very childhood. It is recommended 2 times a year (in spring and autumn) to strengthen immunity by taking various vitamins.


Chronic tonsillitis in adults: forms, causes, symptoms and treatment

Unpleasant, but with a rather beautiful name, chronic tonsillitis is familiar to very many people these days. Having fallen ill once a person, often, for years can not get rid of this disease and becomes a frequent guest at the ENT doctor.

Tonsillitis is called inflammation, localized in the so-called glands, and in anatomical terms, in the region of the tonsils. This disease occurs in two main variants: acute and chronic. The first in the common people is called angina. It was the first one. That is, angina and chronic tonsillitis are not the same thing.

Chronic tonsillitis, as a rule, proceeds much milder in comparison with the bright manifestations of the acute form of the disease. He can remind of himself only a few times a year, and even less often.

Symptoms with exacerbation of the chronic process are usually poorly expressed, for example, it may slightly hurt and sore throat, but there should be no temperature.

Many patients do not even try to identify the cause in such cases, believing that everything will end by itself. However, after a month, the condition can only worsen and you have to go to a specialist who diagnoses chronic tonsillitis in adults, well, or in children, and begins a long treatment.

Chronic compensated and decompensated tonsillitis

About the chronic form of tonsillitis it usually comes up in cases where the tonsils are constantly in a state of inflammation.

In this case, two possible scenarios are possible. In one case, the disease as it completely disappears, but immediately returns at the slightest supercooling. At the second variant the inflammation leaves, and only calms down, causing satisfactory state of health in the patient.

Clinically, two forms of chronic tonsillitis are distinguished: one is called compensated, the other is called decompensated. Regardless of which form of the described disease has developed in the patient, it is necessary to take all measures in order to achieve a stable remission.

If only symptoms of a local nature develop in the form of a slight inflammation of the tonsils and pain in the throat without changes in the general condition, then there is a compensated chronic tonsillitis. In other words, the tonsils generally cope with their functions and compensate for the inflammatory response.

If the frequent inflammatory processes in the tonsils are accompanied by acute paratonsillitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tonsils), and also diseases of other organs, seemingly not connected with them in any way, this is undoubtedly the decompensated form of the described ailment.

Causes of inflammation of chronic tonsillitis

It is not difficult to guess that, as with the acute form, the causes of chronic tonsillitis in adults and children are microbes.

Among ENT doctors, it is widely believed that the disease described affects 100% of the population. In a sense, it's true. A lot of microorganisms live on the human tonsils. Healthy tonsils cope with the disease-causing effect of certain of them, but the sick forces do not have enough for such a struggle.

There are several reasons for the transition of the disease to a chronic stage. The main one is untreated tonsillitis. The remaining causes of chronic tonsillitis are less important causes.

Most often it happens this way: immediately, as soon as the throat pain subsides and the temperature normalizes, the patient stops taking antibiotics and goes to work, believing that the illness has passed. However, it only retreated and in order to defeat it it is absolutely necessary to bring it to the end a prescribed course of antibiotic therapy and rinses, take vitamins and strengthen immunity. Otherwise, chronic tonsillitis, the video about which is located below, is provided:


The second reason is frequent pharyngitis, to which patients, and some doctors do not pay due attention. In many cases, even a sick leave is not necessary: ​​in a few days the illness passes without treatment. However, in time, the uncontrolled pathological process will certainly make itself felt. The slightest fatigue or weakening of immunity will lead to an increase in the multiplication of bacteria. Therefore, pharyngitis should be cured to the end. This is much better than to suffer later from the effects of this inflammation - chronic tonsillitis.

If a person periodically excruciates chronic rhinitis or rhinitis of an allergic nature, this too can lead to chronic damage to the tonsils.

In addition, it is necessary to observe the hygiene of the teeth and monitor the condition of periodontal disease. Originating in the teeth, the infection tends to wade farther and touch the throat.

Characteristic signs of chronic tonsillitis

If we talk about the symptoms accompanying chronic tonsillitis and treatment in adults, we can note one important feature: the chronic tonsillitis itself does not manifest itself in any way. You can find out about the presence of this disease during the period of its exacerbation, but during this period the most obvious diagnosis will be acute angina, a consequence of not treatment or improper treatment which often becomes the chronic inflammatory process. Nevertheless, a thorough examination will certainly help the specialist to find out the true nature of the ailment.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults should be considered based on its basic clinical forms. Above we have already mentioned the compensated and decompensated inflammation of the tonsils. However, in addition to classification of the disease can be identified two more options: a simple tonsillitis of a chronic nature and a toxic-allergic form of the disease. The difference between these forms is both in the mechanisms of the formation of the disease, and in clinical manifestations in the period of exacerbation.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis of simple form do not differ from manifestations of ordinary sore throat. To suspect the chronic course of the inflammatory process in the powers of only an attentive specialist.

Most often the simple form is characterized by local signs: pus, purulent plugs, swollen arch, enlarged lymph nodes. When swallowing, discomfort appears, there is a foreign body sensation, dryness is felt in the mouth. During the remission, there are no manifestations, and with exacerbations (up to 3 times per year), angina develops with an increase temperature, weakness, general malaise, and a headache characterized by a prolonged period recovery.

With the diagnosis of toxic-allergic chronic tonsillitis symptoms and treatment in adults are somewhat different. This form is characterized by a heavier current. For convenience, it distinguishes two degrees of severity.

The first degree of toxic-allergic tonsillitis in addition to local inflammatory reactions includes general intoxication symptoms and manifestations of allergization. This includes fever, pain in the joints and heart, increased fatigue. A person who falls ill with such a form of tonsillitis, is more difficult to cope with the flu and orgi. The period of recovery after illness is prolonged.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults with a second degree of toxic-allergic variant of the disease are characterized by the presence of concomitant diseases. Often they have an autoimmune component, or they are associated with streptococcus - the most common cause of tonsillitis, both acute and chronic.

With this form of the disease, the amygdala becomes a permanent source of infection. The risk of spreading it through the body becomes high. Possible violations in the work of the heart, joints, liver, kidneys.

How much does subfebrile temperature with chronic tonsillitis

The temperature in chronic tonsillitis rises on the same principle and the same reasons as in other infectious diseases.

The human immune system triggers hyperthermia as a response to the activity of pathogenic bacteria or viruses that are the causative agents of infection. Thus, conditions are created in which microbes feel uncomfortable and begin to die.

The temperature for the described disease, as a rule, rises during the period of exacerbation. Conditions for favorable spread disappear, and the propagation of the pathogen is suspended.

Subfebrile temperature in chronic tonsillitis is more common than high. Substances that give a signal to the immune system in case of infection in the body are called pyrogens. The latter include both the microorganisms themselves and their toxins. Plus, pyrogens can also be created inside the body.

Regulates the temperature of the special area of ​​the brain - the hypothalamus. He commands the blood to move from the skin to the internal organs. As a result of this process, heat loss decreases and the human body begins to "warm up".

On the question of how much the temperature keeps in chronic tonsillitis, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. The naturally healed blood, getting back to the hypothalamus, informs him that the temperature has reached the desired level. At this level, it will persist until the eradication of the infection is over.

Diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis

Before talking about whether it is possible to cure chronic tonsillitis should pay attention to its diagnosis. The doctor must determine the described disease. In the diagnosis, he will be guided by a characteristic history, objective examination, as well as the results of additional studies.

As already mentioned above, the accompanying chronic tonsillitis symptoms, the photos of which are located below, most clearly manifest themselves during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, it is easier to diagnose an illness in this period.

In addition to the complaints of the patient himself, when examining the throat, one can notice hyperemia, the palatine arch will be swollen and with thickened margins. You can even find the fusion of palatine arches with glands and triangular fold.

Often there is a loosening of the tonsils (especially if the disease has developed in the child). Often there is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

As can be seen in the photo of chronic tonsillitis in adults, purulent plaque can be detected on the tonsils.

In the case of a toxic-allergic form of the ailment under consideration, a comprehensive examination of the patient should be carried out. The purpose of such a survey is to identify the associated diseases and assess the severity of the pathology.

Chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis) in pregnancy

Many women preparing to become a mother even before conception can face the manifestations of a disease. However, not all are being treated. Often it seems to future mothers that once the symptoms are not critical, then the disease is not serious. That is why chronic tonsillitis in pregnancy occurs quite often.

Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period. From the very beginning it is necessary to take care of the safety of the baby. Including you need to pay attention to chronic diseases of the mother, because any malfunction in the mother's organism will inevitably affect the child.

Chronic tonsillitis can seriously affect a baby's health. Affected with this disease, tonsils - a kind of barrier for various infections. As a result of inflammation, this barrier is broken, creating the risk of penetration of pathogenic microbes into the bloodstream through which they can reach the fetus.

If during pregnancy a woman has symptoms characterizing chronic tonsillitis symptoms, then you should immediately contact the doctor, because among the dangers that this disease contains, lies the threat of miscarriage, toxicosis in later periods and premature birth.

Is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis forever and how to do it with antibiotics?

There are many ways to combat the described disease. But only after an accurate diagnosis of the extent and form of the disease can you understand how to cure chronic tonsillitis forever.

One of the most common methods is drug therapy, in which the decisive role is given to treatment with antibacterial agents. Preparations of this group are prescribed during periods of exacerbation of the disease and are the best answer to the question of how to get rid of chronic tonsillitis. Prescribe them should be based on the results of the tank-sowing. The use of an antibiotic blindly may not give the desired effect.

Antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis can be prescribed by a short course using light and relatively safe means, and can be appointed and for a long time with the use of aggressive drugs that require simultaneous reception probiotics.

With latent flow of tonsillitis, antibiotic therapy is usually not performed, this additionally disrupts the microflora of the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract, plus immunity to all.

Than to treat chronic tonsillitis in adults: medicamentous agents

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults also includes the use of painkillers (for example, Nurofen). These medications are used as symptomatic therapy mainly in severe pain syndrome. With minor pain, their use does not make sense.

To reduce the edema of the mucous throat and tonsils, antihistamines are necessary. The most good at the same time means the latest generation, such as Zirtek, Telfast, etc. They are stronger and safer, and also have a longer action and do not produce a sedative effect.

In the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis treatment must necessarily be supplemented with local antiseptic drugs. They are released in the form of sprays, tablets for resorption or solutions. Of the first, Miramistin can be used very efficiently, which has a rather extensive spectrum of action. Among the tablets for resorption is quite popular Pharyngocept. Of the solutions that are used to rinse the throat, you can give an example of Hexoral.

How to get rid of chronic tonsillitis and how to gargle

When deciding what to gargle with chronic tonsillitis, do not forget about sea salt. It is sold in any store and very inexpensive. Gives a good result, and besides does not irritate the mucous membrane.

For rinses, essential oils can also be used. For example, lavender, cedar, eucalyptus or tea tree. With the described disease they have a positive effect. And some of these oils are part of the pharmacy medicine for angina.

It is worth noting that when diagnosing chronic tonsillitis it is up to the doctor to rinse the throat. He will choose the most suitable drug for a particular case, which will allow for a speedy recovery.

To stimulate local immunity in chronic tonsillitis, you can use a drug called Imudon. For the same purpose, natural products are also good: chamomile, ginseng, propolis, etc.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis at home: folk remedies

In case of development of the disease chronic tonsillitis treatment at home can be carried out through folk remedies. If you follow the recommendations of an experienced homeopath, you can significantly increase the remission of the disease.

For example, to rinse your throat, you can use a turn or sage. A good effect is given by chamomile and eucalyptus leaves. Not bad help with the described disease kidneys of pussy willow, aspen bark, as well as the roots of elecampane and ginger.

Talking about how to treat chronic tonsillitis in adults, you can not fail to mention the mitigants. The fact is that as a result of the processes of inflammation and taking certain medications, the patient may have dry mouth, a feeling of perspiration, or a feeling of sadness in the throat. In such cases, you should use apricot, peach or sea buckthorn oil by digging into the nose in the morning and evening a few drops.

Proper nutrition in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in the home

In addition to treating chronic tonsillitis at home with medication, you need to think about the patient's diet. Diet therapy is an integral part of successful therapy.

Excessively chilled or heated food is not recommended for this disease. Hard, hard dishes are excluded. Limiting the reception of sharp, salty and smoked products, because they all significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Measures to prevent chronic tonsillitis in adults

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis in adults - an event no less important than the treatment of this disease.

To achieve the longest possible remission, it is necessary to eliminate stress and fully rest. It is extremely important to eat properly, avoiding food, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

In addition, the prophylaxis of the described ailment is closely associated with visiting seaside resorts.


Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis: complications of the disease and its treatment

Angina is a very common ENT disease, called by doctors not otherwise than tonsillitis. It has a clearly pronounced inflammatory character and is caused by the activity of bacteria and viruses, less often fungi. In people it is called an angina and equally often affects both adults and children. Many people are very careless about treating this disease, not realizing that their behavior can lead to complications.

Causes and symptoms of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis

Frequent inflammations of the tonsils weaken the immune system, make a person susceptible to previously safe diseases for him. The most common causes of angina are pathogens such as staphylococci and streptococci. Therefore, treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis involves taking antibiotics, which must be properly selected. Otherwise, the illness is delayed, complications develop. Frequent acute respiratory infections and ARVI can also cause and exacerbate the disease.

Also, cases of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis are increasingly recorded, the cause of which is the prolonged nasal congestion. Therefore, people who for some reason can not fully breathe fall into the "risk group". The reason may be allergies, inflammation of the adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of polyps or anatomical features of the structure.

In connection with the fact that chronic tonsillitis occurs against the background of an incomplete acute disease, its symptoms may be blurred or absent altogether. Therefore, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis is often not diagnosed on time.

Among the main symptoms and signs of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis include:

  • swelling and redness of the throat;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • increased lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting;
  • purulent coating on the tonsils.

As a rule, the exacerbation of the disease occurs when the immunity is weakened due to severe hypothermia, the presence of foci of infection in the body, the lack of prevention and improper treatment.

The presence of some of the signs can not be established independently, so when the first symptoms of the disease you need to seek help from a doctor.

He will determine how to treat an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, and what medicines are best used.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis with antibiotics

Treatment of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis must necessarily include the intake of antimicrobials, which the doctor must appoint. Do not even try to treat the disease yourself and only by domestic methods. This may lead to a prolonged period of treatment and the development of complications and concomitant diseases.

Complications of untreated chronic tonsillitis can be quite serious, beginning with the development of rheumatism and glomerulonephritis, and ending with malfunctions in the heart. Therefore, one should take the disease seriously and not delay it with treatment. Complications of chronic tonsillitis in children are most often manifested by the development of pneumonia, allergic diseases, otitis with a decrease in hearing and kidney damage.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis with antibiotics should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Most often, penicillin group drugs (phenoxymethylpenicillin), macrolides (azithromycin) and cephalosporins (cefcalor) are prescribed for this purpose.

How to treat an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults?

For local treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, children and adults are also prescribed antiseptics in the form of sprays for irrigation of the throat or in tablet form for resorption, essential oils for inhalation, infusions of medicinal plants (calendula, sage, chamomile) for rinses.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults implies adherence to bed rest, a sparing diet and the reception of abundant warm drinks. To cope with the fever used anti-inflammatory drugs nimesulide and ibuprofen. Also, antihistamines are often used to relieve the general condition and eliminate the laryngeal edema.

Complication of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in the heart during pregnancy

Relapse of any disease is a serious blow to health and well-being. In pregnancy, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis can cause a significant harm to the health of the future baby. Therefore, it is necessary to try to prevent the disease and prevent the development of complications.

Complications that affect the heart, with chronic tonsillitis are particularly formidable and can cause disability and even death.

An important place in the prevention of colds, including. and chronic tonsillitis takes hardening of the body and proper full-fledged rational nutrition. It is also important to monitor the cleanliness of the house and workplace, often ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.

In the event of a nasal breathing disorder for one reason or another, you need to do everything to restore it. Cure sinusitis and pharyngitis, check your teeth and seal them if necessary.

Every person suffering from chronic tonsillitis must visit the doctor at least once every 3 months.


Antibiotics for tonsillitis in children and adults

In chronic course of such a disease as tonsillitis in patients there is almost constant presence of inflammatory process in the region of pharyngeal tonsils. In most cases, the disease develops after the transfer of primary purulent sore throat, but in people with reduced immunity, chronic tonsillitis can develop without it.

If you do not give tonsillitis due attention and do not conduct conservative treatment, it can lead to growth of connective tissue in the tonsils, as a result of which they will eventually lose their protective function.

The consequence of such negligent attitude to their health can be the development of nephritis, thyrotoxicosis, arthritis, heart disease and liver.

Antibiotics for tonsillitis are used in cases where it is not possible to quickly and effectively suppress inflammatory process by other methods, and as a result begins to increase the general intoxication of the body and the temperature rises. In such a situation, the appointment of antibiotics is a justified measure, since the risk of taking them is more than compensated by the benefit. What antibiotics to take with tonsillitis, and how is it best done?

Appointment of antibiotics for tonsillitis

In most cases, the patient is prescribed an antibiotic that is able to influence everyone the most common pathogens of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, that is, a broad-spectrum preparation actions.

However, the most effective and safe is the appointment of an antibiotic taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms that caused the disease. To find out which antibiotics for tonsillitis are most effective, bacteriological examination of mucus samples from the nasopharynx will help. It is advisable to always carry out such an analysis before prescribing the drug. It will help to determine what kind of microorganism was the cause of inflammation.

In addition, tonsillitis can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses, whose antibiotics do not affect their vital activity, so their reception will be in vain.

Sometimes an experienced doctor can determine the causative agent of tonsillitis and without carrying out tests. So, for example, if the patient has severe pain in the grief and the defeat of the tonsils is one-sided, there is no runny nose and cough, most likely, the streptococcal infection is to blame for everything.

What antibiotic in chronic tonsillitis will help in this case will be able to determine only the attending physician.

Good antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis and exacerbation of the disease

One of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the treatment of tonsillitis is the drug Amoxicillin. It is a bactericidal drug from a number of penicillin, it is very quickly and completely absorbed in the intestine. The doctor will choose the dose based on the severity of the disease and the degree of damage to the tonsils. Adults and children after 10 years are most often prescribed drug reception in, g. three times a day.

Cefadroxil is also an effective antibiotic for tonsillitis, belonging to the group of cephalosporin drugs. If it is correctly administered, the maximum concentration in the blood occurs within an hour after administration. But removing it from the body is very slow, so take it once a day.

As a rule, improvement of the general condition after the first intake of antibiotics is observed already on day 2-3. Therefore, taking certain antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis, and not noticing improvements and positive changes, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor without delay. Most likely, this will mean that the microorganisms that caused inflammation, were insensitive to the drugs. In this case, antibiotics will be required for exacerbation of tonsillitis, related to another type (row).

Correctly to define what antibiotic to accept at a tonsillitis the doctor can define only, therefore it is not necessary to develop amateur performance and to sweep off from counters of drugstores all antibiotics successively. This is fraught with consequences and complications.

What antibiotics to take with tonsillitis: local therapy

An important role in the cause of early recovery is the local use of drugs containing antibiotics in its composition. Local therapy can be carried out in the form of rinsing of the throat with solutions of medications, inhalations or lubrication of tonsils with curative compounds.

One of the most effective ways of local treatment of tonsillitis with antibiotics is to wash the inflamed lacunae with a solution of penicillins or sulfonamides. The procedures are prescribed by the course of 7-10 days, the washing should be daily. The procedures are carried out using a syringe or special preparation "Tonzilor".

In addition, antibiotics in acute tonsillitis can be administered intranontsillarly or paratonzillarly, if the abscesses are too deep and the procedure of washing is extremely inconvenient. Most often, antibiotics of the penicillin group are used to directly administer medications to the tissues of the palatine tonsils.

Positive effect on the condition of tonsils in tonsillitis is provided by inhalations and directed irrigation of the pharynx with medicinal preparations.For these purposes, tonsillitis in adults uses antibiotics:grammidine, stopangin, bioparox and ambazone.

Rules for taking antibiotics

To take antibiotics for tonsillitis in children and adults was effective, you must follow certain rules:

1. Follow the instructions carefully and the doctor's prescriptions. Each drug requires a clear reception schedule and this must be taken into account. Some drugs must be taken before meals, and others after, etc .;

2. Drink medicines only need clean water, in no case do not combine their reception with sour-milk products, tea and coffee;

3. Independently change the dosage or cancel the drug is strictly prohibited, as this will exclude the possibility of a speedy recovery and may adversely affect the health status;

4. The intake of probiotics is mandatory when using antibiotics. Even the best antibiotic in tonsillitis negatively affects the intestines, and taking probiotics will help cope with developing dysbacteriosis.

5. The doctor must appoint the most appropriate drug and do not neglect this appointment.

Any disease, even the most innocuous and familiar at first glance, requires competent treatment.

At the first signs of the disease, you need to seek help from a doctor, the professionalism, knowledge and experience of which will quickly put the patient on their feet.


How is chronic tonsillitis manifested?

Tonsillitis is chronic, its symptoms and flow are associated with prolonged inflammation of the palatine mines. The disease can last several months and is accompanied by debilitating pain in the throat. The temperature of the body remains normal, so many are treated with folk methods or even let the situation go by themselves, believing that the ailment will pass by itself. This is extremely dangerous, because the disease in the absence of proper treatment gives the most serious complications.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

Many people suffer from inflammation of the tonsils. At the same time, most of the patients do not even know the problem until the aggravation begins. Outside the acute stage of the manifestation of the disease in adults can be almost invisible. Nevertheless, there are symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults, which should be the reason for going to the ENT doctor:

  • frequent angina (from twice a year);
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • painful sensations when swallowed;
  • Persecution;
  • exit purulent plugs when coughing;
  • prolonged temperature rise in the evenings;
  • joint pain in the heart;
  • cardiopalmus.

Symptoms of tonsillitis in the child are more pronounced. Children refuse to eat, which is a consequence of the general intoxication of the body. Often there are diarrheal disorders, accompanied by vomiting and stool disorders. Children of 5-15 years old often diagnose viral tonzillofaringitis. With this form in patients the risk of developing pneumonia and false croup is great.

Symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils

Tonsillitis is chronic, the main symptoms and manifestations are described by doctors. It:

  • significantly enlarged tonsils;
  • Cavities and ulcers on the surface of the glands;
  • edema of the palatine arches;
  • looseness of lymphoid tissue;
  • redness of mucous membranes;
  • cork in tonsils, formed from dead tissue.

Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

Symptoms of exacerbation of the disease are manifested when hypothermia, reduced immunity or inadequate treatment. The most common forms of angina in the acute stage are the paratonsillar process. The first is characterized by an increase in temperature to 40 degrees. Patients experience severe sore throat, weakness, joint aches. Under the supervision of a doctor, recovery occurs in a week.

Another form of exacerbation is the paratonsillar process, when pus accumulates on the tonsils. Tonsillitis is chronic and its symptoms with this form in the initial stages resemble angina. However, after a few days the picture changes. The patient develops swelling of the pharynx, which gradually leads to the inability to eat food and water. This condition is extremely dangerous, the pus in the tonsils quickly spreads to neighboring organs, leading to sepsis. Such a patient must be treated in a hospital.

If the exacerbation occurs more than three times a year, the most severe stage develops - decompensated. The patient ceases to cope with the infection, purulent fuses on the tonsils are formed, they themselves become the source of the disease. The risk of spreading the infection throughout the body increases dramatically. To avoid serious complications, doctors can resort to surgical methods of treatment.

Video: symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis in children

Symptoms of this disease are directly related to the general and local immunity of patients, especially in children. Many people who love the people of the fight against throat diseases are dangerous in the fight against this disease. Any self-treatment can aggravate the situation, complicate the cardiovascular system. Numerous photo and video materials will tell parents how to treat such a disease.


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