Nutrition for hepatitis C

Contents of
  • The main purposes of the diet for the treatment of hepatitis
  • What are the dietary rules for hepatitis C?
  • Table characteristics №5
  • When is table 5a necessary?
  • What foods are recommended by the diet?
  • What can not be eaten with hepatitis C?
  • Diet for chronic hepatitis C with cirrhotic changes in the liver
  • Example of the recommended menu for the week
  • One-day diet menu 5a
  • How long to continue diet food?
  • Related Videos

Viral hepatitis C is an infectious disease. It is caused by the targeted affinity of the virus to the liver cells. Different types of lesions were studied and isolated. Among them, hepatitis C is characterized by a significant proportion of latent flow( 5: 1) and transition to a chronic form in 70% of patients. The result is expected to develop cirrhosis, cancer.

Treatment of the disease in the detection of late liver damage is a complex set of measures to influence the pathogen, restore the still not dead hepatocytes, stimulate the patient's immunity, normalize all impaired liver functions.

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The diet for hepatitis C is considered one of the important components of general therapy. Rational selection of products provides the necessary set of vitamins, coming with food, supports immunity. It is known that the combined effect of vitamins C and E stimulates the production of its own interferon in a sick person. Therefore, we are entitled to associate the composition of food with antiviral treatment.

The main purposes of the diet for the treatment of hepatitis

The requirements for the composition of foods differ slightly in the acute stage( exacerbation) and during remission, as well as in the presence and absence of signs of cirrhosis in the patient. Nutrition for hepatitis C should meet the following objectives:

  • to promote the repair of damaged cells of the liver parenchyma;
  • normalize the formation of bile and its outflow through the intrahepatic ducts;
  • to restore metabolism in hepatic cells, biochemical processes;
  • ensure the proper level of blood circulation;
  • prevent replacement of scar tissue( cirrhosis);
  • protect internal organs from negative consequences.

What are the diet rules for hepatitis C?

The use of a diet in the treatment of hepatitis requires clear instructions for the patient and fulfilling the requirements both during the stay in the hospital and at home. Food should not overload the liver and other digestive organs, on the contrary, in conditions of inflammation it is necessary to create a sparing regime due to the properties of the products.

Portions are allowed small, and the amount of food is supplemented by 5-6 meals a day. It is excluded from the ways of cooking roasting, smoking, canning, only applying boiling, extinguishing, steaming, baking. If necessary, all meals are ground, grinded. The food temperature should not deviate below 15 degrees and above 50, it is optimal to observe about 38 degrees, the food should be warm.

It is necessary to observe the established prohibitions and restrictions, the expansion of the diet is possible only with the consent of the doctor after stabilization of inflammation in the liver.

Nutritionists advise to reduce the proportion of protein in the diet, as its digestion creates a maximum load on the digestive system. In addition, for the liver any substances of protein nature that turn into allergens are dangerous. Caloric content is provided by a sufficient content of carbohydrates.

According to Pevsner's classification, patients with hepatitis C are prescribed a diet number 5. Another name is "table number 5".In the stage of exacerbation, more stringent restrictions are applied - table No. 5a.

Table 5 characteristics

The diet table 5 is prescribed not only for viral hepatitis, but also for damage to the liver of a different nature, cholecystitis, bile duct disease, severe poisoning. As part of the menu with a diet from hepatitis, the amount of proteins is reduced to 100 g / day, fats - 80-90 grams, carbohydrates within the norm - 450 g, salt is controlled no more than 10 g.

At the same time, it is required to include half of the animals from animals, from carbohydrates to provide not more than 70 grams of sugar, and to provide 60% of plant origin among fats. Caloric content should not exceed 3000 kcal. Calculation of the menu provides for the supply of the necessary amount of trace elements( calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) and vitamins.

When cooking, the use of trans fats( margarine, other preservatives) is strictly prohibited, partially hydrogenated oils, high cholesterol-containing foods

are excluded. Vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs are recommended. Dried fruits and juices do not provide a full replacement of vitamins, but significantly increase the calorie. Sugar is tried to be excluded from the cooking process, sweetening is done directly in tea or a ready-made dish. More is shown honey containing less glucose( 31%), but in sufficient quantity other sugars( 48% due to fructose, sucrose, maltose, melitsitose).

The limitation is the individual sensitivity, the tendency to allergies. Of the recommended cereals, it is preferable to use not cereal, but whole-grain products. When processing flakes lose some of the useful composition. Vegetable proteins are provided with dishes with nuts, seeds, legumes. The water load allows you to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

When is table 5a necessary?

Table 5a is prescribed during the exacerbation of hepatitis C, with severe concomitant symptoms of enterocolitis, gastritis, duodenitis. The diet is more sparing. Only washed dishes are used. From food the products with extractive substances, coarse fiber and cholesterol are removed as much as possible. By composition: the amount of fats is reduced to 50-70 g, salt - up to 6 g, the protein content remains 100 g.

Usually the patient needs 1.5-2 weeks, after which he is transferred to a full table 5.

Table 5a is used for painin the abdomen and diarrhea in patients with viral hepatitis

What foods are recommended by the diet?

The list that can be eaten with hepatitis, includes:

Diet for pain in the liver + menu
  • bread wheat dried;
  • boiled and baked dishes of meat and fish of lean sorts, are allowed both products made from minced meat, and a piece;
  • non-welded soups, broth with croutons;
  • soups dairy, vegetable with dressing cereals, beetroot;
  • salads from fresh vegetables with greens;
  • stewed vegetables( zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, green peas, young beans, onions add after boiling);
  • milk and dairy products of reduced fat content( cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, yogurt, yoghurt);
  • rough cheese of solid sorts;
  • cereal cereals and casseroles of rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • pasta;
  • eggs one by one twice a week boiled or in the form of additives in various dishes, omelets;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • fresh unpreserved vegetable and fruit-fruit juices;
  • green tea and herbal tea with chamomile, immortelle, sage, broth of wild rose, weak coffee with milk;
  • compotes, jam, a little jam;
  • dry biscuits.

Of berries and fruits, which can be eaten with hepatitis, only non-acid grades are selected. It is allowed to eat lemon with sugar. Next table of products containing vitamins C and E( stimulating the synthesis of interferons).

Vitamin Contained in products
E( tocopherol) All cereals( by germination the content is significantly increased), vegetable oils( sunflower, olive, rapeseed, linseed, sea-buckthorn, milk thistle), soy products( baking, tofu, drink),legumes, leafy greens, nuts( almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts), sunflower seeds, pumpkin
C( ascorbic acid) The use of spinach, cabbage is excluded. Permits: salads from tomatoes with parsley greens, Bulgarian pepper, carrots, dogrose, black currant, strawberry, oranges, jam of rowan berries

What can not be eaten with hepatitis C?

Prohibited products include:

  • fatty meat( lamb, pork), fish, poultry( duck, goose);
  • rich meat and fish soups;
  • products from the liver, kidneys, brains;
  • vegetables in salted and marinated form, canned;Smoked and semi-smoked meat products
  • ;
  • spicy seasonings and spices, garlic;
  • cooking oil, lard;
  • baked pastry, cakes with cream;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • dishes with mushrooms;
  • vegetables of sodic action( radish, cabbage, turnip, sorrel, spinach):
  • carbonated drinks;
  • ice cream;
  • all kinds of alcohol;
  • strong tea and coffee;Sour fruit and berries
  • .

Diet in chronic hepatitis C with cirrhotic changes in the liver

After treatment in a hospital, where dietary food is strictly controlled, the patient is discharged and must comply with at least 1-2 years. Being under the supervision of a doctor, the results of the analysis determine the stage of recovery. With the support of minimal activity of the virus in the liver, a chronic process is formed.

The most terrible thing in the diagnosis of viral hepatitis C is the detection of the disease in the chronic stage. This patient will have to be treated all his life, to observe a strict diet. Recommended table number 5, fractional frequent meals up to 6 times a day, in small portions. Patients should forever give up alcohol, fatty foods, preservatives.


  • dietary yesterday's bread;
  • low-fat meat, poultry, fish;
  • milk soups, cereals, products from yoghurt( cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurt);
  • cereals from cereals;
  • daily fresh non-acidic fruits, vegetable salads dressed with vegetable oil and herbs;
  • sweets only with light carbohydrates( marmalade, honey, pastille, honey);
  • rose hips;
  • compote and fruit jelly;
  • fresh juices.

It is better to choose marmalade not covered with sugar, it contains less light carbohydrates


  • any fried, smoked dishes;
  • fatty meat and fish, duck, goose;
  • pickled and salted vegetables;
  • spicy seasonings, sauces;
  • buns;
  • mushrooms;
  • leguminous crops;
  • eggs( both boiled and fried);
  • fat cream and sour cream, sour cottage cheese;
  • canned food.
If worsened, mashed dishes, jelly beans are prescribed.

Example of the recommended menu for the week

We give an approximate menu for 7 days of the week, starting from Monday. Dishes can be substituted for equivalent, in accordance with the taste of man, but the frequency of food is better to leave 5-6 times a day and provide snacks, lunch, snack.

Day 1

  • Breakfast - milk porridge with rice, green tea.
  • Snack - baked apple, broth of dogrose with dry bread.
  • Lunch - vegetarian soup with noodles, steamed chicken cutlet, buckwheat, compote.
  • Snack - kefir and biscuits. Dinner - boiled fish, potato mashed potatoes, tomato salad.
  • At night - yoghurt.

Day 2

  • Breakfast - milk buckwheat porridge, green tea.
  • A snack is an orange.
  • Lunch - fish soup, meatballs with vermicelli.
  • Snack - berry jelly.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Before going to bed - an apple.

Day 3

  • Breakfast - rice porridge with pumpkin, broth of dogrose. A snack is a banana. Lunch - beetroot soup with sour cream, steam cutlet with buckwheat.
  • Snack - fruit jelly with white rusks.
  • Dinner - boiled fish with stewed vegetables, green tea.
  • At night - yogurt or kefir.

Day 4

  • Breakfast - mashed potatoes with carrots and apples, coffee with milk.
  • The snack is an orange. Dinner - milk soup with noodles, stuffed Bulgarian pepper.
  • Snack - jelly with berries.
  • Dinner - vegetable stew, green tea.
  • At night - curdled milk or yogurt.

Day 5

  • Breakfast - a handful of nuts, a glass of kefir.
  • Snack - steam omelet and vegetable salad. Dinner - soup with meatballs on vegetable broth, rice porridge.
  • Snack is an apple.
  • Dinner - boiled fish with rice.
  • At night - a banana.

Day 6

  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, vegetable salad, tea with condensed milk.
  • Snack - fresh cottage cheese, broth of dogrose with biscuits.
  • Lunch - Vegetarian soup with sour cream, stewed zucchini, jelly.
  • Snack - green tea with marmalade.
  • Dinner - boiled fish with pasta, green tea.
  • At night - kefir.

Day 7

  • Breakfast - egg omelette for a couple, coffee with milk.
  • The snack is an apple.
  • Lunch - chicken soup with noodles, salad from vegetables, steam cutlet, broth of wild rose.
  • Snack - carrot puree with honey.
  • Dinner - rice and curd casserole with raisins and jam, tea with lemon.
  • At night - yogurt with crackers.

Nuts are most useful for walnut

One-day diet menu 5a

If the condition worsens, it is recommended to go to diet 5a.

Breakfast - semolina porridge on milk, protein omelet, broth of wild rose with white rusks.

Snack - baked apple or grated carrot.

Lunch - a portion of vegetable soup with rice, buckwheat milk porridge, berry jelly.

Snack - Kissel.

Dinner - meatballs of mashed meat, mashed potatoes, seasoned with olive oil, tea with milk.

Before going to bed - kefir or yogurt.

How long to continue diet food?

Treatment of hepatitis C requires a long diet. Usually patients do not experience difficulties, as it differs little from a healthy diet. The duration of the restrictions depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's gastrointestinal tract.

With an exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, a more stringent diet 5a is prescribed for 2 weeks. When the biochemistry of blood approaches the normal, go to a full table 5. The doctor usually provides a trial period of several days, watching how the patient's body will respond to the expansion of the diet. If there are no pains, there are no other impairments, then it is recommended to continue to adhere to table number 5.

Over time, you can go to a four-meal meal. General principles of the diet can not be broken all life. A big mistake is made by people who allow themselves first on holidays, then increasingly use alcohol, a snack and fried foods. The process of liver cell necrosis, previously suspended, will go much faster. The result will be irreversible violations, the lack of effect from therapeutic drugs.

WHO has declared hepatitis C a curable disease in connection with the production of drugs that can stop a mutating virus. However, the role of nutrition remains indispensable in therapy. Patients should be guided by mandatory requirements when selecting products.

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