Antibiotic for dry cough in children

Antibiotics for coughing

Antibiotics for cough - medicines that can quickly cure cough and eliminate the first symptoms of colds. Let's consider the features of treatment with antibiotics, types of antibiotics and the most effective drugs for coughing.

As a rule, a doctor prescribes antibiotics for coughing, but very often these drugs are bought independently, at the discretion of the patient. When choosing antibiotics, there are certain nuances and peculiarities. Let's consider the rules for choosing antibiotics for coughing.

  1. Reception of antibiotics for coughing should be justified. Remember that antibiotics are medicines that are aimed at fighting bacteria. Antibiotics for cough and colds must be taken with bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis and other diseases that are accompanied by a cough. Reception of antibiotics will lead to acceleration of the process of recovery and improvement of well-being. But do not forget that cough can be caused not only by colds, but also diseases of the heart or nervous system.
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  3. Antibiotics for coughing should be properly selected. So, doctors have a special card with diseases and bacterial pathogens. Thanks to this, you can immediately select an effective antibiotic, to which the bacteria exert an increased sensitivity. If a cough with phlegm, then before taking antibiotics, it is advisable to pass an analysis to the flora. If there is no possibility to seek medical help, but the cough lasts from three days and intensifies, then you need a broad spectrum antibiotic. Such preparations include: amoksiklav, flekomlav. But antibiotics can cause a number of complications, translate cough into a chronic form and cause allergic reactions.
  4. It is necessary to know how to take antibiotics. It is necessary to observe the dosage of the drug and not to increase or decrease it during the treatment. An increase in the dose of antibiotic will not lead to a speedy recovery, but will only cause allergic reactions. If a day after taking the drug is not easier, then the antibiotic must be changed. When taking an antibiotic, you must follow the course of treatment. If the instructions say that the drug is taken within 5-10 days, then it is impossible to drink antibiotics longer than the allotted time. Since with prolonged use of the drug, bacteria develop resistance, and treatment becomes difficult.

Read also: Antibiotics for bronchitis

Do I need antibiotics for cough?

Do I need antibiotics for cough? Of course, they are needed, because they are effective drugs that successfully fight with bacterial infections. But taking antibiotics is only necessary for the doctor's prescription. Self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease, and taking antibiotics will help the bacteria get used to the drug, which will complicate the treatment in the future.

In order to choose a good antibiotic when you cough, you need to go to the doctor. The doctor will take a sputum analysis for sowing. This will allow you to select an antibiotic of a narrow spectrum of action that your bacteria will destroy. Without the analysis, antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action, as a rule, preparations of the penicillin group are prescribed. But the body does not always need antibiotic treatment. If the disease passes without complications, then it is enough to supply the body with a dose of vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Antibiotic for coughing during pregnancy

Antibiotic from cough during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, as well as other medications. The thing is that the antibiotic has an adverse effect on the development of the baby, which in the future can cause pathology.

If a pregnant woman has a cough, then it should be treated with natural medicinal infusions and methods of traditional medicine. But it will not be superfluous to go to the doctor to take tests. This will let you know what caused the cough and choose the most effective means for its treatment. With regard to the treatment of herbs and infusions, we need a doctor's consultation here, since some herbs are contraindicated to pregnant women.

Cough after antibiotics

Cough after antibiotics can occur in the event that the disease is not completely cured. The disease has taken a chronic form or antibiotics have caused an allergic reaction. In this case, seek medical attention. Remember that cough after antibiotics can not be treated with new antibiotics, in this case only proven folk methods of treatment will help, let's consider them.

  • Against cough, a medicinal vitamin syrup that does not cause side effects and will well eliminate the symptoms of cold will perfectly help. Take one lemon, cut it into slices and pass on low heat for about 10 minutes. As soon as the lemon turns soft and releases the juice, add a couple of spoons of glycerin and honey to it. With a rare cough after antibiotics, take 1 teaspoon per day, with strong or disturbing at night - on a spoon in the morning and at bedtime.
  • If the cough after antibiotics is accompanied by a high temperature, then it will help to eliminate the medicinal tincture from the lime color. Brew leaves and linden flowers with steep boiling water, hold on a steam bath and let it brew for 2-3 hours. After this, the infusion should be cooled and take 1 glass a day, preferably after a meal.
  • If a cough after antibiotics has appeared in children, then a simple but effective prescription will cope with this. You will need carrot juice and radish juice, milk and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and give the baby in one spoon every 2-3 hours.
  • Another natural cough remedy after antibiotics is prepared from radish. Slice thin radish slices, each piece must be well sprinkled with sugar, put in a bowl and insist all night. During the night, the radish will let out the juice, which must be taken on a teaspoon every hour.

Names of antibiotics for cough

If you catch a cold and you have all the symptoms of ARVI, then you need to know the names of antibiotics for cough. First of all, it is worth knowing that when treating a cold, it is very important to choose those drugs that act on the cause of the disease, that is, a bacterial agent. This type of treatment is called etiological. If the patient takes expectorants, antitussives and immunostimulants - then this is the second and no less important stage of treatment.

Almost 90% of all colds are accompanied by a cough caused by viruses, so treatment with antibiotics will be justified and quite effective. Antibiotics are necessary for the treatment of colds, which lasts more than 5-7 days. In this case, the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, so taking antibiotics is necessary. Let's look at the most effective and commonly used antibiotics for coughing:

  • Antibiotics penicillin group - augmentin, ampioks, amoksiklav.
  • Antibiotics group cephalosporins - cefpir, cefotaxime, cefazolin.
  • Antibiotics - macrolides - azithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin.

With catarrhal diseases with cough, the effective use of antibacterial drugs. Since the action of such antibiotics is directed to the destruction of bacteria. But too often to take antibiotics when coughing is not recommended, since it causes addiction to the body. In addition, antibiotics can cause allergic reactions and contribute to the chronic form of the disease and cough including.

What antibiotic to drink when coughing?

What antibiotic to drink when coughing? A question that interests those who are faced with the first signs of a cold. Before buying antibiotics, it is worthwhile to know that taking such drugs is effective only if the pathogen is bacteria. To determine the type of bacterium, it is necessary to pass tests of sputum to be separated. No less important is the analysis of the susceptibility of bacteria to different types of antibiotics. This allows you to choose the most correct and effective antibiotic drug.

If you did not take tests and do not know what antibiotic to drink when you cough, you can buy antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Such drugs will ease the course of the disease and help cure cough.

Antibiotics for dry cough

Antibiotics for dry cough - this is the best medicine. This is the opinion of almost all patients who face colds, but is this really so? Antibiotics have a powerful effect, but they do not always manifest it, so their administration may not be appropriate with a dry cough. Let's consider the peculiarities of choosing and taking antibiotics with a dry cough.

  • With a strong dry cough, taking antibiotics is detrimental to an already weakened body. The immune system undergoes a powerful chemical attack, which complicates the recovery process after the disease.
  • Cough is a protective reaction of the body to the actions of a bacterial infection. This suggests that antibiotics for dry cough should be selected so that it has an effective inhibitory effect on the pathogenic microflora of the virus.
  • Antibiotics are not recommended for taking alone, that is, without the appointment of a doctor. As this can lead to a number of adverse consequences. In addition, improperly selected antibiotics for dry cough only aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Frequent use of an antibiotic can cause allergic reactions, dysbiosis. The disease can take a chronic form and manifest itself with the slightest weakening of the immune system.
  • When choosing antibiotics for children, it is worth giving preference to syrups, since they do not act aggressively on the body.
  • Do not forget that any antibiotic has a number of contraindications and warnings. Therefore, before taking any medications do not forget to read the instructions for use.

Antibiotics for severe coughing

Antibiotics with a strong cough do not affect the cough, and the infection. Therefore, complex treatment, i.e. taking antibiotics and strengthening the immune system, will be effective. An effective antibiotic with a strong cough is the drug "Kodelak it will help cure both a strong and dry cough. Also, it is worth taking pills "Pectusin they will reduce the cough and give the chance to rest.

With a strong cough, it is important to treat not only a cough, but also an infection that provoked it. So, a strong cough acts as a symptom of a viral infection. In this case, the antibiotic "Immunal" will help. If a strong cough is accompanied by sputum, the infection is in the bronchi and most likely has a bacterial character. In this case, the intake of such antibiotics as "Amoxiclav "Suprax or "Macropen" will be effective. Determine what antibiotic with a strong cough is most effective, can only a doctor. So do not delay the hike for qualified medical help.

Antibiotics for coughing sputum

Antibiotics for coughing with phlegm are potent drugs, many of which are not dispensed without a prescription. If the cough is accompanied by sputum discharge, then this is the first sign of a life-threatening disease that needs professional treatment and the course of antibiotics will not help here. Particular danger is bloody, purulent, yellow-green or sputum rust.

In this case, the patient is prescribed antibiotics that dissolve phlegm, that is, mucolytics. Such drugs allow you to clear the lungs of phlegm, that is, have an expectorant effect. In addition to taking antibiotics, do not forget about preventive procedures that you can conduct yourself at home.

  • Drink more water to get phlegm.
  • Regular humidification of the air will soothe the inflammatory processes, soften the sputum and will facilitate its prompt removal.
  • It is necessary to avoid pulmonary irritants, especially tobacco smoke.
  • As soon as a strong cough begins, sit up straight, this pose will facilitate the expansion of the lungs and help to withdraw phlegm.
  • Sputum should be spit, but, in no case do not swallow. It will not be superfluous to comply with hygiene rules, so that other people will not catch the infection.

Antibiotics for prolonged coughing

Antibiotics for prolonged coughing are needed if the cough lasts more than 8-10 weeks. If the cough lasts much less, then, as a rule, the cause of its occurrence is hyperreactivity airways, which very often occurs in patients after infectious diseases or pulmonary infection.

  • The cause of prolonged coughing can be not only an infection or a bacterium, but also various cancers or bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is very important to do chest radiography. This is especially true for adult patients.
  • Before choosing antibiotics from a prolonged cough, you need to determine the cause of the cough. The most common causes: chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, silicosis, asbestosis, infectious lung diseases, tuberculosis, heart failure, cancer, complications after previous illnesses or operations.
  • Antibiotics for prolonged cough fight with such infections as: whooping cough, mycoplasmal pneumonia, chlamydial pneumonia.
  • Prolonged cough with antibiotics is best treated in children, but in adults, antibiotic treatment does not have the desired result.

Antibiotics for children with cough

Many parents are confident that antibiotics for children when coughing are doing their job well and do not harm the child's organism. But is it? Every parent should know that no antibiotic can cure the disease, he will only take off the symptoms for a while and create a lot of trouble for the child. So, antibiotics can cause dysbacteriosis, affected intestinal microflora, and problems with the immune system.

If the child has just started coughing, then instead of antibiotics it is better to give the baby hot tea and give vitamins to strengthen the immune system. If the disease is serious, only the pediatrician can prescribe the necessary antibiotics after the child's examination and a series of tests. Independently to buy antibiotics for children it is impossible, as it is fraught with consequences for not strong child's organism. Particular attention should be paid to such antibiotics as:

  • Levomycetin - just one pill of such an antibiotic can cause aplastic anemia, that is, oppression of hematopoiesis.
  • Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are strictly forbidden for children. These include doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline. These drugs disrupt the formation of tooth enamel.
  • Fluorinated antibiotics - ofloxacin, pefloxacin and others. These drugs disrupt the process of formation of cartilage of joints.

Antibiotics for coughing in adults

Antibiotics for coughing in adults are prescribed by a doctor after the examination. But do not forget that antibiotics will only take away the symptoms of the disease, while the underlying cause will continue to destroy the immune system. From cough for adults, an effective antibiotic is considered to be "Flemoxin" and "Ambrobene". The intake of antibiotics must be supplemented with medical procedures, compresses, ointments, inhalations.

"Mukaltin "Bromgexin" helps very well - the preparations quickly relieve cough. But do not forget that all antibiotics have side effects. Therefore, in the treatment of cough in adults, it is recommended to give preference to natural preparations and antibiotics. A good antibiotic for cough can be made from radish. Take one radish, chop it, squeeze the juice and take one spoon until the cough disappears completely.

Cough syrup with antibiotic

Cough syrup with antibiotic is an effective and, most importantly, a pleasant remedy for cough and catarrhal diseases. Most often, syrups with antibiotics are prescribed to children, as many manufacturers have been concerned that the syrup was not only effective in treatment, but also pleasant to the taste. Let's look at the most popular and effective cough syrups with an antibiotic.

  1. Plantain syrup is a natural remedy, due to which the cough disappears in 3-5 days. The taste of the syrup is pleasant, so it can be taken to children. Dry cough due to the syrup becomes wet, so that sputum is quickly excreted. But this syrup can not be used as a means for emergency treatment and syrup is prohibited for kids under two years of age.
  2. Syrup "Lazolvan" - this syrup is referred to the drugs of the second line, that is, it is taken if the inhalations and medicinal infusions have not cured the cough. The drug stimulates the body to develop a protective flora in the bronchi, which reliably protects against the disease in the future. Syrup has an active antibiotic in its composition, which removes temperature and fatigue. Suitable for both children and adults.
  3. Syrup "Broncholitin" is quite effective, but you can take it only as prescribed by a doctor. The syrup contains many natural ingredients, which only improves and strengthens its medicinal capabilities. The syrup suppresses even the most severe cough, both in adults and in children. The syrup contains a potent antibiotic, so it is very important to observe the dosage of the drug.
  4. Syrup "Doctor Mom" ​​- a drug with plant components. The effect of the syrup grows gradually. Suitable for cough treatment, both in children and adults. The only negative of syrup is its long action, so it is recommended to use it in combination with other medicines.

How to cure a cough without antibiotics?

How to cure a cough without antibiotics and is it possible? Of course, perhaps the most important thing is to know what and how to treat. In this case, treatment is recommended to be carried out with the help of natural herbal ingredients, that is, the method of traditional medicine. Let's look at several effective cough suppressants without antibiotics.

  1. Carrot and milk syrup is an excellent cough remedy, which is suitable for both adults and children. Mix the carrot juice and milk in equal proportions. Drink should be taken every two hours during the day.
  2. Onion syrup - for the preparation of syrup you need 500 grams of onions and the same amount of sugar. The onion must be cleaned and chopped. To crushed onions add sugar and cook on low heat for 3-4 hours. After the syrup is cooked, add a couple of spoons of honey to it and mix well. Keep the medicine in a glass jar, and take one tablespoon every two hours.
  3. Onion and onion - take 10 small onions and one garlic head. Cook them in milk until they become soft. Grind the mixture with a blender, add a couple of spoons of honey and mint juice. Take recommended for a spoon every hour. The drug effectively helps in the treatment of severe and dry cough.
  4. Medicinal viburnum - mix the berries of the viburnum with sugar, let it brew and take at the first urge to cough.

Antibiotics for cough are effective medications that fight infection and in a short time relieve the symptoms of the disease. But taking antibiotics also has a negative side, which can cause allergic reactions and complications. Before taking antibiotics, be sure to consult a doctor, it will guarantee that your body does not face anything and the treatment goes right.

Antibiotic against coughing. List of drugs

For many people, spring and autumn are associated with bouts of painful cough. In some, this protective reflex of the body appears as a symptom of an allergic reaction, in others - against a background of colds. Not wanting to go to the hospital, most people who suffer from coughing decide on their own to buy an antibiotic in the hope that it will help. Most often, this self-medication leads to dysbiosis and other disorders in the body, but the real problem remains unresolved. So let's try to figure out which one and when to use the antibiotic for cough and in what situations it is better not to use it.

What do you need to know?

Few bother to study the information about the disease, which struck them. And at the first cough, without understanding the causes of its occurrence, they run after the antibiotic and buy the one advised by a neighbor or girlfriend. This approach to treatment is totally unacceptable. If the doctor does not come to the plans for the next few days, you need to understand what caused the load on the larynx, and determine the nature of the cough. And only then go to the pharmacy, consult a pharmacist and buy the right medicine. But we will remind that the best variant will be, if the doctor will appoint or nominate an antibiotic at tussis and temperature.

By the amount of sputum cough is divided into productive (wet) and unproductive (dry). The first testifies that the inflammatory process no longer progresses and the mucus began to depart from the bronchi and lungs. However, cessation of treatment of the disease with such a cough is absolutely impossible. As for non-productive cough, it appears much more often and is a consequence of excessive irritation of the mucous respiratory tract. Such a symptom may appear as a result of mechanical effects on the throat or allergic reaction, as well as against a background of various diseases.

According to the nature of the manifestation, the cough can be short, continuous, paroxysmal, barking, periodic and hoarse.

Do I need an antibiotic for cough?

Doctors quite often prescribe antibacterial drugs with a productive and protracted dry cough. And sometimes such therapy can be aimed at preventing the occurrence of complications of the disease. However, there is a proven fact that both wet and dry cough antibiotics can not be cured if the disease has a viral etiology. In addition, the result of such therapy can be various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the adaptation of bacteria to the drug, which further complicates treatment.

What antibiotics can be prescribed?

It should again be recalled that the doctor can choose the right antibiotic for coughing. It is the specialist who, after examining the patient, will assign a series of laboratory tests to determine the bacterial infection. And only after receiving the results of the study, he will prescribe an effective antibiotic for a particular case of cough.

Patients with bacterial infection of the respiratory tract may be recommended a drug that is included in one of the four major groups. And the first position in this list is occupied by penicillins. All drugs of this group destroy the walls of bacteria, resulting in pathogenic microorganisms. The second position is occupied by antibiotics-cephalosporins. As for the third place in the list of frequently recommended antibacterial drugs, it belongs to macrolides. Finish the list of fluoroquinolones. Each of these groups will be considered in more detail.

It is also worth noting that antibacterial is not always required if coughing or treatment has appeared. Antibiotics are prescribed only in cases of bacterial infection.

Penicillins: a list of drugs

As the basis of all drugs in this category, penicillin is used. This active substance prevents the production of the pathogenic cell peptidoglycan, as a result of which it can not be renewed and quickly dies. Drugs penicillin series are constantly being improved by pharmacists, as many bacteria have adapted to this effect and have begun to produce the so-called antivenom - beta-lactamase. Modern penicillin antibiotics can destroy this protective substance of pathogenic microorganisms, without affecting the human cells.

Most often from this group of drugs for cough appoint drugs:

- "Augmentin

- "Flemoxin Solutab

- "Ampioks


Cephalosporin antibiotics

The chemical structure of all drugs in this group is 7-aminocephalosporinic acid. Features of the drugs are high bactericidal activity, a wide spectrum of action and a high resistance to beta-lactamases. Prescribe these antibiotics for coughing in children and adults in situations where treatment with penicillins has proved ineffective.

To date, cephalosporins for sensitivity to beta-lactamases and the spectrum of activity are divided into preparations of I, II, III and IV generations. The first group includes funds "Cephalexin "Cefazolin "Cephalotin etc., which have high antistaphylococcal activity.

Cephalosporins of the second generation are prescribed when the cause of the cough is penicillin-resistant strains. Most often used drugs "Cefaclor "Cefotiam "Cefuroxime etc.

As for cephalosporins of the third generation, which include such drugs as "Cefotaxime "Ceftazidime " "Ceftriaxone "Cefixim "Ceftributen etc., their spectrum of antimicrobial activity is much wider than that of of the above groups. To date, these drugs are prescribed often enough for both children and adults.

To the cephalosporins of the IV generation belong the means of "Tsefepim "Tsefpyrom etc.

Macrolides: action and list of drugs

The basis of the structure of these new generation antibiotics is the lactone macrocyclic ring. All drugs of this group are active not only to intracellular pathogens, such as chlamydia, mycoplasma and legionella, but also to gram-positive cocci. In addition, macrolides in comparison with other groups of drugs are the least toxic. Because these antibiotics when coughing in children are prescribed more often than others.

The list of such drugs is wide enough. Only a doctor can say with certainty what antibiotics to take when coughing in each particular case. Most often prescribed medicines:

- "Clarithromycin"

- "Azithromycin

- "Sumamed

- "Erythromycin etc.

Fluoroquinolones: a list of drugs

According to the spectrum of antibacterial action, the leader among all groups is undoubtedly fluoroquinolones. They are widely used in medical practice for the treatment of severe forms of ailments, and also have good compatibility with other medicines. But apart from the pluses they also have a lot of side effects. Therefore, these antibiotics are used for coughing in adults. Children are prescribed only in exceptional cases in limited doses, since the drugs of this group accumulate in bone tissue and are able to disrupt the development of cartilaginous tissue.

In diseases of the respiratory tract and their clinical manifestations (in particular, coughing), funds can be prescribed:


- "Levofloxacin

- "Moxifloxacin"

- Norfloxacin,

- "Ofloxacin etc.

How is the antibiotic selected?

Regardless of the age of the patient, the choice of an antibacterial drug should be approached competently. Even if all the signs of a bacterial infection on the face: body temperature over 38 ° C, pronounced leukocytosis and dyspnea, a long toxic course of the disease - sputum analysis should be submitted. Such a study will identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to drugs. Based on the results of the sowing, the doctor will be able to prescribe an effective antibiotic against coughing.

It would seem that everything is simple, but there are situations when the patient's health is rapidly deteriorating and there is no time to wait for the results of the study. In such cases, the doctor empirically determines which antibiotics for adults coughing can stop the infection. In this case, most often the patient is prescribed antibacterial preparation of a wide spectrum of action in the form of suspension, tablets or powder.

However, it is worth repeating and saying that taking antibiotics without the appointment of a specialist can cause many health problems. Therefore, if a cough or other signs of an illness have started, you need to seek medical help urgently. Only such an algorithm of actions in the course of the development of the disease will help to quickly restore the state of health and prevent negative consequences without too much time and effort.

Share your experience... dry "barking" cough in a child.



Antibiotics - yes, inhalations - yes (I do not remember what we did, already in the hospital case it was), still prescribed antihistamines. In occasion of azts - the child was not prescribed it, but personally I once helped him with a terrible dry, persistent cough.

God's Karofa

we after such a cough during the day and appointments of our doctor, called an ambulance at night and left with cereals in a hospital ...

Mamzel Elena

Treat as a doctor appointed, the more you trust. We, too, with such a cough in the hospital were lying with stenosis of the larynx taken away. But there they treated only with inhalations with fiz. solution.

Ekaterina Volkova

At us such was, have caused or called the doctor-it has appeared a tracheitis! Heal, bask, and do not start!

Alesya Milenkova

With Lazolvanom I would not be in a hurry, coughing until dry, from the foolish child will cough even more, but while there is no phlegm, the cough becomes exhausting.
Keep track of the child's condition, let's have a warm drink, you can make herbs brew chamomile, linden. If cough during the day remains dry, it is better to hospitalize.


I, if I hear a child breathing with a whistle, immediately do inhalation with berodualom and give suprastin. antibiotic, however, only after the visit of a doctor, but has never been without him. We were with him twice in the hospital and then several more times. expectorants have always been prescribed in the form of syrup or potashllya

Alla Sheveleva

I already have an adult daughter and experience a lot in childhood illnesses. I will not bother with my memories and evaluations of pediatricians. They can be understood, but if it's not about your own child. If the child has a high temperature, above 38 C, then of course you need to use antipyretic drugs, maybe antibiotics or sulfonamides (if you yourself do not understand them, then a clear recommendation of the doctor for application). Do not be lazy to read the instructions. Antibiotics are often prescribed after a meal, under the influence of gastric juice they lose therapeutic effect. For the time while my daughter was ill, no doctor bothered to say this! VERY CAREFULLY READ INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLY ANY MEDICINE! Necessarily warm, not boiling water, drinking. Raspberry tea, milk with a snack with honey, if health allows. And when there is no high temperature, apply dry heat to the chest. This means in a frying pan heat the salt or clean sand, pour it into a bag of natural cotton cloth, tie it. After carrying out of medical procedures, it is better before a dream to put a pouch on a thorax to the child. You can use two bags at once, on the chest and under the back. Avoiding the heart area. I hope to write about the fact that the heat should be comfortable for the child, the bag should not crumble, that is, observe all safety rules. My deceased mother-in-law always said before giving or doing anything to a child, try on yourself. And I'm grateful for her advice. Dry heat I apply for the treatment of the whole family, if it is rational. Very often this is the most effective method.


we too so treated. and in the hospital, there may not even be medicines, the same beroduala... ((im there generally on figs ((


An antibiotic for prophylaxis that "I would not fall down at all is not clear to me. He will not affect, in any way, wheezing or coughing. He can not be a preventative. This is only in case you drink it, inflammation, and he quickly extinguished this inflammation... and if the inflammation starts with bacteria that are already resistant to this antibiotic, because you are already drinking it. Then you have to drink one more, stronger. In my opinion it is easier to try to moisten the cough, by all the ways you know. That the sputum was liquid, and the inflammation did not begin. An antibiotic can not prevent inflammation. bearded with lazolvanom do not bother me, just Lazolvan - mucolytic, theoretically must dilute sputum. Inhalations - it's what would get to the bronchi got, ferodural - it's from the bronchospasm, then ACTS - it's still extra reinsurance. In general, I would be in your place, if there is no temperature, put the child on the street, until it clears up (but if you are so afraid, then do not, I would do so). And I would drink as much as possible. Would give everything, except an antibiotic. If a child is up to 3 years old, a false croup can begin at night - it's just a dry, barking cough with whistling (in the elder it happens, but less often), with the croup the first aid is immediately on the street, or the window is wide open, that there would be air, cool and fresh. Well, fast, of course.
In general, I was confused only by reinsurance with an antibiotic. This, if you can not manage it, and the complications will begin - then you will have to. And the reception in advance does not affect that. whether they start or not.

Danya Pozitivchik

Effectively with such a cough, if there is no temperature, soar your legs in mustard, and make a compress on your chest and back with dimexide diluted with water: top polyethylene and warm scarf, for 4 hours + inhalation with Borjomi... Necessarily antiallergic and Noshpu for the removal of spasm. Lazolvan and ATSTS in such cases usually do not appoint, t. To. They will strengthen a cough... you need to soften the cough first by inhalations the same, it's very good to give the Atma drop scheme.

Effective antibiotics for coughing in adults

Antibiotics for adults coughing help remove the symptoms of the disease. To get an effective result of treatment, you need to take antibiotics in combination with other medications, for example, at the end of treatment, do not forget about vitamins. It is known that in addition to bacteria harmful to the body, antibiotics can kill useful elements, which in the future should be filled certain food products and specialized complexes containing microelements and minerals for the recovery of microflora intestines.

Benefits and harm from taking antibiotics

In modern medicine, antibiotics play an important role. However, they should be taken strictly after the appointment of a doctor, in no case do self-medication, as this is fraught with serious complications for health. With such mild ailments, as a runny nose or headache, it is better to refrain from taking antibiotics, and take a more sparing drug on a plant basis.

According to the latest scientific research, people from all over the world abuse antibiotics, and bacteria have already developed "immunity" for many drugs. By 2016, most of them will simply stop positively affecting the human body.

Taking an antibiotic from a cough for children with ARI is highly undesirable, since they do not have any good in themselves with a viral infection. They can only affect a serious bacterial infection and are used in 6 to 8% of childhood cases.

With the help of antibiotics, you can cure such diseases as:

  • pneumonia (acute form);
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • infection of the lungs;
  • angina and others.

Antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab

One of the popular antibiotics is Flemoxin Solutab. It was developed by the Japanese company Yamanouchi. Its use is necessary for infectious and inflammatory processes of the organs of hearing and respiration, gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system. The main active substance is amoxicillin. It stably destroys aerobic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Indications for use:

  • infection in the respiratory and hearing;
  • cystitis, urethritis and other urogenital infections;
  • inflammation in the digestive tract;
  • infections and wounds on the skin.

Contraindications for use

  • It is forbidden to admit to patients prone to allergic reactions to penicillins and other components of Flemoxin Solutab;

For children from 1 to 3 years old, doctors prescribe dosage depending on body weight.

Children from 3 to 10 years - 250 - 370 mg 3 times a day.

Children from 10 years and adults - 375 - 700 mg 2 - 3 times a day.

The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. When all the symptoms of the disease pass, it takes 2 more days to take the drug.

Side effects were identified in several cases and were nausea, diarrhea, taste changes in the mouth, abdominal pain, rash on the body.

Antibiotic Erythromycin

No less famous drug is "Erythromycin which negatively affects staphylococci, pneumococci and other pathogenic bacteria. It is less weak, unlike Flemoxin Solutab, since it does not apply to penicillins, so it is better tolerated by patients.

Indications for use:

  • pneumonia;
  • the presence of harmful microbes in the blood;
  • inflammation of the bone marrow;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • pustular skin disease.
  • mastitis;
  • inflammation of the eyelids.

For children under 14, doctors calculate a dose of 20-40 mg per kg of body weight.

For adults, the single dose is 5 g for mild disease and, 0 g for severe.

Side effects are rare, mainly, it is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, diarrhea and vomiting. With prolonged admission, there may be a disruption in the liver, which can lead to jaundice.

Antibiotics Augmentin and Amoxiclav

The antibiotic from cough "Augmentin" has well recommended itself.It effectively fights with ENT infections - organs, with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, with inflammations of the urinary system, with infections of the skin, bones and soft tissues.

The course of treatment with the drug lasts no more than 2 weeks.

As an antibacterial combination drug, "Amoxiclav" is distributed. It is prescribed if the patient has otitis media, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, infection in the urinary tract, gonorrhea or skin infection.

The drug can be used only by adults.

Contraindication is the individual intolerance of clavulanic acid, which contains in the preparation amoxicillin and other components. It is forbidden to take with hepatitis or jaundice.

Antibiotic Sumamed

For adults and children appoint a fairly universal antibiotic called "Sumamed". Active element in it is Azithromycin. He fights against such diseases as sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, pustular eruptions, inflammation of the urino-genital organs, etc.

Usually the course of treatment with the drug is 3 days, then the specialist gives recommendations for further treatment.

Do not prescribe the drug to women during pregnancy, as well as patients with impaired functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Folk remedies for cough

You can resort to antibiotics and to folk remedies. It is effective to take raspberries when coughing. It has a pleasant taste, has medicinal properties: lowers the temperature of the patient due to the salicylates content, actively fights bacteria with the help of tannins contained in it. It also contains many vitamins: A, C, E, Group B, sucrose and fructose. All this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body and inhibits catarrhal disease.

Everyone knows tea with raspberries from childhood. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaves into a teapot and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it, cover it with a lid. After the tea is boiled, pour into a cup and add sugar, and preferably honey. Such tea warms up the sore throat and is able to bring down the temperature, if it is not above 39 degrees Celsius.

The most faithful assistant in the treatment of cough is garlic. The easiest way to use it is as follows: cut a clove of garlic in half and inhale its fragrance throughout the day. If a person has overcome a dry cough, then you can chop the garlic to the consistency of the gruel, lay it on the cloth and wipe the feet. After such a procedure, immediately put on woolen socks. You can use one more recipe: chop several cloves of garlic into the pan, add a couple of tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture should be infused overnight, preferably in the heat, then it is drunk 1 tablespoon several times a day.

In case of a strong evening fit of cough, take a glass of hot water and mix 3 drops of iodine in it. To drink before going to bed.

During the cough treatment with antibiotics and other medicines, it is effective to drink a variety of freshly squeezed juices.

For example, carrot juice can be mixed in equal proportions with warm milk. Such a healing mixture should be taken 5 to 7 times a day.


Good help with cold various herbal preparations. You can mix 40 g of althea roots and mother-and-stepmother with 20 g of oregano. Then take 2 tablespoons of the collection, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for 2 hours, preferably use a thermos for this. After this time, the infusion should be filtered, add to it 2 tablespoons of honey, stir. Drink should be warm, 100 grams at least 4 times a day.

If the doctor prescribed antibiotics for you when you cough, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during treatment because there is an increased strain on the liver. In addition, you can not combine antibiotic use with absorbents, with drugs that can dilute blood, for example, "Aspirin".


It is better not to combine the device with other antibiotics, since this will further poison the already sensitive organism during the disease. Medicines should not be assigned to themselves, after hearing an advertisement on TV. Only a specialist will be able to make the right recommendations after examining the patient.

Antibiotics for coughing

CoughIs a protective reflex of our body, serving, first of all, for getting rid of an alien body from the respiratory tract. Cough is not a separate disease, but can be a symptom of a disease or its consequence. Also, coughing can be associated with a mechanical effect on the larynx or trachea (prolonged conversation or screaming, inhalation of irritating mucous membranes of gases, etc.).

Do I need antibiotics for cough?

Quite often, doctors prescribe antibiotics with a strong and prolonged dry or wet cough accompanying infectious diseases. In some cases, the appointment of drugs of this type is associated with the prevention of possible complications of the disease. However, it is proven that in most cases, taking antibiotics does not speed up getting rid of this symptom and Sometimes the appointment of antibiotics for the treatment of diseases with a wet or dry cough is absolutely unreasonably.

Many diseases accompanied by a cough are caused by various kinds of viruses, against which conventional tablets are absolutely powerless. Therefore, antibiotics in such cases are not only unable to help, but can also cause significant harm to the body (cause dysbacteriosis, addiction, allergic reactions, etc.).

Should I use antibiotics for cough?

Reception of antibiotics for coughing is effective and expedient only if the pathogens are bacteria, and it is precisely known which ones. To determine the type of pathogenic microflora that affects the respiratory tract, it is necessary to analyze the sputum to be separated. Another important point is the analysis of the susceptibility of these bacteria to certain types of antibiotics. Only after this, you can prescribe a specific medication that is guaranteed to help get rid of the disease.

Thus, it is only the therapist who can determine which antibiotics to take when coughing in a particular case, after receiving the results of these tests.

Signs of bacterial infection

There are several signs with which the doctor can determine that the disease, accompanied by a cough, is not viral, but bacterial.

Symptoms of bacterial cough:

  • high temperature, which lasts more than two days (38 - 39 ° C);
  • pronounced dyspnea;
  • protracted nature of the disease;
  • the results of a blood test indicate leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left;
  • toxic manifestations of the disease.

You can independently know in advance whether the virus is a bacterial flora according to such a simple "rule if a cough accompanies an inflammation in the throat and a runny nose, this is a viral infection, and if there is only a cough and sore throat - an infection is bacterial, and antibiotics take required. It should also be cautious with a protracted cough in the absence of other symptoms.

As a rule, it is impossible to do without antibiotics with such diagnoses:

  • pneumonia;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis.
Precautions for taking antibiotics

It is worth noting once again that you can not take antibiotics on your own while coughing, even if someone helped them with such symptoms. Only a doctor can prescribe them after the tests. Regardless of the type of antibiotic and the duration of the course of its use, after the end of treatment it is recommended to conduct a course of dysbacteriosis prevention. In some cases (especially when prescribing antibiotics to children), a parallel intake of antihistamines is prescribed.

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