Bandages for the lumbosacral spine


  • 1Corset (bandage) for the lumbosacral spine - 3 types
    • 1.1Why you need an orthopedic corset - its functions
    • 1.2Indications and contraindications for wearing
    • 1.3Types and types of orthoses - corsets for the lower back
    • 1.4How to choose and use a corset
    • 1.5How to care for the product
    • 1.6Review of models and prices
  • 2Acquisition and use of the orthopedic belt for the lumbosacral spine
    • 2.1Classification of orthopedic corsets
    • 2.2Wearing a corset after a spinal injury
    • 2.3Corset after hernia surgery
    • 2.4How often should I change the orthopedic belt
    • 2.5Advantages of orthopedic belts
  • 3Bandages for the lumbosacral spine | Pain in the lumbar region
    • 3.1Back pain in women
    • 3.2Back pain in men
    • 3.3All about corsets
    • 3.4Types and characteristics of corsets
    • 3.5Pneumatic casing
    • 3.6Functions and applications
    • 3.7Orthopedic corset
    • 3.8Conclusion
    • 3.9What is needed and how to choose the right orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral spine?
    • 3.10Problems of the spine
    • 3.11Types of corsets
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.12Hard Bandage
    • 3.13Corset lumbar sacral semi-rigid - specification and function
    • 3.14With acute pain and the need to unload the spine will help tight bandage

Corset (bandage) for the lumbosacral spine - 3 types

To eliminate the negative consequences of diseases, damage of varying complexity, increased stresses on the spine, partial immobilization or reliable fixation is required.

This approach helps to reduce stress, relieve spasms from muscles and ligaments, and prevent possible complications. Therefore, often doctors recommend that patients in complex therapy wear a corset for the lumbosacral spine.

But the benefit of such treatment will be if you follow the recommendations for the selection, care and wearing of orthosis.

Why you need an orthopedic corset - its functions

Applying a lumbar bandage is necessary for various functional disorders that are directly related to the spine.

And it is expedient to wear it not only with exacerbations of chronic diseases, after operations or traumas, but also in quality prevention with increased exertion on the back associated with physical labor, overweight, sports or pregnancy.

Orthopedic article is a special belt made of elastic material. Can have special inserts and / or stiffeners.

It is fixed by means of Velcro, tightening straps, carbines, which allows to keep the vertebrae in the correct position and partially limit the mobility of the spine.

With the correct fixation of the loin is observed:

  • discharge of intervertebral discs;
  • decreased pain;
  • reduction of muscle spasms.

Against this background, local blood flow improves, which helps restore tissue nutrition, accelerate regeneration processes.

Indications and contraindications for wearing

Many patients perceive orthopedic products as absolutely safe methods of treatment. Therefore, they acquire corsets for the lumbosacral spine without preliminary consultation.

Few consider that ortheses for the waist have their own characteristics: different design, degree of rigidity, different purposes.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications that need to be considered when choosing and wearing medical belts.


Orthopedic corsets for the lumbosacral department are usually prescribed by an orthopedist:

  1. For the treatment of degenerative and neurological diseases. Orthosis helps to get rid of discomfort and accelerate recovery when:
    • exacerbations of osteochondrosis;
    • neuralgia;
    • spondylosis;
    • hernias and protrusions;
    • osteoporosis;
    • radiculitis.
  2. After receiving any damage to the back for temporary immobilization.
  3. After carrying out operations directly on the spine, the orthosis is used not for strong fixation, but for rehabilitation.
  4. With pathological mobility of the vertebrae, curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis).

Orthosis with the use of lumbar orthoses can be used for preventive purposes to prevent the negative impact on the spine of increased stress:

  • athletes during training and competitions;
  • patients with obesity;
  • people whose professional activity is associated with lifting weights, prolonged exposure to cold, in a static situation.

It is forbidden to use lumbar corsets if:

  • umbilical hernia;
  • skin diseases.

There are no other medical contraindications for the use of corsets. In addition to products designed to stretch the spine. Lengthening lumbar corsets can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Types and types of orthoses - corsets for the lower back

When choosing a corset for the lumbar spine, it is necessary to take into account the degree of rigidity and purpose of the product. By the degree of rigidity, lumbar orthoses are divided into several groups:

  1. Soft belt. It is made of soft fabrics with admixtures of polymeric threads. Such a product fits snugly to the body, but does not create a rigid fixation. Therefore, soft orthoses are used for warming, maintaining proper posture and for preventive purposes, with soft tissue injuries in the lumbar region.
  2. Semi-rigid corset. It has flexible ribs and soft inserts, which allows to partially limit mobility. Apply a degree of rigidity semi-rigid corset is advisable for pain in the lower back, during the treatment of a hernia, recovery after surgery, with pinching of nerves. The tension of such belts can be adjusted with soft Velcro. The orthosis is worn impermanently - periodically it is necessary to remove it.
  3. Hard belt. Due to the presence of stiffeners made of strong materials, such a corset for the spine creates a sufficient fixation. Full immobilization with the use of orthopedic bandage on the lower back is required with increased mobility of the vertebrae, after complex injuries, sometimes with the treatment of intervertebral hernias. Its action is similar to a plaster bandage, so you need to choose a bandage with damages and intervertebral hernias exactly according to the shape, taking into account the size and bends of the patient's body.

There are belts of mixed type. For example, pregnant women are offered soft bandages with strong inserts in the lumbar region. Unlike standard soft belts, bandages for women have Velcro to adjust the tension.

Interesting and corsets, which capture not only the lumbosacral department, but also the thoracic. Apply strengthened fixation, if necessary, to relieve intervertebral discs and muscles after surgery and trauma. Such products of increased rigidity are made of plastic individually.

In the case of violations of posture, a pile-lumbosacral corset may also be used, but in this case the degree of rigidity can be either strengthened or moderate.

How to choose and use a corset

Most orthopedic products are sold not only in pharmacies, specialized retail outlets, but also from trays in markets, on the Internet.

And if in the pharmacy networks consultants can still give advice on how to choose an orthopedic corset for lumbos, then when buying orthesis in unauthorized points will have to be based only on personal knowledge.

But even professional consultants can not know all the features of your disease. They can suggest how to choose a corset for the spine in size, quality of the material, manufacturer, price.

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But the degree of stiffness and the type of orthosis should be indicated by the doctor.

When buying an orthopedic corset, the following parameters should be considered:

  1. Rigidity. Depends on the purpose of the application and the specific diagnosis. Too rigid models can damage the spine if they are used for other purposes.
  2. The size. The main rule of choice is not to trust the standards indicated on the packages, and to select the size individually. Often the problem arises because of the differences in the models of different manufacturers of the size designations. Some indicate the extent of the waist, others - the waist. Therefore, before buying, you need to take a few measurements. It will not hurt to try on a corset, especially when it comes to buying hard, semi-rigid fixation products, as well as for pregnant women.
  3. Material. Belts and orthoses are not made on 100% from natural fabrics. Synthetic additives such as polyamide, elastane, neoprene allow to provide elasticity and durability of the material. In addition, there are waterproof or absorbent orthoses. Hard models are equipped with metal or plastic plates. Heating products are often made from natural wool.

When fitting, focus primarily on your own feelings, and not on the advice of consultants. Even the price is not always a priority.

Also it is necessary to get acquainted with the rules of wearing corsets, which apply to the basic models:

It is correct to wear a spiny-sacral orthosis in the prone position. It is in this position that the maximum relaxation of muscle tissue is achieved. If you can not fix the Velcro with your own hands or fasten the carbines, you need to help someone from the relatives.

The wearing time is determined by the purpose of using the corset:

  • rigid products are worn constantly before recovery or transition to another way of fixation;
  • Models of medium hardness should be periodically removed so that muscle tissue does not atrophy; At night, semi-rigid orthoses can be replaced by soft ones;
  • Soft belts are worn as necessary, the maximum time of continuous wearing should not exceed 6 - 8 hours.

If the corset is used for preventive purposes, it can be worn over light cotton clothing that will absorb sweat during exercise.

How to care for the product

The service life of the orthopedic corset and the preservation of its functional characteristics depend on the correct care of the product.

Periodically it is necessary to erase the orthosis more by hand. Some products can be washed in an automatic machine in the "delicate washing" mode. Before washing, you need to remove the plates and stiffeners, fasten the carbines, clasps, and Velcro.

Dry the belt on the towel, avoiding direct sunlight. Use of artificial heat sources in the form of batteries, heaters, senders for drying products is prohibited.

Plastic models are periodically treated with a mild soap solution or antiseptic compounds.

Corset for back pain

Review of models and prices

Ruler corsets for the lumbar region are present in different manufacturers. The cost depends both on the purpose, complexity of the design, and brand recognition.

Table 1. Price and models overview

Model A type Features Cost Manufacturer
Trives T-1586 corset of semi-rigid type strong fixation; height 24 sec; major stiffeners 2 300 - 2 500 rub Treves
Orto KGC-100 Corrective-fixation corset forms a correct posture; simulated and 2 diagonal stiffeners 3 800 - 4 000 rub Orto
Orlett prenatal MS-96 Anus corset supporting the stomach; lowering of loads on the back 2 300 - 2 600 rub Rehard Technologies GmbH
Bradex KZ 0067 Soft belt It is used to support the waist 520 - 590 rubles Bradex

Provide effective fixation and support for the back (especially for the lumbar spine) without a corset in some situations is impossible.

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Acquisition and use of the orthopedic belt for the lumbosacral spine

Orthopedic belt for the lumbosacral spine is recommended for many patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Thanks to the corset, the position of the back is fixed, pain is reduced.

To achieve the proper therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards the choice of the belt.

Classification of orthopedic corsets

Orthopedic, lumbosacral corset is recommended for periodic wearing of patients with diseases of the spine. Such funds are classified according to a number of characteristics.

By the degree of rigidity, soft elastic, semi-rigid and rigid belts are distinguished. By the form of influence corsets are fixative and corrective. The first option is recommended for keeping the spine in a certain position.

The second version is used to correct posture in scoliosis or stoop.

A semi-rigid or hard corset is used for the lumbosacral section. It is made of a soft material - nylon or cotton, with special stiffeners that hold the waist in the desired position.

The location of these elements is determined individually depending on the problem of the individual patient. A man can not choose his own corset. Specialized pharmacies offer a wide variety of such products. Selection is carried out according to specific recommendations of the doctor.

The belt is not visible under the clothes. It can be worn at work, school, walks.

Wearing a corset after a spinal injury

One of the indications for the use of orthopedic belts is trauma of the lumbosacral department.

Due to swelling of the tissues, inflammations and bruises there are severe pain, possibly jamming of nerve endings.

To avoid such negative consequences during the recovery period, rehabilitation is given to the corset. Despite its rigidity, it does not hinder breathing, and movements are restricted only slightly.

In the correctly-selected corset, you can practice therapeutic gymnastics, lead an active lifestyle. Patients with herniated intervertebral discs, protrusions, know that sometimes one wrong movement causes severe pain. If you wear a corset, then such situations can be avoided.

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The belt is fixed by means of special fasteners. Often used Velcro or special hooks. The load on the waist is distributed evenly, the internal organs and systems are not squeezed, normally function.

Corset after hernia surgery

After removal of the intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region, the patient undergoes a prolonged period of rehabilitation. He is forbidden to sit, you can walk very little.

For the healing process to proceed in its own way, it is important to choose a suitable orthopedic waist belt. Such a bandage is worn on discharge from the hospital.

In him, the patient feels much better.

It is important!

Despite the numerous positive characteristics of orthopedic corsets, their permanent wearing is not recommended.


You can use the belt 3-5 hours a day.


Even the softest and elastic bandages squeeze the soft tissues, which is why blood circulation is disturbed, so it is worthwhile listening to the recommendations of the doctors.

Thanks to the corset, the load on the lower back is significantly reduced, the disease does not develop, the recovery process is not delayed.

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How often should I change the orthopedic belt

Adults often have back problems. The lumbar and sacral department is most susceptible to osteochondrosis, radiculitis. Such diseases occur not only in the elderly.

Young people today also suffer from back pain. If the doctor has appointed you a corset, do not delay with his purchase.

Following the recommendations for wearing a belt, you will soon notice a positive change in your health.

It is important!

It is impossible to limit yourself to wearing a bandage. For a complete cure, a set of measures and actions should be taken. It is important to detect the problem in a timely manner, when surgery can still be done without surgery.

Corset can be used for a long time. Such products are made of durable wear-resistant materials.

But if the doctor recommends changing the orthopedic belt to another version of it, you should listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

The same applies to cases when the corset is heavily worn, torn. It does not fulfill its functions, so it should be replaced.

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Advantages of orthopedic belts

The use of the orthopedic belt is an important part of an integrated approach to the treatment of back problems. Such devices have a lot of advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • variety of models;
  • durability;
  • availability;
  • high efficiency.

It is important to choose the right corset, then it will help cope with serious back problems and reduce the likelihood of their recurrence.

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Bandages for the lumbosacral spine | Pain in the lumbar region

In which cases do you need a corset

Most people at one time or another face problems associated with the lower back.

The reason is that with age, muscles and tendons are weakened and can not keep the vertebrae in a strictly defined state.

In this case, you need a pneumatic cuff for the waist, supporting the back, or more precisely, for the lumbosacral spine.

Back pain in women

If we talk about the problems and pains in the back of women, the root cause of this - overweight, as well as a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, stress, lifting weights, pregnancy.

All these components over time flow into such diseases: osteoarthritis, a hernia, arthrosis of the sacral region of the back.

To prevent these ailments, a woman must buy a corset in time.

Back pain in men

Men, although they are representatives of the stronger sex, but still quite vulnerable.According to statistics, they often suffer from problems of the lumbar spine, as there are more physical labor in their lives.

Heavy work, associated with lifting weights, adversely affects the lumbosacral department. The reasons can be: stretching, fracture, overexertion when working with weights, excessive training in the gym.

Keep yourself in good shape and avoid problems of the lumbosacral department will help exercise and bandage.

All about corsets

Let's figure out what a corset is, what kinds of it exist and how to apply them. Three simple and interesting questions, which we will try to answer.

A corset is an orthopedic device that allows you to correct the consequences of injuries, curvatures and diseases associated with the back and its departments.

Types and characteristics of corsets

By type and purpose are divided into: corrective (supporting the spine, correcting defects) and fixing (rigid fixation of the spine for maximum reduction in load)

If we talk about the rigidity of corsets, then they are: rigid, semi-rigid, and divided into lumbar and lumbosacral.

In detail, we will analyze today two types of corsets. Let's talk about pneumocortices for the lower back, about what their advantages and disadvantages are.

And also about orthopedic corsets and their application.

Pneumatic casing

It is a belt, the action of which is aimed at providing the lumbosacral department with complete immobility.

Thanks to the air filling the vertical sections of the belt, vertebrae are completely fixed.

This reduces the load on the spine, muscles relax, and the person feels much more comfortable, as the tension of the lumbosacral section becomes much less.

The belt is designed for:

  • People experiencing severe physical exertion
  • Drivers who spend a lot of time driving
  • People who are overweight

Use a pneumatic corset for the lumbar region of the back can be at home, at work, in the gym, traveling, business trips.

Due to its light weight (from 1 kg) and insignificant thickness in the inflated condition, it is completely invisible under clothes. Made of genuine leather.

Does not cause rubbing, diaper rash and inconvenience. The pneumatic cuff for the waist is easy to clean and wash.

Functions and applications

What gives us wearing a belt?With daily use:

  1. Complete elimination of pain during exercise.
  2. Prophylactic effect in osteochondrosis.
  3. Prevention of violations of the lumbar spine.
  4. Rehabilitation after injuries and falls.

How to use the belt

  • Accept the prone position.
  • Place the waistband on the waist, so that it is between the lower ribs and the pelvis.
  • The belt must be lowered.
  • Pump the belt. There may be a sensation of stretching the vertebrae. This is normal.

Who is contraindicated to wear?

Pregnant women, people with mental disabilities, people with allergic problems. In any case, before you buy a belt, consult a specialist doctor.

Orthopedic corset

It is a bandage for the maintenance of the lumbosacral spine. Based on the severity of the disease or injury, a person should choose a bandage of the required rigidity.

As we said above, they are of two kinds. Orthopedic corset for the lower back is needed for people with diseases of the spine.

It allows you to get rid of the pain, relieve tension in the lumbar spine and keep your back in the right position.

A band is intended for:

  • People with diseases (spondylosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia).
  • People who suffered injuries, fractures, bruises.
  • People with a high degree of physical activity (athletes, weightlifters).

A corset (bandage) made of dense, durable material is made, it has rigid inserts. A convenient locking system allows you to adjust the belt for any person.

Wearing is recommended for 5 hours daily, as needed. Do not stand out under clothes and do not interfere with a person to lead a normal lifestyle.

Available in different colors and various modifications.

How to use a bandage

  • Wear a bandage only for underwear.
  • Lying on your back, set the stiffeners so that it's comfortable.
  • Tighten the waistband on the abdomen.

Contraindications are determined by an orthopedist. In most cases, this is a general intolerance to the material from which the belt is made.

The basic rules of wearing are also determined by the doctor. We give only the basic ones. Wear no more than 6 hours a day, shoot at night, do not tighten the belt too tight.

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I would like to say that no matter how good the corset, belt and bandage, they should be worn only in extreme cases. Doctors themselves do not support the use of these designs. After all, if you wear a corset for a long time, the human body gets used to it.

There is no movement, the spine is resting. Do you think it's good? No.As soon as you remove the belt, the load of the lumbosacral section will double. And the muscles simply can not cope with such double work.

After all, they rested under the corset.

Therefore, if you already wear a belt or bandage, in any case, do not give it up sharply. It is necessary gradually to accustom a back to manage without the help.


We fix the information: wear a corset only on the recommendation and insistence of the doctor, it is he who can choose the type, rigidity and time of wearing.


Do not self-medicate. After all, with minor pain, you can do exercises for the lumbosacral department, which will help you.

All the best, be healthy!

What is needed and how to choose the right orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral spine?

Why use corset orthopedic lumbosacral? This is one of the medical devices that are used to treat injuries and diseases of the lower back. It is used only for the purpose of an orthopedic doctor, in certain cases. About the peculiarities of using a corset is worth talking more specifically.

Problems of the spine

The fact is that the lumbosacral spine in a person is subjected to a heavy load. Let's look at this problem in more detail.

The human body is a complex set of systems, each of which performs its function. The spine is the support for the skull, arms, chest, and shoulders.

Due to such a heavy load, it is at great risk of deforming. In some cases, excessive workload leads to various diseases.

Of course, the vertebrae of the lumbosacral section have a large mass, which allows them to withstand the weight of all other weights, but this does not reduce the various risks of injury and illness.
Lumbar corsets are aimed at helping the vertebrae and joints between them. They help maintain the shape of the back, especially when injuries are important.

Orthopedic corset can partially perform the functions of the spine - to support the upper limbs.

Because of its wearing, pain and discomfort can occur, as well as when using correcting plates for teeth. He has a huge influence on the figure and its formation due to its rigid construction.

In order to get a lumbar corset, you need a formal permission from a specialist - orthopedic physician.


After examining the patient, he must write out a certificate with characteristics suitable for a particular case of the disease.


Corset is used in cases of diseases of the back: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and also with pains, hernia of vertebral departments and fractures.

Types of corsets

Lumbar corsets are of several types:

  1. Full fixation.
  2. Medium fixation.
  3. Strong fixation.

The simplest in design, which have a minimal load on the body, are corsets for medium fixation.

Such products look like a fairly wide belt with metal inserts.

It has a good analgesic effect with moderate pain, it can also be used as a support for the healing process. The amount of time that can be worn is determined by the doctor.

Corsets of strong and full fixation almost completely limit the movement of the vertebrae of the lumbar region. Typically, these belts have powerful steel plates, curved in the shape of the back.

This is done to relieve pain and reduce the burden on the lower part of the spine.

In addition, the shape of the corset puts pressure on the segments in the vertebral parts, which allows you to correct the figure or correct it.

There is also a pile-up stiff child's corset, which helps to straighten the back. The function he performs the same - the correction of the figure. Usually used in children's scoliosis.

Hard Bandage

One of the reasons why numerous patients turn to the doctor are pain in the back area.

Most often, such pains arise from a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, improper posture, various injuries, excessive loads or even excessively overweight.

With absolutely any clinical condition,hard corset. It will prevent excessive load on the necessary area of ​​the spine.

Corset lumbar sacral semi-rigid - specification and function

Usually, the corsets are classified according to the spine department, for which they are, in fact, intended.

In recent years, there has been a steady trend, when the most demanded, and, consequently, topical is the corset chest piercingly sacral rigid. The area and such products is extremely wide.

An excellent solution will be wearing a corset with a pain syndrome caused by radiculitis, osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae, as well as the intervertebral hernia.


Also, such corsets are used in the postoperative period, to ease the load, as well as in the prenatal and postnatal period, and so on.


The corset will help cope with acute pain, however, complex treatment is needed, therefore, it is not worthwhile to fully pin hopes on just wearing a corset.

With acute pain and the need to unload the spine will help tight bandage

In addition, all corsets are conditionally divided into three main subcategories. There are bandages and corsets of weak, medium, and also high rigidity.

When choosing such an orthopedic product, you should rely solely on the recommendations of a professional physician, since "self-activity" can lead to quite serious consequences.

There is also a separate category - lumbosacral corsets with variable fixation, that is, it is possible to regulate the stiffness of the corset.

In order to choose the right onehard lumbar corset. should rely on several basic principles.

In many ways, the effectiveness of wearing such a corset depends directly on the correct selection of the product, as well as compliance with the rules for wearing it.

It is extremely important to correctly choose the size of the product, as well as its rigidity, which you can not do yourself.

In addition, it is necessary to understand the instructions for use, and the first time to wear it better under the close supervision of a doctor. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the corset.


On the portal "Medtekhnika" you can buy only high-quality products that have all the necessary certificates, at a very attractive price.



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